Ancient Technology Podcast - Aswan Scoop Marks and Stone Softening | Marcell Fóti

Ancient Technology Podcast - Aswan Scoop Marks and Stone Softening | Marcell Fóti

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there is a list of things ancient Egyptians use  Natron for like mumification washing mumification   drying food medical treatment whatever a lot  of reasons I don't think they they carved   the statues with molten Natron I think they  carved the granite to create waterglass to cast   a statue you hear this nonsense that gr is  is and destructable and the mock scale and   you do do a half an hour experiment and and  grain it just falls apart so the mainstream   explanation is is ridiculous metal SM metal  yeah metal smelting but if you go in the back   look in the background there is this pile of  whitish whatever in the on the same in the   same picture here yeah I think it can be either  the the end product so water glass contaminate   with coal or the ingredients of this smelting  nron plus charcoal so your theory that they   use some kind of a mold and they made these  precise um statues with this technique with   the water glass using some ash yeah yeah as you  can see in a the color is different depending on   the Ash and and the qualities are different and  there is a strange P tree called Stone Pine and   it's in the mediterraneum I don't think you need  a mold because it hardens so fast you don't need   it if you watch closely the stones in Peru you  can see that they use some kind of wooden boards   just to keep the the material for a few minutes  and remove the boards and that's it no [Music] M so we are here in Budapest Hungary and uh  this is a new studio it's a rented Studio   that's why the background and everything  has changed uh and I'm here with Marcell Fóti 40 um I met with your work on X or Twitter and  I really wanted to talk about this um Granite   melting and etching which is basically the  focus of your work mhm and um your website is Natron yeah so I walked  through on that website and it was quite   interesting how you can explain the scoop marks  in Egypt for example and um maybe we should walk   through your your website and you can explain  I first I really would like to know who are you   and uh why you started this investigation  and and how this entire Journey started   um so okay thank you thank you for the  invitation and what uh how how to start okay so this whole story started a year ago uh no it  started before covid because the I used to be   an IT guy and I had an IT company which I sold  in 2020 and then I had a lot of free time and   resources to to go around the globe and traveling  and then Co hit and and the the lockdowns followed   and basically I I couldn't travel obviously so  I started to travel online and this is the way   I run into the these these mistbuster guys like  ban with unchs and Jeffrey drum with the what   was the name of this land of Cam land of Cam  yeah and uh and uh after a while I I thought   I could do something I cannot travel but I can  do the same as Jeff did to select a mystery and   solve it solve the mystery by sitting at home  and clicking and why not and I selected the   scoop marks basically randomly it was just a nice  mystery to solve with an official explanation   which is totally stupid it's out of this world  it's so you're referring to the pounding Stone   pound yeah yeah yeah if if you think about it  the the the official explanation is that you   are pounding the the bottom of the depressions  yeah instead of hitting the ridges and poof   create much more impact so hitting the bottom of  of these pits is is just stupid I was there and   I tried to use this pounding Stone in the Quarry  and you don't have enough space to to speed up the   stone I mean you can imagine 100 people doing the  same next to each other but you don't have enough   space to move that stone with with the right force  with the right speed so it's just just funny and   if I'm if I'm not mistaken um a few years back  before you entered the Quarry you had to watch   kind of a propaganda video about how yeah should  I Heard done yeah it's funny imprinting okay so I   I choose this one and uh I have a good friend  who is as crazy as me and uh first of all I   checked how Granny is uh how how modern people  working with granite what what tools they are   using to to cat Granite just to cut it in half  or something and I was shocked that they are   using plain water no abrasive nothing just just  just water jet tap water and I thought that tap water uh so can I build a machine to reach that  pressure that we can reach in the 21st century   can I build that machine with caveman tools  only to have this I can't remember very well   a thousand bars bar or something and just use the  water jet to create the the scoop marks yeah and   I asked one of my friends to to help me to create  this huge Flintstone machine from wood and stones   and leather and copper I don't know and he was  he's crazy but he was smart enough to tell me   that he have he he would help me to create this  machine only if I watch this video where somebody   is telling that he and uh how was it he he knew he  knew the secret of of the pyramid stones and that   the pyramid stones are artificial so if I look  that video and I I still want to build this giant   machine then we will build this giant machine and  we watched that video and the guy uh did the The   Impossible he said he told that he has this piece  of Stone from the Great Pyramid and he put it in a   a bowl of boiling water and and the stone the  pyramid Stone just fall apart and we were just   sitting there it was a limestone look right RM  yeah that's Limestone and this is a Hungarian   YouTuber by the way that you you can check him  yeah yeah and we were just sitting there and and   thought that this this this is something next  level if it's true uh and this and the other   thing I turned into chemicals is that is that  reaching this high pressure with water requires   a 1000 m High column of water or something  like this so it's close to Impossible and the   these two let me switch to chemicals which I  knew nothing about because as I told you I I   used to be it guy so basically nothing just I  I I knew what T tit tition titration titration   means because I make wine at home I'm a secret  wine maker but that's it nothing else that's cool and sorry uh What uh field of it were  you in what what did you do training training   basically I had an IT training company okay  let this Flintstone machine behind and let's   try with chemicals but we all know that most of  the chemicals cannot do any harm to Granite most   of the acids most of the alkaly it it's fule to  to try you don't try it because it's so hard as   as as uh all these all these guys telling us on  YouTube it's eight on the mock scale or something   yeah it's very hard it's undestructible it's not  undestructible but it's quite hard compared to   the Limestone and sandstone and these but there  is this my that you you cannot do anything with   with chemicals I started to to investigate  the composition of granite it's not uh it's   not a single material it's a composite and I  found out that the