Build a private cloud that fuels your enterprise with an integrated marketplace & partner ecosystem

Build a private cloud that fuels your enterprise with an integrated marketplace & partner ecosystem

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hey good morning uh welcome to day three or four of discover I think they'll blend together we lose track of it um I'm here to talk about private cloud how are organizations innovating using private Cloud what are the problems that we're solving um but first a little bit of housekeeping I'm a product guy which means I inherently like to talk about what are we doing now what are we doing what's coming forward looking statements so please don't buy or sell hpe or partner Securities based on anything I say or I go to jail and two many of the things that we share with you here are confidential as participating in this we love to embrace our customers our partners share some of the things that we're doing of course the nature of this data can be confidential uh so with that being said my name is Brian Thompson I lead product management for Green Lake cloud services and solutions one of the key things that you've heard some of this hopefully over the last couple days I discover is around our Green Lake HP Green Lake private Cloud Enterprise solution so we're gonna talk a little bit about that but first why are we all here what brings us to events such as this and spend the week together we're all here trying to find ways to do things better how do we drive Innovation to do more with less to be ready for the next things that are coming our way how do we not just keep doing what we've been doing how do we actually innovate and leverage different solutions to help move our businesses forward together we think about the pressure that's put on I.T leaders in different Industries to embrace Innovation to do more and optimize what they can do with the resources they have but also to be ready for the next big thing what's going to be disruptive to their industry how do they stay ahead of that you think about health care and how do you innovate faster and think about driving research and finding uh cures to diseases and and sharing or collaborating on research data how do I treat chronic diseases using electronic health care records and make that experience more efficient more effective more comprehensive think about financial services how do I use Automation and AI type services to identify fraudulent activities or prevent fraud types of transactions how do I create more secure and trusted transactions applications in manufacturing how am I enabling robotic factories using automation for predictive uh failure or defect capturing in streamline think about retail locations where we see things like video and consumer analytics being used in real time to drive better experiences drive more efficient behaviors at the edge this is all that speed and rate of innovation trying to embrace and be ahead of those disruptive events or lead them now this Innovation isn't happening just in the data center or not even just in the cloud The Edge itself has become a huge driver in capturing and driving this Innovation where's the data being generated how do I act on it there's a research report recently from IDC which highlights that 317 billion dollars will be spent by 2026 on edge compute resources you can see organizations going to where the data is being captured how do I act on it in real time how do I drive insights in Analyze This in real time organizations that are looking for trusted partners that same survey looking across organizations found that 75 percent are looking for partners that can provide a consistent application deployment and management experience across Cloud dedicated resources and Edge this is all coming together and acting as one system how do I leverage these types of emerging Technologies now private Cloud as we're going to talk about is nothing new private Cloud's been around for a long time we've been doing this for 10 plus years the catch is first generation or earlier private clouds were typically complex brittle Integrations between disparate Technologies difficult to maintain difficult to operate difficult to provide a consistent customer experience what are companies looking for in a modern Cloud experience what are those core Cloud tenants that organizations are looking for to embrace it's fairly simple it starts with that user experience the public cloud has taught us enabling our developers the in-application owners with that self-service experience allow them to be fully free to innovate in agile in provisioning requesting things the days of filing tickets to request systems and then request operators to do things on those systems just adds latency in the in the process how do I improve that time to Value how do I enable my end users to be productive and leverage these Technologies so it starts with that cloud experience interfaces help me leverage this and enable my end users to be effective consuming these Technologies interoperability the world is inherently hybrid organizations don't live in just one platform they have to have the ability to deploy and manage workloads across private public Edge what is that experience how do I have that interoperability how do I leverage that capability to place workloads where they need to be moving those functions to where the data is coming in where I need to serve those constituents or based on the cost or profiler security requirements that I have and then of course there's that driving Factor on openness and choice you want to have standards based where I'm not tied into a proprietary or locked in function how do I manage these things how do I enable that same experience where the same tool chain I use to manage those Services can be used across those different surface areas I'm not locked into something that prohibits me from that type of portability or locks me into a lowest common denominative capability we announced about this time last year select availability at the time for what we call again HP Green Lake for private Cloud Enterprise this is that true private Cloud experience but now delivered as a full cloud service managed for you deployed where you need it in