Hypothetical US BBG Strike Group vs Iran | High Technology vs Obsolete Tech | CMO Simulation

Hypothetical US BBG Strike Group vs Iran | High Technology vs Obsolete Tech | CMO Simulation

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thank you for tuning in to this latest emerging threats group video I appreciate your time today ladies and gentlemen in this we will want to begin be going to the street of our movies for a showdown between us-led Coalition forces and Iranian forces the date time group and location have not changed however we will be seeing a slightly different set of U.S Coalition forces perhaps the most obvious will be the USS Kentucky bbg-1 Advanced Battleship which has been modernized and more about that in a moment we will also be putting in a flight free Ali Burke as well as several unmanned U.S Navy surface vessels such as the Sea Hunter and Phantom the Phantom and the ghost vessels with were originally designed by the Juliet Marine systems when they were looking at a alternative to the literal combat ships apparently this company claimed they could do them for cheaper and but the vessels would also be smaller but arguably more capable and there would certainly be a lot cheaper from what I gather maybe a tenth of the price or certainly you know certainly a lot cheaper than what the LCS and other vessels seem to cost and we will be putting more unmanned aerial systems in as well including the Vigilantes which you may have seen in previous videos the USS Santa Barbara won the LCS as we have still included does have a laser on board um Direct Energy weapon which should help protect against some of the missiles the Iranians will fire and we have included the USS Constellation uh Vice some of the other vessels as well um most of the orbat for the Blue Force uh the so the American side here the U.S Coalition has not changed so aircraft are all still the same from the land-based point of view and the Iranian orbat is also identical to the one in the previous scenario we will dive a little bit further into what USS Kentucky can do in this case so in the command modern operations database is a there's a there's a few different Iowa Battleship type mods that are available and what we have done is taken one of the those mods and modernized it so as you can see here does this version originally still had its 406 millimeter guns on We have replaced those with railguns as well as the other 155 millimeter shells which have a range of about 80 nautical miles what we all have also done is put more missiles on the uh what more modern missiles in the VLS cells and we have taken away its 127 millimeter guns that it would have on board and replace them with basically again those 155 millimeter ones and we've also given it some Hellfire missiles as well to help it defend against some of these small boats that may be coming out in this scenario it's airing does have multiple unmanned aerial systems in it including the v247s we've also got some xq58 alphasized the Valkyries as well as a few scan Eagles as well actually and we will see how this fares against the Iranians I mean the Americans in theory or the us-led Coalition should do better in this scenario it does have this Battleship as well as some more on man ships which are more advanced than we've seen in the previous scenario but feel free to make your predictions will the US lose as much as the last scenario or lose as many units so they did win the last scenario but lost but they did take damage and when all their Sams ran out it did they did start to take more damage to their vessels let's see how that goes I will zoom in a bit more on one of our battle groups here so as you can see there are plenty of helicopters launching although they do also seem to be landing which is strange yeah our CTF 150.1

you do have plenty of aircraft on this including f-35s and a mixture of man that unmanned aerial systems including the Vipers vipers should prove very useful in this as you see here we do have on our Orca unmanned submarines which is making its way through the Streeter for moves and for some reason those f-35s have gone to very low level we will tell them to try but again the whole idea is that hopefully I can click a little bit less in this and the units themselves should do a lot of the killing themselves because the way we've set up the Roe and the weapons release authorizations but we'll have to see how that goes I'm not opposed to stepping in helping the AI out as it will need it at times I'm sure we do want to speed up and get to the action a bit one of the things we have done here due to the amount of Firepower that the battleship has is made so a lot of the aircraft won't get airborne for a little bit longer in this kind of scenario so they won't be as many aircraft going up straight away it's more to showcase the ability of the battleship and the unmanned systems so as you can see the Iranians are launching multiple aircraft they have F4 Phantoms also in their Arsenal they do have mig-29s F14 Tomcats which have been upgraded with various Iranian indigenous Technologies and weapon systems how good those are in real life we don't know it's unlikely they match you up to the stanzas of Western technology or perhaps even the Russian and Chinese technology that we may never find out for certain as you see here here are our vigilance our little unmanned I say little they're unmanned systems they do have advanced Radars on them and these are carrying the doing strike missiles which I believe are variations of the Naval Strike missile we do have several oil tankers mixed in to our ctfs the one here 150.3 and also one five zero point four they both have well between them there's three oil tankers involved in there you'll have a mind sweeping Force here ctf152.1 which you're going to go into the spectator Minefield and hopefully clear some of those mines mindsweeping in command modern operations is a very tedious activity and that's probably pretty realistic In fairness I would imagine it's also very tedious as well as dangerous in real life it's not the kind of thing you'd want to be doing it does look like my helicopters seem to have landed themselves which is rather unusual firm why that is as far as I can tell there's no