One World in a New World: Exploring Technology's Impact with Manuj Aggarwal

One World in a New World: Exploring Technology's Impact with Manuj Aggarwal

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Namaste and in lak'ech and welcome to this  episode of One World in a new world I'm your   host Zen Benefield and this week's guest is manuj  Agarwal and he is an AI innovator a thought leader   a keynote speaker he's a Founder CIO and CTO of  tetra noodle Technologies based out of Vancouver   British Columbia he's a Advisory Board member  for verify verify which is a app that they're   developing to actually detect early signs of  covet he's developed Learning Management Systems   what we call lms's for several well-known  organizations and institutions he's a member   of alliances he's written a couple of books  very technical network security with PF sense   and we're going to find out what that means  architect deploy and operate Enterprise grade   firewalls and another book called learn Apache  mesos which is of the beginner's guide to scalable   cluster management and deployment really deep  in technology he's also the podcast host for   bootstrap in your dreams so with my business name  is be the dream we ought to have some really good   conversations about this welcome to the show thank  you so much and while you have done so much I even   forgot about a few things that you mentioned  there so thanks a lot well good it's nice to   have Refreshers oh yeah I did that too right yeah  yeah yeah yeah I forgot about those things and we   get so busy sometimes in our activity to do and  we kind of forget about what we've done already   absolutely absolutely so you know our tradition  is to kind of dive into the beginnings of how   you found your inner awareness began to explore  it what it was like what time of life it was for   you so let's begin there and especially you know  with the Eastern tradition that you came from I   would imagine that there's you know a really rich  yeah engagement there so other time begin for you   see uh it's very uh it's been a very interesting  Journey as you said like I grew up in India where   um all these um modalities uh especially  meditation uh and just being more spiritual   uh religion all of these things originated there  and they are part and parcel of daily life there   but uh it was funny that when I was growing up I  was actually disillusioned by all these practices   especially organized religion because I I realized  that organized religion was more commercial and   driving us away from what it you know what what  it means like even as a 10 year old I didn't it   didn't make sense to me that on one side they say  you know God is Almighty it's all loving and then   they say oh if you by the way if you do this thing  you'll burn in hell so he didn't like sort of make   sense to me and then this then they said you  know if only if you like pay us money you know   we will fix everything and you'll be fine so I was  like that doesn't make sense um and I think that   doesn't make sense to a growing number of people  as well because they're all looking for something   new something some way to connect spirituality is  actually you know kind of everything's connected   that's the base yeah yeah exactly exactly and so  um but uh but just that act of confusion led me   to get you know became become a little bit curious  about what this is all about so what I did was I   think I was like in maybe 10th uh grade so that  was like maybe I was 16 or 17. I came across um   this person named Osho OSHA if um yeah so then  I heard his tapes I read a couple of books and   I would I will admit like maybe five to ten  percent of it made sense uh the rest didn't make   sense to me at that age but it was different  enough to say okay you know that means there   are different points of view if only if I start  searching I think I will be able to find something   do you remember a kernel of what you garnered from  that that helped you I think his his main message   that I remember was liberation of thought and not  getting tied down by beliefs that are not yours   and that are given to us by Society by our parents  and what have you he he you know again as I said   it didn't make a lot of sense at that time but  primarily what I remember was you know his message   is like follow your uh follow the compass of your  heart the GPS of your heart to to see you know   what aligns with you most uh uh resonates with  you most and irrespective of what other people say   what labels they give it that's the right path um  so that's that's sort of the foundation I remember   and then uh what happened was like I I you know  I I read it I was like okay you know this doesn't   make sense to me I'm a little bit confused but  anyway it sounds like uh you know uh there was   some resonance in it yeah yeah there was a  gentleman named uh Matthias Demotte that had   an interview with Tyler Carlson recently you may  be familiar with him he author uh the psychology   of totalitarianism however one of the things that  he said that he he feels like humans are really   looking for and that's empathic resonance which  is apparently what you've got even it didn't you   know it was kind of confusing intellectually  there was a deeper empathic resonance with   it that you felt like yeah this is something  I need to explore further yeah yeah exactly   um but then you know uh so I had  this uh sort of a little bit of a   uh dabbling into Osho and then I sort of  uh went away back into my teenage years   chasing girls and and you know just just uh  doing what teenage teenagers do and then I   I came across a girl I was pursuing and she and  her dad used to be into spiritual practices and   things like that so just in order to impress her  I started learning a little bit more about about   that and then it started to make more sense like  you know it's like uh taking a piece of the puzzle   and and you find another piece and it's like  okay you know that also fits here so it looks   like you know this is this is all real this is all  a reality because after you are disillusioned by   religion which is so dominant in your culture  you always are skeptical okay you know uh oh   this is another theory that they are trying to  push towards me but when you see multiple like   multiple pieces coming together it makes more  sense oh it does and you know the when and I   find this really kind of of um very telling right  even as teenagers when we're looking for another   for mate right we're looking for to love and be  loved right yeah yeah and yet we don't really   realize that that's what we're looking for and yet  all of the things that you're speaking of so far   are geared to embody that yes yes exactly exactly  so yeah it it's funny how life works at you know   step-by-step process but then uh eventually I did  find a girlfriend and you know we had nothing to   do with spirituality like I forgot all about it  and uh we you know I went