Tech That Slipped Through Our Fingers

Tech That Slipped Through Our Fingers

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on this week's episode we're going to be  discussing amazing Technologies of old that   slipped right through our fingers welcome  to destination Linux where we discuss the   latest news Hot Topics gaming mobile and all  things open source in Linux my name is Ryan   I'm Jill and I'm Michael we're also going to  be covering new malware to watch out for on   your Android devices and that's not all we've  got even more canonical is going distalis Plus   Linux gaming software Spotlight and more let's  get the show on the road toward destination [Applause] Linux before we get in the community  feedback there was a challenge laid out and the   challenge was Michael that you like to get all  of the credit for making stuff and then it never   ends up on the show in the time that you say it  will so you promised us a new Jill shirt that was   going to drop by this episode last episode when  when did I promise this this is last episode you   got to go back and listen it's in the episode  I mean I was in that episode are you sure that   this happened are you just making up it it did I I  think Michael needs to start using rat poison for   a while yeah so there's supposed to be a shirt in  the store that people can go by right now and if   not Michael two weeks you agreed to that is the  challenge that I did technically I remember now   I you're right I did agree to that all right  so so go to store and check out the   new shirt no no let me go see let me go see is  it there it is there I don't believe cool a it   is there I need to go look too oh you haven't  looked you don't trust Michael Jill don't ever   trust his word for oh my gosh it's there oh wow  I guess there's no there's no rat poison in your   future right now Michel not yet yes I'm shirt  looks uh very cool I like the different text I   love the floppy disc on it and everybody oh that's  wonderful Michael thank you very much we'll po   a vis of it watching the video so if you're a  huge fan of Jill then you need to go get uh I'm   unhackable shirt and then when you go and meet  Jill for the first time you can wear some Jill   yeah a and that might get you some extra extra um  you know ability to talk to Jill more time you get   an extra minute to talk to Jill if you have one of  her shirts and if you have a floppy with you you   get an extra three minutes three minutes yeah good  job Michael very very proud of you thank thank you   it's amazing that rat poison was that much of a  threat to you that you actually got this done in   time so I was actually um cut it close honestly I  did it today so well it's still done so we count   you are free from rat poison for now until the  next dare comes I I can't wait till I challenge   you for red poison oh that would actually be worse  for me I like Michael that you you chose a teal   floppy disc because my favorites in my collection  are teal in fact I think I had shown some on the   show during a treasure hunt there you go I wish  I remembered that and did it all shuta he did   he told me that he specifically that reason I  did that on purpose I remember the episode that   exactly that I remember the number I can't  tell you right now because um you should go   find it yourself so yeah exactly it's it's it's a  challenge for the audience all right speaking of   our audience otherwise they have to use rap poison  yeah you all should use rap poison now Michael won   his part so now everyone in the audience has to  use rap poison uh our audience uh has posted on   our discourse forum and you should go check C our  discourse Forum if you have it because lots of   people community uh talking there about liny stuff  and all the new episodes and things when they drop   you get notified on the discourse Forum as well  right you can subscribe on the Forum there you   go it's in response to episode number 374 and it's  from Vogal sorer I don't know how to say that name   so you know who you are uh and they go on to say  while it's true that it's generally harder to to   catch a virus on Linux by negligently clicking  on downloaded files there are still ways for   attackers to Target a users negligence a common  example is crl and gives an with a   my malicious file. sh bash piping download shell  files into bash is the Linux developer equivalent   to clicking on a download.exe on Windows don't do  this download the file first onto your disk and  

have a look into compare check sums and execute  it when you're sure that it looks fine another   common attack surface are unregulated package  repositories such as npm or pip and everyone uses   python probably familiar with Pip you get a lot  of cool packages using pip here a typo or a wrong   name could result in installing a virus I myself  had installed the wrong packages several times   because I remembered the package name wrongly or  because it wasn't available in Pi Pi pypi luckily   those wrong packages weren't malicious sure on  Linux you still have the user admin Separation by   default which introduces basic security but this  won't stop all malicious code ransomware doesn't   need admin privileges to encrypt your precious  files so that is a very good point yeah excellent   so a lot of this all all these are great points so  like we mentioned how the the packages won't like   have executable pay permissions automatically so  you don't have to worry about downloading a file   and that but that's also true there other ways to  do it and the worst thing about the curl version   is that it would work you know seamlessly without  hardly any impact because a lot of people are   actually pushing stuff through this method as in  like the general way to install some applications   is using a curl shell script with the bash piping  and then uh people are getting used to that as a   normal way not knowing that that is also a way to  easily get infected by these kinds of like drive   by infection sort of stuff so that's a very good  point but I think my favorite part about this is   the last piece talking about ransomware because  technically these you know pseudo Privileges and   that sort of stuff escalating privileges only  applies to the system itself your actual data   their home files and all your home folder stuff is  not protected by that at all so if something was   installed on your system or you got like a flat  pack or an app image that were uh basically Ransom   were trying to encrypt your files they would have  access to that so that's a another great Point   yeah really uh everybody needs to take the time  these days to become far more educated in these   hacks and understanding how they're um you know  how they undertake your how they overtake your   system I should say and how um these different  types of methods of whether it's a social hack   where people are calling your number or it's  a hack of people trying to get you to download   something or it's a fishing attempt where they're  trying to get you um to click on a link and an   email those type of things or give up certain  information like it's really important just   because you're on Linux and it is more secure  I think the