reason for it just make sure they are set up to use their guns now that might be why it looks like the loadout setting might be slightly off but hopefully they'll do better in that no I've done now I've messed around with the weapons release Authority and the Rules of Engagement as you can see here we have our Australian super Hornets coming to investigate the Iranian Phantoms probably be a little bit more fitting if it was at 14s there rather than Phantoms but I'm sure the um Iranians will send up their Tomcats at some point to play with us I got Nighthawks but once again struggling to get off the ships like they were in the other scenario which has been very strange really hopefully we won't have that problem in this one but I am prepared for it should it happen oh it looks like the hostilities are starting so right now you're going to see a lot of weapons me out of the battleship as well as other forces looks like they are engaging our tankers as you can see there's plenty of weapon systems currently flying around already looks like our minesweepers are taking damage as well as our oil tankers see the USS Can Turkey is already engaging with its long range missiles the supersonic versions [Music] not entirely sure that it's mine sweepers Will Survive the bombardment the render fiberglass holes generally down down the board up by London machine gun or heavier than that fire as you can see almost got plenty of sm-6s getting fired as they can Target both air and surface Targets in this and there you see our lasers getting involved the direct energy weapon we do still have our Ghost Rider last gunship also with direct energy weapon involved as well on this [Applause] surprised if the Iranians are already taking heavy losses we've already found off a left ruler of weapons and the airports at the premiums are all in taking quite a few losses however they have plenty more units to throw at us the Italian ship is engaging with its 76 millimeter gun we have some harms going towards the Iranian Sams they do have an sa20 as well as several other Sam systems which can be dangerous to our aircraft hopefully we've got enough suppression of enemy air defense aircraft up to uh destroy those before they can do too much damage but though they have shot down one of our own vigilance and it also looks like we're engaging with tomahawks against some of the land-based targets the Echo model of Tomahawk you see here those can only hit land targets so you have no ability to hit ships unlike the India the Juliet models which can be used against Maritime targets as you may have remember in the previous video the stormbreakers were very good against the Iranian fast attack raft and I'm sure it'll be very useful in this as well and we do also have more agm-179s which should also prove very useful but you can see some of that vigilance of carrying them here here come the 155 millivit shells these are not the railgun ones but they are still very in fact they do actually do more damage I believe than the uh hyper velocity shells and as States against land talks they do have a longer range these are the railgun machels here so they have a range around about 70 miles only have only have seven DP these ones here the LR lap slightly longer range against slam targets but have nowhere near such range against surface targets and have a bigger shell and also it cannot be used against aircraft or missiles those may have been the shells which when they were putting on the zoom what would have to do this custom spirals like over a million dollars a shell um so yeah they were never actually made as far as I'm aware one thing is that the um LCS we have here with the direct end UF on board is only 150 kilowatt laser but in command on operations that is enough to shoot down incoming missiles whereas in reality probably need something around the 600 kilowatts strength to do that uh command motivations doesn't yet model different strengths of direct energy weapons something I believe as you can see here a copious amount of weapon systems plenty of stormbreakers looks like our F-15 exes are getting involved with their chathams the f-35s we've got they don't have sidekick and they only have amrams on board but the exes both are carrying when or they were carrying 24 m260s they are obviously now looking at things down from six now so they're definitely using them I'm curious to see what damage out so it doesn't look like we have lost a mine sweeper and another one's taking damage um what is going on here looks like our ghost is getting involved I believe that is an oil killer no it's one of our ghosts they are quite small vessels they don't have much in the way of armor but I do believe they're rock band or at least it's varsely around so hopefully even if it's damaged some particular casualties is taking damage but I can't see it it's some oh no there it is it's just lost all comes of it so it has been damaged we've done how severely hopefully it's just the bridge has been hit so it's less consoles but it's actually still at least it's not going to spill oil everywhere not like obviously CMO doesn't actually model that but even still but rather not have an oil spin in the Middle East as you can see here we have plenty of missiles getting fired out then we've got the sm-2s we've got more tomahawks these are the India models these can be used against ships I have tried to set it up so that they won't use the tomahawks against small ships um but we'll see how that goes they may just in case some of the bigger small ships with them such as various ones Iranians as you may remember the last scenario have maybe about 150 anti-ship missiles and they will use them all against our forces which is why we run out of Sam's this time uh well last time this time our forces shouldn't have quite so much of an issue as we do have lasers and we do also have access to more enhanced sea sparrows which including the echo models as well as the uh HPP shells as you can see some of the stormbreakers are being used against airfields as well as ships looks like these Iranian ships are coming in at 100 knots they are there like almost like the hybrid ones they look like I do look like a cross stream like a swamp boat and some kind of aircraft they are harder