Technology and job Searching: A blessing or a curse? | Ep. 118

Technology and job Searching: A blessing or a curse?  | Ep. 118

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whether you have a job or if you're looking for  a new one the use of technology to find your next   position can be more complicated than the last  time you looked for a job on this episode of   today in Tech we're going to chat whether about  technology is helping or hurting the job hunt   for many [Music] candidates hi everyone welcome  to today in Tech I'm Keith jaw joining me on the   show today is chewy senator NAA a human resources  expert who has assisted with more than 50,000 job   placements as CEO of the job helpers welcome to  the show chewy thank you so much Keith thanks   for having me here today how did I do on your on  the pronunciation your last name because I was   afraid I was gonna I I I got close I think right  you did fantastic you get it you got it man you   said it perfectly fine I haven't heard that in  a while oh good good yeah cuz you know you try   phonetically and it's like no it's not phonetic  so uh all right let's just jump jump jump into   some of the topics here um you know I I got the  impression that finding trying to find a job you   know about 20 to 30 years ago it didn't seem as  hard as it feels today uh there's been a lot of   Technology improvements there's been job sites  there's been um you know applying for a job is   not just filling out a piece of paper mailing it  in or or going into the company and filling out an   application uh we now have artificial intelligence  that is scanning uh resumés and or being used to   write resumés and all those kind of things so  talk us through what changes you've seen in   in in the uh in the space for companies that are  trying to find the right candidates for you know   their jobs that they have but also from the job  hun Hunter perspective you bet no absolutely so   you're absolutely right 20 30 years ago you can  just a handshake was was kind of the mandatory   thing uh for you to get a job nowadays AI like you  said and then data screen in and data scraping and   everything that's happening in the in the tech  space has kind of influenced hiring directly   because what these employers are thinking okay if  we were to get a pool of candidates maybe 500 to   a thousand people that they can look at fairly  quickly and then have their screener software   we call it the ATS in Human Resources terms  applicant tracking system software programs   93.7% of employers if you do your research you'll  see that that many employers medium to large siiz   companies are using that kind of Technologies  you'll also see that in education you'll also   see that the same technology being used kind  of in every Dimension industry that you can   think of so we're kind of living in more of a  tech age and datadriven recruiting is kind of   the name of the game for these employers because  they're thinking okay if we can look at a lot of   candidates and make a decision fairly quickly to  interview who they would like to that's a better   option for them so that's what we really seeing  right now and you started seeing this probably   around 2010 you is that the is that a right time  frame correct I mean when I yeah when I was at   Microsoft a very interesting um dilemma uh that  occurred in my brain where um I was talking to a   hiring manager and a recruiter at the time this  was back in 2013 era and I when I was talking to   the recruiter they were like you don't have  the keywords and the hiring manager was like   yeah this resume is too dense too much um I don't  want to read this so then I was thinking okay what   am I doing wrong what can I do to correct that  yeah so I kind of the the keyword piece really   got me to thinking okay what What are keywords  what are they doing on the other side that got   me to this um research process where I started  to think about okay what are keywords and why   are they using them and then I soon realized  okay they're using a screening platform even at   Microsoft at this at the time for you to pass  through that system you need to have certain   specific algorithmic data points like keywords  phrases topics lingo verbiage competencies years   of experience and achievements so they can rack  up all of that information on their platform and   then they're going through these job applications  comparing that with the job postings and then all   of a sudden now they have a better match for the  positions and and and you were telling me before   we uh jump on the recording that uh there's a  huge jump in the number of companies that are   using ATS uh platforms for jobs it went from  somewhere like 64% of companies to now 97% I   mean that's almost 100% like you know you it would  be rare to find a company that's not using an ATS   uh what were the reasons for that I mean I can I  know I I know the answer but I want I want you to   tell me no absolutely Kei that's a great question  the reason for that is because everything changed   during the pandemic especially the hiring process  uh even the companies who were kind of you know   brick-and motor or M and pop shops had to kind of  evolve themselves super fast to the point where   okay we're doing all of this online nowadays  even the businesses were going online versus   and asking employees to