Dr. Werner Vogels, CTO Amazon | What's next for cloud computing in 2023? #vietsuccessbusiness
the number one reason for moving to the cloud Security in the whole I.T sector it's people Technologies by themselves don't make decisions they're just prediction engines in Cloud we are extremely conscious about sustainability and energy usage what advices would you give to Business Leaders that are just starting to explore the possibilities of cloud computing start small don't boil the ocean if you want to go through digital transformation you really need to change your DNA as a company to be able to become Innovative and then the success will follow thank you hello and welcome to the success business podcast um your host today I'm welcoming a very special guest coming from the largest online retailer in the world Amazon this gentleman is responsible for driving the company's customer-centric technology vision as someone's behind Amazon's cloud computing strategy he's very passionate in helping young businesses scale globally and transforming Enterprises into fast-moving digital organizations so please join me to welcome vice president and chief technology officer of Amazon Dr Werner Vargo thank you so much how are you I don't very well have a having a great time I love coming back to Southeast Asia and especially Vietnam I think sort of the the entrepreneurial culture in Vietnam really appeals to me and anything we can do here to help businesses get off the ground is is our passion great what brought you to Vietnam this time I always try to get back to countries that I think is going to have a disproportional impact on the technology world and I think Vietnam if it's it's very young demographic it's excellent educational system um with many Engineers many Engineers coming out of schools I think we'll have a great future in terms of providing the rest of the world with technology Services great I mean if you've been in Vietnam for the last couple of weeks yeah I'm sure you understand about what we've been you know talking about right now is the work of digital transformation I'm wondering what kind of impact that cloud computing have on the Journey of digital transformation for many businesses here in Vietnam yeah I I think the best way to look at it especially if you look at sort of more I mean I always like to make the the difference between younger businesses that actually have no Legacy and just can get started off the ground versus Enterprises that already have a legacy if we look at Enterprises first there's a great paper by Nick Carr many years ago in half a business review that says I.T doesn't matter he didn't mean that it didn't matter but if everybody has to do the same I.T it's not a competitive differentiator so investing in that is actually wasted money from a business perspective so really thinking about what are the kind of heavy lifting in I.T that every company has to do is sort of the kind of task that Amazon's cloud computing division AWS has taken on where we started off with doing what I would call infrastructure as a service compute storage databases security networking but slowly and surely did go out to a well over 200 different Services because it turns out that enterprises have many of these requests whether it's around iot whether it's about machine learning whether it's around analytics whether it's about mobile development robotics all of these areas have what we call heavy lifting things that you need to do the different doesn't differentiate you and and so that's really the focus of Amazon's cloud computing Division and Enterprises have really really gravitated towards that because they really want to focus on being unique and building unique capabilities for their customers versus doing the same thing as everybody else has to do now if I think about the startup segment that's very different again there was a half a business review paper that that credited AWS Amazon's cloud computing division with a quadrupling of the number of startups that have been born because in the past you would need millions of dollars to get started as a young based business these days was it ten thousand fifty thousand dollars is enough because you can get capabilities from AWS at a much lower cost and that you would be able to get that in the past you think about in the past the way that you would acquire it would be to write a really big checkup font before you could get access to server capabilities or databases and these days you only pay for what you've used so if you're not very popular you probably don't have a big Bill yeah and the same goes for for many of the enter Enterprises they have really wanted to move away from this almost sort of um where the vendor was in control instead of the customer where you actually had to write big checks and so you rather become if you want to go through digital transformation you want to become as an Enterprise as fast as that the young business is moving and for that you need to be able to be experimental you need to be able to bring new products out in the market really quickly and then figure out whether that actually works or not now in the past you know you would have to put up significant capital for that these days it's just a fraction of that cost and at the same time you get capabilities that you would never have been able to get before yeah so with uh AWS you I can speed up that process absolutely and think about it with less investment in costs oh totally and also you have an opportunity to become more experimental I think if you think about Enterprises that want to move faster for example in financial services that want to compete against younger banks in younger Financial Services you need to be able to bring products out to your Customs really quickly right and so that requires you to be able to no longer be sort of stuck in the old model and old mindset of having to acquire I.T
