Leopard Tank | Technology, Tactics, and Effectiveness in the Russo-Ukraine Conflict

Leopard Tank | Technology, Tactics, and Effectiveness in the Russo-Ukraine Conflict

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oh [Music] my God hello everyone welcome to today's weapons Roundup I'm luo Sue and our two guests in the studio today are teacher xiangwei and teacher Wei don't Shu welcome to both of you today our topic revolves around the consensus reached by several Western countries at the beginning of 2023. this consensus concerns the provision of main battle tanks to the Ukrainian military and in particular The Leopard 2 Series produced by Germany which is considered one of the most advanced and capable main battle tanks in the West to start let's watch a short video to learn more on January 24th 2023 local time after a call with U.S President Biden German Chancellor scholes made the decision to provide leopard type main battle tanks to Ukraine the next day German federal government spokesman haiko Moss announced that Germany would provide 14 leopard to us six main battle tanks to Ukraine from the inventory of the federal Armed Forces as the production country of the leopard tank Germany also allows third countries that possess the leopard tank to provide it to Ukraine following this Finland Spain Norway Canada and other countries announced their plans to provide leopard two tanks to Ukraine on February 24th Germany announced that it would increase the tank delivery from 14 to 18 leopard two main battle tanks to Ukraine in addition to providing the leopard tanks Germany will also provide training to Ukrainian soldiers on how to operate and maintain the leopard two main battle tanks the German Federal Armed Forces planned to use a rapid Training Method to teach Ukrainian tank Crews how to operate and maintain the German tanks within six to eight weeks which is typically a process that takes several years for a tank crew to master according to German media reports if everything goes according to plan the first batch of Ukrainian leopard two tank operators will appear on the battlefield by the end of March in response Russian ambassador to Germany nechev stated that such a dangerous move by Western countries is a further provocation against Russia which will lead to further escalation of the russo-ukrainian conflict and push the confrontation between the west and Russia to a new level so as we can see from the video in January 2023 the German government finally agreed to provide leopard tanks to Ukraine and this decision opened the floodgates for other Western countries to provide leopard two tanks to Ukraine this is in stark contrast to the situation in 2022 when European countries were willing to provide various types of air defense missiles and heavy artillery but were very cautious about providing main battle tanks including the leopard two teacher xiong why do you think this was the case well I think at the time their attitude may have been strategic not wanting the Ukrainian military to have too much offensive capability this could easily provoke Russia from an international or strategic perspective one reason why Western countries were initially hesitant to provide the leopard two main battle tank to Ukraine was due to concerns about its performance on the battlefield The Leopard 2 had previously been used in Syria and its performance did not live up to the company's marketing claims it had been hit by anti-tank missiles and suffered significant damage as seen in leaked videos this situation was similar to the claims made by the U.S and Europe during the

