How to Improve Your Troubleshooting skills as system Administrator | System Administrator Tutorial

How to Improve Your Troubleshooting skills as system Administrator | System Administrator  Tutorial

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and then he will check the SK skos scope and based on the symptoms he'll give the some medicines like a treatment he'll give basic diagnostic right so if it is not recovered after two days 3 days he will not be again start the treatment he will give the some test for the diagnostic and once the test report has come he will analyze that report and he will come to know if the report uh what is the result is coming is there something any abnormal is found then he will be he will be giving the treatement based on the especially that what exactly issue happened accordingly the treatement has to start same things in a technical side in a our system administrator job role side we won't be able to say that is in all the time issues same issues we are occurring and same resolution we are providing now so so first issue is occurred first we need to identify what is exact issue right first identify the problem okay try to understand the problem then you have anything screenshot to understand what exactly happened or any uh information about the issue right so you will be contacting to the user they submit the ticket there is a issue is happening my server is not working and you will contacting to the user you will asking what happen when it is started what is exactly issues you trying to if user is not able to reach out you might see the some many attachment in the ticket and uh some more detail updated in the ticket or see the some description in the ticket uh if the ticket is not there you can see the uh email email communication something that issue explained or not try to understand understand that the more detail of the problem don't jump into the directly to fix the pro fix the problem right maximum people is doing the mistake in my team I'm keep telling to everyone right and suddenly they are coming to asking help without knowing the issues there's a P1 ticket never they never have a patience to read it and what is it what we can do it where we need to check at least some basic information to get information basic needed right where to go and how how the uh related information we can collect then you can ask someone so this is all I have done for the first four five step but still is not fixing can I help that makes sense some fresher and L1 L2 team little Panic during some P1 ticket P2 ticket right it might be breach or it it is some impacted business and they never try it for themselves so this is cases I have seen many time in my team and earlier project also so during interview when I ask questions they will not have a relevant answers with them so who worked on actual project and who has a good knowledge on whatever we talked about from the day one to till today I'm sure you when I ask question right if you'll be able to answer when you done for the two or three time practical and all the topics what I explained till now that is in we need it in a regular uh basis of the operations point of view all the because you need completely ad infra we have discussed you need operations activity which is called as a daily you know groups you need it right groups Group Policy needed right this major topic OU needed U delegations needed right so the these are the major active territory are system administrator should know them right so the group policy is one of the major topic right it it if you already know that some requirement come to you how if any issues occur multiple user that users issue is going to fix by implementing Group Policy any number of users yes we need to think about what kind of configurations is there what kind of uh uh user configurations or computer conf can be done and test it and you can implement it this all is a mandatory to know this so once we have this information then you should be rely on rely on the event log the most important some basic information you got it but uh you wanted to be understand more on that issues so you need to rely on event log what is event log here always we need to refer so by default we have a Windows Event log this is questions we will ask most of the time what kind of log you'll be preferring when the issue is occur for example if Hardware related issue or some application related issues right are Opera system related issues just performance related issue right so with scenario we need to prefare what kind of logs this questions will ask hardare related means what maybe you know bsod blue skin of death and you know system not booting right you know some Hardware failure like hard disk what is s so blue screen of death okay suddenly you'll get uh some know blue screen right system not booting Hardware F frequently rebooting these are all some major uh impacting your environment and uh some known issues also so such scenario which logs you be preferring right some applications log applications issue related OS related how you wanted to what kind of log you need to be preparing right that is a by default we have Windows Event log when you talk about Windows Event log there are three type of majorly three type of error log instead of error three type of log informations basically what are are those number one you should have the information log which everything works fine it will give the some informations which is all good from the configurations or installation point of view second one is you'll get error log error log some happened it's a major impacted okay that error log will be separate created number three critical error lock okay these are all a type of log to refer to troubleshoot to start troubleshooting means the issue is occurred I need to identify what happened what went wrong till the date last uh uh you know last date uh afternoon 12:00 the server was working fine suddenly after 12:00 it was it is it is behaving abnormal or it is not working