Internet Evolution: From War to Web - Wicked Inventions - S01 EP15 - History Documentary

Internet Evolution: From War to Web - Wicked Inventions - S01 EP15 - History Documentary

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the race to win walls and explore  the stars have created some of the   most fantastic products ever designed and we use  them every day unaware of their amazing Origins on Wicked inventions submarines luxury  underwater tourism with no killer past the internet the Forgotten  military origins of cyberspace fog machines indispensable on  the dance floor and Battlefield we reveal the amazing science and manufacture  Behind These Wicked inventions [Music] [Music] since man waged War upon the ocean here's wanted  to hide below the waves to strike at his opponents   but it was not until the 19th century that a  submarine in the sense we know today became   really practical the problems that had to be  solved were major as a submarine goes deeper the   water pressure on the hull increases to prevent  the hole being crushed it has to be made stronger   so thicker material is used this now makes it  want to sink to counteract this the submarine   has to make itself built so it expelled water from  the hull and replaces it with air simply put when   you want to go up you blow air into the tanks  and when you want to go down you let water in as early as the 16th century this idea had been  tried William Bourne invented the idea of leather   bags that could be compressed rather like driving  air from a set of bellows his design was adapted   by a Dutchman by the name of Cornelius Jacobson  drevel whose submarine was successfully tested in   the River Thames in 1620 a variety of man-powered  machines were tried throughout the 18th and early   19th century the Confederate submarine Hundley  even managed to destroy a union ship in the   Civil War only which was this iron cased small  vessel with the crew turning the crank and the   extended pole with the explosives on the end that  exploded its device against the USS Housatonic   sink in it but of course the only went down with  the loss of its crew too but if you look at the   racer that's a tiny craft small amount of men for  a large vessel in 1864 Spanish designer narcissus   Montreal created the first air independent  system which used peroxide as fuel and actually   made oxygen as a byproduct of combustion his  design made Regular dyes of over two hours in   duration at a depth of 30 meters or more as  the 90th Century ended the dawn of the 20th   century held it a new era of Naval Warfare the  Germans with their U-boats the underwater boat   they really embraced it and of course with the  introduction of the torpedo you could sink a   ship without actually coming to the surface  developments in batteries meant electricity   could be used when submerged and Diesel power  when on the surface weapons were now fitted   as standard with propeller driven Torpedoes  effectively a small unmanned bomb that was shot   through the water and the submarine's target  military submarines today are self-contained   nuclear driven machines and carry enough  nuclear missiles to devastate entire cities   they Glide slightly in the depths  a mere mile below the surface these   titanium steel leviathans can remain submerged  indefinitely surfacing only for food or resupply of course not all submarines are for war  Trident submarines are based in Florida   USA and offer personal luxury Subs that can dive  up to 36 000 feet a typical Triton submarine can   be broken down into four main sections the  viewing sphere which houses the passengers   the propulsion unit that drives a sub the buoyancy  tanks which allow the sub to dive and float and   the electrical components which control the  complex Mechanicals of the entire submarine the   history of trade submarines is fairly contemporary  the company was formed in 2008 by my partner Bruce   Jones and myself so we've been in operation  now for seven years and coincidentally the   submarine that you see behind us is our seventh  submarine companies started in 2008 with just   three people and today we employ 22 people here  in our Vero Beach manufacturing facility [Music]   one of the challenges to making a submersible  durable are really the same as the key design   features of our craft namely we had to make our  submersibles simple to operate easy to maintain   safe and reliable all the onboard electronics  for the submarine are built by hand here all the   cables for the network module are connected the  network module is the hub for all the Telemetry   in the submarine transferring the signals from the  onboard computers and tablet devices including the   position and health status of the sub then the  external electronic junction box is put together   this is a hugely important component as it  configures the commands from the pilot to   the submarine from the lights to the engine  thrusters it is often referred to as the   brain and this complicated set of components  can take up to six weeks to fully Assemble   the electronics for the submarine not only  have to be accessible and manageable but the   specialized design reflects how they  are all completely self-serviceable describe our products is that we focus on  visibility on viewing you know man submersible   is a visual tool so we've worked very hard to  ensure that we've optimized viewing inside of   our submersibles if you take a look at the  craft that sits behind me the first thing   that you'll probably notice is it has this  gigantic acrylic sphere and that happens