work from home so that  Dynamic really brought up this applicant tracking   system software to the Forefront for AI systems  and screening processes to the Forefront so what   really happened was we we went from like you said  64% before the pandemic which is two years ago 20   or three years ago now 2020 to nowadays 93.7% of  employers using that same exact system and guess   what if you do a quick go Google search yourself  you'll see the average time a recruiter or a   hiring manager spending on a resum these days is  about 7 to 10 seconds which is not a lot of yeah   okay so I want to I want to go through uh some  of the things that um people probably assume they   should do if they're looking for a new job and  and I want you know with your experience I need   you to say whether people should yes do this no do  this or explore something else so uh first one is   is pretty easy uh should should they update their  resume to fit a specific style or um insert these   keywords you know match it to the job description  that kind of things or I'm sorry um you know how   much of how much how much updating of the resume  should they do do they can they still get by   with the generic resume for a a lot of different  positions or do you need one specific resume for   each job that you're applying for there's a lot  question yeah I get this question a lot right so   um every person I talk to about their resume  because we do free resume reviews all day at   the job helpers all right that's your first plug  that's it no more plugs after that all right all   right all right so that free resume review that we  offer to anyone right so what we do is we we tell   them hey think of it this way okay if you were to  if you are a really good salesman what you're not   going to do is um you're not going to customize  for every every sales pitch for every Prospect   right which is really hard to do they might have  their own unique situation but then find the needs   find the the things that you can address right  away and then start to pitch so that's the same   process you want to take with the resume writing  or resume building process where you want to ask   yourself questions like okay find your own scope  meaning ask yourself questions like what kind of   titles what kind of locations what kind of  salary expectations and what industries you   want to Target now you're narrowing it down to the  point where you you can clearly say okay these are   the type of positions you can ballpark it uh two  three positions that you can think of that would   fit with each other and then think about okay now  I need to think about all the key words so that   means you want to go through some of these job  postings how to say LinkedIn indeed Career Builder   zip recruiter major job boards company sites no um  you're doing a little bit of leg work yourself but   when you're doing it initially you don't have to  customize the resume as you go you're doing that   up up front maybe take a weekend Saturday or  Sunday and then going through drawing up all   these job postings and then looking through them  and using I mean as a company we would use the ATS   applicant tracking system program to get a more  of an accurate match of those keywords and then   we know okay 15 years of experience is listed 95%  of the time by 100 jobs so that means that 15 plus   years needs to go on the first sentence because  you have 25 years of experience you don't need to   list out 25 years because the system cannot read  it but it can read 15 plus years that's what we   need to add so just like that you're assembling  the resume based off of what kind of key terms   are getting repeated most of the time so that way  you can apply more what about what about simple   things like just you know font choices uh uh you  know pictures of those types of things like like   should I you know it used to be you could you  could spruce up a resume um to jump out from   all of the Just the boring black and white ones  by using different file uh designs formats things   like that does that matter or now because you know  that it's going to be read by a computer at least   initially that you know you you don't necessar  have to do that like should you format your resume   to fit these ats's you know plain Tex like again  if I used comic sands on mine I'd probably get   thrown out by a human but you in ATS doesn't care  about comic Sands right or or does it so a great   question I mean fonts wise think about if you're  using Microsoft Word or Google Docs any of these   documents word processing fonts are the ones that  I would use meaning A ATS system are a little bit   lagged per se because a lot of companies are using  these systems they're expensive over $100,000 to   put in a system like that so they're not updating  those systems at least for seven to 10 years so   what you want to think about is you want to you  don't want to use Graphics or pictures on your   resume the reason why is because um those systems  cannot read through those pictures it could give   an error so for the format itself we were talking  about that earlier if you have like a side by-side   format where you have your name on the left column  and then you have your contact details on the left   side you have core competencies listed on the  left side and then on the right side you might   have your professional experience