into technology the   programming and became this hardcore engineer you  know Engineers tend to think in black and white   like it's true or false where is the evidence show  me the evidence for everything so that's what my   life became for the next 10 12 uh years I I came  over to North America started working with you   know a lot of startups a lot of large corporations  and that became my frame of mind right now in your   quiet moments though right which I'm sure you had  plenty of there was still that stirring that that   inkling to want to know how things fit and I  really you know in some way I admire the route   that you took in in computer programming because  it is exacting and there's an inner world I would   think that exists among all programmers that's  a much deeper one than they than they let on and   that they're looking for that connection and the  code that they write perhaps yeah that to be true   yeah so according uh you know programming changes  you from within because what happens is um you   are trying to put together these disparate pieces  of technology to work together into a system that   work that works harmoniously the other thing that  happens is you get very used to finding faults in   your own work like debugging debugging the code  or something I mean we're already self-deprecating   enough come on right but but um but that's that  that exercise of you know writing a piece of code   and then finding you know 100 bugs in it and then  finding those chasing those bugs fixing it it I   think it removes a little bit of that rejection  you know it makes you makes you um more uh uh you   know it makes you more uh how can I say robust  or makes you see life as not perfect to begin   with you assume there's going to be problems you  assume that things are not going to work out and   you can you are going to have to you know uh use  hit and trial to find where things are going wrong   right and then there's a line out of Dune even  that I find really appropriate in this and that's challenge change doesn't happen without Challenge  and the sleeper awakes in that challenge right   because of the inquiry the questions and the  the exploration and the things I've known yes   that often have a bit of fear in that as well  because you as you're discovering things you're   also confronting things that don't belong yeah yes  yes yes yes so yes so so that that's what happened   and then uh life was moving along um what ended up  happening was you know along with the professional   success I was getting a lot of problems at home  so I I don't have a very good relationship with   my parents and my my marriage was falling apart  I didn't have a good relationship with my my   ex-spouse now and then I had my firstborn child  and I could not uh bond with him I could not have   a good connection with him even even when he  was like a a baby and that is one point in my   life which sort of devastated me because family is  very important to me and then up until that point   I was getting away with my with me blaming  others for my problems because we all have   problems but I used to be able to say oh you  know you don't understand me you don't you know   you don't listen to me uh but now I I'm not able  to say that to my you know uh uh you know like a   two-month-old baby or like right up till like a  few years old and that wasn't even Steve Covey   with the fifth inside or fifth um habit that  he expresses his first seek first to understand   then be understood yeah and oftentimes we have  this prescriptive this is the truth that we   project on others from our own bias wherever  whatever that may be exactly and we're less   than vulnerable Yeah in our perception of others  and yeah to reach that place how did you find it   because it sounds like that's where you we're  ahead yeah so so when that happened uh you know   you are forced to look at yourself and say okay  you know what is wrong with me I mean what is   going on with me and how can I fix it and I went  into depression I was suicidal um but I knew that   I want I needed to find Solutions and so I I went  to therapists and psychologists and and things of   that nature but they gave me some insights but  did not really move any uh you know did not make   any major shifts in my in in my situation in that  situation if I may um was it more of the kinds of   questions that they didn't ask because from  and I've been I've consulted a lot right and   on both sides and I find that it it's better the  more the better the questions it doesn't matter   what your answers are to them or or the sense  of you know giving something to them it's about   hearing yourself talk and having that Observer  present to observe the process and patterns of   your thinking which then give you an awareness  that you can change well I mean uh you know that   is absolutely true the the type of question but at  in the that state of mind when you are a depressed   um as human nature is you we all look for like  immediate relief we all look for a quick fix right   so yes they are they gave me some insights one of  the insights they gave me was you know it has all   to do with your relationship because at that point  I did not even realize what I was going through   and then observing from the outside they said you  know it's all about your relationships um because   in our life we need to have support systems we  need to have things that we can rely upon as as   absolute truths or our foundations and I was like  okay but that is my main problem I cannot have my   relationships and you're telling me the the fix  is to have good relationship so tell me how to get   there you know that that's like um so the perfect  question would be you know if you had something to   change in your life what would it be and why  right yes which is what you yes I'm in touch   with yes so so as I as I was talking to these  people they were giving me some insights but then   um but then I I could not feel any relief so  that's when I found meditation and and learning   more about the mind and I also being and being  an engineer dive into uh neuroscience and how   our neurons work and and quantum physics and all  of these things was it a challenge to look at and   and be distinct about the difference between the  brain and the mind yeah yeah of course because uh   uh diving into these things um majority of the  literature is all about the brain how the brain   works and the electromagnetic pulses the you know  the brain is sending so again as an engineer you   start to go towards that route um yeah it's  definitive you've got some structure that you   can understand and especially having an empirical  background right you're looking at numbers exactly   exactly but then when you start to meditate and  uh you know I've had some experiences with some   really really powerful shamans and and near  the uh near-death experiences where I are out   of body experiences where I you know I saw my  own depth and and things like