A Field Trip To A Cutting-Edge Biohacking Facility | JYZEN Labs (Part 1)

A Field Trip To A Cutting-Edge Biohacking Facility | JYZEN Labs (Part 1)

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Ben: My name is Ben Greenfield. And, on this episode of the Ben Greenfield Life podcast. Beth: Nassim is known for saying this, but within a cubic centimeter of space, you have the energy of 30 million stars right here all over in space. We are living in a field of energy. And so, if the mitochondria are in resonance, they're little free energy factories, these mitochondria. Mark: Not like, they are.

Beth: They are. They have rotors that spin at the speed of a jet engine. And then, we have thousands and sometimes tens of thousands mitochondria per individual cell. We have 37 trillion cells. And, they have these rotors in multiple of them per individual mitochondria speeding like jet engine speeds producing ATP.

They're these little free energy factories, basically. And, of course, yes, there's some substrates, there's the oxygen, there's the glucose, but they're producing far more energy than we're actually consuming with those basic substrates. Ben: Faith, family, fitness, health, performance, nutrition, longevity, ancestral living, biohacking and a whole lot more.

Welcome to the show. Alright, folks, this is a fun one. I'm back in my hotel room after a crazy day. I have literally spent about the past eight hours or so in this cutting-edge biohacking facility called JYZEN, J-Y-Z-E-N in Mill Valley. There was an episode I recorded some time ago about the future of biohacking technologies so-called resonance technology longevity recovery and a lot more with a doctor named Dr. Beth McDougall.

And later, I came down and visited Beth's facility, which is JYZEN, which we talked about in that episode and I'll link to it in the shownotes. All the show notes for this podcast are at BenGreenfieldLife.com/JYZEN, J-Y-Z-E-N. And, I had a chance to kind of walk through this complete wellness destination service where integrative medicine and quantum physics and technology all come together in this really unique way all overseen by doctors and medical professionals. And, they've curated this biometrics lab and a sound wave, an electromagnetic medical technology room and hot and cold plunge pools and biomechanical movement assessments, hyperbaric red light beds, methylene blue, neurological and brain assessments and Vasper and ARX minimal effective dose exercise machines, this massive warehouse of medical and longevity and biohacking technologies and services.

And, I thought when I was down there last time, "Gosh, we should do a podcast on this," so we did. We did, we spent the entire day down there filming all sorts of crazy sexy cool new technologies, many of which I've never discussed on this podcast, and we kicked it all off with me interviewing, which is the first part of this episode that you'll hear Dr. Beth McDougall and Mark Hinds. So, Beth is a real pioneer in what's called complementary alternative medicine.

So, she's a formerly trained MD, she had an internal medicine residency and then she went through functional medicine training. She was one of the first groups of physicians to go through functional medicine training in the U.S. So, she's been doing this for a while. And, she's kind of known as a medical detective. She unravels these really complex multi-factorial conditions like mold and Lyme and chronic illness and neurodegenerative diseases, but she doesn't just use pills, she uses crazy electrical technologies.

And, as you'll hear in this podcast, these so-called resonance frequencies and energy balancing and all these light and water and electrical treatments to heal the body. And then, her partner is a science and technology investment accelerator kind of operator. His name is Mark Hinds. He's super smart. I had dinner with him after the adventure of the labs as well, and the guy is just super plugged into how to get things more free power, defy gravity as he'll talk about in this episode, and solve a lot of big, big problems. This dude thinks on a big level for health, for energy, for agriculture, for the environment, so you'll also get a chance to hear about him and his company, Kenobi, their portfolio and what they do and why he partnered up with Beth to start JYZEN.

So, this is a very video-intensive podcast. You're going to want to watch the video because we demonstrate a lot of different things. So again, all of it's going to be on YouTube or wherever you like your podcast players, but the shownotes are at BenGreenfieldLife.com/JYZEN, BenGreenfieldLife.com/J-Y-Z-E-N. Alright, let's jump in. So, dude, Mark, what's this water bottle? This has ARK on it. It's by this giant crystal.

Mark: Yeah, yeah. So, what's it about? Ben: Yeah. Mark: Yeah. So, ARK stands for advanced resonant kinetics, meaning crystals, it's interesting most in let's say in the esoteric community people like crystals, they think they're kind of cool. Ben: Yeah, magical. Mark: Yeah, magical.

Well, there's actually some really serious data behind how crystals affect space, how they affect water. And so, in this technology, there's actually a little crystal right in the bottom here. Okay? Ben: Okay. By the way, there's a video version of this you might be listening, you guys are going to want to watch the video for this episode.

So, go to BenGreenfieldLife.com/JYZEN, J-Y-Z-E-N, to watch the video. Okay. So, you got a cynical. Mark: Yes, there's this little crystal here. Ben: With an Ironman.

Mark: Yeah, and actually creates a little vortex. The bottle was designed for it. And so, now, this is actually structuring the water. Ben: Oh, so it's structured? Mark: Yup. Ben: Okay, got it, but the water is at the pass through the crystal first, it can just sit on top of it, the instructions about being exposed to it.

Mark: Exactly. Beth: Yeah. And, the crystal was designed by Nassim Haramein, the physicist and in the exact dimensional characteristics that resonates with the quantum vacuum.

Ben: What's quantum vacuum? Beth: So, at the quantum level, the space that we live within is highly structured. So, if you look at plancks and how they're arranged, for example, which is one of the smallest subatomic particles that in our known universe, how it's arranged is in a tetrahedral geometry. So, the dimensions of the crystal is in resonance with the fundamental structure of space-time, basically. Ben: Do you think that's the best way to structure water or is that kind of what you use when you're on the go? Mark: It's a great way to structure it. There's multiple ways to do it.

It's passive, so it's very easy to do. Anybody can do it simply by just putting water in a container. So, I don't know if we could say it's the best way, it's a very good way. I've done some studies showing how it affects plants like plants grow bigger, they grow faster, the phytochemical profile, the plants is increased, they live longer.