and the rest of  the rest of the work history well the difficulty   is the system is reading the left column first and  then it might even not move to the right column   because it reads from left to right so top to  bottom so you want to think about a format choice   that would work through the ATS system a good way  to identify um um if your resume is ATS compatible   what we have seen in the past is go on LinkedIn or  excuse me indeed go on indeed upload your resume   for a job any job really once you upload the job  upload your resume to a specific role uh indeed   we'll ask you either to manually upload or add  content to um to their platform because the ATS   system couldn't read the content listed on the  resume or some parts of Miss out of your resume   it didn't get copied and pasted correctly that's  why you need to add that information about the   font font choices you can use Tacoma you could  use calibri and then you could use Ariel those   are the three fonts that we would recommend at the  job helpers and and that's two sorry all right so   so so the next question would be in terms of the  link uh LinkedIn profile yes update that keep that   going like is that the major site where you want  to present yourself in addition to your resume uh   you know and then the next question would be you  know the the job boards um it's definitely yes no   or other alternative for LinkedIn yes for LinkedIn  absolutely LinkedIn is expensive for employers   about $100 per posting per day I think on LinkedIn  so absolutely yes because employers wouldn't spend   their money if they're not serious okay and then  um what about going to other job boards such as   glass door indeed zip recruit recruiter are those  worth it or is that just if you you know more for   the job search rather than the the other tools  that they might offer glass door is an important   tool because it can show you salary so that's  the reason why uh someone or anyone would go to   glass door to be completely honest those jobs  are maybe posted on LinkedIn as well but glass   door is a good place indeed has the most amount  of jobs so as far as far as vol volume I believe   for you to post a job on indeed is about $38  on average per day that's what they tell you so   I mean looking at indeed and Linkedin probably  your better choices zip recruiter is good with   their marketing platform meaning they'll send you  jobs all the time but I've I've heard that okay   it's just throwing out jobs for you sometimes  even sales jobs for in engineering like first   a specialty so that could be the issue there uh  okay so um have these these ATS platforms from   what you've seen have have they evolved are they  starting to add more artificial intelligence or   um gen you know generative AI to their processes  or they is it still from that 2010 uh era where   they're just it's scanning resumés creating then a  checklist and ranking for the appropriate keywords   you know did H have you seen improvements in in  the ATS platforms especially when it comes to   machine learning and automation it is definitely  improving I mean the three systems that we've seen   out there that are predominantly used are going  to be workday ADP and isims ADP has been out   there for a long time they've been doing payment  process I mean payroll and other other things   and workday has really it's a newer player um I  believe the CEO just sold his company if I don't   quote me on it but um so workday is is the newest  player in the market and workday has also has its   own Erp platform that they're building right now  or they have it out there and people I mean like   employers are subscribing to it so workday is  a new platform workday works works the best   according to my knowledge but those platforms will  take a little bit it'll have multiple iterations   So within the next five years or so we'll see that  Predictive Analytics coming into play for sure   okay and and you know on on the flip side with  uh with a job Seeker should they use generative   AI tools you know like chat GPT or or some other  uh search engine type thing you know things where   they're into a search engine that can also create  um tools from from generative AI should they use   those to help them write you know a resume or a  cover letter or anything like that um does that   help or are you seeing more companies utilize uh  generative AI to find out if gen geni was used and   they might ding you if it can detect that a that a  uh you know an AI wrote your You Know cover letter   for example yes uh that's a concern and the other  concern is privacy because just imagine if you   work for a large company they have confidentiality  built out or even a small company or medium-size   whatever that that company looks like they might  have confidentiality set around the fact that   okay you cannot share some of that detail if you  were to add all of this information copy and paste   it to Chad G PT that might be an issue for you  personally because chat GPT is open AI so anyone   can access it it's like a Sandbox so that's one of  those issues that you're going to run into but you   can have specific proms on chat GPT that could  help you like say for an instance be a resume   writer Chad GPT and then build me or give me the  best 10 examples out of my career based off of   this resume that I've um copied and pasted that's  