your data Center's in co-location now extending to Edge locations as well and the key being this this is not a build of materials this is not a stack of Hardware that we're shipping giving you an instruction manual and saying good luck hopefully you're successful this is delivering that full Cloud experience how do I provide you and your users with that full Cloud experience delivering all those Cloud Primitives of VM container based even bare metal workload management with self-service interfaces delivered where you need it to be empowering them to deploy managed workloads just as if it was the public Cloud but now within your four walls or co-location or again extending to your Edge locations where you have security performance data gravity things that drive where you want to deliver that but you want that cloud experience for your users this is the mission that we set out to solve for with HP Green Lake for private Cloud Enterprise we start with a standardized platform of what we call Cloud modules and what these are optimize building blocks of infrastructure they're designed to present optimized surface areas to run different types of workloads everything virtualization all the way to bare metal to do large in-memory databases for sap so we have these standardized building blocks that allow us to assemble and deliver that fungible pool of resources for a cloud experience delivering again virtual machines but also things like container as a service your users don't have to hand roll a kubernetes environment and maintain it themselves we deliver it as a fabric Service as part of that private Cloud experience even bare metal provisioning for those workloads may not be conducive to virtualization I can't handle the virtualization tax I have performance needs I might have licensing requirements of why I wanted to put things onto a bare metal node we give that same experience though where I can self-service provision de-provision return it to the pool again allowing your users those end users to be productive and have that same agility as we think about providing additional value of that platform things like our data fabric from esmer the data fabric gives us a single Global namespace and as part of a hybrid Cloud enabling experience how do I deploy and manage storage locations or nodes that can span both private and public extending that visibility with a single global namespace and then of course giving that full Cloud experience we provide those open source interfaces things like a terraform provider for Green Lake provisioning of virtual machines as an example uh support for things like ansible Chef puppet Integrations to servicenow this is key to enable that fully integrated experience things like the Green Lake marketplace and I'll show you this here in a little bit where we've extended more capabilities into that not just in the breadth and aperture of different isv partners that we enable in this but even that type of functionality how do I make it easy for your Cloud users to discover these Solutions and even a click to deploy type of an experience have it up and running for them in minutes again this extends across those where do you need these cloud services in your data center in co-location hopefully you saw our announcement this week with our partnership with equinix extending that ability to have pre-deployed private clouds stood up and ready to go in seven different metros around the world to start with that time to Value we can turn up a private Cloud experience for you in a matter of days as opposed to What Might Have Been weeks or even months to provision or build out that co-location space bring in and build that cloud so again extending across that private co-location and now even to Edge locations where we can extend that same private Cloud feature functionality and how do I manage applications and deploy those workloads as I touched on and I'll show you this here in a little bit uh from a Marketplace experience you think about the public Cloud experience how do I log into these consoles have access to that breadth of different isv services that might be everything from a full application stack to augmenting technologies that help me build and run my different workloads on my cloud we continue to expand that library of isv Partners as well as the functionality to make it easy to discover and manage those Solutions now with this I'd love to start off the morning with PowerPoint and lull you all into sleep but I'm actually more of a show me kind of guy so I'd rather demonstrate assuming my remote will work there we go awesome so what I want to do is walk you through the private Cloud experience so we think about those tangible interfaces of how do I extend access to and control over this private Cloud solution and we start with the Greenlight Cloud platform how do I log into provides that identity management can be integrated to my Enterprise identity services for single sign-on but the key being how do I start to present and allow you to discover and interact with different Green Lake Services you may be consuming in this particular case we're starting with the Green Lake private Cloud Enterprise solution which now brings up my private Cloud dashboard think of this as again an Enterprise solution designed to support multi-regions multi-availability zones depending on the needs of my cloud environment that I'm looking to support for my users I have Global constructs things like templates the user identity my Telemetry reporting services and then I have local constructs that are tied to the capacity of that particular location what are the services that are available within that we start with the whole concept of role-based access controls we have an amazing history of delivering solutions to customers with Rich management assets and resources to help you administer those Services monitor those Services manage that infrastructure in this case delivering you a fully managed cloud service we also then extend those interfaces to the end user how do I provide graphical interfaces via the portal but even things like API CLI interfaces that allow the developers or in you know they think about it Ops or however I'm managing with infrastructure as code how do I interact