glue the bonding so the the   glue of granite is quartz yeah and then I I I  started to investigate how to decompose quartz   and this was that led me to natur I found it  online that n molon nron will dissolve quartz   which basically means M nron dissolves any kind  of volcanic Stones because all of them has the   same glue it's quartz CO2 and I tried to do it  to I and I tried to etch a piece of granite at   home and I was very very lucky because my very  first try was successful what I did is I put   some car charcoal in a grill chimney you know  this when you light the charcoal on the bottom   I put a tin can in it I put the piece of granite  and some spoons of nron into the tin can put the   rest of the charcoal around it light it up let it  burn down and when I open the tin can the granite   the piece of granite was badly edged first try  this where do you get the naturon from oh it's   it's it's in a it the the the first batch was  from my wife she had some amount of nrum because   of some washing project or something I don't  know so it's freely available in any pharmacy   basically yeah you don't even need a pharmacy  maybe no it's in the hardware shops because the   next batch a big big uh uh box of N I bought in  a hardware store so it's freely available it's cheap so and and being successful for the first  try is a curse because I wasn't able to recreate   these scoop marks ever since so it it it works  in theory it works in vitro it works in a grill   chimney but I I couldn't you couldn't skate it up  yet yeah still yeah because of stupid mistakes I   know a lot of stupid mistakes because of of of  the thinking of the mod man uh one problem is   that uh the nrum we buy is not it's the chemically  it's the same that you find in Egypt but basically   it's it's a fine OD so you if you use a compressor  to heat up the the charcoal you just blow away the   nron and you are heating up the big nothing MH  this kind of stupid things so I I'm sure I will   create I will be able to create a successful  uh scoop Mark by following the the old recipe   the old formula which was found some member  of this this community because there is a   mual called Tombo freak Meer and in that mual  there is a clear description how to do it maybe   we should walk through your web page maybe it's  easier yes yeah it's there there is a list of   things ancient Egyptians use n for like mic wash  washing mumification drying food medical treatment   whatever a lot of reasons so it was a widely known  chemical resource in Egypt and abundant yes yeah   yeah so modern day archaeologist know about this  so it's it's a well-known thing that they use   Natron or it's a kind of a not very noticed e  good question I don't know they they I I think   they neglect it so they nected yeah yeah so it's  not it was used yeah not important next question   so basically they know the the role of n but  they don't think it's it's so important than it is and yeah and and this is this  is where I I insist on trying   nron in in every form I I'm sure they tried it  with water without with pile without in every   combination what this material can do why not  and there's a proof dated it if you go down just   a little bit these yeah the the stop these glass  beads are the proof that they they tried nron heat   in heated form because glass is not nothing guys  than nron plus Limestone plus sand that's it is   that possible to use purely sand for glass to Cle  glass oh I I don't yeah I I think you need much   higher temperature to do that so they if if you  add natron to the mix the temperature can go down   to this 851 de C and and I see and so it's  lowering the melting point of the of the mix   right yeah and basically if if they created glass  bits then they then they heated up natron to to   the 851 de C for sure it's not a question but is  it proven that they used the Natron for glass or   is just a theory because if it's not proven then  we it's kind of a weak point right but this this   kind of glass is called nrum glass ah okay okay  okay I didn't know that I was just asking because   I didn't know that yeah yeah you have to check  it on Wikipedia what naturum glass is basically   every window glass is nron glass so even today  we are using a lot of nron to create window glass should we go further yeah next one it yeah  this is the explanation of glass okay and it's a joke yeah so you are kind of representing your  idea with these Domino style so yeah you think   that a lot of um so this is kind of House of Cards  where we can just prove that it's possible to melt   and to change the mechanical properties of granite  with with this technique and then lot of mystery   and conspiracy thing will fall apart or I hope  so that's why you representing this like a doo   yeah yeah first and the second is that this is so  wide now and I I didn't want newcomers to to get   lost it's like an Ikea there is a one way yeah  to go and you you cannot go here and there and   back and forth and tell that oh it's it's it's  ridiculous it's not true you have to go through   the the main points before judging that's why  it's it's created this way this Domino style   yeah so here you are representing that there are  some acids like Hy hydrofluoric hydrochloric acid   can the the the granite yes but it's quite  dangerous and very hard to maintain yeah yeah   they they they keep it in a plastic bottle  but I I don't think ancient Egyptians had   plastic bottles so you cannot store it in metal  containers you cannot store it in uh in a vase   or in a in a in a glass container it's a room  temperature liquid and it's a challenge to to   even store it and the next problem is that if  you touch it you can basically die because it   it somehow creates a short circuit in your body  or something and and it it can cause heart attack   even if you just touch it so it's it's it's  terrible okay weird hey that's weird yeah yeah   but they actually I I run into it when I was uh at  the University uh doing a my spectr spectrometry   analysis of my pyramid Stone and they decomposed  the this piece of stone with this hydrlc acid so   it's in use in the 21st century but not in the  past no and then Here Comes naturon This these   are the properties it's a white powder blah blah  blah what is important that ancient Egyptians had   immense amount of nature from where from  v n the name of the village is still the same and this is the name body naturum where the  name from natrium or sodium is coming and and this   Village is near Cairo in the desert and and this  is a this this used to be a salty lake and when   it dried out uh it left nron on the surface in in  quantities so it's it's a lot and how how can you   get it out from this solution because if there's  a lake still inside it's kind of a solution of   some but okay but the the when the lake dries out  it's not a solution anymore it's it's precipitated   on the around the lake yeah but in the Egyptian  times probably it was Lake still and also in in   your in your um uh tomb Chapel depiction of how  they creating these scoop marks we will see that   they are kind of using or some pouring out some  water or collecting some water from the lake or   something it's