Does tech help or hurt hybrid working environments? | Ep. 47

Does tech help or hurt hybrid working environments? | Ep. 47

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companies that adopted new technology to  help promote workers during the pandemic   are now finding that the same technology could  be hindering them in hybrid or return to office   settings we'll explore these hybrid Tech  challenges on this episode of today in Tech [Music]   hi everyone welcome to today in Tech I'm Keith  Shaw joining me today to discuss the issues of   Technology around hybrid workers is Lauren Isaacs  she is the CEO and Executive Vice President at   all points PR and integrated PR agency that  specializes in the franchise industry welcome   Lauren hi thanks for having me yeah so um when um  when your company reached out to us to talk about   some of these issues uh what I found fascinating  was a discussion of the technology that that   your company uses uh as it goes through as it  went through the pandemic but then also in the   post-pandemic period so take me back to the sort  of the early days of the pandemic what you guys   did in terms of your technology to support remote  workers and then lead us into sort of what what's   going on now sure um I'm actually going to take  you back a little bit further okay so we so we   um have been in existence since 2011 so well  before the pandemic and when the pandemic hit we   were already pretty prepared from a technological  standpoint right everyone had laptop computers   everyone had the ability to FaceTime Zoom was  just kind of starting I'd actually been begging   my employees to get on video conferencing for  years we had you know really good use of Dropbox   and email servers and everything was set so the  pandemic happens we bring everyone in the right   it was Friday the 13th and we bring everyone  in for a seminar we basically say like we'll   see you in a few weeks and here's the technology  that we're going to be relying that we'll have to   rely upon and um the technology actually went  really well for the beginning of the pandemic   right like we really hit the ground running I  was really proud of our team and the fact that   we were ready to work remote um we really had no  time analogy hiccups and again we were relying   on Dropbox and so we had all of our files were  shareable our emails were really strong um and   we were we were getting on Zoom so then you know  now we're like in a structured hybrid model right   and so right when the pandemic started to kind of  end right there was only definite end right yeah   well there are a lot of companies yeah there were  a lot of companies that didn't know exactly when   to sort of ease back in so you saw like an up and  down sort of like uh starts and stops I think we   were talking about that right yeah absolutely I  mean and I like to say that it was much easier to   like exit than it is to come back in right like  when we had to shut off like that we could do   that we understood but like the the hybrid and  kind of how we came back was really confusing   um and then like Omicron happened and there was  all of this like uncertainty so in the meantime   where we've settled is we're a structured hybrid  so my staff is here either two or three days a   week depending on what week it is um and they're  here with their main team so any given day I have   50 of the office in and the technology that we're  relying upon is the same technology that we use   during you know total lockdown right we're  still using zoom we're still you know using   um the shared Dropbox and things like that no  you yeah you know you mentioned the the term   structured hybrid which I think is the  first time I've heard that now uh it's   different from sort of a like a a regular  hybrid or um let's call it casual hybrid   um and you started with that too but then you  found some some challenges around that right   yeah exactly so like just hybrid right like kind  of come in when you want and show up like you   know when it works for you that was really  confusing it was really hard for managers   um and honestly it was really hard for for me and  for my husband we run the business together and I   remember like walking in the office and it was  like a surprise who was going to be there that   day and it's just a really uncomfortable way  of conducting business and managing especially   young professionals so we switched to a structured  hybrid now there is still some flexibility within   it but the main kind of value behind structured  hybrid is I know who's going to be here today   today is Tuesday right and pads three and four are  in on Tuesdays Philip I need to have an impromptu   meeting I can have it in person if I want to save  something and do it on Zoom you know I kind of I   the structure gives me as strange as it sounds  it actually gives me more flexibility it allows   me to really understand the flow of  work and where people are going to be   um one of the things that we're trying to figure  out within structured hybrid is what work should   we do when we are in person in the office together  and what work should we reserve to do when we're   home right and how technology kind of plays a  role in that is something that you know we're   exploring as well right and but you were also  telling me before when we when we chatted before   the show was uh that Zoom is now you're actually  sort of struggling with it when you have those   meetings that are some people are in the office  and some people are still remote having like   either larger meetings or meetings where you  have two different sets of people in terms of   their location talk about that a little bit about  what what challenges you guys are facing there   right so Zoom for like a one-on-one totally fine  right like we know how it works it's structured   it's super easy Zoom for um a client to a group  of team members that are all in person fine right   we have a zoom camera everyone's lined up they're  presenting to the client where we really start to   step in it with zoom is when I am trying to do  