Accelerate Your Cloud Journey - Learn from Leaders | CON272

Accelerate Your Cloud Journey - Learn from Leaders | CON272

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[Music] hello everyone welcome to the apac community connection i am very pleased to welcome you all here and today we are here at the apac developer relations team and we're going to talk to you about why digital transformation and these current times matter so much and why developers are at the crux of it so talking to us today we have annie matthew the director of our team we have sudhir who manages the developer relations team from new zealand and ian choi who manages the developer relations team from korea and um shubhangi who manages the overall apac marketing side um so you might see some very interesting pictures here on screen so i will ask all of our speakers here to come and share with us why these pictures are interesting and how these pictures define what they started doing during the lockdown in these unprecedented covet times annie hello hey shibangi thanks um before covered it used to be very defined work home exit and soon after covet started i felt like i had no boundaries i mean i was just working all the time and uh kind of getting very frustrated about it and that time i started talking joining my husband in his works which i never used to do before and just discovered that there's such a beautiful world out there so these are pictures you see which i take of the same sky every evening because we cannot travel far we're doing the same route but the skies are different each time and uh saying a different story so started picture taking walks in picture taking and i'm i'm just loving it i'm doing tonight that's great tell us your story hey shawagi uh thank you so much and excited to be here uh my name is sudhir i work as a national deaf payment with microsoft muslin and uh during the covid i actually went back uh to my passion of yoga and that's what you see on the photo that i'm you know doing some poses uh and it is so excited you know uh makes my body so flexible and there's a couple of benefit that i see from this yoga one is obviously my child just you know started following me and they also started doing yoga and the second thing is you know uh doing yoga is keeping me fit and keep me refreshed all day so yeah good to be back and doing yoga over to you okay uh that's great to hear we're keeping healthy using co with time so wisely ian tell us what do we have here yeah hi this is ian and thank you shivangi any and yeah we all are working together although we couldn't meet or together but yeah before copying 19 then my hobby was to take a interesting photos with many developer committee members but during copy 19 that i couldn't go outside so now that i'm preparing lots of home video production system oh how can i show up myself best as much as possible so i'm doing several experiments how i better connect from digital camera to my laptop via hdmi or and zone i'm still finding lots of approaches that's great and i think we all need to take tips from you so what what you see here on my side is just a picture of a lot of food which i started preparing at home so nothing very exciting but if you all can come over i would love to host a dinner for everyone we are there we are coming yeah so coming to the topic of digital transformation and why it matters today and why are we talking about digital transformation to the developer audience and why it matters is because what has happened in the corporate is that the digital transformation has taken a next level speed and it has accelerated in every customer of ours and every organization that we see so what is that it matters is that we need to rethink how businesses are done now and they need to meet the new customer demands at the crux of it of all the digital transformation we have people technology process and infinite data but who can really make the digital transformation happen is the developers is you people the community we are working with the community we who is going to make that digital transformation happen so i would like to call upon ian to talk about what digital transformation really means in today's day and age thank you shivangi so yeah one of our key differentiators on this digital company would be cultural thing because then yeah let's think about transformation and this culture shift so as a peter drucker famously said and then culture each strategy for breakfast so yeah which means that let's think about both cultureship and strategy one our great example of culture would be uh microsoft itself because then many of you have seen the microsoft the event itself we then we knew cultural commitment to inclusive things and also growth mindset it was not just one product or one group leader that made the difference it was the culture that satya nadella wrote to the leadership as described in this book hit refresh and you would go to the next slide so and and also then for culture and then learning is important what i mean is the continuous learning so world is changing with transformation and how we can adapt with uh we regarding transpo transform the world and also then how we observe great culture and also how we think about uh inclusive manner so in my opinion learning is great opportunity and when you go to microsoft learn there are plenty of technology technical resources you can learn and also then during ignite and then we are ignite the various ignite cloud skill challenge you can join in any one of total seven different cloud skill challenges regarding great techcrunch diverse technologies during microsoft ignite and even then you can join in apex social learning challenge yeah and i would like to hand over uh to yeah yeah thanks ian let me take you to a place not far from here i'm sitting in malaysia in kuala lumpur philippines march 7 2020 philippines declared code red and they even had shooted site orders if uh someone was not following the woman control order and things like that we used to work very closely or we do work very closely with defcon which is a community of over 700 developers in philippines and vincent van morillo is the founder of that so i remember winston talking about this and saying that this is so frustrating i'm sure there are technology solutions to this and we should do something about it and dctx actually put out an open call for developers saying come join us to solve this problem 1093 volunteers joined and they made 46 teams they were working over slack and then over 90 days in collaboration with the community the government and microsoft we joined supporting with tools and azure credits and whatever