ultimate point is you still have   to utilize um caution when you're dealing with  any of these files that you're getting from the   Internet or any of these commands that are meant  to pull files from the internet and so you know   it's interesting because last week I talked about  the whole Microsoft thing and how I noticed this   pattern where everybody's account was getting  hacked well today I was listening to some cyber   security podcast and the guy is talking about  a story and says it's so interesting because my   Microsoft account just got hacked in the podcast  so uh it's like something is really prevalently   going on there for instance in Outlook and then  I've noticed also uh while we're sitting at the   dinner table today before we uh sat down to do  the show here um we started getting a phone call   my son on his phone and it was scam likely so  the great thing is there's some filtering from   a lot of telecoms kind of letting you know if  they've encountered this phone number and it's   likely a scam thing well my son was like enjoying  answering them and then and then just like they're   like hey is so and so there and they had the name  of somebody in the family which you know so their   information is getting better right and they said  we're from the um verification company and he's   like oh that sound my son is 11 by the way he  goes oh that sounds so legit the verification   company huh like and he was just playing with  him and me and my wife just trying to like not   die laughing aw the the interesting thing was they  did have names of people in the family right so   information is getting out there's massive leaks  um one of the biggest leaks ever this week uh   has been hitting the boards in the news uh with  people's information I think it's over 30 billion   record 30 billion yeah I was reading about that  one yeah so it's just like they're going to get   so sophisticated they're going to be calling you  with information that's very specific hey you bank   with this company I'm from this Bank uh you know  you you purchased recently from Amazon or they're   going to have information it's going to make them  sound super legit so the best thing to do is be   very very cautious especially if these companies  are calling you and most importantly uh if you   want to get some information from them don't give  them any information then call that company back   looking up their actual phone number that way and  and also like most of the time the the best tactic   is like to just first of all uh what you're saying  is true you should be definitely paying attention   to what is being uh asked of you and that sort of  thing but also most banks and things like that put   they put in their notifications like emails and  stuff we will never ask you for your information   we will never call you we will all these sorts of  things so if they are calling you and asking for   anything thing like they are absolutely not real  and most of the time if they are real they will   tell you that they're calling you for this reason  and then will tell you to uh call them back uh you   know or call the main com main number like just  because they know that this is a thing that is   done and the third option is to uh just do what  Jill does and use floppy discs there you go get   a t-shirt that they'll never be able to hack you  yeah absolutely all right Jill do you have any   advice get any of these type of calls yes in fact  I was going to mention about the um the SMS texts   with the postal services that has been huge I'm  getting what hit by UPS USPS and you know they're   all like verification sites and we missed you  missed your package or yeah exactly and that's   I mean a a what's horrible about all all these uh  Bad actors is that it it's targeting the elderly   and I've noticed I've been getting more now that  I'm considered a senior citizen you know I don't   think 25 is a senior citizen Jill but whatever  agree thank you we'll go with it but yeah it's   been like oh my gosh when I what my last birthday  I noticed I'm like oh these things are starting   to come you know it's an interesting point that  you make though these things do often Target the   elderly and they and it makes it just that much  more horrible these stories that you hear and uh   people lose their entire life savings and things  over these type of scams all the time whether it's   the IRS claiming you allow money and you have  to get a gift card which to us when we're when   we talk about this stuff a lot and people listen  to shows like this you're educated so if somebody   ask you go get a gift card to send the IRS you're  like that's ridiculous but to other people they   don't hear this stuff they don't know it so it's  a really good idea to talk to your family members   your older parents uh grandmas grandpas that  type of stuff and mention this stuff and you can   mention it in a casual way of just explaining hey  there's a scam I heard about you know so you're   not making him feel dumb or stupid but you're just  kind of explaining that these things are getting   so sophisticated nowadays uh the level of attack  and that's thanks to all of these companies and   their fantastic amount of responsibility they  take with our personal data um because without   them none of these hackers would have so much it's  just it's so it's so nice that they care so much   yeah and speaking of caring so much I as we're  doing the show you might have heard a beep in   my recording because I got another email that says  spam you stand in as a beneficiary and you can hi   I'm a private Banker with the blah blah blah blah  blah BL blah and you know that's just fun perfect   timing perfect yes oh yeah and as for the npm and  the and the PIP that has been a huge Tax Service   like the last few years I've been a lot of my  developer friends are saying yeah it's been a real   big problem and also the name space is not is not  reliable that's that's what's annoying is that it   sometimes they even have some some of these kinds  of thing have have a name space that is just like   npm security yeah and it's like and people just  assume that that's like an official thing and   it's you know just some random thing and and  there's also some things that are npm and like   Pi pie and and pip and stuff like that that are  that are actually like really good but then dep   ated and archived and people are still using it  even though they're not being touched in like a   year or two so these marketplaces are you know  you have to be even more Vigilant to those yeah   yeah and you also got to be careful with the snaps  and the cryptocurrency applications which we have   discussed here on the show I mean that's true with  every format for everything you know exactly not   just snaps flatbacks had the same kind of thing  and also like some repos get it so if it's a User   submitted repo like for example the a even where  those are not Universal formats but that's still   possible or de so if it's used or submitted there  can be bad actors who are also users and therefore   can submit bad Stu no way that the dumb bad actor  people as dumb as they are would be smart enough   to install Arch you know I mean possible you know  