to kill just because of their size and speed but they also don't have much in the way to Firepower they only have like a light machine gun on them I'm sure we will take them out one way or another one of our long-rated ship missiles which kind of used against land targets it's one of the Iranian Services surface missile batteries it's about Valkyries are up you may remember some labor scenarios we've done um with this they are armed with they are armed with missiles rather than slide out bombs just because the missiles can track targets better and also can still reload pretty quickly you may have actually lost a valkyrie there look it doesn't look like it maybe it's just already landed yeah we have actually lost a Super Hornet see that let's be on the Aussie Hornets got a bit too close to some air defenses or a phantoming up shot down they will avenge you Australia don't worry as you can see there's still plenty of weapon systems flying around the battle area the Rings are trying to get drones into the fight but our missiles arrive at thinning them out or forcing them back under the defensive the exes have fired off all their missiles are now coming down to use their guns they are pretty much out of missiles just a lot of Sidewinder left looks like one of these Iranian ships is still coming close to our forces I wonder if we can take it out with a laser yeah well take a little bit Hellfire and that works we'll fire one we'll fire a laser blast against it we'll also fire Hellfire acid one where in all that ship should die it's like the laser did impact it and it did kill it as well just didn't kill it immediately it's only against small boats lasers are very effective against larger boats they're not anywhere near as useful but they can shoot down missiles as we uh did see in the last scenario and we're also seeing in this scenario well you can also see as all our ships have turned on their offensive ECM which should make them hard to Target although not impossible especially as some of the Iranian weapons do I think use Optical targeting and IR targeting not just radars does look like our sm-6 is getting involved I believe they're targeting the Iranian drones rather than the holistic missiles that they're firing not sure but they must have fired some ballistic missiles I'm not seeing although maybe rsm6ers took them out or really or rather the sn3 is more likely no no it looks like the sn3s are still oiling this there is possible the Iranian missiles don't go quite as high as the Chinese ones up therefore can be taken out just by sm-6s especially the new jewelry variant that we have on some of our vessels see if it still has the Iranians of fun any beautiful so they certainly find plenty of subsonic and maybe even a few supersonic than missiles yep it does look like they've found some anti-ship ballistic missiles that is at least eight in fact anyone surprise me if these ships are the ones that engaged yeah they've definitely fired off some SN for years yeah so in fact looks like no no they're just normal subsonic weapons yes it definitely looks like all the Iranian anti-shipalistic missiles have already been shot out of the sky then which is useful those are probably the biggest threat periodically anyway it's time around we see it some of Iran's heavier ships are getting blasted that ship here the one that was so difficult destroying the last scenario is already on his last legs in fact what I can do is make sure it doesn't bother us anywhere near as much as last time and try and send some tomahawks after it to let me data link those ones in but we may be able to Target it with some of our other weapon systems certainly USS Kentucky should have enough Firepower to sink it even from fairly far away yes it definitely looks like that still has plenty of anti-ship missiles on it fire several against it those five missiles should be more than enough to think it you can see here we are unleashing a lot of fdm sixes and other weapons these are the railguns going in to Target the Iranian boats we're about 23 minutes into the scenario and hostilities have maybe even going on for about what five ten minutes for that I already feel like there's a lot more Iranian I said it's destroyed it was the other time around shows what this Battleship can do for you it really is a very powerful weapon system it also be a ridiculously expensive weapon system they might not be as much as an aircraft carrier but it might not be far behind foreign aircraft carrier also has plenty of cuts to it as well including aircraft maintaining those aircraft providing weapon systems for those aircraft I mean if you're really going crazy about it you do what the Russians have done and making nuclear powered as well they've got their nuclear power Kia Rock battle Cruisers and I'm sure in a future video we'll probably have to do a video where the Russian kirov classes or whatever they call these days up against U.S battle forces they both the um contemporary ones and also maybe futuristical hypothetical ones as well we have found the Iranian submarine and it looks like our author is engaging with torpedoes as you can see here all these yellow vessels are ones that are destroyed that are Iranian ones they're all sinking there I do believe this variant of excess missile can be used against slam targets these are the these GBU 69 sgms those are the ones that can be fired from the Valkyries they are quite small weapons but I think the valkyrie can only carry two maybe four of them uh f-15s here I believe they were the ones carrying stormbreakers they've fired all of those and they were carrying about 40 of them I believe certainly the F-15 e being able to carry that many stormbreakers is a very useful asset I believe the maximum they can carry in command model protections is 28 we fit in the map with 20 because that's what we've seen and test aircraft carry I'm not entirely sure they've deployed any f15s with that carrying that many stormbreakers I could be wrong though looks like these typhoons are final for their missiles I don't know at low level engaging targets with guns looks like some of our missiles are hitting the enemies runways so they can't launch any more aircraft from there I mean I believe that Island's runways are