I Want to Believe 2: UFOs & UAPS (2023) | Full Movie

I Want to Believe 2: UFOs & UAPS (2023) | Full Movie

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foreign 2017 there's been renewed interests  in the whole subject of UFOs although   they have been renamed by the government  uaps we got to figure out what is going on I I view it as a mystery it's time to trust the witnesses I don't know what they are I know  there's a lot more than I say   so this is all coming out soon  I think and we should be afraid you know the old saying I want to believe that's  me UFOs or unidentified flying objects are objects   in the sky that cannot be identified by The  Observer UAP unidentified aerial phenomena is a   more recent term that is used in a similar way to  UFO this term is considered more neutral and less   associated with the Extraterrestrial explanations  I think the whole UAP thing is kind of hilarious   UFO was a term that was coined by Edward J rupeltz  in 1952 he was the head of Project Blue Book which   is the Air Force investigation in the UFOs he  coined it because he didn't want it to call   them flying saucers the reason why he didn't want  to call them flying saucers is because there was   too much of a cultural connotation linking it  to aliens and he was like no I'm just studying   weird phenomenon in the sky as a scientist I'm  not saying they're aliens I'm not saying they're   little green men so he he wanted to get rid of the  cultural baggage Associated Flying Saucer is now a   UFO from flying saucer you get you know this idea  of a structured metal craft applying saucer to   UFO unidentified flying object very vague doesn't  have any of that connotation attached to it which   I mean I can understand why he did that he was  actually just trying to change the conversation   around the subject but nowadays they're calling  them UAP for the same reason because they want to   disentangle it from the idea of aliens in my  opinion 10 years down the line UAP will also   become synonymous with aliens and so it's kind  of like what's the point just call them UFOs have another ship at the top of the house got really bright a second ago whoa I think one of the things that people  should really think about is early on stories   uh and that's something that I've thought about  and investigated myself personally and one in   particular to stand out to most is go back into  African-American history when you think about   slavery now that was a song and it was called  Swing Low Sweet Chariot come and take me home   and if you start doing the research about that  you'll know it was the old slave song when they   was out in the fields but it was based upon a  UFO and the sighting of Swing Low come down Sweet   Chariot and take me home and then the other parts  of that song was I looked out over to Jordan what   did I see Angels coming for me because we the  history of UFOs over water is still prominent   today and so all of those come back into a great  history when it comes out to their phenomena   you know the more research you do and that's  probably a good question for people just do   research and and not a field investigator like  me but I do know that Columbus in his diary   you know when they were traveling on the three  ships he actually saw a light come out of the   ocean and that's in Columbus's diary so we can  go back to 1492 if you want and then of course   you have you know the Roswell instead of 1947 but  a week before that you know there was a bunch of   Armada of UFOs that were seen you know over  Mountain Rainier and the word Flying Saucer   came from that in one of the reporters you  know was trying to describe what could what   Kenneth Arnold had seen and then of course that  would be late June and then early July of 1947.   here you have Roswell Roswell 1947 July 2nd as  when the world changed I mean I have to remember   that right around that same time was when  Kenneth Arnold saw a fleet of what he called   flying saucers in uh you know Washington State and  and that was just like a few days before and then   you've got the Roswell crash that's a huge one  and I think that's that should be a convincing   subject for anybody who really looks into it just  past the surface of it mostly because and for the   same reason that I find um the remnants from  forest case interesting as there is a moment of   hey we saw UFOs and then within 24 hours to  48 Hours the people in charge said oh no no no   that wasn't a UFO no no no that was something  else why did they sit with UFO in the first place   why would they release anything that said that  we saw Flying Saucer or we found wreckage and   then within 24 hours backpedal and change  their story there was credible Witnesses   plenty of documented citing even  physical evidence in the case of Roswell   and the people that were there innocently just  reported it as they saw it and then within a   certain amount of time the higher-ups backpedal  that story people like Stanton Friedman and and   others have done a deep dive and and and and and  uh spoke to many of the original Witnesses of for   myself I'm close friends with the Marcel family  Denise Martell actually was she worked for me as   a field worked with me as a field investigator of  course their grandfather was the first official on   the debris field now it was apparently this was  the one that was closest to the Roswell Air Base   apparently when this UFO hit and some say that it  was possibly radar a radar system that brought it   down that it had some effect on the craft there  are apparently bodies at the original crash site   which was Corona New Mexico closer to the Border  there and they say that that it hit so hard that   the the habitat the the the life habitat that the  beans were actually in that crashed there and the   rest of the craft went back up in the air and what  they found in Roswell was this what they called   Memory Metal which was very very light almost  like tin foil but it uh you would crumple it up   and it would come back and it would go back to its  original shape like it had an electrostatic charge   of some kind and with that you have Memory Metal  as a term I know that Jesse Marcel senior that   they shot a gun at this stuff and had no effect  on it they hit it with sledgehammers they couldn't   figure out what this material was and so Jesse  filled this was at the Mac Brazil Ranch where   where the debris field was a square mile across  and it fanned out and I've heard that the pieces   of of Memory Metal seem to be moving in a breeze  that wasn't there like they were trying to