After Schrock | October 2, 2022 | Technology stories of the day

After Schrock | October 2, 2022 | Technology stories of the day

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hey guys welcome into the Aftershock bear with me here while I get my systems uh set up and running as well all right we got a muted tab there good to go all right so uh give me a level check make sure that uh everybody can hear me okay let me see about turning things up or down oh we're a little a little quiet let's turn it up just a little bit uh okay huh let's see come on so I got to scroll down to get to the Right microphone here that's it 100 there we go all right everybody hear me okay just gonna make sure that we're good to go here before we kind of get started winding into it I don't want to uh uh Winston thank you I don't want to get too far into it without uh you know you I've done that before where I start talking and I'm going for like two minutes and all of a sudden I realize no one can hear me and I'm like oh I gotta say it all again although the second time I say it it's usually better it's more thought out but um anyway uh welcome into the Aftershock guys I apologize I am I'm running on light sleep I I know I went to bed we were watching a good show last night I went to bed around midnight and usual for the radio show I'll get up around 5 40 to get ready and get here in the studio and get everything set up on time um and I just had one of those nights of sleep where you'd just continuously waking up every couple hours and you're you realize you're dreaming about weird things and then your brain starts thinking about work and stuff and you then you're thinking about the radio show and you know what am I going to do today or tomorrow or whatever and then you know I probably got about three hours of sleep last night so I was trying to hold it together during the show because that you know it when we do safe upgrades we are taking the frustrations of up to 600 installations of windows and compressing them into one or two days on our staff so it is an incredibly draining uh event for us internally but that that's why we make the product so that you don't have to go through those draining events uh with the the interruptions and the failures and everything else um so yeah so it really I'm a little upset I did find one of the two emails that Kevin said he sent so maybe the first one didn't come through but the second one did I'm not sure why he didn't get a response to it because I you know I know that all the email in the Omaha service center was marked as read and responded to we have it on three different computers back there so even if the front desk is busy and an email comes in the guys in the back have the opportunity to answer it so we really have a good system in Omaha for making sure those emails get checked and returned promptly so uh boy if anybody else had an experience like that please just shoot me an email and let me know I'm sorry that that happened but you know it it's not good service so we can't we can't we have to do something we have to create a system so that doesn't happen again but on the flip side you know I I can't really get too down on my employees for missing an email um given what they went through in the last few days it's been it's been fun a fun few days but the good news is as we got through all the windows 11 ones for the most part we still have some customers who are running the software we have a couple customers who um who are unable to upgrade because it says their Hardware is not compatible but their Hardware is clearly compatible so it's obviously a glitch of some sort uh when you when you click on the more info page it takes you to the known issues page where there's a list of all the known installation issues that the Microsoft is working on resolving so we're going to give it a couple weeks and have them come into the service center in a couple weeks it's safe to assume it's not going to automatically install on your computer if Microsoft thinks your Hardware is not compatible so there's no huge rush there um but like my computer at home downloaded it like within an hour of the release it was incredibly quick in fact Alfonso was using my computer at home as one of the test computers to determine if um the safe upgrade software he was testing it basically if we test on a multitude of different builds and everything to make sure everything is good to go I had a test preview build so I technically had a version of 22h2 that was older than the version of 22h2 that Alfonso had so he's like we don't have any other computers no customers should ever have to install it this way no customer should be in The Insider program but if they are we want to make sure that this is going to work so literally he tested every angle on it um and it it went through perfectly fine on every test system that we did and then we launched it and 20 of the time it doesn't work and we're like what's going on well then we start getting into the details of why it's not working and I would say probably every every third shrock desk it was because the PC health check app wasn't installed on the computer and had never been run uh it's the dumbest thing ever apparently you you run this app and it it saves a record somewhere on the computer that your Hardware is compatible and when the windows 11 installer goes and checks for that it finds the record says you're compatible and allows you to install well this is something that's never going to happen to these people again because now we've installed the PC Health checkout and once we learned that that was a situation whenever we did a shrock desk the first thing we did was we installed the PC health check app need it or not we just installed it because it's going to prevent this from happening again in the future for these customers and that's what this is all about but uh but boy it was you know it was nuts I think at one point I personally had five different shock death sessions going at one time I was helping five different customers and I was not alone uh we can help eight customers simultaneously on the shrock desk we could have eight technicians connected with eight customers so if you do the quick math on that that's just about every technician that's on a shift and our company can be on a shock desk at one time during safe upgrade the front desks pitch in because you know they know how to do these updates too so you know we get them connected to the shock desk and then the front desk will take over and and do that for us so that the guys in the back can focus on five other customers so we really we really Flex up for the for the safe upgrades so on one hand it was a punch in the gut that they split up the software a little bit because we did have some glitches in the software because we had to rush code it um and so