that I was like   this I mean I was really perplexed I was like you  know this is not something that I can explain with   the human mind like my mind is there physically  and I'm looking at it and I'm outside so what   what is going on I made this quoting but I think  tall is the one that totally is the one that said   um a series or a breakthrough is often a series  of breakdowns yeah yeah exactly exactly yeah it's   so so that was exactly it right like the the  those breakdowns and then the Breakthrough or   realization was the mind is very very different  the soul is very different than than the physical   and and uh the beauty was like for me longest  time was okay you know the longest uh after I   had realization I was sort of you know I I did  not feel depressed anymore so that that was the   good news but then this new urge of explaining  these things came to be like you know okay what   is the physical what is the non-physical how  the hell do they connect all of this stuff right   um and then there have been thousands of volumes  of information that people just like us have   experienced the weird stuff right and then  tried to articulate it in order to share it   with others is because it's so powerful yeah yeah  exactly exactly yeah yeah it's amazing work and of   course it started with the Vedas yeah absolutely  absolutely yeah so so yeah I mean uh as you said   the the thing the experiences were powerful and  um I wanted to share that with others especially   first of all with my ex-spouse and um and uh it's  very difficult to explain these experiences and   then when I talk to a lot of people you know about  meditation about these modalities most people say   oh sometimes their reactions are weird sometimes  people listen to it and they say okay you know   that sounds good but I don't have time for all  of this stuff um some other people say you know   my mind is too busy for me to be able to like  you know even wrap my head around it or give it   any attention [Music] let alone attempt to have  a direct experience because that's what changes   everything it's just acquiescing to the Opera  opportunity and trying it yeah yeah yeah exactly   yeah and and then um what was happening is like I  was getting deeper into artificial intelligence so   I was you know I was I've been building uh systems  using artificial intelligence for last uh 15 years   um I have four patents in artificial intelligence  so I started to see how our mind interacts with   artificial intelligence I actually I actually see  artificial intelligence as a Continuum between our   mind and and uh and the uh the outside world it's  an interesting way that you you almost you went   into answering your question I was going to ask  which was what aspects of Eastern philosophy or   spirituality have influenced your perspective on  artificial intelligence and its potential impact   on society yeah yeah so that's that's what I I'm  I'm already seeing that right everybody can see   it because um artificial intelligence is basically  a a bunch of algorithms feeding off of the human   consciousness so whatever we experience in real  life we feed it back to artificial intelligence   artificial and we tell artificial intelligence  okay learn all this stuff and tell me based on   this you know what is going to do isn't it's  funny it's with AI it's the same like with chat   GPT right it's the depth and specificity of the  questions that we ask the inquiry instructions   right which reflects both on ourselves as human  beings as well well as that rich pool of knowledge   that's now available in a different form that we  can almost self-reflect with yeah exactly that's   that's uh that's what you we can experience  now but even now most people are just using   you know chat GPT for like very basic things but  I'll get into that but um but what happened was   like this was around 2012 2013. I saw platforms  like Facebook and Twitter and and all of these uh   uh basically all the publishing platforms out  there they are a bunch of artificial and you   know they are a bunch of artificial intelligence  algorithms and I saw how they are affecting the   common Consciousness the collective Consciousness  I mean um they uh how utilizing people have   become products exactly exactly not only not only  that not only that but it these these platforms   are able to change the collective Consciousness  change the perception um you know a lot of things   unexpected things like uh presidential elections  or major mandates were being impacted by uh by   these platforms and basically these platforms are  ai ai algorithms and since I understand how this   technology works I am able to see exactly what  what is what is happening because these algorithms   are very very highly fine-tuned for sensationalism  for creating that um you know a feeding off of the   negative emotions of people fears and all that  because when you create that then people engage   with that content more they click on the ads more  they stay on the platforms more so that is what   exactly is happening now right so it edifies the  programs that we've already received through most   everything in our society is to fear the unknown  or the other yeah whomever that may be if they're   different than us then something's amiss yes so  do you see anything acknowledging the massive   manipulation of the societal Consciousness  that you've just noted do you see anything   on the other side of that that is either  beginning to happen or is in process already   see that is that is my work and that is how I have  been connecting with people like you and others   um because one thing we need to realize is  that no technology including AI is malicious   in itself it's the it's the human being behind  the technology that is using it for their purpose   and I've I feel like most people who use it for  nefarious purposes they don't even know what they   are doing exactly like you know they are not very  conscious to begin with so they are just looking   for profit motive and and what not yes yes right  it's all about me what I can get what I can take   from the world yeah and yet there's this other  side that you know that we I think can agree that   when to receive what you're looking for you have  to give it as well you know there's this notion   now that's being talked about it of what we seek  is also seeking us yes yes absolutely absolutely   how have you experienced that something that  you were looking for that then you came across   serendipitously synchronistically however that  happened yeah so the so these these uh you know   all of these experiences combined when I talk to  people about uh you know picking a different path   and getting this resistance and then realizing  that AI as a technology has the power to change   people's perceptions and moreover get them into  a meditative State even if they don't want to do   the work because I realize people don't want to  do the work because essentially human species is   