GenZ, Cybersecurity, and New Security Measures on User-Facing Tech – an SNSI Security Summit

GenZ, Cybersecurity, and New Security Measures on User-Facing Tech – an SNSI Security Summit

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Sabrina Cofer: Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Sabrina Cofer, and on behalf of Choice and ACRL, I'd like to welcome you to today's program, Gen Z, Cybersecurity, and New Security Measures on User-Facing Tech - an SNSI Security Summit which is sponsored by the Scholarly Networks Security Initiative or SNSI. This 90 min session is one in a series of sponsored webinars from choice and acrl that addresses new ideas and developments of interest to the academic library community. and I'll put some links in the chat for where you can register for upcomingChoice-ACRL webinars, or watch previous webinar recordings Sabrina Cofer: Before we get started. I'd like to point out just a few features of the Webinar software. All of the attendees who join the presentation are automatically muted and your cameras are off. So don't worry about generating any noise or feedback. Sabrina Cofer: We've got that taken care of for you in the main area of the screen. You can follow along the presentation materials to adjust the size of the slides of video. You can use the divider in the middle of the screen to slide the sizes to your liking. Sabrina Cofer: We are using the QA. Feature today. Please use it to ask questions of our speakers and to submit any comments we'll answer as many questions as we have time for at the end of the presentation, so please do type your questions into the QA. Module as they occur to you. You can also use the upvote feature to highlight highlight questions you like, or would like to be addressed.

Sabrina Cofer: Also, there is close captioning available for today's session to toggle the automated captions on or off. Please use the please use the CC button on the bottom right corner of your screen. Last. Please note that we are recording today's program. And everyone who registered should receive a follow up email with a link to the archive version. And with that we are ready to get started, so I will hand it over to Sharon and Stacy. Sharon Mattern Buttiker: Thank you, Sabrina. Welcome and thank you. Everyone for joining us today. In the next 90 min 3 distinguished speakers will share their insights and experience after the presentations. They'll spend time answering your questions, and we hope you have many.

Sharon Mattern Buttiker: I'm Sharon, Maddon butaker, Stacy Festivule, and I are your moderators today. Sharon Mattern Buttiker: We're also members of the scholarly network Security initiatives, university Relations working Group. We bring together institutions and publishers to address cyber challenges threatening the integrity of the scientific record scholarly systems and the safety of personnel data. Sharon Mattern Buttiker: Since our founding in 2,019, our diverse membership has grown to include libraries, large and small publishers, learned societies, university presses, and others devoted to upholding the integrity of the scientific record. Sharon Mattern Buttiker: But cybercrime is not limited to publishing. It affects nearly all areas of our lives. Today, we're focusing on a different aspect of cybersecurity. And it's the habits and online behavior of Generation Z. Sharon Mattern Buttiker: Born between the mid 90 s. And 2,010 Gen. Z. Moves freely between their online and offline endeavors. They primarily primarily use smartphones and social media to navigate nearly all aspects of their existence. Sharon Mattern Buttiker: However, in a recent F 5 lab survey, nearly 60% of Gen. Zirs claim to have never received any cybersecurity training. but from the good news file. They are quick to adapt to technology and will comply if they understand the importance of the exercise.

Sharon Mattern Buttiker: That same study concluded that no generation is better or worse at cyber safety they simply have different vulnerabilities. Sharon Mattern Buttiker: Our speakers today will illuminate us about the tech. Savvy, Gen. Z. And share their experiences and raising awareness of cybercrime mitigation. But before we get started we'd like to ask you a few questions, Sabrina. Sharon Mattern Buttiker: The first question is, have you ever been the victim of an online cyberstam? Sharon Mattern Buttiker: Yes or no? Sharon Mattern Buttiker: And what generation do you identify as silent generation. Baby boomer X. Sharon Mattern Buttiker: Y. Also known as millennial or Gen. Z. Sharon Mattern Buttiker: Okay. The results are in Sharon Mattern Buttiker: very interesting. The majority of people have not been the victim of an online scamp.

Sharon Mattern Buttiker: probably a disclaimer. Not that we know of, because you never know. Sometimes. Sharon Mattern Buttiker: and it seems like we have a heavy concentration of millennials and generation Xers on Sharon Mattern Buttiker: this Sharon Mattern Buttiker: pan or this Webinar tonight. Few 4 in generation Z. So Sharon Mattern Buttiker: interesting. Sharon Mattern Buttiker: Thanks. Use the interceptor.

Sharon Mattern Buttiker: Okay, so now, I'm going to introduce our speakers. Sharon Mattern Buttiker: they. They are experts in diverse fields, but and they all have unique perspectives on the generations and cyber safety. Sharon Mattern Buttiker: Our first speaker is Dr. Roberta Reiff Katz. She's an attorney and a cultural anthropologist, and has been a Senior research scholar at Stanford Center for advanced study in the behavioral sciences where she co-led a team researching behaviors, values and world views of Gen. Z. Sharon Mattern Buttiker: The team's findings are reported in a 2020 book called Gen. Z. Explained the art of living in a digital age published by the University of Chicago Press Sharon Mattern Buttiker: at Stanford. Doctor Cass also served as A. VP. For strategic planning and as interim Chief of Staff to the President. Sharon Mattern Buttiker: She was special advisor to the Assistant Attorney General for antitrust in the US. Department of justice.

Sharon Mattern Buttiker: and she has also been a senior Vp. And general counseling general counsel of Netscape communications and of Mccall cellular communications now known as at and T. Wireless. She holds A. BA. From Stanford, a. Ph. D. From Columbia, and A. JD. From the University of Washington Law School. Welcome, Roberta. Sharon Mattern Buttiker: We also welcome Chas Grundy. He's the director of it, strategy and transformation. And he's a strategist and a storyteller focusing on technology marketing and nonprofit leadership. Sharon Mattern Buttiker: Since 2,005. Chas has worked at the University of Notre Dame in leadership roles, including digital Strategy, application, Development, it service management and product management Sharon Mattern Buttiker: as the director of it and Transformation. Chaz is responsible for the strategic planning it communications and service management. He and his team developed creative and innovative solutions to the organization's most complex challenges, such as the Google First Wizarding College and the Notre Dame Cyber Security Carnival. Chaz graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 2,003 with a degree in Japanese welcome. Chaz.

