Gregg Braden : Nous sommes à un tournant pour l'humanité. Il est temps de faire un choix.

Gregg Braden : Nous sommes à un tournant pour l'humanité. Il est temps de faire un choix.

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- Hello, I am Stephane. Welcome to Gaia Meditation for a new show. Today's special guest is a five-time New York Times best-selling author, scientist and internationally renowned as being a pioneer, bridging modern science, spirituality and human potential. Welcome Gregg Braden. - Stephane, it is an honor to be with you, it's so good to be with my community across the ocean.

I'm coming to you today from a studio in Santa Fe, New Mexico, just outside of Santa Fe. And wow! We have so many things we can talk about today, I'm gonna follow your lead, my brother, but I want to begin by thanking you and the Gaia community for creating a community, a hub of a community that's so important in the world that we live in right now, community is vital. We need one another more than ever, and we need to be able to share ideas and innovations and communication freely. And I appreciate the opportunity to do that in this program today. So, thank you. - Thank you for accepting this invitation.

I must say you really are a true inspiration for me. You are inspiring lots of people and I'm one of them, so I'm really happy to have you on this show. - Thank you, thank you. - So basically Gregg, you see the global situation now, we don't know where we're going, we see chaos, fear a bit here and there, could you give us a bit, what's your insight about the situation? Where are we heading? - You know I am an optimist. I think you know that, my community knows that, and I'm also a realist.

And realistically, what I see is that we're living a time that we knew was coming. And we have talked about this time for almost 30 years. But many people didn't understand precisely what this time would mean. Now, I'm not saying that I knew that the COVID pandemic would happen or that the wars would happen. I'm not saying that. But what I am saying is, as a scientist, when I look at the big picture, what I see is that we are living a period of time where cycles are converging in a way that we have never seen in 5,000 years of recorded human history.

Climate cycles, we do know about that's one part. Cycles of economy and not money, but economy. Economies are about the way that people share vital resources of food and energy and water and medicine, and communications and security. Economic cycles are converging with the climate cycles.

And we are also living a cycle of human conflict. When I spoke at the United Nations, they were surprised when I said that, because they said, "Doesn't conflict just erupt spontaneously?" And I said, "Well, it may." But we see the science shows very clearly that human conflict, it occurs in rhythms and cycles that are linked to natural phenomenon, such as the magnetic fields of the sun, the magnetic fields of the earth that influence the human heart, they influence a blood pressure, they influence cognitive abilities. And the bottom line is when the magnetic fields are strong, we are more cooperative and willing to solve our problems. When the magnetic fields are weak, we are more aggressive, less willing to work together. And we are living now a cycle, a window of very weak magnetic fields between the solar cycles.

Now I wanna be clear, we are not slaved to the cycles, we have free will. But if we do not understand the cycles, we become vulnerable, we become susceptible and we become sometimes victims if we don't understand what's happening. So, there is a reason that the world looks like it is in chaos. And when you look at the big picture, what's important in my optimism, is that when we see cycles like this, Stephane, the cycles are intense, but they are brief. They do not keep going forever and ever, and ever.

They are relatively brief. And it's the choices that we make now that determine what happens on the other side of the cycle. The choices that we make now determine what kind of a society we're going to have, what kind of a healthcare system, what kinds of jobs and careers, what kinds of relationships. Those future opportunities are being determined by the choices we make right now.

So, this is a very exciting time because the systems of the past that were unsustainable, those are the things that are breaking down. And the systems of the past that are good, those are the things that are still good. Things like family and community are even more important now, and we recognize that, but the unsustainable centralized ways of banking and finance and energy, we see they're not reliable. The key to a successful future is localized living, localized community, localized economies, localized sources of energy, localized finance, localized food. And in many respects, the European communities know this already.