go back   into the original shape which is very strange  he went and filled his car trunk up with some   of this stuff and they found some i-beams with  strange hieroglyphics inside of of the i-beams you   could only see them if you held it up to light and  then it would be like this iridescent purple color   so he had his trunk filled with his stuff  he was going to take it back to the Roswell   Air Base but he decided to go home first  because he felt like this was something   that he wanted his son to see it and he  wanted his wife to see it he he knew that   this was not a weather balloon he he knew  his weather balloons from his spaceships   so he took it home and Jesse Jr got to handle it  and see it that was Denise's father then of course   he took it to the base and and they flew that  to Wright-Patterson Air Base that that's where   they would fly like when we acquired a Japanese  zero during World War II that's where they flew   that you know so they could reverse engineer  and see how the thing worked and that that's   apparently where the Roswell materials ended  up some safe White Sands New Mexico uh but I've   heard right Patterson and that's probably where  it ended up now of course then they made Jesse   seen your pose with a you can see the photograph  and he looks embarrassed he's like look at the   camera going you gotta be kidding me you gotta  remember this guy was ahead of security for our   only Atomic Air Base that was it the Roswell air  base is where they sent the Enola Gay from which   ended World War II he was head of security man was  highly highly respected but they expected him to   say on record that he couldn't tell the difference  between a simple weather balloon and a spaceship   they need to make that right someday I know  the Marcel family is hoping that someday   that the government the Pentagon that they're  going to come forward and say you know what   we were trying to protect people from  this but this really happened and Jesse   Marcel was a hero like you know like Neil  Armstrong he should be in the history books   instead they made him look uh foolish there's  photographs and and a lot of people are involved   years later once they were out of the military  and and done with things flat out said no but   that second report wasn't the right thing  I wasn't holding a weather balloon that   wasn't aluminum foil that was something else  I had to say that and some of the the people   involved with the Reynolds from Force sighting  say the same thing the officer didn't talk   about touching the UFO or having some sort  of communication or anything the night of   wealthy look at investigations and look at uh  interviews with those guys they did say something   and it was only later that it was blacked  out and wiped from the record and a second   statement was given and I think when you start to  see those things you realize something's going on   if it was nothing that much trouble wouldn't be  involved they wouldn't be going to that much work   to cover up something or make a story for it that  was probably one of my main focuses when I first   started doing UFO investigations was because  I lived in California at the time and Roswell   was kind of easy access for me too it's one of  those big events that happened in U.S history   in ethology and it was within my reach you know  I would visit Roswell and I would talk you know   talk to some of the actual people that lived in  1947 so Glenn Dennis who was the mortician back   in 47 Walter Hawk who released was in charge of  doing press release for Roswell Army Air Force   Base or Walker base they were running the  museum International UFO Museum in Roswell   and I had been there so many times that they  started to recognize me and then Glenn Dennis   started to recognize me after a period of  time he says hey Chuck he says it's about time   I give you the coordinates to where the debris  side is I said you have the coordinates the   debris side to the actual site where Mac Brussels  saw all that debris in 47 he says yeah do I have   coordinates to the to the BLM marker there but  I'll tell you it's only a hundred or so yards   from BLM marker said well yeah I wanna so you gave  me the coordinates my sister and I jumped on the   cheaper angler you know we're looking at two and  a half three hours away from Roswell because where   the debris side is it's closer to Corona New  Mexico I remember we were on a on an Old Ranch   Road and the GPS I'd go that way and I said well  I'm in a jeep I'm going to go across the desert   and we did and we found the BLM marker and  then I found the place where he described   you have the Contour the way the land was and  uh somewhere I have a picture of me back then   with my little metal detector out in the middle of  the desert looking for a UFO wreckage and it was   probably one of the most exciting things that  happened to me pertaining to Roswell actually   able to go there for the very first time now since  then because I've done so many investigations with   Roswell I actually been on a couple of archeology  Digs at the debris site and the first archeology   Diego though I was on I actually found a piece  of metal so that was pretty cool I think if you   look beyond the surface of some of these bigger  stories you find them intriguing enough that   they're more believable I think than than not um  Roswell there was absolutely a very clear cover-up   things were backpedaled things were hidden  things were put away and in almost a sloppy   manner like a very obvious manner that  oh oops we we didn't mean to do that   whether or not say with Roswell there's bodies or  there's a full UFO somewhere in a deep underground   bunker maybe in Colorado I can't say for sure  about that except for you know here hearsay but   I think there's definitely something there I think  something crashed there was wreckage of some kind when we start trying to figure out how  is the government is being involved or   what are they doing about these UFOs yeah you  know it's interesting um 1947 after Roswell the   same year the the Air Force was created  the NSA was created and CIA was created   there was also natural disinformation Act  of 1947 where basically the government   could lie to the American people as long  as they gave you a little truth okay and   that's what they still are doing basically they  give you a little truth and a lot of untruth   and of course that all stored it started well it  started uh from what I believe in 1947 actually   Roswell and said it but I'm sure it went through  the whole Cold War too of course