Innovating with Additive Manufacturing in Quantum Technologies - Metamporphic - CDFAM

Innovating with Additive Manufacturing in Quantum Technologies - Metamporphic - CDFAM

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okay so first of all I'd like to thank Duann for  organizing this fantastic event it's been a a   great uh couple of days for both Lawrence uh and  and myself lots of exciting uh presentations uh   today I really enjoyed actually the presentations  from our colleagues in architecture I think   there's a lot to learn from these guys uh they've  really nailed it uh when it comes to datadriven uh   design um so my name is Manolis and I'm the  co-founder together with Lawrence Co at the   back of metamorphic uh we are a design engineering  consultancy that specializes in ad manufacturing   uh and what we do we help organizations navigate  the complexity of ID manufacturing uh and um uh   make the most of the um design freedom that it has  to to offer and we combine expertise in design for   am which I approach from a computational design  perspective while Lawrence uh kind of grounds   these crazy designs with multi physics simulation  and more traditional engineering design um so we   specialize in early stage uh R&D projects uh  we operate as a flexible R&D resource that   suits our clients or Partners uh needs uh and we  typically um help um evolve or develop uh uh ideas   that might be coming from fundamental research uh  into rough working prototypes that can be tested   in their intended environment or lab setting so  we bridge in a way we help kind of organizations   cross this uh so-called Valley of Death where  uh ideas uh are tested and sometimes they fail   uh so yeah that's us um we founded metamorphic  about 2 and a half years ago uh after having   worked in the AM industry uh in for a number of  years and the aim the mission uh the motivation   was to uh is to elevate uh defam uh and um make  the and help also um um in the adoption of ative   manufacturing um in in a wide range of Industries  because um there's been fantastic developments in   terms of materials and process in am over the last  few decades but in the end what matters is what   you actually make with this technology uh so uh we  have a growing project portfolio in a Range uh of   uh industry sectors we have focused uh primarily  on emerging technology sectors uh such as uh   nuclear fusion and and Quantum sensing um because  they they face major technical uh challenges that   usually require multidisciplinary teams to come  together and and solve these challenges so that   the um technology can become commercially viable  however we are equally pursuing opportunities uh   in established areas where there's usually a drive  to uh improve efficiencies so I'll give you a few   a few examples here uh in uh the area of uh uh  nuclear fusion uh we're working together with we   have this ongoing project with the University of  Birmingham in tokomak energy we're looking into   new design and Manufacturing methods for Pure  uh tungsten uh components we have a s a sample   actually uh at the back um these can withstand  extremely high heat fluxes um in Quantum sensing   this is the project uh Q team that I'll be talking  about uh today uh in telecoms uh together with u a   long list of Partners so BT uh the University  of Birmingham uh M squ Helia photonics and 3T   we've been developing uh additively manufactured  lightweight Optical cavities that can be used as   uh frequency reference es for timing and that has  loads of applications in telecoms in 5G and Beyond   in uh wearables and kind of this is touching also  on medical devices Medical Imaging um we have um   designed this Magneto craphy helmet for circum  magnetics uh that holds Quantum sensors uh in   known locations uh and measures very small  changes in the magnetic field caused by uh   current that flows in different parts of the brain  as they become activated now typical me systems   are huge they weigh they're the size of an MRI  uh they weigh over a ton and what CA have done   they managed to uh bring um bring all this uh uh  functionality into uh a helmet and that allows uh   scientists to scan uh subjects while they uh move  and this also allows to scan children children of   course who uh tend to move a lot uh um down to  the age of uh two years old uh in chemical and   uh and uh engineering and bioprocessing we're  actively pursuing uh opportunities to innovate   in this area with various Partners we believe  there's a huge potential for artive manufacturing   uh in this uh field so if you have any ideas in  this space or any other uh please come and talk   to us so today I'll talk to you about project  Q team which is a collaboration between uh us   uh Ral space which is the UK's um uh space uh lab  uh the University of uh Nottingham uh specifically   the school of uh uh physics and astronomy and  a t scientific uh company that specializes   in ultra high vacuum components and also  instrumentation uh components uh based in the UK   so the the uh the project was partially funded by  innovate UK which is the UK's Innovation agency   and the the aim was to provide uh alternative  methods