with these systems programmatically not requiring a GUI to manage these things based on role-based access controls you can control what access do I have what services do I have visibility to what are the permissions that I have to manage within that even the GUI itself is designed to be tailored to the end user experience I as an end user can order tiles that are relevant to me what are the types of things that I use frequently I want to optimize my dashboard experience I can even add or remove cards if I want to unclutter this or only show those things that are relevant to the type of work that I'm doing make it very easy to discover and navigate to the different services that you may be interacting with one of course is how do I learn about these things full access to some quick launch how do I get started things but of course access to our full Library FAQ types of scenarios you'll see new things launched API documentation CLI reference guides all of that is available in a self-service way from this dashboard if I think about those core Services going back to what are those Cloud Primitives that we're providing and enabling for customers to self-serve and their end users simple things starting with virtual machines the foundation of any type of a cloud service how do I deploy and manage virtualized workloads when I click into my VM console if you will I see a detailed view of all the virtual machines that I have access to based on my tenant my view of the world what are those systems doing high level summary information how are they running what resources have been consumed but of course I want that self-service experience to be able to deploy and manage new workloads bringing up the specific console for VMS I have full control over provisioning new instances very detailed Types on the shape size what are the compute core to memory ratios how much storage do I want to attach what are the virtual networks that I'm going to attach it to all of that is available as self-service and also provides the capability to templatize those as an administrator I can provide a catalog of predefined images for those commonly used workloads or repeatable services that I want to have my end users easy or make it very easy for them to stand up now one of the things that we announced recently and we've showcased a little bit during this week is the ability to do true hybrid Cloud not only do I provide that same provisioning experience within my private cloud but I can extend that capability to public Cloud as well so I think about adding a new instance I have predefined templates or those instance types that I want to stand up but in this particular case this private cloud has been extended to things like Amazon web services so I can find my template here and walk through standing up a new ec2 instance in any of the AWS regions that have been made available to me again as an administrator you can put guard rails around this and control where your end users can deploy to you but you want to make this available to them in a self-service experience so simply giving it kind of my instance name I can choose some metadata around this now this is important because this allows me to identify the project this is associated with what are the different profiles of resources for example if I want to set some rules around what is Dev versus test versus production for backup for Performance Services what are the policies that are going to apply to these but this also lets me a tag metadata tagging to it where again whether it's in private or public Cloud now that data can be fed back as I start to understand the consumption of these resources and I'll show you this here in a little bit but this is really important as I want to understand and allocate the costs of this Cloud consumption whether private or public two different programs projects cost centers Etc uh so in this example I'm going to call this within my Dev environment but now that I've said okay I'm going to choose an AWS instance it's going to bring up and say okay what are the AWS regions that are have been made available to you and based on those regions what are the instance types and sizes that are available so I have the same granularity of control just as if I was doing this in the AWS console but now it's coming with the context of my Green Lake private Cloud user entity the metadata associated with my account my department my project and all that is going to be pulled into that single pane of glass view how am I managing monitoring understanding these instances as they're provisioned but I'm going to bail out of this because I keep spinning up AWS instances and my boss is getting mad at me for the runaway bill but if I come back to my overall dashboard so virtual machines I think you guys get it right this is kind of foundational how do I think about containers how do I think about enabling containers making this simple for my users to deploy container-based workloads of course anybody with VMS or even on bare metal I could hand roll to use that metaphor my own kubernetes cluster I might be very opinionated how do I want to do this for many organizations that's not valuable that's complex how do I keep up with kubernetes versions how do I manage the scaling of those clusters how do I think about ratios of worker nodes to control plane nodes this can be complex we've built into the private Cloud Enterprise experience a full container as a service experience we can actually allow you and your administrators to Define cluster blueprints that would be specific for different types of workload profiles bringing those best practices how would I deploy a new cluster based on this blueprint what are its profiles when I go to actually do that provisioning I quickly stand that up and then I have all those credentials environments that I would need as a developer to easily start publishing my apps and workloads into that container environment one of the things that we've added again in that Spirit of open choice and a hybrid experience is what are the types of underlying kubernetes runtimes that we would enable when we launched private Cloud Enterprise last year we of course started with our own esmerel kubernetes runtime a cncf compliant