Iraq War where they boasted about destroying soviet-style tanks Western countries were worried that if they provided leopard two tanks to Ukraine they could suffer significant losses against the Russian military's t-90 tanks and other offensive forces this would not only damage the Tank's reputation but also impact sales however after three years of conflict the situation on the ground had become more stagnant and Western countries began to reconsider their position the U.S likely played a significant role in encouraging Western countries to provide more significant Military Support to Ukraine including the provision of leopard two tanks the addition of leopard two tanks to the conflict in Ukraine signifies a shift in Western countries approach to countering Russian aggression in the region the U.S is providing the tools necessary to counter Russian military forces but it is not willing to commit a significant number of its own main battle tanks instead it is encouraging European countries to provide leopard two tanks through a crowdfunding approach where countries pull their tanks together to form tank battalions this approach creates a scale effect which can have a significant impact on the battlefield however this approach also raises concerns about the use of Ukrainian soldiers as Tools in cannon fodder in the conflict the ultimate goal is to pressure the Russian military and deplete their resources through military engagement The Leopard 2 is one of the most advanced and capable main battle tanks equipped with a 120 millimeter smoothbore gun in advanced armor making it a formidable weapon on the battlefield in conclusion the addition of leopard two tanks to the conflict in Ukraine is a significant development in the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia it is a signal of Western countries commitment to countering Russian aggression in the region and defending Ukraine's territorial Integrity however the use of Ukrainian soldiers as tools and cannon fodder in this conflict raises ethical concerns the ultimate goal is to deplete Russian military resources but it remains to be seen if the leopard 2 tank can achieve NATO's strategic objectives in the region the leopard two main battle tank is equipped with a digital fire control system which provides high shooting accuracy The Leopard 2 tank was developed in the 1970s and has undergone continuous upgrades and improvements it has developed into multiple versions including A1 to A7 the 112 Leopard 2 tanks promised to Ukraine as military aid include three versions before A5 and a six the majority of these tanks provided by countries such as Poland Spain and Canada are older models with relatively outdated performance and poor Protections in the past several leopard 2a4 tanks provided by Turkey were destroyed by Russian anti-tank missiles during conflicts with Kurdish forces the provision of leopard two tanks to Ukraine is a significant development in the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia and it is likely that the NATO leopard 2a4 tanks will face head-to-head combat with the Russian T90 tanks regarding the performance of the leopard 2a4 tanks compared to the t-90s there are several factors to consider the leopard 2a4 has slightly lower performance than the T90 in terms of armor protection and Firepower however it has better Mobility due to its higher power to weight ratio and advanced automatic transmission technology the leopard 2a4 tanks may also have better maneuverability due to the operating habits and techniques of the Ukrainian soldiers however it is uncertain how well the leopard 2a4 tanks will perform in combat as the t90s are still formidable opponents it is worth noting that the Turkish Army previously used the leopard 2a4 tanks in the conflict with Kurdish forces in 2016. although the tanks faced non-conventional forces they still suffered losses due to anti-tank missiles and explosive devices the actual performance of the leopard 2a4 tanks in Ukraine remains to be seen and their effectiveness will depend on various factors such as terrain tactics and the skills of the tank crews in conclusion the provision of leopard two tanks to Ukraine is a significant moment in the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia the majority of the tanks are older models with relatively outdated performance and poor protection although the tanks may have some advantages over the t-90s in terms of mobility and Technology their actual performance in combat remains uncertain the situation in Ukraine is complex and dynamic and it is challenging to predict the outcome of the conflict one of the biggest challenges with providing leopard two tanks to Ukraine is the training required for their effective use as we discussed earlier Germany has proposed concentrating leopard two tanks from various countries and conducting systematic training to prepare for combat against Ukraine training a tank crew of four individuals is relatively straightforward enabling them to operate the tank fire and hit targets however when it comes to using dozens of Tanks to establish a joint combat capability a lengthy period of coordination and training is necessary the main battle tanks used by the Ukrainian Army in the past were primarily soviet-made tanks which operate differently than Western tanks such as the leopard two the combat tactics and intelligence support required when using these two types of tanks are entirely different to utilize the Western main battle tanks effectively and create Synergy among them a long-term training program is required another issue is that the leopard two main battle tank requires a loader whereas older Soviet tanks had an automatic loading system the loader is responsible for physically loading ammunition into the Tank's gun which requires significant physical exertion and muscle memory the space inside the Tank's turret is cramped and confined requiring the loader to repeat the loading process repeatedly to develop the required muscle memory moreover loading the ammunition into the gun is not just a matter of physical strength it requires speed and precision because a mistake could lead to severe consequences even if Western countries provide Ukraine with a large number of leopard two main battle tanks deploying them systematically to the conflict zone between Russia and Ukraine does not guarantee success when facing the more mature and systematic armored forces of Russia there is a significant chance of failure therefore the effectiveness of the leopard 2 tank depends on the skills and training of the tank Crews and the specific circumstances of the conflict it is essential to note that the provision of leopard two tanks by Western countries to Ukraine has diplomatic and economic implications this move May further strain the already tense relationship between Western countries and Russia additionally it may lead to a surge in Russia's arms exports to countries in the region in response to the provision of leopard two tanks Russia has already taken steps to counter them the Russian defense Ministry recently announced the successful test launch of the Hypersonic missile zircon from the Admiral gorshkov frigate in the Atlantic Ocean Additionally the Russian army has provided its Soldiers with detailed anti-tank guidance to counter the leopard two tanks in conclusion the provision of leopard two tanks to Ukraine has several challenges including the need for extensive training and coordination the difference in tactics and intelligence support and the physical demands of operating the tank the effectiveness of the leopard 2 tank in combat depends on the skills and training of the tank Crews and the specific circumstances of the conflict the provision of leopard two tanks may have diplomatic and economic implications and may trigger a response from Russia further escalating the conflict the manual for the leopard 2 tank provides detailed information on the vulnerable sighting devices that can be targeted during combat it is recommended that Russian soldiers first destroy the Tank's main targeting equipment and then use the Gunner's site to launch smoke grenades to obscure the Tank's vision the manual states that modern anti-tank rockets and missiles with armor-penetrating thicknesses of over 500 millimeters can penetrate the