you would think that except that it's already   happened you know darn it so we love you sending  in your comments whether you're leaving it on our   forums whether you're talking to us in Discord or  sending us emails uh you can do that by going to   destination linux. netc comments or you can go to  destination linux. netforum and join either one of   those and send in your comments and we may read it  on the show so last week we talked about tech that   slipped through our fingers and when we started  talking about it I was like no I want to do a   whole main topic on that because to me there there  are moments in my life where I saw Tech as a kid   uh even as an adult that I couldn't afford and  really dreamed and wanted to get a hold of it   and thought what it would be like to hold that  Tech in my hands and I was very fortunate kid   because my dad had a computer store so a lot of  the computer stuff that people dream about I had   access to although the downside of having your dad  be in a computer store is your computer was always   the potential for parts if we didn't have them in  at the store you never knew your computer would   video card gone when a bumer yeah um but you know  there there's a couple of items and some of this   stuff is irrelevant small things that you think  about as a kid like gaming systems and stuff and   the first one that came to my mind when I thought  about this was the Neo Geo that's a fantastic one   yeah yes yeah back in 1990 I remember walking  through the mall we had these things called   malls back then and the malls had arcades in them  it was really cool you go in there your parents   would drop you off and you just sit there and  play arcades your parents would literally leave   you in an arcade with a bunch of other kids and  go shopping for like hours and it was okay I know   seems like medieval times at this point but  there was also this thing called was it okay   or just people were just kind of I don't know man  like we were fine I'm here I mean I had the same   experience I was in arcades all the time as a kid  yeah were just all paranoid with the 24-hour news   I don't know or maybe just people are crazier  but there was also little EB Games and EB Games   had these front-facing windows and with those  windows they would put their hot items that they   were selling and I remember the first time seeing  the Neo Geo there and I'm like oh man that looks   so cool so I remember going into that store and  walking up to the guy and asking him how much is   that game console I knew nothing about it because  we didn't have internet and YouTube and all this   stuff I just saw this advertis walked by it walked  in and it was like $679 and back then like that   money was like huge like celebrities had that kind  of money maybe but nobody as a kid that I knew had   $679 nine-year-old me certainly not to spend on a  console a gaming console like that and it was so   expensive that people just like didn't understand  how what they thought they were doing like if if   you compared it to any other console it was at  least double and sometimes like triple like it it   was ridiculously priced and but it's funny because  uh I also was like when I when I saw Neo Geo on   Ryan's list I was like oh I can't do it so I'm  just gonna pick you back off this one because the   Neo Geo was a really cool one that I was looking  forward to talking about because it's such a an   for those who don't know Neo Geo is a console  that was actually arcade games as a console   so you could take you could actually take the uh  like not necessarily cartridge but you could take   the the the data from an arcade machine and play  it on a Neo Geo because they were it was made to   do that so the quality was so much better than  like regular cons system 24 bits was amazing in   the super early 90s like it was a very impressive  thing Unfortunately they priced themselves out of   the market and no one could do that and also  maybe they had to maybe it was it was such a   outlandish idea that they couldn't afford not  to have at that price who knows but what we do   know is that it did not work what's thing is  they did seem to sell well because I'm looking   at the numbers here and it says neoo CD sold  980,000 units combined worldwide as of March   1997 1 million Neo Geo MBS units had been shipped  as of April 1997 so like that's seems like pretty   good numbers to me well that's also different  because it's Neo neoo CD not Neo like the a   version was the arcade style right and I think  that's like they I think they pivoted into the   CD version yeah but either way it was out of  my little grubby hands capabilities to get this   thing and they even tortured you because they had  a little television and these back then TVs were   pretty thick they had a little television in  the window and it was playing the samples of   the games like was fighting game was it fatal Fury  or something like that oh yeah they would have and   you were looking at these Graphics like this is  like a movie me of course now I look at him I'm   like it's so ridiculous looking it's terrible  the games are on phones are better looking now   yeah but oh Spazzy mentioned king of the monsters  I remember that one specific king of the monsters   was the jam yeah thought man did you guys ever  get a hold of the Neo Geo Pockets because I I   did get one of those later I didn't even know  that existed yeah it had one of the best color   color screens but I couldn't see it so because my  my vision was problematic so a couple years ago   you know my wife's heard this story I cry about it  constantly and a couple years ago my wife bought   me a little mini arcade machine that had a bunch  of NE Geo games loaded on it and you could play uh   some of those but they weren't quite as fun as  I would have had back in 1990 you know kind of   lost a lot there I just looked it up king of the  monsters I I didn't know what it was called but   that I I remembered it's like the Godzilla written  like knockoff thing it was such a cool looking   game I wanted to play it so much you could play  it in the arcade I'm pretty sure because I'm I'm   I'm fairly sure games I think you could play in  the arcade but you know wasn't the same as having   one of this yeah you could have one at your house  that's imagine the bragging rights to your friends   if you could have had them over and be like oh you  want to play on my Neo Geo the 24-bit system inste   your little Nintendo 8 bit 16 bit thing you know  you think you you think your NES is cool yeah I'll   show you what's cool got Neo Geo yeah the Neo Geo  pocket was really cool also I was given it given   it uh to me by my aunt and I remember my parents  saying well Jill can't see a screen that small so   it was a very expensive gift and I still have it  but I was about to ask if you still had it yeah of   course you do Shield yeah now one of my favorite  pieces of tech that I have from a kid was when I   first got my first IBM blue Lightning processor  and I have it in a case back there little IBM   blue Lightning so you know there are some things I  kept as a kid that were really special to me that   was like when I had the Ivy and blue Lightning  all my friends