it's on the depiction there's  a lake and trees all around right but it's   it's in in a different there there are levels  on this mual and the this this Lake and the   guy doing something with the water is is in a  different cartoon okay so it's not connected   to the nature I don't I don't know if if if we  tried to read this as a cartoon that you have   to jump back and forth I don't know that that's  that can be a I don't know honestly we check it   because how can they how can they get out the  nron from the lake or I mean probably it's kind   of um they couldn't mine it right so it was  not possible to mine it was just a remained   on the dried out lake side yeah but it happens  every summer so if we if you can go to the map   I can show you why Hungary is a nron Empire so  Hungary has big nron sources resources still   still used to be used to have and I can show  you uh these salt lakes near catch C in Hungary   in Hungary yeah these are the salty lakes  here so you can turn in turn the satellites   yeah and zoom in again somewhere here this is  the a series of nron leges go in go in zoom   in zoom in Zoom zo zo zo zoom and this is how  nature looks like in summertime when the lake   no no no up this is not the white one that that  this it's it's it's actually it's precipitating   yeah that that's it you see so how do you collect  it by hand and that's it when there is no more   water there it's summer time basically it's  a seasonal thing that the these leges produce   Natron yeah I'm just thinking that if they use  Natron for all these things which they built   with granite then they must have a very very huge  am yeah endless amount is is good enough but but   these sites do have endless amount of nature it  can be quite thick and there are several leaks   as you can see here have you ever made any kind  of calculation how much nron would you need for   one scoop Mark I don't know no not really  but having these legs I don't think it's a problem it shouldn't be a problem even today  and and this is Hungary and is not this is not   what nature this is this is a lake a cities  of lakes nobody knows about it's not a high   yield n producing site it's just interesting so  let's go back to the website so yes we have the   N yeah and and this is my very first try to to  etch the granite and it I was quite surprised   it was so easy so out of this world you hear  this nonsense that GRE is undestructible and   the mock scale and and you do do a half an hour  experiment and and grainy just falls apart it's   was very surprising yeah I think the the mo scale  is important for this aspect just to get an idea   how hard is it to work with yeah right I and I  didn't say that mo mo is not precise it's it's   very valuable but in a sense it's irr irrelevant  when you at the stone who cares you you just   decompose the chemical bonds and it's not it's  it's not on the mo scale anymore because it's not   graned anymore but the the color of it actually  it's quite quite different from those which you   can see in us one uh which one uh The Edge part  yes the edge part is is yeah but the greens are   Reddish because I have I have the grain from  this so I I I'm not sure why is it so gray   here the the greay are has a has a yellow uh red  red redish color the the remove part mhm yeah it   looks strange okay so etching is possible we  can change the physical properties if you go   up if you go up there is this is the this is the  very same red granite up there yeah the blue one   and you see this this etching is blue this is the  very same Stone but uh hydr Floric acid no no no   it's Natron it's nron it was Ed in a Kil  not not in my uh Grill chimney but I I took   bring it to caramist and put it in his big K  doing the same and as you can see it turned real and all of your exp how how many  times did you make these etching on the   granite uh weekly so it's your weekend  project yeah it's a weekend project   um and every time it's this colorless mine no  it's not like this it it's a the the soft part   has been removed on this one so it's not like it  it looks like it was edged MH it's a there is a   yellowish half hard foam on it and this is when  the foam was removed and that foam is the water   glass we are producing and that's get back to  that one yeah all right okay but um so it's   it's the clean I cleaned it with the toothbrush  and then after cleaning it like looks like this   okay because the as one Quarry is what I have  seen there it's nothing like this in terms of   the color yeah I I don't think it's a problem  you you you can give some thousands of years to   for the weather to remove this layer this is soft  again and you can and you will get to the the the   green part easily the the red part oh the red  part yeah Green part would be very interesting sorry yeah and um so you're saying that after  this etching you can basically modify carve it   cut cut it easily more easily hit it with  a pounding Stone and it's reasonable to   hit it with a pounding Stone because you  have the the the semi hard water glass on   the surface you have to crush out and it will  be crushed there's a layer of water glass on   this and in the pit and to remove the water  glass it's highly reasonable to hit it with   a di di Stone and to hit the bottom of the  pit because the water glass is there [Music] mhm it's it's it's a bit deceiving water glass can   be a solution but in this case it's it's  a hard substance after itching it's not a liquid and this is when I pour pour some  [ __ ] nature onto to the surface of the   granite and it will not Edge to Granite because  the heat drop so drastically that there is no   chance that it it could Edge this way so  you have to maintain the heat yes uh for   how long approximately or or how could if it's  not working like this no it's not working then   how could the old people do this okay it's on  it's on the murial so if you put a charcoal   on the surface of the granite and naton on the  surface of the granite and you are maintaining   the fire and with food Bellows and you you give  extra air because if you if you use air charcoal   can go up to 1,200 de C easily it's not a problem  yeah I did that experiment it's quite with the   compressor compressor yes I just posted it today  that the main problem with the compressor that   it will blow away the nrum from the surface so  you are watching the big nothing what happened   but the the Bellows won't blow it away uh  I mean no not the Ancient One the ancient   one is not this fine powder it's it's a it's  from grees yeah and yeah as it precipitates   it's uh how to say it's small pieces yeah  grains or yeah fractions or yeah pieces it's funny that two Hungarian guys are  talking in English and trying to guess a word okay so you have the molten nron and you can  Edge the granite yeah and you think they used it   for the statues and other volcanic rocks as well  to formulate and to carve and and uh uh okay this   etching process is not br prous you cannot  tell nron where to go so I I don't think they   they carve the statues with M Nation I think  they car the granite to create water to cast   the statue okay okay because if you try to tell  natum where to go you will