Sharon Mattern Buttiker: our last speaker, Jason Griffey, is a librarian and a technologist, and is currently the director of strategic initiatives for the National information standards organization, also more commonly known as Niso, where he works to identify the areas of the information ecosystem where standards expertise is needed. Sharon Mattern Buttiker: He's also ongoing project manager for such projects as Nisos participation in the coalition for seamless access. Sharon Mattern Buttiker: Prior to joining Niso in 2,019, Jason Jason ran. A technology consulting company for libraries has been both an affiliate and Meta lab and a Sharon Mattern Buttiker: excuse me, he's been both an affiliate and and a Meta Lab and a fellow and affiliate for the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and society at Harvard University. Jason has spent a decade as an academic librarian in roles ranging from reference and instruction to head of it at the University of Tennessee, in Chattanooga, where he led the transformation of the library's digital infrastructure. Sharon Mattern Buttiker: So, as you can see, we have a panel of experts here today with us. And now let's hear from our speakers. Dr. Cass, over to you. Roberta Katz: Thank you so much and welcome to everyone on this webinar. So I am. Gonna my, my talk is not so much security focus, but it will set the ground for discussing Gen. Z. And one of the things Sharon said, I just wanna underscore the cybersecurity issues that are affecting younger generations are not just

Roberta Katz: about Gen. Z. They're also about millennials, and to a certain extent, Gen. Xers, and I'm so glad that we have a lot of millennials. Gen. Xers on this call, and for those of you who are Gen. Z. Hopefully you will you will find that, what I talk about in your generation is ringing true. Let me start by saying quickly, why we do generational research. Generational research is done because Roberta Katz: the influences on young people, when they are growing up and forming their views of the world Roberta Katz: are important. It it doesn't. When you describe a generation, it doesn't mean that every person in that generation will exhibit every one of the attributes that are commonly associated with that generation. But what it does indicate is that shared experiences when people are young do have an impact on a swath of people. Roberta Katz: So when you think about the silent generation, they were very much affected growing up by the depression in World War 2, and they are often known as sort of strong and stoic. Similarly with baby boomers. And I am a baby boomer. We were very much affected by that post world War 2. Roberta Katz: I hope, I said. World War Ii about the baby boomers, not World War one, the Post World War, 2 sense of of

comfort in the US. Of growing prosperity. But we were also affected by the Vietnam War, the rock and roll movement. Roberta Katz: and the the pills civil rights. And so our generation is kind of known as idealistic and complacent. Gen. X. That was really the beginning of the computer app the computer age. And so you have voicemail cell phones, more frequent air travel, early feminism, divorce, and latchkey kids, Mtv. And grunge. That generation is often characterized as word worldly and cynical. Roberta Katz: Then Jen Y, the millennials are often referred to as the digital natives. They are also characterized by coddled childhoods. Everyone got a prize helicopter, parenting fame and money. That was the beginning of people magazine, and they are sometimes tagged as being entitled and arrogant, probably unfairly. So let's look at Gen. Z. Which, as Sharon said, those are people born in the mid-nineties to the about 2010. We're actually there's a new generation now called Gen. Alpha, which is people born 2010 forward.

Roberta Katz: What were those things that Gen. Z. Was experiencing when they were growing up? I'm gonna spin through these. And and I'm gonna get to the attributes about Gen. Z. But Roberta Katz: it, as I said that it is these cultural influences that will that will help you understand some of the attributes that I'm going to describe about Gen. Z. So why do we say mid nineties, 1995 was the year the Internet was made broadly available to the public, and and I was, as Sharon said, the general counsel at Netscape. So I had a front row seat to all of this Roberta Katz: the thing that people need to understand and they off. We often forget about the communications network. That was the Internet is that it was, in fact. Roberta Katz: a communications network that had the potential for the first time to connect billions of people. At the same time it it gave it gave everyone potentially a giant megaphone for many to many communications, and that that created an extraordinary power at people's fingers, tips, fingertips, power to to talk, to buy, to sell, and it opened up Roberta Katz: an amazing period of creative Roberta Katz: time for people to figure out new ways to do that kind of communication. 1995 was the first year that Amazon sold a book online. And, as we know, since 1995, there've been an explosion of new sites and products. It is hard to overstate the significance of this moment of hyper connectivity

Roberta Katz: because of this blossoming of of creative enterprise. Roberta Katz: So, and and when you think of everything that you do online now and think back to 1995, Roberta Katz: we weren't doing any of this or very little of this in 1995. So what this has that meant for people who were born and growing up from the earliest years during that period of time, early exposure to a big, diverse, and frightening world. Roberta Katz: The scope of what a young person could see was so much greater than what their elders could see at a similar time in their own personal development. Roberta Katz: also the scale of what we all have been subject to since 1995. The amount of information, the bits and bytes that come at us is unprecedented.