first of all we   have to now make determination that the  government feels that these things are a   threat to National Security uh and no wonder  because of the technology and so therefore I   think that's part of why we got the secrecy from  the government side but what are they actually   doing well now they're trying to put in programs  to actually say okay we're now going to go out and   observe these uaps we're now going to investigate  all alone they've been doing this all along it's   not nothing new since the 1940s they've always  had evidence but I think they're trying to get   more money number one because money is going to  do this thing uh and so therefore they have to   now change the narrative put it out to the  public where for 60 years you know they've   fried wolf or saying no it doesn't exist and for  us in ufology we've done that we've don't trust   the government they're not now the government is  saying okay UFOs are real or uaps are real and   now we're trying to Echo that and people like no  no y'all are told us for 60 years don't believe   them and I think they know that they know they  they want to step ahead but they're trying to   uh really get to a point because now they can't  hide the budgets they can't hide the fact that   they have a space for us what's the purpose of all  that so now we have to create the enemy behind it I mean it could easily be disinformation  they could be releasing this stuff just to   sort of you know have us you know  look over here while we do this   and certainly the government the military have  done that for years there's been plenty of times   where they've let the the public think it was  UFOs when you know it turned out to be spy   planes turned out to be uh stealth biters turned  out to be a stealth bomber turned out to be you   know testcraft let's think about the purpose of  the government when it comes down to information   about what's happening or misinformation and  we have to look at the procedure to protect   the secret itself in some cases you're going to  get them to disseminate a little bit of stuff   you know just to you know get our thirst just to  get the Public's thirst but when it comes down to   stories Like Richard Doty all of these things they  got to protect the secret and how they're going to   do that is misinformation is going to be their  procedure because at this point the information   is out there now how do we null it down how  do we make this person feel shows that this is   um not the real stuff and if you go back to  history they already tried it with Project Blue   Book so they know it works they did it with the  Roswell New Mexico oh now it's a weather balloon   and we accepted it most of the community so  they know misinformation is the Bedrock of   this and it just depends on whatever narrative  they want to use and they seem to use the same   ones and misinformation is a key ingredient to  guard the secrets I personally feel like they're   going in baby steps to actually letting us  know what they know it is the US government   they're never going to tell us everything I I  think that's a pipe dream but I feel like this   is baby steps to letting us in a little bit more  yeah so there's information that's being hidden   from us not only from our government but from  other investigators too you know they find out   stuff that and they feel I mean stuff that I kind  of know I'm reluctant to tell everything about   Nick because it gets scared the hell out of you  and I don't want to do that and a lot of the UFO   evidence is actually anecdotal people call me up I  got a couple phone calls today from people who've   seen things that they don't understand they get  out their cell phones and you know they photograph   it and they'll send me the photos of the videos  or whatever they have uh you know they're between   eight and ten thousand such reports every year  that are actually reported I'm sure they're five   times as many that aren't aren't reported so  people think see things in the sky all the time   is California hot spot well it is a hot spot  I mean we were in the Malibu area where you   know there's been a lot of sightings and of  course I wanted to go down to the San Diego   um area where there's still a lot of sightings and  recently you know the sightings off of uh off of   the Destroyer seeing a buffalo yeah that was Tic  Tacs and stuff so that's uh another place that's   active I actually contracted for um microchip  companies that connector Company in San Diego so   for a couple years on and off and so I  go down there and talk to the people so   you know and check out states with these  sightings and stuff that's kind of fun I think that the Tic Tac event that happened uh I  think that that's what opened up disclosure that   we're enjoying right now it was on the front page  of the New York Times uh the military themselves   said we can't explain it yes this happened I I'm  very good friends with Kevin Day who is the the   Strike Force Commander on the radar deck that day  on on the USS Princeton I think that it's the it's   our Roswell except this time the government isn't  hiding everything you know this time it's actually   it got out there and it changed it changed  the world uh Tic Tacs have been around forever   I've been investigating Tic Tacs for a long  time and I've been talking to military people   who've seen Tic Tacs that's nothing new for me  what's new though is for our Pilots to come out   publicly with this information and that is way  cool uh this is why the ridicule has gone down   you know I mean there's still ridicule out there  if you say you've been abducted or you've seen   some a UFO or something but it's so far less  than it used to be I mean I got to watch that   it's almost like a fuse that just went out and it  went out because of that New York Times article   in 2017 the Tic Tac was a very very real thing  and we continually get sightings from the same   uh the same area really good sightings I mean  I've had Pilots boat captains and all kinds   of people that have seen similar things  out there the most impressive thing about   the Tic Tac was was that this thing moved at  Mock 18. 18 times the speed of sound and it  