well air bases are quite small anyway so they may not they may have launched all their drones from there or aircraft there you go a little bit of Overkill doesn't hurt anyone apart from the target perhaps as you can see we've got some engage on the enemy air bases down here and we're also engaging some of the ports that we can't actually destroy really so I'm going to make smart forces don't engage those it's just a waste of ammunition at this point we do look how many weapon systems we have fired right now as you can see we'll find a lot of stormbreakers not so many hellfires yet uh the brimstone twos from our Reaper and protector drones are getting involved and the tycoons have lots of fat ass and their spear threes yeah 15 exes plenty of vegetables are now going back to reload we're also firing off tomahawks and meteors as well and look the email sm6 has been used I mean we don't even know if the Americans have that many of the new dual 2 model but maybe they do I don't know what the production line is like sure we've found a plenty of our 155 mils as well although perhaps not as much as you'd think Iranian losses are starting to mount up they have plenty of vehicles as well as they've been destroyed as well as ships and aircrafts as it certainly looks like we're filling out this Iranian herd a lot quicker than on the of the scenario oh the moment this Iranian ship is still alive but hopefully not much longer that was the one that causes so much grief in the last scenario as you can see here there's still copious amounts of Miss album showers going towards the Iranian forces here comes the new sm-6s the ones that can Target air Land and Sea forces that's being used Against drones which are going 90 knots it's maybe again this is certainly not a good use of taxpayers money but if they do the job and protect our forces from getting damaged then that has a cost on its own it sounds like some of our forces are engaging with short-range guns not entirely sure where that is might be some of our helicopters yes I do believe it's around Nighthawks or engaging with their m60s we lost it Playmates just landed yes still haven't lost any more assets since the last time I checked unlike the Iranians who were who are definitely bleeding right now again look at any of these sm6 is coming out against weapon systems that are hopelessly inferior for these missiles but as the Ukraine war is shown even low and slow drones can cause massive issues for air defenses in fact sometimes a lower and slower the Drone the harder it is to for our air defense to pick up on it but then shoot it down uh due to the I believe it's speed Gates is the term they use which means that units that are going particularly slow don't actually get well they get picked up by their radar and then filter down to find the software involved otherwise your Radars are picking up things like birds and I mean some Radars if they're not orientated correctly or even pick up vehicles on roads or sometimes if they are orientated correctly they'll pick up vehicles on roads and things like that exactly how warthogs are getting involved you know they do I mean they may find that all the Iranian boats are destroyed before they can even get there at this rate looks like our Italian ships are Italian ship is using up all its ordinance against the enemy Airfield a little bit of Overkill there I'm sure it's now it's just an unnecessary amount of shells going towards that Target and what you have here are more of our decoys the ones that do have offensive yeah offensive electronic warfare capabilities usually you can use the data link to maneuver these independently uh but at the moment I invoked so in this current build you card but I know that has been fixed for the next build when that's released the other bug that is currently in the game is that later designators aren't working as they should which is why I've stayed away from using a lot of weapons to do only Guided by lasers and just to make life a bit easier so we have less aircrafters circling around unable to fire at Targets luckily these kind of missiles have multiple Seeker modes so they can also use their inbuilt Seekers let me just check yeah it has an active radar Seeker as well as a laser star tracker okay we're on is starting to launch its Fighters including f14s we will see how many aircraft we've got on cap because we will launch more if that's necessary [Music] good morning see exactly what Fighters we have lined up here again most of these do look like they're armed with air-to-ground lowdowns and I will launch the f-16s which are at where I do believe our Saudi F15 SAS will also be getting involved shortly one thing you usually can do with the model JS is use a data link to control their performance around the map however there is currently a bug in the latest build of command which means they can't actually do that unfortunately however they will still get in the right direction and hopefully Jam some of the Iranian surface to air missile systems we do have a lot of Iranian aircraft coming out of their Airfield including uavs f4es and f-14s I do have my Saudi Eagles coming to join the fight we might just try and redirect them over there a bit to see if they can't maybe interdict some of those aircraft in terms of the losses situation right now we the U.S led Coalition has lost very few assets so far although the weapons expansion is very high the Iranians have both lost plenty of assets and final numerous amounts of weapon systems I do believe that the US and NATO philosophy is to expend things rather than people and I'm sure all of us clean myself who have served in a NATO armed forced as branches probably rather grateful for that rather than some of the militaries of the world which you have renowned for at least recently you know using the home the human wave tactics where is the West generally prefers not to do that anymore maybe not sing to the second world war or first world war type eras like her f-35s are also coming in to join the party uh these aren't the sidekicker click ones they are on the Block fours which means they don't have the jatoms either they do just have the Delta model of amrams and that's not like the the D3 version either I don't believe it is just