something happened right something either any patch has been deployed or not is there any power fluctuation happen in during that that data center or on that environment and any unknown persons or someone logged in forced to shing down or forced to reboot reboot it done some information something we need to identify what went wrong right to give a clue to give a proof for that these are all logs will be relying on that right so how do we check this information log if you go to the event log it's a by default we have event every server we have Event Viewer right this this has to start okay even interview the last question you how do you start troubleshooting if any issues occur the first answer should be you should tell them so we need to identify the first exactly issues right and what is the issue then I will go to the Event Viewer then I'll check that is these are all default Windows Server logs and same things we have a active directory active directory log as that is called as a applications directory log and you can have that is an all in a DNS log right DNS related ad related replication related all the logs you have can see the separate in a active directator log so where you can see here either you can go to the under server you can uh see this event log go to the Event Viewer the first most important you looking for here Windows lock right so in this you have that is an applications system and security the basically in this Windows type of log you put into the different different way you have the application log and you have system log okay and security log magically and each log you have the type of array log okay each log type of informations log those are all which is information error lock critical lock or more called as a warning lck okay each log you have this information applications system and security you have some uh you have audit log in the in the security you have that you will you won't able to see that this detail let's see this you can able to see or not now see this in when I'm application log when you go right you have to have some little smarter to read the logs that's the most important right now as I said when you want to filter now you got to know that is issue is occurred when when it issue is occurred in yesterday afternoon so immediately what you want to do you can filter current log okay when you click on the filter current log you can select a particular time okay last 12 hours last 24 hours last 7 7 days last 30 days custom range also you can do it first event started on say for example yesterday right yesterday 28 and something 12:00 is happened right and uh last event till today you can select for today okay and you have any user related you can add that user here or particular computer you can add it here right users and computer and here it is most important I was talking about what kind of log you want to prefer here right critical warning which I said here right we would be looking for that is in critical warning the the most important we need to understand that based on the issue right based on the issue what is that you want to read that is in my critical and error log only on the particular time issue is occurred just click okay and you see this is I don't see anything of the log log here right for the application related same things when you go to the system here you can see couple of error log you can see that right right click here current filter current log and just see this current and anytime I'm selecting instead of custom timing log now see here this kind of logs will help to understand the exact issue right so from the date wise you see this is all the error log right the first most important pick that first error which is latest one and you need to understand that is in what is this error information okay the application specific permission setting to not Grant local activation permission for the Comm server applications so we might not understand that exactly what it is what the information right so you should understand take that event ID okay every event has the event ID every event has a event ID that event ID called as a one16 remember whenever you are troubleshooting any issue find that relevant log error log and critical log and uh see that is an event ID you won't be able to much information share but you might be able to understanding okay uh this is giving some detailed of the log uh log related information is giving you related for this but what happened due to what reason this issue is occurred you won't be able to understand that you need to take care about in go and ask Google right event ID event ID one6 right to understand the more detail on this right so due to the Google will help us might be there is a chances different region so we need to understand that and always whenever you are going asking the Google always prefer Microsoft portal do not prefer to fixing the issue with other third party portal because they will be fixed for their uh you know for their environment and something they fix it and it won't be a same resolution for us but Microsoft giving you all aspect always you need to rely on and Trust on the Microsoft portal right and you should go to the portal it will tell you the detail okay in the article symptoms cause work around this is important here we need to understand okay this article provide work and Sol the event on logged into Windows when accessing dcom component so Windows 10 all Edition server 29 2016 the KB number is giving you what is the symptoms what is the cause and what is the workaround see the symptoms here right on a computer turning on that Windows 10 server operative system the following event logged in the system event log right this is the same log it is occurred in our our machine and what would be the cause due to what this issues occurred these one six events are rebooted when Microsoft component try to access dcom component without required permission in this case this behavior is expected and by Design so by a coding pattern has been