a couple small things got missed for example uh customers who in the past had semantic endpoint on their computer even if it was years ago safe upgrade was detecting the the remnants and the registry of that save of that installation and telling these customers that they they had endpoint and not sofos I just got an email about it again today so we're actively this is all stuff that's going to be scrubbed out by the time the Windows 10 version comes in but the reason that those little scraps are there are a couple places in the in like the paragraph it says when we're installing Windows 10 version 2 1 H2 and then another place that says we're installing Windows 10 22 H2 so some customers will call us and say hey the paragraph here says that it's installing Windows 10 but I have Windows 11. uh you know the program was designed for Windows 10 so we didn't go through and scrub every word of every paragraph our coders worked on it for 20 hours from a functionality standpoint uh so now we're going to go back and clean up the English and the grammar and make sure everything is is the the t's are crossed and the eyes are dotted and we would have normally liked to have that done before um we just did not anticipate that Microsoft was going to release the two updates separately and as a result if we would have run safe upgrade um with just the windows 11 update available what would have eventually happened was some customer running Windows 10 would have run the update and it would have either upgraded them to Windows 11 which if they didn't want it or two it would have tried to update them and failed over and over and over again and they would have called in and we decided Well it's because you're running Windows 10 well then why did it let me run the software so that's what we had to code it to fix so that it was it was we expected it to be a donkey show and it was um but the good news is I think we're through the brunt of it now there are still some people out there that are installing the software or that haven't installed yet go ahead and do that do that installation and you know get going on that because it a lot of The Kinks have been worked out so you should have a much better experience but if you do continue to have an issue um the you know we'll install the PC health check app over the shock test there's no additional charge for us to help you on the shock desk if you bring it into the shop it does cost a little bit extra it's about 35 extra to have it done on the bench but if we do it over the shrock desk there's no extra charge involved we don't open a work order there's no it's not even an official contact it doesn't burn a warranty it doesn't do any of those things um so it's it's good to have that that shock desk option available if that's something you need help with all righty good morning Winston Ronald Catherine good to have you Mary good morning Al Roger's back Sebastian's here good morning uh yep I know who Mark Levin do you know who Mark Levin is I know who Mark Levin is have you ever listened to his radio talk show what do you think of his angry yelling personality on the show do you enjoy it you know actually that's my biggest critique of Mark Levin um he is a difficult guy to listen to for extended periods of time he's very passionate about what he believes in but he's also very like he has this very angry old man Vibe about him so it's not a fun show to listen to right and that was one of the things that I really miss about Rush Limbaugh he could take an awful situation that you were just distraught about and acknowledge the fact that it's awful acknowledge the fact that everyone's distraught about it and then point out the absurdity of the situation and laugh at it and just that release that that is missing there is nobody nobody on the political spectrum that even that comes close to that you've got Tucker Carlson doing the investigatory stuff you know um and and drawing conclusions and doing things like that you've got Sean Hannity doing his Sean Hannity thing that hasn't changed literally in 20 years um you've got Dan bongino is kind of new to the scene um you know he is something fresh and new he's not a Limbaugh he's not a Levin he's his own thing uh Joe Rogan you know you got Joe Rogan he's funny but you know he's funny but he also is like you know hey he's funny let's go smoke some weed sweet all right you know if that's not your cup of tea well then you know there you go so it's uh there's just nobody like Russian he's left a huge void in the landscape for people like me that grew up with I don't remember a time without rush you know it was it was just the key political formative years of my life was was Rush Limbaugh and that uh he's very much missed Sebastian but yeah Mark Levin I his uh Convent he was the one that kind of made me aware of the convention of States option in the Constitution I did not know about that before Mark Levin um and uh so that was that was something interesting I've learned things when I listened to Levin um it's just I can't listen for very long because it just kind of grates on me after a while all right good morning schrockville I appreciate that you do not screen calls and compute this you deal with callers or a complaint yep we we don't we don't keep the uh the Riff Raff out we let him on um you know one of the things that um about doing a live radio show is if it's all Sunshine and Lollipops it's a propaganda program basically if that's the case um you know you can get your message out and you can you can be fake and you can be fake for a long time uh before people figure out that you're fake but if you guys saw my face like I don't like getting calls like that I really don't I mean on one hand I'm like do you know what we went through this week I want to cry like a little baby boy and then my logic brain kicks in and says we failed this guy we failed Kevin we did not return his email I found his email so I got a copy of it which means I know Omaha got a copy of it which means for some reason he didn't get responded to we failed Kevin that's at third period end of the sentence he's absolutely his call was absolutely right 100 percent and that sucks that sucked it sucks that it happened it sucks to hear about it live on a radio show but it is what it is and if you acknowledge that you can learn from it and you can get better but if you hide from every failure in your life like they don't even happen you're never going to get better you're never going to get better um you know we uh we're expanding our coding staff significantly at shock because we don't know what Microsoft is bringing at us for future upgrades for Windows 10 and windows 11. the roadmap is as muddy as could possibly be so we are considering several options including integrating safe upgrade into secure updater um so in other words secure updater