a good way to it or find me the tech jobs or it   manager jobs and then bring that up to me or look  at this job posting and then give me maybe the key   terms or key words um but the difficulty with Chad  GPT is Chad gpt's last last iteration came in in   2021 I believe so the a AI the ATS platform is a  little lagging I believe I think I think the new   one has been updated a little bit I think GPT 4  might be if you if you subscribe to the if you can   get in to the uh the GPT Plus at the at the moment  uh okay so uh what about companies that might be   looking to to scan resumés are you are you seeing  that as well or is that just not an issue at this   point you mean the the companies that scan res so  if I'm if I'm hiring someone and I get a resume do   I do I scan it and then say was this written by  a human so that could be a real issue because as   you know college students do this for the thesis  chel yeah so there are systems that are built so   I would be careful even if chat GPT wrote your  resume maybe I would make some modifications or CH   you know change things change layout change format  Chad GPT couldn't write you today it cannot write   a full resume for you it it can write sentences  for you but it definitely can write uh write your   cover letters for you for sure all right so so you  brought up cover letters is it still necessary to   write a cover letter in you know in the 2024 uh  World 2023 2024 do you still need I would say yes   yeah how I would say yes well the well majority of  people will tell you cover letters are inundated   the reason why is because if you search on Google  only 10% of hiring managers are actually reading   through cover letters however we're talking  about ATS systems so your entire application   gets screened that means if you were to add your  resume and cover letter to that application that   means it's going to go through the system together  so it's another way for you to add more keywords   and it'll you'll have more real estate to work  with so that's an advantage of having a cover   letter today in 2023 and 2024 and another area I  would focus on is now say if you were to go into   an interview and then they like you but then they  like this other candidate as well they cannot make   up their mind you have a cover letter chances are  you get a effort you get picked for that all right   so position it shows an indication that that that  the person is more serious about a job than maybe   someone who's just making 5,000 resumés and just  spitting them out all over the place right praying   and praying versus strategically applying yeah  and do you are you concerned about some of these   automated systems that scan through resumés in in  terms of potential bias um I know that that was a   big issue with with a lot of these AIS that have  come out where you know for example if they have   an engineer like an IT engineer position um the  system would would spit out fewer like it would   it would delete or disqualify female applicants  versus mail applicants because of the training   set behind it has that issue is that still uh top  of mind for everybody or do you think that that   the technology has gotten better to eliminate  a lot of these biases because it's a law in New   York too isn't it like the New York City system  can't like the New York City hiring system um you   have to prove that your AI isn't biased right yes  and that's a that's a great point I don't think   the biases are are resolved by any means they're  still there a lot of older candidates all often   tell me that they're not getting picked by the  AI systems because of the word count um that's   a real real issue as well um so and also biases  are also there um on the technological front um   so there's the they could screen it however they  like I don't think there is a certain criteria you   can select today to weed out female and male um  but um that could be a hiring manager thing that   they they're doing it on the back endend but  the system is not smart enough I I would say   to do certainly the okay we without male and  female because some names could go both ways   as well so that might create some issues and also  if they're doing that that'll be kind of illegal   right so that's another issue as well but then  again the agism is a real issue as well that's   also illegal for for employers to not offer you  a job because of your age but it happens because   now they can create criteria around it where oh do  not accept candidates that have more than thousand   words or a thousand um word count um that could  be an issue well right so you know for an examp   for example I think the last time I was looking  for a job I had had like uh 25 years of experience   at that point starting from like the first job  I got out of college and if I if I listed out   all of the different jobs I had since you know  from that time period you could probably figure   out how old I was and so what I did you know so I  technically hid a lot of those early jobs um even   though it could show uh a broader experience of  different different types of companies that I've   worked for I just focused on all what number are  they putting in the the job posting and then match   that to the with my resume it's like okay you  want 10 plus years of experience I'll give you   10 plus or if you're looking for 15 I'll give