went that fast but it didn't create one single  sonic boom and that that's impossible I mean   scientifically as we know science there should  have been it there should have been 18 Sonic   booms thing was doing 90 degree turns it was  playing cat and mouse with a squadron of jets   that they finally sent out to intercept I mean at  first they thought that the radar was going wonky   and and but after a week of this they knew that  the radar systems were working perfectly and and   these things were coming down from low earth orbit  to sea level and then shooting back up they they   saw this on the radar for for like five days and  they finally sent the Squadron to planes out there   and the rest of course is is history there's  a myth that the government may be instrumental   in creating these Tic Tacs to really get a public  awareness to really get the push behind it through   Congress to say okay we have a threat that we  need to do this but if you really look at that   and and for me it was it was I think so at first  because when you listen to the audio especially   of the the Tic Tac video and the excitement of the  uh the pilots oh go wow look at that uh but then   it all changed and there was an interview that  was done uh with Commander fravor uh and this   was on 60 Minutes and you look at his eyes look at  his face he's Disturbed he saw something that he'd   never seen before he saw something that uh was not  conventional for a pilot and I think that's what   it is the military do not want the public know  that our top gun Fighters are serious Fighters   that are out there could have some type of fear  or something in that air that commands a little   better technology well we know that there's those  observables transmedium technology we know that   it has uh you know local cloaks it can cloak  uh and all of these things that we don't have   that technology and we should be afraid a personal  feeling is that the government has been in contact   for decades they've added proof of this and maybe  even have direct contact maybe they still do   and they're doing this in an effort to sort of  soft pitch the idea to us get us more comfortable   with the idea that maybe these things do  exist maybe it's okay maybe it's not scary   because I know for a fact if the government  just came out tomorrow and said hey by the way   we've been in talks with an alien species  from another planet and we have been for years   I think a large percentage of the society would  freak out fortunately now you know it's 2022   it's a softer subject for people more and more  people believe now than they did 10 years ago   20 years ago 40 years ago it's an acceptable  subject it used to be a thing where if you're   into UFOs or in any of any of this stuff it  was almost embarrassing you didn't really want   people to know that was your hobby it could  get you fired it could lose friends you know   there was a lot of repercussion to something  silly like that it's not that silly now people   realize it's like maybe that's a thing it's not  embarrassing anymore so it's okay to talk about   it and I think that's what the government's doing  they're saying well you're okay with this now   here's some footage that we just happened to find  and um just we don't know what it is but here's   this I think they know what it is what amazes me  is that they show the same video for like the past   five years going oh this is new information  yeah it's insane because you've got Huma like   especially with our NASA which never a straight  answer they they show amazing technology out there   with 4K and 8K and Technology where everything's  zoomed in and you can see things from Miles   and Miles Away thousands of miles away it's such  Clarity but when it comes down to a UFO you've got   the worst camera fisheye lens view you'll have on  there all kind of kind of speckled colors you're   like oh what is that they do it with like a Tic  Tac Toe they'll show you something from a black   and white or infrared camera yet they have views  from all around the world for years now of high   def visions of all these different ships that have  been out there for a long time why don't they show   us they don't want us to know about that they're  keeping that technology themselves first of all   NASA has been taking billions of dollars every  single year you know to actually use it toward   technology to look for ETS which they've already  had contact with ET since the 60s are we really   gaining any technology from some of these  encounters now of course we do know that the   secret is the secret so they won't really tell us  but one of the major things was anti-gravity we   all remember that that was the biggest thing  because we know these spacecraft did not use   propulsion that our system used so anti-gravity  has always been out there it has always been   one of their main test subjects and it goes all  the way back to World War II when Hitler and the   rest of them was using or have been known to start  that program and when one of our environment and   the Germans came over to NASA so that was probably  one of the biggest things and since then anything   after that has been like now okay our technology  has changed we got planes flying faster supersonic   speeds we have different type of weapons now we  have nuclear capabilities but when it comes down   to transmedium which is the biggest threat of it  all and this is when you have something that can   come from space air and water back water and space  and we have nothing that can do that and this is   the most alarming part of technology that persists  when it comes down to National Security and this   is what we're trying to figure out how do they  have something that can hit the water with the   forces that it has which will dismantle anything  that crashes go into the water travel just as fast   come back out and then go to space all at the  same time for us we would have to go dock we   have to go get ready for a space rocket and all  these things and they can do it instantaneously well I think there's a couple reasons  um there's a couple theories one is that   they're checking up on our technology  keeping tabs on our development and and   um our Evolution so to speak seeing what we are  where we're at what we can and can't do there's   that theory the other theory is that they  know where we're at and they don't like it   they that we're a dangerous species with  very dangerous weapons and they want to   keep tabs on us for that reason other people  think that it's it's malevolent that they're   they're checking because they want to take over  or you know or invade or whatever there's a few   different reasons I could be personally I I think  they're just checking us out just like when you   go to the zoo and you you go see the animals  you know or you go to the park and you see a   you see a duck well I want to give the duck some  bread or come over and see what that Duck's doing   you