POV | Life on the Road as a Professional Drum Tech

POV | Life on the Road as a Professional Drum Tech

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oh just kidding so I just got a text and we haven't got any information on the runner the runner is who drives around and does errands for the tour um during the day and we have a runner that comes and picks us up but anyways so our lobby call has been postponed so we're just kind of hanging out but welcome to another drum Tech POV today we're in my hometown of Phoenix Arizona I don't really live in Phoenix but I live like an hour away so I didn't go home like most people would when they go to their Hometown over here we have the stadium that's where the Phoenix Suns play and then right past that is the chase is Chase Field where the Diamondbacks play we're playing at Talking Stick Amphitheater today um I've only worked there once I've been there many times going to shows but the last last time I was there was the first time I'd ever worked there we got some HGTV on the TV because it doesn't have freaking Chromecast that annoys the hell out of me maybe I give you guys like a little hotel tour I get my own hotel rooms on tour which is awesome so we got a bathroom got my toiletries got my toothbrush got my shaver got my little speaker to jam out while I'm taking a shower that's basically it bed TV and this is where I've been hanging out this is what I did all yesterday instead of hanging out with any friends I finished this video this is bridg stone round two that is uploading it's been uploading for about 18 hours this hotel Wi-Fi is not good for uploading 60 GB videos but uh anyways we don't have a crew room today so I don't need to bring this cuz I can't put it anywhere I just got what I need I got my phone got the camera got extra batteries and all my tools and stuff are on the truck so it doesn't really matter anyways we're just going to kind of hang out until I get a text saying what time I need to go down there so until then and there we have it Runner will be on site in roughly 20 minutes sick it is about 10:00 now so I'll head down in about 15 or so and we'll get this day started hey [Music] dudes perfect [Music] yes what's up JJ what's up guys yeah I'm going to throw it all well I'll come get it okay problem problem guys pretty much like the airport to keep your shoes off just look if you don't worry about your thanks bro I'm getting rid of this thing going all good uh who that one who that go off that was me give him a one give him a one if they go off I'm not going to sabotage my own show I promise don't Z it for me please everybody thanks man down there okay truck did you go home no no no it ain't worth it no it's like an hour away is nothing but a teas what was that yeah exactly I would have had to wake up at like 6:00 a.m. you know what I mean it would have been pointless yep just like I remember it lighting hands going bre Hanah morning sirs brother what is this naturally enhanced sparkling water all right that's War all right guys it's about 11:00 now we are at the venue this is where me and Chris are probably going to hang out all day it's not bad let's see what the temp is out here it's a really good time to be in Arizona honestly 67° boys and girls love to see see it anyways the trucks aren't even at the dock yet so we have probably what 2 hours I got at least two movies to watch yeah like two hours before we have to do anything so we're just sitting around what's up my dude oh what the [ __ ] dog what's this guy what's up baby how you doing man good dude [ __ ] working Disturbed dip tonight oh yeah oh yeah nice just going to check and see what the truck is at for load out pa is not hung [Music] noon drums are still in the truck got lots of time all right well it appears the drums are out that's good but all our backline equipment is still in the truck so not a lot of room back here on the docks at this venue so we kind of have to time everything correctly my drums are buried all back there all our amps practice kit so we just got to wait until we get access so you have anything in other over there just the boom boom boom okay said we just got to get them out and we'll just put him in here for right now cuz tomorrow we won't have a chance to get to it okay and then it's [ __ ] trucks going two different ways we'll just stack them just back pushing against here right now yeah and then we'll just kind of push them forward put them in the in the in that space up there where we're fness I just want to get I called Mei he radio how usual but yeah all that stuff got to come off that attic cuz this truck goes a difficult place when we get on stage you want us to do it or do at some point you got do it now if if you got time you do it now cuz we're not going on stage for a while so okay and you got some Stak C's a step on so it makes it easier can I step on this case which case the caddies Cades oh yeah sound good need this case anyway so there is that oh brother the battle drums yep [Music] you ended up not using it yep brought them just in case it's got a bunch of cables and