So, showing that--and, it's not even just structured but it's actually adding energy to it so that there's more vitality to the water. So, yeah. Ben: What's that mean, "more vitality"? Mark: So, water can conduct electricity. Everybody pretty much knows that. Ben: Yeah.

Mark: You sit in the bathtub, you get the blow dryer in there. So, if you can increase-- Ben: Done many times. Mark: You do that all the time? You kind of play with it? Ben: Yeah, it's good to party. Mark: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

True biohacking, yeah, yeah. Toasters work better than blow dryers. The Westinghouse 1200 watt? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ben: That's right, no dirty electricity here at all, folks. Mark: Exactly.

Ben: Okay. So, the water can serve as an electrical conductive agent. Why is that important? Mark: Well, because the body basically, 37 trillion cells, and each of them if they were perfect charge would have about 2/10 of a volt of electricity. Viruses can't penetrate the cell.

So, the greater electrical potential that the cells have in the body has, the greater vitality we have, the greater health we have, longevity. Many, many things are affected by the electrical potential of the cell. Ben: So, you drink water that's in more like a crystalline structured state like that and it enters into your body. Do you think that that actually increases electrical conductivity in the body somehow? Mark: Oh, yes. Beth: So, wind-water structure. It takes energy to structure it.

So, when it's structured, it has greater communication with the energy in the field that exist with it. And, it's taken energy to structure the water. So then, when you drink structured water, it communicates the energy to your system. When you drink unstructured water, it almost robs your body of energy because then your body has to use its own energy to structure it.

Ben: Interesting. What about the idea that the body can structure its own water? I think the first time it came across this concept was in a book called "Cosmic Heart, Human Heart" I believe is what it was called, this idea that the heart is not a pump by Dr. Thomas Cowan where he discusses how the heart actually sits in? You use the word "tetrahedral," the heart sits in a tetrahedral shape within the chest. And, when it pumps, it's more of a spiraling action. And, that vortices the blood and causes a similar structuring effect on the blood as something like a structured water device or a vorticer or crystal and water would cause in a bottle of water. So, do you think based on the idea that maybe if the body's able to structure its own blood that even if you weren't drinking structured water, you would still be getting some type of effect? Mark: Yeah, for sure.

So, two things on that, I'll mention one then you discuss the detail. Because they've now actually done some pretty cool imaging where they can actually see in the artery that the inside of the artery is rifled. So, the rifling of a gun, so the bullet-- Ben: Yeah, cause firing.

Mark: Exactly. And so, the blood is actually rifle, and actually the middle of it is empty. So, the blood is all on the interior wall. Ben: The middle of the artery is empty. Mark: You can actually see through, so they're actually creating a vortex. Ben: Like the volcano that you saw in those high school science experiments with the water.

I forget how we did it, but you cause the water to vortex and it creates this empty area, this funnel inside the cylinder. Mark: Exactly. It's like a tornado, the eye of the hurricane. Ben: Yeah, like that.

Mark: Exactly. It's the same dynamic. And, that explains why the amount of energy that the heart actually produces is really not enough to pump all the blood.

There's a significant-- Ben: Maybe a physical impossibility for it to reach every tiny capillary. Mark: Yeah, the math doesn't add up. But, this understanding then if it's rifling through and then vortexing back and forth every time and answers how that happens. Beth: Yeah. And, the body is structuring water all the time because that's the primary state water exists within the body.

It's not just loose H2O molecules, but it's actually lining up along all the surfaces in the body such as the inside of the arteries, around your cell membranes, around your intracellular organelles. And, the water is organizing itself in a honeycomb matrix. Ben: Yeah.

Beth: And, it actually has a different chemical-- Ben: It's like a gel. Beth: Yeah, it's like a gel. Ben: There's a book called "Quench."

It's about how water that's consumed in a more gel-like format from things like fruits or say like a chia seed gel or CMOS gel or any of this type of gel lubricating type of fluids that you find in nature can be more hydrating than water in its liquid form. And then, what you were just explaining about in terms of organs and cells relates to Dr. Gerald Pollack's book, the researcher from University of Washington, he wrote a book called "Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life." And, it basically almost defies the whole idea of a sodium-potassium pump being necessary to cause electrical transfer from the inside to the outside of the cell and that it's instead the gel-like nature of the cell that allows for electrons to move throughout the cell efficiently. Beth: I think the both contribute to, let's say, the cell membrane potential. You need both the sodium pump and the gel-like nature of the water.

But, when the water is structured like that, it actually creates a battery. So, when it lines up in that honeycomb matrix, it's actually H3O2 as opposed to H2O. And so, it pumps the proton, the extra proton outside of the structured zone. So, the structured zone is a net negative charge, and then right alongside of that is this proton-rich zone that's a net positive charge.

So, it's a charge separation that actually creates a battery. And, that battery is fueling a lot of the chemical reactions and a lot of so many things in the body. Actually, the water will line up along the helical DNA structure, for example, in a structured form. And, some of the energy from the water is imparted to the DNA tool to kind of allow for it to expand in certain areas, so it can express certain genes. The water will form these structured sheaths around our proteins.

And, in order for a protein to have an effect in the body, it has to change configuration, and that requires energy. So, the water imparts that. Ben: Have you guys ever heard of the ability to be able to actually measure the potential electrical conductivity of the body using something like a phase angle measurement? Are you familiar with that at all? Beth: Yeah. Ben: Do you think that if you were to test before and after say drinking structured water or doing some of these electrical modalities we'll be doing later on, you would notice a difference? Beth: Yes. Ben: Have you ever had an experience with that? Beth: I have wanted to do that with patients and myself.

And, I plan to do it, but I've never done it yet. Ben: Dr. Mercola is big on that. He has this little bag he travels around with a phase angle measurement and he's always laying different biohackers and health influencers who he's with on the table to see if they're really healthy based on their phase angle measurements. I think it's slightly higher is better.