fail because it will   go wherever it wants no no I meant softening  the the volcanic rock types for the for the   statues and then just carve the statues it's  not softening it it's not soft it's not the   same Stone anymore it's it's yeah it's softer but  it's not the same Stone anymore there's a chemical   reaction going down and and the end result is  not the volcanic rock anymore you you just you   are just removing the binder and you will end  up with a lot of grains so it's not it's not   the magical softening the stone and hardening  back no it's not it's decomposing the stone I see all right and here here we are with the  scoop marks by the way I I've never been in   Egypt but can you see on the in the first  picture the the the slight color difference   of the unfinished aisk it's it's a kind of  greenish grayish compared to the surrounding   Stones so how can it be the same Stone if it  has this different color from a certain angle   if you are on the surface you cannot see this  but yeah I couldn't see this on the surface   yeah but from a drone this is what you can see  there is a certain uh angle and a certain light sunlight I don't know how to express so it's it's  not visible all the time but there is a lucky   period when you can see that it has a different  color in different light conditions it it gives   you a different color or colored picture or  something all right but if you just look at   the side of the OB and the side of the the pit  they say that this this is the same material but   the one is grayish the other one is yellowish how  is it possible how is it possible it doesn't have   to be the same I mean it's the Bedrock probably  there it doesn't have to be the same color in   every aspect so the grate is also changing its  color through different layers but yeah it's uh   it's interesting yeah it's it's very strange but  I couldn't see that grayish part which you had   after the the edging I couldn't see I I don't  think it's a problem because so many years went   by so erosion could easily remove that that gray  part and you will end up with the the original   Stone and what kind of surface pattern or Texture  would you expect after this um grayish edged part   is removed by erosion scoop marks scoop what  what kind of you can you could see still the   the crystal uh parts of the granite or right after  etching it yes I mean after you remove the eroded   etched part how how does it look like what does  it look like yeah it's it's like normal Granite uh   no you can clearly see something has  happened you cannot remove uh all the   decomposed material with the magic  one so you can see that it's it's   damaged mhm and but I don't I don't think  this this damage part will be there after   several Millennia so you and at the end you  will end up with basically the the unach the granes at the bottom of the scoop marks  as well what I did see in as one that was also   interesting that some parts of the Quarry had  flexible layers of granite so you could walk on   and it was on the stone and you could basically uh  rip off some a layer thicker layers uhhuh of the   Quarry basically I think it's heat it's  just just simple heat heating Granite   will remove lers even in my experiments  so yeah when I when I tried to heat up   a slab of a granite slab to a th000 Dees uh  huge parts of the Granite was liberated mhm yeah and um you can also see in for example in on  the Giza Plateau um in the valley temple in front   of the the pyramids next to the to the Sphinx  that um basically they have or they use some kind   of granite blocks where you can see that the the  outer layer is eroded much differently it's like   like uh when a snake is removing its skin or  something like that so the outer layer of the   gr different and it's changed but in a different  way it's like crumbling or something obviously   not two Granite are the same and different kind  of erosions could happen and all this stuff but   it's interesting would you think that it's  it's kind of a byproduct of this technology   uh when you are ready with the etching and  you produce some water glass the next step   is use that water glass and to cast stone stone  and casting uh is prone to the mixing procedure   you use so these kind of layered and here  and there eroded granits slabs or statues   yeah can be explained with casting because if  you do a bad mix that will result in a bad Stone   it's that easy so you are mixing mixing some  mix is okay next one is no because the uh the   workers were drunk or I don't know whatever  and you are just mixing different quality   artificial Gran yeah we will come back to the  casting but um it's just interesting to see that   um those kind of granite blocks had a very weird  erosion on their outer layer um okay so you said   you couldn't reproduce the scoop marks yet yeah  but I will because everything is it's working   in vro to to say something scientific so there is  a scientific proof it it's working and I can heat   up the granite laab in open air to 100 1, 100° no  problem and then this is a fresh realization that   the modern day n nrum powder is just too light  if you use a compressor it will just flow away   and you are matching with nothing uh and this  this realization is is a week old or two weeks   old so because some whenever it whenever I fail  I don't give up but my mind starts searching for   explanations and after a while what let's try this  and I think it's it's a valid one that if you have   this this fine po and you blow it it will go away  and it's not there to to do the work and I when   when you put it in a thing can it's a different  experiment there is no moving air there is no   nothing that could uh ruin the experiment but when  you go to the to the Quarry and try to do it open   a all the conditions are different but there is  no such thing that something that works in vro   okay will not work outside in the Quarry why it  wouldn't the same Granite the same now it's not   the same nrum because mine is too too fine the  same heat it will be working it's just a lot   of experiment and and try and failure how do you  want to make it work easy I just created bigger   grains of nron already actually I created a a  big one like this like a soap and I told I told   the compressor blow this compressor so it will be  done it's just question of time and experimenting   but if you remove the nrum from the from the lake  from from where where it precipitates naturally   you will have this piece of nron it's not a powder  and it's I I think it's not a question that that   you put the charcoal give it the air and it will  Edge the granite but uh I would love to see that   part after remove these the the surface the  granite Surface after you remove the edged uh   layer Crush by by using a pounding Stone because I  I always use no whatever that's there whatever is   this when I washed it down but you cannot remove  more more of these I with the toothbrush no I use   the toothbrush remember because it's just the the  color is just so different and okay we can go on   and we can come back to this part so here you  are representing that it can be yeah that that   there is there is the water glass on it this