a lazy species we all we all seek convenience we  all seek the results without doing the work and   that is what our drives the Innovation because  we tell ourselves okay let's work for next you   know 30 years and then I'm going to rest uh you  know we have the whole well work smart not hard   yes yes mindset now it's shifting to the let's  integrate you know because we're recognizing there   are some things that we just have to be practical  about there's a process we have to go through and   we have to be disciplined enough to be attentive  to the details yes yes how do you find that in   your own work and and how is that reflective of  what you're seeing come coming with the use of AI   so um the idea here is that now uh you know  uh before the release of charge GPT a handful   of people understood um what this technology is  how it can be used and people who understood it   they they benefited tremendously from it but now  with charge GPT um the masses can sort of touch   and feel it and see okay what does it mean  but but moving forward from here here on out   um what was going what is going to happen is that  machines are going to have thousands of percentage   of higher IQ than any human being alive or dead or  whatever so the machines are going to be thinking   much deeper faster and um with begs the question  okay intelligence is one thing and and that's   great that's a knowledge base what about emotional  intelligence that's what I was getting at right so   um as human beings that we we are made of  these two uh these two aspects in you know   our cognitive intelligence and our emotional  intelligence so if uh cognitive intelligence   we are not able to compete with the machine  anymore I think that will be rendered almost   useless almost valueless and the emotional  intelligence part of it will become much   more valuable so people who are more conscious  who have the emotional intelligence they will   be at the top of the society so there will  be a fundamental shift that will happen that   um people with with more uh deeper Consciousness  and more uh ability to sort of you know empathize   taking it back to your roots right and the  calendar the Hindu calendar the Kali Yuga   right that it says that we are in a time of that  major transformation where Consciousness will   rise and others like we're talking about and the  interesting thing it's not just a Kali Yuga there   are at least six or eight other calendars that  you know the Sumerian the Mayan the Aztec the Hopi   um the Egyptian all of those and  there's probably more that are historically pointing to this time of Awakening  we don't necessarily know how it's going to   happen only the it's destined to and it's our  experience of it now do you feel that there was   a silver lining in covid that got people to begin  to look inside with the obsession on self-hygiene   and sequestration well uh you know everything is  uh is part of the grand plan I guess uh kovid was   definitely sort of like a test run if you will  like uh you know uh like a mini mini preview   of what is to come because because a major thing  that I noticed during kovid was obviously people   going inwards and and that is all good because  I have been working remotely for uh 20 years   so it didn't make that much of a difference to  me personally but but what I noticed one thing   which most people don't talk about is this was the  first time in history that governments just gave   Money free to their citizens and they said okay  take it you know you don't need to work don't   need to do anything just take the money and then  be you know be happy that's a fundamental shift   that has never happened before never ever so uh  now this is pointing towards a a future where as   I said when machines are able to do the work more  uh um accurately and faster I think the definition   of work will change for us like definition  of producing value in the world will change   um people talk about job loss and everything but  I I call it job displacement or job upgrade where   you know we will opportunistic times right yeah  yeah because we will be rewarded for things that   may not be counted as work today maybe we may be  awarded for just imagining a better future or you   know listening to other people or collaborating  with other in other creative processes so in that   I'm sorry I didn't mean to cut you off do you find  that that also includes a Resurgence of arts and   culture yeah exactly that's what uh where I was  going because okay um historically also you can   see like you know um during the Renaissance period  in Europe like there was like about 300 years   where uh creative people philosophers musicians  painters they were at the top of the society   um not the people who were producing physical  Goods so so that kind of um uh that kind of   society is going to be formed and then the other  thing is um I believe that Concepts like Universal   basic income will be the norm where you know not  everybody will need to work um and the pricing   of the physical Necessities that we need in life  they will come drastically down because now we are   able to produce them faster and cheaper so people  will be able to experience whatever kind of Life   they want I mean we won't have to hear you saying  there'll be less competition more collaboration   exactly exactly yes and then it'll be fueled  by you know as I said like um I firmly believe   Universal basic income will become a reality  so it will be it will be basically driven by   the internal motivation okay what what is what  is it that you want to create in this world and   if that means you will be you know uh learning  music for the rest of your life then so be it and   um uh or if you don't want to work um you know  then so be it like you know these concepts are   very foreign to people right now um but I think  that's the reality we are moving towards well   I'm hoping that the efforts I'm making with one  world a new world for one it opens that door for   others to listen to conversations exploring these  topics that they may not have otherwise had access   to right and and the weirdness that's going on  inside of them doesn't seem so weird anymore it's   like yeah I've got company now maybe I can explore  that right and then there's also um for instance   over my shoulder there's a logo for a Global  Peace movement uh live and not live right and so   this is exploring a couple of things moral and  unethical moral and illegal principle the moral is   being excellent human and we can unpack what that  really means that's open discussion and you know   intellectually humble and psychologically safe  environments to do so and then the legal principle   is about removing every aspect of aggression in  the law for individuals clear up to governments   so aggression effectively then allows us to  move into a more Cooperative collaborative   um even a caring and compassionate Society because  we don't have that threat anymore now how long   