I don't remember right at the top of my head, but it's this like alligator clip that he attaches to you. Beth: It correlates with the cell membrane potential. So, the more negative the cell membrane potential is, I think the greater the phase angle. Ben: Yeah. You would want a slightly more negative cellular potential, meaning that a lot of people who are-- Beth: It's rich with electrons and it has that structured water zone. It has that enough charge separation to really give a negative cell membrane potential and that the more negative the cell membrane potential is, the healthier the cell is.

Ben: That's one of the reasons why people say that a lot of Wi-Fi and dirty electricity and even Bluetooth to a certain extent can be problematic because it causes calcium influx, the influx of a positively charged ion into the cell. And, if you look at rigor mortis, like when I go hunting, if an animal is being chased and knows it's going to be shot or you have an unethical shot and you wound it and you got to track it down, there's a big release of cortisol. And, eventually when the animal finally does die, a larger influx of calcium into the cell, that's where you get rigor mortis and you also get a very tough sinewy fibrous type of taste to the meat. It requires a lot more tenderizing. And, I've always thought it's kind of interesting how humans who are exposed to high, high amounts of dirty electricity on a regular basis with a constant calcium influx might be experiencing the type of things like joint pain and fibromyalgia and titan stiff tendons as a result of the constant state of calcium influx that they're in and also the poor phase angle that results in the type of energy deficits and poor sleep and other things that people experience.

But, it's interesting to think about how all of that is related to the body being a battery. Mark: So, I think that the calcium part is it's an exhibit of a deeper phenomena, which is that the body's an analog system. All of nature is analog. If you look at a wave in the ocean, makes an analog wave, right? Ben: Yeah.

Mark: Okay. If we hook up technology to the body, everything, all the instruments will show an analog wave. Wi-Fi, all these things, it's a square wave, it's a digital wave, right? Ben: Right.

Mark: So now, what you've got-- Ben: We draw that pad, so the square wave would be more like that. Mark: Exactly. So now, you've got a square wave, a digital wave going through an analog system significantly interrupting all of that intracellular, all of that communication. And, that's really the fundamental challenge of Wi-Fi and these non-resonant systems because that's not how nature functions. Ben: Why can't they just make electrical technology with more like that sinusoidal waveform, more of an analog waveform? Mark: Well, we could, but it's going to take some time. Ben: So, fill me in, we'll come back.

But first, I'm going to sip at this coffee that you gave me. Mark: Yeah, yeah. Ben: I don't want to come back to the wavelengths, but you told me right before we started recording about someone I didn't know about coffee, I know a lot about coffee. I was telling my dad was a coffee roaster growing up and I've been sucking down espresso since I was 13 years old.

But, you said that coffee, even if it's nitrogen flushed and in super good packaging starts to lose a ton of its phytochemical content after something crazy like 10 days? Mark: Yeah. So, the data shows after about 14 days, 10 to 14 days. So, the phytochemical profile, after that, let's say, 10 to 14 days starts sliding down significantly. Yeah, I guess we really can't call it alive in those first 10 to 14 days, but the fatty acid profiling, all of the things that make coffee sort of a superfood are really present mostly in that 10 to 14 days of roasting. Ben: That's interesting.

It kind of makes me wonder if some of the studies that have been done on coffee have used super fresh coffee or stale coffee or [0018:14] _____. Mark: They're just starting to. Beth: Yeah.

And, I think that you still see good results even in some of those studies, but just if we now differentiate post-10-day coffee versus within the first 10 days, I think the results will be so much better. Ben: That's true. Do you guys roast your coffee? Mark: Yes. Ben: How do you do it? Mark: So, I think I give a plug for somebody, the SR800 is a crack-up. You think that's some made-up thing, but yeah, so it's just a little device, put in anywhere from about 6 to 8 ounces of coffee, which will last a few days.

And, the whole roasting process is about 14 to 18 minutes. Ben: Is it just push button, set it, and forget it like a countertop type of coffee roasting? Mark: Yeah, you can, but it's best to monitor it depending on the kind of roast you want like light roast to medium roast to dark roast. Yeah, it's pretty cool. To me, the ultimate in coffee of being in a true superfood is you get an organic green bean.

Ben: Right. Mark: Okay. Super fresh, of course. It's still alive. Ben: Green for people who aren't familiar with that term being unroasted.

Mark: Yeah, unroasted. Yup. And then, you roast it, you give it about two days because actually it's producing a lot of carbon dioxide. Actually, if you seal, let's say, a jar, immediately after roasting, you open it up after about two days, pop.

Ben: Oh, really? Mark: That builds up a little bit of pressure. Ben: Interesting. Mark: Yeah, it's really fascinating. So, it's off-gassing for about two to three days and then that's the optimal time to consume is about the third to 10th to 14th day.

So, it's the ultimate in the health benefits, the experience of the neurotropic effect. People have a pretty significant difference in experiencing it. Let's say stimulating may be the same, but from a neurotropic perspective, it's a pretty big difference on that first four to 14 days.

Ben: Last time I was here one of you guys was telling me about how you like to put shilajit in your coffee. Do you still do that? Beth: Yeah, that's my morning routine now. Ben: For people who didn't hear that episode, explain your reasoning behind this. Beth: Well, we have a product named Manna and it's shilajit and water from the Dead Sea that are vortexed together. And shilajit, you've probably talked about it a lot on the show, but it's a resin that's-- Ben: Not that much like I talked about that Monistat briefly because you sent me some up to try, but I haven't talked about it that much. It's really interesting.

Beth: So, shilajit is a resin that seeps out of the ground in a narrow chasm of the Himalayas at certain times in the year. And, it was once a rainforest that's been petrified and now kind of seeps up from the ground. And, it has the highest concentration of fulvic acid and humic acid. It's full of easily absorbable minerals and amino acids and even essential fatty acids and probiotics and, to me, is the ultimate superfood.