You see farm to table, gardens... in France and in Germany and throughout England, rather than food being grown in the United States for example, we have food that's grown in South America and shipped into the US every day. That's not sustainable. And when things become difficult like COVID, those supply lines break down. We're seeing this with the electronics coming from China, it's difficult to get the electronics. So now it's impacting computers, cell phones, automobiles, cannot be completed because they are relying on parts from another part of the world.

So, these are just examples. Localized living is what's important. So, that's the world. But we are now forced to look within ourselves. And this is where it gets really, really interesting. Because there is a battle, there's a battle playing out on the global stage for our thoughts.

There's a battle for the way that we think about ourselves, there's a battle for our beliefs. The media is trying to influence the way that we think about our bodies and our relationships and our health and our career and our relationship to the world. So it's a time Stephane, a very precious time for us to go back to the basics of how extraordinary the human body is. How extraordinary our capacity is for love, for connection, for healing, and to awaken in our lives and teach our children what very precious beings we are, because the media is trying to tell us, we need technology to thrive, we need technology to replace our bodies. And we're making in this generation a very powerful choice.

So, that's a long answer to a short question. I'm optimistic in terms of where we're going. Realistically, we are in the decision-making process and we have to go through it to get to the other side.

And this is where honest, truthful, factual communication is very important. - Yeah, thank you Gregg. So would you say that now we are at a turning point, it's either we go to more technology or we go to the natural technology that's inside of us? - You know, that's a very good question. And I just finished a virtual conference on this topic with people from other countries. What I see happening, Stephane and it's interesting. There is a battle for our very humanness.

We have been taught that the human body is flawed, it is imperfect, it is weak, it is vulnerable. We have been taught this for decades now through the universities and through our media to make technology appear more glamorous. So, we've been taught that we need to replace the neurons in our brain, for example, with computer chips. Or that we need to replace the chemistry in our veins, our blood, with a chemical made in a laboratory. Or that we need wires and chips under our skin for us to function sensors.

We've been taught these things. What we are not taught is that all of the technology in the world around us, it mirrors, it mimics the principles that we already do in our cells in our biology, except we do it better. And I'm going to use a word that technical people typically use to explain why we do it better.

We are now recognizing, scientists are recognizing that the human body is a highly advanced, technologically sophisticated form of technology. It is called "soft technology". So, it's not a hard computer chip and wires, and chemicals, it is soft neurons, soft tissue, cell membranes, and crystal and bone that regulate electrical potential in our bodies in a way that no computer can do. And here's the reason. Because our technology is called "scalable".

So the human neuron, for example, we don't know to this day, we do not know what the limitations are of the frequencies that a human neuron can embrace and access. We used to think there were limits, we used to say the highest brain state was around 40 hertz, 40 cycles per second and then scientists discovered that we could access 80 cycles per second. And they had to create new brain states, the gamma brain state. And then 100 cycles per second. And then the Tibetan monks showed us that they could do 200 cycles per second, then now we've got the gamma brain state and the hyper gamma brain state.

And now we've got the Lambda brain states. And it goes on and on. A computer chip is limited by the laws of physics for the material that it's made of.

So a computer chip, is it fast? Absolutely, it's fast. Is it scalable? And right now the answer is that our soft inner technology is more sophisticated and more advanced than anything that we're building in the laboratory. So to answer your question, here's, what's happening. We're living a time where there are two societies that are emerging at the same time. Two parallel societies.

There is one society that is all in on the technology. They are all in on chips in the brains, chemicals in the body, surveillance to help them feel secure in their community, they're all in. There's another society that's emerging now that's saying, wait, not so fast.

We need to go back to the basics of eating food that grows from the earth. Of caring for our bodies, with nature. Of the power of community in the family unit, the power of community and localized living. They're saying, we want this path, we don't want all that technology.

So, these two paths are emerging right now. It's unsustainable. They cannot go on forever this way. So what will happen is this, as humans, we are curious. And so we will do what curious humans do. We will check one another out.