Roberta Katz: And finally, the speed with which all of this has been happening think about smartphones, texting, social media, all kinds of new software apps online everything, you know. In 1995, when big banks were coming to netscape to, they knew they wanted to incorporate some of this Internet technology into their business, but they Roberta Katz: they weren't. Roberta Katz: They didn't quite know how, and we would have these meetings, and and I remember one in particular with a big bank and that that, they said, How are we going to use this? And the subject of online banking came up, and everyone in the room said, That will never happen Roberta Katz: no way. Well, look where we are. So. But also, you know, think about autonomous vehicles, genetic, engineering, virtual, and augmented reality robots. Now, AI. And all of this has been happening in less than 30 years. So think about the industrial revolution that you read about in your history books, and how it led to social change. Roberta Katz: We are in the midst of that kind of social revolution that is happening as a result of a technological revolution. And it's happening at unprecedented speed, scope and scale. It's really important to

Roberta Katz: to remember that when you think about what young people have experienced. Roberta Katz: So among the things that young people experienced when they were growing up. Gen. Z. Was a bit of a parent child reversal because parents were going through. All of this change could not always give their children a good sense of what? Roberta Katz: Of of where this was going, of what the future would look like. And there was a New Yorker cartoon last year that I point to this was last year. This cartoon was in the in the magazine, and it shows a father feeding his Roberta Katz: his baby in a high chair, some food, and the caption says, after I introduce you to solids, I'm going to need your help with some computer stuff Roberta Katz: that seems to just capture the Roberta Katz: this sense of parents being Roberta Katz: being unable to do what parents of prior generations were able to do, which was to have some sense of where the future was going, and as a result the young people Roberta Katz: who were going through this, together with their parents, became quite bonded. Roberta Katz: So another thing that young people experience from a very young age was well, for those of you who are around in 1995 one of the things we talked about with the Internet was the notion of disintermediation that that we would get rid of the middle man, as it was called, and and all, all the all the interactions would be smoother. Well, what we have seen because we are going through

Roberta Katz: us. Tremendous social change as a result of tremendous technological change is seeing institutions that are not working like they used to work. And you can almost name any institution and see that it is struggling, whether it's whether it's religious institutions or educational institutions, or the workplace. Think about sort of the disruption that came with the gig economy. Roberta Katz: and think about the the great recession of 2,008 and and scandals. We read about scandals on online all the time. Well, so were Gen. Zirs when they were very young, so online they had exposure Roberta Katz: to a vast world. with all the ups and downs that we read about Roberta Katz: at a time when they were quite young, and at a time when their elders were also struggling to keep up Roberta Katz: what that led to were some changes in perceptions of time and space. When I was growing up as a baby boomer. That notion of a 9 to 5 workday with what happened on the other end of the work day was was a pretty Roberta Katz: pretty much common experience. It wasn't. It wasn't uniform, but there was a sense of a 9 to 5 workday. There is no 9 to 5 workday anymore. It's all integrated what we do. Especially as increasingly, we're online and mixing online. And in real life.

Roberta Katz: That's what young people knew from the time they were Roberta Katz: very young, and in terms of, so that that creates some perceptions in some changed perceptions in time similarly changed perceptions in space. Roberta Katz: I don't know where all of you are right now, but I know I could be talking to someone across the world, and it's a different time of day there. It's their, their, their world is different. But we are in the same space. Or I can Google, the home I grew up in Roberta Katz: which is many States away. You so young people have a different sense of time and space, because, unlike those of us who are older, who have a foundation from a prior a time prior to this massive communications network. Roberta Katz: linking us and creating new ways of doing things. Roberta Katz: This is their foundation, the new ways. It's really important to think about that when you think about Gen. Z. Roberta Katz: And finally, then climate change, school shootings. Broken trust. These are things that these young people grew up with. Okay, I said, I'm really gonna speed through all this. I'm now gonna talk to you about some attributes of Gen. Z. I'm gonna do a little pitch for the book, if what I say is of interest to you. It's not really showing up very well. But

Roberta Katz: there the book is will elaborate greatly. The book is called Gen. Z. Explain the art of living in a digital age. And it's you can buy it. But but the book goes into great detail about the things I'm gonna talk about first. And most importantly, they are self drivers. They have a lot of self agency. There is a quote in the book. The book has a lot of quotes from interviews that we did with you Roberta Katz: people, and we we interviewed young people in the US. And in Britain. And this is a quote that I think says it all from a young man in Britain. Roberta Katz: When my grandma was 10 years old you weren't allowed to question the authority, or you get a slap, you go to church, you pray you do what your parents say, whereas nowadays, if you're 10, the Internet can maybe make you question things. You don't need your mom. There, you can look at information. Roberta Katz: Gen. Z. Has grown up

Roberta Katz: going to the Internet or going to their peers, but they are not necessarily always going to elders or or those who held themselves out as experts to get the information, because they are so used to having this this Roberta Katz: vast reservoir of information in front of them. Now, as we all know some of that information is not solid, and and one of the things that we have to get better at is is teaching, not just young people, but all of us how to how to be more savvy users of the information, or acquires of the information that is out there on the Internet. But nonetheless, they have grown up doing Roberta Katz: with a lot of self-agency the other thing. And everyone knows this about Gen. Z. They are very invested in their communities of identity. Why? Partly because when they were at an age where a person is really trying to figure out who they are. Roberta Katz: they had an enormous number of role models because they could go on the Internet and and look at. Roberta Katz: look at ways people live across the world, find communities that were there for all kinds of forms of identity. I'm I'm

Roberta Katz: you all know this. But but when I compare, for example, as a baby boomer, what who my role models were when I was growing up in my teenage years, and so on. They were relatively limited. It was, you know, family extended family schoolmates, where? Who I would see in church, maybe broader in other organizations. But it wasn't it what I did. I didn't have access to an enormous. Roberta Katz: an enormous number of ways of being. Roberta Katz: And so, because young people have had that, not only are they Roberta Katz: do they have a a broader sense of what a person's identity can be, but they also have tolerance for people who change identities as they are figuring out who they are over time. So I mean again, I'm speeding through all this I apologize for that. There's much more to say about all of it, but these are just that the attributes Roberta Katz: because, partly because they have had exposure to so many ways of being. They. They have they are. They are used to being in diverse community. This is the most diverse generation yet, and they are they are tolerant of diversity, much more than older generations have been, because it is more their norm, and

