Amazing Secrets Hidden In Everyday Things - Part 7

Amazing Secrets Hidden In Everyday Things - Part 7

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they say you should always try to see the beautiful in the everyday but I'll bet you didn't realize just how many beautifully brilliant secrets are hidden in the items you use every day from classified cookie symbols to the reason green gummy bears aren't what you think here are some more amazing Secrets hidden in everyday things [Music] bus and patterns whether it's for work or school millions of us catch the bus every day and while you might prefer the view outside the window there's a bunch of interesting Secrets hidden right inside you might have noticed that even modern buses are home to seats that look like something out of a 90s fever dream while you're probably wondering who hurt the cursed designer who came up with these ghastly patterns the real reason for them is actually surprisingly gross the average public bus can see up to 2500 passengers come and go in just one day and while getting a seat can feel like striking gold it feels a little less comfortable when you consider all the things it's blade host to everything from greasy takeout bags to morsels of on-the-go burritos to sweaty tushes can end up leaving their mark on Buzz seats but these ugly patterns prevent you from even thinking about that the human eye is kinda easy to trick and can become quickly distracted by bright colors and outlandish patterns something public transport authorities know all too well the busy patterns trick commuter's eyes making it harder to notice filth and stains giving the appearance of a clean seat seriously once you realize just how dirty these seats are you'll think twice before racing to sit down while The Wheels On The Bus keep going round and round it seems the filth will also be along for the ride hidden behind some crazy patterns can truths the most annoying thing about aerosol cans is that you can never be quite sure how much product is left in them but some actually Harbor a secret way to find out how much spray is left so you'll never waste a drop if you're familiar with air fresheners like Febreze you probably always assume the spray cans were well metal cans but no beneath the metallic looking facade is a whole lot of see-through plastic and that's not all check this out the flat bottomed cap is purely there just to help Febreze bottles stand up and the real base is completely round designed in such a way that it makes it easier to release the final remnants of the product and it's not only air fresheners hiding some Fantastic Plastic Secrets plastic bottles are made by placing a plastic tube into a mold and blowing hot highly pressurized air inside until they reach their intended shape this molding process often includes restricting the base section to create a punt which allows the bottle to stand upright flat bottom bottles are often preferred as they require less plastic to make but this type of totally flat bottom doesn't work for all kinds of drinks you may not have noticed but instead of a flat-based plastic bottles for soda usually have some strange looking bumps on their base while you might think this is just a quirky design feature to make them look a little fancier than your run-of-the-mill water bottle these bumps serve a very specific purpose the pressure filled gas and carbonated drink bottles can actually exert enough Force to push a regular base outward and mess with the overall stability of the bottle to combat this these five bumps were added to the bottom of the bottles these allow the plastic to equally distribute the stress caused by the high pressure of the soda across several stronger points as bending a material often increases its strength and rigidity these five bumps also provide legs for the bottle to stand with so the next time you have fancy something fizzy be sure to drink to the engineers behind this marvelous design and this isn't the only soft drink that's hiding secrets in plain sight no crazy physics knowledge needed here but stabbing a strong through a Capri Sun gets even more satisfying when you realize the straw hole is perfectly in line to be the dot to the eye and Capri now we just need to find some T's to cross curious cookies since their shelf debut in 1912 more than 500 billion boxes of Oreos have been bought worldwide even so few people snap to analyze the appearance of an Oreo before stuffing it straight in their cookie hole but the humble Oreo pattern is double stuffed with hidden meaning the modern Oreo design was conceived in 1952 by long time Oreo engineer William turnier Williams major contribution to the existing design was to place a double struck cross on top of the circle encasing the name Oreo years went by without anyone paying much attention to this little addition until some Scamp on the internet realized that there might be a secret message etched into our most loved cookie some people believe that the symbols embossed on Oreo's exterior link the product to a mysterious group known as the Freemasons many Oreo observers have linked this two-bard cross to a symbol known as the cross of Lorraine a symbol synonymous with Masonic Society some folks believe the Freemasons secretly control governments around the world and that turnier's inclusion of the symbol must mean the tasty snack is just another form of influence over the populace but while I love a conspiracy theory this Theory seems to be nothing more than a load of cookie crumbs leading nowhere according to turnier's son Bill his father had zero involvement with remasonry what's more this circle topped with a two Bar Cross had been the logo