Чёрный день близко. Эта великая страна исчезнет с карты мира. Пророчества бразильского Нострадамуса

Чёрный день близко. Эта великая страна исчезнет с карты мира. Пророчества бразильского Нострадамуса

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imagine a world where natural disasters become the norm, where mysterious signals from the depths of space change our understanding of the Universe and technology is developing so rapidly that it threatens the very existence of humanity and you know This is not the script of a science fiction film, but a prediction of one of the most mysterious soothsayers of our time, Athos Straw in In this video we will reveal his intriguing prophecies for the coming years. What trials await us in the future. Will we be able to cope with the impending disasters and save our world right now? Like, support us, join us to find out the answers to these questions and much, much more in recent years The name of Athos Solomé is increasingly appearing on the Internet and attracts the attention of people around the world. This Brazilian soothsayer has gained worldwide fame thanks to his numerous predictions. Some of which have already come true. Others concern the near future, including forecasts for 2024. Atas Solomé was born in 1987 in the small town of Clau. located in the state of Mina Gerais, Brazil, his path to fame

began at the age of 12 when he first showed paranormal abilities. Straw himself claims that he inherited this gift from his great-grandfather, known for his knowledge of the occult sciences, being a fourth-generation descendant of gypsies. Since childhood, he has had an unusually acute intuition and with heightened perception, straw remembers how, at a young age, he began to observe phenomena beyond the scope of his understanding, these experiences awakened him to comprehend mysterious phenomena and led to the study of various esoteric Practices, gradually his abilities developed and intensified, which attracted the attention of those around him, straw claims that the information came to him from lightning speed and even in childhood he could predict events that seemed incredible today Athos Salome is often compared with Nostradamus, the famous soothsayer, and such a comparison did not arise by chance. Salome, like Nostradamus, makes predictions that seem incredible and fantastic, but subsequently often come true, his predictions cover a wide range of topics including global disasters, geopolitical events and technological breakthroughs, and Tos Straw became widely known due to the accuracy of his predictions. Some of them have already come true,

which strengthened his reputation and attracted attention. One of the most famous and significant predictions of Straw is a pandemic long before it began. He predicted the global spread of a new virus which will bring with it numerous casualties and serious economic consequences; his forecasts included quarantine measures; mass diseases and global panic, which completely coincided with the real events of 2020-21; another important prediction for straw was the death of Queen Elizabeth II; he predicted her death with amazing accuracy, indicating the approximate time of her death, this event shocked the whole world and became an important moment in the history of Great Britain, Samay also foresaw that after the death of Elizabeth II, the royal family would face numerous problems and challenges, which also turned out to be true, fat also predicted health problems for King Charles II, he claimed that Charles II would face serious medical difficulties Which could affect his ability to govern the country these predictions were confirmed when the king actually began to experience health problems causing concern among his subjects and the world community among other impressive predictions of straw was the acquisition of Twitter by Elon Musk straw foresaw that Musk is known for his innovations bold steps in business decides to buy one of the largest social networks, this prediction came true in 2022 when Elon Musk actually acquired Twitter, causing a wide response in the media and confirming the reputation of straw as an accurate soothsayer, and then straw continues to surprise the world with his prophecies for the coming years, especially for the period from 2024 to year, he predicted a number of serious challenges and events that could radically change the world picture; these predictions relate to both the political arena and global conflicts and represent warning signs that cannot be ignored. One of the most significant straw predictions for 2024 is the possible military invasion of the United States of America According to its introduction, the threat comes from the South China Sea region, this invasion will be unprecedented in its scale and consequences and it will put the United States in the face of enormous challenges. Straw claims that the conflict will begin unexpectedly and will involve complex military operations, cyber attacks and economic sanctions this event could lead to serious destruction and losses not only material but also human he warns that the United States must be prepared for this challenge and take all possible measures to prevent it even more alarming is the prediction of straw that this military invasion could become catalyst of the third world war in his visions he sees how the conflict between the major world powers flares up to such a scale that it covers the entire world This global conflict can lead to catastrophic consequences for all humanity solo describes how tension between will increase and the slightest spark can ignite the fire of world war he warns that the leaders of countries must show wisdom and prudence. To avoid such a development of events, it is important to seek diplomatic solutions and not allow conflicts to reach the point of no return. Straw pays special attention to the confrontation and