a presentation for my office and so if I have   you know 20 people in office and 20 people that  are on Zoom where do I look where am I presenting   right am I presenting to the camera but then I'm  ignoring the people that are there right and I   actually think that people that are in person  should get the priority they should get the eye   contact right they should get that face-to-face  interaction and so our cameras aren't really set   up to do both they're not set up to switch from  this like one-on-one Dynamic to uh I'm presenting   to a group and I have people you know on Zoom it's  almost like more of like a theater setting it's   hard to figure out how to present when you have  half your staff in and half your staff on zoom   and have you seen any other Technologies out there  by either other companies or Zoom itself are they   addressing this at all or is this sort of up to  just you guys to figure it out and or companies   that are also struggling with this yeah I mean  I think a lot of people are struggling with it   um we do have a great Tech provider that we work  with and we've been talking about it recently and   you know we're trying to come up with like do we  put the camera like on an arm that we can pivot   and move and you know and the camera and the  microphone relationship is really complicated   especially for like a small office I don't have  some like great sound system you know I have my   earbud right like that's the best I can really do  um and so the microphone actually is the hardest   component because if I stand on the opposite  side of the room of the camera the camera and the   mic you know then I'm picking up noise that's in  between us right um and so I have not seen a good   solution yet so all right I wish there was one too  we have the same problem here sometimes especially   with these larger meetings uh and uh yeah I I hope  that someone comes up with it with a cool solution   um now did you have any problems with sort of  that return to work uh mandates we're seeing a   lot of stories where company uh you know employees  that that did move to that remote work from home   sort of scenario are now either fighting back or  they don't want to come back in because they they   did it enjoy the benefits of being at home and  not having a commute things like that you say   structured hybrid and I think you you mentioned  that this was sort of a mandated thing right   yeah yeah so um I think I think the the  biggest issue that we have is I think my   my staff is worried we're gonna take it away right  like I think that they like working from home they   like having that you know chance to work from home  two or three days a week and I think there's like   a little bit of paranoia of like are you is this  for real like is this always gonna be this way or   are you going to be one of those companies that's  like starting on Monday everyone's in five days a   week period yeah um we are not gonna do that so  I do think that if we did that we would have a   lot of people resign um I do think it would be  like the great resignation right um and so we   really want to keep our staff happy and I do think  that the staff sees the benefit of being in person   I mean being in person being able to swivel your  chair around and talk to your Mentor who's sitting   behind you you know being able to talk to people  in the kitchen as you're filling your water bottle   like those are really Irreplaceable conversations  we cannot do those when we work from home right   um you know even if we pick up the phone even if  we're on FaceTime it's just not the same yeah and   we did we are seeing a lot of research that's  come out now that says mentoring relationships   especially with these uh with younger employees  uh is more beneficial in the office do you did you   find employees that that wanted to come back into  the office and were missing that or did they sort   of just kind of like go okay I guess I gotta  go in today or you know dynamic is good right   yeah I mean it's interesting that you asked that  so I actually I have a couple of Staff members   that came in like throughout the pandemic um they  were like my roommates driving me crazy um and can   I just come in and we have a really small well  we have like a nice office building right so we   don't have like elevators like it's a kind of a  small office building so people definitely felt   safe to be able to still come in and we kept  our distance and we relied really heavily on   testing at that time um and now that we are  back with structured hybrid I have a covenant   staff members that come in all five days a week  they just like being here they feel like they're   kind of siled and alone at home um so I do think  for every person that kind of gives me like the   role you know rolls their eyes and like yeah  I guess I can come in two days a week I have   others that are like I love coming in it's it's  the best part of my week yeah what would be funny   is if you actually then said all right well on  Mondays and Fridays we're not even going to open   the office and everybody's at home and then you'd  probably give some grumbles from people there too   well totally so Fridays you know Fridays are my  interesting one like no one really wants a Friday   um so we do alternate every other Friday for half  the office but you know it kind of is what it is   like I'm not going to close the office one day  a week and you know I also find that some of the   best conversations that are happening on those  Fridays they're more casual they're a little bit   more laid back and I think they're good team  bounding days alternating Fridays reminds me   of my my gym class in middle school because it  was always Monday Wednesday Friday or and then   the next week it was Tuesday Thursday Friday and  you never wanted that Friday gym class as well   um sorry I went off on a little tangent there um  what kind of advice would you give to companies   that might be struggling with sort of a return  to office mandate and and it could vary between   big companies and little companies but I think  