And then, we mix it with water from the Dead Sea and vortex it in such a way that it creates these ORMEs precipitants that also do amazing things for the electrical system. Ben: What's ORMEs? Beth: ORMEs are orbitally rearranged elements. Mark: Orbital rearranged monoatomic element.

Beth: Monoatomic element and they are elements in kind of a spin state that allows the electric--it really turns on the electrical system of your body. I mean, everyone pretty much who takes it feels the difference that it just lights up their brain and everything seems to be working in a more coherent efficient manner in the body. Ben: The idea behind putting the shilajit in the coffee, is that just purely for flavor for the effects? The reason I'm asking this, I've heard some people say they'll put sea salt in their coffee because coffee is sympathetically stimulating and might deplete the adrenals more quickly if you don't re-electrolyte your body when taking it. Is there some of that reasoning behind putting the shilajit in it too? Beth: Yeah. And, shilajit is just a really grounding supplement and it's so good for your hormone balance. It's so good for hormone balance.

And, one thing that coffee can do is it is stimulating. And so, if you have depleted adrenals and you're drinking too much coffee, you can further deplete your adrenals. It's a superfood and so good for you, but it is a stress to be overstimulated. So then, you need the adrenal strength to be able to ground that. Ben: Yeah, that makes sense. Reishi and theanine, I think, are also really good with coffee for that same reason.

Beth: Yeah. Ben: Yeah, but those don't have as many minerals as that shilajit stuff. And, that's Manna, M-A-N-N-A, right? Beth: Right. Ben: And, by the way, I'll put all this, the Manna and the SR800,000 coffee roaster. I'll put all these stuff at the shownotes for people. Okay.

So, now that we've talked about the everybody's favorite drug, let's get back to smoke amount of our ears with this sinusoidal versus digital waveform idea. So, I asked you if you could somehow propagate an electrical signal like a Wi-Fi signal but not use a square wave form and you said that you had thoughts on that. Mark: So, more than thoughts, yeah. So, the technology is developed and hopefully, it'll be coming to market in about six to eight months. So, it's going to be really important because it has the opportunity to replace all that Wi-Fi cellular or even be, let's say, complementary to it. But, we can send the information further, longer and the structure of, let's say, that wave is resonant to human beings.

So, yeah, it's coming. Ben: Are we talking the equivalent of the old school 28.8K modem though as far as connectivity? Could this still be used on scale for high-speed internet transmission? Mark: So, let's see here. So, it's approximately 10 times faster than 5G. Ben: What? Mark: It goes 10 times further than 5G.

We're already exhibiting it up to 15 kilometers. Ben: Oh, Elon Musk is going to shut you down, dude. Mark: Actually not, it'll be very complimentary, still needs land-based transmission, right? Ben: Yeah. Mark: So, Starlink's amazing. We were on a private island in the South Pacific and great to have. Ben: Yeah.

Mark: Right. And, it's serving a lot of purposes. And actually, I would even have that as a complimentary thing to some places when you're out hunting. Ben: Yeah. Mark: Great to have that.

But, for the amount of communication that we're going to be able to have to have--and, the other thing is that this type of communication becomes non-terrestrial. So, as we're moving into the idea that we're not bound by the surface of the planet when we start looking gravity control and these type of things that are coming in 2024, there's very significant physics that are going to be introduced in 2024 that really start to change our perspective that we have to be attached to the surface of the planet. So now, we're using rockets and things, but using this type of communication technology, we can go at vast distances at almost unlimited speed, so it's going to be really important. Because that's how nature functions. We talked earlier before we started today about resonance and that once we start looking at everything of how nature functions, which means the universe is transmitting almost an infinite amount of data at almost an infinite baud rate like 800 million times faster than the speed of light. And so, if we could work in resonance with that same structure, we could send infinite information at very fast speeds.

And, that's what's coming. Ben: I don't understand what you just said about gravity. Did you come here today on a hovercraft? What's that mean not connected to the planet? Mark: So, let's say current we'll use a rocket to get off the surface of the planet. But, a rocket, you have to use a lot of energy to push against gravity. So, an example, so if I take a magnet and something that's magnetic, and I do that, boom, I just showed that the magnet will pull up the object.

So, I was able to easily exhibit that electromagnetism overcomes gravity, right? Ben: Okay. Mark: So, again, if we worked in resonance-- Ben: Do you mean there's the two opposing surfaces of a magnet like that? Mark: No. So, if I have a magnet, you have a little ball bearing here, I just showed up, boom, the ball bearing will go up.

Ben: Right. Mark: So, we just showed that a magnet, electromagnetism, ,a magnet can overcome gravity as the little ball bearing goes up, right? Ben: Right. Mark: So, if we could work with that same principle which the science of this is called electrogravitics, meaning using electromagnetism to overcome gravity, then the whole idea of having to have a rocket to having to use massive amounts of energy to propel things or for thrust starts to go away. So, that means that we're no longer bound by gravity. And, that's being done in a couple labs around the world today, very small scale like a pound and a half, five pounds of thrust is being graded using these phenomena of electrogravitics.

Ben: And, where do you envision this being applied on scale for consumers like cars or vehicles or spaceships or something like that? Mark: Everything, yeah. Ben: Really? Mark: Yeah. And, the physics of it-- Ben: Shoes? That would be fun. Mark: It'd be a little hard to control.

I guess, it has some [00:27:25] _____. Ben: Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Mark: But now, the physics of it has already been written. It'll be coming, made public sometime in 2024 of an engineering solution of how to access actually this phenomena of gravity control.

And then, this will be open sourced to the public and it'll probably take people a few years to start understanding. But yeah, rockets will go away. We'll be able to have vessels that overcome gravity by using electrogravitics. Ben: What's the name of your company? Mark: Kenobi.

Ben: Kenobi. Mark: Yeah. Ben: And, you guys do a lot of work with these type of, what you call, resonance technologies? Mark: Yeah. Ben: What's that even mean, resonance? Mark: So, the whole idea of resonance is that--it's pretty simple.