the  yellowish this is the yellow this kind this time   it's it's yellowish it depends on the volcanic  Stone ingredients so it it basically that yeah   in this case it's it's a yellowish thing and  it's easy to crush with your fingers and if   you use a direct pounding Stone it's more even  more easy and if you crush that you you get the   the pure Granite again with the same rose color  H good question I was it down I didn't do that   I don't know I I I can't remember I can't recall  when I just crashed it and and look it what what   it looks like because because I don't know why  it was easier to wash it down but in need okay   okay it can be a modern day problem it was so  easy to wash it down the I washed it down but   if you are in the desert you have no water you  crush it you don't want you don't even try to   wash it with a lot of water because you don't  have a lot of water but I admit I never tried   to just crush it I I put it in water and washed it  down with and you are confident that the erosion   could remove this grayish layer yeah yeah because  because the hardest tool I used was a toothbrush remember MH okay so basically you Pro that it can  be with um ancient tools you can chemically modify   granite and you can chemically it chemically  decompose that's a better word here we can see   this method here yeah theber yes yeah and this is  the lake you you were talking about yeah that was   the lake I was and the guys etching the the floor  above above this leg and and there's a line there   so it's a different phase so here we can see that  according to you probably it's the the etching   process where they are yeah yeah gr yeah on the  left there are two guys hitting the floor and the   official explanation that they are smelting they  are smelting metal copper or something if you go   a little bit down just a few CM few inches sorry  yeah you can see the two guys using food Bellows   with uh strings because they didn't invent the  iron yet so they didn't have the string string to   push it back so they are just using the string and  they and they hitting the the metal on the floor   which is at least questionable which is white no  I think the bluish thing is is is is the metal I   don't know but I mean if if it's white then it's  quite similar to the Natron yeah it's it's it   looks like Natron anyway but imagine this you are  melting the copper on the floor it doesn't make   any sense and then what so basically you end up  with a puddle of copper and then what so I don't   think it's it's reasonable but if they are hitting  the floor Flor yeah so it's quite funny that   it's it's a so the mainstream explanation is is  ridiculous metal metal yeah metal smelting but if   you go in the back look in the background there is  this pile of whitish whatever in the on the same   in the same picture here yeah in the background  yeah and the black one I think it can be either   the the end product so water glass dominated with  coal or the ingredients of this smelting nron plus charcoal one of the two and then when then when  they Edge the the granite on the floor you we   can go back to the the big the bigger up up there  uh they also use some kind of boiling process or   something and one of the guys on X told us  that they are cleaning the water glass can   you see those small raises and they are pouring  something into those raises yeah on some slab yeah   on a something bigger rectangular something yeah  and I and I tried as as I told you I washed down   the water glass because I don't know this was my  idea to wash it down and I left it in in plastic   uh container ERS and after a while uh there are  some nron that is hasn't been used and this nron   precipitates on the top because nron does the same  all the time even it's a it's a salty lake or this   material it will go up to the top and precipitates  and yes using these vases you can remove the   uh the that part of nron that could be remain  intact because of the heating was not perfect   or something so those guys are cleaning the water  glass H probably so this is the collection of the   water glass with the vases also yeah this is  this is uh water glass in a in a solution it's   it's liquid now they washed it down they they  crushed it from I don't know where the crushing   phase is not here it's sad but they crushed it  and they uh dissolved it in water and they pour   this water glass solution into the Wes and wait  a few days for the the rest of the natrium to   come up and precipitate so it's not a it's not a  fast reaction which one or when you have the the   water glass coming out of the Granite basically  uh the hard dry water glass uh it it goes into so   no we are no we are it can be fast we are waiting  for the nron to go on the top because nron is not   needed it's just uh it's not activated so you you  use some amount of nron for the etching and what   if some of the the nron do not Edge the stone so  the excess nron excess NR let's call it excess N   Flow up yeah and it will because it's a solution  by then it will go on the top and precipitates   so it will look like Natron uh water glass nothing  grains Granite grains Granite grains yeah okay mhm   so my interpretation was that they are using or  uh heating up the Natron there with the Bellows   and then they are putting they are holding the two  guys are holding with probably some some rods or   some handles I don't know some wood or whatever  they are holding these these something in the   middle which is pro probably heated up and then  they are pouring my my interpretation was that   they pouring the the smelted nron on on the this  block into the vases somehow and then they are   collecting the water glass which no the water  glass is created in step one when you heat up   the floor and the nron reaches 851 Dees like back  to the Back to the Future when the speed hits 88   miles so when you it was a joke when you heat it  up to 851 degrees it will do its work in the first   phase and aches the floor actually the floor  but how can you be so sure that it's a granite floor I I couldn't see any granite okay  they are they are smelting something but   the very important part that what they  are using for this it's not depicted on   the picture I couldn't see the the obelis or  granite or whatever is so here there is only   something on the floor but this is supposed  to happen on the granite itself if I'm not   mistaken yeah but this this is a very tiny slab of  granite they are not depicting uh bigger Stones I   had no problem that they are not standing on a  hill because what what they are using they are   etching the surface and for me that line is a  Surface I I had no problem with this to depict   ah I see so you needed that that huge block there  to be a h huge block yeah so okay so that's why   I thought that block there is the granite and  they are putting these phases on it no it's not   working no no because whatever they are putting  it in here it's not hot enough if they are they   can pour it it's not hot enough easy you've  seen my molon nrum pouring onto the granite   SL and nothing happens because of the heat is  escaping so fast no you need this Amber and charcoal what's that Heap heap of