that's going to take we don't know however it is  obvious that that's one of the steps that needs   to take place okay people to step up politically  and go into a world that's you know that seems   corrupt Beyond any stretch of imagination and then  begin to write that again it's going to take time   and it's going to take really stalwart people to  step up and do that the fact that we've begun is   a great sign yes exactly exactly so how are you  with the the current what what do you see your   efforts moving toward and how do you see others  in in your field that are taking advantage of this   deeper level of intuition of understanding of  caring compassion for others where where is this   going in uh in the near future that you can see  well you know the the interesting but unfortunate   part is that uh people who are in the engineering  fields or disciplines they don't understand what   you and I are talking about uh obviously some do  yeah because you're in it yeah yeah a few few do   um but and people who talk about these different  modalities like spirituality they don't tend to   understand the technology part of it so I believe  yeah there are a handful of people who are like   sort of at the at the you know intersection of  these things um do you see science being able to   reflect that now like in in quantum physics and  the models and the the math and science that's   involved that actually demonstrates that there is  a bridge and that spirituality has a practicality   to it yeah so I see what happens is that people  do acknowledge let's say I'm talking to a hardcore   technologist or scientists they do acknowledge  okay you know quantum physics is something that   um that can help us visualize what spiritual  experiences mean and and stuff like that but   again they stop at that that point and they say  okay until you prove it to me I cannot accept   it so the only two ways are direct experience  direct experience or somebody with a direct   experience comes up with an equation that proves  it then they will be forced to accept that fact   and say okay now I understand it that's a really  interesting perspective because up until now it's   only been available by direct experience there's  been no equation that can you know Einstein tried   um others of his elk during that time frame also  attempted and they also made the the comments that   you know Nature has the secrets right we need  to understand what those are it's extracting   the math and science from that then that we're  doing now yeah help us to move forward in a more   Collective and harmonious way I loved how you  you framed yeah earlier because yeah this was   leading us to Harmony among people and Planet yeah  exactly actual course of action or so so it seems   because we certainly don't want to head down or  continue heading down the path of Destruction   that we've been on yeah exactly um but I I think  um from what I'm seeing the evidence of it we are   actually heading towards uh the right direction  here because um let's uh let's talk about like   you mentioned Einstein you know very very smart  person but um he uh he was like you know in 100   years how much technology has evolved how much  have we learned since Einstein so let's say   there was another Einstein today they will be in a  much better position to take that work forward and   find that equation because you know we have super  computers now we have artificial intelligence now   we have more collaboration around the I mean I'm  in in the time of Einstein if two scientists had   to collaborate they had to take a you know ocean  liner to for months to you know just just to shake   hands and now you know you can sit uh across  each other in on a zoom session and get so many   people involved so so the idea is that technology  itself is accelerating at an exponential rate and   so as people are making uh these discoveries  and as as people uh start to work on these   first-hand experiences and trying to  explain it um there is more likelihood   of some breakthrough happening uh the the  only problem is the resistance that we I mean for all we know the equation already exists in is  somewhere in this in this uh space-time Continuum   like right now right but the way that science  has been set up is that you really need to be   a prominent very prominent respected scientist  to be able to make a claim like that and accept   it by the society it's much more linear fashion  rather than the non-linear or non-local which is   where that direct experience comes in and you  know that non-local experience how do you put   a multi-dimensional experience into an equation  and have it relevant to that direct experience   well I'll give you a quick idea right like I'll  give you a a thing that that has been percolating   in my mind that has been coming in is showing  up in my uh meditations is like uh until now   even the science thinks that Consciousness is  something produced in our brain you know it's   like some some form of electromagnetic like sort  of pulses happening with chemical reactions and   and then Consciousness is produced but what  if Consciousness is Universe what if it is   like a persistent thing that is a form of energy  just like gravity graph just like gravity just   exists right and we experience it so similarly  Consciousness just exists and we are just antennas   um catching a different wavelength of that energy  field right go ahead now now if if you are able to   measure or quantify or prove with an equation  that this Consciousness is a universal force   in the universe not an individual thing that we  experience that changes whole bunch of things so   what would it deal with um patterns and processes  then almost like fractals right something like   you know most in pretty much all major religions  there's this idea of the Trinity different names   right it's still a trinity well where does  that come from if there's a baseline of that   where there's a Triune Force if you will that we  don't necessarily know exactly what it is however   we can see other models in stepping that down to  a micro level of the proton electron and neutron   now that still leaves out the hydrogen atom though  question where does it show up well it's the most   plentiful gas in the universe it Powers our  sun and it's also the bonding agent for a DNA   so and I don't find any there may be some but I I  don't find anybody looking into that as much yet   and that's something I discovered back in the late  80s right so there's this how do we articulate how   do we ask the right questions how do we take this  linear train and you know remove some cars or add   some cars and get it to follow a different path  with logic and linearity that leads us to that   same place yeah so so what I'm trying to say  is as you just said right like a lot of people   have these similar ideas but also when you learn  about how science works these days science works   by somebody publishing a paper somebody else who  