So, just being in resonance with how nature functions. So, we would say that pretty much most everything being done today that humanity does is dissonant to how nature functions. We blow up a hydrocarbon. We split atoms. We use drugs on humans. We use chemicals to grow plants.

Nature doesn't do any of that. But, if we could-- Beth: Radiate tumors, yeah. I mean, there's so much in medicine that's dissonant. Ben: Okay.

Mark: Everything is in medicine. Ben: So, dissonant will be the opposite of resonance. Mark: Yeah. So, dissonant would be opposite of resonance. So, dissonance would be forcing or manipulating nature to try to do what we want it to do. Resonance would be saying, "Okay, nature's obviously functioning really well at an infinite scale past just terrestrial, past Earth, solar, galactic, universal scale."

If we could understand that phenomena of where is it--so, for instance, a couple of really easy questions. Ben: Okay. Mark: If I ask any physicist, scientist, engineer on planet Earth, for instance, if I have a little piece of paper and I put it on my refrigerator and I have a little magnet, and that magnet holds up that little piece of paper for 10 years, if my arm had to hold up that piece of paper for 10 years, that'd be a lot of energy. Ben: Yeah. Mark: Where does the energy of that magnet come from? So, the magnet is producing more work than energy it's consuming. There's no physics to explain that.

Actually, some of the greatest physicists like Feynman--there's a great video on YouTube, one of the greatest physicists in modern history, where somebody asks him that, he kind of loses his mind. He goes, "What do you mean? Like, if my aunt Ida fell by walking on ice in Minnesota in the winter, how does that happen?" Like, "What does that have to do with a magnet?" But, since they can't explain it, it's very perplexing. Ben: Nobody's been able to explain how magnets produce energy. Mark: The standard model of physics cannot; however, others are clear like Nassim Haramein and others are clearly explaining that the magnet is working in resonance with nature.

There's a lot of energy in the field, a lot of energy, and that's where the energy of the magnet is coming from or an atom. Where is the energy of the nuclei of the atom that's spinning it near the speed of light forever? If you release that energy, kaboom, there's a lot of energy there. Where does that come from? The standard model of physics cannot explain that. So, this understanding of resonance explains everything that the atoms in resonance with this field of energy and information we live in, that's where the energy of every atom is coming from in the magnet in the human body and everything.

So, if we could just tap into that same source, very interesting things start to happen. Ben: Huh. What could you do with that in terms of tapping into that source? Are we talking about free power or something like that? Mark: Yeah.

So, the word "free" is interesting. So, what is this? So, 2023. So, if we go back almost 80 years in the 1940s, so that little radio about this big. Ben: Yeah. Mark: A little piece of wire that came out, you put it in your ear and they called that a crystal radio.

Ben: Okay. Mark: I think the material was Galena. I can't remember the actual, the construct of the crystal. But, you turn it on and it would produce enough energy to extract an RF signal out of the field and enough to produce a few electrons to send down into your ear. No battery, no charger.

If you go into an antique store today and you buy one of those radios, you turn on still works. Ben: It's just all run by a crystal. Mark: So, that crystal is like a little oscillator, meaning it's extracting just like the magnet, just like the atom.

It's extracting a really, really small amount of energy out of this field of energy we live in. It's in resonance with that and it's producing enough electricity to power a radio. Beth: And, that's what's structuring the water in the ARK crystal bottle here.

Ben: Could you use the power of larger objects though than just a radio theoretically or would you just have to have massively huge crystals? Mark: No. Ben: It seems there might be some transportability issues. Mark: No. So, degrees, let's say, of efficiency.

So, that crystal was not very efficient. So now, imagine in a very small space, you could have, let's say, the base of the crystal would be 5 to 10 microns and you have them all in the tetrahedral geometry and you're able to deposit these crystals in a very specific manner. And, I can share with you that's been done. Ben: Okay.

Mark: And so, now, we have basically a perpetual energy cell. So, instead of a battery that has to be recharged, now we have an energy cell that's producing electricity 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Ben: And, what could you do with something like that? Mark: So, imagine your phone, if you had an energy cell in there, that never had to be recharged or your computer or your car or a plane. Okay. Tesla car, I don't know, it's like 24,000 or something little batteries, right? Ben: Yeah. Mark: so, it's not one huge battery, it's multiples of them linked together in packs.

So, you could have many of these little energy cells in the same way. Now, you have a car that goes forever, never needs to be returned. Ben: Perspective of planned obsolescence on the part of folks like Apple and Tesla, wouldn't that kind of be shooting yourself in the foot from a business standpoint? Mark: No. Actually, I think it'd be the best thing they ever had. I mean, if you had a computer, if you had a phone that just never needed to be recharged, imagine-- Ben: Yeah. What I mean is like you'd have no reason to buy another phone.

Mark: Oh, yeah, for sure. I mean, the batteries have to be replaced. Ben: Okay. Mark: But, what's going to happen--it's interesting that that's the first thing that humanity always goes to is that we're going to have a very significant innovation that, "Oh, it's going to shut down these other things," but we don't realize-- Ben: Like AI and all the businesses that's going to put out of business and the people who are going to be wandering the streets without those do.

Mark: Exactly. Ben: Yeah. Mark: But, what this is going to do-- Ben: Which I don't think is the case, by the way.

Mark: No. But, once we start moving into resonance, it's going to foster a level of innovation that has really never been seen before. The expansive amount of things that are going to start being created, it's going to be when we run analog system then all the way up to the late 1950s, 1960s, the first computers. I mean, look at the innovation that's happened from the digital revolution. And then, before that, we had the Industrial Revolution where we were making things by hand, we started making things by machine.

So, let's say that was the first revolution. The analog to digital was the second. And, there's a third revolution that's coming and it's starting this year in 2024, it's going to be bigger, is the revolution from dissonance to resonance.