the normal version which have a range of about I think it's about 86 nautical miles if I remember correctly see how they do it's like our railgun channels are going in and against targeted against some of the Iranian boats the f-14s are engaging against whether it be our missiles or our aircraft I'm not ified to guess I would guess it's our aircraft engine by the elevation on that missile so it is descending I don't believe the latest generation of Iranian f14s use the Phoenix as much and instead use some kind of indigenous Iranian creation which is some some kind of mix between a hawk missiles and phoenixes and probably some tech they've got from the Russians and Chinese as well who knows I mean one thing is saying about the Iranians are they are do seem to be rather ingenious people they do certainly seem to be able to craft weapons out of things that no one else really has bothered with or they've certainly provided plenty of the hoofy rebels and yeah man as well and one of the weapons that the Iranians or at least the houthis did perhaps with help from the Iranians it's highly likely is turned some of the air-to-air missiles that Yemen had back from maybe the 90s or 80s into Sam's things that used to be fired from they say mig-29s they turned them into Sam's it's actually not too dissimilar to apparently what the ukrainians have done with the British house around missile there is uh sources out there seem that seem to suggest the ukrainians have actually turned as Rams into Sam's as well I mean which isn't totally far-fetched when you consider the azerram was used as the basis for the sea sector and Landscape missiles and the major difference is the hours of ram only has an infrared Seeker the um cams have the well sea seceptors or landsceptors they have the Active Radar Seeker the fox 3 wanted or Seeker head rather as you can see here uh Saudi f15s they are using the slightly older and RAM model uh they all get they're at least forcing the enemy to honor the threat of those missiles we'll see if they actually managed to shoot many aircraft down it does look like because they're firing down to low level the missiles are running out of juice quite early and it's unlikely to actually catch maybe any of the quicker assets one thing you do definitely notice in command one of our operations is the fact that as super Square missiles and air-to-air missiles lose velocity very rapidly they're moving through the thicker atmosphere at lower levels the missiles are definitely certainly even certainly all of them but especially ones like Ramjet powered meteors especially uh especially uh better used from high flying platforms against ideally other high-flying targets as well but certainly higher flying targets than these ones are these ones are all that Angels well Angel's four so that one's angels 12. and yeah so most of them are under 10 000 feedback looks of it the Tomcats are a bit higher but they've also got the for us to outrun some of the missiles Liberian surface to surface missile batteries are taking hits but they have fired plenty of those some of their workplace I still have some of their own missiles heading in versus our ships luckily we do definitely have a good amount of Sam's left unlike in the last game where we ran out of those very early good Saudi Eagles are getting out of there they've done their job they've managed to suppress the enemy aircraft keep them from engaging some of our aircraft I mean one thing that's certain is these railguns should manage to keep most aircraft at Bay even if they do try and push towards our forces as you can see the straightfor moves is already looking a lot more empty of Iranian craft than it did in our last video this time around so apparently one way to uh win a battle of the streets removed is to deploy an advanced Battleship with uh certainly contemporary technology and maybe even Tech that should have been invented and may be invented very shortly I mean yes some likely could get railguns onto some kind of Battleship anytime soon perhaps but certainly direct energy weapons this thing could be put on a ship of that size without too much hassle in a lot too different future after all comes down to the pound of power source you can get something that can create several megawatts of uh Power for these direct energy weapons certainly be of use indeed it's probably likely that the next UK Destroyer the type 83 and the replacement the Americans are building for the Ali Berg will have laser weapons of at least 500 megawatts if not slightly more than that I do believe there's actually a report that came out recently saying that the 300 kilowatt lasers uh I think it's Lockheed Martin a building they're already in the process of upgrading those to 500 kilowatts and I don't know if they're still looking at it but they were trying to develop a pod they could go on like a 4.5 or a fourth gen fighter

and would allow them to shoot down incoming missiles I mean the whole philosophy used to be if you can see a Target you can hit it and if you can hit it you can kill it but it might soon be that even if you can see a Target it's got direct energy weapons on board you might not be able to kill it all that easily at the same time of course there will be caveats to Direct Energy use uh apparently the atmospheric conditions and water vapor things like that certainly can cause issues with them speaking of direct energy weapons I wonder if our gunship is ready for lunch yet yes it is it is actually on route to the Battle Zone address from one of these biologics looks like we have got an enemy submarine here that may actually be it looks like it's a periscope depth which is why our Radars are picking it up not just yeah like sonars I mean we don't actually have any sonars nearby I don't think looks like our helicopters or those aren't esw but it looks like they are heading over to an investigate either way at this distance it's not too much of a threat the Iranians are launching more uavs against us we're not entirely sure which ones they are even the even the uh intelligence Community apparently on my side doesn't either where it is on this you click on it that also doesn't give me much to go in this case certainly with this one or usually ones that have Radars