capabilities first before you can do this you can be experimental and get really quick and if your customers like it you can double down on it right if you look at those clients that Amazon have here in Vietnam Amazon web services have here in Vietnam what is the the general overview picture of the status of the cloud migration right now I mean where are we at right now well I I think in general Vietnamese Enterprises are really looking towards digital transformation and why because there's also at the same time a whole group of young businesses coming up that is trying to eat your lunch and so so to be able Enterprises want to move as fast as that these young businesses want and if you look at companies like for example VP bank or techcom bank or in others all are looking towards Cloud to help them with this digital transformation so that they can move as fast as the young Banks can I see that clouds are Computing technology really creates so many opportunities for growth and Innovation but the process of moving to Cloud really do have some challenges what do you think are the biggest challenges for this process I think technology is not a problem here I think every company really understands the kind of capabilities that cloud is offering but as always I think in the whole I.T sector it's people yeah really being able to not only sort of acquire the technology but how do we actually create a a digital transformation mindset yeah if you've before hired your engineers to be very conservative because they needed to keep the databases on and their sap system running he wanted to be conservative you can't blame those people to not be the innovators and not be the fast movers you really need to change your DNA as a company to be able to become Innovative and to be able to move fast so for that you need to have a different organizational structure that is really focused on sort of moving faster for that you need to hire different people you need to have people with a different mindset in terms of innovation in terms of drive and I think not just in Vietnam this is globally yeah I just came back from Germany for example where there are 80 000 open I.T positions and any there the largest companies hiring the BMWs and the Porsches and the Volkswagens of this world all are looking for hiring more Engineers that can be innovative the same challenges hearings and I I think what you see here is just a Global Perspective we really need more Engineers we really need these Engineers to be truly focused on the Innovation and then the success will follow what kind of lesson that we can learn from the U.S markets in terms of changing mindset creating a digital transformation mindset yeah I think one of the biggest differences between let's say the U.S market and the other Global markets is that the US is willing to invest more in digital technology and actually significantly more even if you compare to Western Europe which we consider to be sort of on par with the US in the U.S
there is about five times as much investment in technology and in fast-moving technology than there is in the rest of the world so the investment in sort of moving faster is clearly there in the US where I think the invest globally of the rest of the world is sort of lagging behind us more conservative but I think most companies start to understand that they're not only competing here in Vietnam or here in Southeast Asia companies are competing globally and to be able to be compete globally you need to be active globally and invested like the other companies do as well sure I see that technology is changing so fast and you know keep evolving and what's some of the emerging trends right now in cloud computing that you are most excited about I mean something that shape this industry in the coming years well I think one of the the central things that I'm seeing with most companies is is the importance of data and data-driven decision making yeah where in the past and actually storage was very expensive for example in a hospital in the past you would be forced to keep your data around for 30 years but they couldn't do this digitally even the CAT scans and the MRI scans were actually archived on film instead of in the digital format now Cloud enables it to actually store this data digitally and you can start comparing digital imagery most companies in the past were very conservative about exactly what data they would store and they would store it in a relational database these days your storage being so cheap in the cloud companies basically keep all their data around that they have and also start to figure out that there may be pots of gold in this data that they haven't seen before and in the past you would do that by having some sort of relational query or for your database but these days with these large amounts of data that companies can have around is making use of analytics techniques like machine learning and AI to actually look for pots of gold in the data that they have yeah yeah for example take even take a company like Amazon you know we've been making use of these techniques for a long time we basically sit on billions of orders from the past we know exactly which ones were fraudulent and which ones were not to you can make models out of that that if a new order comes in you can give it a score what's the likelihood this is a fraudulent order and then have a human investigator it's still humans that make decisions technology only helps you make predictions in