He Spent Seventy Thousand Years In Hell | Near Death Experience | NDE

He Spent Seventy Thousand Years In Hell | Near Death Experience | NDE

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welcome to Heaven awaits if this is your first time checking this channel out I'm glad to have you here my name is Lee and I narrate the near-death experiences of those who have died and have seen the other side my videos are meant to bring hope to a sometimes hopeless world and to show people that there is indeed life after death if you enjoy these videos please consider hitting the thumbs up subscribe and Bell icons to be notified of new content doing so is free and it does help the channel grow to my return viewers welcome back sit back relax grab a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy today's narration today's experience was sent into the channel by Benjamin he tells about how he dies and spends seventy thousand years in Hell his experience is a little tough to get through especially the ending statements made in this video are those of the experiencer and do not necessarily reflect the Channel's beliefs what I am about to tell you I have only told about 50 other people and I swear by God himself that this is true I never knew where to start so I am going to start at the beginning and move on from there this is going to be long but again it is the truth I have spent time in a psychiatric ward after telling one of my closest friends what happened to me I was born in Georgia in 1972 I was the son of a religious man and a not so religious woman mom and dad gave me up for adoption when I was three as a three-year-old you don't understand how your parents could abandon you I cursed them I cursed the heavens I cursed Satan I cursed anyone that I could think of I was four when I was fostered by people I thought were nice how wrong I was Dan and Robin were nice at first and it seemed like I was finally going to get a shot at happiness you know something that all kids crave the only issue was that it was a facade put up by them they only wanted the money I was six the first time that they laid hands on me it was for the dumbest reason I had a nightmare and because I screamed out and woke Dan up he told me that he would give me a reason to scream the more that I cried the more that he hit me I remember hurting so bad from the spanking that I peed the bed which caused him to hit me more I couldn't sit for a week after that beating I cried and begged for God to take me away I clearly was not wanted by these people nor was I wanted by my mom and dad I continued to be passed over for adoption the chances of a child being adopted once they hit the age of six is pretty slim the beatings continued well into my freshman year of high school after one particularly rough beating I decided that I had had enough I joined the weight train program after school by the time my sophomore year came around I was 230 pounds of solid muscle coincidentally my sophomore year was the last time they tried to beat me it was also the first time I had gotten into trouble with the police Dan decided that he didn't like the way that I'd had said yes Robin when he decided to suck or punch me in the face two minutes after he hit me Dan was out on the floor bloodied broken jaw orbital socket and a partially torn off ear when the cops came Robin and her other kids lied and said that I was a troubled youth and that I had attacked Dan first the police did not want to hear my side of things they just didn't care no matter how many times I tried telling them it was self-defense they just didn't I spent the next six months in juvenile detention when I was released my social worker was the one to pick me up Mrs Jones was a sweet woman 54 with three children and five grandbabies I was informed that Dan and Robin decided they didn't want me anymore and so back into the system I went I continue to question God as to why I was here what did I do that was so freaking wrong the day I turned 18 I aged out of the system what a strange system we have it doesn't matter at 18 you're on your own I was seven months away from graduating high school the one problem with that is I was now officially homeless the anger that I felt toward the whole system only got worse I dropped out of high school and became a petty Thief stealing only what I needed to get my next bite to eat contrary to what some nature people will tell you sleeping outside is not fun there's nothing fun about laying your head down on the dirt and covering yourself with newspaper to keep warm I was judged spit on spit at and called a lazy bum anything you can think of I was called it humans can be so cruel to one another there were times when I would go hungry for a couple of days at a time eventually like other homeless people I got addicted to some bad stuff first it was the drink then it was the harder stuff I figured that if God didn't give a why should I I moved up to stealing copper from construction sites and homes the habits that I formed were extremely expensive I had just taken about 30 pounds of copper into the scrap guy which netted me enough money for day's worth of product I remember getting everything ready to go I won't go into too much detail but this was laced with something more potent I began convulsing spitting up and vomiting the immediate thought that came to mind was it's finally effing over after years of abuse and not feeling loved I was finally going to get peace I had stopped truly believing in God when I was 12 and since I didn't believe in God I didn't believe in the devil I was ready for the darkness that was fast approaching I remember that my body stopped convulsing and then a sudden peace came over me I found myself traveling a million miles a second through a dark tunnel I came to a stop abruptly and then there was nothing wandering around in this Blackness gave me such freedom I didn't feel the hurt that I was constantly carrying with me I didn't feel the sadness of not feeling loved and I didn't feel the joy of making it all go away like I did when I first started using the void itself is an extremely peaceful place at least it was for me from time to time I did feel like I was being watched I don't know why but I eventually got the urge to talk God why me what did I do that was so bad to deserve everything that I went through the same as when I was a kid there was no answer from God not even a hint of existence I was a good boy all of my life why then did my family give me up why was I stuck with those two horrible demons named Dan and Robin why don't you love me as I continue to ask I again felt like I was being watched why do I even bother you abandoned your own son why wouldn't you abandon someone