believes in that person will review that paper   they will endorse it and they will say yeah I have  conducted some experiments to uh you know just to   validate this idea and now more and more people  validated it becomes known as the fact that we all   accept right the problem the problem happens is  at the first stage because if somebody who's who's   working on this topic and they are not well known  they are not very extroverted they don't have   a community of scientists that believe in them  their study is going to be suppressed right at the   beginning it will not even see the day of light  and that's the world we live in right so the idea   is that this this this this whole Consciousness  is um it's playing a game in my opinion uh of uh   creating that resistance that challenge so  that there is a powerful enough force that   breaks through that and then well again it's back  to what we seek is seeking us right Consciousness   simply is and and you know there's lots of  research and study and attempts at explanation   um there's even a what was it uh Robert Bigelow  gave a half a million dollar reward or a paper to   explain life after death such a way that it's  irrefutable and it just so happened when the   gentleman interviewed me several years ago Dr  Jeffrey nishlov won that award all the people   on the planet that I could think of that that's  well deserved of it would be him because he's   been interviewing people in parapsychological  realms for over 30 years wow okay plus this   is a passion of the Zone where he's trying to  understand Consciousness and how it works right   um and being able to speak with a guy like that  and being asked the questions that nobody else   had asked to allow me to express things that  had yet been unheard right there that listening   was then present now whether everybody else  heard it or not didn't matter the fact that   there was an opening allowed that thought and  the expression of the answer or the question   the expression of the answer to Ripple through  what I call the thoughtmosphere and for sure   let me reframe that have you  also experienced things that   you've had discussions with either inside  yourself or with others that are of such a apocalyptic magnitude that you saw at Ripple  through Society in ways that were demonstrated   through articles through Publications through um  interviews or other things that yeah that's what   we were talking about right have you noticed that  yet yeah I mean you know um for for the longest   time I've had this notion about you know Humanity  coming together in Oneness and all of that stuff   and the release of AI because I've been working  with the chat GPT and its predecessor Technologies   for about three years now so three years ago  I saw okay you know this is going to happen so   the release of chat GPT and the and the and the a  reaction it got from the masses is is the biggest   evidence that what I saw in my meditations  is sort of the way it is it is unfolding it   is unfolding yeah isn't that exciting you know  and and yet it's like there's this desire for   expediency right and then that's coupled with oh  I just gotta be patient right because we want to   push and pull the energy that to move things in  ways that we know would benefit others and yet   again there's that fifth habit right seek  first to understand then to be understood   because then that seeking to understand you  may also find that hey it's already working   all I need to do is plug in what I'm doing  with others and it just magnifies everything   exactly and so I hear that exactly  right so you find that how do you see   yourself and others in moving the needle well um  see in my and I'll just speak about myself I I   feel like um as I said earlier moving forward from  here people with higher and deeper Consciousness   will have advantage and if they work together with  technology like imagine if imagine if the Buddha   had access to the internet imagine if Jesus  Christ had access to artificial intelligence   um how much impact I mean in my opinion Jesus  Christ was the best salesperson ever who ever   lived he he sold an idea to over a billion people  but it took two thousand years to sell that idea   to over a billion people right and we still don't  understand it exactly right but but now same way   exactly exactly and here's the interesting  thing though according to their teachings   it still connect infinite intelligence is where  we Garner everything from and all things are   connected in that including what we create in the  artificial realm because it's exactly official   it's our creation exactly exactly yeah and and and  so so uh from I think what is what is happening   is I think at some level uh the collective  Consciousness is um working with I think   it's hard to put it in this way but I think we are  giving rise to small mini Buddhas around the world   who have the the who have this technology who  have these modern facilities at their hand who can   collectively create huge much much bigger impact  than the Buddha and the Jesus and you know all of   these people combine right and I yes I agree and  I see that happening as well now there's also the   in the creation of that there's the   the one thing that we don't and we haven't  mentioned yet which is the essence of it all   and that's our being right which is what that  Consciousness then resides in and allows us to   um well what I came up with several years ago is  we can't think our way through a system built on   vibration we have to sense our way through it  which is a different apparatus than we've been   used to and yet now we're having evidence  of that in the exploration of how people   feel around those who have that being in place and  are those many Buddhas or those many jesuses right   and there's let me let me let me point out there  um what you just said sense it right so that's   what I said earlier as the machines become more  powerful in thinking our sense our our ability   to sense will become more powerful so um so maybe  in the very near future you don't even have to go   through an extreme personal experience to be able  to you know say okay there is something definitely   quite a relief for many right there are so many  you know tragedy to Triumph stories and the trauma   that that is in our society and all the things  all the efforts that are being made to heal all of   that what if we could just say Okay that was then  and just put a stop block on it if you will and   make choices from that point to include what works  in a positive way and that's a real tough place   for most of us because we're still you know even  though we know that being in the present is the   most powerful moment we can have we still bring in  the past and future in that oftentimes and delude   um diffuse and often denigrate the energy that  is present in the moment when we don't have   those considerations exactly exactly it's like the  Eternal now we're free to create whatever