for Designing and Manufacturing uh   components for the quantum sector that can improve  um the swap characteristics of quantum devices   that is their size weight and power consumption  uh and uh contribute uh this way uh towards this   transition uh into more portable devices that  can be used out in the field or in space um so   our Focus as Mr morphic uh was um on the ultra  high vacuum chambers that are at the heart of   these systems this is where all the magic takes  place um in this case uh um the we've we designed   this chamber for a Quantum gravimeter that  measures gravity um and um the term ultra high   vacuum uh refers to vacuums below 10us 6 Pascal um  and to help you kind of visualize it uh that means   that you you know um you've basically extracted  uh most of the atoms uh inside this chamber   and maybe the few that remain the possibility  of them colliding with each other is so small   that they would have to travel several kilometers  before that happens that's how low the possibility   is um so one of the main objectives was to prove  that am is able to deliver bespoke a highly   functional components for these really stringent  that meet these really stringent requirements of   the Quant industry and also this way kind of  establish help establish a UK based additive   manufacturing supply chain for the emerging uh  Quantum sector so ultra high vacuum Chambers   are typically machined out of Billet uh materials  and this poses limitations as you can imagine to   their size and weight now in addition to the waste  that is generated uh through the Machining process   uh there is also um a lot of excess material  as you can see uh in these Chambers this is   actually so we based our design Q team is  based on this um Quantum gravimeter um that   was uh developed for the European Space  Agency uh it was a collaborative project   between Ral space the University of Hanover  the University of Birmingham uh and DLR uh and   you can see that there's a lot of excess  material in these components it doesn't serve   any particular function it's just the result  of the manufacturing process itself we are   surrounded by objects that have been shaped one  way or another by the manufacturing process while   kind of trying to balance Aesthetics function  um performance usability and cost of course um   in this case however um these ultra high vacuum  Chambers um they they haven't changed for more   than three decades uh and the reason for this  is because they've been uh mainly used in Labs   um so the focus has been on proving the physics  but as they find applications out in the real   world there is this um uh drive to actually  reduce their weight and miniaturize them   um again this is another thing that is linked to  the conventional uh to these limitations imposed   by conventional manufacturing techniques you  can see that they consist of multiple Parts uh   and this increases uh the the risk of leakage  because of multiple the presence of multiple   joints but there are also limitations imposed  by conventional CAD tools uh so these are highly   complex systems they are really challeng alling  to design um determining the optimum diameters   and locations of the ports uh usually involves  uh going through several iterations um they   the physicists have to run simulations uh for the  Optics the lasers uh the magnetic uh uh fields and   they could really benefit uh so you if you make  a small change basically in one of the the ports   it can impact the entire assembly so they can  really benefit from tools that are more responsive   more Dynamic tools that allow them to uh easily  visualize uh all these different scenarios and   help them this way trade faster um and this is  where a manufacturing computational design come   into play so Q team was really born out of this uh  question uh what would Quantum devices look like   if physicists were given More Design Freedom  uh and um and what are the opportunities for   innovation in this space using ative manufacturing  can we design these uh uh systems so that we get   the best performance of the physics package  out of it um so an important part of every   multidisciplinary project is the knowledge  exchange that happens uh at the start um this   is where when uh requirements are gathered uh  and when the team kind of uh tries to kind of   identify areas that can benefit from design for  am uh So within a short uh period of time with   the help of our partners we had to really build an  understanding of uh called atom interferometry uh   and also uh magnetooptical trapping that basically  means means using a combination of lasers uh and   magnetic fields uh that have specific shapes  and gradients to trap and slow down atoms so   that these can be observed uh and also we went  through the typical process that they follow when   they designed these complex systems and how they  assemble them as well and at the same time we um   demonstrated examples of previous work also we  went through some of the most common kind of   techniques used in computational design like  field driven design uh form Finding Etc to   get them thinking really about the possibilities  and also we covered aspects