kubernetes environment but many organizations are opinionated in this they may be a red hat open shift shop they may be a large consumer of Amazon's eks kubernetes so as again we announced this week and we're continuing to roll out as available features natively within our PC environment the ability to choose at that blueprint level what version of kubernetes do I want to use what's the distribution that I want to use in this case this particular Tata and I have both the esmerel as well as Amazon eks anywhere and if you saw my colleague earlier this week on stage with AWS we actually showed how you could deploy eks clusters in your private cloud and the public Cloud where we create that TLS tunnel behind and manage deploying applications to both in managing that very seamlessly so very cool hybrid Cloud enabling experience but it also allows your developers to use the same tool chain deploy those workloads with the same confidence of the platform that they've been working on again redhead openshift eks anywhere being great examples of course our ezrael container platform and then you can imagine we'll continue to be adding more over time from those running containers if I go back to clusters they're actually running I can get details of those clusters themselves as a developer I can get access to the cubeconfig file again what are those things that I need to actually start publishing applications in my container workloads into these different cluster environments so make it very easy for that self-service management of that within those clusters we can see how are they actually scaling that ratio of worker nodes whereas the profile of those nodes what's the workload that's actually occurring within there again removing that complexity of deploying and managing those clusters yourself is the key to that fabric service and lastly going back to what are the types of workloads that I'm going to deploy virtual machines container based bare metal I have an application cluster I want to deploy I have a large in-memory database I want to stand up there's always use cases where customers still need that Bare Metal Management experience how do I deliver that in the same self-service capabilities just as simple as if it was a virtual machine So within the bare metal provisioning or bare metal as a service think of that experience I can create this concept of compute groups a logical boundary of physical resources that can assign to you you can imagine in your private Cloud as you're managing that capacity virtual machines I certainly want to have a lot of flexibility how much density what can I spin up I can manage you know tens or hundreds or thousands of VMS you don't want an end user provisioning a hundred bare metal nodes unless you've explicitly given them that that capacity right you'll consume your Cloud so the the point of these compute groups is it's a logical boundary that allows me to give access set parameters around what are the resources or quotas or budget that I would allocate for that type of a solution but within those compute groups if I think about that experience of provisioning a new bare metal node we want to make it very simple and trivially easy to do that so that's similar to provisioning a VM give it an instance name without the space in it I can add some metadata on it but the key is when I go to instance type if you recall when I showed that virtual stack of what makes up the private Cloud Enterprise experience we start with that concept of cloud modules and from those Cloud modules we present different instance types much like if I was going to a public Cloud what are the different instance types presented that starts with those bare metal building blocks so I can have again if you'll recall different profiles of instance types available CPU optimized memory optimized HPC enabled gpus right I can have a library of these different instances available and then depending on the cloud that I've selected what inventory is available I can choose from those instance types and provision my bare metal workload similar experience of how do I choose from my library of supported enabled OS images that I can lay down on that or think about this in the concept of a Marketplace experience as well I might have a third-party application solution that has an ISO image that I'm going to pull down and deploy onto this bare metal node giving me that experience to stand up that new workload that new application in a matter of minutes as opposed to again what might have been days or weeks to go traditionally Within These environments again think of those logical groups like compute groups I can Define predefined libraries of SSH keys I can create a new key I can choose from my networks that have been enabled within this Cloud environment what are the networks I'm going to bind this instance to even from a storage perspective I can add new storage volumes in addition to the local storage of that device I can add from my my cloud storage right what's the additional block storage I want to enable here and even if I've enabled multiple tiers of storage choosing between those right I may have standard or high performance what's the profile of the workload that I'm trying to provision here but the whole intent of that is to give that self-service experience and enable those end users the application owner the developers themselves if you've given them the permissions the quota to work under help them be self-service empowered to deploy and manage these workloads themselves now I touched on the GUI experience how do I navigate these things from a graphical interface but no self-respecting developer is going to use the GUI to deploy and manage workloads right it's all about CLI API interfaces even from this itself we have access to our Cloud shell I can bring up and run command line controls or commands against my private Cloud right so you'll see this spin up our Cloud shell I can say okay I'm going to interface with my kubernetes but I don't really know what the commands are so I'm going to bring up help okay voila so the point being is I have access to run any of these shell commands against kubernetes clusters my VM instances my bare metal nodes policies that I'm managing within the