Cigar-Shaped UFO Caught On Camera: Top 10 Alien and UFO Encounters (2022)

Cigar-Shaped UFO Caught On Camera: Top 10 Alien and UFO Encounters (2022)

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UFOs became a modern sensation after the media  reported that U.S businessman Kenneth Arnold   had witnessed flying saucers on June 24 1947.  since then a flood of similar stories followed   from around the world most famously a UFO  was alleged to have crashed to the ground   near Roswell New Mexico in July 1947. in the end  though no wrecks or alien bodies were recovered   only the ambiguous Testament of witnesses it  is the same with all the other UFO stories from   around the world they were Mysteries without any  substantial evidence but with the advancement of   Technology multiple UFO sightings around the  world have been captured on camera for the   Believers they are proof of something bigger going  on something that involves keeping the public in   the dark for non-believers they are mere optical  illusions or light tricks however when the United   States finally admitted in 2017 that they were  investigating UFOs it sent skeptical people into   a frenzy and when leaked videos of the Navy began  to surface online compelling the U.S to publicly   acknowledge the footage people soon began to  understand that there is a lot underneath the   surface that meets the eye but for the people who  are really looking UFOs have been documented long   before Kenneth Arnold's experience you can see  them in several paintings from the time of the   Renaissance an ancient Hindu textures depict  flying discs coming down from the sky and not   just that a mysterious event in Japan at the  beginning of the 19th century shows surprising   similarities with stories of UFOs in 1803 a round  vessel drifted ashore on the Japanese coast and   a beautiful woman emerge wearing strange clothing  and carrying a box it is said that she was unable   to communicate with the the locals and her craft  was marked with mysterious writing this story of   an itsurobione or Hollow ship in the province  of Hitachi now ibaraki prefecture is found in   many records of the Edo period these ancient tales  and drawings suggest towards one thing UFOs have   been gracing our skies since a very long time long  before Humanity achieved technological leaps and   even today our Technologies come nowhere close  to these objects that disappear Into Thin Air   split into two and hover silently like a predator  watching its prey today we will look at 10 of the   best alien and UFO encounters reported by us  in 2022 and as always welcome to lab 360. it's  

time to explore in April 2016 NASA's new horizon  spacecraft reached the Kuiper belt after capturing   its first Target Pluto the probe turned its sight  towards a large object on a strange trajectory yes   we are talking about 15 A10 Iran named after the  Celtic god of death war and the other world now   why is it so special you ask well most of the  objects in the Kuiper belt are made of rock and   ice but Iran doesn't move like any of cataloged  object in the belt this has made scientists   question if it is made of something completely  different something much stronger because it's   rotating so fast that centrifugal force should  have torn it apart how could something spin so   fast and stay intact scientists believe that  the fast spin is creating artificial gravity   and gravity would be the most vital thing needed  for long Interstellar travel you cannot have   astronauts floating around the spacecraft while  traversing hundreds of light years this probed the   New Horizon to take a closer look at the object  and here's when things turn strange as the probe   tried to get a closer look suddenly all of its  sensors went dead Transmissions cut off it was as   if someone was monitoring our presence someone or  something that did not want us to know about them   but just before losing contact NASA observed that  Iran was spinning like a large spaceship would now   you can say that it might have been a technical  glitch but here is when things get crazier only   when New Horizon moved away from Iran it suddenly  came back to life as if nothing had ever happened   in the first place now I would leave it to you  to assume what it was but if it's an intelligent   alien civilization it makes complete sense to  stay far away from Earth and silently observe   us from the cold and dark space in the Kuiper  belt and whenever the need arises for a closer   inspection hop onto a spacecraft and camouflage  it so that it appears as a mere Space Rock to   the beings of the planet Abyss our UFO case dubbed  Brazil's Roswell set the internet above amid news   that a video of a captured creature exists and  could soon be released the so-called virgin high   incident an alleged UFO crash extraterrestrial  encounter and subsequent military cover-up made   headlines in 1996 and sparked a media frenzy in  Brazil despite official government denials that   anything unusual had