We're going to look at one another and say, who is happier? Who is healthier? Whose lives are more fulfilled? Who have deeper spiritual relationships with the Earth, with themselves and with their community? And the answer to that question is going to determine what path unifies humankind, what path unifies us and moves forward in the new world. I don't know the answer to that because we are choosing it right now. And that's what makes this time so excited. It's exciting because we are learning about how extraordinary and also how precious the human body is, and how rare it is to be able to fully express what it means to be human in this world. And I can't think of anything more exciting. That's the new frontier.

- Yeah, you talked about this soft technology, would you say that the center of this soft technology is the heart? - Yeah, it's a really good question. So when I was in school, back in the 1950s, 1960s, early 1970s, I was taught that it's all about the brain. All the focus was on the brain. It was only in the 1990s, Stephane, that neurons were discovered in the human heart, in a neural network that's like a brain, it's called the little brain in the heart. And it thinks independently of the brain in the head. It feels, it senses independently.

This is where our intuition comes from. Is this neurons, this neural network in the heart where the science is leading us, is that we are the only form of life that can combine these two, these two neural networks. We're the only form of life that can combine the brain and the heart, or the head and the heart, as some people call it. We can harmonize, create coherence between the neurons of the heart and the brain so the two organs become one system. And when we do that, we open the door, we open the gateway to the greatest expressions of our humanness.

This is what the yogis and the mystics and the healers and the 'curanderos' in South America, the shamans in the Andes mountains. This is how they access the extraordinary abilities of insight, intuition, of healing, of regeneration, rejuvenation. And this is a technology.

This is a new frontier, and it's a very different way of thinking about the human body. Because we've been conditioned for so long to think that we deteriorate as we move through linear time. As we get older, we fall apart. This is the conditioning.

And it's certainly possible. We have all seen this. But now we know that we have the ability to make choices in our lives. Choices of spirituality, choices of emotion, of nutrition, of movement. It's all the things we know, diet, exercise, meditation is certainly a big part of this.

And when we consciously make life-affirming choices in our lives, our bodies reflect that. So it is actually possible right now, this isn't theory, it's possible to move forward in chronological time. But the cells actually become younger.

The DNA becomes younger. The genes are upregulated. The immune system is stronger.

All of these things now, it's a very different way of thinking, but this is what the new technology is showing us. So, I think the conditions of the world and the convergence of the cycles are pushing us to the edge of what we have believed to be true about ourselves in the past. And those conditions are pushing us now into a new understanding of what it means to be human. And we will take the essence of those new understandings and this will be the foundation for the new world that is emerging. Man, that is exciting for me.

I can't think of anything more exciting. And I honestly acknowledge, and honestly admit, I know for some people, it's a very different way of thinking, because it's not what they were taught. And for other people, it's precisely what they've always felt in their heart. Yeah. - Yeah.

Thank you Gregg. So according to what you are saying, the heart is really the center of this soft technology, and if we connect to our heart lots of things can happen in our lives. I know that lots of people right now around the world, because of the situation they are praying FOR peace. What could you say about this? Because I know you talk a lot about prayer and the real secrets behind the prayer. Could you tell us more about this... if we want to be more efficient for this peace to manifest in the world? - Sure.

Well, thank you for the question and thank you for the words that lead into the question, because it makes my job very easy. When we look at the world with our mind, I think we all know Stephane that the brain is a polarity organ. Left-brain, right-brain.

So, when we look at what's happening in the world with the brain only, with logic only, we will always see the polarity of good, bad, right, wrong, success, failure, worthy, not worthy. We will always see that. And when we try to solve our problems from that polarity, that's where we get stuck in the polarity.

This is where we get stuck in the anger and the hurt and the judgment, and the shame that we see in the world today. And this is where our most ancient and cherished spiritual traditions have always invited us to think from our heart. And now the science helps to understand why. Because the heart is not a polarity organ.