on board it will usually give you an indication of what their emissions are so as you can see down here there are in fact they're almost there are no longer any Iranian floating vessels at all which is rather impressive it's probably what only about 30 35 minutes um in game time anyway since ourselves broke out and every Iranian surface vessel that isn't in a port has been destroyed there are still quite a few submarines out there as far as we're aware and it looks like they do still have drones and aircraft and they are still a few a few guided weapons as well like there you go there's two Iranian submarines there both near the surface why are they coming up that close to the surface not entirely sure they might become to recharge even though it'll certainly make them easier targets for our forces we will speed up our Naval forces now that the Straits of a moose is mostly clear you certainly don't want them going for any minefields though they're embarrassing the Tomcats are coming towards someone whether it behind f-16s or our decoys I'm not entirely sure at this point they seem to be trying to investigate someone though now Saudi tonkers are moving in to finish off this SM SSM battery one thing we can do now we might already be active I can't actually remember at this point it has got engaged any contacts on so yes I do wonder if our forces will engage any of these batteries here or maybe they have already fired on them yes it does look like there are some weapon systems on the route these batteries over here what those systems are however I'm not entirely sure looks like it's Joint Strike missiles going after these batteries if this is meant to be the um hyper velocity shells that are heading towards those targets they might be petering out just before they get to them that was targeting a ucab and it destroyed it pretty well as looking at it I mean I would say it's a more cost effective way to take these drones down but these shells would probably cost more than most ucabs and drones Were In fairness now p8's going in for the kill versus the submarine after it after I gave it some friendly Inc encouragement shall we say that sideline just slowed right down I don't think that fence has got too much to worry about from the missiles anyway it looks like our battleship is enjoying picking off aircraft with its railguns indeed if we fight if we look at how many shells our Battleship has on board it's probably far enough maybe like 500 shells so it's still got a heck of a lot more where those came from and those are just the uh hyper velocity ones they still have plenty of the other ones a land bombardment and anti-surface ones in terms of Sam's it has plenty of enhanced sea Spyro block twos left although it has fight off most of the rest of its Sam's just not the sm-3s because it had no need to use them on the ballistic missiles I believe our other ships shot down those instead go ahead indeed I mean they probably won the more realistic takeaways from this is give more American ships more enhanced sea Sparrow size missiles especially the block 2 with its um Active Radar Seeker they'll certainly provide more protection against these Iranian drones and missiles and and aircraft let's get a bit too close to the vessels and they also have the ability to Target surface forces I believe as well they're certainly doing command one operations so I believe they should be able to in reality as well assuming there's no kind of technical snags that could possibly disrupt them by default in command the Mr Sam's you know things that ships use to defend themselves don't use those missiles against such ships or land targets that can certainly be changed in the doctrine it's only when you're surrounded by Iranian fast attack craft you probably want to be able to hit those of anything you've got you can see here our f-35s are using their data link to control these missiles as you can see here the amram is rapidly losing velocity because it's going into a lower a lower atmosphere or low altitude doesn't need much velocity to catch this drone but it's make stalled before it gets to it be remarkable in reality to see a missile you know visually see and misalgaming that slowly you'd think you'd hope it was self-destruct in the air rather than landing on your head I do believe these missiles are designed to self-destruct if they run out of battery power or lose their Target in order so they don't cause any collateral damage on the ground but I couldn't tell you certain if that's the case I do feel like now a lot of Eric after flying around attempting to Target weapon systems uh but those nerves weapon systems such as this SSM battery have already been targeted by a weapon system further away means they're just kind of hovering around it I'm sure as we have a pretty much a wall of Attack Helicopters here certainly if anything did spawn here I don't think there should be anything not spawning in at this point it would make one hell of a mess of them while the helicopters make one hell of a mess or whatever spawned in most likely see if we can't manually get this tornado to engage looks like so one of the weapon systems we've equipped on our battleship is actually a 1990s era weapon that was canceled it's the sea Lance it does carry a mark 50 torpedo so not the mark 54 but it does have a ridiculously long range in comparison to what is currently used on the uh US Navy ships I believe this system maybe after launch YouTube up to 30 35 nautical miles it was canceled at the end of the Cold War you may have noticed that Russian submarines certainly in command anyway do you almost carry some kind of once a torpedo well missile launch torpedo which means that they if they're near near the surface I believe it's around 131 feet in command can launch a usually out of a torpedo tube but it's a missile that then flies to its Target maybe 20 30 nautical miles and then becomes a torpedo and then Dives down on the submarine they can be shot down certainly in command but it does provide the submarine with a more of a standoff capability the American Navy as far as I'm aware don't have anything like that in reality but in command you can equip the sea Lance on submarines as well as ships indeed I sometimes do load them up