occurred it remains  one of the country's most famous UFO cases   where many residents to this day insist that the  Brazilian military captured two alien beings and   threatened locals to keep quiet governments tend  to cover up everything they can't explain to their   population retired Brazilian Air Force General  Jose Carlos Barrera told Fox let's get to the   bottom of this in January 1996 locals in vargenha  reported seeing a strange cigar-shaped object   about the size of a school bus slowly fall from  the sky and crash in a field a man who witnessed   the alleged crash said that the unidentified  object was floating and slowly losing altitude   he goes on to further describe that it looked like  a washing machine struggling and fighting to keep   its altitude the sight of it was completely torn  and it had white smoke coming out within minutes   however military trucks arrived from the nearby  sa army base 30 kilometers from Virgin Hall and   ordered them to leave friending them with their  guns soon after vargenha residents were stunned   as a large military presence descended on the town  cordoning off several blocks and preventing a one   from entering a group of girls then came  forward claiming they had stumbled across   a strange creature in broad daylight at around 3  30 pm on January 20th 1996. the being which was   huddled next to a wall all by a clump of weeds in  a vacant grass-covered lot was described as about   four feet tall with brown oily skin v-shaped feet  a large head and huge red eyes for its part the   Brazilian military said in 2010 that an official  inquiry had concluded that the girls had actually   encountered a homeless a mentally unstable man  covered in mud however one of the girls stressed   that what they had seen was by no means a human  as she had seen the creature standing just eight   feet away from her when I said guys look at that  then it turned around she said I saw the eyes and   it took off running around three hours after  the alleged encounter the military had arrived   apparently one soldier present at the side had  a film camera and recorded it and that there was   for sure a video in possession of the government  and this is where things get more interesting a   former Brazilian Air Force traffic control claimed  that shortly after the incident the U.S Air Force   landed and announced in campiness and dispatched  two helicopters to vargenha where they collected   something and took it away what was collected is  not known but something was rescued the retired   officer said according to local military and  civilian Witnesses the bodies and crash debris   were appropriated by Agents from the United  States of America and after that the matter   was squashed and as days passed people got on with  their lives and soon the incident was forgotten   Richard Evelyn Byrd Jr was an American naval  officer and Explorer he was a recipient of   the Medal of Honor the highest honor for Valor  given by the United States and was a pioneering   American Aviator polar Explorer an organizer  of polar Logistics aircraft flights in which   he served as a navigator and Expedition leader  crossed the Atlantic Ocean Byrd his first man   to reach both the North Pole and the South Pole by  air he is also known for discovering Mount Sibley   the largest dormant volcano in Antarctica he has  been recognized for all his discoveries except for   one an ancient city under Antarctica the period  between World Wars one and two marks the beginning   of the mechanical particularly the aerial age of  Antarctic exploration wartime developments and   aircraft aerial cameras radios and motor transport  were adapted for Polar operation during this time   that a lot of mysterious and identified flying  objects were said to have been spotted however   modern UFO sightings became very frequent post the  detonation of nuclear bombs on the Japanese cities   of Hiroshima and Nagasaki it was as if we rattled  some ancient Advanced beings and they began to   monitor us constantly but who were these beings  and are they from another world or do they share   this planet with us and have been living here  long before Humanity emerged let's get back to   Admiral Richard Byrd whose Discovery in Antarctica  was silenced by the government Admiral Byrd had   been on several Explorations before but after the  world war he was asked by the government to go on   the biggest exploration to Antarctica following  this Mr bird commanded more than four thousand   troops warships and planes on this top secret  expedition to the South Pole the mission was named   Opera operation high jump and it was to last for  four months the mission was a huge success they   discovered nearly one-fourth of the Antarctic  Coast which had been previously unseen it also   further opened up the continent's interior for  scientific exploration however in the third month   something unexpected happened that the government  allegedly keeps from the public even till this day   Admiral Byrd discovered