like me I continue talking into the darkness getting everything off of my chest screw it why do I bother I finally muttered to myself it was then that I heard the faintest sound it just kept repeating the same thing over and over and over again let me in let me in let me in there was nothing but Darkness so I shouted I couldn't stop you anyway so by all means come in I noticed something coming at me at a rate of speed that I had no idea how to judge it was coming toward me or I was going toward it first a pinprick then hole and then the Blackness began disappearing slowly being replaced by the brightest light that can only be described as someone running their bright headlights on a long stretch of highway blinding you as it comes past the light was so bright that I had to squint my eyes to be able to take it in what came next was I don't know how to describe it I didn't feel this feeling again until I had kids well even then that love was nothing compared to why felt this love was so intense it felt like my skin was melting off and not in the burning sense all I could do is gasp as this love hit me as my eyes slowly acclimated to the light I saw the outlines of two extremely tall beings I want to say they were at least eight feet tall maybe more as they got closer they began to adjust their height to mine they were both wearing robes and sashes like you would have seen during teaser's day the being on the left looked like pictures I had seen as a child in the chapel brown hair brown eyes not ugly but not beautiful either perhaps average looks the being on the right however was breathtaking simple human words for beauty cannot describe this being who are you and where am I asked nervously Be not Afraid human you know both of us by many names the being on the right answered I don't know either one of you I said the being on the right began to mutter off his names Samuel Satan and Lucifer are but a few of my names but you humans call me so many more I felt the pride and ego in his voice as he muttered off those names it was at this time that the being on the left spoke my child you also call me many names Yeshua Jesus the prince of peace the Messiah I knew where this was going and stopped them how can this be every religious text says that you are mortal enemies fighting for The Souls of man since before Man was created Jesus was the first one to speak my child though we go about things differently my brother and I serve the will of our father brother father one in the absolute hell that's going on here what do you need my brother I asked what he means is that my father created all of us you me and him I could feel the disdain in his voice when he looked at me and said the word you referring to humans my father created me first I was his beloved Son and then he created you humans he gave you stuff that he did not give his first Creations not only did he give you free will but he gave you a short life span to make things worse when he created you humans he placed a second yes I was jealous of all that you are so I tried to sever that bond by giving you humans knowledge my father's anger knew no limit I was accused of rebelling and cast out of my home I rebelled more and goaded Canyon into taking the life of Havel further causing my father to punish me I never tried to take my father's Kingdom I just wanted his attention that his pets were getting Satan hissed this being after all of these years still had this absolute hatred for humans but if we were all God's creation doesn't that make all of us Brothers I thought to myself Jesus sat back as this was happening just observing the conversation that is enough Samuel to answer your question my child yes we are all my father's creation so the answer to your question is yes I couldn't get it out of my mind that technically we were all Brothers as I was contemplating things to say I would catch myself looking over at Satan his gaze extremely menacing it reminded me so much of how Dan and Robin's biological kids used to look at me it was unnerving to say the least why am I here shouldn't I be in hell I asked just as soon as I got the question out Jesus let out the deepest most joyous laugh that I had ever heard Benjamin you have served your sins in hell you were there for seventy thousand years I am here to get you I was stunned how is that possible I have only been here about 10 minutes Jesus again laughed time doesn't work here the way it does on Earth you have a choice to make Benjamin I was still getting over the fact that I had been in hell for 70 000 years I thought that hell was a Laker fire that there was no escaping hell when you were sentenced you stayed in Hell Satan smirked as he began to talk you are right there is a lake of fire however that is reserved for the worst of your species I cowered back as I could feel the Delight in his voice from those words Jesus once again said brother that's enough he has served his punishment he has remembered our father you must let him go do not continue to Goat father before letting me leave with Jesus Satan made one last threat or promise I couldn't tell what it was or even meant at the rate you're going Benjamin I will see you again and soon he's all yours brother as he said those final words he grew another five feet and then disappeared I was left alone with Jesus and my thoughts Jesus was the first of us to speak it is okay my child you may speak I thought long and hard about my questions but only one came to mind why was I abandoned by everyone in my life why did my mom and dad abandon me why was so much bad stuff allowed to happen to me Jesus stared at me before answering your parents loved you as my father has loved you you don't remember it because you were so young your mom and dad were coming back from having just been married when they were killed in a car accident They begged my father to allow them to come back but their bodies were too mangled to have been able to live and yes my father has been known to heal bodies but this time he decided not to intervene I could feel the tinge of a tear begin to form why did he abandon me to Dan and Robin I asked Dan and Robin were upstanding members of the community like Kane they too were corrupted by Samuel why allow me to go through the constant beatings then I scoffed because you could handle it you provided an outlet for them if not for you Dan and Robin would have ended up killing your foster sister in a fit of rage because of you your sister will never have to experience that so because I could handle it I was made the sacrificial lamb obviously I couldn't handle it I'm laying dead in the middle of the street with a needle in my arm I definitely couldn't handle it I begged for you or your father to