the  15 I would never go beyond the the you know the   higher number um is that is that sort of what  everyone has to do now or to to fight off the   potential agism issue correct correct and and  what you could also do is you can create your   resume a little bit differently so say some um  the summary section that we add to the resume   um so you can bring in older experience into  into play right away on the summary section   talking about personal growth attainment if you  have like a older experience that would resonate   with the the future opportunities you can bring it  in and then or team accomplishments organizational   impact type of details you can bring that up um  or even core competencies maybe a skill that You'   excelled at 50 20 years ago is coming into play  you want to add that in or even creating a section   called career highlights three to four major  accomplishments out of your career before you   put your work history and even on the work history  section you can segment it to the point where you   show 15 years of experience and anything beyond  that you can call it additional experience and   then show it without the actual dates you could  say two years here three years here yeah something   like that matter so then the employer has to ask  you questions about when did you work and how   did you do this I mean all of that that'll be a  conversation that you're having with the employer   that'll be technically an interview so you can  kind of I mean there there'll be body language   involved they'll be they'll be seeing you as that  point so I think that's a better way to pitch are   there um Are there specific uh adjectives or  words that people should probably not use if   they're worried about um agism or or you know  other types of issues you know that might come up   in in in the bias part of things like for example  if I if I called myself a veteran uh technology   journalist does does veteran imply old like you  know should I you know I I came up you know this   this came up in in in my in my brain when we were  trying to explain um uh you know a brand that we   were trying to promote there was an older brand  that we were trying to promote and I I think I   used the word legacy and someone said to me yeah  Legacy implies old um so you know should you avoid   words to describe yourself that might get that's  probably more of a human thing rather than a uh   an ATS thing right or correct do they spit out  do they reject some rums based on some of the   adjectives are you know in a resume not so much  yeah not so much because the system what it does   is if you look at workday or any of these systems  it just copies and pastes so someone in it most   likely would copy and paste the job posting to the  system and then um you have your application going   through it's directly correlating or matching with  that to understand what you have so if they have   put in certain items on the like requirements  qualifications criteria on the um on the job   posting it's directly matching to to your resume  or your application so so I wouldn't worry too   much with the agism factor unless you're doing  these things if you're saying something like 40   years or 30 years that's just too much as soon  as someone gets to read it they'll be like oh   this person has 30 years of experience we don't  need that much right need that kind of experience   they might be asking for more more money so these  pre PR conceived Notions will come into play as   soon as they get to open this resume so stay away  from saying I mean aging yourself unnecessarily   and like you said Legacy right so if you have  used some Legacy software like say MS DOS that's   something you shouldn't that that's something I  wouldn't talk about on a resume nowadays because   how many moons ago was it right or or even the  older software that the clunky ones that that are   not even the company not are not even in business  you want to stay away from that kind of verbage   or lingo because if it's a technical job they  want to know the latest and greatest say python   or r or other things that you can BR to the table  versus I know C unless you're a Cobalt programmer   yeah unless you're a Cobalt programmer in 1998 um  and that's when all of th those skills were really   in demand because of the whole Y2K issue um you  know I guess that then then that would be okay to   use uh what are what are the biggest mistakes that  people make when they're uh you know put on their   resumés or cover letters what what have you seen  uh you know some some of these people that or like   what would you recommend people not do so couple  things right I mean you when you put paragraphs   or when you put paragraphs on a resume or even  on your cover letter I mean I would personally   would not put paragraph on a resume because  they just look big block sentences that the   employer has to read through or a recruiter they  would not read through it they would just skim   it through instead have summarized bullet points  on the resume all throughout for 35 sentences for   two pages if you're adding thousand words or less  uh for a cover letter my recommendation is also   have some bullet points maybe three to four bullet  points right in the middle of the cover letter um   and then have maybe two to three sentences that  are paragraphs um that you can discuss but keep   