that sense so I think a lot of the technologies that we see that companies are looking for are all around helping to make data-driven decision making yeah really looking for what kind of decisions can I make Based on data from the past and so I think that's that's really where most companies are moving towards helping them either innovate go in new directions or become more efficient or start looking at are there new businesses that we could go in based on the knowledge that we have from the past foreign Technologies are not concerned about the truth the way we have to figure out what is The Right Use of this technology Technologies by themselves don't make decisions they're just prediction engines different societal rules that decide how this technology can be applied in their society great so you mentioned Ai and machine learning and people nowadays you know crazy about jat gbt and those kind of stuff what is your thought on that I mean how do you incorporate those strategy and Technology into Cloud offering yeah first of all I I think we need to make a sort of separation between what I would call task based models and the new large language models if you look at the town space models from the past which we were really good at facial recognition object detection news video natural language processing document scanning and understanding what's in those documents and things like that those tasks we are really really good at already they are something is called supervised learning basically someone had to tag the objects before before you could learn there is a new technology around the coilers based on What's called the Transformer model which allows you to do unsupervised learning that means you no longer have to tag the data but you can just basically learn on all the data that there is in the world and so that is actually really in its infancy the challenge with that is learning on all the data in the world is that it takes a long time to train basically months and it takes millions and millions of dollars to do this and also very importantly takes an enormous amount of energy yeah so it's not the most sustainable approach in the world um so we see that a number of companies are building these very large language models and are there now experimenting with um chat gpe of course is being a great example because it became a consumer facing technology and so it's suddenly everybody is amazed about what these things can do but we already knew that for quite a while all right the problem is with these Technologies with the newer technology that we really need to start to figure out is that these Technologies are not concerned about the truth they are really concerned about what's the next word that looks really good in this particular context yeah and as such I think the challenge to be that we are facing at this particular moment is that these Tech Technologies look amazing have enormous potential but we need to figure out exactly where we can apply these Technologies such that these Technologies by themselves don't make decisions they're just prediction engines just like the other things that we had in the past humans still are the ones that make the decisions so for that we need to understand which of these are generated by Ai and may be false because Jai doesn't care it's just a prediction engine yeah anyway the humans can understand where this is good for them to understand and help them now there's a number of areas that are already working quite well with these large models for example in support of programming languages of developers yeah developers have a lot of mundane tasks that they normally go out on some website and search for something and then do copy and paste and then put it in the code and we now have these tools and Technologies like for example code Whisperer that allows that helps that assists developers with their mundane tasks but they still are responsible for what they've been writing yes it's very exciting I think lots of companies are trying to figure out exactly what what the use is for their particular business and a number of these are are already quite let's say targeted Bloomberg for example has developed their own model based on all the financial data that they have and it's such that to a very narrow model where they can support other Financial companies with decision making but it's still the companies that make the decision so the humans that make the decisions this is only sort of a supporting technology in that it's going to take time I mean I do see some people concerning about the ethical use of those technology you know try to prevent potential biases in algorithm what is your take on that absolutely and as always you know and and for example this there's an area there where where we have we I mean where technologists have tried to apply AI to is for example in recruiting if you are a company that has lots of people like me like middle aged white guys yeah and if you put that data into your coding model what you're going to recruit is more middle-aged white guys and as such removing the buyers from your original data sets also should result in that's a more fair on and so what we call there is understandability can we understand what is why these models make these decisions for you or decisions or why they give you these predictions and much of that is is also societal driven yeah for example if you take London in London if you ever seen British TV crime dramas you know that there's tens of thousands of CCTV cameras around apparently people in London have no problem with being supervised yeah however if you would do like an Amsterdam we were in Berlin that would be not an option yeah and so it's