a crystal city under Earth  but the government suppressed the information and   only after his death his son discovered his  diary in which bird narrated the incident   while flying he discovered an underworld dearth  through the South Pole being an explorer that he   was he went in he couldn't believe his eyes when  he saw lush green Woods that led to a city like   none other a city made of crystal birds suddenly  realized that his aircraft was no longer in his   control several flying objects appeared out of  nowhere and hovered in the air effortlessly these   flying discs led him to a place where he met a  being in his diary he calls the being the master   who is very disappointed at what humans are doing  he fears that Humanity will destroy the planet   which is their home to yes they were concerned  and the way we have been since then maybe they   are more concerned now that's why there have  been several UFO sightings near nuclear missile   silos UFO lodges spillive one of the countries  that had always shied away from UFOs and extra   terrestrial discussions is Japan in fact the  Japanese government went all the way to make   an official statement in 2018 stating that it  would not recognize any kind of alien or UFO   activity presence in Japan Japanese Pilots however  shared regular stories of UFO encounters during   training this prompted the Japanese government to  strictly instruct the military to remain silent   and never speak of such instancesato a retired  lieutenant of the Japanese self-defense Force   recalls one of the strange incidents when a  student in his fighter pilot course suddenly   lost access to his in-flight computers and upon  looking up Source cigar-shaped object very much   like omu a mu of flying about 1500 high before  suddenly accelerating and disappearing Into   Thin Air Sato later proposed to the policymaker  Acres that they should maintain date wise data of   these sightings and examine them further but his  requests fell on deaf ears it is so bizarre that   Japan would not acknowledge and identified aerial  phenomenon up until 2020 and then suddenly there   was a strange shift in the policies in September  2020 Japan finally ended its denial and ordered   its forces to make a visual recording of these  Encounters this shift in the policy is said to   have happened upon the interference of the United  States which released classified UFO footage in   the same year the fact that Japan went from  being in denial to building the Japanese space   operation Squadron tells you that there is  definitely a lot more than that meets the eye   the next on our list is a chilling event from the  South American country of Chile on November 11   2014 Chilean naval officers flying in the coastal  sector between the Port of San Antonio and queen   taros spotted a strange object in the sky mind you  they were at an altitude of about five thousand   feet and the unknown object was flying away from  them at a similar speed to that of the helicopter   the Chilean government kept it a secret for  two years and then suddenly they released   and Declassified the video evidence along with an  official report you can clearly see in the video   that the unidentified flying object is dispersing  a trail of an unknown element into the air but   here's the strange thing Chilean near traffic  control failed to detect the object with radar   and on top of that they received no response from  the UFO whatsoever upon trying to communicate with   for nine minutes they had the object captured  in video before it suddenly gained speed and   disappeared into the clouds never to be spotted  again the committee for studies of Airborne   phenomena which is comprised of scientists  analysts and aeronautical technicians studied   the case and suggested that the object might be a  medium-sized lineair craft and the trail could be   the reserve water inside the apparatus thrown  by the crew this however was dismissed on the   grounds that neither the altitude at which the  object moved nor the temperature of that moment   could allow for such a wave of condensation the  Chilean military studied the incident for two   whole years but could neither identify the object  nor its origin finally they cataloged it as an   identified dare phenomenon and released the video  to the public Arizona is home to some of the most   famous UFO cases in history and this UF of Slash  alien sighting is an encounter that is one of its   kind beginning the night of November 5th 1975  a former logger Travis Walden's experience has   perhaps become the most credible account of the  UFO and possible Alien Encounter in history the   case is especially compelling because several of  Walton's fellow loggers witnessed the event too   after calling it a day Walton and his colleagues  got into a truck and set out for home when they   suddenly saw Light in the Forest initially they  suspected it was a forest fire concerned they   moved towards the source of the light and what  they saw there was something