platform all in that self-service way enabling those developer personas let me go back to my uh tab here oh gotta choose the right one eventually I'll get it right there we go um something else as we think about that so I've shown you how you can deploy and manage workloads right I can do that again via the GUI I can do it via API CLI interfaces what do I do once those workloads are out and running you heard recently of our acquisition of uh Cloud I'm sorry Ops ramp my cloud is is running in my brain here we've been leveraging the Ops ramp platform for some time it serves both our end users our operators providing Rich monitoring and observability data that helps us deliver this cloud service we've also enabled that into the data plane think about an analogy to Amazon's Cloud watch how do I provide your users with that same monitoring and observability into the data plane visibly to the workloads themselves how are they running how are they scaling do I have performance gaps do I have over provisioned underutilized resources so we're providing some dashboards to start with with different time series right what's the time that I want to evaluate how do I understand those resources that are deployed what are my top five users of CPU what are my top five users of memory disk IO how do I start to identify outliers then I might want to double click on and drill in and understand what's going on with that particular workload an example of bringing up all those instances and I'll be able to draw them to the details and look on a host by host level what's actually happening within that instance except for I chose a bad one let's do this that's when you know it's it's a live demo all right so bad example but uh you get the point how do I provide that visibility to services that are running uh I broke it here we go okay um two other pieces that I want to show you from a demo perspective I mentioned all this as we talk about metadata tagging I'm deploying these workloads it's a multi-user environment I have my developer teams I have application owners my devops group are running things I'm now provisioning workloads in private and public cloud have I simplified the problem or did I just make it exponentially harder to manage I've enabled that self-service experience but now I don't know what's going on where we have a very rich service around what we call consumption analytics how do I understand the cost and consumption of these different services that I've now enabled my end users with so understanding the from a metering experience right think of like public Cloud what are the resources that are being consumed who are they being consumed by how do I use that metadata tagging to create meaningful insights and allocate those costs be it private or public to different cost centers or projects or workloads or departments or locations lots of Rich reporting that you can leverage from that data itself we start from a data sources perspective of course we're inherently providing Rich Telemetry data around what you're running in your private Cloud but as I mentioned before I can reach out to the public Cloud instances AWS Azure or gcp and I can consume the tenant reporting from that through their billing apis how do I understand what are those resources and the metadata tags that have been passed into those as well give me that same granularity of reporting how do I take those resources in AWS that are also associated with the same cost center that I've been running in my private cloud and build that viewed together by consuming those data sources together I have a full Suite of dashboards that we'll provide but also giving you the ability to build and design your own reports time series based I can look at or evaluate different periods how do I understand that consumption or costs that I want to allocate out to these different logical definitions that you would create it's not hard and fast it's user defined how do I want to specify those things so it provides Rich insights into how are these resources being utilized where are these resources being utilized and providing that type of insight okay the last thing I do want to touch on though is let me come back to that Marketplace experience that we talked about we announced this week where we continue to expand our existing Marketplace we started with from the ezrael marketplace a portfolio of different third-party isv components that are container-based solutions easily discoverable how do you download it into your esmerald environment we've continued to expand on that we have a broader selection there and we continue to expand that portfolio of isv partners that we work with how do I make it easy to discover their different solutions and if I think about kind of drilling into some of these here's just a native open source Kafka solution right Apache Kafka based how do I understand the details of that particular solution is it supported priced what's the licensing model but this is an example we're adding more capabilities Beyond just discovering these Solutions how do I even click to deploy and manage that in my local environment so depending on if it's a container-based image it could be a VM solution it could be a more complex orchestrated deployment of multiple VMS it could be a bare metal ISO image I can deliver that in that Marketplace experience make it easy to discover and then simply to subscribe to those Services being a metaphor to attach or acknowledge legal terms if there's pricing or or licensing involved right I can go through that process and then again for those users with the right permissions I can now download and deploy those things automatically within my private Cloud environment and you'll see this continue to grow both again in the aperture of solutions that we can provide and the different Green Lake surface areas that you can land these different components on top of okay so I think that was kind of my tour in a nutshell I'm going to transition back here and bring us home with some examples so we talk about private cloud and it's great to talk about here's a widget that solves these problems we take away the administrative burden it's hard to architect and operate these things how can I deliver it with slas to my