Mind Uploading is Closer Than You Think (with Nick Bostrom and Randal Koene)

Mind Uploading is Closer Than You Think (with Nick Bostrom and Randal Koene)

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there is this concept where we can  achieve immortality by uploading our   mind to a computer as an engineer  I'm interested in the technology   that's involved and while putting this video  together I talked to many experts working in   the field and what I've learned through  these conversations is just mind-blowing it appears that recent advances in the scanning  technology as well as in artificial intelligence   making the possibility of Mind uploading more and  more real day by day let's break down the problem   of Mind uploading at first we have to scan the  brain at a very high resolution in order to obtain   the images of the Cross sections of the brain and  then based on these images build a digital model   this model will run on a powerful supercomputer  where a digital version of me will continue to   live on Happily Ever After this what we call  mind uploading and it can get really confusing   here because it sounds like we have to create a  high bandwidth connection of the brains to the   machines similar to what neuralink is working on  but in reality it's about building a digital model   of the brain that's somehow equivalent to the  actual physical brain I am personally excited   about this technology because it can eventually  free us up from the limitations of our physical   body which will not just allow us to live  indefinitely but also to invent to engineer   things without any limitation of time um of  course mind uploading is also a way that people   think of to get towards what's called substrate  Independence and therefore a longer lifespan and   then going beyond that this is really the question  for Humanity as such is the ability to grow beyond   our current limitations you know beyond the place  that we evolved into to for example live in spaces   where Humanity didn't evolve to be in such as in  space or in virtual reality or on other planets   I think there are some obvious advantages  to being digital as opposed to biological   um they might not appeal to everyone but just  if one looks at some basic functionalities of   the digital substrate first you have the easy  ability to make backup copies just as with any   other software you can just store it to file  that's hard to do with a biological brain so   we are kind of as biological creatures subject to  to accidents and even if you could stop aging it   would like eventually get run over by a bus or  something whereas if you had a backup copy just   stored you know every day or something  like at most you would lose 24 hours the   first problem is actually scanning the  brain and here we're interested in both   structural and functional aspects of it we have  to perform a very detailed scan that captures all   the neurons and the connections between them and  ideally the momentum as well which pulse is sent   at which frequency and I was surprised to learn  that out of all Technologies involved in mind   uploading this scanning technology at the moment  is the most advanced we've already scanned four   cubic millimeters of the mouse brain and the whole  fruit fly brain now there are actually several   methods to do this one of this involves using fmri  scanning basically using strong magnetic field to   create detailed images of your brain while it's  still working fmri technology is quite useful for   the medical applications but not so useful for  the Mind uploading and the reason for this is   simply as a resolution you can't see much the the  smallest voxel size on an fmri that has a you know   a Tesla level that's not too high to survive is is  so rough it's it's so big that you're really only   capturing very Global activity in the brain in  contrast to fmri the usage of electron microscopy   is the standard nowadays it's basically done using  a very powerful microscope that uses electrons   instead of light to produce a magnified image of  the brain structure just this year scientists scan   a whole Mouse brain in the most detailed fashion  and this was a big breakthrough to summarize we're   already getting pretty good at collecting the  necessary data the main challenge is interpreting   this data and then building a digital model based  on it clearly this will still take quite some   time that's the reason why the startup nectom is  working on the technology to preserve human brains   the idea is to preserve it for the future sure so  whenever they mind uploading technology arrives   we can scan and upload it to preserve the brain  nectom has developed a chemical solution which can   be injected in the body and preserve the brain  by turning it into a glass but this would have   to be done while a person still alive this could  work for example for ill patients who decided to   take part in this project this idea obviously  generated quite some controversy nectome of   course is interesting because they at least care  about how to prepare a sample and how to prepare   a brain so that it can be stored for a period of  time and get to that time when these Technologies   are really ready so that's that's an essential  company for that main reason anyway nectum   technology is for sure relevant for the Mind  uploading but it's not the Mind uploading itself   um but the companies that do exist that actually  work on it so very very fresh very young is our   own company NeXT up neuro we want to solve  the problem of going from data to a model   and we also want to be able to validate that this  model is actually what we were looking for and uh   and neuralink is working on neural implants so on  BCI which is great especially for today's medical   needs but it's also not directly related to  the problem of open emulation because it's   not obvious you know if you have a brain computer  interface you just connect neurons in your brain   probably not all the neurons but some  neurons in your brain with a computer   so they can talk to each other how does that  make your mind exist in that