Amber and  heap of charcoal to to heat up the the surface   of the Granite the the other on the other  side these guys with the vases no it's not   working when I saw your uh molten n experiment  where you poured it on the granite I thought   it's the same here but it's not working  because the heat is dissipating yeah yeah okay it only works when the molten nron  finds the the CO2 silicon deoxide right away mhm and it and then there is a strange  chemical reaction because at the end   of the day w we didn't talk about the  the chemical composition of nron it's   na2 CO3 and water glasses ne2 SE O3 so  the coal was replaced with silicon mhm   and that's the reaction and it has to be be  done immediately when nron gets this heat and   melted it it will look for this replacement  silicon and grab it out from everything mhm and the last one yeah food Bellows yeah and  you think that these are the same witness marks on   on the yeah I think those are scoop marks  Stonehenge and all these sides yeah yeah yeah yes yes what are these Granite it doesn't matter if  it's Limestone that's a different story but until   it's volc rock containing silicon as a binder  yes mhm okay so what's the next Domino what's   the next Domino ah and we are here casting with  the geop we are here with the with the result   basically the byproduct of this process yeah yeah  light the waste product which is not waste at all   but the main ingredient of geopolymers and it  was you discovered this first or immediately   after doing this etching experiment that this can  be used for something uh which left off yeah that   was a when I realized that the end result is  this water glass I was in shock because I knew   something about geopolymers this is the concrete  without Portland cement this is the concrete of   the future this is the concrete of the universe  because you you cannot build anything on the   surface of the Moon or on the surface of the Mars  if you need Portland cement which needs Limestone   which needs life which needs oceans it's it's  impossible and and bringing Portland cement to   the Mars is just stupid but geopolymer is kind  of a concrete that can be created locally with   local materials and when I realized that the end  of the etching process is water glass I was in   shock because I knew it's for stone making we  know it's for stone making nowadays nowadays   yeah but we have no proof that they used it  also in the in Antiquity uh if you are looking   for a proof you have to change the stone analyzis  science all together uh how how can you tell that   the stone is artificial and if you look this the  analyis to one by one all of them are it's hard   it's a strong word to say it's useless but  close to useless for example I brought my   pyramid Stone into the university for  mass spectrometry and at that point I   learned that M spectrometry cannot see  some materials only the most important   ones cannot be seen in in the results of the  must spectrometry like hydrogen oxygen coal   silicium or silica these tools cannot see that  and there is a handheld device which you can use for example in Egypt you  go to to a a Gran statue and   you push it this enter device it's called xrf xray I don't know the F but fluoresence xray  fluoresence so it's fluoresence dating basically   no it's not dating telling what's what's  the composition of the stone to tell it's   if it's if it's artificial or not and and this  tool is like M spectrometry it just cannot see   hydrogen hydrogen oxygen coal silica so you  have these analyzis tools you cannot see the   most important atoms of this Stone oh it's  a long story it's a different podcast but anyway uh you cannot decide with modern photo  or mass spectrometry yeah actually they they   use they have to use an an assumption they call it  a calibration they calibrate the tool to to tell   them what's in the material you have to decide  pre-decide what you will see because it's half   blind so if you pred decide that your stone is  natural and you use this tool calibrated for a   natural stone it will tie you with natural and  if you don't have a calibration for artificial   Stones as you don't have you will never have  a result that it's artificial have you talked   about this with geologists yes yeah what we I have  a geologist friend and he told me that they don't   use this modern chili Wily stuff at all they use  how to say bloody old technology to to Define what   the stone is like hammering it and measuring it  and boiling it and measuring how much water gets   in and evaporating the there is always water in  these Stones it's just the the the amount of water   that's can be very small and and different  so they use kind of caveman analyzes tools   no not tools at all to tell what's in a stone  because the 21st century analyzis tools are half blind so where this water glass LED you  to the geopolymers yeah yeah yeah I knew   I knew already that people yeah it's 3D  painting a house with geopolymer I I think   it's stupid to 3D anyway they are using it  with with a giant 3D printer to print How uh   homes uh and actually what's what's really  interesting that this uh water glass will   crystallize everything if you go up just a little  bit there is a oh here we are this colorful   picture uh in elementary stool we school we had a  chemistry teacher showing this phenomenon that he   pour some uh metal oxides and other materials into  a water glass liquid and it doesn't matter what he   was pouring in it it crystallized like this like  these random trees so water glass is is a strange   material crystall crystallizing everything but  if you give give it aluminium or aluminium oxide   it will crystallize it to a he Stone and and  that was the point I was thinking about what   ancient material can have aluminum oxide in  it to create a stone because these modern   days geopolymers are created with a modern day  material water glass plus so-call metacholine   and okay I found metacin in Egypt it's another  story but first I tried to replace this metac   Colin thing to something ancient and still  create a stone with water glass so you have   a lot of water glass after the etching process  and and you are there as a caveman or ancient   Egyptians and looking at it and try to  mix it with s things I guess why not how   to discover glass try to mix something mix mix  things so you have this water glass thing and   you mix it with this and that and this and that  and oops one of your mix will turn into a stone   what can it be and I I didn't know what's in a in  a in a wood Dash who knows nobody knows it's dirt   it's just a great dirt Woodes but it turned out  that it's it's different for every plant first   of all and it contains metal oxides a lot of  and different and by the way I have this these   samples here these are my cast stones and the  color difference is only because I use different   kind of Wes this one is tuya I don't know it's  in English but I think it's tuya tuya is tuya   and it's quite white it's almost like Limestone  but it's not it's a geopolymer tuya tuya is tuya   yeah this this one I can't remember exactly  but I think it's it's Redwood and the last one is I think this is the the Norway spruce so