with computers were like I want   to come to your house and see this thing it's 75  megahertz man yeah actually there there's also   so I had the same thing but there was there was  one thing that I I was able to get as a kid and   I still kind of cherish it so for those who are  watching the video version you sometimes can see   it depending on the setting of The Views and the  camera but I'll just step away for the side and   you'll see my uh Sega Dreamcast right there oh  yes there it is yeah so I had I got that when   I was a kid and it was awesome like and also was  not very it was only like around for a year or two   maybe they they it it was ended very quickly that  was the end of Sega after the Dreamcast actually   yeah it was and it was it was so sad it was so sad  because the Dreamcast was actually very cool and   was the first thing to have it was the first  console to have online play and all that stuff I   mean it was dialup so it wasn't great online play  but you still could do it it's interesting you say   that because everyone I know that had a Dreamcast  absolutely loved it the problem is that list of   people I knew that actually had one was very small  somehow it just was not marketed well because the   people who had one thought it was the greatest  thing ever but I loved it and it was it was also   um I think it wasn't marketed well but also they  didn't give it enough like they they they marketed   in a way that wasn't ready so like they were  marketing for online play and it wasn't really   Avail like you could technically do it but it's  the same it's it's the N late late 90s early 2000s   you don't have internet that is capable there are  people who were saying that sometimes internet is   not capable now and back then it's like not a  chance so they promoted it that way what they   should have done is promoted just the quality of  the games were better the graphics were better   like like the responsiveness was better like there  were so many cool things uh and also another thing   is like the controllers were really weird yeah  they were different they had like little screens   you could add into them and stuff but Michael  what's some tech that SLI through your fingers   that you couldn't get okay so um the first one I  want to talk about is a Palm Pilot Blackberry now   this was like I was an adult technically but  I I was like 19 so I don't know like you know   depending on your opinion of what an adult is this  was a time period where um phones were already   like kind like they're already popular and that  sort of stuff mobile phones were already popular   and palm pilots and blackberries were actually  kind of expensive and by the time I could afford   to buy one they were uh obsolete by smartphones  and the iPhone and stuff like that so I never   really got a chance to use a Palm Pilot or a  Blackberry but I did get a chance to try the Palm   Prix which was the web OS phone that still had the  physical keyboard and I really like the physical   keyboard I still like the physical aspects so  I wish I could have actually used a Blackberry   or a Palm Pilot during the time where they were  usable um but you know it is what it is I remember   watching our Executives at the company I was  quite Young when I started in Corporate America   I was 17 I remember them having Palm pilots and  blackberries and thinking man they're smart they   must be really smart they got all these schedules  and things they're figuring out on their calendar   on their you they look so fancy you know look at  those those phones got keyboards they got keyboard   boards and they're over there doing fancy emails  and stuff right on their phone and I was like man   one day I'm going to be an executive and have that  and uh well that didn't happen but anyways the the   point is that's some really cool Tech that I also  remember envying as well but I eventually did get   a Blackberry uh not a Palm Pilot I was kind  of gone by the time I had enough to get money   I did get a Blackberry but it was a storm oh way  later yeah so it was technically a BL BlackBerry   it was like 2008 I think yeah yeah by the time I  could yeah by the time I could get a Blackberry   I had the money to get a Blackberry it was like  why would I you know yeah so I got of the storm   and I was like this is terrible so yeah and uh  I I did not keep it I tried it for like a week   I like no this is bad interesting well I've got a  phone one too but first we got to get to Jill Jill   what's some tech that slipped through your fingers  back in the day well there's a cool piece of tech   that I was actually drooling over that I couldn't  afford when I was in college and Ryan remembers   this one yeah it is called the Atari portfolio  oh yeah and I was feature and it was featured in   one of my favorite films of all time Terminator 2  Judgment Day and I got it back out again you know   what the cool thing Jill about being an adult is  is we can go buy this stuff that we missed out on   exactly exactly and I've have I've made that my  mission um is is to collect all the old Hardware   that I loved as a kid and it's mostly of course  computers and computer related but uh you covered   this on a treasure hunt as well I sure did people  want all the details on this you need to go find   that treasure hunt but this was a special treasure  hunt for me because I remember craving this as   a kid as well after watching Terminator 2 yeah  absolutely the thing that was special about it is   the an IBM PC compatible Palm top PC released by  Atari the Atari Corporation in June of 1989 and it   was the world's first Palm toop computer so this  is what started the the revolution yeah and in ter   no idea what a palm top is oh I've never heard  that before oh oh really yeah I've never heard   that ter that's that's Jill's way of going really  dummy she goes a Micha a hard one that's right I   mean I I felt the I felt the snark from Jill you  didn't have to point it out Ryan you you felt the   sting that's so funny but it's funny because  it's like I understand what it means it's like   Palm laptop I get it but I've never heard that  term oh okay all right that's very cool so in uh   Terminator 2 Judgment Day the young John Connor  and his mate jump on John Dirt bite and head to   the mall to hack the ATM and get some cash to play  at the arcade machines like we were talking about   earlier those awesome arcade machines we all like  to he punches in a little program and he pulls out   the money and goes Easy Money Baby yeah easy money  come on and it was used in two scenes in the 1991   film and so I I had to have this machine I mean it  it ca it came out earlier in 1989 and I wanted it   then but then when I saw it featured in Terminator  2 in uh Judgment Day I I had to have it and uh   like Michael and Ryan were saying if you would  like to hear all about the details and history   of this Innovative machine I featured it on my  Joel's treasure hunt back on destination Linux   episode 296 it really is a worthy show to go back  and listen to because that device is so cool um by   the way Jill just like you know did you ever maybe  kind of hack around an ATM with that I no guilty   guilty look how she hesitated