on Orcas but I haven't in this one this one's got the Mark 48 mod 7 Torpedoes and also did have some sm-6s on and tomahawks as well you may have seen that the US Navy has been experimenting playing sm-6 missiles onto vessels like submarines and then I think they use data link capabilities to then say from say an E2 Hawkeye to then launch them against other targets or Airborne targets although I suppose you could also use them against ships and land targets as well or that the water element isn't huge you can see here it looks like our harms I've managed to lock onto something it must be the SM the sa5 Charlie battery and the railgun shells are certainly destroying a drone that tries to venture out of the varan's airspace yeah the sa5 battery is taking a pounding I believe that must be out of missiles by now anyway I imagine those things are a bloody pain to reload those missiles about the size of a fighter jet range though I'm talking somewhere around 200 nautical miles I maybe some maybe 150 to 200 nautical miles I believe either way they are old and therefore they're not as dangerous they're not all that dangerous to fighter aircraft or anything other than quite short ranges but against your lumbering transport and earwaxes they're still rather deadly so it looks like some more Iranian boats have spawned in he's fast attack rafter now fast becoming targets for our helicopters maybe the helicopters could see them getting ready to launch and decided lighter there and way to engage them um what is our p8 guns also turn him around and send him to engage that submarine one thing that the p8s don't have I think maybe even the Indian one I I could be wrong but certainly I believe the Indian one in command has a mad a magnetic abnormally detector that's easy for me to see nope there is a torpedo getting fired here but I do believe that most p8s don't have it have mad on them but they do have other sensors I don't think they're modeled in command but apparently it can detect diesel fumes from submarines again I don't know how well that works in real life I might just be one of those things that's meant to work and it doesn't work all that well um no expert on anti-submarine capabilities I imagine it's quite classified again it does look like one of our ships has engaged with a torpedo foreign however the Iranians have launched their own Torpedoes in response our LCS is the closest vessel which is probably also the fastest In fairness or certainly one of the fastest in fact the Phantoms also have a very high speed in fact the only one that might actually be of in any threat here is our Battleship but it does have anti-torpedo Torpedoes on board that we wires from the US aircraft carriers in game however I do believe the um there's another submarine there I do believe the US has actually removed those defenses from their active carriers perhaps because they weren't working as advertised or maybe were just too expensive to maintain who knows but yes trying to hit the torpedo where a torpedo doesn't seem like the easiest thing to do I mean part of me wants to be better off launching like depth charges like back in the second world war where they used I think it's called like the Hedgehog system where like a spread of depth challenges was launched out I mean to me you probably might only be able to use it a couple of times but against a few Torpedoes it might be able to detonate them but yes obviously you're going to need lots of them to repel multiple attacks and therefore it's probably not logistically a great idea it's like at least some kind of radar bar lock C still going on the sa5 battery typhoons are literally waiting above the Airfield just in case anything does scramble a little bit too low for my liking I don't believe so on in the command modern operation database I do believe for the actual full Airfield build we're just using a single Airfield here there's a triple A and maybe man pads there so the typhoon's going down that low probably isn't a great idea normally but in this case I don't think it's going to cause them any issues it doesn't look like our aircraft are literally all circling around this target I mean I wouldn't say there's much point in Saving it whatever weapons coming in at this final Mazel just finishing off again Spears against it that was one of the anti-ship ballistic missile launchers around hers again how good they are in real life we don't know it is possible that they're actually useful it could just fit that they're there just to kind of attract media attention hike the Iranians up to make them more powerful than they actually are I think we're almost at the point where we can call a scenario a day we will just try and just think a couple of these submarines or at least also see if our ships can escape these Torpedoes again we're not entirely sure if these Torpedoes are following our vessels or not at this point it's like some oh there we have some more Iranian boats have launched and they've just been massacred so that didn't go well for them oh there's another submarine there looks like our orcas engage there it looks like some Torpedoes did get launched by around um well it doesn't look like the anti-torpedo torpedo systems did launch there and I wonder if any of them work or whether that torpedo just missed on its own accord oh it looks like the Nixie got it won the decoys we've had a 50 chance of working and it worked against the Iranian torpedo it does look like our anti-torpedo torpedo did do it as well it had a it had a probability of hit of eight percent and it Managed IT that's I mean I would say it's impressive it's not a very impressive chance but it's very impressive he managed it um again where's our pH we might have to bring him back in certainly do need to increase our ASW activities so and we have active sonar on the thing I can do is a little bit cheaty but nothing too horrendous is I feel like if I was a ship Commander I would do this you can launch a couple of torpedoes right where that submarine was about 20 minutes ago again what that should do is force a sub Commander to speed up slightly in fact there we go he's he obviously didn't move too far away from that he got killed straight away a second Torpedoes just gonna hover around there