could deliver the safe upgrade updates as well as regular updates potentially in the future um as an added service so you know there's a lot of different things that we're working on changing and adapting to and we learned from every mistake that we make and we get better every time we make them you know one of the things that um we have a lot of newbies at Schrock right now um you know we uh Trent not Trent ton we had two trends at the Omaha service center Trent has moved on his last day with us was yesterday um you know it's when you're a boss and you're saying goodbye and thank you to a guy I worked the whole shift with him yesterday because he would have had to work alone on his last day and I was like no no no no no that's not going to happen so I came in and worked a Saturday shift with him um because we're just we're short you know and we put in a lot of hours early in the week because of safe upgrade so we have to make those hours back somewhere otherwise people are in overtime and then you know they burn out so I came in because apparently I never burn out and so I came in and helped him out and worked a shift with him and um you know just you know you say goodbye to the guy and I'm feeling myself like my eyes start burning a little bit and I'm like I'm not like a super emo kind of like I'm gonna miss you you know but you know when you have an employee who is giving 100 effort through the last hour of the last day and you you know you can't counter off for what he's getting where he's going um he's got some other you know potential career opportunities that he's looking toward it's more than just the money basically um so you know he's making a decision that's right for him and so you're happy for him and you're sad that he's not going to be there and you're sad that your customers won't benefit from it um you know you're going to miss the awkward the awkward as hell way he talked to people on the phone he was not a phone guy you know he was a smart cookie but boy when he would explain things on the phone you know he's a level one tech support at scooters now and what's going to happen is he's going to get a problem and they're going to come to him with this like problem and he's not going to be able to know that he's not going to know the answer and it's going to eat at him because he wants to fix the problem but he's just Level One support so he's going to have to Dish it to level two support and then like I guess it's not my problem anymore I I'm concerned that that's not going to be fulfilling for him and it's going to play out one of two ways he's going to get so doggedly attached to these problems that they're just going to advance him through their support he's going to become level three support like like that and he's got the skills to do it um we're gonna miss him we're going to miss him a lot in the Omaha service center um you know Steve is coming along real good Steve's been with us for a couple weeks now he's doing amazingly well um you know and we've got uh Dawson starting in a couple weeks so you know we'll be back up to a full staff but they're just not the same people it's different people different vibe you know Chelsea is killing it up front you know we basically had a complete turn in the Omaha service center which is one of the reasons why you guys have seen me in there a lot lately um is I I just I feel the need to work with the staff and make sure that things are working the way I want them to work that the energy level is where I wanted to no one can drink Red Bull like I can and it's how I keep up with these like 25 year old kids I mean I'm 45 years old guys I'm starting to feel it I go home and have my feet hurt you know I'm like what how and then I'm just letting my kids are like Daddy's home and I'm like oh no please but uh so I mean the staff is just doing so well in Omaha and you know losing it was like Chelsea Chelsea's only been with us for about a month now and she she came up and pulled me aside and she said it's just going to be it's gonna be different without him here and it's exactly it's going to be different it's not going to be bad it's not going to be great it's not going to be better it's going to be radically different without him there and uh you know we're going to miss him so it's one of those things when you have when you have people like that working for you that you are genuinely going to miss even their quirks you're going to miss um I don't know you got good people working for you and that's one of the things we always try to do we try to deliver good service by bringing good people in um and so that's one of the reasons why when Kevin you know said hey you missed my email it kind of cuts a little bit because I know Chelsea cares that what that woman works she's she works harder than most front desks that we've ever hired finding things to do because a lot of front desks you know when the work is immediate all the immediate work is done and they sit on their phone or they play a game or they do something no she's actively like what can I do to close these work orders like is there something I can do to push them forward what's the status on this person this one's been in here for two days I told him 24 to 48 hours don't make me a liar like she is she is on top of it um so she's going great there you know so and then this week in the service center we found out that James in the Papillion service center is moving on to a new position as well I don't have a lot of details on that one yet I haven't had a chance to talk with him because he put in his notice while he was on vacation um I'm not so sure that's kosher pickles but anyway uh so we got about a week and a half notice um but uh but no James is a is another one of those hard-working guys uh that Frank is just he just loves to work with the guy um because you know he's just a wealth of knowledge uh he's patient and he he works the system and he follows the system and so that's one of the things you know we're bringing in new people and one of the things that you worry about is institutional memory you know you we you know this is the first safe upgrade that Steve has ever seen and when we bring in Dawson safe upgrade well the Windows 10 version will be the first one he ever sees so you worry about like instantly Steve's never seen a holiday special he doesn't know what that is you know or why it's important so you worry about institutional memory a little bit but the funny thing is is that the people that are still here the myself and Parker and Marissa and Kim and all the other people that are still there that have been there for the whole the whole long time then Chris and Des Moines we we could totally um Express how cool some of the stuff is that we do you should see Steve's face when he sees a computer that comes in that a customer purchased in 2011.