totally guilty but I  get why you deny it Jill it makes sense you don't   admit to that because why you deny it but I I  did get um the Michael AI running on it as you   can see in the Treasure Hunt if you remember  that yeah Michael AI is incredible because it   can run on nearly anything you know like yeah it's  Michael's entire brain yeah you could check out my   GitHub if you want to see Michael AI the get I'm  curious which one which one is actually the like   the predecessor which one predates the other is  Michael AI older than chat GPT yeah I was first   yeah yeah oh okay so yeah I was first out there  and then chat GPT came along and tried to steal   my thunder they stole my code that's the problem  with open source you know you can steal your code   that's 100% yeah so yeah on my treasure hunt  I actually you could see it running on on the   Atari portfolio Michael AI well the next piece  of tech I'm going to cover proves that movies can   make an impact on things that you want you know  because a lot of times they do product placements   in movies and stuff yes and I was a huge fan very  tempted to have some kind of product was like what   do you mean Ryan right like TI or something you're  holding up yeah uh for me I was a huge fanatic   of the Matrix films like to me the first Matrix  revolutionized movies in a way that I had never   seen movies before and just absolutely fell in  love with the entire concept and they had released   a phone after the Matrix Reloaded movie dropped  which as you know the matrixes progressively kind   of got worse they didn't get better unfortunately  but I was still a fan after reloaded because I was   like no they're going to do something amazing  with the story still and there was a phone in   there specifically a Samsung model SP into 70 and  they would flick the top of this to take calls   and things and it looked so cool in the film it  was so cool when they would take calls and flick   it up and stuff and I remember walking through  a Best Buy and they had the big Matrix display   in the front of the Best Buy store and they had  these phones piled up and they had the Matrix box   and everything and it was like the phone featured  in the movie and I don't remember what it cost but   at the time I knew I couldn't afford it I was  working it was 2003 but I was really early in   my career and I was living p check to paycheck  and I remember picking up that box and looking   at it and thinking about being able to own that  phone and never got one but to me that was one of   the coolest looking phones uh ever out there so I  actually never heard about this phone I mean I saw   the movie but I never heard about this phone being  a real thing you could buy so I looked it up and   I thought no I wouldn't have bought that it's so  dope looking man the way you can just flick thing   up it's it's very stylish ISC I'll say that yeah  I would rock this St you know like I would totally   I might just get one I me so I I can't I can't  knock that at all because my my next one is also   a phone that I mean technically it's another phone  but but my first one was W really a phone it was   a PDA so it's not the same thing whatever uh but  it's the same kind of thing as yours I mean mine   is a brick phone like I talked about in previous  episode because of Zach Morris on Saved by the   Bell no way you admit to watching Save By the Bell  Dude I watched almost every episode probably I I   no idea I watched almost all of them I watched  them it's so embarrassing Michael but I watched   them no it was so it was so good like time out  okay okay there was good it was never good let's   be honest it was yes it was it was good for people  for for children who don't have good taste I mean   that's like all children you're not gonna have  like that that's why um that the baby shark thing   is so popular because kids just like terrible  stuff that's right it was a great after school   program you know yeah yeah for little kids yes  but also Michael starred watching us at 23 but no   no no I I I was like six or seven but here's the  best part is that it REM it it actually was one of   the first shows that made me think like towards  the later end of the show it made me think like   how are these people in high school they look  like they're 25 or 30 or something yeah yeah   but anyway that that show uh introduced me to  The Brick phone and I really want the brick   phone like I want one now old school big giant one  he had right the big the big gray one that's like   a like literally the size of a brick and it has  a giant antenna so I did have one of those what   y so I didn't technically I didn't it didn't work  I went and get I got one as like a used thing and   like a garage sale and I was like I have to have  this and uh yeah it didn't work at all wanted to   have one and I don't know where it is now but I I  wish I still had it and I but I wish they actually   would make them work like if we could have but  I was thinking like that modular thing so what   if you could have like a front face that's a  smartphone like a modern version of The Brick   phone and you could change the pieces have like a  replaceable battery and all these sorts of stuff   I would I would 100% buy this yeah you'd walk  around with a giant brick phone 100% hello Mom   how are you today welcome through rest I mean not  that big of a I'm talking about I'm talking about   like like season two or three of the show yeah you  know uh spazy said that would be one big battery   for that phone and he's right you could probably  get three four days maybe even a week of battery   life with space you have with that phone so I  like your idea though let's stop going thinner   let's just make them super thick again replaceable  batteries and yeah you know or do or or do the the   uh Matrix thing and make them super like stylized  and like elaborate his designs you know actually   you know what's funny is that I was surprised  that Samsung did it and not LG because LG is   the ones who are like always doing crazy different  types of phones yeah Samsung had that good product   placement in there all right Jill what's your  second okay so this is a big one literally and   you know I've been collecting computers since  the 1970s and I wanted one of the big irons   the cray one super computer designed manufactured  and marketed by cray research that was huge had a   beautifully modern design and that you could walk  in the center of and even sit on that Tak you a   lot of space yeah wow Jill that's just that's just  cray cray yeah that's just Jill don't laugh at his   jokes please that was good Michael good D joke  okay it was announced in 1975 uh the first CR   one system was actually installed at Los Alamos  National Laboratory in 1976 eventually eight   cray ones were sold making it one of the most  successful supercomputers in history and one of my   favorite movies of all time was last starf fighter  which actually came out in 1984 the last star   fighter was rendered on a cray x-m supercomputer  which came out in 1982 at the whopping cost of   $15 million well that's it I don't know why you  don't have one that that Neo Geo sounds really   cheap now it sounds really cheap in comparison