other machine or   somewhere else that's not clear at all you  know we've had lots of kinds of BCI already   where that's definitely not what happens from the  discussion with Randal and various research papers   which I read it seems that obtaining the data is  not a problem the problem is building the Digital   model from this data and then validating the model  that this model is actually doing the same thing   as the actual physical brain what's interesting  when I was working on this video and researching   companies working on this technology I was not  able to find many and that's because it's still   mostly the research which is happening across  various labs and universities and in general   the term mind uploading is not used in Academia  because it sounds like science fiction and that's   why there are not many companies working  on this just yet because companies don't   prefer to jump into the research but jump into  the market ready technology instead the places   where most of this is going on is not companies  it's because this is very much still research   it's Labs I think you really should look at for  example the laboratory of Theodore Berger and   Dong Song they have two Labs at USC University  Southern California then there's also a group   led by Professor Orel Lazar from Colombia he runs  the flybrain lab and he has a lot of experience in   this area of so-called system identification  system identification is actually what we're   just talking about but it comes from electrical  engineering from I for example analyzing electric   circuits or chips and trying to reverse engineer  them and and he's applying this in neuroscience   the whole flow of Mind uploading looks rather  complicated right now so that's why I was thinking   what if there is a complete the different way  to do that what if there is a shortcut what if   even without complete understanding of the brain  a neural network can learn to emulate it meaning   that it might derive the function based on all  the outputs and that's exactly how neural networks   learn anything they basically observe a lot of  output data which is coming let's say from a   black box and then they will reverse engineer the  function itself based on this output data it is   conceivable that even without looking inside the  brain but just looking at the output traces of say   human that the text they have produced Maybe video  feed and recordings if you had enough of that   uh like like a couple of Decades of like  if you imagine recorded everything the   the particular individual did and then you had a  super intelligence looking at all that information   and trying to infer from that what would  the brain have been like that would produce   this data set it seems conceivable that you  might get quite close but what if we can use   it for the Mind uploading to solve the biggest  bottleneck the modeling problem so for instance   um there is another group that is trying to create  a company just like we created next up neuro who   specifically care mostly about using llms large  language models and similar Machinery tools to try   to work on on over emulation and and that's not  wrong I think that's a great path to take because   llms and other machine learning tools definitely  have a very important role to play in making   Neuroscience more systematic faster and better  when we eventually come to a digital model maybe   with the help of AI the next huge problem would be  to validate this model let's say a neural network   has created a certain structure in a brain to some  function but a neuroscientist is not certain what   exactly its function is it's just some type of a  neural activity so and this is the biggest problem   how do you validate something which you can't  understand so in the case just getting back to   to why this is a problem or not a problem why you  just need to be aware of what you can use it for   and what not in hibernation is that these llms are  generative Transformer models are very useful in   filling and missing data where they know what to  do so they can for example if you do an electron   microscope scan and there's a part where there was  noise or something went wrong with a tissue it can   help fill that in with what was probably there and  that's quite useful but it gets a little risky if   you rely on the llm to to make interpretation  stations or to generate inferred output for the   whole of an individual brain and that's because  the llm will have a tendency to erase individually   unique characteristics of the data which of course  is what you actually want you want to have an   emulation of that individual human brain not of  a general human brain or a likely human brain you   want that specific unique human brain and then  if you do what they call adding some temperature   to make this llm more creative then it has a  tendency to confabulate to make up things that   are satisfying to the user or the scientist in  this case without actually being testably correct   mind uploading possess a massive technological  challenge but let's say we figured it out and we   managed to replicate me my brain one-to-one  digitalia the next question is will it be   conscious or not if we replicated all the  cognitive capabilities of my brain in there   it's hard to say why Consciousness would not  emerge what is so special about it and that's   really hard to answer because in reality we don't  really know what Consciousness is well I think I'm   a computationalist meaning I think in principle  conscious experiences can be implemented by a   wide range of different substrates it doesn't  have to be hydrocarbon chemistry it could   easily be silicon substrate and that what makes  something conscious when it is conscious is the   kind of structure of the computation that is being  performed you have to have not just a structure   but you have to actually run the structure like  run the computation so just having a file of like   a scan of a brain stored you know on a hard  drive somewhere like wouldn't be continuously   having conscious experiences knowing that  it's just sitting there just think about   