stuff on it I don't know me okay and there we are who's that who's this hell yeah well he bought it here against the wall the day time for catering smells like tacos we got no tongs for this stuff we're all just putting our grubby hands in here lovely got distracted real Qui right colors it's pretty hot it's homemade going for a cheese Ander yeah toss one of those bad boys on here they're pretty tight thank you very much enjoy man thank you dress these bad boys you got cheese and chiladas too if you like sir that's got the beef the chicken going on we have a vegetarian dish yeah doing the Coke Zero today last two shows kind to throw it all out the window getting so bored you got a fanboy here it's 130 now you had a fanboy here I did yeah what do you mean I was doing the Raj thing and the kid walked up here he goes yeah man that's the Dr that that's like Matt does these videos like that he's spotted me goes hey you know mat here I said yeah I watch all his videos and stuff like that that's awesome I he around someplace just trying to stay out of the way today let me move this over I get that out no I I'm fine right here I just got to I'll just climb up on there all right sure yeah totally don't worry about it yeah so I want to do something I won't be able to really tune today like I normally do so get ahead a little bit at least or building on the stage today going be a quick tune it's probably not going to be a pretty tune to be honest with you guys unless they sound good out the box today and it is what it is it's in it is what it is is type of day won't be able to change heads I won't be able to change heads tomorrow either so I supposedly it's even small tomorrow we do Vegas I think it's like boach theater or something in Planet Hollywood and I from what I'm hearing it's even tighter than this so it's going to be another slow day luckily our hotel room are in the resort so might just hang out hang out in the hotel room most of the day man it's kind of windy I hope mic's not blown out because of it oh it's pretty windy oh yeah I can see David symbols flopping around on the wind up there the wind's blowing straight into the stage all right this is literally all I can do right now there's straight up not enough space to do anything else all right that's it same symbols as always guys 14-in pure Alloys got the 18-in bance medium thin crash Luke Holland baby stack the C squ Ride The Relic the 19in medium thin crash I don't know if I can get down over there have to go this way so I'm on my way oh [ __ ] there is a staircase right here cool let's go for a little walk I've seen a lot of bunch a lot of bunch of bands I've seen a bunch of bands here as a kid some Incubus here I've seen Rush here um corn Rob Zombie lamb God this is where Warp Tour used to be this would be the um back in the day this would be like War I think this was main stages or whatever was a step below the main stages they would split the stage in half so one band would play on stage stage left and while they were playing stage right band would be setting up so they just go pow p po oh also oest used to be here how you doing I saw Incubus here one time and a big a big big Monsoon roll through was actually pretty badass cuz like the sky was red the sky was all red and it's called a haboob a big dust storm was rolling through so I was like sitting about right here but it was just clouds and red sky and Incubus was playing it was awesome and they got rained out but so they didn't finish their set but it was still pretty cool yeah this is the hometown venue I'm just going to have a seat over here hang out our hangout spot got robbed Disturbed setting their VIP up where we were hanging out so we had to leave we'll just kick it here for now still nothing guys 2:00 now back Line's still in the truck drums are still in the truck just waiting so I'm going to have a seat just enjoy the sun and the fact that it's not freezing cold for a change hang out here watch the Ser sound check and halfway through the song will head down oh copyright 220 we're checking the kick drum Disturbed Disturbed is obviously not me than holy all right disturb is about to sound check with a little crew [Music] Jam [Music] he [Music] I [Music] come [Music] [Music] 11 [Music] one of these anything else over that way uh that's it we're on hold right now soon as they get done and out Ki the [ __ ] is this what you we don't have room to do the practice kit today huge bummer I know know go on the wheel all right and then bring your end around I'll tell you the story of the last just put it here for now and the next part will go the next deck will go behind it it's going to go over here show you [Music] the there we go yep I got a a lot more space than normal back here JT huh I got a lot more space than normal I wonder put this like two or three feet go down here to the front edge there let go to their fig something check Center first yeah we're good okay do one two and three on that side five yeah ready it'll go on the other side just all right come on in we're going to gather on this dress first guys on the upstage