it clean keep it maybe two to three lines um  for every sentence that you're adding in and I   wouldn't add more than two to three sentences into  a paragraph because they're just not i' I've heard   basically three paragraphs for a cover letter  like Express what job you're looking for tell   tell why you fit and then Express enthusiasm for  you know why you want that job or you know excited   to exact you know to learn more contact me kind of  thing uh okay exactly uh are typos uh a problem or   does it not matter with typos yes it is an issue  the reason why is because think of these hiring   the people who are in hiring or recruiters they  get to see resumes all day just like me right I   have myself in 10 years I've seen 250,000 rumes  so as soon as I get to see a resume I can I can   easily check on oh and say you're not doing this  correctly or You misspelled this word or something   that's because of practice it's the muscle memory  that comes into play these people are doing   the same thing over and over and over again so  majority of the time they are kind of acclimated   to the idea of you need to have good grammar that  person is more um they're communicating well at   the same time attention to detail is there  so those things would come into play and then   also the third element is tools like grammarly  can come into play as well the hiring manager   or someone who is hiring you or the recruiter  might have grammarly downloaded or they might   have a grammarly subscription where they they're  trying to email you and then now when they open up   your resume Microsoft Word they just saw multiple  issues on it that might be an issue as yeah yeah   um it you know it it feels like common sense but  uh you know my wife has has gotten a lot of rums   and she looks at them and she just like shakes  her head cuz she sees typos on on these resumes   and I was like you know that just shows a lack  of effort um there are you know there like you   said grammar and spell check and all these other  things are out there for uh to correct those types   of things all that reminded me of another question  I'm going to go off book a little bit here uh as   a human resume you know as as a human looking at  a resume is there any bias for someone that might   use an older email address like if you got someone  who had their email was for example I'm  

going to pick on AOL uh if I saw that if I saw  uh oh what was the uh there's another one like a   Hotmail account like if if my email address was  Hotmail Yahoo or Yahoo I'd be like yeah I don't   know if I'd really want to hire this person is  that a thing or is that or is that just me being   you know Tech guet huh or I see a lot  of they're still in business yeah so   is our recommended email to use to be completely  honest or or something that that is kind of more   what people are using nowadays so it just doesn't  give give the reviewer the idea of oh this person   is different or some of them the the biggest  difficulty even more than the the actual email   email provider is the fact that some people put  in um Joe 1975 at or something like that   right so that is an issue right when you put your  at like birth date that's a that's a real issue   because when you put that I even asked people  was this the the date or the year you were born   they're like yeah how did you know well your email  tells it all right so I picked on it right away so   that means the hiring manager is more inclined  to do the same thing so you're catching on to   certain things like that little bits of things  but then those are important things to for your   first impression do you see uh uh Generation Z uh  resumés that might not even have an email address   on them and they're just like oh well just text  me or or or do you see like an Instagram handle   or or something like that like I I would recommend  probably finding at least an email address right   if you want to be taken seriously for these jobs  correct correct correct it's a I mean social media   is social media you do want to add a link to your  LinkedIn profile because even though it's social   media it's more of the Professional Network so  if you click on your LinkedIn profile um link   on your resume they should be able to find you  on LinkedIn connect with you they might also see   Mutual connections uh who are connected to you  and also recommendations that you received so   and then also your profile who you're connected to  otherwise you can see all of those things but then   Instagram or other uh social platforms are not set  up that way so it's not really recommended for you   to add Tik toks or other and unless unless you're  yeah was say unless you're applying for like a   social media manager position then you can use  your hand you know your accounts to show how good   you are at something exactly see if you have like  you know 200,000 followers on Twitter now you want   to share that Twitter handle with them for sure  okay um do you think that people should utilize   automation or other tools to you know can they  still do that without having to technically hire   you know a a job coach or a resume service writer  or or anything like that do you do you think that   there are still you know to get to that other  you know past some of these hurdles or do you   feel like that the IND and again this might be a  little biased because