yes  and I wanted that machine so bad because the last   star fighter is one of the movies that inspired me  to go into a career of Animation this was huge to   me uh but of course you know that was out of my  budget you don't say I really thought like oh my   gosh Maybe we could pull together as a community  Michael and $5 million computer you know everyone   donates a dollar yeah everyone donates a dollar  and tells everyone they know to and then tells   everyone they know and then tells everyone they  know maybe we could 15 million times later million   times later yeah and every man woman and child  you know on the planet yeah so for me the desire   actually was especially made stronger when I had  the opportunity to walk inside the original and   magical cray x-m supercomputer that rendered the  movie the last star fighter I was I had goosebumps   and I was shaking I was so excited oh my gosh I  love how much you love Hardware that is so I did   a research paper on the C XMP and it's rendering  of the last star fighter for my animation class in   college and had the this exciting opportunity  because of one of my awesome professors   awesome wow and you know honestly I would be happy  with any cray for my collection but those two are   the ones I want most for my computer hardware  Museum and require like an entire room in your   house in order that that that's the thing I  would have to literally build another room on   the house for that yeah it's it's only 5.5 tons  Michael though great and moving it is another   yeah thing I'll deal moving it will cost you as  just as much as the price of the computer I was   going to say 5.5 tons you're talking hundreds  of thousand dollar in shipping cost there it   reminds me of this uh this meme I saw I don't  remember what it was but it was showing like uh   this scene of someone in installing in the 60s  or 70s a supercomputer and it was this massive   thing where like 10 people were pulling it in  and then someone else uh now went to that same   location and held up a Raspberry Pi just right  in that same spot oh yeah it's more powerful yeah   more powerful than than the supercomputer like  minuscule in comparison like it it was a it was a   it's a fun way to look at it in the terms of like  how far we've come but also absolutely like this   the idea of like you know recreating that stuff  was fun too so this I think that I I would love   to have a supercomputer at least not even just  have one just to kind of walk around one like   that yeah that'd be cool yeah yeah well you know  the last one on eBay sold for millions of dollars   so I probably won't get one in this lifetime well  here's some interesting news so that computer was   a super computer back then but by comparison uh  just a Google Nexus 10 or an HTC1 which older form   of phones run at about one G flops and this cray  2 was capable of 1.9 G flops yeah and and iPhone   11 runs at 154.50 G flops so it was a superc  computer back then but it's slow it's slow today   right like it's not even equivalent to a phone so  that's interesting is that amazing equivalent to   a phone from 15 years ago yeah exactly pretty wild  so Ryan what is your last thing that you wanted to   talk about all right so the last thing I want to  talk about actually is more of an adult decision   I had to make not to get these things because  I really wanted them when they were marketed   out there and I know I'd Rock them and make  them look cool is the Google Glasses uh I know   privacy all that stuff was a big part of me but  the hardware attic would have overcome the Privacy   part of me for the Google Glasses because it  was really the first time that you kind of   saw something functional in an augmented reality  setup when I say functional kind of the only last   one too yeah like it didn't have these gigantic  glasses and goggles it was you know form fitted   frames and they even had Partnerships with Rayban  and other companies to make you know even cooler   looking frames Oakley for made frames for them and  so this Frame design was really cool but when they   announced these back in 2013 they released them  for a limited period of time at $1,500 and there   was just uh let's see 2013 um pretty sure my son  uh was about to be born during this time there   was just no money that was going to be going into  Google glasses at that point in my life so uh it   was really cool idea concept but oh yeah still is  actually awesome it's amazing it's it still looks   like a futuristic product yeah yeah you know it  looks ridiculous but also looks like a futuristic   product and um I remember when this came out I  was so excited for it and then I found out that   it doesn't work with people who wear glasses  you get you get frames that were glasses but   you actually didn't have lenses in them so I  don't know eventually they maybe did that but   did eventually they did create a prescription  lens program for people by that time I was kind   of like B like it was like a year or two later  by that time I was kind of like you know I saw   all the negative reviews and people talking about  how the Google Glass depending on the climate if   you change like drastic climates they would break  and you'd have to send it off to get replaced and   like oh okay so if you go from a place that's  hot to a place that's cold your Google ass that   you spent $1,500 on is now destroyed that's not  great still this was at Google when Google was   like at the peak of their engineering and there  was no stopping what they could do I also think   this was before they got rid the don't be don't  be evil don't be evil thing yeah so this was back   when Google was kind of a beloved Company still  and you know the first prototype of this to give   you an example was eight pounds they weighed  eight pounds when they were the engineers were   making the prototype for the Google Glasses and  then by 2013 I feel sorry for the engineers who   had to put that on their heads by 2013 which was  just two years later from their 8B prototype they   had these super thin glasses that look like you  know the size of regular glasses you would wear   on your face and so the the amount of talent still  at Google but the amount of talent was allowed to   be talent and work on things that were this cool  and produce things this cool and you just don't   see stuff from Google like that anymore I mean  they just kill off the products people love and   their engineering is terrible and the reputation's  terrible and it just it stinks because Google has   some of the most talented people in the world  working for them and if you just let them alone   and work on stuff you would get cool crap like  this but you know the the suits had to ruin it   the suits came in and ruined it and it's also kind  of funny considering how many of the cool services   that Google has now that started because of that  you know like Gmail was started because people   were just messing messing with stuff and making  cool stuff or like Google wave which was really   awesome and they killed H so there there's a lot  of stuff that they did but it is kind of funny   that the Google Glass it still has potential if  they were just to make like a a new version