every company is unique but there might be some   some companies out there that are struggling with  this sort of kind of get back in is it more that   you just have to sort of promote the benefits  and sort of downplay the negatives or like   what would you offer as advice because  it sounds like it's working for you guys   yeah I mean I have two pieces of advice my first  piece of advice is like stick to the plan like if   you make a decision to stick by that decision um  and don't let yourself waver based on immediate   feedback right and so like when we made the  decision to do structured hybrid I literally   like wrote like made a calendar item was like  I can review this in two months I wasn't gonna   review it in two weeks like I needed to stick with  the plan because I think that people appreciate   leadership I think people appreciate like when  you are decisive and you have like an idea   um and so that would be my first piece of advice  is don't waver like make your decision to stick   firm to it um and then my other piece of advice  um is to address it address it head-on like don't   pretend you don't know what the problems are right  so I'll say to staff like I understand it's hard   for you to have the commute again like when the  prices of gas were really high Yeah we actually   gave people gas gift cards because we felt really  bad that that kind of happened simultaneously to   the return to work um and I think that like by  addressing things head on and being like yeah   we're people too like we understand um instead  of being like oh great like this is what we're   doing it's fine there's no issues no no like we  understand that it's hard to to make change and   to have to come back in we understand that not  having the commute was a benefit we we get it   um but then we also do layout what the benefits  are and we structure meetings to be in person   so like brainstorms are in person and I think  that people start to figure out that energy and   I think people really like that energy right  and so we really try to you know have lunches   and things as teams to play up the benefits  of being with your mentor and you have the   benefit as well you're in the Chicago area so  you don't necessarily have a you never went   fully remote with sort of around the world with  hiring and and you know getting employees right   no and that's a really good point I mean my  husband and I never considered going to like   a fully remote office and so every hire that we  made even in the heart of the pandemic it was all   people that knew eventually we would be back in  that's the other thing like I never did a bait and   switch right like I always let people know like  Our intention is to come back into the office   because we actually we grew during the pandemic we  were super lucky um our office is I think about 10   or 12 people bigger today than it was at the start  of the pandemic and so every one of those hires   knew even if we were in the middle of like the  Omicron lockdown they knew that once we were ready   we would be back in person at least a couple days  a week does the does the nature of your business   being in sort of public relations does that rely  more on a face-to-face uh communication with   either clients or uh people in the media or like I  don't know people in the media probably don't like   face to face but like you know what's the nature  of PR for you guys does it require that in person   no so I think that's the ironic part about our  business right is that we are actually like fully   remote with our clients our clients are National  Brands and we do not see them um on a daily basis   I mean you know we do calls and we do video  conferencing and now we're going to conferences   and we do a lot of travel but so the irony is  that like we are not a client facing business   um and we don't you know visit members of the  press I mean if they'd like us to we'd be happy   to but that's you know not a standard practice  yeah and so um but I actually think that makes it   even more important for us as young professionals  to be together right because we're not we don't   have to do it for the clients but I think we have  to do it for ourselves and I think that we really   have to commit to wanting to grow as as people  quite frankly and kind of get out of our pajamas   and and come into the workspace and I know that  we've been picking on Zoom a little bit uh during   this discussion but there are some other sort  of Technology platforms that came out during the   pandemic in terms of getting people communicate  and now there are articles out there about   Communications overload uh so a lot of companies  that integrated things like Microsoft teams and   and slack and you know people still stuck up with  email and instant messaging and all that and now   they're finding that most of their days are just  responding to emails do you find that as well at   your company yeah I mean I'm laughing especially  when you say teams like that one just gives me   shivers um I like to say that I constantly feel  like someone is tapping me on my shoulder right   like I constantly feel like someone is asking for  my attention whether it's you know the phone or   the email or text or like people coming into the  office right like and that communication overload   is something that I think we all really struggle  with it's actually one of the things that we take   a lot of time training our new professionals on is  like how do you effectively communicate because if   I'm sending out emails and no one's reading them  it's like talking to the wall so I have to be   really careful in the way I communicate with staff  and the way that I receive their communication so   um we are not on slack I I won't do it I do  it I'm a graduate student also and I'm on   it for my graduate class and I hate it I feel  like communication gets lost I think it can be   incredibly passive aggressive at times um and  so you know for our office we do rely on email   um because our clients rely on emails right so we  have no choice but to stick to the platform but   we also