implemented where the code first tries to accessing Deco component and with one set of parameter if the first attempt is unsuccessful it tries again with another setup parameter the reason why it doesn't skip first attempt because the scenario is where it can be succeeded this those scenario it it be preferable so this is just say my Microsoft saying there known issue don't worry about it it is by Design there behavior is there right so what would be the work around what would be the solution these events can be safely ignored because they don't ad wisely affect functionality and by design it is recommended to action for these events so what is he giving the solution for that right this kind of work around always rely because the Microsoft is given and also we need to contact Microsoft if something happened is not issue is a fixed Bas on the our uh support model right so this is how always we need to refer to understanding the what is the symptoms what is the cause what is the workaround is been given and someone ask you for the status for status what is the status of this issue right you can tell them working on this issue identify these Logs with a screenshot and as per the Microsoft recommended they they suspected and they they gave that is result due to the cause for this and you should also answer over the email with the same way this is the symptoms as per analysis as per the investigation we found these are the error in the event log what date and what is the screenshot of this and what could be the cause based on the Microsoft recommendation cause and what should be the worker around of the fixing this issue you need to explain them properly over the email or over the call and the before implementing take a suggestion from the L3 and uh Next Level support if you have in your support module or you are the one persons go ahead implement it if your support module Microsoft support module is is there please also reach out to them and most of the cases issue started which I have have seen that is in after the pass deployment most of the issues uh issue started be uh issue started means what it's uh uh business impact related issues right business impact related issues it means it's completely my uh business impacted the P1 ticket is P1 incident is been submitted right so such scenario you have to have to contact the vendor or oft support because already impacted and we don't want to take a uh uh take a chance to R&D it means we can try it we can fix it like that no we need to have the actual uh solution for that so these are all very very basic things to every system administrator follow troubleshooting steps if interview questions asked right or also you're performing uh in your production supporting you have to follow the same steps always remember rely on the log understand the log first don't ask anyone help first instance and read that screenshot if anything attached in the ticket or or the email if communication happening understand contact the user talk to him ask him that ision when it is issue occur what happened that is in then you can see some any changes uh is happened in the environment like P deployment like any recent change implemented like right change request implemented some many uh infrastructure level implementation happening these are all you can identify if something is there if not there then you can come and read the logs and each log you can find that is an event ID go and Google and find it respect to event ID what is that related information it will give you couple of portal will give you for some information but as I said rely on Microsoft but understanding and just more on getting Clarity you can read out couple of uh portals or couple of sites you can refer it okay so you will come to know okay just to fixing this is a problem exactly right so you might have seen that some cases there is a doctor who are having 11 year 15 years of experience in heart disease heart specialist who's having a 20 years of experience in heart specialist he never start the treatment directly right you you you will go to the doctor and he will tell him that is okay I have a heart problem and please start treatment does he will do it he'll do it even though he has even he has a more experience you are the more experienced person and uh you have a more knowledge why are why are why can't you fix the issues no we can't fix the issue directly right we have to understand we have to analyze the log we have to analyze the you know the patient uh situation all pre- checklist has to be happen right and also before start start giving treatment or any operations required we will take a sign from the family why anything Happ right we don't have a guarantee right there is chances and you don't uh don't expect me to I will fix everything right same situation here also so we will try to do understanding for issue we will try to fix the issues and don't expect me that we have we have to contact again if that doctor is not able to fix what he will do he will send to the next Hospital specialist right people will go to the specialist people will go to the different country same things we will be going to sending this uh ticket or sending asking to the uh issue with the vendor are who manufacturing this product right Microsoft we will be going to asking right so we will contact them they will also be take they will ask always logs logs logs right I have been multiple time interacting with the Microsoft but I never get a immediate instance immediate resolution from the Microsoft they always have lot of logs L we keep sending the logs and they coming back after one week it's a known issue or you have to install this H fix and then it fix it by the time we have already fixed it so it's happening also so you should remember the first the way of troubleshooting any ask there might be many use cases right let me just show you uh the use cases which we have discussed the first class okay I have prepared one document and you can uh see this the document is let me stop