Roberta Katz: they are. They are tolerant of diversity, just like the rest of us. We haven't yet figured out well how to live in a diverse world. It is one of the challenges of the of this, of the the Roberta Katz: okay, our our old and young, we have together. Roberta Katz: Another attribute. Is that the the term authenticity is very important to them. What do they mean by authenticity? They mean that they can trust that what you say is what you do, and that what you do is what you say. If you think about the exposure they've had to fake news you know, an abundance of advertising, of of false false advertising, lots of hype. Roberta Katz: They are very very cautious about who they trust. And, by the way, it's not just this young generation that is, that is, short on trust. There are many studies that sociologists have done of certainly American culture and trust across the Board has plummeted, plummeted so, and this is a consequence of all that we have seen online. No question about it. Roberta Katz: so that term authenticity when you see it, when you're dealing with young people, is important.

Roberta Katz: They are also, and this will not surprise anybody. Highly collaborative and social. As I said before, they bonded as a peer group because they they have been going through this at a this transition, at a young age, this social transition, and and often without parents or teachers who felt confident in giving them advice about the future. Roberta Katz: And if you think about all the new tools we use and the new technologies, they're all about collaboration. And these young people learn to collaborate when they were in school, you know group, they were group projects, group grades. So they love to be together. Now I often hear. Well, what about the fact that they, you know they're always have their earphones on, and so on. Yes, but they are also Roberta Katz: they are they? They like to be Roberta Katz: together, they like to share what they see on their screens, and so on. And one of the most surprising findings in our study Roberta Katz: was when we asked young people what their favorite mode of communication was. We, you know, we asked about email.

Roberta Katz: about text image asks about DM's cell phones, all of it, and out of a hundred 20 people that we interviewed, 119 gave the same answer which shocked us. The answer was in person, face-to-face. Roberta Katz: Lots of reasons why they just felt like they could be better understood. They could read body language and so on. But they crave Roberta Katz: being together. It's really important to understand about this generation. Another important thing about them is that they are exploring consensual models of leadership. They are not necessarily fans of hierarchical leadership. And again, it's frustrating to me to be able to to have to do this so quickly cause there's a lot to be said about this. But

Roberta Katz: but they they want leadership to be purposeful. They really want a leader to be someone who is in that position because of that person's particular skills and usefulness for the group. That's all I'll say about that right now. Though. Another quote that's in the book is is that seems to say, this well is that leadership is not just one person. Leadership only comes if you talk to other people, and you decide that whatever feels right is among the majority. Roberta Katz: That's a quote. Okay, next attribute, they are oriented to modular and fluid structures. When we started our study and asked a group about what they to to tell us what they thought. The values the highest values of the generation would be. Roberta Katz: This focus group that we started with was uniform in saying flexibility was their highest value. And Roberta Katz: my my Co. Researchers and I who were all of older generations Gen. We had Gen. YXY. And and baby Boomer represented in our research group. Roberta Katz: Didn't. We just hadn't thought of flexibility as a value, and as the young people explained that they have been subject to dramatic change from the time they were little, and they have every expectation that there the rest of their lives will be about dramatic change, and that if they don't stay flexible they will not. They will not be able to Roberta Katz: stay engaged as as as earners, as citizens, as parents, so flexibility is a very high value, and as a result they're used to modularity. They're used to fluidity. They're used to. I'd like to analogize it to the kaleidoscope where it turns.

Roberta Katz: and then it turns again, and that is how they often see things. I'm gonna I've got a couple more minutes. They are disillusioned by the past. Roberta Katz: and no nonsense about the future. They have been compared to the silent generation, in that they are very pragmatic. They are looking at broken institutions or breaking institutions, cracked institutions. They are looking at climate change. And they are saying, Wow! We have our lives, our adult lives in front of us, and we have to fix this, the burdens on our shoulders. And they are Roberta Katz: the okay. Boomer thing was, was really a little bit about them, saying. Roberta Katz: you're telling us what the future is gonna look like. But you're not really. You're not really understanding that the future is going to look different than the past. And, by the way, some of the things we have to deal with have been around for a long time, and you didn't. Roberta Katz: You didn't try to fix it so the burdens on our shoulders and they so it has caused them to be somewhat disillusioned. So that leads me to the next attribute. Humor is really important. Memes and other kinds of edgy humor are are very important in in giving them sort of relief from some of this burden that they feel, and in and in

Roberta Katz: keeping their bonds, particularly their generational bonds Roberta Katz: close. I will talk here just for 1 s about mental health. People often point to Gen. Z. And say they have. You know, what about all this mental health? What about all this mental health. Roberta Katz: What I will say is without without diminishing in any way the importance of Gen. Z. Mental health. They talk about mental health more. They grew up at a time when the stigma of mental health was less, they grew up with diagnoses of Adhd, and so on, and as a baby boomer W. We grew up. You don't talk about mental health, in addition to which, we mental health is not just an issue for Gen. Z. If you think about the opioid epidemic and the suicide epidemic. Roberta Katz: Those are older generations. We all have been going through tremendous stress during this period of Roberta Katz: unprecedented change, through unprecedented scope, scale, and speed of what we're dealing with. And the last thing I will say is that we our conclusion. Well, II will say that the 4 of Us. Researchers started the project because we

Roberta Katz: we had worries about this young generation. From what we were seeing in in the universities where we were teaching and advising, and and we sort of started with this notion of what's wrong with these young people. We ended up recognizing that Roberta Katz: they're not. It's not that they're wrong. They have one foot in the present, one foot in the future, and are trying to deal with influences from the past, and they are very much, and the book goes into this fighting for keeping things human. Roberta Katz: I'll try. I'll leave it at that. And during the QAI can answer more about the security aspect of Gen. Z. Thanks.