users we remove that complexity I deliver this to you as a fully managed service with slas capacity and a simple rate card it's easy to understand and predict what are my costs how do I leverage and expand this but I'm enabling my end users I'm upping my cloud game and delivering that same self-service experience to my users great examples of how we're seeing customers use this today you might have seen Cody from experience speak yesterday recent private Cloud customer where they were facing a refresh of their legacy virtualization environment on-prem they have a number of public Cloud Solutions as well they were looking to move that forward how do you enable a true Cloud experience for their end users and this came with that same experience not only can I move my existing virtualized workloads into this next Generation platform but now I'm adding new features functions capabilities we talked last night at dinner about consuming eks anywhere which is their public Cloud kubernetes distribution now in their private cloud form factor so it's a great opportunity for them to extend that capability to their users establish a new global standard for infrastructure in that self-service capability so they can move their business forward out of their private cloud and manage their public Cloud environments we have a retail customer we're working with as you think about again those Edge form factors how do I manage thousands of locations with a consistent mechanism to deploy and manage workloads how do I actually deliver that cloud experience where I have to go and touch devices in thousands of locations we've built some enhancements starting with that cloud modules for an edge optimized form factor how do I deliver two three node solutions that can go into these remote locations how do I support things like zero touch provisioning so that I don't need High touch it resources to go and install in each location color-coded cables plug it in the network discovers it we provision manage the device and bring it into that centralized control plane operating it as a full now distributed Cloud spinning across all of your locations they're using these to innovate their business it's not just how do I serve basic workloads that have to occur in the store but how do I think about next Generation things like real-time video analytics to help cut down on shrinkage theft shoplifting how do I think about enabling some of my loyalty programs in geolocation of data within that store experience now processed at the edge things that I'm not going to ship that data to the public Cloud try to process it and bring it back in real time this enables that real-time experience to be consumed at the edge where that data is coming in from we have a great customer partnership and they've been a long time adopter of Green Lake services including our private cloud from Dan Foss Dan Foss as a company has a global pledge to reduce their carbon footprint they operate in a hundred different countries with different sales resources they have over 90 manufacturing locations delivering things from thermostats through HVAC type of solutions to Industrial chillers you can imagine as a manufacturer the work that they do as a pledge they're extending that same green Focus that that sustainable I.T focus into their I.T resources so we've worked with them to start to move to Next Generation Hardware uh private Cloud solutions that can drive a greater density delivering more workloads with a smaller carbon footprint and even in the data centers delivered those in some cases co-location consuming from Green energy other cases where we're doing things on site using uh based on the elements themselves a secan container-based solution that uses air cooling because it's up in the Nordic region a number of solutions again with that Focus that joint focus on reducing their overall carbon footprint and move towards more sustainable Technologies the last example is Healthcare we talked about early on where Innovation is driving these things that affect lives it's one thing to be able to process customer transactions or things like that when you can affect human lives by improving research by accelerating cures for diseases this is amazing right this is where technology can come together and really make an impact in the world Texas Children's Hospital has one of the largest and diverse data sets of pediatric research in the U.S they use this and they're building a data platform including our esmerald data fabric services and unified analytics how do I start to extend that visibility and make it easy for my researchers to access and collaborate on This research data again accelerating research seeking cures for diseases it's an amazing solution and they've had great success using these Technologies to get there all right we've talked a lot about private Cloud I try to show you as a demo itself but one of the keys to all this is how do you make it tangible so I'd really encourage you out here on the Expo floor we have what we call our test drive area we have a number of consoles set up with real-time access to private clouds that we've stood up and some predefined exercises just to help you walk through and learn these Technologies everything from how I use ansible to deploy a workload to how do I set up an Amazon eks a kubernetes cluster including registering it in my public cloud and vice versa so there's a number of those Solutions and services that we've set up within that test drive experience but if you don't have a chance to do it while you're here there's good news you can access those same test drives when you go home they're all available from HP test drive because again I think it's really important to make this tangible how do you actually get hands-on experience with these Technologies and really see how does it work what is the power that I'm enabling my end users with last piece I'll leave you with here is again to learn more about what we've talked about today and this breadth of Green Lake Solutions and with that I thank you all for your time this morning and I really appreciate your participation here discover and hope you have a great rest of the show

2023-07-02 14:54

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