for Oreo's parent company Nabisco long before tournier got a chance to put his personal stamp on the cookie face and while you may wonder whether Nabisco themselves may have had a Freemason influence it's important to note that the aforementioned symbol wasn't solely used by the Freemasons the Seal's Origins actually date back to monks who used it to sign off manuscripts in medieval times this symbol was a sign of craft that indicated that the monk who'd quelled the document had done the best they could and this seal of effort and quality served as a nice message for the nation's favorite cookie company however if you choose to believe there are Masonic undercurrents behind this widely loved treat you're absolutely entitled to after all in a free-thinking world that's just the way the cookie crumbles screen savior if you're old enough to remember the clunky old box computer screens of your you might have noticed that the screens you use daily have gone through some big changes most early computer monitors consisted of cathode ray tubes that fired electrons at substances called phosphorus which emitted red green and blue light creating the images seen on screen however if a CRT monitor shows the same image for too long the phosphorus in the brighter areas lose their ability to Glow so brightly leaving dimmer areas in the shapes of that image even when a new one is shown this phenomenon is known as screen burn-in and given that it physically changes the interior screen surface it can even be seen when the screen is turned off in 1983 programmers were so fed up with dealing with the dreaded burn-in and started brainstorming a solution this solution came in the form of moving image files aptly named screensavers that would automatically jump into action whenever your screen was idle for too long that's right screensavers are more than just a pretty face most of us assume them to be screen savers became a staple for every computer and there were thousands of designs created across the 1990s and early 2000s anyone else getting a super dose of nostalgia seeing all these old screensavers or am I just old it's not just computers that utilize this Nifty Tech and I can't be the only one who remembers the Osos satisfying bouncy DVD screensaver that's right hit that corner over time cathode ray tubes were replaced with liquid crystal display also known as LCT the more modern LCD screens we're used to now usually contain a feature called pixel shifting that ever so subtly shifts the image on your screen just enough to prevent burn in which without pixel shifting can still occur to a lesser extent so when you think back on the hours you spent agonizing over which screensaver to use know that while you probably were wasting your time you can rest easy knowing it was for something unexpectedly important to a penny nowadays it's becoming increasingly obvious that banknotes and coins are likely to be completely erased from everyday life eventually but if you'll join me as I cling on to the Past I'll tell you some pretty awesome secrets that you've probably forgotten are hiding right in your pocket in 1792 the U.S government ordered American money to be made using Gold Silver and copper gold was used in the 2.50 five dollar and ten dollar pieces the dollar half dollar quarter dime and half dime were composed of silver and the Cent and half cent were made of copper these coins were supposed to only contain enough matter to be worth their face value but at certain points in history this hasn't been the case in 1965 the price of gold and silver rose to such a point that the coins they made up were worth more for their metal content as opposed to the money in response to this the United States Mint made the decision to alter the way they make coins and that method has stuck to this day nowadays most coins produced by the U.S mint consist of what can only be described as a little metal sandwich in a modern quarter for example the outside layers are three-quarters copper and one quarter nickel while the filling is solid copper this cash sandwich is called a clad coin if you stop to take a look at the edge of a quarter you might just think you can see a bit of rust but what you're actually seeing is the copper filling peeking out from within kinda like an Oreo cookie for people with really strong teeth card sharp considering playing cards have been a magician's best friend since at least the 15th century it's no surprise the cards themselves have developed a few tricks up their sleeves next time you're playing poker stop to look at your cards in detail and you may notice some hidden secrets in a standard pack of cards the card backs are a symmetrical mirror image pattern that's exactly the same whichever way you look at them however some magicians prefer to use one-way designs that look symmetrical at first but on closer inspection you'll see they have differences that can indicate which way up a card has been placed on first glance you think this card back has a symmetrical design but if you check out the two flowers at either end of the card you will see that there's a very subtle difference in the distance between the pedals so if you notice something like this you could be playing poker with a cheater or worse a magician but even if there are no sleight of hand tricksters around you can still bring a bit of magic knowledge to your poker game by simply looking at certain cards if you look closely the white space on the eight of diamonds is actually shaped like the number eight totally useless knowledge but fun nonetheless abracadabra Waterworks the average person uses the toilet between four and ten times a day or more if it's the day after a