Sharon Mattern Buttiker: Wow, Roberta, thank you for laying groundwork for our discussions. That was truly an amazing summary. And and in record time, thanks for giving us so much information in such a short amount of time, I personally speak. For myself, II think I understand my children better, who are both Jen's ears. So thank you for that. And now I want to pass the the mic over to Chaz. Chazi. He's going to talk to us about his activities at the university level with Jen's ears. Chas Grundy: Alright. Well, thank you very much. I'm calling my talk today, chocolate covered broccoli using the power of play to transform training and strengthen security. So it's a lot less about the generational side of of things, and a lot more about how we go about trying to do these right? So it's Chas Grundy: national Cyber security awareness month. It's October certainly. We gotta do something about that. And what do we do and how we do it? Matters tremendously. And I will share some lessons and some stories hopefully, some tools and ideas that you could just frankly steal. This is the best part about higher. Ed. We call up all of our competitors and say, Hey, give me all your secrets, and then they do, and so feel free to to borrow, steal whatever reach out. And Chas Grundy: yeah. So this started for me. The journey around. This actually started when we went Google in 2014, we moved our faculty and staff to Google and for email and calendar. And I had a conversation with my boss Chas Grundy: which went something like, oh, I did this project back in 2,007 when we moved, all of our faculty and staff email. And I'll tell you this, our biggest challenges was reaching our it. Staff, who have to help all of those faculty and staff

to move their system because Chas Grundy: we sent them training. We sent them links. We sent them resources and they wouldn't do any of it. And there's no way you're gonna get those folks to engage with this stuff. So you should prepare for that. Just that. You're gonna have to do all of this the hard way. Chas Grundy: And I heard that I said, All right, challenge accepted. Chas Grundy: We came up with a plan to reach those folks which we called the Google Apps Jedi Academy. That's me on stage with Yoda, who incidentally, was our CIO, our chief information officer, dressed up as Yodi, who was not a very tall guy. He's on his knees in this. Chas Grundy: but he'd wandered around campus as Yoda went through our help desk would go to, you know, information fairs, things like that. Chas Grundy: and nobody other than me knew that that was our CIO until the very end of all of the the project. So it was just a great kinda thing we we made it into a game. We had 4 different levels. We let people level up from Padawan to Jedi Night to Jedi, Master and Yoda. Now, if you're a Star wars. Geek like a lot of our colleagues here. You'll note that I don't have youngling on here, and that is because of the horrible things that happen to younglings, we figured. Let's not make people try to achieve youngling status. But we ended up with 237, Jedi

Chas Grundy: and I and I have the number here because it's notable that we were targeting about 70 distributed it staff that we wanted to train. Chas Grundy: but because of the theme because of the content around it, because of the game and the fun and the aspects that we built into this program, ceremonies and costumes and star wars, jokes, and things like that. Chas Grundy: We had a couple of 100 people reach out and try to join who are not part of that. It support crew, so we had some. Non it, people. But then we ended up engaging. Hundreds. More people are on campus than we had intended, because of the way we were doing the training. So not only did we get those 70 people to actually show up and do training we we beat that like crazy. And you still see artifacts of that project around here. Chas Grundy: This led me to, try to to to design some more games to try to solve problems. And one of those was how I would teach folks at workshops and at conferences about the kind of work my team was doing at the time, which was product management. And so I designed a game to try to teach people about how to do product management. Another strange concept, one of these things is not super fun and and engaging on its own, but I wanted to simulate it for people, and so I made a game. Chas Grundy: and my boss actually convinced me that I could package this thing up, and other people would be interested in it as well. So II launched a little side business so full disclosure. This is my company hedgehog interactive. And I ended up making games to try to solve training challenges and problems Chas Grundy: that we have like product management, or how to train help, desk consultants on how to be a more inquisitive and thoughtful help. Desk consultant teaching. About project management, and this it's an actual board game. You can see this. What looks like it's a board game cards, pieces like that. You're moving around.

Chas Grundy: So using the idea of games to try to teach people things you'll hear, you know, referred to in the industry. There are a lot of different terms for these things. Gamification is when you take something you're trying to use, and you just tack on game elements on top of that Chas Grundy: game based learning is where you say I'm going to take this game. We're going to use this as part of the thing we're using to teach Chas Grundy: and then series games or the games themselves are designed from the ground up to be educational or to have some kind of outcome. So I could use monopoly to try to teach lessons about economics and poverty. Incidentally, why the game was invented originally designed originally. Or I can take another game specifically designed for finance, and I can try to use that to to help teach people about finance.

Chas Grundy: One of the things that I use in my a lot of my games as we design these things. And as we roll out changes and and programs like this is this concept of the Karate Kid moment which I borrowed from my my buddy, Matthew Belsky, who helped introduce me to a lot of this world. As I was growing up into this this space of of games and learning. Chas Grundy: which is the idea that if you've seen the movie, the Karate Kid, I'm gonna reference. The original eighties version. Daniel, is, you know, convinces Mr. Miyagi to teach him Karate. Chas Grundy: Mr. Miyagi hasn't doing a bunch of chores right. He's like, all right, you're gonna wax the car you're gonna paint the fence. You're gonna do those kinds of things he's like, all right. So you're doing these motions. And then over time, he's like, Wait, hold on!

Chas Grundy: Why are you teaching me this? I don't want to teach. I don't want to learn how to wax your car. I want to learn how to do, Karate, and when Mr. Miyagi Chas Grundy: connects the dots for him between the motions he's been making and the actual art of Karate that he's he's learning. He's using that muscle memory. He's developing muscle memory Chas Grundy: to learn and and put into practice the things he's learned without even realizing it. So my favorite part of these games is when you create a Karate kid moment. It's the Aha that you get when you have been practicing something Chas Grundy: and not realizing that you've been learning a valuable skill on the other side, when you can connect the dots between that muscle memory, and the practical skill. II love that Aha! And that's something that I see that the the light in people's eyes, the smiles, the laughs, the oh, I got it now that moment that's worth it.