powerful leaders who, in his opinion, are adherents of the occult sciences in his jurisdiction as these leaders have enormous power and with influence they use their knowledge and abilities to achieve their own goals, they carefully choose the moments for their actions, focusing on astrological and magical principles, straw claims that these leaders are behind many global events and disasters, their desire for power and control over the worlds can lead to unpredictable and devastating consequences, he calls on people to be vigilant and realize that behind many political and military actions there may be forces that cannot be seen on the surface, and then he warns about several serious dangers and disasters that may befall humanity in the coming years, his vision covers both natural and man-made threats and paint an alarming picture of the future that requires close attention and preparation. One of the most common predictions of straw is the emergence of a dangerous virus that will be released from the melting glaciers of Antarctica. According to him, this ancient virus is extremely deadly and has been hiding in glaciers for thousands of years with the warming of the climate and the acceleration of the processes of melting glaciers virus release and begin to spread throughout the world, straw warns that this virus could lead to the death of millions of people causing massive epidemics and a crisis in health systems around the world. He argues that humanity

must be prepared for this threat and develop precautions to prevent its spread and minimize the consequences It is also important to strengthen research and monitoring of changes in Antarctica in order to promptly detect any potential threats. Another serious threat that Straw points out is the development of artificial intelligence, according to his predictions, artificial intelligence can be used to create new viruses and biological weapons, which poses a huge danger to humanity, Straw believes that artificial intelligence technologies can get out of control and become a tool in the hands of malicious people or organizations he warns that future epidemics may not be of natural origin but the result of synthetic developments in laboratories using artificial intelligence, these artificial viruses can be extremely complex and resistant to traditional methods of treatment which will make the fight against them even more difficult straw calls for strict control and regulation of developments in the field of artificial intelligence to prevent their potential abuse in addition to physical threats straw also warns of a possible epidemic of mental disorders that could affect millions of people he describes a dystopian future in which geopolitical tensions environment and constant stress will lead to widespread mental illness and disorders, straw predicts that in the coming years the world will face an increase mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety disorders and psychosis, he believes that these diseases can reach epidemic proportions and many people will suffer from severe mental disorders that will make their life unbearable in his family, people affected by these diseases will be like Zombies, lifeless, weak-willed and incapable of normal existence. also warns that geopolitical tensions, economic crises and social conflicts will aggravate the situation causing exacerbation of mental disorders and surges of suffering; he describes how mass unrest of war and natural disasters will create an atmosphere of constant fear and stress, which leads to a deterioration in the mental health of millions of people; straw calls on society and the government to pay special attention attention to the problem of mental health and develop support and treatment programs for those who suffer from mental disorders, he also advises each person to pay attention to their mental health, engage in meditation, physical exercise and other practices that help cope with stress and maintain emotional balance, but Salome looks not only at the future of the earth but also into space, his visions reflect amazing space discoveries and possible contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations that can radically change our understanding of the universe and our place in it, Salm predicts that in the coming years humanity will face a new round of cosmic rivalry, the basis for this will be the discovery of an asteroid rich in precious minerals, this discovery will cause fierce competition between countries and private companies for the right to develop and extract these valuable resources, asteroids containing rare precious elements could be the key to new technologies and enormous wealth, straw believes that this discovery will be a turning point in the history of space exploration and will open up a new era in the development of mankind, countries and corporations will strive to be the first to gain access to these resources, which could lead to significant political and economic changes. One of Salome’s most intriguing predictions is the discovery of a mysterious signal recorded by telescopes. This signal, according to him, will be evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial

civilizations and will lead to the first contact with them, straw predicts that the signal will come from the depths of space and will contain information that will indicate the presence of intelligent life beyond our planet; this event will arouse great interest among scientists and the public and will mark the beginning of a new era in astronomy and cosmology; sudden confirmation of the existence of aliens will force humanity will reconsider its ideas about the universe and its place in it. Another important prediction of straw is associated with the discovery of life on one of Jupiter’s satellites, Europa. Upon its exploration, microscopic organisms with unique properties will be discovered in the oceans of this icy satellite; this discovery will become a sensation and will cause a reconsideration of many scientific concepts, scientists have long suspected that beneath Europa's icy crust there may be a liquid ocean that possibly supports life. Straw argues that confirmation of this theory will become a reality in the coming years. The discovery of alien life on Europa will cause confusion among the scientific community and the public and will force a reconsideration of many long-held ideas about the possibilities of life beyond the earth, Ato Solom not only predicts space discoveries, but also warns about the risks associated with the development of future technologies; he sees both positive and negative consequences of scientific and technological progress; one of the most radical predictions of Solom is the appearance of children created with the help of artificial intelligence.