that if the same computation on the computer  which is twice as fast as me I could have more   mental experiences in the same 24 hours or I can  produce more results or I could have more fun and   this sounds appealing one hand could be a path  towards Advanced forms of machine intelligence   I mean basically you have two paths you could  either do artificial machine intelligence where   we create sort of synthetic programs and  learning algorithms or you could just try   to copy and paste from biology if you could  transfer a human mind into a computer then   if you then run that mind on a faster computer or  if you make a lot of copies you could potentially   have a powerful form of machine intelligence now  it does look in the world we are actually in we'll   probably get to machine super intelligence first  through the artificial path given the remarkable   breakthroughs we've seen in AGI in recent years  and then I think this machine super intelligence   will maybe develop the technology to enable  mind uploading it's clear once mind uploading   is here it will be huge it will change the society  forever and hopefully we'll have a lot of positive   outcomes but let's think for a moment what happens  if it goes all wrong or this technology is being   misused because we know that there is not a single  technology which cannot be misused so the question   really is if you're thinking about ways that  could go wrong you know just like with other   Technologies say for example someone discovers  splitting the atom how can it go wrong there   are many different ways that can go wrong so  hope Innovation mind uploading could also be   misused if it is not set up up in the right way  if there isn't regulation if there isn't oversight   if there are no security measures put in place  then you're going to see people abusing it one way   or another whether it's too like play advertising  in your mind or read your mind and use the things   in your mind for their benefits or whatever or  clone you copy you for when you don't want to be   copied another which I also actually described in  you know my book super intelligence which is now   almost almost 10 years old uh there's a chapter  there about a world where machine intelligence is   produced through um mind uploading and  and you then have a big population of   uploaded Minds that are competing in an economy  and competing to make more uploaded Minds   um and where in order to actually succeed in this  competitive environment they need to streamline   and optimize their minds so it turns out that for  many jobs maybe you don't need certain parts of   the brain and so you wouldn't have competitive  pressures to sort of extirpate and remove   all Superfluous elements that maybe are valuable  from from from the perspective of what we want and   care about but that might just cause you not to  be competitive in in this kind of hyper economy   of uploads so just like this artificial  intelligence we would need regulations   let's say what will be the social status of  this mind and whom the rights to this mind   will belong to let me know your thoughts in  the comments I think at the current pace of   development it might take us another half  a century but this does not mean that we   don't have to prepare already now in terms  of legislation and understanding the social   impact if you look at it in terms of the time  spans that become commonplace in Silicon Valley   then it's still very much in the research  stage and so consequently it's very far away   um something I sometimes say is that I'd be  very thrilled to see it in 20 years but I   would be surprised and disappointed if Humanity  couldn't achieve it by the end of the century   and of course the advances in artificial  intelligence are expected to speed up the   pace of the current technological development  I think once you have you know radical super   intelligence then you really get the kind  of telescoping of the future where all those   developments that maybe we could have pulled off  in the fullness if we had you know 40 000 years to   work on it we would have probably perfect virtual  reality and uploading and cure for aging and space   settlements and whatnot right but all of that  progress in 40 000 years might then happen on   digital time scales you know in four months or  four years once you have a super intelligence   doing the technology work another very interesting  point here once mind uploading is successful it   will help us to gain some clarity with respect to  the simulation Theory as you've likely heard there   is this theory that we all live in a simulation  in a beautiful simulation which may or may not be   true however if we can make a mind upload and  then run a simulation this would increase the   probability of simulation Theory a lot and  this would be cool I think it would um feed   into the simulation argument by strengthening  uh our reasons to accept the third possibility   there which is the simulation hypothesis that we  are ourselves currently in a computer simulation   um because it would demonstrate that we had the  technology for creating conscious digital people   with experiences like ours like whole brain  emulation would be one way of doing that then   you would have the technological capability to do  this then if you combine that with the assumption   that there would be some civilizations that  were actually interested in using resources   um to produce these simulated Minds then then  you kind of can check off another box and then   you know there's a little more footwork there  but basically you would increase the probability   of the simulation hypothesis being true the  closer we get ourselves to being able to create   and I call them ancestor simulations  um the greater the probability that we   are ourselves currently living in such a  simulation even if we can upload our mind   the question whether we should remains open  let me know if you would like to be uploaded   in the comments below and they will reach  out to you just joking stay curious ciao

2023-10-06 19:02

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