we want   well what do we want we want better things or  we want a better life we want more congruence   we want Harmony among people and Planet so all  these as I said maybe you can reflect on this   too that in these organizational developments  including the virtual groups that have formed   seem to edify this process is taking place when  you're able to step back and look at it now   granted most of us are still so in the survival  mode on a daily basis especially raising families   right we don't have time to explore all of that  do you see that opportunity changing where the   availability of the information and perhaps  even direct experience is less complicated   so I will answer it this way right like  um uh if if uh if you have seen the movie   Avatar uh you know um the on the different  planet I mean the essence of that movie was   that uh that all plants have a global uh  Network and they they support each other   um through their root systems and and all  of that stuff right so and it spread across   the planet so one plant is connected to another  plant throughout the planet so I see uh the human   Network similarly because everything that we are  doing in our life is basically in my opinion uh   is not to acquire uh the the thing that we are  wanting it's about finding the person who can   help us acquire the thing we are wanting it's all  it's always about somebody else giving it to us   you know because we we are not able to produce  anything for help exactly hey how do we learn   how to ask for help we're taught yes you got to  do it on your own yeah exactly you got to be that   stalwart individual that just put your nose to  the grindstone and make stuff happen yeah that   is just a fallacy when you just you know look up  and look around where we got people yeah so so to   to answer your question I think um you know just  this uh this notion of using the internet using   zooms using these virtual groups is is collecting  people who are you know um at the same wavelength   like again utilizing the example of Buddha he  had seven uh disciples and it took them years   to just like convert or pass on the message to  few thousand people on foot they had to walk on   foot on you know so imagine if they had like a uh  you know a data center where they could beam their   message to you know people around the globe and  then they had Zoom meetings where like how much   more effective that will be right so so now you  bring it to the present uh world uh present time   yeah of course like if people are able to connect  they are able to understand okay this is what it   means this is what you know and experience as a  spiritual experience means this is how we fit into   the world this is how science can be incorporated  um all of these things they they exponentially   um uh the exponentially speed up the process and  and again looking at science we don't need to   change the entire Humanity to change change  the planet only four percent of the people   oh only four percent of the humanity needs to  shift because then it creates a ripple effect   um right it's interesting you know you  mentioned the term the time truncation   and it has to do in my opinion with the  establishment of Greater Harmony right the   more harmonious we are the more we can get done  in less time because there's less diffusion or   distractions in it what I find really interesting  is that there was a gentleman um in the Realms of   ufology if you will he ran Canada's Project Blue  Book right the US had Project Blue Book that's   probably the most well-known well theirs was  called project magnet and he had discussions   with what he called people from elsewhere and  one of the things that they gave to him as far   as imparting knowledge was that their concept of  time was the measurement in the change of entropy right so that's an experience that's not  mechanical even though we do have the mechanical   because the two you know the they have to merge  or they're not of good value yeah yeah yeah   but I find that just and this that his Memoirs  were published because he never intended for   them to be published but they were published  in 1964. and there's other information in that   um I'll just share it's bitly uh  forward slash capital W Wilbert capital S Smith   and it's about an 80 page Memoir that is full  of some really interesting things that are   exactly what you and I are talking about and  then some right and so these guys are like   Millennia ahead of us if not more and they're just  trying to say look guys you know here's your own   progression and we can assist we're not going to  do it for you a matter of fact you got to learn to   get along with each other on the planet as one  before we'll even enter the picture otherwise   what good is it right because there'll still be  factions that are trying to work or control other   technology we can't have that we've got to share  it we're all on one pan one planet we are one   people we are all relatives [Music] yeah yeah yeah  exactly exactly so how do you see that relativism coming forth in the near future and what can  you recommend to others that they might see as   evidence so that they would have a better reason  to explore further for themselves Pete the the things in a practical practical way because if  if we want to talk to people in massive we need   to give practical framework so what I what I tell  people is look you are trying to achieve something   let's say you want to make a lot of money right  go go back in time think about your life and say   consider every dollar that you have earned in  your life have you ever made anything yourself   or somebody else gave it to you and the answer  is always that somebody else gave it to me   irrespective of how you got it you know  you whether you put in your hours or you   you know you sold something but that money  came into your account or even insights right   going back to the mind yeah when you have the  question those insights those answers come from   somebody you they come from you but it's someplace  else some other you that you haven't become   familiar with yet infinite or access to infinite  intelligence yes um and it's still given yeah so   so let me finish that thought sure so um so then  I tell people that you know and most of the people   they are always um going in the hamster wheel  they are struggling through their life because   they think they need to learn how to get that  themselves but if they change their mindset   on who did who do they want to connect with who  will help them get that now their search is not   so much a struggle but it's more uh a search for  other human beings and talking to them and saying   okay an action right so now they they seek that  connection in self-interest and that that is like   uh some things that the self-propelling engine  you don't need to like push it you just need to   plant that idea and then let them do the work and  let and then on top of that you can use technology   