unbelievable they   found the light emanating from a strange object  hovering above a clearing near the top of a hill   the middle Edge that the object was disc shaped  with a smooth mirror-like metal exterior as as   they watched the object in awe Walton jumped out  of the truck to get a closer look and as he crept   it near it he realized that it was not a very  good idea after all he decided to turn around   and make a run but as though that thing had read  his mind he was immediately hit by some sort of an   invisible force that threw him several feet away  at their wits end the crew drove away as far as   they could from the source of light and only after  the UFO was gone did they come out of their hiding   and decided to check on Walter but it was too  late Walton was gone an extensive search was made   over the next few days but there was no trace of  Walton now I know this makes his crew the primary   suspects but here is when things get weirder after  five days Walton shows up dazed and confused he   claims he regained Consciousness along the side  of the road with images of some strange being   standing over him constantly playing in his mind  he however remembers nothing else except he found   himself walking along Highway five days later with  the Flying Saucer departing above him yes we can   say that Walden's story could be fabricated but  wait until you hear this Walton and his co-workers   were awarded a five thousand dollars prize for  best UFO case of the year after they were said   to have passed polygraph tests administered by  The Inquirer and the aerial phenomenon research   organization ipro some argue that Walden's claim  was a hoax but remember there was a full-scale   police investigation there were up to 16 lie  detection tests and six people witnessed it   together now it is up to us to believe or dismiss  Walden's claim especially because a lot of people   have faked UFO in alien sightings in the past  staining the authenticity of authentic videos   it was April of 2013. the location Aguadilla  Puerto Rico the U.S Customs and Border Patrol took  

off for routine Mission shortly afterwards they  saw a strange light coming towards them taken off   guard the pilot immediately turns on the thermal  imaging camera the million dollar camera mounted   on the plane immediately picked up the culprit  a metallic sphere chafing the air as it moves at   an incredible speed then as if the plot playing  itself a cliche the object headed over to the   ocean let's zoom in and get a clear understanding  of what's going on in here we can see here that   the object splashes down and disappears under  the water for a split second and then something   bizarre happens the object remerges but it's  split into two let's watch it in slow motion one splash after staying in the air for some  time the object suddenly disappeared never to   be spotted again when experts reviewed the footage  they found out that the thermal signatures of the   object doesn't match with anything that  we know of balloons Birds drones or even   a man-made aircraft was ruled out due to the  object-strange characteristics whatever it was   experts concluded it wasn't from many place here  on Earth bizarre right we have seen a lot of UFO   footages but nothing like this one imagine an  alien race that possesses such technology what   else are they capable of in 1991 the appearance  of extremely tiny coil-shaped artifacts found   near the banks of Russia's qasim Narada and  bald banyu Rivers brought about a debate that   has continued even to this day these manufactured  coils were initially discovered during geological   research associated with the extraction of gold  in the Ural Mountains these pieces include coils   spirals shafts and other unidentified components  what is so mysterious about these artifacts is   that they were found at a depth between 10 and  40 feet in a geological Stratus between twenty   thousand and three hundred and eighteen thousand  years old does it suggest that there may have been   a culture capable of developing nanotechnology  300 000 years ago according to an analysis from   the Russian Academy of Sciences in sikhtivker the  largest pieces found are mostly copper while the   smallest are made of tungsten and molybdenum  and molybdenum is the same mineral found in   the UFO crash area in Ross well now here's where  things start to turn stranger the shape of these   artifacts suggests that they are manufactured  and not naturally occurring metal fragments in   fact they have been found to closely resemble  the same miniature components of contemporary   nanotechnology now some have argued that these  tiny structures are merely debris Left Behind   from test Rockets being launched from nearby  place at space station however a report from   the Moscow Institute determined that they  are far too old to have come from Modern   manufacturing moreover the central scientific  research Department of geology and exploitation   of precious metals in Moscow has concluded  