know or there's a dog in the neighborhood you  want to look you wanna maybe you want to pet that   dog but you want to make sure the dog's not going  to bite you you still investigate the dog you   still go over there and have a look at it see what  they think it's got a collar on what's he doing   I tend to think that's that's more like what  they're doing that they're just keeping tabs   they're checking on us so when you think about the  military side of things you know I've investigated   stories in fact I had a conversation with Bob  Salas and he is the Minutemen that was the   captain over the Maelstrom air sword base where  the aliens actually came in and turned off our   nuclear weapons he was in The Silo at the time  and of course for him and anybody else it was a   serious situation uh and you think about something  disarming our missiles but let's think about this   for a minute were they really trying to send a  message starting launch sequences or shutting down   electronics and things like that I don't know that  that is necessarily being done on purpose I feel   like that's probably more likely uh interference  something not not jiving with their technology   with ours or maybe it is maybe they're just seeing  hey can we do this let's see if we can mess with   their stuff or maybe they're saying hey we can  mess with your stuff here's here's how we're going   to do it don't mess with us don't bother us this  is your most fierce Arsenal and we can just turn   it off and so what about these nuclear weapons  now but it does take a different turn though   when you think about people saying an invasion and  what would happen and what would happen on earth   now one of the things that humans can't handle is  radiation and when we hear a lot about radiation   when they come into these encounters but now  these extraterrestrials seem to bring radiation   with them so probably our nuclear weapons may be a  recharging station it could be a lot of things of   why they are interested in that but at the end of  the day turning them off is saying hey don't use   it but at the same time it's a message that's  my opinion I think that's what it was foreign and what we're doing right now this is disclosure  talking about this in a lucid and scientific   fashion that that's disclosure but I think that  we are eventually going to see these Technologies   and they're going to be us doing them and that's  that's our future that's the future of ufology   and and what this will lead to now we are in some  exciting times we're now in the time of disclosure   everybody's so thrilled about it which I am too  because we want to know we want the truth but then   I start really thinking about what how much of  disclosure are they going to give us and when you   start really thinking about it yeah if we find out  there are some new technology that were discovered   our whistleblower they're going to disclose  what we know okay but they're not gonna just   say come in you guys here's all the other doors  that you doesn't know we're just gonna go ahead   and just tell you everything probably never what  happened now are we further along than we were or   do we want to just get the facts that all right  this thing is real because it's about Redemption   it's about people who've been ridiculed over the  years people lost their careers saying that this   UFO thing was just crazy but now when you got  disclosure and now they're saying okay you know   what we want to admit there was a problem there  are some things happening and so I think that   alone will be enough but it's not going to really  happen until we get that extraterrestrial who pops   up in front of one of these uh white houses or  somebody and comes out and raises and say hi   everybody I'm such and such from such a such place  yes I'm real and that's gonna be the disclosure   everybody's really looking for you know Brazil  was pretty open with UFOs I know Spain was UK   not so much you know especially with Reynolds from  forest the rendlesham forest incident also known   as Britain's Roswell occurred in December  1980 at a military base in Suffolk England   according to multiple Witnesses including  military personnel a UFO landed in the nearby   forest and strange lights and other phenomena  were observed so Eric called ridership Forest   which is a wooded area between two military  bases at the time both bases were being run   by the U.S military and they had a night where  there were some anomalous lights in the woods   two of the officers went out to investigate um  guards and they reported seeing these strange   lights moving around in different ways and they  went further in the woods to see what was it you   know was it somebody with a flashlight or  because nobody should have been out there   and they came across a cleared area and  actually found a craft on the ground   described it as a triangular shaped Craft um on  the tripod like three landing gear you know they   went to the whole thing described a sound it made  the warmth coming from it they made very detailed   description of what the surface looked like there  was writing on it uh one of the two actually   approached it and touched it they reported this  whole thing back that night one of the officers   with more men went out the next day to go have  a look for themselves found the cleared area and   didn't find any craft or anything like that on the  ground but they did see damn fresh damage on the   trees where they'd been scraped and and banged up  depressions on the ground they took readings and   found a slightly higher radioactive readings in  the area where the landing was supposed to be as   opposed to the surrounding area they found what  looked like where something had landed and made   it a mark on the ground and then this over the  course of several days the same guys went out   again because they had another report of anomalous  lights just like the first night and that same   officer went out with the group of guys and went  out looking for it saw the same lights tried to   chase them down saw these lights doing weird  Maneuvers in the sky different colors things   like that and the officer in question actually  even had an audio recorder he apparently it was   his Habit to keep a tape recorder with him to keep  notes and so he kept that running the entire time   um and a while back that was actually released to  the public you can go out in the internet you can   find it and listen to it and you can hear him and  the other men describing what they're seeing the   lights and the movement very intriguing the  incident received widespread media coverage   at the time and the military initially denied  that anything out of the ordinary had occurred   however later government documents and witness  testimony have suggested that the incident was   covered up the incident remains unexplained to  the state a lot of doubters say that it was a   lighthouse there was a lighthouse in the area it  was near the coast or that maybe it was a hoax   some board officers trying to pull a joke but this  is over the course of several days a fairly good   number of of people on the military base doing  this going on record no less I don't see why   there's no benefit in that it's not like  they're gonna make money off of it they   weren't gonna get famous from it this was 1980.  