like artificial intelligence so imagine there was  a Google search engine where you know you you said   that oh today I want to feel happy who can help  me in this world who can make me feel happy and   just search and then you know seven names show  up and you connect with them on the spot in real   time and you feel that happiness right and and  now you are building that network uh across the   globe uh and people start to get what they want  you know because they are connecting with people   who are able to get them what they want and so  that's that's the that's the that's the way I   can see it it can unfold now are those getting  what you want or need are those always tangible   or there's or no a lot of intangible things well  the funny thing is even if we talk about tangible   at the end of the day when we boil it down we are  looking for an intangible emotion like even if I   you know if even if I like buy a red color or  bright red color Ferrari it's not the Ferrari   it's the emotion that I want to yeah you feel  with it right now the the intermediate object   which is the Ferrari and the money I exchange  for it is just a it's just a way to say okay   that is the threshold I need to cross but let's  say if I meet somebody so in tune so beautiful   so you know like they can just say a couple of  sentences to me and I feel that same emotion   then I can bypass all the buying of Ferrari  and all of that stuff I just get it directly   right and that's the that's the that's  what the idea I'm talking about right a wonderful notion of just stepping into  that energy field and feeling The Sensation   that you want now is it right so I guess  kind of what I'm I'm hearing and sensing   from our conversation from my own exploration  too is that there's this um bringing together   of the scent it's like we have a operating system  we've got a file system that has all kinds of   folders and storage and being able to lock in on  that sense or that feeling when we have it right   we don't know what it feels like or sounds or  the sense is until we have it but once we have   it then we can pull that file up and experience  it even if it's just going into meditation for   a moment and remembering it which then brings us  it's like you know the situation of conflict you   know hit the pause button going to that place  was okay this really isn't about me and how   can I serve it better and then allowing yourself  to step into that moment which is kind of what I   see in the work that you're doing you've queried  okay how can I best fit this evolutionary path   with my specific skill set knowledge and  ability and you stepped up to do so now   in one sense I see that as aligning your frequency  as well as your genetic code right or the soul and   body aspect is it possible that we all have  that and that when we start asking this   these questions at least in that four percent  perhaps more right that there is a particular   for lack of a better um and I don't mean perfect  but a perfected form fit and function in the world   the fee that is that is part of evolution I  don't own defied enough to say anything about   that Evolution can happen are you experiencing  that for yourself though do you feel that that   connection that you've made in what you're  doing who you the first of all and who you   are yeah yeah of course what you're doing and  the resulting having absolutely [ __ ] that   okay good the self-awareness part was the first  step you know first you you get to know yourself   and then you say okay how do I expand that um  that realization about yourself and and achieve   the purpose that I want because because the  thing is without self-awareness you are you're   not even sure of what exactly are you chasing  most people don't even know what they want   um so once you become self-aware I'll give you  an example another example like in my meditations   uh after certain experiences what came to my  Consciousness that was my mission was to use   all of these things that we just talked about  artificial intelligence a deeper Consciousness   to help 20 people win the Nobel Prize that  is my specific mission in life right and now   that specific Vision came to me and now that  is so much clearer and Vivid and and and and   tangible than I used to think oh you know I  want to change the world I want to do something   you know like I want to make a lot of money or  whatever that is which was from nebulous things   right it's like we're talking about what's the  specifics what's the tangible practical pragmatic   activity that we can engage on an individual basis  and then that turns into a collective because all   of those pieces then fit in a larger hole it's  like a Divine tapestry if you will that each of   us are threats like going back to The Vedas right  the unit of Consciousness we're each a thread of   that Divine Light incarnate and they say you know  that we're actually God incarnate and that's been   that's a real tough one for people to because  you know the religion the organized religion   activity has set that aside and it needs to  be brought back because if we adhere to that   idea that we are infinite intelligence or Cosmic  intelligence Cosmic Consciousness condensed into   form and because we've lowered the vibratory rate  to allow us to experience a physical reality it's   still Just Energy it's just lower Vibes and what  we experience as physicality this scene seems to   be offering us a much different  view of what our future can be like   and I think that's the hope well that not not  not just what the future will be like it's an   inevitable future because you can look at history  right it's um you can look at history draw a graph   on History uh along the evolutionary path it's  all been about consolidation it's all been about   collaboration yes we are still divided but compare  that to 100 years ago compare that to 200 years   ago you know 500 years ago like we used we used  to be able to like you know just take a big rock   and throw at somebody just for a piece of meat  and say okay that's justifiable right like that   that was not long time ago right um so if you if  you graph it out like I think we are not you know   that's the inevitable future of humanity I would  agree and I look forward to living it together yeah that's going to be wonderful yeah manoosh  I I really appreciate the time that you've   given the intelligence that you've shared the  Dynamics the the expansiveness of connecting   the digital and the spiritual worlds and how we  might all benefit from that just by seeing that   we could do this and and our Earth is  inevitable exactly yeah no thank you   so much it was uh it was very uh a deep  interesting conversation for sure very   good thanks and namaste and in lak'ech  thank you for sticking with us for this   episode of One World in a new world I'm your  host Zen benefiel and I'll see you next time [Music]

2023-07-28 10:50

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