yo morning guys right we are on another job the lads are getting on with plastering uh the rest of the house but here i've got to rewire this garage okay so what we're gonna do here i've got my feed cable which is already been brought through up here we've got some six mil twin and earth so i've got to strip out all the old stuff so this is the original strip light that's there so it was like like this sort of arrangement so all this has got to come out um the plan is there's going to be an ip-rated strip light like one there and one probably this side of that beam my garage board sorry about the sunlight trying to block that for you the garage board's going to go above those sockets there and they're going to be another one another double socket at the bottom there and one the other side sorry of that doorway so it is freezing it is literally two degrees and i'm really cold not used to it um and it's like a wind tunnel straight through here so which is great so like i said if you are new to the channel thank you very much for watching i appreciate it um if you haven't already subscribed don't forget to hit the link in the corners one of these down here um give us a thumbs up if you like the video at the end of it and yeah let's get stuck into the job so right of all the uh all the bits and bobs going on in here um i've just clipped the supply feed to this point here to i'll show you um it's i was a bit nervous whether it was long enough to be when i poked it through it's quite sure um so what we've done we've clipped it all the way along to this top and as you probably saw from the previous clip is that on top of here this beam here there was all like the axe and bits and bobs to fall off and try and chop me in half and uh i thought you know what i'll leave it be fine i'll you know work around it it'll be all right and then uh you know you have that premonition that it's gonna come down and i'm gonna have a nasty injury so i did take it off good boys and girls h health and safety was uh it came into place and i thought i'm gonna start thinking a little bit so i've moved it out of the way so luckily enough i've got the cable long enough for where i want it i've just had the stuff uh my parts dropped off as well which is lovely um so in here because it's not the greatest of garages should i say with with all the moisture and all that lot you know which is let's face it many garages are the same so i've gone for ip rated strip lights in here anyway because that let's face it if it leaks that's where it's going to be above my head so that's what i'm going to do i'm going to get those mounted up first and then i'm going to start working all my cables back to the board which is just just going to be there but i think i'm gonna take that piece of chipboard hardboard off because i don't think it's actually doing me any favors actually being on there because it's looking a bit well the moisture's got to it's a bit blown and let's face it not too distant future it's actually just going to crumble and fall to bits so i'm that's what i'm thinking but i don't know whether that shelf's actually attached to it or not um yeah so that's the plant the flan you can tell i'm cold i can't even talk properly so i can't feel my thumb for some reason rest my fingers are okay thumb completely numb no idea why so yeah i'm gonna get on with that i'm gonna get these mounted up i'll switch you back over to time lapse as i get get on with those bits and uh yeah i'll catch you in a minute yo still freezing freezing cold customers brought me a cup of tea yes happy days cup of tea so i have put put the one light up i haven't done the other end because i've got to test it because it's my furthest one down the far end i've clipped along so i've got the cable there ready for the outside light which you've got to drill and then as you see behind me i've just got the board mounted it's actually made by what is it m2 i believe it is um you know it is what it is so so that's i normally use fuse box to be fair but this is what they had on the shelf to uh to get rid so it's um powered back at the board by an rcbo on there so it's just main switching here in mcbs so all i'm going to have is this double socket here the light switch is going to control the the lights above me and also the other light switch is actually going to be like the isolator as such for the security light on the front so and i'll label them up so not to get confused on those but then i'm dropping another socket this side of the door um but i think i'm going to have to take all that off because i'm not going to get a good fix in with that so i'll get rid of that and then i've got some creepiness so the boys are they're still plastering on the inside uh getting on with their bits and they're stalking me okay i like i like the stock brief you know any reason why i knew you were there because you were like stealth mode i can see you on the front i like it i think it's creaky creepy creepy creepy son so uh so yeah so that's what i'm up to anyway so i'll um i'll get cracking on these bits and then find out what stevie's after right so i've got loads of bits and bobs on here so i think what i'm gonna do is whip this board off but this is the joys of having a oh a garage that's got loads of stuff in it that you ultimately always can end up moving stuff around and it's so on here it's hopefully not going to be too much of a pain he says so okay all right well that's fun isn't it right what i was um originally going to do was use one of these two gang knockout patches sorry with um so i was going to put a stuffing gland in the top and then just clip it all on the surface but i kind of decided i didn't like that i didn't want it i already fitted one over on the for the light switch to the side and then i decided i didn't like it it was um yeah just just weren't really