Chas Grundy: Another thing that's informed this is, and I'm gonna get some of the the game theory types of stuff the academic side of this out of the way and get to some of the fun examples soon. But the Bible taxonomy of player types. This is a 1996 paper. Richard Barl published trying to categorize different kinds of video game players. And I like applying this concept. If not the actual taxonomy. There are various flaws whatever. But the idea that there are different people playing games for different reasons. Chas Grundy: and some of them wanna be there for the high score. Some of them wanna beat other people. He calls them killers. I call them competitors. It's the idea that I wanna crush somebody else. I wanna be better than them. I wanna get the high score. I wanna collect all this stuff I want to make sure I find every part of this game I want to. Just finish the story. Or I wanna socialize right? Or I wanna be with other people Chas Grundy: as we've done these games, using things like leaderboards, or having competition aspects to it, having different events, getting people together, social aspects. V. Visual badges, things like that that can tap into or push the buttons for different kinds of players. Chas Grundy: Now. Chas Grundy: this is the part where you're like way out. But this is this is work, this is not games. This is not play. The answer is, we're always playing. We all play, we all gain. We all grew up this way.

and I love the idea that we take that. And then we push those buttons on people. So I know I'm a super competitive person Chas Grundy: pushing a competition button can get me fired up. But it's not in a good way. I like to design cooperative games. I'm super competitive to a point where I don't enjoy it. Chas Grundy: But I do love a great game when I can collaborate and cooperate with other people on a common goal. So I know that there's some things that push buttons, and if I can design my game to push your buttons in the right way, I can get you to help take action to, to work on this thing, to engage in this. So you'll see a lot of those examples as we go through Chas Grundy: one of our recent projects was around Google, first, we started launching this, this tool. This is a follow onto that going Google project with the email and calendaring. We were trying to introduce people to Google. Doc Sheet slides, you know, Google drive and using the other tools in the Google suite. Obviously, if you're on a Microsoft platform or in any system, you could see the same kind of thing applying in those

Chas Grundy: problem we have had is, hey? I didn't know it could do that. Or, Oh, Google doesn't do that. You can't do that in Google. Or, Oh, yeah, it can't work for my needs. And so we were trying to raise awareness and introduce people to this thing, especially our resistors. So we wrap this all in this wizarding theme, and designed the project to deliver Chas Grundy: 7 different levels through the wizarding college. You progress through there 7 different levels. What? Your high scores were. All of the assignments in each of these is designed using Google tools Chas Grundy: to teach Google, and also just lots of magic. There's werewolves. And there's wizards and spells and monsters and dragons. And it's all over the place, and if you look carefully, you've got Notre Dame Stadium and touchdown Jesus on the library over here, and here's our golden dome. So we have. We've had a lot of fun. With this kind of approach Chas Grundy: we ended up with 745 people who enrolled in it. and

Chas Grundy: by and large we we were really pleased with the results we had very high recommendation scores. We our Pre and post test shows statistically significant improvement in their self reported Chas Grundy: scale with with the various tools. And this this launched into publishing, this so other higher ed institutions can can see this can use. This could, could, doesn't even have to be higher at anybody with a Google account can jump in and and play this. I've included the link to this and the resources at the end. Chas Grundy: So this brings us around to why we're here, which is an October cyber security awareness month. And last year the conversation about this started in like January, because normally it's September thirtieth and we're saying, hey, we should do something for cyber security awareness month. It's tomorrow. What do you got? Chas Grundy: And that doesn't give you a lot of time to plan or build something. So we end up with a lot of fallback. Hey? We're gonna post some things in newsletters. We're gonna send some emails. Here's stuff on a website. Oh, I've got social media. I can add some links here. Chas Grundy: That's kind of our typical playbook. And if you look at the national organization, that's a lot of what they'll give you.

Chas Grundy: What we decided to tackle was, how do we do this in a way that engages people get some come out because I gotta tell you this security awareness training, not sexy. It is not super fun. It is a chore that people have to do, and most of us have just accepted it in higher Ed, where you don't have that kind of hierarchical influence. You can get folks who say you know what. I just don't wanna do it. And you're not gonna stop me. You're not gonna make me Chas Grundy: You know what they say on hire at a 30 to one vote as a tie. That's the problem is, how do you get people to actually come to the training and learn? And so we tackled this and said, Well, what if? What if we identified some things we want. What do we start with our learning objectives. Chas Grundy: password quality, or using password managers? Right? And and that goes hand in hand. How do you recognize phishing or scams privacy, and then your home network and devices, especially as we have been more and more remote and hybrid staff and and colleagues Chas Grundy: solving this with a game is big and messy. It feels like this is 5 different things. They don't link together super well into a unified experience. But you know what would

Chas Grundy: 5 different games that we tie together with a theme. So we designed the Notre Dame's cybersecurity consul. Chas Grundy: and we ran this last year, and it was a series of booths and activities. Chas Grundy: We had a live stage show. We hired students, we and I'll I'll walk you through some of these games. Briefly, I know that we're going to. I could talk for 10 h on this topic. I'm just I loved this. It worked out so well for us. Chas Grundy: So couple of the booths and games here that we we use to to draw this go fish a lot of like showing people examples of phishing emails and then asking them to identify indicators of those emails that to that, those were phishing emails. How do you know this is a phishing email. Well, the logo squish the from addresses wrong, you know. It's got this high importance thing like, who does that? A link in here? You know all that kind of stuff. So Chas Grundy: as they recognize those, they would earn a chance to throw something into a fish bowl. Chas Grundy: So you see what we're doing here is tying a learning objective of some kind of mechanic learning mechanic and some kind of carnival mechanic. So I wanna throw stuff. I wanna shoot stuff, I wanna, you know, do something to to break stuff or land a ring on things right? So identifying things that are wrong examples of what not to do. Don't use your graduation year or your pets. Name that kind of stuff in your in your passwords.