and see if it finds anything else I doubt it but you never know there could be a second Sub in that vicinity we noticed at least three in this area and in fact now that we have cleared out the Iranian air defense it's a bit we can probably expand our afw Patrols certainly we can put it to investigate targets outside of the area and I'm not sure if you have any other pH ready to go no not at this time or I'd be launching those as well I think someone's bombing the Iranian Airfield I might just get him to fire on the submarine anyway oh in fact he doesn't have any surely has a torpedo left some reason won't let him engage it how strange it's manually launch on it it's possible it's actually one of those vessels that could be semi-submerged I'm not entirely sure or maybe just didn't have any just an accurate well there it is it was a kilo class so I've got no I don't know why that torpedo didn't want to engage them but let's finish this Iranian submarine off kilos actually fairly there we go now we can certainly Target it yeah it looks like one of the mark 47s caught up with him again what we can do here is make it so our anti-submarine Warfare helicopters we'll travel outside there are sign zones and hopefully destroy these submarines because these are about the only threats we have left now it looks like they already have the ability to do that oh there we are we on the wrong mission and again now might be the time to Surge uh helicopters foreign nice thing is you can also equip the vigilance with anti-submarine capabilities and that's actually quite a quick turnaround time sometimes it can take up to four to six hours to turn them around but in this case and we will launch a couple more anti-submarine helicopters [Music] wow ship's trying to go that way yes we now have a wall of aircraft up again in the last mission we did we didn't have this many support aircraft on station because they they're all had to attend to other matters and I had to return to base and rearm reload because of the actions of our Battleship and other weapon systems they are now able to just hang around over the target using their loiter capabilities and just attack anything else that may spawn but it is possible the Iranians are now at a fast attack raft and it does look like a tornado and a few more uavs were shot down but yeah certainly very few manned aircraft were lost on Super Hornet we also a lot and the tornado and we did lose a Minesweeper as well but nowhere near the losses that received in the last scenario where we lost an Ali Burke again look in here the Iranian losses are extensive I mean I'll just say the Iranians in theory may have several thousand fast attack craft we don't know just how many they have and just how serviceable or useful those are but we've certainly made a dent in their capabilities today especially considering the aircraft and drones are shot down and how many anti-ship missiles Iranians fired at us if we go down here it's likely that I mean just in this tally here you see that's at least 110 anti-ship missiles and we have plenty of orange shipment sales and drones here so it's gonna be at least 150 if not 200 anti-ship weapons were launched against us Dean Here Comes our p8 but he very quickly destroyed that he pretty much dropped the torpedo right on top of it getting him to deploy some Sona boys so we've got both passive and active son advisor looks like it's detected some fish or shrimps evenly or whales certainly biologics anyway again you don't have to manually use the Sona boys but sometimes it is a little bit easier to indeed you can either do them via keypad or keyboard rather or you can do it via checking on the unit there we go that's another Iranian submarine destroyed and there may be some other ones out there but I'm happy to call it a day at that I do believe that is Iran heavily damaged we've got a major victory of that in terms of weapon systems we've used we've used about 180 stormbreakers quite a few brimstones as well um nowhere near as many Sams this time around although plenty of effort M6 is going to use which is one of the more expensive ones there we are almost 90 of those and those are just the Dual twos with probably the other version as well if I can find it on here with 600 railgun shells I have to use plenty of the long-range ownership missiles of both models here there you are yes there's the sm-6's block one Bravos quite a few tomahawks I mean it does explain why there's pretty much no Iranian uh land units remaining but yes in terms of Sam's fired and then some of the other weapons fired it was barely any this time around we're wrong I wonder if they did actually manage to get any air-to-air missiles away some of the aa10 Alamos uh one ancient Sparrow missile there and a few of the their modification missiles a few more sparrows even a few arches really yes they did not manage to launch an awful lot of Firepower against us not from the air-to-air capabilities anyway but yes thank you very much for watching this video then I hope you find it enlightening and I also I mean I would hope that the US will invest more into unmanned vessels such as these ghosts and oh no the phantomed class they may or may not get built but you'd like to think something not too Less in the will and we also have these other unmanned ships here which we've got with enhancy Spyros on and other weapon systems again we do realize and this one's got hell files on board and we do know the US is investing a lot in this kind of ghost Fleet technology but I believe there's a ghost Fleet Overlord is one of the programs that they're currently working on so I expect to see more unmanned vessels but I certainly don't unfortunately expect to see any kind of 2020's Battleship rolled out unfortunately would be great it would be amazing to see if it would certainly be a prime target in war and probably be a waste of taxpayers money everyone looks like one of our typhoons has just run out of fuel how embarrassing but yes thank you very much for watching this video hope you enjoyed it and please comment and like And subscribe if you did enjoy this and thank you for your time then have a great evening foreign [Music]

2023-08-26 10:15

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