side so we're just going to guide it nice and gentle at the top Water Tyler pull my rope up nice last part all right so we're going to pull it [Music] up [Music] [Music] yeah we're usually done with sound check 10 minutes minutes ago so just to give you an idea of how crunched we are just to fill you guys in on what's kind of going on right now we're at a stand still again there's uh one of the sprinklers is leaking directly Center Stage pretty good flow water so they're up there trying to fix it but while there's rigers up top we can't make noise because they need to be able to communicate with each other we're ready to sound check basically but we just got to wait [Music] all d [Music] they [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Music] hey hey [Music] we on the [Music] walking heyy heyy [Music] hey Wy [Music] hey hey he me [Music] [Music] hey hey [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] hey whoopy hey [Music] hey what you hey hey hey [Music] hey hey hey whaty hey cool thanks y'all appreciate it hey I just want to go over like a little game plan for this load out like where do you want drums and stuff at well when I push them off the drums I was I was going to put yours uh over here go all the way some of this stuff right here I'm going to yeah I'm going to get you over here can move that dock plate the guitar guys are supposed to go straight the covers are there like we we did last year when I came out so let them do that they'll build all the stuff cuz your drums goes in the back of of the truck anyway for one more show okay so we just keep it off to the side over here so lighting trusses need to go that way no lighting trusses I'm got to probably do probably going to shove them right [ __ ] back in here and get them off the dock yeah okay and I'll do is like and then the deck stuff like that I'll probably put the deck things over that that side and then have audio says right in this area here cuz I let him get going I don't [ __ ] with the deck I like to but these us use so much [ __ ] on them I let them get this crap off of there or I'll put the wedges away when they do the things okay but if we get like the back line basically over that side back line in the here lighting and you can do that and I'll deck yeah okay and you know what a lot of times when I go to get the guys I usually give them the the word okay here's what we're looking when we come down guys we're doing this and doing that and then God bless them gets involved and like oh no put that over there and stop [ __ ] tell them they know where they're going stop telling them what to do exactly and he and he gets [ __ ] up okay what do we got in here oh reent clondike oh yeah oh my god oh we got all sorts of clond yeah there's mint original he he bar they're pretty crunchy I did you see those there at lunch time huh at lunch time you see those there no I didn't notice probably for the best oh [Music] [Music] e I needed I can't really see anything I like Las Sho I have so I'll make it on the if I need to [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and let's go five 4 3 2 1 go for show go for [Applause] show [Applause] [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] [Music] put [ __ ] in the 18,000 [ __ ] oh my [Music] God we're definitely coming back we have to come back to this look at this [Music] [ __ ] you [Music] you [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] take down my [ __ ] [Music] B that's what we leave the [ __ ] ch [Applause] thank you guys so [Applause] much a Wonder night mother [ __ ] guys picture we got to come back get a picture get one picture let's go have a wonderful night guys we love you guys you so [Music] much [Music] [Music] yeah we the sh over where like what the [ __ ] you do all this work and you never use it [ __ ] mother nature man for watch the overheads on that curtain here you got something you're good we're going to go all the way down the dock here as far as we can go cool let 90 yeah so we're that and Traer that areu just bring that right here right this pocket here that's good thank you straight into the truck watch your [Music] fingies [Music] go ahead I'm going to block [Music] you you're good dude I am unapologetically in the way fantastic show great Hometown show right now I got my suitcase with me got a slice his off uh I'm meeting my brother and I'm going to give him my suitcase because we just have one show tomorrow and then we're flying home and I don't need all this [ __ ] you know what I mean all right boys and girls we dropped off the luggage said what's up to Young horn and now we're just praying that the crew didn't leave without me I haven't gotten any text about hey we're leaving so we about to find out oh I see a runner van we're good anyways yo start to finish crew where you at let me know in the comments comment section below if you haven't already please like the video and maybe consider subscribing but anyways guys thank you again so much and I will see you in the next one all right peace

2024-04-12 00:51

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