and he's like I was in junior high school and he's like and now I'm upgrading this computer to Windows 11 you've got to be kidding me this is amazing like this is cool and it is it's very cool it's very different so uh we'll be back up to full staff we got a new hiring Papillion now we got to hire one more for Papillion but Omaha will be full staff on October 5th again um meanwhile uh I'll be in there from time to time so if you need to find me that's probably where I'll be but uh I digress I went off on a tangent there guys but uh uh I think it was more like I'm just gonna miss Trent it was it was good to work with him and uh and to work with a guy who was as solid as he was all right Cheryl and Rich are with us good morning Mark I appreciate you don't screen the calls oh yeah that's right that's where that's where we got off on the tangent what's this 22 to 2022 nine cumulative update preview for Windows 10 version 2 on H1 yeah this is one of the quirks KJ so after you install Windows 11 it pops up with a Windows 10 update that refuses to install which is a good thing because you know you don't have Windows 10. um it's a bad thing though because it's popping up but it'll stop it'll go away after a couple days Microsoft will figure out it's stupid and then it'll go away uh the other thing that's funny though is you install two two H2 so literally we download the media creation tool and we make a flash drive it is a brand new latest installer all the updates you plug it into the computer and you install 22h2 on Windows 11. there's already a cumulative update it has about a day and there's a cumulative update already was there an update before you put out the the update I don't know so that that's fun yeah so that that that Windows 10 update if you if you're on Windows 11 don't worry it'll go away uh the cumulative update preview for Windows 10 21 H1 is a cumulative of it's it's basically like a service pack for two one H1 you want to install it if you're on Windows 10. good morning Steve Roger Richard good to have you Ronald interesting to watch what's happening in Russia and Iran yeah you know um all right for those of you who aren't watching all the geopolitical stuff uh this week Russia mobilized well they did what they are calling what Putin is calling a partial mobilization of 300 000 Russian men to go fight in Ukraine now the funny thing is is if you get caught protesting the war you get arrested and while you're in the Detention Center funny thing you get handed your paperwork to be volunteered gives you of course in all your prior military experiences they're only going to recruit people who have prior military experience so basically what's happening is anyone who is undesirable is getting sent off to the front um anyone who's protesting the war is getting sent off to the front the number of the flights out of Russia are completely sold out you cannot get on a plane in fact it got to the point where Russia had to make it illegal for men between 18 and 65 to fly out of Russia uh Finland has had so many Russians come for a vacation that they are talking about banning Russians coming into the country because there are too many of them they're all there uh they're going to Georgia they're going any place they can to get out of Russia to avoid the mobilization so I am I am certain that there is a staple of people who are like rah-rah re let's let's go kick him in the knee you know I'm sure that there are some some people who are wholeheartedly behind you know whatever Putin is doing okay so I'm not trying to say that this entire mobilization is junk but based on the anecdotal reports of who is getting mobilized number one it's not just people with military former military experience which is what they said it was primarily going to be number two it looks like again anecdotally it could be a lot more than 300 000 people try like 1.3 million people

so there's that that Soviet adage that quantity has a quality all its own well you know you can throw a lot of people at the problem and maybe you just overwhelm the problem yeah a lot of people are going to die but we didn't really want them anyway they're undesirables or more protesters their morale was trash anyway so yeah we sent them in first so the the enemy could run out of ammunition on their bodies before we send in the real boys you know it's ah it's something and of course um the Putin is setting up the straw man here that Russia will use nuclear weapons to defend Russian territories including territories confiscated from Ukraine previously that are considered Russian territories now like Crimea you come into Crimea we can nuke you well then they're going to have a referendum vote on these other states to join Russia and of course the referendum is a sham and they're gonna they're gonna vote they're gonna join Russia blah blah blah well then that makes those Russian satellites which means they can use nukes to defend them so you better not mess with us or we're going to Nuke you that's the new one now will he do it more interesting here's something you probably haven't heard about because it's probably not true it's probably not true okay Chinese social media was on fire last night about President XI being deposed probably not true apparently a lot of flights were canceled all of a sudden and there was an 80 kilometer military Convoy spotted and president XI was just returning from his foreign trip out of the country the first trip out of the country since covet why hasn't he left the country since covid there's been a lot of social discontent in China there is some concern that if you leave the country while it's in discontent you may not be able to get back in if you know what I mean so he returns to the country and there's all these rumors all of a sudden that um he's been deposed that there's a military coup um the the evidence was anecdotal at best every major serious news Outlet said there is no corroborating evidence that this is actually happening um uh the report was that he's under the president she was under house arrest and had been removed as the president of the pla so wow imagine if that was actually true now there are some people who say maybe these rumors are being spread intentionally to root out people who would support removing president XI from Power people who are like yeah get him you know and they're like oh yeah get that guy you know um so who knows who knows what's going on or maybe it's a faction because the uh the the he's trying to get reelected for an unprecedented third term as chairman of the party so maybe factions that do not support him want other people to believe that he is vulnerable and therefore weak and therefore maybe we shouldn't elect him uh so this could all just be Kabuki theater but there is no doubt that there was a military Convoy that there were flights that were canceled and that the president was coming back to China and Chinese social media was actively speculating about whether or not he had been deposed by the military that in itself is huge that those those posts weren't nuked immediately