these  are all kind of pine trees PE pine trees because   now in when I try to cast the stone I failed  miserably for months because I didn't know which   kind of plants has aluminum in it and I asked the  biologist to tell me which plant has Alum because   I knew that we need aluminium oxide to create  a stone which Wes had aluminum and he told me   explicitly that none of these because aluminium is  a poison for plants so they try to avoid to pick   it up from from the ground and when a biologist  tells you this every same P person will stop with   the experimenting but I'm not saying so I went  because it's it's a strange story I I had this   information that no plant is picking up aluminum  and from the other side I had an information that   uh how to say this when when they cut cut the the  pine trees for to create Building Material it's a   so meal or something like this I don't know the  yeah they had a problem with pine trees because   of Blade yeah it because the aluminium content is  eating the blades so you have two uh equal facts   Fact one no plant will pick up aluminium and Fact  Two Pine trees are eating the the blade because   of the aluminium so I didn't stop and went to  try to to burn all kind of uh pine trees and   the result is a stone absolutely so this is the  result of the of the the water glass plus mixed   with Ash and that's it and that's it that's it  and you basically did you create the water glass   by etching by etching the granite no I was lazy  I was lazy I bought it in a liquid form because   it's much more easier and much more abundant so  to to cast these Stones I had I would have atch I   don't know how much Granite so so no it's a it's a  game stopper for me to burn to Ed so much Granite   to have so much water glass to play with it so but  are you planning on trying to create I would like   to create the whole circle absolutely absolutely  I I I have water glass from etching Granite but   it's not it's just a small amount because I'm  matching this this small piece of granites   and you also and you will have some a few grams  of water glass with one etching ground in this   in this uh Grill chimney so it's minimal mhm  but you can buy it in The Harvard Store in   quantities and do it so your theory that they  use some kind of a mold and they made these   precise um statues with this technique with the  water glass using some ash yeah yeah as you can   see the color is different depending on the Ash  and and the qualities are different and there is   a strange pine tree called Stone Pine and it's in  the mediterraneum and I I I never try I I didn't   have stone Pine Ash so I I had I didn't have  the possibility to try it but I think if if if   something is the right ingredient for a stone  it must be the stone Pine because it's a local   Pine and because it's it has this strange  name that it's a stone Pine to answer your question casting it did okay so okay casting a ways can be tricky because  no I wasn't talking about the wayes yet I was   talking about the statues okay statues the same  depending on the vodes the chemical reaction can   be so fast that you you don't have time to to  make Corrections you don't have to remove the   bubbles because it's that fast for example the  the Norway spruce I think it this one hardens so   fast that I have a massage massage gun to remove  the to use vibration to remove the bubbles and   in one occasion I left the mass massage gun in  another room cast the guy and I just realized   the massage gun in the in the other room I rushed  there and back but it was too too late it was so   hard the bubbles didn't come out so uh depending  on the buddh you can have a very fast or a slow   reaction and and this can this is this is a  definitive difference so when you cast a bigger   Stone like like a wall a rock in the wall I don't  think you need a mold because it hardens so fast   you don't need it if you watch closely the stones  in Peru you can see that they use some kind of   wooden boards just to keep the the material for  a few minutes and remove the boards and that's   it no m in Peru you think they did the same with  the with those polygonal masonry yeah I I I very   much think so because of the the several uh signs  and and visual proof that those stones were not   carved uh I have a bunch of pictures showing a  lot of a lot of strange things in Peru which can   be easily explained if the stones were cast but  it's out of this world it's if it's it's if it's   carved did you you know that there are stones  that has Stones inside so the same erosion you   said happened in Egypt could happen with this one  if it's a bad mix and it turns out that the stone   has a stone inside because they just cast poured  around this material so they tried to spare the   material so they started with big rocks natural  rocks and just play doed around with this material   and there are Stones where you can clearly see  it it's it's up on the surface now because of   some problems with the with the mixing and  you can see this phenomenon the stone in the   stone and this is just one example but uh  if you go back to the statues in Egypt uh   the first thing which is bugging me that how  would you recreate the the granite uh texture   all right after the etching you have two things  water glass and the original Granite grains and   in this Cube I used a filler it's graval it's it  so it's much much weight it has much more weight   than than these guys because it has a filler it's  not just water glass plus Woodes but water glass   plus wood Das plus gravel and and you can use  these or original billion years old Granite grains   as a filler to back it to to put it back so this  texture can easily easily be reached by reusing   the grains you ended up when finish the etching  why not but after that they need the polishing   because those grains are yeah of course I'd like  to polish this one for example with with the grow   in it have you ever polished one no no this this  is a fresh idea I'm learning this stuff not being   not not a chemist not a Mason I'm just an IT guy  so this is a fresh idea I need some of these to   to get polished so the statues yeah so you can  put back the Grays no problem the problem is that   that this color this is a whatever you do if you  use Wes it will be a grayish color or black this   this one is a outlier but most of them are just  just gray how can you create a red stone and I   I if you go back to the GE not just red but  Granite like okay you put it put the grains   in it and it's Granite like I'm not so you need  to find a a redish binder and put the grains back   and and I told you the grains are red you you  fix fixated on the surface of the of my etching   it's it's grayish but the actual grains are red  which I removed with the toothbrush it's red MH so   you so so you need the red is binder and put the  original grains into the this binder and you have   the artificial Granite how do you find the binder  now the binder I think it's it's geopolymer again   but the modern style geopolymer from the past it's  very interesting so the the modern geopolymer is   created with water water glass plus metacin which  is just burnt Co in it which is just burnt