recording where you can see the Microsoft here okay under the Microsoft Microsoft man windows right here you can to find the windows windows and current version policy see here current versions and policies come down policies see here so you'll be you'll be getting updated what are those here policies and you wanted to the once you policy applied right the value will be get generated here automatically now you ask for the policies not applied for that computer right check that computer or user related configuration and go and Google what is the policy you're talking about you are already facing the issue yes okay tell me that what is the policy for rated no no I'm not phing that issue I'm just I was thinking like same you have to follow yeah same same things you have to follow here see here okay the one Poli yes uh sorry sorry no no in value it's automatically set up right we should not set up that no how I know yes sir go ahead go how we do okay if suppose the value get corrupted I will you know which value it got set up initially while creating a policy no the the default setup right now what's happening you should have a uh earlier the two things you need to validate one is either you should have the backup and that backup you can check what was the uh check what was the because earlier one right yes yes what was the exact value of that okay one second option also validate for or if it you have a backup you can validate for the existing one but I don't know backup I was not aware about what is that check in Google see that is in default value should be for this one okay couple of portal you need to uh refer okay default value for each or the related related issue or your register setting and check that is in what is the current value is something changed or not okay and make sure that is in before changing anything in the registry do not do directly you must export or you can take a backup of this entire register setting okay you need to export this entire register setting or on particular uh place you want to go and changing something you need to export and keep it separate so make sure because after changing it is not work you need to R back with the same okay so registry like if any one particular settings value if you're changing it it will not change all the all the no no on that particular because I what I said you register setting will be deal with the only other computer configur user configuration on the local machine yes you will not be see the changes in the other machine now what's happening you need to apply the wallpaper right wallpaper this wallpaper should needed everyone yes around 100 user example and this wallpaper related for what is that user related computer configuration user configuration right yes now wallpaper can be managed manually and you need to go to that is in each machine and update the manually update the register setting where is a path here okay the solution for here each machine you need to go and update the value in this reg setting how many time you need to do for to do this manually 100 time all 100 user you need to go and login to do yes or no yes or no instead of that instead of that I will apply the policy in active directory the policy responsibilities to update all the machine user configuration registry setting this is what we are going to do for the group policy basically group Group Policy what is going to do here it is going to change register setting on all 100 in a user configuration the moment it is changed automatically the policy will get applied right policy will get applied correct because that user has logged in and is get his Machin is get updated and policy get applied any policy any Group Policy you applied any Group Policy you applied the end result the end result what is that either the policy must be applied user configuration or or computer configuration correct yes two only end result but you know that is already if the user related if the user related and the registry setting get changed get updated user where you can see this hklm right hklm user current user and if the computer related is that is called as a you just take this it's get changed here okay H ke y current user just come under and it it will go and sit into the particular place right that's it what is it here H and if are computer related it's computer related and the on the particular configurations you are trying to do and as I see that right as we have checked now we have to for computer configuration is going to which is local machine okay H Kore local machines this is going to change here right and we need to check and go to the subject settings and see that value has been changed or not and Google will help you what kind of value should be updated and you can check that particular machines is working or not this is you need to troubleshooting little advanced level for the group policy clear this point yes anyone has any question so practice start practicing the only solution or only key things for the success you need to start the practice clear the doubt until unless you are not sitting in front of system and doing the lab you will have a lot of questions in your mind and when you do the practice repeatedly and automatically those questions will be get get uh you know answer you yourself only rather than asking anyhow that you have all resource YouTube is there Google gole is there everything is information available and active directory met I I'll share the document so I have this document here okay one more question yeah due to the DNS so it is not like the when the primary the basically what is required the secondary DNS server are now we did for the the secondary DNS server DSP server right for the lab yes sir when this DCP second DSP server start working yes when when it started working immediate no when your primary DN server sorry primary DCP server is down then automatically your secondary DCP start working yes yes yes yes same things now the synchronization the replications will be happening immediately if