Harvest and Post-Harvest Technologies in Walnut Production Nisão-NutVisionChișinău

Harvest and Post-Harvest Technologies in Walnut Production     Nisão-NutVisionChișinău

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The European Union and Turkey have been the  leading importers, with the EU predominantly   importing kernels, while Turkey opts for in-shell  products. Currently the walnut prices are   at their lowest levels in over two decades.   With an average Californian grower receiving   between 75 to 90 Cents per kilogram, the average  production cost is over a Dollar, forcing them to   remove loss-making old orchards in an increasing  pace, especially in the South With the exception   of 2012/2013 Marketing year, there has been an  over production in the market for over 15 years   now. With the slowing of new plantations and the  extreme heat wave in California, in 2024 we are   likely to see for the first time in a very long  period a supply shortage to meet the increasing   demand. let us compare the end-of June shipment  figures of the Californian Handlers during the   last 4 years. While the shipment levels have  been between 85 and 92 percent of the annual  

supply received by the handlers between 2021 an  2023, this figure has reached to a remarkable   97 % at the end of June 2024. With still two  month of shipping to go until the next harvest,   we can say that the Californian market is  almost at a sold-out stage now, especially for   good quality products. The largest walnut  importers, The European Union and Turkey,   have seen a very low levels of increase  in their production levels in the last 14   years, roughly 26 % combined, while during the  same period, their consumptions have increased by   a staggering 79 %. Currently, they are importing  over 61 % of their combined walnut demand, making   them predominantly dependent on importation.   Moldova is surrounded by the largest Walnut   Export market in the world. Now let us try  to understand the demand of the market.   

We all know the the characteristics of a quality  Walnut product. While your productivity depends   mostly on your orchard management practices,  harvest and Post-harvest activities play the   most important role in determining your product  quality How to improve product quality through   earlier and faster harvesting: We all know  that Kernel maturity occurs 3 to 4 weeks before   natural harvest time. This is when kernel stops  growing and it is in its highest quality level.   As time passes, packing tissue, the membrane that  surrounds the walnut shell gradually turns dark   and the green walnut hull starts to crack open.  However, not all walnuts mature at the same date,   some matures earlier and some later. A precise  shaker and a fast harvester allows you to begin   harvesting earlier and make multiple passes  without having to wait for all the walnuts to   start falling down on the orchard floor. As you  wait longer, both the shell as well as the kernel   color starts getting darker. Furthermore,  as season progresses, the increased chance  

of rain may delay your harvest and the quality  of the nuts on the wet orchard surface degrades   significantly. Mechanical Harvesters and High  Precision Tree Shakers help you begin harvesting   earlier, and make multiple passes in a very short  time. Harvesting the nuts that mature ealier, and   preventing them to spend time on orchard surface  improve shell and kernel quality significantly.    Monchiero offers two advanced tree shakers both  designed specifically for nut trees. While the  

VL08 is a tractor-mounted shaker and the 30 one  forty is self-propelled that could also be used   as a tree pruner. Both systems come with the  same superior characteristics, allowing to shake   using programmable joystick buttons that eliminate  operator errors and shake each tree with the same   precision and speed. You can, also have multiple  settings that could be used for larger and smaller   trees simultaneosly. Integrated front sweepers  prevent walnuts to be crushed by the wheels   

Monchiero offers 6 different Self Propelled  Harvesters designed for different sized orchards,   speed and capacity. Powerful John Deere engines  that come with 2 year international warranty,   operate at lower RPMs, giving our harvesters  superior fuel efficiency and ability to operate   in difficult orchard conditions like elevation  and wet surfaces. They are four wheel driven and   thanks to their advanced four wheel steering  system, they are extemely manouverable in   tight conditions. Perhaps one of the key features  that makes them stand out in the market is their   large hopper sizes that allow them to make much  less discharge stops. Our most popular models   of 20 one forty five and 20 one twenty five come  with a 3.1 cubic meters hopper while our largest   model 20 two forty embodies a giant 6.5 cubic  meters hopper that help Monchiero harvesters to  

complete harvest much faster. They all integrate  all harvest functions like sweeping, harvesting,   pre-cleaning, blowing and transporting into a  single machine that requires a single operator.    You can use Monchiero harvesters for Walnuts  Almonds Hazelnuts Macademia Nuts and easily   switch from one crop to the other with the  help of optional conversion kits.    Walnut processing has the biggest impact on  product quality. It transforms your crop into   a value-added consumer product. It has several  steps that need to be integrated. As you continue   along the way of this transformation, your product  gets closer to the final consumer and increases   its value significantly. Hulling. Drying.  Calibration. Storage. Packaging. and Shelling are  

some of the major steps in walnut processing.   Today, we will be focusing on the first four of   these steps. Lets start by demonstrating  a typical hulling line. Since the hulling   operation generates a substantial amount of liquid  and solid waste, it is usually conducted outdoors,   under a shed that protects the equipment as  well as the operators from sun and rain.    The drainage ditch with a slight inclination,  running along the concrete floor underneath   the hulling line helps collect the liquid waste  and transport them to a collector, usually in a   small reservoir. The reception pit or a drive  over depository is where harvested walnuts are   discharged. With the help of elevators and  conveyors, walnuts run through a series a  