different societies different societal rules that decide how this technology can be applied in their society U.S people may make different decisions or U.S governments may make different decisions versus the Vietnamese or the Indians or maybe in the Middle East and as such I think as a society we go through these changes these technology changes where we have to figure out what is The Right Use of this tech technology yeah in as I said in London facial recognition not a problem yeah and however in a number of other countries that might be really a problem because they have a very different notion of privacy and sensitivity around that I see that many industry right now are beneficial from the use of cloud technology such as the music and video industry and now we see some sport industry or you know Rising as well how do you foresee the future of those industry that uh you know get the most impact from cloud computing yeah I think if you look at sports sports is kind of thing we all love I love sports yeah uh RX Amsterdam so just to make a point for that no but if you look at sort of if you look at the big football clubs yeah whether it's Barcelona or Bayern Munich or Manchester United that's my that's my club okay good Dutch manager yeah so their use of technology is extremely Advanced yeah if you see these days players on the field they all wear a harness with all sorts of sensors in it they continuously track track that and make use of the data from that to improve player performance the idea is that we should be able to take this technology and actually bring it to the Masters why shouldn't actually small young amateur players not have access to this technology if you look at young companies like vo from from Denmark or hurdle from the US they're all companies that actually bring this technology to amateur sports they're basically cameras and they have a panorama camera they track the whole play and then make use of machine learning and AI to advise coaches about sort of how they can improve gameplay and especially in for the younger audience it's very important because essentially young players these days they're all growing up on YouTube they all know snacking and so give him a very small video clip of them to improve their performance they will actually immediately catch on instead of just the coach talking to them and saying you should have done this show it to them and they immediately can can improve so really democratization of this technology and bring it to everyone is something that cloud computing enables yeah and one of the concern right now is the Glau security how is AWS addressing their concern what kind of Step are you taking to ensure the safety and the privacy of customer data yeah first and foremost it's important to realize that in the past if you would have asked me why do customers want to move to the cloud it's because they want to move faster they want to save costs they want to have their product their Engineers be more productive these days the number one reason for moving to the cloud security most of our customers realize especially Blanche Enterprise realizing they cannot make the same Investments That Amazon is making in their security and in a search Security will be forever a number one investment area both from an intellectual Capital point of view as well as some Financial capital and as such we're also able to innovate in these areas by building new technologies that protect individual customers you know in the past the same Security will be applied to everyone but accessing your services or your products versus someone else's products may be very different so again we make use of sort of Technologies like machine learning to figure out what is your unique model how is your unique access pattern to your services build a model out of that and then we can align you on something that is out of the ordinary but each customer is different and the search we build these unique models for each of our customers so that we can protect them individually and and so whether that is about account access or whether it's around data access all of these Technologies are unique for each of these customers so I from my point of view Security in the cloud is superior to what many of our customers can get by themselves and customers know that if you look at the past three four years as technologists we should be embarrassed about the number of data breaches that we've seen all of these data breaches are not happening in the cloud they have an on-premise and why because you know the Bad actors they have all the advantages you know they they pay better salaries they hire more phds they buy a complete ISP networks the software only needs to work for five minutes so we need to make sure that you know security is not aligning descent that says this is good enough it's a continuously moving Target where Amazon and other cloud computing companies can continue to invest in to make sure that we can continue to protect our customers ahead of the Bad actors foreign [Music] has become way more efficient because of the use of cloud computing moving towards more human-centric interfaces I think is definitely one of the areas that we'll see happening in the coming years so you need to be ready for how to develop in 2025 instead of in 2015. [Music] so how do you see the e-commerce the online retailer your industry now is being involving in the next coming years especially with the use of cloud computing any consumer service can benefit from cloud computing if you think about that sort of daily use of your service probably has a Peaks and and downs yeah in the past as Amazon CTO I would have to buy Hardware would you recall 15 over