to   be the largest acrylic sphere ever built for  a man's sub it's 2.1 meters in diameter and   167 millimeters thick that's seven feet in  diameter and about six and a half inches in   thickness three tons of acrylic plastic are used  to produce that sphere to control the buoyancy of   the submarine the ballast tanks are added these  two large tanks are lifted and gently taken to   the submarine where they are fitted carefully  to the frame and fastened into place [Music]   we start out with this tremendous visibility  from a transparent acrylic sphere and then we   shape the ballast tanks downward and forward  so that they have the minimum effect on your   outward View and as well we consolidate the  machinery and equipment around the pilot in   such a way that it doesn't deter or doesn't  have any detrimental effect on the outward View   the submarine has about 14 hours of operational  endurance and it has 96 hours that's four solid   days of self-contained emergency life  support the submarine features among   other things multiple redundant ballast systems  a multiple redundant communication systems and   many other features that that ensure the  safety of The Craft the Triton submarine   is a stunning piece of underwater technology  enjoyed by tourists and scientists in oceans   of the world over use for peaceful underwater  tourism today but developed from the daring   attempts to destroy enemy ships over 150 years  ago the submarine is truly a wicked invention it's the beginning of time mankind has pursued  the need for communication a link between people   and between civilizations over thousands  of years we have developed the means to   communicate with each other but one invention  has redefined the entire world it has changed   the way we communicate brought the world  closer together and empowered revolutions   it has even created worlds and communities of its  own considered by many to be the most important   invention of the 20th century this is the internet  the internet as we know it today is nothing more   but a collection of computers and other devices  that are connected to one another that communicate   with one another and often connections of networks  to other networks back in the 1950s and 60s as   the US and Russia in the midst of the Cold War  American scientists and Technology experts needed   to find a way to protect their military computer  and control systems in case of a nuclear attack   people start thinking about how you can you create  kind of systems and networks of systems that are   less vulnerable to being completely disrupted  by for example an atom bomb taking out some of   the key command and control centers if you want  to create this kind of redundant Network whereby   you have lots of different links between lots  of notes and you spread around all the Computing   and all the information across this network so  that if part of it gets taken out the rest of   it continues to work and pretty information can  still find its way across the network one of the   key ideas behind the success of this multi-node  computer network was the development of packet   switching the traditional way of networking  computers was through circuit switching where   a direct connection would be maintained between  the device sending the message or information   and the device that would receive the data the  problem with circuit switching is that it is   inefficient and limits any single connection  to a one sold user record switching is just   one way of getting information from a sender to a  destination with packet data any information you   want to share between two devices get chopped  up in little packets of data smaller chunks of   information so your entire message that's built  up out of different packets can make its way   across different routes over the internet and  be reassembled at receiving end in the right   order one of the great benefits of packet data  apart from some of these properties around being   able to chop update and then have it make its own  way across the internet is that uh actually use   the capacity of your connections a lot better  if you have private connections between two   different devices obviously while those devices  are talking to one another nobody else can use   that particular connection with packet data  you continuously are sharing connections and   capabilities on the network so you can actually  have a network that is capable of transmitting   a lot more data all of the time this development  was the beginning of the modern day internet after   years of research between several universities  around the globe access to the arpanet was   expanded in 1981. in 1982 the Internet Protocol  Suite or TCP IP was standardized and the concept   of a worldwide network was introduced TCP the  transmission control protocol is really a way   of making packet data work you need to have  a kind of a layer on top of that basic packet   data fundamental layer which is all about making  sense of these packets and making sure for example   you know how many package let's make up your  message and in what order these packets needs   needs to be arranged in order to be useful for  you which is really absolutely fundamental to   the way the internet works today so an awful  lot of the applications that use the internet   use TCP as the fundamental building block  of how they communicate with one another   in 1989 Tim burmesley a British computer scientist  and former CERN employee wrote a proposal for   what would eventually become the World Wide Web  the World Wide Web is an