machinery, including a de-sticker that removes  stick and leaves, a de-stoner or a floatation   tank that removes the stones A pre-cleaner  that starts the cleaning process of the hulls,    A huller-that removes the green hulls from the  shells, An aspirator that sucks and separates   the empty walnuts from the rest, And  finally, a sorting table where unwanted   nuts are separated by manual work as well as  optical sorters. Followinng all these steps,   in-shell walnuts with high moisture levels are  transported into the drying room with the help of   an elevator. While the hulling process can be  demonstrated in a very simplified presentation,   the actual line looks more like this. To  maximize your quality and processing efficiency,   we recommend the following as the Best Practices  in Harvest and Processing: One: Harvesting Speed   and Hulling Capacity should be alligned, Two:  Harvest all the nuts that have been shaken off   the trees before the end of that work day, Three:  Finish the hulling of all harvested walnut before   the end of the day, Four: Begin drying all the  nuts that have been hulled, before the end of   the day they have been harvested. Hulling lines  can be separated into two main categories: One:   Californian hullers. They are integrated systems  that works as a single unit. They have high   capacities ranging from 10 tons to 60 tons per  hour. They require very few operators. Their  

hullers are designed to operate effectively under  different conditions. Two: European Hulling   Lines They are made of individual machines that  handle a single operation, connected to each   other with conveyors and elevators. Usually their  speeds do not exceed 2 tons per hour. They require   more labor and maintenance. You should plan  very carefully When determining your hulling line  

capacity, as they are difficult and expensive to  upgrade. Long term capacity planning is important.   Also take into account other growers in your area  that would want to have their product processed in   your facility. Harvesting, hulling, drying and  calibration should be considered as a continuous   process where capacities of each should be set  taking into account the entire process. A well   planned processing line should work without  the needs of any of the processes to stop and   wait for the other, nor require expensive  buffer silos and elevators. Here is a   simple demonstration of a well planned operation  with matching capacities in harvesting, hulling,   drying and calibration. As the walnuts start  coming in to the hulling line from the harvest,   the hulling line should be able to handle  the speed of incoming nuts. As the nuts  

go though the hulling, they are loaded into the  first row of dryers that should begin drying as   soon as any of them is filled. At the end of  the first day, there should not be any nuts at   the huller and all drying operation should  be underway. beginning of the second day,   the hulling line should start feeding the second  drying row, while the first row should gradually   begin to discharge walnuts to the calibrator. The  calibrator line s operation speed should match the   discharge speed of the dryers so that the first  drying row is entirely discharged at the end of   the second day. And the operation should  continue this way thoughout the harvest period,  

keeping in mind that each drying cycle will be  faster due to lower incoming moisture levels,   except in case of rain during the harvest  period. Incoming walnuts have a high moisture   level, that could be as high as 35 % wet basis.  If they are not dried to a stable moisture level,   which is 8 % when measure in-shell and 5 %  as kernels, mold formation is inevitable.   

The undustry standard in walnut drying is carried  out in stationary drying bins, metal silos that   are placed next to each other with a air duct that  is used to pump high flow rate of pressurized, dry   air underneath them. The line usually has one or  multiple heaters that is used to reduce the air s   relative humidity by increasing its temperature  slightly. At the beginning of the line there is   a blower that provides the line with the air  that is pumped inside the drying bins. The   effectiveness of the drying line depends on the  engineering behind the air flow. The blower must  

not only provide the line with the exact flow rate  it needs, but also must generate in each drying   bin the air pressure that is needed for the air  to travel through the stacks of walnut, and remove   their moisture from above. Your drying capacity  will depend on your hulling line speed and your   average drying cycle time. The faster it is, the  lower drying capacity you can get away with.    Characteristics of an effective drying line are:   One: Uniformity and precision in drying, Two:   Speed in drying, (should be 24 hours on average)   Three: Energy and labor efficiency, autonomous   operation, Four: Low temperature drying, between  30-34 degrees C Five: Automation and environmental   controls Sizing: Sizing your inshell  walnut transforms your nuts into a higher value   commercial product European sizing standards  are based on milimeter diameter of the walnuts,   that runs from 28 to + 46 milimeters A good  in-shell calibrator should size your walnuts in   high accuracy, with less than 5 % errors, without  demaging their shells Have the speed to match   the discharge speed of your dryers, Weigh your  walnuts while calibrating, prepare labels, handle   lot numbering and should be providing reporting  for the nuts handled. Walnut Storage: Storing   your finished product, your most precious asset,  is often not emphasized enough. Your storage   method should maintain the nuts safe and fresh  while should give you efficiency in expensive   building space. For starters, you should not  store your dryed walnuts inside your drying room   that is occupied with high moisture level.   The most space efficient model of storing dryed  

in-shell walnuts is using the stackable boxes,  made out of plastics or wood. These boxes should   have free airflow on their sides. The most  space efficient model of storing dryed in-shell   walnuts is using the stackable boxes, made  out of plastics or wood. These boxes should   have free airflow on their sides. We design your  entire processing plant, including your offices,  

your hulling, drying and calibration lines,  taking into account their upgrade potential.    We establish you quality management  system and operational manuals.    From capacity planning and conceptual design  to building and delivering turnkey solutions   at proven world standards, Knee Sao is your  trusted partner. With our strategic partners   Monchiero and Jessee Equipment Manufacturing,  we can help you achieve the highest levels   of product quality and efficiency in  harvest and post-harvest solutions.

2024-07-28 17:36

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