expected Peak that basically means that sort of 40 to 50 percent of your Hardware sits unused during a week but even worse look in the US for example after Thanksgiving we have this thing called Black Friday is four to five times as high as normally so that's the level of Hardware I needed to buy against that means that about 75 of my Hardware is it's unused for months only to be able to deal with that Peak and so cloud computing helps you to be able to grow by a single server at a time and most importantly it's not only about scaling up it's about scaling down scaling down means you can save cost and you no longer need to pay for let's say Hardware or capacity that you're not using and so economists has become way more efficient because of the use of cloud computing and it's not just Amazon retailer that is making use of data if you look for example in Europe companies like solando which are the biggest competitors of Amazon are actually also working on AWS because everybody realizes this is way too good a deal for for them uh to be able to not use and to be able to actually be extremely efficient e-commerce margins are razor fin so it's extremely important to become very efficient and only pay for that capacity that you really needed to use I see I have to talk about one another buzzword in Vietnam beside digital transformation that is sustainability everybody talk about it now it's Business Leaders and a lot of companies are leveraging Technologies to you know make sure that I can achieve sustainable outcome for the businesses I'm wondering how cloud computing would contribute to a sustainability journey of a business yeah well first and foremost you have to realize that if you have your own data centers if you talk to a CIO he will tell you that if he has 20 utilization on average that's really good okay that means that 80 of your energy is going out of the door without actually having supporting any workload so just moving your workloads over to the cloud already gives you immediately an 80 Improvement in your energy usage now at the same time in Cloud we are extremely conscious about sustainability and energy usage so we have been able to do so much innovation in our data centers to make sure that we lose as little energy as possible and and so for example traditional servers would have a Transformer on it that takes AC however energy in your data center comes in as DC and so having to transform that to AC because that's that silly Transformer that sits on there if you take all of that out you do this Innovation and around data energy movement within your data centers you can actually easily reduce your energy usage by 30 percent next to that we've been investing in what we call Custom silicon basically building new Chips basically building new CPUs and also dedicated chips for for example machine learning and that easily are more 30 to 40 more energy efficient right um so we have a whole program at AWS that we call the well architected framework and it has to deal with performance and and fault tolerance and cost efficiency and things like that but also with sustainability what are the right Cloud technologies that you should be using if you are concerned about sustainability AWS has us the goal in 2025 to be 100 on Renewables really yeah and so we are at 80 now here we're getting close to the 100 Mark we are the largest purchaser of renewable energies in the world and so our goal is really and not only by purchasing it we have about 400 sustainability projects going around the world in building event farms and building solar farms and also investing significantly in the storage of renewable energy because after all you know those periods that the sun doesn't shine yeah so can you make sure that you have that energy actually available in downtime periods now that's that's the things that AWS does and immediately you see enormous benefits if Customs are moving their workloads to the cloud from a sustainability point of view and of course we also give reporting back on that because many of our customers is it's interesting is mentioned sustainability on one hand it's a top-down thing your board is probably very interested in a sustainability report but also most of your engineers younger people are very conscious about sustainability and really want to reduce the energy usage around the world but also it's very interesting to see what many of our customers are doing for example there's a there's a very interesting company in in Bangladesh called soulshare and they've taken technology which I've seen also being used in in other communities where there is local energy storage so in rural communities which normally didn't have very reliable energy production and they put the solar panels on your roof and then the community stores the energy locally doesn't go back into the grid and so other members in the community that may not have solar power or may need is at different moment actually can can draw energy from the local community storage instead of having to go to the Big Grid big grids in these rural communities are often unreliable the meaning that if you're a kid that needs to go to school and there's no light in the evening you can't read your books you can't do your studying so it's very important that these local communities can support themselves with technology that runs on top of AWS in iot and and analytics and data storage and things like that well a lot of work to do um I see Amazon people see you as the largest online retailer in the world but Amazon announce itself as a technology company what do you mean by technology factor and looking forward from a technology perspective what Innovation do we expect to see yeah