by the government the the great firewall so interesting stuff happening in Iran with the revolution there which I predict is going to end the exact same way as it did under Obama um why do these people always rise up when we have a president in power that won't do anything to help them um basically they're going to rise up they're going to get shot down and then everything's gonna go back to normal and the the temperature on the kettle will get increased a little bit more and the people in The Kettle will boil a little harder and the next eruption will be more violent um this time around the the stuff in Iran if you haven't heard what's going on there um they have very strict um laws about how women need to wear burkas and they have to have their their head and their face and their hair covered there's morality police basically in Iran they go around and enforce this and there was a young woman 22 year old girl who apparently had some of her hair showing out of her burka and she got hit in the head of the club and then she got beaten a little bit and she got detained and then gosh unfortunately she had a heart attack and she died wow what a coincidence it couldn't have been the blows to the head or the beating that they gave her for not wearing her hair covering right um that 22 year old girl maybe she had the Pfizer shot maybe he gave her a heart attack you know um but yeah she had a heart attack yeah Real Deal No One Believes it everybody knows she got beat to death um and that's what the protest is about it's about this woman getting beaten to death about the way she wore a head covering and how that is too much um it's interesting if you think about Iran as an occupied country a country that's been occupied by a Islamic terrorist Theocratic government and the people are just like underneath them trying to be free but don't really have a way to fight it it's an interesting way to look at it all righty Rush had the ability to bring up facts from the past with accuracy yeah he did uh he did Ronald he he would bring up stuff and then tie it together and you're like oh I forgot about that like oh that's so stupid or you know you imagine what the fun that Rush would have had with Martha's Vineyard thing where you know they deported these 50 these 50 migrants get deported from Martha's Vineyard within 24 hours to Cape Cod but Martha's Vineyard is a sanctuary City and we deported them because we have no jobs here it's not even the on season but yet there were literally 50 help wanted ads in the newspaper the exact number of people that came off the plane there were jobs for all 50 of them but they did they didn't have the opportunity to apply because they got deported to Cape Cod just imagine the fun that Rush would have had with that story just just insane he he'd had somebody all upset with him all right okay I like Jesse Kelly's sophomoric approach to politics I found him by accident try to listen to him as much as possible never heard him I'll have to give him a listen hello Mitch good to have you so what are the enhancements to the windows 11 update okay so uh basically a ton of security enhancements um graphically not not a whole lot they changed the task manager which you're not going to really notice um unless you open the task manager uh so ending programs is a little more complex there's a lot more data and information in one window they combine the command prompt so if you're used to opening command prompt and typing in DOS commands they combine that with Powershell which is a super Advanced command prompt so when you do your windows 11 upgrade sometimes we have to run some Powershell commands in order to uh to make that happen um the uh like I said cosmetically there's not a lot changed under the hood the security changes are pretty intense uh there's a lot of a lot of really up inside the weeds things that have changed uh not a lot of new features aside from ransomware protections and things like what we talked about on the show today the the new protection that comes in this is a new thing that came in uh 22 H2 um these are the big new security features of Windows 11 22 H2 uh it's like it's like I knew someone was going to ask this I had the article up and running okay I'm reading down here I'm looking for like a bulleted list you're gonna give me a bulleted list or you're just gonna make me read the whole damn story you can make me read the whole damn story okay well I'm not going to read it all out loud but um heavier Reliance on artificial intelligence to allow to determine and allow list in the Microsoft trusted store policy um application control which is why we have to sign our applications with a code signing certificate so that they don't get blocked by Windows automatically so any hacker that makes a nasty little program has to go somewhere and get a code signing certificate to and that code signing certificate is my name is Bill Smith and I reside at this address and they're going to ship me a flash drive to my address to confirm that's where I live then I'm going to take that flash drive and use it to sign my code so that if anyone runs my virus it'll say made by Bill Smith um it's supposed to give us an extra so if you get a program that says unknown publisher you should be concerned about that uh most of the applications we use today are used by millions of other people malware is seen only on a couple machines we plumbed the core of the operating system with this enhancement mechanism or enforcement mechanism prior to Windows 11 22h2 uh this was a policy that you had to write up yourself in an XML file if you can imagine pretty tricky unless you're an Enterprise person uh it blocks the most script vectors from the internet and in part and partly informed by the office team's decision to block untrusted macros from the Internet by default so basically Windows 11 22h2 is completely Rewritten the book on what is allowed and what is blocked and it's using artificial intelligence to learn on the Fly rather than having a hard-coded XML file list of everything to allow or block um let's see Windows 1122h2 took the idea further no automated Powershell scripts no automated lnk files shortcut files no automated Visual Basic from the internet anyone with an eye on the threatscape knows that these are some of the favorites Windows 11 and smart app control and smart app control blocks those threats so what you're going to have now is a lot more automated blocking of stuff to make your windows 11 computer a much less attractive Target than say a Windows 10 computer so people on Windows 10 are going to see an increased number of virus attacks people on Windows 11 are going to see a decreased number of virus attacks oh let's see here we go more security enhancements turns on virtualization basically in the in the first Windows 11 release Microsoft turned on virtualized based security VBS is what we talked about how everything every program runs in its own little bubble um only for the latest AMD Intel and Qualcomm processors he's seeing more use of EBS in the future here Microsoft is turning on