example of one of the   information and Computing Services that uses the  internet to be delivered to us and accessible to   us in this case for the purpose of providing us  with websites and pages of information that you   can click through from one page to another that  those kind of Concepts that make up the World   Wide Web as we know it but in 1995 the World Wide  Web was fully up and running and the World As We   Knew It had changed forever today the internet  is everywhere it's in our homes in our pockets   and on our wrists it has become an integral part  of our Lives we use it to shop Bank socialize as   well as it being a platform for entertainment  in its own right it is probably true to say   that the boundaries between these different  applications like for example the web and   email and instant messaging and all those other  kind of applications within of the internet are   starting to blur a little bit because of course  people can now use web pages or web service to   send an email to get a kind of combination of  these different internet Technologies to provide   people with with an experience and a service that  sometimes make it hard to see where the difference   lies between the internet and then the services  that are delivered on top of that and and those   different services and how they work together  born out of a need to survive a nuclear war   there is no doubt that the internet is one of  Mankind's most important and wicked inventions [Music]   we've now seen how powerful the internet actually  is but what is actually going on under the Bonnet   when you are surfing the World Wide Web looking  for Vital Information it's just after lunch and   our Intrepid tester represents a board office  worker instead of working he wants to find an   amusing cat image to get him through the long  repetitive working day to begin he needs to give   his Search terms to the web browser web browser  then routes his information into a request for   the search engine in this case cleverly symbolized  by an envelope oh hello here comes your computer's   operating system who takes your request and then  breaks it down into lots of packets of information   and then sends it across the internet to where it  makes its way to Mr search engine who reassembles   the data into your request Mr search engine must  now make a response to your query but where to be   in first he breaks down your request into logical  pieces and then uses a vast array of databases   and complex algorithms to make an educated  guess at the best matches to your response   this search engine filters these responses  and breaks this data back down into packets   and sends them back to you through the internet  oh is your computer's operating system again now   he reassembles all the packets of information  provided by the search engine for the browser   the web browser takes this assembled data and  presents them to our board worker our board worker   now has a selection of funny cat photos that  make him happy and he can now spend the rest of   the afternoon sending them off to his colleagues  instead of doing any work and this complex process   has typically only taken half a second to complete  the internet a complex amazing piece of Scientific   Technology now used for finding and using  images now that is our Wicked invention [Music] a basic concept of war is to out think the enemy  to try and stay one step ahead and technology   has evolved to help the military achieve these  basic War leads one invention is used to keep   military Maneuvers a secret and yet it is also  commonly used in our theater and film Productions   a basic device that changes the course of Wars  but also adds atmosphere to the stage this is   the fog machine this simple device that we all  know creates a dense Vapor that appears to be fog   or smoke it is mainly used for entertainment such  as theater film Productions and live music events   but it was originally a military development that  has evolved to take on various forms and uses   so on the battlefield for advancing through it's  quite difficult but when you wanted to conceal   your position moving back retreating or simply  redeploying it's absolutely perfect because if   you've got a problem you're under Fire you can  carry smoke canisters where you simply pull the   pin away it goes and it will cover your withdrawal  or when you move position smooth machines during   battle have been around since the first world  war either on land or at Sea a 50 gallon drum   of smoke oil could create a 60 mile swoop screen  perfect for protecting ships or advancing Ground   Forces smoke grenades can also be used indoors as  a distraction cover or as part of a rescue mission   by Special Forces this the other side of using  smoke or smoke flares in the military is to mark   an area for supplies to be landed for troops to  be landed and also for evacuation if you've got   wounded men there are lots of uses for for smoke  within the military which have also spilled over   into the civilian air sea rescue people if they  go down into the sea the smoke flare that they   release actually also releases a Dye into the sea  so that they can be seen from quite a distance   Martin manufacturing have been producing some  of the world's best smoke machines since 1996   helping create some of the best sets stages and  music venues all around the world we started as   a small company in 1984 called gem smoke  machine company which was started by one   man in his backyard essentially before we became  part of the Martin professional family in 1996.  