Chas Grundy: Lot of really interesting ones throwing the cans. The Kansas spam was a really big one. This gave us true and false questions. They were Chas Grundy: security trivia questions. And then, if for each one. You got right. You got an extra throw at the Kansas spam. Some people love throwing things at high velocity at work which we don't often get to do Chas Grundy: cyber security strongman. It's like the high striker right? Instead of swinging a sledgehammer. We're asking you to choose which password is, in fact, the strongest password on there, and usually people hit the button that indicates the one that has the most complexity. Crazy characters, high upper case, lower case numbers. You know

Chas Grundy: they do all that when in reality the the stronger password is the longer one. Chas Grundy: And that's this this Aha! Moment we talk about password strength, and we had that famous Xkcd. Comic about password, strength, correct horse, battery, staple and entropy, and all that there as a supporting tool to help walk people through that idea, and that Aha! Like this was one of the nick that went off for folks when they hit that. And you hear the ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! You gotta write like oh, my gosh! Chas Grundy: I've been thinking about passwords all wrong. It's actually easier than I than I expected. Chas Grundy: Hazard poetry. These are all available in here in the slides. So I'm not gonna go to a ton of depth. Lock-picking workshop is really really popular, including a whole bit about ethical lock-picking, and what states not to have lockpicks in, because that's very important. Chas Grundy: Thus the live show that we did was called Security Night Live. Chas Grundy: and it was 5 sketch comedy sketches that we had written and hired student actors to to kinda edit, and then they rehearsed and performed this 8 times over the course of that day. So security night live is a lot of fun. The videos are on Youtube, and they're on our website, which will be linked as as well.

Chas Grundy: I think my absolute favorite part of the carnival was this little museum gallery we built inside the Carnival called the museum of Mishaps, where we took famous artworks, and then digitally convert. Redrew them, or painted on top of them to make them about security. So this is a girl with an open webcam. Chas Grundy: or the boy bitten by a fish. So Caravaggio's boy, bitten by a lizard or girl with a pure pearl earring. So right outside my door in the office here. We have all of these on canvas hanging on the walls. That's just one of my favorite things. There's beautiful. Chas Grundy: There's a ton of stuff that goes into these things, and I will say that this was possible because one we worked with some of our vendors, our corporate partners to sponsor the carnival. So they actually showed up. I had Google and Amazon and a few others. You know, some security specific sponsors that helped us make this possible. So we were able to do this with outside funds, which is really nice big awareness thing, not a sales pitch in any way, shape or form. But we had over a thousand people come to see this carnival. Chas Grundy: and it was about 442 students that we know who they were, because we had them swipe their cards when they came in or or sign in. And this was a one day event.

Chas Grundy: I'll say that that's something we learned from our experience was a one day. Event happens on one day, and then they leave, and they tell all their friends, and then their friends can't come to the Carnival because the Carnival was yesterday. So this year we decided to take a different approach. Chas Grundy: I will say that Chas Grundy: in all of these we like to survey people. How did you like this program? How did it work for you? What did you learn? How did much did you learn? And and sometimes we can test them on their actual skills. Other times we're looking for their opinions, the feedback on all of these things is overwhelmingly positive. I had 96% of folks recommended this. A lot of kudos. It was wonderful but going all the way back to the wizarding or Jedi Academy, with which was just focused on it. Staff. Chas Grundy: I got folks who said this was terrible. This was unprofessional. I get paid to come to work. I get paid to do a job. I don't get paid to play games, to dress up to swing lightsabers. I don't get paid to that stuff like that's not what I'm here for. Chas Grundy: and I'm my answer to that is that I'm not designing it for them.

Chas Grundy: I'm designing it for the people. The the 1,000 people who came to a security training day and spent in many cases over an hour and a half, wandering around our carnival Chas Grundy: just for fun learning things, and that drew them in because our normal security awareness training on its own is never going to get us quite to that same point. Chas Grundy: Haters are gonna hate. Chas Grundy: You can't make everybody happy. In fact, if you want to make everybody happy, you will not make anybody happy, and I recommend that you set aside the haters. And you say, yes, I know this is gonna look stupid or annoying to some folks that's okay. I'm doing this for the other people.

Chas Grundy: So we're back to October again. And we had the same conversation this year. What do you wanna do? I will tell you that my CIO got up at the opening of our our preview for the Carnival last year and said, Welcome to the first annual Cyber Security Carnival. And I, said, Jane, no, we can't do this every year. This is a lot. It's a lot of work. It's a lot of effort, a lot of money. And Chas Grundy: we're gonna try something different. And and and and maybe try to diversify these a bit. So Chas Grundy: this year we decided to take an approach that would have a little longer lifespan than the one day event. Be able to tackle some things a little bit more depth. Then you can play in a 30 s or a minute long carnival game.