we text each other you know we we swivel  our chair around I get it from my desk and I go   and talk to someone and I think for us texting  is kind of that wave still connecting as if we   were in person um but you know slack I think  has really helped a lot of businesses but I   think people are overwhelmed with it especially  all like the different channels like it is too   much and I think that companies really need  to to remind their communication yeah the   other thing that we run up against is Dropbox  versus Google Drive and like I can't maintain   two platforms right and so we try very hard to  keep people like only on Dropbox for file storage   as well so it's not just the communications  it's also other technology platforms that   tend to overload us yeah so totally so who's we  all like shiny new objects right like we all want   to try like what's new and yeah we just can't do  that as a business it's too confusing well it's   a lot of this generational too like you know you  probably have a range of employees from sort of   you know older employees now to to gen Z employees  do do you find that they have their own personal   technology choice or do you feel like you're like  okay here's what you're going to use and and learn   how to use it yeah I mean watch it because I'm the  old lady at the office so I don't have any older   employees I am the old person um yeah I mean my  husband are in our mid-40s and then our youngest   employees are in their mid you know to early  20s I do think that generationally um there are   differences I think that I don't know like I think  that actually their use of the computer itself is   very different than our use of the computer right  um everyone is on their phone about everything   and so for us like we kind of have to meet them  at that which is one of the reasons that we do   tax as an organization is because I'm actually  trying to meet my staff where their needs are   um I would be fine not texting my staff but I  think that they like that form of communication   a little bit better but yeah I mean definitely  there's like a generally generational issue I mean   we talk about like email the first few weeks and  they look at me like really like I'm gonna be on   email for things we also live and die by in back  zero at the office I'm not sure if you're familiar   well yeah just tell me about that I've heard the  term but you know Define it for us yeah so inbox   zero is it's basically like I think of it as  a philosophy right so you have to either do it   delegate it delete it or drag it there's a fifth  one called defer we ignore that one in the office   because defer doesn't make sense if you're going  for zero yeah right so like if it's something that   you can immediately do get it done and get it out  of your own back if it's information that you need   for later drag it into a file so you can reference  it later if it's something that you're never going   to be able to do but you know the right person for  the job defer it you're I'm sorry um delegate it   give it to somebody else and then the last one is  if it's like a newsletter that you're not gonna   read within a certain amount of time just delete  it like don't hold on to junk and so the goal is   to have and back Zero by the end of the day I mean  you know I was kind of teasing like I could get   you know 50 messages in the time that you and I  have been talking we've been talking for about 20   minutes like I get hundreds of email messages so  if I'm gonna be good at my job I've got to have   a system to get through those so the ones that  are really important I address and the ones that   I'm never going to address I don't pretend I'm  going to um you know I just get rid of them like   how many Google Alerts am I really going to read  today right it's not happening yeah I I heard a   story once that said uh someone coming back from  vacation just basically selects all for all of   the emails and then just deletes them and someone  was asking that person well why do you do that and   they said well if if you know anybody that needs  to get in touch with me they'll know how to do it   and so um that's a great philosophy I I try to  I try to do that whole inbox zero thing as well   um that reminded me with in terms of emails  and new users uh because I wanted to talk   about this this viral video that that came out a  few weeks ago of the CEO of this company and she   was doing a zoom meeting with her entire staff  and uh she was talking about the the term pity   city which I think that I think the reason that  she it went viral is because she used that term   um not not necessarily because of the management  style of this but more about technology like Zoom   allows employees to sort of record without sort of  the managers knowing this and the reason I think   it went viral is because they didn't have any  sort of safeguards in place to sort of like either   prevent that or it's so easy to just basically  turn any kind of communication into a viral thing   um do you do you know how do you how do you sort  of address that you know as the head of a company   I mean yeah like you know my phone is here lady  if I'm recording this on phone versus like on my   computer right like we have recordings available  anytime anywhere and you know so I can answer this   question from two perspectives right like we're  a PR Company and so we are actually reputation   management for a lot of our clients and you know  I always talk about like anything that you say   assume it's going to be recorded any email you  send any video you make any social media you   post like you should assume that the person that  you don't want to see it is going to see it yeah   um and I have that same conversation you know  with my staff right like if you're you know   posting stuff about how crazy your boss is like  you can pretty much assume I'm gonna see it I   don't know how the universe or the algorithm work  but it will come on my Newsfeed right it'll come   across yeah so you know I think that that woman  like with the pity City like we've just got to   be really