that   was like's gonna do it now exactly you know and  also if they were able to make it like a make it   built into a pair of glasses that looked like  glasses and it didn't look like a you know it   it looks kind of weird still it does yeah and if  it was just a pair of glasses that they somehow   projected it onto the lens itself that would be  amazing and it would be like drastically does   matter what they look like you just get Taylor  Swift to wear them at a concert everybody will   think they're cool and everyone will be wearing  them you know I mean there will be some people   there would be some people who buy it because of  that but I don't think the people are going to   look like think they're cool it's just going to  be like oh because Taylor Swift Our audience is   huge Taylor Swift fans I hear I mean okay fair  point I guess I hear 90% of our audience are   huge Taylor Swift fans they're swifties you know  they're swifties yeah speaking of Swifty Spazzy   in our chat uh wanted to add to Jill your your  uh mention of the supercomputer saying his dad   used a cray when he was at University and saying  if your print job took longer than a millisecond   to render they killed it for being bad code  right yeah cool yeah that's pretty cool that's   awesome thank you for sharing Chris he likes  to be called by Swifty if you don't mind yeah Swifty all right Michael what's your last item  you have so it's it's kind of funny because it   also re is relevant to being an adult and um  putting something on your head so kind of like   accidentally being associated to yours twice  somehow you want a hat no I've worn hats and   I've gotten feedback from people like you should  not wear hats like we actually had comments on one   of our shows like the last one I time last time I  wore a hat they're like you shouldn't wear a hat   you don't have a head for a hat it's funny the  funny thing is like I agree I don't think I look   good in hats but anyway doesn't matter moving on  yeah let's talk about what I actually meant and   that is a VR headset I still have not tried a VR  headset of any kind you still haven't tried one   no not not one okay yeah so I I want to but also  I don't want to enough to go get one it's a weird   thing where they they are still too expensive  for me to justify even though I could afford   it I'm I can now I'm not a kid anymore right but  still it's so expensive just to get you know like   I mean think the meta Quest is the most like uh  approachable as far as cost goes right it's about   the same price as a console or something like  that at the same time um you know I've had a lot   of experience with VR headsets of various kinds  and your first impression of them is always like   amazing like it blows you away and then you start  getting that kind of either sick feeling or you   just get tired of wearing this heavy thing over  your face the whole time so it quickly wears off   and I say that as an adult an old boring adult but  my kids absolutely and I think Wendy mentioned her   kids too love the VR world and they play this game  called gorilla tag that sounds the graphics first   of all are ridiculous like Zeb would have hated  gorilla tag okay like it's pixelated gorillas that   you know you're we need to have Zeb come on and  have him play that okay it's somehow the social   aspect of it and then playing tag with each other  is so much fun that they play it more than they   play their PlayStation or anything else now so I  think part of it is growing up with that kind of   Technology but it always Wows me some of the stuff  they have absolutely blows me away but yeah I I   kind of get why you're not dropping the money for  it because it's one of those things where I think   as an adult you'd have it you'd play with it for  a little bit and then it'd be $600 sitting there   doing nothing but collecting dust exactly yeah  I mean it it is something I've always wondered   about it because I I do have a not great vision  so like the only thing I do have is like very   closeup Vision so a VR might be allow me to use  it without using my glasses so that there is that   that potential but at the same time just to find  out is not worth getting it you know so I I wish   I could get like something that's more useful  than just playing a few games here and there   I've seen people use it like to have this virtual  desktop and that sort of stuff but then they get   their their neck gets tired after a little while  and it's just not practical so I wish there was   like a more you know functional justification for  it than just you know occasional playing games or   you know that sort of thing and if that if there  was that I would definitely get it but I I would   like to try one at some point just to see what  it's like overall but we'll someday they've opened   like arcade places around where there was actually  one that was here and I went to go to it and I   heard about it and then I never got a chance and  three months later it was gone yeah they oh I was   going to say they don't seem to last very long I  like the concept I've gone to a couple of them but   they're I think it's hard for them to make a lot  of money because first of all they charge a lot   like to use the stuff and you know I don't know  you know Michael uh before the pandemic and and   before you guys came to the Southern California  Linux Expo there was always one of the VR headsets   on display so I've played with all of them and now  my brother he he owns like four different ones oh   my goodness and and in fact that was going to be  kind of I I was thinking the irony of this is I   was thinking of this for my my third item was a VR  headset that would work with my vision because I   want that immersion I want it but because I only  see out of one eye it's a little difficult yeah   and but there was one company um and sadly  I haven't heard from that company in a long   time but uh quite a few years ago when it was  becoming very popular there was a company that   was making a VR headset that was not two lenses  but just a band that went around your eyes and   they said it was really good for people that had  visual impairment and it it just never I haven't   heard anything about it since what the name of the  company that's what I'm I'm trying to remember it   didn't last very long Vendetta no I yeah I I know  it was did you see the thumbnail for last episode   you did so good with thumbnail Michel so good  for those who don't know we named that episode AI   powered chocolate chip in Vendetta for smartphones  yeah and I actually used an AI generator to create   an A V for Vendetta cookie chocolate chip cookie  just to put on the thumbnail and I was I was so   proud of how stupid that was I thought it was  great Michael yeah it was amazing but yeah the   the this company they featured it and what I can't  remember it the top of my head they featured it   was featured at twitchcon and several other gaming  conventions I had gone to and Community can find   it and we can find out what happened to that  company but that makes a lot of sense Joe like   you know um being able to experience that how did  the band help you experience the immersion was it   a band with that was