well well first and foremost you have to realize that Amazon was always a technology company when Jeff Bezos started Amazon he didn't want to start a Bookshop he was just fascinated by the internet and the kind of things that you could do on the internet this is 1994 the world e-commerce doesn't even exist yeah and he was looking at the internet they're thinking what can you do there that you cannot do anywhere else he just pick books you know really good Bookshop has 45000 titles in stock maybe yet there's millions and millions and millions of books out there and all the different languages and so he to his goal was oh this thing that you can do on the internet you can make a Bookshop with all the books of the world in it well didn't really meet that goal yet but we're still working on it but all of the things that happened at Amazon and whether it is recommendations or similarities or all these things were all technology driven it was a technology company from Dave on just as us as consumers we never saw that I almost didn't join Amazon because when they invited me to come and give a talk there was an academic photograph that's a Bookshop you know how hard can it be web server and a database wasn't glimpsing their kitchen and I saw things at an unbelievable scale that I'd never seen before and so continue to work at sort of this particular level meant that Amazon was growing orders of magnitude year after year and the technology that we developed for Amazon actually eventually similar technology also ended up in a cloud computing division because we saw that other companies also wanted to reach Amazon scale but weren't able to afford themselves they had to buy hardware and hire I.T people to main to maintain the hardware and things like that which had nothing to do with the products that they were building right and so that actually delivered came to free fruition as as a cloud computing Division I think we are looking at sort of um building more human-centric interfaces is what I would call them I mean Alexa is one of those examples yeah there's so many people that are not digital natives you know and that still would like to have access to digital technology and whether that is your grandmother or whether it's your kids but also the significant portions around the world are not really that great in reading and writing but they all know how to talk yeah for example this um International voice Research Institute that's just outside Manila has developed this technology for smallholder Farmers they don't have a smartphone or anything like that there's some really small farmers but however there's a phone in the village and they can actually phone into device Institute and explain in just proper wording the size of the plot of land and then it will the automatic AI voice at the other side will give an answer back saying you have to buy that's where you have to apply it apparently reduces the amount of fertilizer used by 60 the key part here is have human interfaces to digital Technologies um you know the same is that if you look at most of our online systems these days imagery is all 2D they're two-dimensional however three-dimensional technology is how we live here I mean there's a distance between you and me here and so being able to bring three-dimensional technology for example into better g-commerce or just into building our systems is really crucial because that's how the real world looks like you know we talk to each other yeah and I see your smile now so there is an emotion that comes across with that so data building let's say visual Technologies like companies like Soul Machine does for example in having um being able to give you a 3D representation of humans that actually have emotions when they digitally converse with you is really important so moving towards more human-centric interfaces I think it's definitely one of the areas that we'll see happening in the coming years wonderful what are devices would you give to Business Leaders that are just starting to explore the possibilities of cloud computing I mean how can they best prepare for the future of this industry as always start small don't boil the ocean yeah I know you have a big plan for your company where you want to be but as I said earlier it is also a challenge of humans of having Engineers available too to you so make sure that you have a small team that focuses on one particular business problem that you always wanted to solve yeah I recently met with a large shipping company in in Singapore they came also with this idea oh we need to change everything RIT systems are older than that we are but then said well why don't we start small what's one problem that you always wanted to solve and their problem was they wanted to know where their empty containers were and they go like don't you know that apparently not they went through mergers and Acquisitions and they had 20 different data silos and things like that so having a small team using Cloud technology starting to aggregate the data together they're able to figure out that they were 50 over scaled in terms of their empty containers immediately serving 300 million dollars a year which is a story you can tell to your board who then are willing to start investing in sort of why don't we start building a bigger team yeah why don't we start building up these learnings over time with this new technology such that we can help other parts of our business and whether that is data driven decision making or whether it's building new services to really move fast based on cloud computing so from a CTO perspective what is the future of cloud computing you know we've been building lots of smaller building blocks so it's that because one of the reasons for that approach was that I didn't want to build something that was based on the Technologies from five years ago I really think that technology development was going to change and so you need to be ready for how to develop in 2025 instead of in 2015. so only