Chas Grundy: And so we designed Scam school. Chas Grundy: And Scansco is a video series. We have about a half dozen videos. We're releasing them throughout the month. Chas Grundy: and they are coming from the perspective of the scammers. So this is where you have a lead scammer or a scam instructor? We have candy, and Roy, Roy Robham and Candy. I can't remember her last name, but these are a couple of our colleagues here in it. Candy candy is actually played by Casey, who's my graphic designer, and Roy is played by Reggie, who is in one of our help desk consultants, and incidentally he's a trained Shakespearean actor. Chas Grundy: So I've got. We've got a lot of talents we're able to tap on or tap into from our organization Chas Grundy: and pull them in and get them playing. And also who doesn't love a day away from the help desk while we shoot videos Chas Grundy: characters. There's a lot of fun. So I'm going to show you a teaser video from that. Now

Chas Grundy: always be scamming. We teach scammers how to run scams so that we can make money. The ransomware awareness group normally meets Tuesday. We'll be leading a group of digital scammers, you know. You gotta be direct. Alright, as up here. Put on. The big boy pants. Really crank up the scam meter. Okay, everyone has their strengths. Roy is really good at getting people to pay attention. And I'm just kind of over it all. Seriously, man, no, not believable. Nobody's gonna buy that. And the people who fall for it. They're not stupid, which is why we really have to get our scammers to step it up weird grammar misspellings, and if we can clean up some of our mistakes. We can scan even more people. Saint Rocket, science people get to click, get them to open it, that's all. I'm asking. Impersonation, social engineering. fundamental. It's absolutely critical. Otherwise we're not gonna get people to fall for it.

An account is only ever as secure as the person who owns it. Chas Grundy: So just wrap up real quick with a few keys to success. So if you're interested in taking this concept of creating some kind of gamified awareness, education, communication, change, management. Organizational change management is really behind all of the things that I'm talking about today. Chas Grundy: But a few keys to success here. So first one is, you need credibility. So doing. Something super wacky, like the Carnival, was only possible because they had believed that our team was capable of doing something like this on that scale from our previous efforts. So we started small. And we had examples like you saw earlier with the Jedi Academy, does internal types of things or broadening it out more and more to a point where my team can pitch a wacky idea, and there's a lot of confidence that W. They'll be able to carry it out.

Chas Grundy: The second one is making it magical. I believe that there's magic in everything we do. I'm a huge fan of finding little ways to make everyday experiences magical cyber security training, training on your computer of any sort, training on how to use the library systems. These are not Chas Grundy: fun sexy, magical things on by their nature, but they can be, and we have great passion about the work we do right. So every one of you has a passion for something. Can you bring that in and inject that that that training, that awareness, that project, that initiative with some magic. Chas Grundy: Incidentally, by the way. This is our director of Information Security. Chas Grundy: He got hired after we had already started playing in the Carnival. He's like, How can I help? And so we bought him a costume and had him walk around as our ringmaster for the carnival. and then finally. Chas Grundy: chocolate covered broccoli. Don't make chocolate covered broccoli. Chas Grundy: but this isn't is security training that we just added a layer of something interesting on top of.

Chas Grundy: I like broccoli, and I like chocolate. Put them together. I don't like that. Chas Grundy: hey? Nobody like that. What we like is when you design it from the ground up to be one thing built with intent, so that the program, the project, the event, the video series, whatever it is, is baked all the way through to be the thing you want it to be, which is not 2 separate things with boring and fun on top, because people see you through that right away. Chas Grundy: So if you want to get kissed broccoli, I highly recommend it. You roast in the oven, don't cut it with broccoli, or don't cut it with chocolate. Chocolate. Covered broccoli is a term in gamification and games and learning spaces where we talk about people who've done gamification badly.

Chas Grundy: and everybody sees through it right away. So with that. I'm Chas. There are a link to a resource document here, and we can distribute this as well. But that has a link to all the things. More information about all the things I shared as well as this slide deck. Chas Grundy: Thank you. Sharon Mattern Buttiker: Wow, thank you, Chad, that was amazing. The force is definitely with you, and I think you've really got it down. Also, with regard to expert experiential learning that people learn when they're experiencing things, and a lot of the Gen. Z. Personality types or character traits that Roberta touched on authenticity and spending time face to face with people so well that that Re, that really herculean efforts there. But amazing. That's really amazing. Sharon Mattern Buttiker: So our our next speaker, Jason Griffey. Thank you so much. I'll just turn it over to you. Sharon Mattern Buttiker: Oh, sorry for yeah, we are, gonna have a poll for just before Jason starts. Jason wants to know what's the most common technology used by your patrons to interact with your information resources. Sharon Mattern Buttiker: Give everybody a few minutes, a few minutes to vote here.

Jason Griffey: Sure. Sharon Mattern Buttiker: Okay, the results are in I'm gonna let you comment on those results. Jason, cause you're the expert in in that field. So Jason Griffey: yeah, yeah, I was just just looking to see. I actually, I think that's a little low. I would have expected mobile phone to be a little higher. That's the primary way people interact with the world of information at this point in time, globally, certainly, and even in the Us. It's still Jason Griffey: still the primary way, although, and the windows. Mac Split is just about what I would have expected. So. Jason Griffey: and of course everyone uses laptops. Nobody uses desktops anymore. So

Jason Griffey: alright cool. Thank you. So thank you so much. And I am here to be Jason Griffey: Mit, Ctl, and a little more direct, I guess about my about the technology that we use every day. I am actually going to be talking to you today about Jason Griffey: some of the security and privacy issues that are currently in the air. In the the current moment of technology. We have. Jason Griffey: you know, technology, both of our both of the previous speakers said, you know, technology changes ridiculously quickly these days, and there are some things that are happening in the world of technology that your users, that your patrons, that your students Jason Griffey: interact with that over the next 12 months or so are going to have some direct impacts on how they use the services and tools that you provide them. And so I'm going to talk through 2 of these issues Jason Griffey: very quickly again, and then have lots of time afterwards for for questions. The first is browsers and online tracking. Jason Griffey: And then the second is a new type of authentication technology that's coming to us called pass keys. So I'm gonna gotta talk through both of those really quick. The the first is browsers and online tracking and browser the browser. Right? The the internet the the web browser

Jason Griffey: is the primary way people interact with basically everything these days, even in instances where we're using an app on a mobile phone. Often that app is just a map just masquerading. And really, the technology that's going on behind it is a browser Jason Griffey: that's pulling things from from a website or a web service. And so browsers and online tracking are a security issue, a privacy issue that libraries and patrons think a

2023-10-17 06:06

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