tech support they needed and uh by april 3rd they had the first um critical app for philippines out there rapid pass that's a picture that you're seeing this was for the frontline workers to cut down the time they took to get out and show their past and all of that this became a contactless process amazing what this community did they they went on to publish another two critical apps for philippines just look at the power of community there it was not just about coding the community lead really had to uh go about collaboration make sure that he created synergy reaching out to microsoft reaching out to the government who will actually use this otherwise you would develop an app and nobody uses it right so there are tons of apps that have come out during um during the pandemic season but how many of them is a nation using this is one of those examples where he made all the connects and the dctx community uh really got this together in about 90 days and came out with four apps every time i think about this i get goosebumps and i've seen this across different countries in apac but this one really stands out for me this this just brings to mind that in the current scenario where shibangi spoke earlier about digital transformation of a nation and of a organization or a community community is core and central to that ian spoke about the culture and of course this collaboration culture inside that and trying to achieve stuff as more than just one or more than a silo get together and solve problems over to you sudhi tell us a little bit more about the next aspect uh to actually help countries transform sure uh thank you annie and i'm gonna talk about the tech intensity and it is the you guys who are making this possible and i'm gonna take an example of uh two of our customer uh you know who basically did a rapid experimentation and you know how they actually solve the complex business problem by using our platform and how the developers the id people and the other persona and the organization leveraging those technologies and making it possible uh to solve the business problem and bringing the digital transformation so the first example with uh is with the asos so what happens is before the code situation right i mean a shopper generator schools for shopping in a in a shop and then you know buy some products they try those products and you know uh and then they can take it away now during this covert situation right when uh the shoppers are not allowed to go outside there are a lot of spikes started happening on the online shopping but what has been measured is you know there are a lot of returns which are happening because people might not find it good when they wear it at home and they they just go ahead and return it right so that's where the asos technical teams um did experiment with the virtual reality platform and providing a platform for the consumer so that they can actually try those products before they actually buy and that basically reduce not only uh the returns but then also the satisfaction on the customer side now whereas on the second example we can see the mantra they have a different problem because in the mantra every week is a new season and that means there are a lot of data that comes uh for them to play around and that's where they leverage the azure technologies to scale horizontal and vertical to not only provide the advanced analytics to the business user and as well as to the users recommendations but also they were able to provide the insights in a real time which makes uh the user experience much better and reduce the cost for the company now i would like to go for the next slide now here i'm going to take a quick example of the azure custom vision model right so today we have this custom vision model where you can build the image classification or the object edition model right now you can once you deploy this model it will be available for you as an api endpoint and when you provide this for the any developer uh you know they can query and in the return they will get a huge json response pack right and then they have to play around with it now how about and how quickly we can actually build on a solution where we can have a kind of a a software data service platform available right so we can actually use the azure plug-and-play modules which are available and you know bring all these services together and quickly build a prototype without worrying about installing the technologies the frameworks the security patches libraries and so forth right so that's the example that i'm going to talk about over here so now when we have the azure custom vision model you can see i basically front ended with the uh azure function which is a provides in a serverless environment and what it does is it basically takes the image url from the user and send it to the azure custom vision uh do the processing of that based on the threshold probability threshold that has been provided by the user store that information into the storage and in the sql server so that we can provide that information back to the end user in a power bi and for the developer uh they don't have to you know continuously monitor or integrate or deploy the solution they can actually leverage the issue devops so that any time they're gonna create a pull request it automatically gets deployed onto the production environment obviously we're gonna have some sort of uh policies and rules defined right uh now the other aspect of this we can actually build an application as i mentioned earlier you know these are the plug-and-play module but even the mod uh the solution that you're building is it can be a loosely coupled module right so in this example we can have these functions to be talking to one custom vision model or the another custom vision model that means i don't need to deploy these functions again and again right i can just go ahead and go to the configuration and do it now what i would like to do is i would like to show in a demo of this entire architecture which i think i spent half day to build this demo and uh let's go and have a look so i'm gonna share my screen and i would request my moderator uh so please allow me to share my stream all right i'm assuming you're able to view my screen and real quickly i'm gonna walk so this is the visual studio code that you can see on my screen uh visual studio code has the templates for the azure function so i don't need to think about you know how i'm going to start writing my code so the template is already given and what i can do now is i can actually go ahead and write my piece of code uh to make it work right so whatever i want to do i can actually go ahead and put