we have any record created on primary DNS it should get updated to the secondary DNS server now the always all the clients all the records all the people are contacting the primary D server only so when the second D server come into the picture to support you when primary D server down then only secondary D server should work on that until unless the secondary DN server just get the information from the primary D server what content he has it will be get updated second D server but when the secondary DN server supporting supporting required that supporting required when primary server is down yes that time only the second in server work is start otherwise it will be it will be active always Primary in server whatever the data whatever the object getting updated and be keep synchronization see keep replications that's is is responsibilities but certain cases that primary D Ser is down that time secondary D Ser responsibility start and he has to make sure everyone should be get uh authenticated and you know should not be any any issue with that that is a related for we need to have that is in second server it is not like uh how long is going to take it it's by default is going to take by default is going to going to synchronization or replications happening okay if it doesn't happen sir what what should be the T Shooting step we need to follow happen means what if the primary D server down and second D is not working like that yes yes H just check it no the configurations part is properly no verify that if one record you created Prime server that's get updated or not and uh verify that is in before doing all this in production make sure you have to do for in check which we have done for the two uh DNS server we did it lab right primary and secondary yes yes yes right and we have seen that is in after uh to be test test tested everything and until unless it is green you will not be going to come into the production okay that's the actual recommendation actually me we uh do we need to update every every month or can we skip one or two month no no no no cannot skip you can't skip you can't skip there is a recommendation every month Microsoft releasing second second Tuesday right yes yes yes so what you need to validate Microsoft what what the thing we should read when the Microsoft release second Tuesday of every month okay patch release okay for Windows 2019 right you will see that is a completely Microsoft portal Microsoft update okay you need to always refer this portal and see this is what is recommended uh and what is applicable patches okay let me just show you so is it good practice to do the manually in 20 server 20 server is okay I say 20 server because it's not much taking time right but something is impacted no that is risk manual is always risk but you have to do all analysis for the manually okay if you do the W server right the W server only give you that is what is the patches required that is the uh intention for that okay see here that is that is one portal will come you to uh Microsoft update let me just show you that portal I I have doubt can I can I ask that good good good good good Yes actually for okay every okay you said like every yes I saw this okay there are WSS so patch update okay we need to select all the versions which we we are maintaining it in active directory based on that we need to select and based on the time also like when that yes right right everything we need to select right so here sometime okay this should be for all if suppose we can schedule particular device should not be updated that patch yeah we can schedu it right you can do it not see what's happening you will be have a WS right yes yes and you created a group here this is for Windows uh 10 and you created for uh Windows 11 and you create for some server yes okay you have that all the patches here yes now in this all the windows 10 device in this you have all windows 11 devices you have around 100 11 devices right yes now what's happening you are selecting this patches and applying to this group selecting the patches applying this group and automatically get uh updated and install it but now you don't want to apply for you don't want to deploy the particular one machine you come here this that machine is belongs to Windows 10 or Windows 11 or server see this in the group that server is is there there remove it from here and it should go to the unassigned state okay it should go to the unassigned state it means when you deploy whatever the whatever the machines are there in the group it should be get applied and what you can do for that patches you don't want specifically particular select M remove it you don't want and that is automatically bringing to unassigned State okay this time you don't to be install and keep here in the ideal State and let them install all these things so when you go and check it this month whatever month you wanted to be exclude and that month patches will not be installed for this okay okay okay you might have seen the group right for you uh that that you can remove that from that server later once it is done then you can bring back okay bring back later okay is it not like for policy we used to update we should not update group right okay not like that right no no not like that it's a console only yeah it is so you see this uh let me just show you the W console right yes how it should be uh administrator consult where you can see this group okay these all we should apply only devices I mean machine which we have created right for computers correct one we should update to the computer okay we should not update to the users user won't be here no yes never never be user is no no related user is yes no point right we have always appli the policy for computer user for what user is no related okay only the group policy we can update to the user H Group Policy is for user configuration yes okay you have sometime if you are updating for computer configuration at same time also we should not select the computer list right which we we are