of Meto am including   considerations for postprocessing and machining  and and it's through this Fusion really of these   two very disparate Fields uh that you get  lots of ideas bouncing around so you might   physicists asking you know we had this idea a  while ago about combining these two things uh   and uh maybe wrapping them around this surface do  you think this might be possible and of course you   know sometimes the answer is no because am has its  limitations but there are cases when where it is   possible so long as you know some compromises are  made for example you know sometimes they have to   relax some of the requirements um so and this is  when things I think get really interesting for us   so in this project uh are go into the technical  details a bit so uh we we followed a hybrid   approach we have a computational design script  developed in uh uh grasshopper for Rhino and this   script generates the chambers it has access to a  library of uh Parts mechanical interfaces ports   that have been designed using Trad additional C  tools so um the user starts from defining as you   can see on the top uh uh left uh from defining  uh the optical paths and the corresponding Port   diameters and the script calculates uh the  optimal packing density of these ports so the   best arrangement of these ports so that they don't  they don't intersect with each other while at the   same time ensuring that uh we have the minimum  uh uh volume uh in of the resulting chamber so   this is done through um uh solving intersection  events between cylinders that that whose diameters   correspond to the external diameters of the  ports and then uh the bullan union based on these   calculations the bullan union of these cylinders  is trimmed and this uh the resulting geometry can   be can be U the mesh can be reparameterized  uh and uh through constrained mesh relaxation   you can get a nice kind of external surface  similar process followed for the we follow   for the uh the uh internal surface uh in  this case however the cylinders correspond   to the actual ports the the diameters of the  ports uh and this can be also kind of combined   with a minimal surface to kind of minimize the  internal uh the surface area of the internal cavity um so um the first step was really to build  a robust algorithm uh that allows the team allowed   the team to explore hundreds of design variations  um with very minimal input um so the algorith   them generates a nice watertight geometry of an  ultra high vacuum chamber and that corresponds   also gives us the minimum volume for any given  combination of ports and once you have that you   can actually uh have um an assembly uh of Chambers  here defined as nodes as you can see on the top   left and you follow uh you can the user can  specify the relative orientation and position of   of these uh uh Chambers in relation to each other  and following the same approach you can actually   get a nice Consolidated assembly that can be  used for uh the the uh operations that uh uh that   follow in this workflow so at the same time we  lightweighted uh a lot of these uh interfaces um   um so you can see um here I don't know if you  can see my no you can't so you can see one of   the first uh um um iterations of the the chamber  um where basically we have all the ports populated   uh around it and um the script essentially picks  and places uh each port in the the defined uh   location and this is um uh joined uh these ports  are joined with a two mm thick uh skin a lot of   these ports uh eventually uh could be replaced  with brazed Windows and this could also result   in further reductions in in weight however  scientists they want to be able to assemble   and disassemble the system they want to be  able to mount different different peripherals   different components uh detectors and things  onto these ports so uh we we um uh we we stuck   to uh this kind of uh uh approach and on the  far right you can see uh a cross-section of   the the chamber and you will notice there is this  narrow tube connecting the uh upper section which   is the 2D magnetooptical trap uh with a bottom  section which is the 3D Magneto Optical trap   and that uh previously these two sections had to  be manufactured separately uh because there's no   way of accessing uh this uh middle section with  a drill bit however with manufacturing this can   be built uh as one monolithic object and that also  um uh helps reduce uh the the possibility of uh of leaks so so um um so now um this slide shows you the workflow  that we um follow uh for generating the uh the   external ltis which serves a dual purpose so it  provides mechanical strength by connecting all   these different ports uh and at the same  time it's also the support structure used   for printing so after after the individual  sections have been of the chamber have been   merged and smooth the mesh that corresponds  to the external surface is reparameterized   um and the nodes of this mesh are then used  um for generating a network of lines um which   is then filtered based on uh so the user  defines the printing uh Direction and any   lines that uh uh fall between 0 and 45° are uh  removed um and