show me you existed to give me a reason for everything and all you tell me is because I could handle it I was angry and rightfully so I had been through some of the worst abuse that any kid should have to endure Jesus patiently listened as I got everything out he was like my own personal psychiatrist and I could say whatever when I was finished Jesus stepped forward and hugged me I suppose if anyone knew what it was like it was him after a while he finally let go of his Embrace and said Benjamin it is time you have punished yourself enough it is time to go back but why why must I go back to Earth there was nothing there for an almost 19 year old substance abuse addicted High School Dropout except of course more substance abuse and jail time Jesus could feel my hesitation and spoke up come walk with me as we began to walk the white began to turn into Lush Landscapes of green and blue it's as if it had been there the entire time why do I have to go back I asked because you still have much to do in this life things will get better for you he replied as he showed me some of the things that I could expect in my life as much as I hated to do so I agreed to return I came to in the back of an ambulance sirens off heading toward what I can assume was the morgue startled the paramedic screamed at her partner that I was alive and to divert to the closest hospital hang in there kid we're almost there I asked the obvious questions where was I what happened and whether I was dead I of course already knew the answers but the paramedic answered anyway you were found with enough substance in your arm to take out an elephant and yes you were dead tears ran down my face as she spoke no wonder I had spent seventy thousand years in hell I had taken my own life we were met at the hospital by a team of doctors that performed every single test that they could to determine how it is that I managed to come back to life after more than 15 minutes none of them could understand why I wasn't a vegetable or why I was able to retain my mental facilities they didn't realize that their tests never accounted for the power of God as soon as I was well enough to leave I was arrested for the copper thefts if not for a sympathetic judge that heard why I was down on my luck in doing what I was doing I would have likely gotten a few years in prison which would have shaped my life for the worse my issue was that I had nowhere to stay so I would be heading right back to the streets I don't know how or why but Mrs Jones decided that she would take me in this woman who I had met when I was three didn't need to help me she had done her job and made sure that I was looked after she was the first one that I told my experience of being in hell for seventy thousand years to and she was also the one to have me locked up and checked because she thought I was using again after I was released and I explained her what I was told and how my real parents had died it was then that I believe she began to believe me she showed me what true love was she helped me get back into high school and apply for college grants Mrs Jones was there when I walked to graduate with my bachelor's degree in information technology she was there when I got married and my wife and I became parents before I knew it she had gone from Mrs Jones to Mom and Grandma to my kids this is the eulogy that I spoke at her funeral six years ago my heart still aches when I think about how much she did for me the things that she didn't have to do mom was an angel and God is the ultimate architect of our lives and everything else it took me a while to understand why I had to go through everything that I did mom still had a lot on her plate and could not afford to take in another kid no matter how much she wanted to I think that she knew about the beatings but didn't have any real proof Dan and Robin's Foster license did end up getting pulled and they ended up in prison it came out that Dan was touching his daughter and Robin was touching the boys I like to think I protected those kids a bit there are multiple things that I could finish with but I will finish with the following I know that what was said here could be considered blasphemy the whole Jesus and Satan being Brothers not everyone is going to understand that we all come from God Jesus Satan and humans are all siblings whether we like it or not Satan is just as horrible as people say he enjoyed the torture he enjoyed taking his pain out on others he absolutely despises our very existence but there is one thing that he cannot stop us from doing no matter how much he tries he cannot stop us from calling out to God it is why I was allowed to leave that awful place because I remembered our father most people ask why it is that God refuses to destroy Satan could you destroy your own child no matter how much they rebelled could you destroy something you created there isn't a parent in the world that can do that narrator's note Ben I have tried to put this into words since I finished reading this experience five hours ago I found myself crying thinking about the Beautiful Eulogy that you had for your adoptive mother I found myself hanging onto your every word regarding your meeting with Jesus and Satan since the beginning of time it has been father and son and son against son I do not question that you saw Jesus and Satan however with that said it does make me wonder why the scripture never puts those two together maybe it was always there especially when Satan tried to tempt Christ it sounds a lot like what an older brother would do I honestly do not know how well this will go over with people but I am one of those that have an open mind so I am willing to narrate this I hope that you can and will put together a video of yourself telling your experience I'm sure my viewers would love to see it that does it for Ben's experience I know that this approached a lot of taboo subjects and I know a lot of people are going to immediately disagree however I do ask that no one insult this man or his experience there are some things that we cannot explain and this is one of them anyway please let me know what you thought in the comments section below and would you like to see him telling his own experience until the next video stay safe be blessed and I will see you all again time to thank those who have donated to the channel via super thanks and buy me a coffee let's get on with it Sarah s fristina degennaro Ki Jessica Agosto and Misty I believe this was meant to be misty please correct me if it wasn't thank you all for your kindness and thank everyone for continuing to support the channel by watching and sharing the videos foreign

2023-01-25 23:57

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