heavy takeout session but not many people actually know how many secrets are sitting right under their butt you might be surprised to see that the amount of water in toilet bowls vary depending on where you are in the world just take a look at this American toilet versus this British toilet the depth difference is pretty insane and it's not just a difference between the US and UK in fact American toilets have by far the most water compared to most of the rest of the world but why is this a toilet flush works by using the force of Russian water to push waste out of the bottom of the bowl and into the septic system or sewer and as it stands there are two main toilet flushing systems used around the world siphonic favored by the US and washed down favored by pretty much everywhere else the water level essentially comes down to differences in the design of the trapways the cavity through which the Wastewater passes when flushed American siphonic toilets have a longer narrower curved trapway which results in a higher water level while wash down trapways are more spacious but sit lower in the bowl despite siphonic toilets narrow trapways being slightly more likely to clog both designs work pretty well though they were developed separately so there's never been a particularly strong motivation for Americans to adopt the toilets of the rest of the world what's more the higher the water level in a toilet bowl the more it masks the scent of any lingering odors so a big benefit of siphonic toilets are their stink stopping qualities even if you do have to occasionally deal with Poseidon's kiss AKA major splashback but not all toilets have water in them we're looking at you airplane restrooms while toilets on the ground use siphons or washed out functions water can't sit in a bowl on a plane due to the risk of turbulence instead an air toilets use a vacuum system that sucks your dung out of the bowl and into the SEPTA tank for disposal later not straight out of the bottom of the plane onto pedestrians below a fact I'm sure you're as disappointed as I was to learn spiral spoons there's no doubt that watching a bartender at work is entrancing regardless of how many drinks deep you might be but once the pouring shaking swirling and stirring is over you might have stopped to wonder what exactly is up with those elaborate looking spoons that bartenders and mixologists use every day while it might just look like a gimmicky spoon designed to impress patrons there are actually some very specific reasons behind the spiralized handle the spiralized handle helps to facilitate a physical phenomenon known as laminar flow in which surface tension allows a pouring liquid to stay together as a whole while winding through the curved grooves in the handle with a straight handle the angle of impact between the liquid and Spoon stem would be too steep for laminal flow to take place meaning that liquid would Splash off more easily funneling liquids through a spiralized bar spoon helps to create a slower and steadier flow which can help to prevent soda from over fizzing in the glass a trick you can easily recreate at home though it's worth noting this will become considerably Messier after five or six practice cocktails a toast to truth they say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and for many the toaster plays a big role in delivering a delicious start you might use it every day but how much do you really know about your toaster the toaster dial as well as its enigmatic numbers have always mystified toast lovers and there's a lot of debate as to what the numbers mean and how to use them to achieve the perfectly Brown slice you might have seen the rumor online that the numbers on a toaster indicate the number of minutes the toaster will run for and while this does sound like it makes sense it's actually completely false well mostly according to Big toaster manufacturers including Cuisinart DeLonghi and Breville the dial functions as what's known as a Browning control knob most home toasters are what's called capacitor toasters which work by sending an electrical current through a circuit to charge up a central device within the capacitor this charging process is triggered when you press down the toaster's lever and the numbers on the dial refer to a resistance rate which controls the time it takes for the capacitor to reach full capacity while this is going on the heating elements of the toaster get nice and hot and the higher the dial is set the longer they heat the toast for until it pops up once the capacitor reaches capacity so while the theory that the numbers equal minutes does make logical sense it's actually really that precise but it's a lot more fun sounding than rambling on and on about capacitors and resistance like an intolerable toast nerd so you do you Sponge Out secrets one of the most beloved and definitely most maimed cartoons out there everyone loves that little guy who lives in a pineapple under the sea SpongeBob Squarepants but how well do you really know bikini bottom and its hidden secrets it's clear that much of Bikini Bottom is populated with sunken relics from above water and looking at the Krusty Krab you might have thought it was just an upgrade but no it is in fact a crab trap oh my eyes are correct while Nickelodeon have fervently denied the shocking online rumor that the Krabby Patty formula is actually made with grab this little factoid is sure to make you wonder who you can really trust perhaps we should ask SpongeBob's parents who are cookies nope just dried up old sponges like something he'd find under the kitchen sink which is pretty baffling considering they live underwater cartoon logic it's a