He claims that in the coming years, artificial intelligence technologies will reach such a level that it will become possible to manipulate genetic material and create new forms of life; this will become a turning point in the history of mankind and will raise many ethical and moral questions. Straw believes that such technologies can be used to create ideal children devoid of genetic diseases and having improved physical and intellectual abilities However, he also warns about the risks associated with these technologies, manipulation of genetic material and consciousness can lead to unpredictable and even disastrous consequences, and Salome also foresees a series of natural disasters that can seriously affect various regions of the world. His activities cover three key zones: Africa, the Middle East and the United States of America, these disasters will be a real test for humanity and will require enormous efforts to overcome them in Africa, the predictor sees numerous natural disasters that can destroy entire regions, he predicts large-scale droughts that will lead to shortages of water and food, as well as massive migrations of the population, these droughts will cause famine and disease that will create a serious humanitarian crisis In addition, Africa may also face severe earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that will destroy infrastructure and make life difficult for millions of people. Straw warns that the International community must be ready to assist African countries in the event of these disasters to prevent further disasters the Middle East will also become the scene of serious natural disasters, straw sees in his introductions strong field storms, floods that will destroy crops and residential areas, these disasters will aggravate the existing political and social problems of the region, creating additional tension and conflicts, floods and storms, according to straw, will also destroy coastal cities and agricultural land , which will lead to a massive displacement of people and an intensification of the struggle for resources, he calls on the governments of the Middle East countries to now develop strategies to mitigate the consequences of natural disasters and prepare for their possible onset. The United States of America will also not remain aloof from natural disasters, straw predicts hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes that will destroy cities and villages causing enormous damage to the country's economy, he also sees the risk of large-scale forest fires that will destroy millions of hectares and threaten the lives of people and animals. However, one of the largest disasters, Salome's prediction, will be

the water element consuming one of the powers of the world; this flood will be so powerful that will flood vast territories and lead to the death of many people, straw warns that such a disaster can happen suddenly and humanity must be prepared for its consequences Rum of natural disasters Ramus also predicts events related to the end of the world and the appearance of the Antichrist, these prophecies are of particular concern and require close attention He predicts that in the coming years the Antichrist will appear on earth, which will be the harbinger of the end of the world, he describes the Antichrist as a powerful and treacherous leader who will gain the Trust of people and will use his powers for evil, this character will appear unexpectedly and will cause many disasters and suffering. He claims that the Antichrist will have incredible abilities and knowledge that will allow him to manipulate the consciousness of people and control their actions, he warns that humanity must be prepared for his appearance and be careful not to fall under his influence; another threat predicted by straw is virtual extermination, which will become a serious danger to the World he sees of their knowledge as VC technologies, artificial intelligence and virtual reality will be used to control and destroy people, these technologies can become weapons in the hands of those who seek power and control over the world, he also warns that virtual extermination can lead to mass mental disorders and degradation of human society people will live in fear and under constant control, losing their freedom and individuality, he calls on humanity to be aware and use new technologies to prevent their abuse, looking at such difficult predictions, straw leaves hope for the salvation of humanity. He claims that people with certain marks on their bodies will be able to protect themselves and others from impending disasters, these marks will be symbols of protection and strength that will help resist evil and save lives, also the Brazilian Nostradamus calls on his spiritual development and seek inner strength and wisdom to overcome trials, he believes that only through unity and understanding can one cope with threats and build a better future. So, we have looked at the predictions of Athos to straw about natural disasters, technological threats and the possible end of the world, these prophecies cause anxiety and makes us think about our future But despite the gloomy forecasts, Salome leaves us with hope, he calls us to the unity of awareness and spiritual development to face the challenges ahead Be prepared for any challenges and remember that our future depends on our actions today Subscribe to our channel so as not to miss new videos and leave your comments Which predictions impressed you most today, share your thoughts Take care of yourself

2024-07-19 02:05

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