credential guard by default in Windows 10 this is not available it's using the VBS in order to create credential credential protections Microsoft is turning on protective processes like local security authorities system service lsass for new windows 11 devices it stores third-party credentials with this protection windows will only load trusted signed code making it more difficult for attackers to steal your saved passwords so you there's a reason I didn't go over a lot of these on the radio show a lot of these are really deep in the weeds your lsass protection and your virtualization Bubbles and everything else nutshell security level to the extreme 22h2 introduced so much new security to your computer it's not even funny um Windows 11 is really trying to separate itself from Windows 10 in the way that it operates from a security standpoint to give people an incentive to move off of Windows 10 onto 11. because the more people who move to 11 the higher the cost of ownership is for people on Windows 10 because you're bearing the brunt of an increasingly heavy number of attacks unfortunately all righty oh we're gonna scroll up okay here we go greetings from Tom and Kansas good to have you Tom I heard flights from men out of Russia were costing five thousand dollars they were one way so yeah one way flight was five grand or five thousand Euros which is about the same as five grand now 300 000 or 1.2 million they don't have the supply lines to support the current troops in Ukraine see Ronald you're assuming that they're going to support them you take three hundred thousand deplorables and you push them across the line with guns at their backs um just like the old Soviet is they didn't have enough rifles for everybody so they gave the guys in the front rifles and as they told the guys in the back when the guy in front of you get shot you pick up his gun and you keep going I need it it's gonna be stupid uh the other thing is part of this is Russia has taken more territory than they can hold with the military they have uh and then on top of that the military casualties they've been deflected uh ukrainians estimate they've killed 56 000 service members Russian service members and wounded a hundred and fifty thousand plus so of course they don't tell us how many numbers of people how many ukrainians are dead and Russia doesn't confirm those numbers at all they haven't released a casualty update since the initial opening days of the invasion uh where they said they lost a thousand people but uh but yeah they don't have the supply lines to feed them but you don't have to feed them if you're going to kill them they don't have the supply lines to equip them but you don't have to equip them if you're only going to equip the ones in the front or more importantly are these Garrison troops so are they troops intended to hold positions who aren't really expected to do any advanced forward fighting but are there to become the supply lines are they there to drive the trucks are they there to move the equipment if America was doing this and we activated the National Guard the National Guard would move into that into that capacity to free up other soldiers to move forward um I'm not sure that Russia Russia is having a serious problem mobilizing they're talking about this mobilization will be complete by December it's going to take that long and it's only a two-week training course they're giving these kids so that's telling me that they don't they the pipe that they have just isn't there so it's not like you're going to suddenly have a 300 000 person flood at Ukraine you're going to have 300 000 to 1.3 million people entering service in the winter months near Russia so it's going to be frozen tundra there's not a lot of fighting that usually happens in the winter around there it's a lot of holding a lot of Defending that happens so maybe these guys are just literally there to hold on to what they have so that these referendums have a chance to like gain some kind of legitimacy among the people that are being ruled over I don't know I'm just guessing who knows what's going what's going to happen over there but it's scary as hell Thor would you recommend making a flash drive it doesn't matter Ronald if you do it with a flash drive or not um if you're going to go to the Microsoft website download Windows 11 you can just update your PC with the update assistant that's how we would do it on the shrock desk if we were going to remote it and use the Microsoft method for doing it uh the flash drive is great if you're planning on upgrading multiple computers it saves you from having to download it over and over and over again so like in the shops we make flash drives so that that way you know we don't spend 40 minutes downloading every computer we can spend that time instead of installing and get your computer back faster no more shortcut files no more shortcut files from the internet so in other words if you get an email with like you know important invoice dot lnk where you double click it and it's a shortcut that takes you to something else that can execute random code on your computer so no more no more link files from the internet you can't download those from the internet anymore you can still use the ones on your desktop just fine all right I haven't thought about what you said I hadn't thought about what you said scary yeah it's like I said who knows what's going to happen who knows how many men they're going to get or how willing they're going to be to fight they may go over and they may Just Surrender they may run across the field and surrender um you know but you have the you get shot in the back or you get shot in the front kind of thing so I don't know what's going to happen guys I genuinely don't um you would think that you know the counter offensive was very effective it took back a lot of territory but now Ukraine has the same problem that Russia had that Russia was able to take the territory because it's a lot of territory to defend and now Ukraine has to spread their forces out to make sure that Russia doesn't counter the counter-attack so you get the gist but the problem I think for Russia is they don't have the forces to do a counter-attack and that's why they're calling up these forces to to get in the mix um the question is does how is Ukraine doing on their Manpower we just don't know that um they've they called up everyone to call up already um so all everybody who's been called up has been battle hardened throughout this process of fighting um you know the people who who couldn't who couldn't handle it already can't handle it there have already been weeded out the people who are good at it are still there they're very good at it and the people who are smart enough to keep their head down when the shells are flying are still alive and they will still keep their heads down when the shells are flying but now that the that Russia can't literally March their troops forward behind a shield of falling artillery that the ukrainians can't counter now the ukrainians can fire back and hit those artillery pieces so the