It's not even a technology revolution, but to us, one of the most important things is it's a revolution of hope because so many people, I think, today are in despair of, let's say, the difference of beliefs and how do we solve the problems and whether it's climate or this or everything. Well, once we move to resonance, every problem we're facing today whether it's organic food or the climate, I mean they're all going to be solved, health. So, there's so much that's going to come from this.

Ben: This is interesting. I haven't heard many people talk about this as much as you. What about this guy you mentioned earlier, Beth, Nassim? When you said Nassim Haramein, is this the same person and is this the father of resonance technology or something like that or who is this guy? Mark: Yeah.

Well, I don't know if I'd say he's the father of it because Tesla probably didn't use the word "resonance." Ben: Okay. Mark: But, definitely 100%. I mean, he was powering Colorado Springs, Colorado. The Tesla Museum is still there from these ideas of resonance and much of the things we're using today still were invented by him. But, I would say what Nassim is.

Nassim is the first modern-day human that has been able to take these understandings and first quantify them and say, "Okay, it's not just an esoteric idea, here's the data," and then be able to explain it in a layman manner, which he's done so beautifully. So, is non-profit, the Resonance Science Foundation. There's, I don't know, a hundred and something thousand people enrolled in their academy. But, all the way from kids, seven, eight, nine-year-old to I think there's a 90-something-year-old because it's made available to laymen. And, Beth and Nassim have been working very closely on how to begin explaining how do we really move health into the whole next level by the same understanding of resonance physics. Ben: What are the applications of this to health Beth in terms of how to get into medical practice or what you're doing at JYZEN? Beth: Yeah.

I mean, so many because the body, really it comes right down to it where a field of energy and information. Our body is really intersecting waves of energy. And, the proper functioning of our physiology depends on the proper information transfer in the body. And, when we're conceived, there's a field of energy and information that's created that actually becomes a template along which our body develops as an embryo and contains the operating instructions that dictates and orchestrates our complex physiology.

I mean, when we talk about complexity, we have 37 trillion cells each with millions to billions of chemical reactions happening every second in a coordinated manner. And, that level of complexity cannot be explained by current science. And, there's not any quantum computer, there's no supercomputer in the world that could approach that level of orchestration. So, how is it we are these functioning beings? And, not only that, we're not even static. We are literally an olive material reality, is flickering in and out of existence trillions of times a second.

Ben: What do you mean flickering in and out of existence? Beth: So, we are here and then we're gone. If you almost think about the toroid and you have to the outflow of information from the event horizon, and then you have the inflow, it disappears for a moment. They call it the lighthouse frequency. It's trillions of times per second. The material reality is flickering in and out of existence. And so, we have this complex physiology that's flickering in and out of existence and how is it we are re-patterning ourselves, reorchestrating our physiology every second.

We have a field of information that is doing that. So, as we go through life, that field becomes contaminated. We experience trauma. We have exposures to toxins. We get infections and things like that.

And, each of those things has a simple or complex field associated with it, and some of if we begin collecting the information signatures of things that are not harmonious with our body. And, even if we're exposing ourselves to non-harmonious non-beneficial energies like 5G and Wi-Fi and all of that, you begin to disrupt the patterning of the physiology and very much disrupt the flow of energy from the field into our physiology to fuel all of the chemical multi-trillions of chemical reactions happening every second. Mark: Sort of like, this is your pristine blueprint of that moment of creation, of conception. And, this is where we are today and all of these events of life whether it's diet, stress, Wi-Fi, whatever it is, creates-- Ben: Bad coffee. Mark: Bad coffee, 16-day old, past 14-day.

Ben: Yeah, god forbid. Yeah. Mark: It's all over.

Yeah. Beth: But anyway. Mark: It creates static, just an inhibition of the communication between the two. So, really, the data is starting to show that aging disease, everything really starts just to be a result of one thing, the degree of resonance or dissonance that the pristine blueprint has-- Beth: With the body itself. Mark: That's it.

Beth: And so, these resonant technologies like the ultimate technologies that are going to be coming forward are create coherent field-- Ben: Ultimate just like a brand? Beth: No, meaning the best. Ben: Okay, got you. Beth: Like the highest level of energetic technologies that we have now and that we will see coming out in greater forms. Are create coherent fields, so like you can drink regular water, you can drink structured water, you can be in regular space or you can be in highly structured space.

So, if you put the body into a coherent field created by, let's say, a scalar technology, the structured space becomes an amplifying conduit of energy from the field itself into the physiology. Mark: Let me break that down into layman. Beth: Okay. Ben: Thank you.

I would appreciate that. Mark: Yeah. Okay. We know that the biology is having this feedback with the field, okay? And so, what we're saying is we live in a field of information that allows this feedback to happen.

But, the structuring of the space just like water, so when the water is structured, we know that there's more energy and information exchange, the water can conduct information, it can conduct electricity. So, the space since it's highly structured, it seems empty to us, but it's actually highly fluid. It's highly dynamic. The double-slit experiment, have you ever heard of that? Ben: Yeah. Mark: Okay. So, the idea of that, it's flawed, because the idea was that depending on the observer would see if, okay, it's either a particle or a wave, right? Ben: Right, the nature of something will change once it's been observed physically.

Mark: Exactly. That's what has been stated, right? But, here's a different perspective on it. So, imagine that we live in this field of energy and information and super fluid and it's super dynamic and the fluidity of it is something called plasma. Ben: Okay. Mark: Okay? So, we live in a field of plasmid. Actually, we see this all the time with something called lightning.

Lightning is plasma. All lightning is doing is lighting the plasma of space so that you can see it. But, if I had a device here, I could have a little bit of voltage here on the ground and I could create lightning between us. All it is is lighting the plasma of space. Ben: Okay. Mark: Like a neon light, right? Ben: Right.

Mark: If there's no voltage to the neon light, the tube seems empty. Ben: Right, right. Mark: Okay. Just like with us, the space seems empty. I give the neon light a little voltage, boom, it lights up.