clay uh   it's oversimplification but it's burnt clay water  glass plus burnt clay will give you a geopol and   then I started that's how they do it today that's  how they do it today and I started to investigate   whether coow init is available in Egypt at all  because if they have cow init in Egypt they could   burn it why not they burned everything why not  and they could create metacone modern day metac   Coline by burning the coal in it and they end up  with the modern geopolymer reddish color and put   the original Granite grains in it and you are  ready it's the artificial red granite and guess   what there is a place in Egypt where you can fly  find cowlin it on the surface next to the cories   really yeah it's in asan it's in asan and this  is is supposed to be giving this Rose granite   color to the I don't I hope I found an Egyptian  web page showing this metac Coline and I tried   to ask a sample but they didn't answer so I don't  know but if we check it on the web you will find   that page that they are selling this metac Colin  and if I remember what it's pink pink it's pink   mhm so you will end up with a pink binder and you  put the original Granite grains in it andam and   what about the waines you can see the veins the  C veins yeah I created veins which I didn't bring it one of them contains sugar this one it's it's  not a rain yet but something strange happened   it had uh color different differences in the stone   you see can you see them and I  guess you can have veins in the mixture either deliberately or by mistake  because the original veins are there   as a mixing error it's a mixing error but we  can make a mixing error as well not not not   not only nature creates mixing error have  you compared the the mechanical properties   of stone like this so I'm just curious if it  will be the same the same heart to to carve   or something like normal Granite okay I admit I  never created I didn't close the C Circle yet so   I didn't create artificial Granite that's why I  didn't try it I have this amount of uh reddish   red grenade grains waiting for me to to create  a reddish binder and put it together and and and   create because if this stone is kind of the same  it's I having the same mechanical properties like   the stone in Peru it's a per Peruvian Stone then  it can kind of explain and how they would be able   to do that but what I was missing from from your  website that how can this could look like those   statues in Egypt this way the using the modern  the metac Coline way and I admit I didn't get   any metacolm from Egypt and I bought two big  bags of metacin in Hungary and they are just   dead they they do not do the chemical reaction I  need so I ended up I need to import some metacin   from the United States or something because  at at the moment I have only dead metacin so   I had I I created so much experiences and all  failed with modernday metacin it's a modern   day geopolymer I lost my face that modern  day geopolymer even exists because I I'm   I can easily create Inca Stone and I unable to  create a modern geopolymer that's crazy how is it possible so I'm I'm waiting so what's your  general overview they made the school marks as we   discussed but is everything cust or is everything  molded in Egypt I I don't think so so mainly   because uh the long history of Egypt so uh if you  have a civilization that collapses several times   there are these intermediate periods in Egypt  and people forget everything and the civilization   reboots and starts to create the same thing that  that they see that their ancestor could do but   they don't know the technology they will do it the  hard way so I don't think everything is is cast I   I think that that there was a a a civilization  who knew the secret but so many civilization   and Kingdom collapses happened in Egypt that they  easily forgot the formula and after that they did   it by chiseling because there was no other way I  just found out that how hungarians forget the nron   I I posted it on on X it's it's very fascinating  because not only those Lakes but around seed sesek   and and those that words speaking Yeah Yeah and  and and the Glass Factory was built on a nan   source which is I don't know the the lake no name  of the lake that is Salt Lake Salt Lake 7 kilm   from the Glass Factory and they don't use the Salt  Lake anymore and they don't use it for a 100 years   now be and because it's more than 100 years that  they don't use the nron the local nron everybody   forget it so is it possible to forget it in one  generation yeah if nobody does this we will forgot   it so this is the long answer that everything is  cast no what do you think about the the casing   stones of the pyramids oh that's Limestone which  is kind of shaved off with a abrasive tool uhhuh   it's visible on the M pyramid or a string or  a string when it was the problem with the St   with the string okay on the M it's not Limestone  it's it's kind of it's It's called Granite I don't   think it's Granite but the officially it's Granite  what do you think it is H what do you think it is   artificial stone you think it's it's a geopolymer  uh could be because it's very easy to to cut   it only with the with the string you don't need  anything you don't need heavy machinery to cut it   while it's soft I have a small fraction of that uh  Granite part I just wanted to show you that I have   seen the crystal inclusions in that stone right  and so the the the crystal kind of the crystal   structure you can see the crystal structure and  that's why it's I don't think that it could be   a a geopolymer but um maybe if you see the the  crystal itself so this looks like to me this is   from the same casing Stones MH looks like it's a  crystallized and like Granite I hope my artificial   Granite will look like like this because the  grains are the same and you just switch the quartz   binder to a aluminium silic binder and that's  it and you you will look at the same grains like   this oh beautiful grains what's the glue I don't  know mhm and uh if you can see the rectangular   crystals you think you can reproduce it with this  technique how large is this piece it's like this one I'm not a geologist so I don't know but I  have big hopes that it can be recreated as I   told you just glue it with a different glue it's  a glued material it's a composite material but   why why would I mean why did they use these  Rose Granite grains why why why that very   distant Granite grains from as one it's easy  for doing this geopolymer because they needed a I don't really understand why are asking this  if they find a way to recreate Granite then they   did it why not you you deliver the the water glass  to the site the casting site and you deliver the   grains to have the same look and feel why not I  mean if the properties the mechanical properties   remain the same so if is if it will be the same  hearstone yeah the same rigid block like when it's   why why don't you uh carve it and and deliver the  huge Stone this is the question no no no obviously   delivering the geopolymer is easier because you  can deliver it on on backs or somethin

2024-07-09 11:13

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