that despite being thousands of years old the   components are of a technological origin all of  the objects seem to be manufactured as no type of   natural process known could explain their creation  how humans one hundred thousand years ago would   have been able to be technologically advanced  to such a degree as to be able to create them as   unknown is this mysterious Discovery evidence that  humans may have been more technologically advanced   than previously believed or are the objects  evidence of extraterrestrial contact or presence   in the summer of 2011 Peter leinberg and Dennis  aberg a couple of treasure Hunters along with   their ocean next diving team were hunting on the  floor of the northern Baltic Sea when suddenly   their sonar image caught a strange object which  would later be known as the Baltic Sea anomaly   featuring a strange 1000 foot long Runway and a  strange object that appears to have slid across   it the Baltic Sea anomaly has seen divers take  a closer look what was found below by the divers   were steps and compartments the potential for  tunnels and passageways beneath the surface of   the unknown object and an ability for the object  to block sonar those heading below the surface   to snap some photographs of the interesting  item found their equipment was not in working   order with sensor and photographic equipment both  failing mysterious electrical interferences were   cited as causing trouble draining the recently  charged battery series and making it impossible to   get a closer look outlandish theories live on not  just that it may be an extraterrestrial spacecraft   which landed in the depths of the ocean but that  it may be a secret Nazi bunker Simon and ruse who   first wrote the suggestion that the bunker could  be an alien device has noted it could be a secret   military project pushed by Adolf Hitler during  World War II claims a bunker was lowered into the   sea were aired but other claims over the presence  of the bunker including that of an ancient Temple   or Atlantis have also been noted there is also  the chance that the Baltic Sea anomaly which has   stunned experts around the globe is nothing more  than a glacial deposit however nothing explains   why electric devices will not work near it and  this is where things turn weird Peter leinberg   and Dennis aberg after having discovered the  object decided to go back back again to get more   pictures of it and collect some samples however  when their divers were just about to make the dive   suddenly readings showed that the temperature on  top of the object drastically dropped below zero   in normal conditions it is around six to seven  degrees Celsius what caused the temperature   around the object to drop suddenly is unknown  regardless of that the divers make the jump and   reach the ocean floor after two hours and when  they touched the object which until that point   looked like concrete turned black the divers were  taken aback they had made over two thousand Dives   before that and had never come across anything  like this long story short they returned to the   ship with a sample which was later studied by  scientists they found that the object was burned   from the outside yet cold from the inside as if  the burning object had suddenly entered a cold   region and hence its crystals couldn't grow that  perfectly explains in meteoroid however scientists   also feel that it can be a remnant of a volcano  but a volcano Remnant in the middle of nowhere in   the depths of the Baltic Sea nothing can explain  that the Curiosity around the object became a   global headline and Peter and Dennis decided to go  back again to get some more pictures and collect   some more samples for that they needed funding  however news soon started to spread via media   that the object was nothing but a piece of rock a  glacial deposit as this news began to spread and   the interest around the object began to die down  investors pulled off their funding and Peter and   Dennis began to receive death threats from random  email addresses that not only threatened them but   their families too who were these people that  do not want them to go down there who are the   people who did not want us to find about the  object mysterious Origins makes you think right   moving on from the Baltic Sea anomaly to Lake  Baikal in Russia the deepest fresh water body   in the world fishermen tell of powerful lights  coming from the deep and objects flying up from   the water in one case in 1982 a group of military  divers training at Baikal spottered a group of   humanoid creatures dressed in silvery suits  the encounter happened at a depth of 50 meters   and the divers tried to catch the strangers  three of the seven men died while four others   were severely injured what do you guys think  of these encounters drop in your comments to   let us know and don't forget to subscribe to  lab 360. because together we will explore.

2023-01-06 07:39

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