Ben: Okay, got it. Mark: If I can do that to the space, this would all--okay. So now, imagine the double-slit experiment like if I'm in a swimming pool, I don't know if you've ever seen a video where they shoot a gun, it creates a wave, right? So, imagine that there's-- Ben: They shot a lot of underwater guns. Mark: Yeah, yeah, there's good videos on YouTube of people doing it. It creates a pretty cool wave. Ben: Okay.

Mark: So, imagine if I'm shooting a photon to a slit and the field is fluid, it's going to create a wave. So, the double-slit experiment is you're just actually witnessing the fluidity of space, you're seeing that as the photon goes through, it's creating a wave in space. Ben: Okay, interesting. And so, based on double-slit experiment, how does that influence somebody seeing a different phenomenon under observation versus non? Mark: They're not seeing a different observation, they're trying to explain what's creating the wave. Ben: Okay, I got you. Mark: Right.

And now, we can now break it down to a very quantitative phenomena. So, what Dr. Beth is sharing then is that the space, this fluidity of space, just like with water, we can structure that, we can structure space. Ben: Got it. Mark: And so, if the space is more structured, it can conduct more energy and information. Beth: That's right.

Ben: So, let's say I come into you and I'm not very electrically conductive, and maybe flickering in and out of my existence improperly, and I'm living in typical industrial lifestyle, and I'm under a lot of stress, especially from the perspective of my cells being a battery. I know that we're going to be going through your facility and we're going to be showing on video a lot of the cool tools that you would use to restore somebody, but what are some examples of what you would use in a situation like that when it comes to these kind of scalar technologies or drinking structured water standing on giant crystals or whatever else that you would implement? Beth: One of the things that you're going to do today is that we have a room where we have very beautiful scalar technology in there that is structuring the space of the room, creating a coherent field. And then, we're able to measure different information signatures in your body that are, let's call them, aberrant like off. So, signatures of toxins or pathogens or even disease cells or things like that, and then we're able to send back corrective information signatures that cancel those out through a plasma device. And, that's actually how Royal Rife used to send corrective signatures through.

Ben: Interesting. Beth: And through the plasma. And anyway, then we check again. So, it's this constant biofeedback process that removes dissonant signatures out of your body. Mark: To mention that because most people aren't aware of plasma and it's amazing because we live in plasma. Our whole existence is based on living in plasma, but plasma is the great conductor.

So, plasma is what conducts energy and information. It transmutes things from one state to another. Ben: Okay. Mark: So, for instance-- Ben: And, this is similar to the gel state of water, but instead in our environmental spaces? Mark: Yeah, somewhat. Ben: Okay. Mark: Let's say fire.

Most people aren't aware, but fire is plasma. Ben: Okay. Mark: It's not a solid, not a liquid, not a gas. Ben: Yeah. Mark: So, fire is plasma.

They call it the fourth state of matter. Actually, everything emerges out of plasma. So, if I light a piece of wood on fire, we show that fire is the transmutator. It's transmutating that stored energy of wood into a higher state called heat, right? Ben: Okay. Mark: So, we can now use plasma devices to transmute biological systems from one state into another. Ben: Like what? Mark: So, do you like to address that or? Beth: What do you exactly-- Mark: Okay, it's like a healing device.

Ben: Okay. Mark: Okay. So, in a glass tube, we can conduct plasma. Okay. And, let's say I had-- Beth: Torn rotator cuff.

Mark: Torn rotator cuff. So, normally, we would have to go through many iterations to heal that tissue. If I could touch the plasma device to that torn rotator cuff, what it would do is it highly accelerate this energy and information exchange phenomena, and the healing would happen at a degree of magnitude that most people would say is almost impossible. Ben: And, you guys have technology like that at JYZEN? Mark: Yes.

Ben: Interesting. Mark: Yeah. Ben: So, you've got scalar technologies, which is this field that you go into the tests and then applies a frequency and then you can retest to see what changes that it made in the body.

You have things like these plasma technologies. What would be another example of something that implements this type of resonance in medicine or longevity? Beth: I mean, really because-- Mark: How about VSELs? Beth: Yeah, I have so much to talk about, but we are-- Ben: We're going to show people a lot of this stuff too, so we had a chance. Beth: We're these energetic beings that are derived from this field of energy and information, so let's let the field be our medicine and the individual components of the field. So, a lot of the health technologies nowadays that really help us resonate better with the field are geared toward upregulating mitochondrial function. And so, one way to do that is something a lot of people are familiar with is red light and near-infrared light wavelengths. And so, we do a lot with these wavelengths of light because they've been shown to improve energy production in the mitochondria, the little energy factories within the cell.

And, there is an interesting, you can almost think of the mitochondria of ourselves as plugging in to the field of energy that we live within. Mark: Actually, that's a really good example because the amount of-- Beth: Energy. Mark: That they produce is not linear. Beth: Right. Mark: I mean, the math doesn't add up.

Beth: Right. So, it's like we think that it's all coming from the food we eat and the energy we breathe. Ben: Right, food in subsequent production of ATP. Beth: You have so many examples that absolutely defies that. People that are breatharians and don't eat, how are they surviving or people that are running triathlons, what are they producing a few times their body weight and ATP during the triathlon? Ben: Yeah. They're also eating a lot during the triathlon.

I don't know a lot of long-lived breatharian populations. Mark: But, you would have to consume about a hundred thousand calories. Ben: Yeah.

Mark: If it was linear for the triathlon, that's about how many calories--I mean, if they're producing that much energy, they're not consuming 100,000 calories. Beth: Right. Ben: No, no.

I mean, typically it's a maximum 400, 600 calories per hour and the rest theoretically is coming from fat, from beta-oxidation. Mark: Yeah. That math does not add up. Ben: Interesting.

Beth: Yeah. A lot of these people do not have a lot of that. Ben: And so, where's the energy coming from, the mitochondria? Beth: So, my sense is that it's coming from the resonance with the field of--basically, Nassim is known for saying this, but within a cubic centimeter of space, you have the energy of 30 million stars right here all over in space. We are living in a field of energy.