happy with it that yeah i could have used for you for those screaming at the telly or on your phone yes i could have used metal clad on here completely agree with you yeah could have done but i didn't uh i've gone i've gone with uh plastic on here i just that's just what i wanted to do there's there's no quite lying and saying it's something else that's that's what it is i wanted to do it this way so here we are um i keep dropping things it's getting on my nerves i don't drop it's in my pocket so that's another thing you got to be mindful of because this is only a single course brick you just be really really careful that you don't go obviously all through through the face of the brick now there's a couple of ways you can do make sure that doesn't happen you can mark up on your actual end of your drill bit with a sharpie something like that so you can make sure you only go in the depth of the raw plug the other way you can do you can tape it although i find that the tape slides down because it gets hot um you can also make a bit of a sleeve to go on on top of your um your drill bit but to be honest i kind of got used to it on there but that does catch me out every now and again but i kind of have realized now that how far to go and how and you know when to stop um on these but i have been caught out before okay so do is just put that in a bit of trunking up to there so 860. all right two seconds and i'll be back right all the trunking that i use is always self-adhesive but there's no way in hell that's going to stick on there and stay on there under that adhesive it's never going to happen so have to really stick that stick that on so i'm going to do it stick it on fix it on with some mechanical fixings i'm just gonna fall off now all right that's that one so so see i'm lucky here because uh customers where we're working for they bring out tea regularly and the thing is it's that cold it's actually really nice but we all know we've all worked for people who make themselves a cup of tea and they never offer the tradesmen i always find that really weird um i don't know why they do that because surely it's nice it's just like the british thing to do isn't it it's just you just offer tea even if you don't drink it just a cup of tea or a coffee whatever you whatever your poison is but yeah i just find that really weird but it's just what you do so the clips across the top there are all metal clips anyway with the the stapler and so that will give me any fire protection although it's not a dwelling as such so it doesn't really need it so yeah so basically what we've got now is some second fix to go on so we'll rattle through all that bit um i'll get the second fix on for the sockets and the light switch because we've all seen that that's boring and then we'll go through the board we'll do the board together i think this consume unit um is like say it's an m2 okay now like i say it's not my normal board that i'll fit normally um normally it'll be fused box board that i'll put in sorry it's a bit dark now now the one thing i don't like about this is that so that's your neutral bar there so it comes straight off off the bottom there so i'm not i don't really like that i don't know how else i mean it's fine it does does the job but i don't know any other brand that does that um so if you do you do know others that do it then obviously just let me know um it's not my preferred method going to be honest so what i've done is i've put the mcbs in um so they're in now so what we're going to do is going to go through dressing this up i've tested it all out so it's all tested because this is why it's a little bit darker now um so obviously you record your highest results so which is fine i mean on this this radial here which is literally like a meters worth of cable meter in a bit is 0.06 and then on my lighting is not 0.34 down to that far end oh bit wobbly hopefully you can see what i'm doing now it's a little bit blair witchy so so so yeah i mean this is a pain in the ass getting this in here like this i say trying to dress these in nice it's not it's not the easiest when when you're comparing it to some other manufacturers like right so as you saw there um this is it all fitted in now i there's just not enough not loads of room to work with it's really annoying so yeah and they're not my preferred board like i said i use different ones fuse boxes normally one i normally use or hager or to be honest bg is better than this um the other thing that annoys me is there's a run going on there is the trunking i always end up with scratch trunking so before i finish anyway i mean i'll i'll use some big wipes and clean all that off and same on this side and all the dust and stuff but with some of the older bricks everything's dropping with some of the older brakes it just ends up being an absolute mess doesn't it so we've all been there so yeah so i've got to clean all that off um so right so i'm going to go and um take the lockout kit off now energize all that up we are just do our live testing and we're ready to go so right i'll be back in two seconds two seconds right that's me all done um i've just got to think i'm just going to put a mixed colors sticker on there uh yeah so pretty much it really we've got let's say the sockets are on both sides lights are on up here just wipe you into a saw uh and then we've got the security light up here but it's not quite dark enough for that to come on yet but yeah overall nice little jobs all tested out bang on um but like i say hopefully you've enjoyed this video if you have don't forget to hit the subscribe button um leave your comments as usual and i'll try and get back to try and get back to most of them but obviously i can't do them all um but yeah so hope you enjoyed it give us a thumbs up if you have and we'll catch you tomorrow cheers guys
2021-12-04 23:36