it over here right and the entire processing that you have seen in the architecture is happening right over here in this piece of code okay and once i'm done with that i can easily go ahead and publish this module to my issue so imagine that you already create azure function services onto the issue now because we have uh tightly integrated with our not only with our tooling but the other tools as well you can directly go ahead and publish from your programming environment so here i can just say publish and then this entire code will automatically get published onto the function which i've already did now what i'm going to do is i'm going to show you an example of by running a query against the endpoint so this is my endpoint and what i'm doing is i'm basically providing the code which for the authentication obviously and then i'm sending some of the headers over here so this is the image url which i want to test against uh and i'm providing the probability threshold so what's gonna happen is when i'm gonna get up full of json response back i only gonna build a bounding box up around the object in the image where the probability is greater than let's say in this case is 79 and this is the user who's sending me the request so let's go ahead and send this request now what's going to happen is it's basically going to not only assure send the call to the azure function and function will pick up uh this entire information do the processing and send all this information on to the sql server it also gonna store this information in a blob storage as in a process image so if i go to my blob storage over here and if i refresh this page now you will see that i have multiple images and then i have the post processing so when the processing is done i will have my results back over here now what these files will contain i can actually go and show you so this is the image that i've sent it right and then what i did is i basically send this information to the custom vision process the image put the bonding box around the objects based on the threshold that has been provided by the user and now you can see over here not only the bounding box it basically gave me the text back over here on that right now at the end of the day i can provide this information now think about we provided this uh to the business user so rather than they actually you know uh looking for any app or anything like that they can actually go to the power bi and this is an example of the power bi if i just got a refresh test i should be able to see one more record over here so now it's going to connect back to my sql server and gets the data and it's going to refresh my reports over here there you go so you can see ignite 2021 so if i select that i'll get my pre-processing image i'll get my post processing image as well and this is submitted by me so the whole point over here is you know when you have a business problem you don't have to be worried about uh infrastructure or you know thinking about what are the configuration that you need you have the serverless environment you have this plug-and-play services available which you can leverage build quickly fail quickly and move on over to ishibangi thanks that was so interesting love the demo um so what we have all spoken up till now is about how digital transformation and developers are very core are interlinked very closely and we have spoken about how digital transformation means that it's about a culture shift now it's about developers upskilling constantly and it's also about developers trying developers to become a part of the community so that they're able to take the experience of the wider community and bring it together for everyone and take experiences of the wider community and again obviously constantly upskill themselves with increasing the tech intensity of the daily work with this we come to the midpoint and we would now like to take the question and answers so feel free to go ahead in the chat box post your questions and we would be gladly happy to take them while we are getting the questions i would like to start with a few questions that we have already so first one is furani any you tell me uh how you think dna is related to digital transformation and i know how you how passionate you are about diversity and inclusion so tell me why it matters right now right on a fundamental level if you have to serve a diverse world then you need to have diverse capabilities so at a very basic fundamental level that's uh that's what i believe in and that's what microsoft talks about as well now if you look at ai as one technology that is impacting it's impacting and going to impact a lot of our lives all our lives in many significant ways whether it's getting the next job the next house criminal justice are we going to get the next vaccine so triaging in health care for which patients gets which medicines first and what budget for that etc all of these things are very core to our lives and these decisions are going to be taken by algorithms now imagine algorithms which have no clue about the needs of women versus men or the needs of asians versus caucasian and so on and so forth today if you look at ai and the top players in ai and who are contributing most to ai it is mostly men and in the western world so how much would the models know how biased would these models be about the needs and preferences and why there should be a different way of looking at it from a woman's perspective one great example here is linkedin where linkedin did an analysis of actually the placement of mba graduates and they found that and typically when you're looking at linkedin jobs and you're automating that they will look at what's uh title what is the headline descriptions they have given of what they have done etcetera etcetera and they found that men typically fill up all this and fill up well and women often leave out core competencies and core projects they have done so they did that analysis and found that difference now if that difference is inherent between men and women then shouldn't the model which is looking at hiring be thinking about that and making sure there's no bias because if you put a headline in description you get pulled up and if you don't you don't so so so it's it's like super important that women and diverse audiences are participating in the whole ai journey whether it's at policy level coding or even as a literate user so that's why i'm passionate about this hi i share your passion honey and i i totally agree and support every single thing you said um next i would like to ask both to tell me uh what is the one what are the few things that they loved at ignite this year and