next step will be Russia will fire the artillery from within Russia requiring the ukrainians to fire in into Russia to destroy the artillery fire again now you're attacking Russia proper now now we can use nukes or now we can now you're attacking Russia and now it's Mother Russia defend your home country fine you know these Ukrainian Nazis are attacking us now in our home country we knew this would happen that's why we struck first you know that kind of thing um so the propaganda war is going to go in full till um yeah it's incredibly unstable uh not to mention that incredibly speaking of incredibly unstable we've talked about all the wars now have you heard about what's happening in Italy um for the first time in a very long time someone from the far right now when you talk about Europe European politics and American politics are different okay when we say someone from the far right in America we mean like like a mega person or a Conservative Republican or maybe a Libertarian right we say people from the far left we need a progressive or a liberal or you know someone along those lines big government you know that kind of thing um in Europe when you say far right politician you mean fascist that's the that is the the definition of far right and far left is communist okay so Communists and fascists are different they don't like each other because they're on opposite ends of the political Spectrum now in Italy for the first time in a very long time someone from the far right is has a good chance she has a great chance of a fuzzy flying by of being elected president of Italy um she her policies sound very much like America First policies except Italy first the EU has a problem with that because Italy for you who's pumped tons of money into Italy to keep them afloat their economy is in trouble and everything else they have all this debt um but she's like no Italy first and we're going to do these things and if you take the money away maybe we just leave the EU like the UK did the EU can't afford to have more countries leave so they're kind of in a pickle their currency is falling in value compared to the dollar because the dollar is strengthening because we're raising interest rates so if she wins she's literally campaigning her campaign posters have the Mussolini flame on them now I'm not saying she's Mussolini and she wants to kill Jews or anything like that that's not where I'm going with this what I'm saying is we're seeing the rise in various countries around the world of nationalistic Tendencies now nationalistic Tendencies are natural they're I want to protect what we have I want to guard it from corruption so her platform for example is uh she's blunt about it so forgive me this is not my position this is her position no more Muslims no more immigrants no more burkas Italy first no more Brussels no more EU so those are the things that she's saying we do these things and all of our fortunes will raise so you we can have great debates as to whether any of that is true or not but that's her position and she's campaigning with Mussolini flame you know it's like wow history doesn't repeat itself but it often Rhymes doesn't it so you've got nationalistic stuff happening in Russia nationalistic stuff happening in Ukraine nationalistic stuff happening in Iran nationalistic stuff happening in China nationalistic stuff happening in Italy I mean it just goes on and on and it's spreading in some could argue nationalistic stuff in America the Maga movement some could argue that's a nationalist movement so yeah it's what that one of the Hallmarks of nationalist movements is there's winners and there's losers and I don't know there's a part of me that's like you know this is life guys there are people in life who win and there are people in life who lose and you will not always win and you should not always lose but when the stakes are high like Empires what would you do to not lose and that's what that's when things get scary that's when we get Wars and stuff like that uh nuclear you know nuclear Wars and you know cross-border incursions and stuff like that happening um you got Greece wanting to go to war with turkey have you heard about that they're they're exchanging fire between boats there's an active problem going on there the turkey has notified the EU of their intent to have a military uh relations with another member of NATO so it's like oh my gosh the the world is getting companies a very dangerous place um yeah and it's just you you're living through history right now you're living through history this isn't like the 90s where everything is Rosy and sunny and you can just go watch friends and go to the coffee shop and have a good time um this isn't 2008 when we had the huge financial crisis at least not yet there's some people who are saying Credit Suisse could be the Lehman for this cycle but we'll see what happens there watch that watch that one closely guys if you see negative news about Credit Suisse clinch up quick yeah all right okay we've got a lot of comments here while I was talking to do check out the movie Enemy at the gates World War II movie if you want examples of Canon fodder of Russian troops at Stalingrad I'll have to check that out I haven't seen that one actually just so you know the National Guard certainly does provide combat service support Logistics but for a significant part of the Iraq and Afghanistan fight much of the force was guard you know that's good to know you know I knew that there were National Guardsmen who fought I didn't know that they were the bulk of the force that fought so that's kind of concerning actually like where were all the other guys hey hey Citizen Soldier come over here for a second we're going to need to borrow you for a moment um but at least you know and you want to you want to believe that your country would like gave your guys the best equipment we didn't send your guys out there with no guns and stuff but you know I do remember stories of people sending body armor to their sons and daughters because the body armor that was provided was not as good as the body armor you could get commercially available um stuff like that happening um but that's good thank you Steve for letting me know that did you hear about the FBI changing the classification of a green space near the Capitol Building reports that the FBI changed the classification to restricted after the January 6th and based that on what they're going you know the thing about the January 6th event how do we still have people in jail with no trial two years later how how is it possible two years plus after the time that the event happened we still have people in jail that have not had a trial and then the stories the people that come out of this of that jail just make you question your Humanity I mean it's like you we went through what I mean I don't know it I was having a conversation with somebody and uh I was like do you ever just feel like there's just an incredible amount of evil in the world around you and you know you can go through life for a long time and just not even be aware that it's