most people most Pilots most military tend to   not report those things because that can hurt  your career at the very least it makes you look   like a fool at best it gets you in trouble  I tend to believe that this was a real thing   another unknown case because there was  no actual photographs no other Witnesses   outside of these although I believe there  was probably six to eight separate Witnesses   but no proper physical evidence so we can say  for sure what did or didn't happen but it was a   genuine unknown the lighthouse theory is is fine  except that later on at a point the Lighthouse   Keeper was interviewed and he stated that the  lighthouse doesn't shine in that direction   because why would Lighthouse shine inland towards  Forest and Lighthouse lights only going to move   One Direction it's not going to jump around  it's not going to change colors a lot of the   explanations of what it probably really was  don't make enough sense to me the Reynolds   from forest that's my favorite historical famous  case when it gets down to International stories   um there was a lot of evidence out there but  one I think people should really look into   it's a place a volcano that's in Mexico right  now and The Mexican government have taken the   time to actually put live stream cameras on this  mountain 24 hours a day and what we have seen uh   I mean enormously are happening all the time is  you see UFOs or whatever it is uaps going in and   out this volcano now what makes it compelling that  the descents or control it slows down as it going   and the volcano is active so we know we have no  technology that goes into an active volcano so   let's think about that as more International  proof Brazil is a hot bed in fact they have   already announced their first UFO National UFO day  in in had Lou alizando there and and in which I'm   going wait a minute how did they get there before  us it's us it's here in the U.S we're not the   ones that are making a problem I think media as  long as I've been doing this uh anytime I'm on a   news show they they may make jokes you know before  my my spot comes on they'll play something from   the X-Files or they'll make a joke or even after  I'm on they'll make another joke I want to just   go back and slap them it's funny now because I can  laugh at them because all the times I've been on   the news for years and they made fun of me what  are they thinking now are they going to make fun   of the Pentagon are they going to make fun of  our military or they can make fun of our Pilots   especially all those people out  there that say they don't exist   you know that our Pilots aren't really seeing UFOs  really are you as good as a fighter pilot do you   have the background the experience the education  that our fighter pilots have to make that comment   of course not you don't unless you're another  fighter pilot so the same thing with the media   they have no background they have no experience  in this yet they're the first to make fun of   it and they still do they still make fun of the  stuff they say a lot of their little Jokes Aside   it's reality TV's always internationally I think  it's something that's out there but then I'm sure   the US government is saying don't you guys tell  something before we do um and so when you think   about Brazil those stories is always Encompass  our military intervening so obviously we're   probably got our hands throughout the world when  it comes down to uh other International incidents well it's pretty bright there have been a number  of recent UFO sightings reported around the world   in December 2020 the U.S Navy confirmed that  it had released three videos of unexplained   aerial phenomena uaps that were captured by Navy  pilots in 2004 and 2015. the videos show objects  

moving in ways that appear to defy the laws of  physics additionally in late 2020 the U.S Air   Force's Advanced Aerospace threat identification  program atip released a report detailing a number   of recent UFO sightings and encounters with uaps  the report includes accounts from military Pilots   radar operators and other Witnesses who described  objects that are able to fly at high speeds change   direction quickly and perform Maneuvers that  seem possible for any known aircraft well I   mean aside from the the most current the the  Tic Tac sightings which I find fascinating   another one uh it's not very current but more  more modern day um would be the Phoenix Lights   happened in the 90s and that was a combination of  things going on there throughout the evening when   that occurred there was tons of phone calls  into the local authorities people were seeing   something flying over the city and at the same  time then there's plenty of documented footage   from people with private video cameras and  from news stations of these crazy lights that   were going on most of that kind of got explained  away a little bit um it was another case where   everybody said it was one thing in the next day  the military said oh no no we were we were doing   we were testing things there were flares well  a lot of the footage that you see in the news   I think are flares I've seen the military players  I've seen it myself and they look like that they   look like flares moving around and burning  out and drifting and behind the the mountain   and that very easily explains what was being seen  in the video the problem with that is that the   location where the flares were being recorded  is not the same location where everybody was   calling in the reports of seeing something flying  over the town people were calling in reports of   seeing a triangular shaped craft with lights on it  flying over the houses and flying across town that   doesn't necessarily match up with the lights  that were being seen and I don't know that's   for sure my theory is that