smaller building blocks we've created now very well over 200 of those but there's many customers that actually yeah they like these building blocks sector if they have a good technology division but many definitely look at smbs for example they don't have a technology division they just want a solution they want a date on analytics solution they want a Disaster Recovery Solution they see more and more of these Solutions being built in the cloud whether AWS builds them or our partners build them we have a very rich party ecosystem also here in Vietnam that helps customers build these get these Solutions in their hands the other side of it and especially I think this is important for example in Southeast Asia where there are many many small many more small medium businesses than probably anywhere else in in the world they don't have it departments but if you're a small um small and boutique hotel for for example maybe in the past you had a PC with some installed software on it and there's some guy that comes on a Friday afternoon hopefully to make a backup we see all of those small and medium businesses moving to a software as a service model meaning that for example for these hotels there's a service called Hotel logic that gives you immediately the capabilities that the biggest hotels have as well without it you have to install software and you can access this over the internet and immediately get yourself inserted into the expedias and The Kayaks of this world such as you can compete with the biggest hotels and whether that is in in transportation or whether that is in in Hospitality or investment we see the level of software that these companies can use through software as a service reading in the cloud of course yeah actually allows them to compete with the companies that do have these massive I.T departments yeah so speaking of that what would be your biggest challenge for AWS looking forward um I think helping our customers train yeah on one hand you know we're working here for example with universities here in Vietnam we have over 100 courses in Vietnamese um helping engineers get to the level of that the knowledge that they need to have such that immediately companies can hire them these days if you're a software engineer being trained at the University you have no worry about job security yeah companies are knocking on your door on day one so for us you just make sure that these young Engineers actually have the appropriate training making sure that they're proficient in the capabilities what cloud can do so that they can help their their their bosses make the right technology decisions and that's becoming more and more important there's a Jeff Lawson who's the CEO of twilio a big technology company in the US wrote a book it says ask your developer it's basically a business book it advises CEOs to start talking to their Engineers to really listen to them because they're the ones that understand what modern technology can bring and how they can actually drive this digital transformation it's not necessarily that you need to get the accentures and the mckinseys in you can actually just talk to your engineers because if they're well trained they can help you yeah any plan for the collaboration with the developers Community here in Vietnam in the future well we have two very very extensive user groups here in Via Vietnam people are so passionate about cloud computing that they built their own support organizations yeah and we have we have an organization also which is called AWS Heroes those are Unique Individuals in the com community that really spend enormous amount of time and passion to actually drive cloud computing Acceptance in the community and we have AWS Heroes here in Vietnam as well yep how do Vietnam play in your strategic math of development for Amazon and well I think in general I think we are looking at Vietnam is becoming a Powerhouse in software development yeah I think really what I'm seeing as I mentioned earlier you know a significant portion of the population is under 35 with an excellent education especially in technology and I see Vietnam taking over some of the roles that India used to have yeah where sort of the big Outsourcing companies used to be active but if you want to build a mobile app these days you don't go to India you go to Vietnam yeah and so I see Vietnam Rising as a Powerhouse in software development because we've got very young well-educated people that are capable of doing this for you glad to hear thank you so much thank you for sharing and good luck with your journey thank you Vietnam thanks for having me uh that's the sharing from Dr Werner vargos the vice president and chief technology officer from Amazon I believe we have a lot of information to digest today you can always watch the video again I believe that cloud computing can help speed up the digital transformation Journey for a lot of businesses in Vietnam with less investment cost and um thanks to the Amazon web services uh present here in Vietnam they are helping a lot of companies here in Vietnam to just scale and applying technology into Better Business result that's it for today thank you so much for watching uh please support us by subscribing to our Channel via success or follow us on Spotify Apple podcast or Google podcast to listen to this conversation anywhere or anytime thank you appreciate it foreign [Music] [Music]
2023-06-05 04:34