writer's dream hooked on shopping loving or hated grocery shopping is an essential part of life given how most people like to load up on groceries it comes as no surprise that grocery store shopping carts and baskets are typically made of strong durable metals like steel or aluminum while the reason behind the material may be obvious have you ever stopped to consider the structure and shape of the card itself packing up a checkout is one of the worst parts of going grocery shopping and it can be easy to accidentally squash your freshly bought groceries when trying to load up your bags but it doesn't have to be this way these extra bits sticking out the top back and sides of carts aren't designed defects and their real purpose is for Shoppers benefit super Shoppers have realized that these extra bits are hooks that can be used to hang your soft content grocery bags instead of piling everything up inside the car so on your next Supermarket Sweep you'll know that while the store may be ripping you off when it comes to price you'll have a valuable hook to rest on color con candy Haribo might be one of the most well-known candies on Earth but get ready because you're about to have your childhood beliefs mercilessly scuppered because they've been keeping a big secret from you are you ready green gummy bears are not the flavor you think they are you might not realize it but we all subconsciously associate colors with particular flavors experts have found that in the Western World at least black is most commonly associated with bitter white with salty red and pink with sweet taste like strawberry and yellow and green with the sour taste of lemon and lime for most of us when we eat a green gummy bear our brains will tell us that it tastes something like sour lime because that's the sort of flavor that our brains associate with the color green but the reality is that these green gummy treats are actually flavored with another fruit not Apple not kiwi not any kind of green fruit at all I hope you're sitting down because green gummy bears are actually flavored with none other than strawberry even Mr goldbear himself has been taunting us with this secret information all this time waving that green bear in the air on various packets like a symbol of our stupidity but it goes deeper and the U.S green gummy bears included in

Haribo star mix and Haribo gold bear packs are strawberry flavor but this isn't the case everywhere to make things even more confusing in Europe only star makes have strawberry flavored green gummy bears as the green gold bears are apple flavored is your childhood shattered yet I just don't know who to trust anymore damn you Mr Gold bear sinking truths one thing you'll do multiple times a day is wash your hands in a bathroom sink I hope and when you do you may have wondered about that curious looking hole on the upper part of your sink just below the tap this little hole actually has multiple purposes but only comes into play when the main plug hole is closed the primary purpose of the opening is to delay the sink from flooding onto the floor and it is aptly named the Overflow hole what's more as the sink is draining through the regular plug hole the Overflow hole allows air to flow into the drainage pipe alleviating the pressure resulting in a much smoother faster more efficient draining motion kind of like how using astral edges sink a bottle of beer much quicker speaking of sinks have you ever snapped to consider the design of a faucet or tap for my British viewers despite being a popular choice for modern bathrooms flat angular faucets like this unexpectedly present more of an issue when it comes to keeping things clean and shiny as water can accumulate atop them while a more curved design can't completely eliminate the possibility of watermarks it does help any straight droplets to trickle away faster reducing the chance of messy splotches as trap water evaporates either way water is not too tricky to clean off that is if you faucet oh yeah best laid secrets picture this it's a glorious Sunday morning and you're up cooking eggs for breakfast the sun is shining the birds are singing and you've just cracked an egg only to find this while on first glance you may not particularly want to find one of these cleared spills in your next sunny side up it's actually very rare occurring in less than six percent of brown eggs laid although egg producers consider them a defect these red speckles are a completely natural side effect during some hens egg laying cycle the spots are a result of ruptured blood vessels in the hens ovaries who are in the tube through which the eggs pass to the outside world caught the oviduct as nasty as that sounds it's rarely actually harmful for the hen manufacturers reduce the risk of consumers finding red spots on their eggs even further through a process called candling in the egg candling process manufacturers use a bright light source to identify any imperfections inside including those pesky red spots despite the fact that eating an egg with a spine in it is in no way harmful to us manufacturers usually discard any imperfect eggs which is a lot of waste when you consider the huge scale eggs are produced at nowadays so maybe it's time to be a good egg and not get so hung up about small natural defects and the next time somebody asks you how you like your eggs in the morning you can tell them that red spotter no red spot you're over easy do you know of any more secrets in everyday things let me know in the comments below and I'll aim to include the best ones and upcoming Parts in this series thanks for watching [Music]

2023-02-04 08:22

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