Tank's armor from any side even 30 millimeter armor-piercing shells can penetrate weaker parts of the Tank's armor within a kilometer in addition to the Manual's anti-tank guidance Russia has developed new unmanned equipment to counter the leopard two tanks on February 2nd the former head of the Russian space agency rogozin announced that the first batch of four combat ready Mark robots had arrived in the Don base region and were being equipped with anti-tank weapons and battle algorithms according to ragozen the mark robots can attack weapons delivered to Ukraine by Western countries including German and American main battle tanks this development indicates that Russia is prepared to counter the arrival of the leopard two tanks experts believe that Russia's countermeasures against the leopard two tanks will include traditional anti-tank missiles which have a variety of ranges and coverage there are also vehicle mounted and portable anti-tank missiles and armed helicopters that can be used in addition to traditional anti-tank missiles Russia is now using Mark robots as a combat vehicle these robots are remote controlled vehicles that can be used by soldiers in the rear allowing them to attack the enemy with anti-tank missiles from a safe distance the mark robots are difficult for the leopard 2 tanks to detect and Destroy furthermore Russia may use tactical measures to limit the leopard two tanks Mobility this could involve laying a large number of mines and destroying Bridges and roads in the Tank's rear making it difficult for the tanks to move around the battlefield if the leopard two tanks are used in the conflict in Ukraine the Ukrainian Army May face challenges in maintaining and operating these vehicles due to the complexity of their maintenance and the variety of different tank models in their inventory the logistics system may be overwhelmed by the different types of Tanks including soviet-made tanks the leopard two tanks and the Abrams main battle tanks provided by the United States the arrival of the Challenger two tanks from the UK and the amx10 RC wheeled assault guns from France may add to the complexity of the situation in conclusion the provision of leopard two tanks to Ukraine may lead to unintended consequences and risks as Russia is prepared to counter them with various anti-tank weapons and new unmanned equipment the Ukrainian Army May face challenges in maintaining and operating the tanks due to the complexity of their Logistics system therefore careful consideration must be given to the provision of military aid to conflict zones and effective training and coordination are necessary to establish joint combat capability what other options are there previously some soldiers in the Ukrainian armored forces used equipment from the Soviet era it is challenging for them to switch to a new combat mode and thinking in a short period it takes time to adapt to the new platform which means the performance of the new equipment cannot be fully utilized when facing opponents like the upgraded T90 of the Russian army they will suffer significant losses the T90 has a unique ability that it can fire missiles at Western made main battle tanks however it is incapable of firing missiles itself if unmanned aerial Vehicles including Advanced targeting devices are used to lock the leopard two main battle tanks from a greater distance Precision hunting using missile fires can be conducted beyond the effective range of the leopard 2 tanks or outside their precise firing range the Russian army has a mature system with very sophisticated Logistics and Supply support if a large number of leopard 2 tanks can reach the front line of the combat zone They may face challenges such as not being able to repair them or running out of ammunition there may be some minor problems and it is doubtful that the Ukrainian repair Personnel who undergo short-term training can revive them therefore the leopard two tanks are not a magic potion that can change the overall situation on the battlefield or cure all problems while Western countries are rushing to promise to provide leopard two tanks to Ukraine there are different voices among them according to the German newspaper welt on February 14th the governments of Denmark and the Netherlands suddenly changed their position and announced that they would not provide leopard two tanks to Ukraine as compensation Denmark and the Netherlands pledged to continue to provide funding for the repair and refurbishment of at least 100 leopard one tanks in Germany the leopard one tank was produced in the 1960s and is already a very old tank why are Western countries preparing leopard one tanks for Ukraine what kind of role can they play in the Russo Ukrainian conflict let's take a look at the leopard one first according to a report by Reuters on February 7 Germany's new defense minister anagram karenbore announced during her first visit to Kia that Ukraine will receive more than 100 leopard 1a5 main battle tanks from several European countries the delivery of the leopard one tanks will be in stages by the summer of 2023 20 to 25 tanks will be delivered by the end of the year up to 80 tanks will be delivered by the first or second quarter of 2024 more than 100 tanks will be delivered this quantity means that at least three battalions in Ukraine will be equipped with the leopard one tanks the leopard one is Germany's first main battle tank developed after World War II it weighs about 40 tons and is equipped with a 105 millimeters rifled gun compared with other tanks of the same period the biggest advantage of the leopard one is its excellent Mobility however its weaknesses are also very obvious it has almost given up on its protection ability the armor thickness of the leopard one's body is only 70 millimeters at its thickest point and the armor thickness of its turret is only 60 millimeters when facing direct fire weapons at close range the leopard one can only defend against weapons with a caliber of 20 millimeters or less all right we have just learned about the leopard one tank from the short clip now let's take a closer look at the leopard one tank in the context of the russo-ukrainian conflict what are its strengths and weaknesses well in terms of performance there might not be much to praise about the leopard one tank because it is simply too old it's armor and Firepower including the 105 millimeters gun are far behind those of modern main battle tanks including some wheeled anti-tank Vehicles which are superior in Firepower and Fire Control therefore its performance may not be able to meet the demands of Modern Warfare however it is possible that the United States and Europe have been storing these old tanks in their warehouses for decades it's a bit like Recycling and sending them to Ukraine could help consume some of the Russian anti-tank forces I believe that Germany's decision to provide large quantities of these outdated leopard one tanks to Ukraine is purely a matter of making up the numbers in the conflict zone of the russo-ukrainian conflict the leopard one's Battlefield survivability is very weak first of all its main armor is very thin and it does not have any explosive reactive armor therefore it may not be able to withstand even some small and medium caliber shells let alone Advanced anti-tank missiles so what role can it play in the relevant areas I estimate that it can serve as a self-propelled artillery supporting infantry with direct fire or as a fixed fire power point in small areas to participate in defensive missions and that's about it in today's program we have interpreted the issue of NATO countries providing leopard main battle tanks to Ukraine with the help of two guests everyone has a different attitude towards providing tanks to Ukraine some countries are hesitant some are Resolute in their assistance and some have changed their minds in any case the leopard tank will bring some new changes to the russo-ukrainian conflict which has been ongoing for over a year however we may have to wait and see what happens next and we will continue to monitor the situation that's it for today's weapon review thank you very much to our two guests for coming and thank you for watching see you next time [Music] thank you

2023-07-18 17:58

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