The mitochondria are in resonance. They're like little free energy factories, these mitochondria. Mark: Not like, they are. Beth: They are.

They have rotors that spin at the speed of a jet engine. And then, we have thousands and sometimes tens of thousands mitochondria per individual cell. We have 37 trillion cells and they have these rotors in multiple of them per individual mitochondria speeding like jet engine speeds like producing ATP. They're these little free energy factories, basically. And, of course, yes, there's some substrates, there's the oxygen, there's the glucose, but they're producing far more energy than we're actually consuming with those basic substrates.

So, anyway, all of our technologies almost are geared toward improving mitochondrial function because mitochondria are vulnerable to damage. Unfortunately, we have this problem with dietary intake of too many omega-6 fatty acids and damaged fats, and they are very much damaging our mitochondria. And then, we have these diets that are kind of poor in terms of not having a lot of high life force quotient foods that have antioxidants and whatnot, and that's leading to damage to the mitochondria.

You have people that are no longer spending time outside and it's actually the wavelengths of light in the sun are absolutely beneficial to the mitochondria. The practice of getting up in the morning and going outside and allowing the wavelengths of light that predominate in the early morning hours to kind of enter your eyes absolutely affects the health of your mind. Ben: I don't know. You sound like one of those irresponsible physicians who's going to be giving everybody's skin cancer. The latest in the news, I've read an article actually in a Rolling Stone, it was all those freaks that are telling you to eat liver and go into saunas and get sunlight and we're going to see huge amounts of damage from these type of irresponsible messages. I mean, I don't burn in the sun and I just got back from two weeks of cycling in Italy and I was wearing sunscreen, especially in the middle of the day.

But yeah, I mean, you're right, the sun is an infrared red light, in general, is a perfect example of something that would charge up the body with this type of energy. You briefly mentioned VSELs. Why'd you bring up VSELs Beth: Well, I think Mark was bringing it up because you have these pristine cells that are embryonic in age. Ben: Very small embryonic-like cells.

Beth: Very small embryonic-like cells. Ben: Okay. Beth: And, they're naturally found in the human bloodstream and the tissues and they exist throughout your lifespan primarily in a dormant state. And so, they've only been newly discovered because of that in the last 16 years or so.

Because when they're dormant, they don't express all of the surface proteins that kind of identify something as a stem cell. But, it was discovered at one point that they are dormant and they can be activated. And then, when they're activated, they then quickly express these surface proteins that are involved in chemotaxis, which is them migrating to an area in need of healing and engraftment, which allows them to adhere when they get there. And so, when that was discovered, then people have been exploring different technologies for activating VSELs. And, we've been using a technology that's been working beautifully and we use it both to activate the VSELs. And then, once they're just put back in the arm, we can non-invasively guide their migration to an area in need of healing.

Ben: Is that that protocol I think I've mentioned before on podcasts where you use lasers or light to activate the VSELs? Beth: Yeah. I've seen you get this procedure. Ben: Yeah.

Beth: Yeah. And, I think you brought it up because-- Ben: I think Harry Adelson did that when I did the Full-Body Stem Cell Makeover up at his clinic. I think he uses lit-up laser-activated VSELs. Beth: Cool. Ben: Yeah. Beth: Yeah.

We do that we do that as well. And, they enhance resonance with the field because they are these pristine cells that have not really suffered the ravages of aging and environmental toxins and whatnot. In fact, some early studies on VSELs where they expose them to chemotherapeutic drugs, extremes of acid, extremes of base, a lot of chemical insults, and then looked at them, see did they show epigenetic changes, did they show free radical damage. And, they don't when they're dormant because they're almost ensconced in this very tightly packed double membrane, creates almost like a spore that protects them from damage. So, you have these embryonic age, pristine, naturally pluripotent, which means that the cells can become any one of the types of cell types in your body, cells that can be just extracted from a peripheral blood draw and then activated and put back in the arm and then non-invasively guided to an area in need of healing. So, to me, this is the only stem cell that I think is worth working with.

Ben: Now, Mark, in addition to partnering up with Beth on a lot of these resonance-based technologies that I use in medicine and longevity and health, from what I understand, you've got basically your whole portfolio, your whole interest in terms of the companies that you invest in and work with, it's all companies based on these resonance technologies? Mark: Correct. Ben: And, that's what Kenobi is? Mark: Yes. Ben: Okay.

So, if people want to view the portfolio of all the different companies that you have or start to look into these things like I know JYZEN where we're at right now is one, Manna shilajit is another, what's the best way for people to actually stay tuned to what you're doing with resonance? Mark: Yes. So, they can go to website kenobi.io. Ben: How do you spell that? Mark: K-E-N-O-B-I.io.

Ben: Okay. Mark: And, the interesting thing is really none of the 15 companies that we have, none of them we invest in. We've actually started them all from the-- Ben: Oh, really? Mark: Yeah.

Yeah, we started them all from the beginning because most people really don't understand resonance. And so, we've kind of collected a group of humans that get this. Ben: Yeah. Mark: And, a lot of them have had a kind of a challenging time and being able to work with the regular world in regards to finance and structure and all that. So, we've created a structure that allows these really extraordinary minds to be able to start manifesting their understanding of these technologies in a protected incoherent way. Ben: Is there any particular technology you're most excited about right now that is based with one of these companies? Mark: Wow.

I'd say it's four vectors, but it's hard to say because they're also complementary. So, energy, the communication one that we talked a little bit about earlier about being able to stress-- Ben: Yeah, the resonant waveform. Mark: Exactly. The implications of that are huge, especially with all the concerns with 5G.

Ben: Yeah. Mark: To be able to introduce something that not only replaces that but excels at that. Then, three new types of energy technologies that are coming out, that will be the whole next level of, let's say, green but whatever is the next step past green technologies. And the

2023-09-25 12:59

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