careful with our language we've got to  always assume that someone is gonna record you   um and I think you just have to really live  your life in a way that not that you're fake   but that you're authentic right and that  you're saying things that you're willing to   stand behind and that you know you're speaking  in a way that that you feel like has Integrity   um and so I do understand frustration I mean I  often will say like if it was up to me and my   husband we'd be back in five days a week but it's  not up to me right I have to meet my my employees   where their needs are so sometimes when I kind of  feel down that like pity City like kind of path in   my own head being the old lady of the office I do  have to like temper the way I say it and and kind   of say like I understand that this might be an  old school way of thinking but it is really hard   for me to communicate on zoom and I'd rather  do this meeting in person you know rather than   saying like I'm not giving in to you with a zoom  like you have to come right you got to choose your   language right and just be really careful yeah  so do you think like this is now sort of the the   status quo moving forward or do you think we're  in sort of another phase and and then another   phase will then happen with both technology and  sort of office culture or is this is this where   we are moving moving forward or you know without  getting into the term AI I don't want to bring   that up no no especially don't get me started  um I could talk about Chad gbt all day every day   um you know I I think we're in beta testing  right like I kind of think like life right   now is just one big beta test with all this new  technology coming at us with all of these like   Innovations happening it's a really really  exciting time I mean I'm such a nerd I love   this stuff so like I'm having a great time with  it I also think the pandemic taught us a really   valuable lesson that you know we can plan and  we can think we know how the world works but   something can come at us from nowhere and  change our whole way of thinking and so I   think for me like being really flexible going  forward is is the motto right like you know we   have to Pivot you know we have to this is the new  normal like all those expressions I think that   um I think that we just have to be ready for  what comes next and just keep your head up   and be excited about what comes next yeah so so  bottom line do you think that technology is sort   of uh enabler or a hindrance to sort of the office  culture in this sort of frame of time right now   oh I think it really depends on what you let  it be right like it can be a huge hindrance   um I actually kind of live my My Life by saying  like technology works for me I don't work for   technology right so like my car for example  there's like a thousand bells and whistles   right like you buy a car can do all sorts of cool  things I have an electric car I have chosen to not   use those options because I need my car to get me  from point A to point B yeah right so like you can   fall down rabbit holes really really easily with  technology and as I said like technology works for   me right like I'm gonna turn off the notifications  I'm gonna shut things off I'm gonna make things   work in a way that is allows me to be productive  and allows me to be Dependable for my clients and   my staff that reminded me of another question do  you have do you have people on the staff that are   really into technology and they come in and go  this is gonna be the greatest thing ever this   is what I want we should have the entire staff use  this thing and do it do you have that out of your   company because we've had a few at our company  here yeah yeah and I gotta tell you like I love   those people like I try not to play favorites  but you know when they walk in like showing   me something new I'm like come in and I'm gonna  clear everything to talk about this um but that's   again like the nerd in me but um but yeah I mean  I have a couple of people on staff that are always   like looking at like the newest stuff and I I do  like to think it keeps me young especially when   they're teaching me like all the new social media  platforms and you know whatever it might be but   I I embrace that but I also am like okay hold on  like we are not switching the whole office to this   you know we do try to be really really strategic  okay so to tap on AI with that you know it's like   okay do I just say to myself like use chat TPT  like just have at it and instead I've actually   chosen to be relatively quiet about it until I  could form like a real opinion and then we're   leading like an all-office um seminar about it  yeah and so I try really hard not to be impulsive   but to like be reflective to understand that if  I make a move I'm asking 45 people to make a move   and I've got to be really solid with what that  move is and not just impulsive and think oh it's   shiny and fun and new and let's do it yeah I used  to be that guy I used to be the the sort of the   shiny the Shiny Happy Tech Guy and would try to  get everything involved and do everything but now   as I've gotten older I've become the old guy who  yells at the cloud and uh you know my kids my kids   took my you know they try to get me into like Tick  Tock and Instagram and all that other stuff and   I'm like nope not gonna dance not gonna do this  not gonna do this and they're like come on come   on I'll show you how to do it like nope so I think  I've turned the corner in terms of that technology   adoption thing but it is cool to have both both  sort of inputs uh Lauren thank you very much for   uh for being on the show with us today uh great  stuff and uh hope to talk to you again sometime   my pleasure thank you so much and that's  all the time we've got for today's episode   don't forget to like the video subscribe to the  channel and add any comments you may have below   join us every week for new episodes of today in  Tech I'm Keith Shaw thanks for watching foreign

2023-05-16 18:43

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