from there um we have also um the   script also um identifies all the overhanging  features uh so we have all the ports basically populated uh and without the feature uh uh that  are machined uh and uh by defining again the   printing direction we can uh the script identifies  all the overhanging features and draws lines draws   members between these features and the um um ribs  as you can see these are the lines from the the   original Network extruded inwards um draws so  it draws members between these uh overhanging   features and the closest uh ribs and uh the user  can specify the thickness of these members and   also the thickness of the ribs which can also be  varied locally and through a series of uh Boolean   operations you get uh uh a nice um uhv chamber  geometry but we're not done yet um so uh these   cold atom experiments to be able to work uh  they need um they require magnetic fields with   specific shapes and gradients uh this is for  um to essentially to be able to trap the atoms   effectively uh and um naum uni um what they did  they went through a series of uh optimizations and   they managed to determine the optimal uh size and  location of these coils in relation to the atom   cloud in the center of the chamber and um also  the number of turns so we had to basically trim   the lattice so that we can fit uh these uh these  coils and by bringing them as close as possible to   the chamber um the nice thing about it is that uh  you can reduce power consumption in these systems   so um finally the part that I'd say  most people avoid talking about uh   is uh Machining uh because uh most  additively manufactured Parts they   need to be machined uh in order to I guess  meet the the uh manufacturing uh tolerances   for assembly so uh our script generates uh  an STL and pleas one don't get too mad at us um that uh corresponds to so that that's  essentially on the far left the part that   we sent for printing then um another STL which  corresponds to the as Machin and by overlapping   them you can actually see uh which features are  going to be machined away and this is very uh   helpful for actually planning the Machining  operations however we still need to produce   technical drawings uh for uh the workshop  and for this reason we also uh output a BP   uh which is a um a lightweight let's say a um  a light representation of the chamber without   the external uh lce structure and this is a very  time like creating these drawings is a very time   consuming process so if anyone has Solutions  in this space uh we'd love to hear about it   so uh the verdict um we achieved uh in compar to  the original system designed for uh the European   Space Agency we achieved U approximately 50%  Mass reduction and uh in our opinion a design   that better suits um the next generation of ultra  high vacuum of well of um a portable um um Quantum systems uh the machines were um printed in  titanium uh 64 using uh laser padle bed Fusion   uh you can imagine the Machining was not easy uh  the chamber had uh I think almost 120 bolt holes   um the print Bureau which is a well established  uh Bureau in the UK they've got like more than   30 years of uh of experience they said that this  is one of the most complicated Parts they've ever   had to uh manufacture they had to plan the the uh  sequence of Machining operations uh very carefully   and the Chamber is currently being tested at Rous  space um so early results suggest um a range of   so a helium leak rate in the range of uh 10-  10 m l/s which is in in line basically with   most ultra high vacuum components however more  testing uh needs to be done in the months that   follow um the system basically needs to be  baked down so that uh any trapped uh atoms   uh are removed um and then it needs to be pumped  down which can take a number of weeks um to uh   reach a safe conclusion about its performance  um so I think uh Q team uh demonstrates very   effectively uh how uh computational design  uh combined with our manufacturing can really   help teams approach technical challenges uh  differently and this uh unlocks opportunities   for Innovation uh in uh a whole range of both  established and emerging technology sectors   uh project Q team was just a start it laid the  foundations for the design of and manufacturing   of lightweight volumetrically optimized uh ultra  high vacuum Chambers uh since uh so the project   finished uh a few months ago since then we've  managed to secure more funding uh to continue   the development uh and also make our computational  design scripts uh more intelligent uh and finally   we applied to TCT Awards uh with this design uh  under the Aerospace and defense category uh and   I'm delighted to share with everyone uh that we've  been shortlisted alongside Boeing Airbus and Mark   forged uh so yeah that's all for me uh please  don't hesitate to get in touch if you want to   find out more about us how we work if you want  to work with us thank you very much everyone this is okay I'm going to give you the  the CDFAM award here hey this is the   CDFAM Award for best best design  thank you thank you right oh yeah

2024-05-24 09:06

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