those are military  players in the military put those out on purpose   to distract from what they knew was flying across  the town there were so many witnesses so many   credible Witnesses including local city officials  School teachers police officers who saw something   flying over the town not just not just the lights  the the flares or whatever they might have been   but they saw a craft it had to be two  separate things happening on the same night   people saw something they absolutely did and it  was not just flares if you go on the internet you   can look up the Phoenix Lights and you'll see the  video I'm pretty sure those are flares but that   is not what people were seeing I think at least  I think that's what it is the Phoenix Lights were   witnessed by thousands of people including then  Governor Fife Simington III at the time simmington   made a public statement that the lights were  flares dropped by the military during a training   exercise however later in 2007 simmington  publicly admitted that he had lied about the   flares and that he had actually seen the lights  himself he stated that they were otherworldly   simmington's change of story has added to the  mystery surrounding the Phoenix Lights incident   and has led some to believe that the lights may  have been of extraterrestrial origin there is   so much going on in this planet especially now  since the Pentagon is now officially researching   UFOs and it's really exciting time as a UFO  investigator because we've been trying to   get these guys on board come out publicly for  years and years and years but because things   change because of social media because people  talk even our own pilots and her own military   are talking and they can't keep them quiet but  then again too it's a new generation of military   you know so they're not going by old  school anymore they're going like okay   I'm guessing new people you know on board that  are running this and I want to find out too so   it's really interesting what we see now it's  an exciting time so let's now dive into what's   happening at our airports these days um and we  do know that there is a movement right now for   the FAA to begin to work with the government to  get the pilots comfortable with reporting these   sightings and there's a big difference out  there when it comes down to this and Pilots   are reporting all the time uh when they think they  can because there's a Fear Factor as of today that   they don't want to report these things they could  cost them their jobs but now the government is if   there's a program they're trying to put in place  where there's going to be some accountability and   to tell the past we want that information because  this last odni report said that National Security   Aviation Security uh and then also the stigma was  the top three things for FAA side that they was   trying to accomplish and knowing that we have a  lot of these uaps there were stories of collisions   that had happened but then most recently John  Greenwald Jr released a Fourier Act of an FAA   transmission recently that came out of the Pilot's  communicating with each other several different   airlines that they all spotted at UAP and this  thing actually flew underneath one of these   planes and disabled some of the controls within  this airplane and you can hear the pilots talking   about it and this is probably one of the first big  releases and now for me I think that we got to be   really cautious about this because people want  to know is it a threat with a you know we have   thousands of planes out there thousands of them  and so they're not deliberately trying to down an   aircraft but we do have some coming up missing but  my question for everyone is do we really want that   type of transparent disclosure when it comes down  other airplanes and what I mean by that is I just   got off a plane so do I want to get ready to board  and I'm handed a pamphlet out of transparency say   by the way we had some encounters up there this  last flight oh so my instruments went out but   we landed perfectly fine with the skill set of  our Pilots but you want disclosure we want to do   this or the the airline Steward is saying okay put  your oxygen mask on but by the way we had 30 000   feet on our last flight there was a swarm of UFOs  came and we had to do some invasive Maneuvers but   we just want y'all to know that's why it wasn't  turbulence that you thought we just letting you   know do we want that type of disclosure I don't  think we're ready for that what struck me recently   here in the whole field of the UFO phenomena is  that it's failed to come up with news stories   most of the discussion about UFOs and uaps  is historical stuff with the exception of   the uaps that's fairly recent that's five years  ago or whatever but almost all the rest are the   historical Stories roswell's the the number one uh  story there and it sounds like the the aliens have   sort of lost an interest in us if if you believe  all that I do get hoaxes there is one guy who is   making it was very elaborate he was making these  balloon constructs and I think he he had a bunch   of people working with them and they they would  be uh helium balloons but they would they would   put on paper mache or foil and they had one that  looked like Sputnik and it fooled a lot of people   I mean people are still talking about that like it  was a UFO no no no it was a party animal this guy   this guy was trying to hoax people with and he'd  have people come out to the top of a mountain with   telescopes and stuff and he actually I I played  spy I went and I watched from the periphery   how they were doing this he didn't know I was  spying on him but I was you know who I was yet   but somebody put in a UFO report and and I put two  and two together I had heard about what this guy   was doing he literally has a friend with a Piper  Cub a little Old Piper Cub this little plane would   would release these balloon constructs in the  clouds the guys get real meditative looking and   then he would say they're here and so everybody's  got their binoculars and they're going ooh ooh   you know and I actually confronted the guy in my  card and said I know what you're doing and I know   how you're doing it and you know your pilot friend  made the mistake of wagging his wings at the crowd   when he left you know I asked the guy behind me  well who's that guy wagging his wings at us right   after you UFOs showed up and and the guy said  oh that those are the Men in Black we see them   every single time and that was an elaborate hoax  the guy was