that's the service you're   in but you know without going to those Services  can can can can people do this on their own yes   they can yeah if they want to do it themselves  it's going to take a little bit of leg work but   you can absolutely do it today um what you want  to think about is as I mentioned initially scope   build out a scope for yourself ask yourself  questions like what kind of titles what kind   of locations what kind of salary expectations  and what industries you want to Target because   that's what we would ask our clients so the the  initial uh hurdle for a lot of people is I mean   when I talk to them they're like I don't know  what I want to do or I'm not really sure if   I'm a good fit for this role well find it out to  yourself do a little bit of research take a day   or two sit down and you know take you know have  a cup of coffee while you're doing that Spruce   the internet and find jobs because majority of  these roles are listed on like say job boards   like LinkedIn or indeed and other places so if  you were to look at some of these job postings   you'll see that there's going to be similarities  coming up because these employers there's so many   ways that they could ask for certain details  and they're going to run out of words to ask   for certain details at some point so when you're  looking at multiple job postings you're going to   see oh cross functional collaboration that came up  35 times so that means that's definitely something   that I need to add to my my resume when you're  building the resume don't just add content for   the sake of adding content or inputting oh this is  a key word I better add it well when you're doing   that you're kind of going shuffling so much of  words and content you the the actual meaning might   get morphed um of when you're discussing certain  details so so build out a list first is my first   um you know first clue of the whole process is  figure what they're looking for and then talk   about those things on the resume in that order  so if you can put it into a priority list base   order um saying oh years of experience is number  one cross functional team collaboration came up   number two they're looking for specific technology  like CRM number three and they're asking for you   to have people skills number four so just like  going through a list of items would help you   to assemble the resume correctly so yes it is it  is absolutely something you can do and also chat   GPD is out there as well so you could use that  platform as well for your okay um are you also   hearing like another thing I've heard during the  job search was that sometimes companies will put   up job postings on their site or through indeed  or LinkedIn or anything like that but they they   they put postings up for positions that they never  intend to fill uh whether it's a legal requirement   or you know they might have an internal candidate  but there's still a rule that says they have to go   and look for outside job possibilities is there  a way for a job candidate to detect whether the   position they might be applying for is a real one  or is that still a problem that you just have to   you know guess at that point it you know what how  do how do how do you address that issue so there   are many different things that are behind the  scenes that you cannot see right one of them is   that we don't know why they're they posted a job  like that is it just because they want to fill   in a criteria they maybe have someone already  list I mean like a friend or a colleague or   someone who wants to start that position or  maybe boss's friend or boss's relatives who   would take up that that position you don't know  right so we don't know why that's happening for   the time being but either way what you could do  is you could do a little bit of research about   the company and the standing and then also their  standing in in the present Market spa space say   look look through reviews that they have had uh  look at Glass Door reviews employees are going   to talk about these things openly sometimes right  so they might come in as unanimous and then talk   about or Anonymous and then talk about these  these issues online or social media uh spuse   LinkedIn as well if they're more likely posting a  role on LinkedIn they're probably serious because   it's expensive to post those roles you might  find on like Z recruiters and that are a little   bit cheaper on the on the end so I would even  look at okay can I look at indeed and see the   same exact posting on LinkedIn more likely it's a  real opportunity I would say okay all right uh uh   chewy thanks again for for chatting with us on  the show today about this a lot of great stuff   a lot of great tips uh and uh and hopefully if  if people are looking for a job that uh is out   there that they'll uh you know utilize some  of these tools and services and and tips so   thanks for joining us on the show you bet Keith  thanks for having me I appreciate it all right uh   thanks for watching that's all the time we have  for the show today if uh please hit the like   button subscribe to the channel uh if you want  more videos like this and add any comments you   have below join us every week for new episodes of  today and Tech I'm Keith Shaw thanks for [Music] watching

2024-01-10 11:09

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