maintaining some of the computer in particular OU okay we should not test that we should should we need to go to the group policy management directly we can set it up right repeat it to question what is it what do you want to touch it's a small doubt only because I'm not no no tell me tell me okay you want to show something uh no no no I understood okay okay okay fine actually that group policy okay suppose if you wanted to update group policy in particular OU okay without we shouldn't go to the group policy management then only we can create Group Policy right okay in group policy we need to select the configuration one is computer and another one is user okay my understanding we need to select theou if you are selecting the computer configuration that group policy it will go to the computer directly like where we have all the OU create in OU we have all the computer right that will go that policy will go to that particular OU and it will app apply to the computer or it will be app to the user no no correct let me show show you now what's happening you have user here yeah yeah I got it you have user here yes and you have computer yes okay these two computer you created one wou yes it and you bring into this this two computer okay yes and this two computer belongs to this W now you created a group policy object okay you went to the computer configuration and change something and your policy apply to this OU okay and whatever computer configurations you created and the policy will appli to this I OU in this OU who are the computer now this user is coming different OU and you want to log in this computer yes the whatever computer configuration policy you created that policy get applied and these users are might be in a different OU yes and the user related policy you have created and link to this OU whatever this OU link the policy that policy will be get applied this user no matter where they logged in and because the policy is coming from the user side and the computer related policy you applied already computer already policy applied no matter who can log in the user the computer policy is already applied okay okay okay and some cases if some other users if logged in if newly joined a user if logged in the computer policy will apply to that particular user if login with that computer right no no not computer configurations policy never be applied on the user okay only I'm talking about the computer only yes now now forget about this user you leave it yes the computer configurations you configured and applied this OU yes under this it how many you you there two computers are there yes so this computer policy is already applied okay it's already applied and any user is logged in the computer will be to the user huh the policy whatever that is there in the separate OU and that OU What policies have created that policies applied to the user when logged into the computer yes logged into the user yes yes so you can verify the group policy result who has What policies applied yes Group Policy result when you go to right you have some user configuration policy and computer config policy so it will be have a different don't confuse for the computer configurations and user configuration okay okay the same we can add I mean now we tested only Windows okay same can we do it in Linux or other voice like joining the manually we are joining computer in active directory right same can we can do the same procedure right there is no difference but that device must be under the active directory yes under the active directory first we need to join under the admin I mean domain then only we can that you should bring bring into one of the OU and apply the policy and he should also be get applied okay okay okay so what okay if users has different different just we need to separate that based on the administration view we need to create all the devices in separate OU that's it correct correct actually this should be it should be the best practice should not be bringing the same OU user and computer both okay okay the same OU should not be computer and user both what's happening your policy applied here wou and here policy will take the computer that's fine and it will be get confused that isn't people will get this who doesn't have a knowledge on that policy applied in this OU for computer configuration yes are this policy getting applied to the user no yes if both if have in particular OU yes will will get confused ah that confus might happen so actually technically policy will not apply for the policy applied for the computer but keeping in the same object in the same OU it will be get confused that's what you have to have always separate for the computer related and user related some cases will happen in a single policy in single when it is required here this Ty kind of object if the single policy has a both computer configuration and user configuration that time is Mak sense single policy you have the computer config also you have configured and user config also configured now you apply the policy this for you then the computer configurations policy get applied computer and user policy conf get applied to the user like instead of separating you're making the single policy to apply both like that sure don't mind can I ask another one question go go ahead man don't don't hesitate don't go Ahad because it's taking time please please don't don't think about it this is your time today just go ahead ask no worries just I wanted to know Majic difference between trust and replic ation I know basic idea but just I want now this is your domain yes when you talk about replication it is between the two domain controller replication happening okay within the domain between the site replication happening okay okay within the domain replications will happen all the domain controllers should replicate each other okay clear replication other domain can see all the object which is available in different domain correct correct correct simple now within a domain whatever object you created