and became Master manufacturing  UK which is where we are now   so how does a fog machine work it is essentially  a simple process a specially formulated fluid   is pumped into a heat exchanger and the high  temperature vaporizes the fluid which expands   and is forced out of the front nozzle when the  vaporized fluid mixes with the cool air and forms   a smoke or fog there's a number of processes  for each machine from start to finish you're   probably looking roughly about two hours but  that encompasses about 10 different processes   including the final assembler product which takes  about 45 minutes so one person could produce about   nine products per day I think since we launched a  product about six years ago we've produced roughly   4 000 units the first stage of production takes  place at the on-site furnace with the manufacture   of the heat exchanger copper wire is coil to the  desired length using a mandrel machine the coil   is then heated to Red Hot temperatures with a gas  torch and a special heating element is inserted it's placed in a mold and  heated further with the torch [Music]   in the furnace a raw piece of aluminum known as   the Ingot is heated to temperatures  between 550 and 650 degrees Celsius   once it is molten it is ladled into the  mold covering the coil and element once   it is hardened enough it is removed from the mold  and left to cooled further typically for 24 hours   the new heat exchanger block is then finished to  remove any rough edges or other artifacts [Music]   the block is thermocoupled by hand  to test the temperature capacity   and the holes are drilled so it's ready  for the later assembly stage [Music]   at the heat exchange Department the block is  placed into its metal case work it is surrounded   by pre-cut heat insulation such as rock wall or  superwall a thermal trick is attached to the block   and thermal wires are connected a final piece of  insulation is added and the lid fitted to the case the elements are then bent into shape and a p-clip  added for earthing we also produce remotes which   is an essential part of the product which operates  the machine in the past certainly they used   things like burning pitch for instance and smoke  from fires but it was it wasn't controllable and   the main thing is being able to control  it say on the film set or in a theater   the remote control is completely built by hand  here the buttons are attached to the back of a   printed circuit board also known as a PCB wires  from the XLR connector are soldered onto the PCB   and then screwed down the completed front of  the remote is then fitted to the back of the   box before it is visually inspected and tested  all our wiring looms are all produced here as   well so that's another part of the process we  then move on to the kitten stage so essentially   all the parts come together they're put into  a kit ready for the builders on Main assembly   the product is then sent up as a kit 2 main  assembly where the final assembly process   takes place which is probably the most involved  process within the whole part of the assembly   the main production area each worker  receives a hand-picked kit box that   contains all the necessary Parts Metalworks  and sub-assemblies that we've seen be made   from the detailed work instructions it can take  up to an hour to build a full unit the heat   exchanger is fitted into its new metal housing  and connected to the PCB that operates the machine more housing is built around  the components and now the   fluid container is installed and fitted into place foreign water-based fluids with two food grade  chemicals that allow you to get that kind of   white foggy effect that's what they're there for  they're also there to allow the fog to hang around   that's the other reason for the chemicals as I  say they're back to it by extensive health and   safety reports the remaining handles and  bridging grips are attached and now the   fogger is ready for testing before it is sent for  packing the Foggers electronics and temperatures   are checked and Pat tested before a full visual  inspection and demonstration of the fog itself   the fog is fired into suction tubes that  disperse the fog so it doesn't fill the room   there's all sorts of uses really um some things  that people might not be aware of is security   smoke so that's quite a big industry these days  they're mainly used in Banks so someone tries to   break into a bank that's off the security smoke  machine which will fill the bank in roughly 10   seconds meaning that what you can't see you  can't steal essentially wind tunnel testing   for say cars that's one industry where you find  they're used and theme parks is a big one as well   they're used all over the place in all kinds of  applications that we we never expected sometimes   so there we have it a unique device that  entertains the masses and saves countless lives   for all of that the fog  machine is a wicked invention so there you have it a dash through the hidden  history super science and amazing manufacture   of products that you use every day but have  never realized they're amazing background   submarines the internet and fog  machines or Wicked inventions [Music]   thank you [Music]   here [Music]

2024-01-06 16:13

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