just closer to your eyes or  you didn't need to have two individual lenses yeah   there was something about not needing I I didn't  get to try it because the line for it was like   five six hours so I didn't stand in the line and  um I had heard from a few people who tried it and   said their Vision was too bad for it but some  other people said it worked pretty good so oh   very cool yeah well maybe there's a future there  where somebody can create an attachment to because   I know in The Meta stuff it's two different  lenses but I could see you could put maybe   an attachment to combine them into one and maybe  that would allow for that be cool I mean even if   you're not getting the full 3d effect just to have  you know you can you can actually you know Buy by   the um the computer screens the that are just one  lens that go around your and those exist and so   you putting that into 3D speaking of things that  uh so this week is about tech that we didn't get   a chance to maybe next week or a future episode  of some kind um we have talk about tech that we   want to exist but doesn't oh there you oh there  we go because I just thought of one as we were   talking about it and I won't remember it later  so uh Jord viser and we'll get back to it yeah   jordy's viser there we go it reminds me of Jord  could just wrote it in the show notes and then   you know next week we I already have like three or  four other ones like oh wow okay interesting all   right well we've got to move on from this this  was a lot of fun it was neat thinking back and   we'd love to hear from you on some of the things  that slipped through your fingers Tech that you   wanted as a kid that you couldn't afford or wanted  to try out in Jill's case she picked a $15 million   supercomputer so I feel like you know so little  basically four people on the planet can afford it oh man so um let's move on to our news topic  so that is canonical is looking to make itself   the premier partner for Enterprise Solutions with  its latest move of going distrist you might be   wondering how does that work because canonical  makes auntu oh they're still going to be keeping   making auntu but they're also making drist Docker  images so people can be able to essentially deploy   applications and services on whatever they want  like basically as minimum as possible so you   have just a container that all you need I forgot  what it's called but it's like just enough Os or   something like that and uh that's what they're  doing for these they're essentially offering   Docker images that are auntu free or with auntu  if you want but with 12 years of security support   huge and like that that's crazy and they're  like Customs so you can have them build they   they can build them for you and they deploy it and  support it and that comes with like the auntu pro   subscription and that sort of stuff and they'll  be compatible with other dros they even specify   multiples like rail that they're going to have  support so this is a very interesting move by   canonical you know there's so many devices out  there that they're kind of being made by these   I don't want to say no-name companies but  not well-known companies small electronic   manufacturing companies and things like such as uh  cameras for your car um you know different cameras   dash cams and stuff dash cams yeah cameras for  outside your home never heard of any of those   dash cam companies ever yeah you know I'm like  what's the best dash cam company there's like some   random gibberish thing zyo Bob yeah you're like  I never heard of that but it's rated five stars   probably all bought but anyways there's a guy in a  suit from Amazon that does commercials now saying   they're fixing their um rating system and comments  so he's in a suit I I tend to trust him we believe   believe you because you have a suit ton exactly in  any case my point is that there's a lot of these   little devices and I think the biggest problem is  with these devices is that they're probably put   with a specific Os or uh on them that doesn't get  any updates ever after its initial release right   uh and the fact is is that they probably couldn't  afford because these devices are generally lower   cost uh it could be tablets it could be anything  uh any type of iot device uh to go and provide   that kind of maintenance and you're kind of like  getting a $60 tablet when most of them are $300   so maybe you just kind of accept that hey you're  probably not going to get any uh updates on this   but with canonical kind of saying hey we're going  to do 12 years of security updates when you use   this drus that's that that allows these companies  now to actually release and support right at least   from the security standpoint these devices  for much much longer this is a good play from   shuttleworth yeah especially the whole support  part because they're basically making like a lot   of these iot devices are just thrown out there and  never updated and this makes it actually possible   regardless of what D show they're doing so that's  it's very cool idea so you know Ma mad props to   canonical mad yeah Jill what did shuttleworth  have to say about this oh boy so this was just   so exciting it was there there are so many good  quotes to use and this is one of our favorites   he says can nle will deliver distalis or buntu  based Docker images to your spec which we will   support on rail VMware aunu or major public Cloud  Kates K8 our Enterprise and isv customers can now   count on canonical to meet regulatory maintenance  requirements with any open source stack no matter   how large or complex wherever they want to deploy  it well nice and for those who don't know what   Kates means that's kubernetes yeah kubernetes why  is kubernetes Kates as the uh initialism or the   acronym or whatever uh who knows if you do know  send us an email let us know why it's K I want to   know K8 uh canonical also partnered with Microsoft  to create chiseled containers which are mere 100   megabits megabytes for the net net community so a  self-contained net application runtime base image   is only 6 megabytes when compressed so this is  pretty cool too they've got some Partnerships with   Microsoft and creating these little things and I  just find it really interesting that Ubuntu rather   than just getting their customers on a Ubuntu  based microsystem and say hey we're offering just   our customers this 12 years of support if you're  using Ubuntu specifically um that would be a move   I would expect but they're kind of making this  dist list doesn't mean they're they're supporting   re or anything else but they're creating this  dist list they're supporting the particular   images on whatever so like you if you're using  rail you still need a rail support thing right   exactly Red Hat yeah but uh I think it's really  cool man iot devices and companies I think will   really benefit from this and I think this will be  a big splash for canonical for sure it's also an   interesting play if they're trying to get people  to use canonical stuff and then kind of slowly   push them away from the rail side who good yeah  cool good good point an

2024-07-23 03:08

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