what are the most relevant from a developer perspective all right um i think we're going to talk about technical stuff because we and indian uh more on the tech sides so i mean the topics from my side uh from the book of news which i posted the link over there is uh you know azure precept synapse pathway particular and microsoft mesh now these are the things uh that i like most and i'm gonna talk a little more about it uh but having said that this is not the only news that has been come out in this ignite there are a lot of other uh services uh that we have announced which you can find into the microsoft ignites 2021 book of news now what i like about azure preset for save uh it basically provides a real-time insight at the edge through the hardware accelerator which is built to integrate seamlessly with the azure ai and the iot services that we have on azure now what we're trying to say is you know now you're going to have on a platform um with the development kits and as well as the services that you have in issue your iot and the ai which you can bring together within no time and you can actually enables these solutions like object detection shelf analytics anomaly detections uh keyboard spotting at the edge itself so that makes a life easier uh for you to build the issue synapse pathway i mean i really love about this is you know it basically creates for anyone who's basically coming from different platform to the synapse we are actually trying to make a life easier so for example if you have a data warehouse in a different platform and you want to move on to the synapse we are actually building on a pathway for you so that you can easily move from one platform to the scenario so that's really cool about it so that means the heavy lifting is done by the microsoft uh you can just follow the path and you will land into the synapse world easily now the another update that i like about is the azure provide the manage instance for the apache cassandra which is now is gonna be a semi-managed service offering from microsoft so the people who loves working and working on the apache cassandra they can actually use the same skill same knowledge when they move on to the issue now behind the scenes we are making life easier you know to uh by leveraging the security the performance aspect the scalability aspects so so that you can actually focus more on the innovation side rather than you know thinking about the infrastructure and the security cost or the performance side right uh one of the last but not the least is uh microsoft mesh you know which talks about uh mixed reality so here we actually trying to reference the build blending the world of uh physical and the digital right now within mixed reality user can interact with the 3d objects while maintaining the presence in the physical world right now microsoft mesh which we announced uh recently enables the presence and shared the experience from anywhere through the mixed reality right so it's basically bringing bringing uh bringing everyone together by breaking the barriers for example today you and me talking uh and we have this monitor in between right but with this mesh technologies we can actually bring not only you and me we can actually go and bring other people as well in the room and it's going to be feel like saying that you know we are sitting and talking in the same room right so think about it you know my family is staying in india now i can actually virtually be there with them uh to celebrate any family uh function that they have over there right so how cool is gonna be right and we provide a lot of uh sdks and the services uh which basically helps developers to build the platform easily bring the innovation easily and run on their trusted platform which is azure over to uen but i just want to add that i watched ignite keynote within a virtual space by installing out space via software then i was in real virtual auditorium then i watched hololens hololens and pokemon and any other portrait show inside a virtual reality play a place so it was really great so the watcher teams gameplay as well as power effects and plus for windows server users windows server trend 2022 is coming okay coming to the next question i have one last question this is about why there are so many services on azure why is it so yeah i mean this is uh the question i uh you know hear from a lot of people very oftenly uh even if you're storing uh data or maybe you know building a machine learning model or maybe you're building enough uh mobile applications or the web app right why microsoft have so many services uh to store one set of data look um as a developer you know what you're trying to do is rather than we actually ask you to learn new technologies or learn the technology that we are offering we are actually bringing the technology that you are comfortable with you closer to you right so hence today if you're building an application in you will find the dotnet environment on the issue if you're building on the python or node.js java you will find all these platform now if you're storing the data you'll find that you know we have the relational database azure sql but then we also have the different flavor of the nosql database as as well right so you have we have the cosmos db we have a postgresql now i talked about the apache cassandra uh also we have available so it's all about we are providing the technologies which is uh you know which will basically help you to leverage your existing skills uh and you know bring it now the another aspect of it you know because there are uh business has the different challenges different problems to solve and hence uh just to make sure that they uh you know they get the optimum cost performance and security we have these different services available so it is really at most important for you to understand these services when you are moving on to the issue and choose the right services for your solutions over to ishibangi perfect it has been a great chat guys i would now like to share one last call out um i hope you all can see my screen and on this we have a challenge which is a social learning challenge we have ongoing so all the learning you are doing go and share it on this qr code scan it and then you stand to win a lot of surface go to's so do just take the opportunity and sign up apart from this i would also like to highlight to get regular updates from our community login to the developer source newsletter and sign up for that the qr code is here thank you thank you everyone thank you for joining us thank you thank you thank you thank you bye

2021-03-12 20:52

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