getting on TV he was making money off   of it you know he charged for events other times  I'll have somebody like I had a CGI person put in   a very well-produced video that was just too too  good to be true and you know a little daughter   danced past the camera really being cute at one  point it was like this looks really produced   and I I did a little bit of detective work and I  found that the person actually had a online resume   that said CGI work realer than real life and then  I did a little bit more research and I found like   on social media this person and and Friends  yucking it up at a party you know at the   computer and I it's like okay I know exactly what  happened you know she produced a CGI video tried   to submit it tried to fool mufon and I guess  she would have probably abused that on a resume   I even fooled mufon yeah so unfortunately we do  get hoaxes it muddies the field up I mean some   of them are funny some of them actually there  they make me laugh once I've figured out what   was going on but it's not good to fool people and  and I'll tell you the UFO phenomenon in itself is   so interesting that you can't make up anything  that's better than the real thing it just always   kind of a a downer because it's just it's not  as good as the real phenomenon my the red flag   always comes up for me when I talk to somebody  and they say I know exactly why they're here   is a red flag you know or because do you really  know you don't know you're just speculating unless   you you have a written document or something  and in their handwriting all you can do is I   think I know and but for those people and then  the other people that say I see aliens all the   time I go well can you take a picture like  one time give it to me oh they don't like   their pictures taken you know and they're never  around they want to have my camera on the wing   okay talk to you later well I think uh being an  investigator among friends one of their thoughts   probably is Roderick what evidence or is this  really happening and when I when I give it some   thought and I try to remove myself from working on  case files that I believe I know we're not alone   in this universe but what was someone who is new  to this where would I send them or what would I   provide to them to give them and and so I started  to start thinking about ancient civilizations when   you go back to Pyramid structures and technology  and all of that that's enough to awaken that   Curiosity to someone to get them to say okay wait  a minute who built those you go back and look at   the dogon tribes and all of the Star constellation  information and now you want to even go biblically   or start looking into religious things in in  documents that have shown that there's possible   extraterrestrial interactions and so the evidence  is going to begin with the research because we   don't have outside of the stories Roswell the  bodies recovered we don't have physical public   reference for that average person to say prove  it to me except for things that are unexplained   that will then lead him to to the Curiosity saying  wait a minute this may be true I you know I I kind   of like the UFO lore if you want to call it that  because some of it is you know colorful and even   dramatically interesting I mean the whole Roswell  thing anybody who's been to Roswell will recognize   that the best thing that ever happened to the  city of Roswell was to be associated with aliens   somehow right because the entire downtown has  given over to the sale of you know artifacts or   tchotchkes really uh you know of of UFO hoos right  or aliens or sorry there's a UFO Museum downtown   a converted movie theater that sort of thing right  so for them it's been good for business if you are   the aliens today everybody has a camera both are  still camera and a video camera they have that in   their pockets right and it's a pretty good camera  and yet somehow the aliens have still managed to   avoid any really convincing uh footage now there's  a fellow at Harvard avilo is his name and he's a   professor of astronomy at Harvard and he has  started a project to try and build equipment to   get high resolution photos of these uaps and UFOs  I mean you got to admire that that's a good thing   to do I I don't imagine they're going to find  anything but you know that's just my personal uh   opinion and it may not be that way but at least  he's trying and I think that that's important the future is we'll be building them and flying  on my oh yeah that's that's the mufan's Creed   you know is the investigation of UFOs for the  benefit the scientific investigation of UFOs   for the benefit of humanity well that's how it  would benefit us is if we had that technology it's difficult to predict what the future  holds for ufology in recent years there has   been renewed interest in UFOs and uaps has  a result of various governments releasing   previously classified information and reports  on UAP sightings it's possible that this renewed   interest in UFOs could lead to more funding for  research and investigation into the phenomenon on   the other hand if the interest in UFOs and uaps  is not sustained research and investigation into   the phenomenon May decline there are a lot of  people that are interested in how the propulsion   works and things like Zero Point Energy are  often spoken of uh you know some of Tesla's   ideas and all that I think that it's making us  look at technology differently and it's it's cut   away some of the limitations that I think that we  self-imposed on ourselves you know it's just like   Ben Rich from Lockheed Skunk  Works said in one lecture he   gave it UCLA he said that we have the  technology right now to take E.T home   said all the stuff you've seen on Star Trek and  Star Wars we can do an even better but it's all   locked up in Black programs and the public will  never see it you know it's unfunded programs just   the idea and the technologies that we've witnessed  through this phenomena have have led us already to   design stuff of our own and maybe we'll see some  things like anti-gravity soon I think we have it   but it's not you know I think it's it's hard to  do like it's probably expensive to do and it's   going to open up Pandora's Box again they're going  to have to explain where they got it and it's you   know as soon as you know people start going up  into outer space they're going to start seeing   things that they probably aren't supposed to  see so this is all coming out soon I think

2023-04-14 12:28

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