So, you don't have the left heart and the right heart. You don't have the polarity thinking. And when we begin to look at the problems of the world and solve our problems and communicate from our heart center, from the neural network in the heart, we become more objective, less reactive.

If someone criticizes us... I'll just give you an example. When I worked for a company called the Cisco Systems in the 1990s, it was the early internet. We were building the early internet.

And I was the youngest in the corporate boardroom. I was the youngest member, I was the first technical operations manager at Cisco Systems in 1990. And when I would be in the boardroom, if I was criticized for my ideas, well, I was criticized frequently.

If I listened to that criticism through my mind, that is where I would be hurt. I would be hurt because it would trigger 'not good enough' or right, wrong, good, bad, success, failure. If I was criticized, that would tell me that I was a failure. But if I listen through my heart and I learned to do this in the early '90s, if I listened through my heart, I would hear the criticism, but I would not make it personal. And it gave me the ability to listen objectively and say, yes maybe you have a good point, or maybe this is something I can improve, or maybe this is a way I can do things better. And that made me more effective at my job because I was less reactive to the criticism.

And that, I think is very important. So, when we look at the problems in the world today, it's the same thing. It's the same thing.

And when you begin talking about prayer, this is where the science really gets interesting. Because in the year 2012, scientists confirmed that there is a field of energy that underlies all existence. To scientists acknowledge that. But what's interesting is if you go to a conference today and scientists talk about the field, their hands will do this.

They'll say there's a field out there that connects all things. And they're still separating, they're still separating themselves from the field. The truth is, every cell in our bodies, the average human body has about 50 trillion cells.

And inside of every cell, there are over 100 trillion atoms. And every one of those atoms is emerging from this field and collapsing back into the field, in this constant dance of new energy emerging from the field and collapsing into the field. The field is not out there. We are the field. And what that means is when we want change in our world, we're not trying to make it happen out there.

We must become in our lives the very things that we want to see in our world. If we want peace in our world, we've got to BECOME that peace. This is no secret. Our spiritual traditions have always told us this. Gandhi told us this, Buddha told us this, but now the science is helping us to understand why we must become in our lives, what we choose to experience in our world.

And once this really begins to sink in, it's very powerful. Because it means in the prayer, we are not asking for something to happen somewhere else, but we are claiming that outcome as if it's already happened within ourselves. When we feel the feeling of the healing that has already happened, then the field has to reflect what that feeling is all about. But when we are asking for the healing and we're saying, "Please, let this healing happen."

It's well-intentioned, I know it's well-intentioned, but the physics show us when we're asking for something to happen, we're telling the field it's not there now. When we're asking for it, we're saying it doesn't exist now. And that subtle and powerful realization is at the core of our most ancient and cherished yogic, mystical and healing and spiritual traditions. It's the secret of what's called the lost modality of prayer. Feeling the feeling as if the prayer has already happened, as if the peace is already in the world, as if the healing has already happened in our loved ones, as if our perfect relationship is already manifest, as if the perfect job has already manifest. So, these are very fundamental principles that now the science is confirming.

And that frees us. Once we see the mechanism, it frees us then to embrace these deep truths in our lives and find out what they mean for us. And that's exciting. That makes this a very exciting time Stephane. - Thank you so much Gregg, really... what you're sharing, your knowledge,

your wisdom with us, wisdom from the past and mixing with modern science, it's really helping us to be more serene and I'm really thankful for you coming and accepting this invitation, really, I'm really honored. - Well, I am honored to be with you, Stephane, this was a very, very quick, very brief conversation, let's call this part one and then we can continue another time with part two. And I'm gonna send my love to the Gaia Community. I just wanna thank everyone for the love and the community that everyone is sharing and all that you're doing to be the best version of yourself in a world of such uncertainty and not getting lost in the fear. That's the thing. Don't get lost in the fear.

I love you all, thank you so much. I look forward to our next. - I love you Gregg, love you all. Thank you so much Gregg. (soft music)

2021-09-23 16:57

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