any of the domain control should replicate each other okay okay now you created another domain you created another domain you won't be able to see this object in this domain yes however this user can able to login or you can able toess access the resources okay this user can able to log in another domain or this user can able to log to other domain how because that is a trust relationship has been created okay okay that relationship we should create configured while creating that domain right by default is a parent child parent test has been created default test has been created within a domain replications we talk about between the domain we talk about trust hello clear yes clear thank you okay guys perfect anyone has any question just portal how to be update here okay Microsoft and uh can you please refer any portal our website for VMware related like because I should know at least basic for configuring and Snapchat like there is I'm not sure it is a snapshot right yeah snapshot VMR what you needed what is that VMR required here for a learning just for a learning because it it is talking about ESX box and all other this one yes okay I'll share the lot a couple of links out YouTube is YouTube is the best place to get actually I'm getting all the Hindi videos because I'm not understood yes that is the reason only I can't learn anything from YouTube okay okay now R so I will share the link okay I had in my office laptop uh bookmarked okay so I'll just you later for this I have just as soon as they are available okay just see something one portal you will see that all the related patches with the relevant operative system and another one is like we we should okay suppose any network printer uh the network printer configuration also same like we are joining computer to domain the same is it like the same or no no no No No it should not be like that now you have the printer here right yes this is a Ser how it is going to happen now now the network printer is directly connected to the port yes okay this is Port plan Port right yes and this is printer you connected and you have some IP address 101.1 now you connected to this machine to the uh switch okay yes and you have some computer and you wanted to configure the network printer you have to go here this machine go to the computer uh go to the printer option okay and uh configure the printer it will ask you the network printer yes and do network printer you need to provide the IP address of this yes when you provide the IP address automatically get detected this computer name okay yes and the computer name detected and install completely finish it now in your machine that printer has detected now when you try to print when you try to print you to select your print name what was a printer name and do the print over the network and this will be going to get a printed the print will get okay we should not join that printer to the active directory no no okay because we uh in create an new option that is a printer right in where we can create user and computer no no printer won be it's a device right it's a device you should have some other Port you can configure the port of the printer okay lpt Port something will be there that you can as a print server as a print server not for the print network print you What's happen now you have one print here right yes one print you can manage for network printer now you have there is 20 printer are there yes you have 20 printer example all the each building now you want to make one consolid dated and all the printer you can bring into the one server and this is called as a print server okay individual one building one printer model one building one printer model one IP address operate sof IP address when you install the print server role there's a role called print server install it ask you you can add the printer and and click on the add printer and give that is an IP address and this printer will add it second printer give the IP addresses second printer will add it that respective model and port number everything and and you have the all the 20 or 30 printers here in this print server and you wanted to allow them particular users and computer you can also from the how you do the done for the W right same things you for the printer okay it's like one of the role one the yes yes one of the RO just we need to install that role then we need to add all the printer IP address right okay particular server then we can use it okay you see here okay yes here yeah the same one I'm talking about yes yeah single printer network printer which I say which I said first one that is you have to follow but to make a printer server for combination of the all the you know uh print and document server this has to be installed okay okay and another one is okay I understood this another one is the there is a file server right okay file server uh just we need to create a file and uh just different that's that's different that's different that has to be now there's no more file server you have the DFS okay okay that DFS I'll give the link for the DFS how it works has to be go ahead with the uh okay this you should be using for this most of the most of the techniques like most of the things like here we need to install the serw okay here if anything we need just if you are installing and after configuring that we can use it right based on like that only the activ is designed corre how how we did for DNS how we did for DCP like that you have to plan like that respect to role should be installed and manage it and configure it then you can allow the permissions access from from the Central and whoever provide the permiss access those people should be a that service okay okay okay good no problem no problem no problem today don't connect I am going to outside actually after 3:00 connect me tomorrow afternoon okay can we connect evening evening time H evening time anytime no problem evening no after 7 o' I have a call but uh

2023-11-09 03:59

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