there and then one day you notice something and it leads you to notice something else and something else and something else and then all of a sudden you're like oh damn you know there's a lot of evil out there like a lot of evil like these people that are like you know pedophilia is not bad we shouldn't we shouldn't stigmatize people who enjoy looking at children what don't look at my children all I got to say at once when I you won't hear me say it twice if you know what I mean um but uh it's the evil around you and I was talking with a guy about it and I'm like you know how do you even fight that how do you fight an evil like that that is so permeating the system that you know have you heard the Bill Gates corn song that is evil have you heard the song The Corn song tell me for if you have not heard the Bill Gates corn song You've Gotta you've gotta experience it um Bill Gates Korn song Because see now we've all got our shots and everything um and Bill Gates has purchased a ton of Farmland you see and he's using that Farmland to make genetically engineered corn and so yes he's Gonna Save the World from famine through his genetically engineered corn so I'll post a link to this story that has it's a story but it has the video the YouTube video embedded in it um but uh but yeah it is the cheesiest most awful song you've ever heard in your life talks about corn juice corn has a juice you're like I guess I never thought about juicing corn corn juice really um and I have the Nebraska I'd ever Juiced corn I've eaten corn and yesterday I could get a little juice on your chin when you eat it but like seen that as one of the the Staples of corn is it corn juice or is it butter I don't know you know it's good it's delicious that's all I know so uh so yeah Bill Gates makes the corn song you know there's the evil all around us in the world and I was like how do you fight that like the more you try to fight it the more you have to compromise and then eventually it's like are you just becoming the evil that you're trying to fight or do you need to become the evil that you're trying to fight in order to fight the evil and then decide to not be evil after you win because that always happens right like and you know it was one of those things where it's like you know the guy I was talking to was a religious guy and he was he just was like you know you just have to you have to have faith and you have to have faith in your life and the people around you and move forward um and Trust trust in the greater plan and uh boy it's hard to trust when you see some of the stuff coming out of like the world economic forum and this ESG garbage and stuff and Europe is waking up thank God when did you ever think that Europe was going to wake up before America did to something but they're they're firing up the nuke plants they're like let's get it going you know we're gonna uh UK lifted their uh fracking ban you're gonna Frack those we're gonna Frack that gas baby because we beat it um and all of a sudden it's like people are waking up that there are some things in this world that are real nfts are not really among them but there are some things that are real like energy energy is required for everything and yes you can get energy from the Sun and yes you can get energy from the wind but you cannot generate the kind of energy that we need to power our modern economy from the wind and solar alone at least not with the technology we have right now so California announced that they're going to get rid of all combustion engines um also guess what else by by 2030 no more gas water heaters or furnaces in your home those are illegal too in 2030 in California now here they don't want any gas appliances at all you're going to Electric everything but you can't charge your car on a Thursday because there's not enough power so where are you going to get the power to run everything Electric I mean the sun does shine a lot in California but that's a lot of solar panels like a desert worth of solar panels then what about the Eco the ecology that you're destroying when you put the solar panels out all the wildlife that doesn't get the sun and the plants in the ground and everything else that doesn't get the Sun and then you've got the other concerns what happens those panels burn out they don't last forever so it's not like you put up a solar panel and you let it sit for 50 years and you have power forever you it's it's a curve right so after like year seven the panel is at like 30 percent efficiency and if it takes you five years to break even on the panel you're getting two years of power at marginal efficiencies net for the amount of energy you put into making the panel which came from fossil fuels I mean it's Europe is waking up hopefully we will too do you know what I think about the IIs update making iPads iPhones there's a better yeah actually we talked about this last week Aaron um what you need to do with that is it happens after every update so what you need to do is when you do the update first of all do it with your phone on a charger the update is incredibly intense on Apple phones also Apple likes to make um they like to have the the surface of the water be calm and smooth even though they're ferociously working below the surface so your iPhone will look completely normal and calm and kosher but it's running it's hot and it's slow and the battery is draining really fast that's because in the background it's downloading apps it's updating apps it's optimizing apps it's doing all these things up to 48 hours after the update so the best thing that you can do is when you install the update is to leave your install the update if you can like in the late afternoon or evening put your phone on the charger let it stay on the charger all day all night as much as you can the next day and hopefully after that point everything would have normed out and your battery drain will go back to normal but it happens after every Apple update so it's not unique to iOS 16. same thing is happening in Switzerland political offices really I hadn't heard about that in Switzerland I have to look into that do you know anything about the Iowa [Music] the world is getting crazy Aaron people in jail how can we have the Republicans not doing anything about it oh they're um there's a fight going on right now for to Define what it means to be a republican I think they're um there are Republicans I mean all politicians are concerned with maintaining their power staying in power um I would suspect that when you first get elected you're not so concerned about it but the longer that you're there the harder it is to imagine yourself not being there um kind of like you know running a business you run a business for 23 years and I try to sit back and say if I retired from Schrock and like handed it off to somebody else to run and just retired from it what would I do like would I puts around the house like what would I do would I go get a job where would I get a job what kind of job would I want you know it's i

2022-10-07 11:59

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