Online Student Orientation: Gallery Walk of Best Practices

Online Student Orientation: Gallery Walk of Best Practices

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Represented, here, my. Co-host, for this, particular, session is, dr.. John Graham the, office of the University I'm, sure he has joined us and. We, just wanted to you, know the context. For this webinar we started. Talking about student. Online orientation, I. Think, back in you know. 2016-2017. But, our friend Kovac has, alerted. Us to the need to. Think more deliberately. About. Our, pivot to. Remote. Instances. Of all student, facing, activities, right of course including, our. Courses, in our program delivery, but also how. Do we, really think through, how, we welcome, our students how we onboard, our students, what, do they need to know what. What do we want them to know and. So on and so forth so this webinar. As a result, of some. Revised. Thinking, some refreshed thinking, around this topic and the, campuses, here, have very graciously. Agreed. To. Help. Us think. Through how. We might, approach this topic. Their. Approaches, are all slightly, different but I'm I'm thinking we'll, see some common themes and I'm thinking we'll have. An opportunity for some questions and I'm some deeper dives as we move forward we, also, have. Two. Students, joining us today, they, will we, probably will do our campus. Showcase. Gallery walk until. About noon and then, we will welcome. Our students, and, they. Will help us think through all, of the things that maybe, we know maybe. We don't know and maybe we need to rethink, right. So anytime we can include student voices we were always most appreciative, of that, opportunity. And. Next slide please. Great. So this is just a very basic framework, in which I, think, most of the examples, today here, will. Fall so, when. We're creating online, student, your student online student. Orientations. What. Do they need to know about being connected what, do they need to know relative, to being an online student, and. What does this new student need to know about the technologies, necessary to, be an online student, right so, it's a vexing, topic. To sort of think, through replacing. And then putting that in quotes because, it depends on the campuses, depends on the program but, replacing the face-to-face orientation. But. This is sort of the general framework, for that online paradigm. Next. Slide please. Great. So we have our first campus I'll turn it to our colleagues, from, Binghamton, University.

Hello. Everybody. So. Today it's myself, Betsy staff and, Andrea, McArdle so. I will be talking first about what. Are. What. Binghamton University, has done for, our online. Virtual. Orientation. So taking that face-to-face orientation and, transition, transitioning. Into a Verte orientation, so, slide please. Thank. You a little, bit about Binghamton University. So, we, are. Made. Up of about six colleges, or schools, we. Have about 130, or so undergraduate. Programs with eighty or so graduate. Programs our, overall campus population is about 18,000. With. That undergrad graduate, population. At about 14,000. I'm, so when we're looking at these new students, who are coming in for the summer orientation program, we're looking at these are from the fall 2019. Numbers but, we have about twenty eight twenty, nine hundred first-year. Students, and eight hundred transfer, students, at. This moment. Zero. Of our. Online. Undergraduate. Degrees are 100% online and, there. Are 21 courses, that, are 100% online this is obviously all before Kovach. 19 and what, the fall may bring. Slightly. So. As. I'm sure many of my colleagues across. Campuses. Did this summer we. Had planned. A lovely, program, that we were gonna institute, in June and July in person and then threw it out the window in one day and had, just a couple weeks to come up with a new plan so, we worked with a lot of different entities, on our campus lunch for campus partners to come up with what, we thought was the best program for Binghamton, University, so, our virtual, our new student virtual orientation has, four major components, it runs, from May 15th, to August 15th, which, is a very big change for us it is the orientation, experience this. Summer rather than your orientation session, so. This experience includes, an orientation, checklist on our student portal Minot Binghamton ddu a virtual. Mini orientation session, with your orientation, advisor via, zoom which we had our first one today very. Exciting. Virtual. Academic advising, and course registration, which were scheduled through starfish, and then conducted, via zoom and, then a weekly, email communication. Highlighting. Different, campus services that, goes through. The beginning of a school year slide. Please so. This, is a snapshot of what our checklist. Looks like we're. Able to put it right on the front face of the portal, so that as soon as the student has logged in with. Their pods username and password they are greeted with the orientation, checklist this is a living document it's actually able to. Be. It, communicates, back and forth with some of our systems so if they've submitted their ID card photo it checks it off for them as complete, or. It works with banner to be, able to recognize some of the tasks that they've done some, of our systems don't work with each other though and, so we do have a self, selection, process. On there so they can mark if. It is complete, or not. It. Grow. The checklist items do grow and grow as the summer goes on because. We release information every two weeks so. In the first and the 15th of every month we ask the students to come back to their checklists to see what new items are being rolled out and we have been very strategic about what those items, are and.

When. They're being rolled out so that it goes, in line with what they need to complete, for. Whatever part of the program that they're in. It's. Like. So. Are many, orientation. Sessions, with. The, orientation, advisors is a two-hour, zoom session facilitated. By the, new student program staff and the OAS. They. Are in larger rooms of about 100, to 150, people but then we were able to break them down with, our student staff too but small groups of about 10 people so that we can really focus on having. Them meet each other having them meet new, students and, get acclimated to Binghamton, so, it so as you can see they're in that program details it's, a lot about working. With the students one on one or in those small groups and getting. Them to know each other and, that social, aspect of things and getting involved with our campus, it's. Like I. Think. The. Next, component is our virtual academic advising. And registration again. Utilizing our, Minot. Binghamton portal the. Academic advising offices, have created, a series, of slides and videos and PDFs. And, whatnot that the students need to kind, of complete as their homework before. They're able to register for a one-on-one advising appointment. Most, of the advising appointments, are happening. For. About a 30 minute window throughout. Either June or July our. First sessions. Are on on Friday, so. The. After. The student has been completed. All of their homework they will be contacted, by the advising, offices, to complete the next steps, so. More, to come on that cuz right we don't know how that one's gonna go just, yet we're hoping is gonna go awesome it's. Like. Okay. So now I'm gonna actually introduce. Andrea McArdle into, the conversation, because she's gonna talk a little bit more about this, online learning that now all of our students are kind, of becoming, I, thanks, Betsy, so. In. Conjunction with a lot of different, divisions. Across campus and including, faculty we. Developed, an, organization. In our blackboard, portal. And we've. Actually always had this. In in, a different setting for, our summer and winter students. As Betsy. Discussed. Earlier we, don't have a hundred, percent online, undergraduate, students, it's we don't have any 100%, online course. Or degree, offerings, the, only courses that we really have that, are 100% online are. Usually. In the summer winter terms so we're, just not an online school, and it's not something that we've invested, in yet so this, course has always been for.

Those Summer and winter students. And it's accessible, in a tab, in blackboard. Called. The help and info for students tab and the. Students can self enroll in the organization, they won't be automatically, enrolled in it they'll have to elect to choose it because this is not a required. Component of, their experience, it's completely, optional for, them because. I work with faculty my, main job is, faculty. Development, we do encourage our faculty to make this a participation. Assignment. So, that before, they. Take, their in previously. Summer in winter course they had to show that they've completed the. Introduction. To online learning so. We're going to do the same in the. Fall with our now. Online. Courses because, of. Ko bed so. Next slide. So. The course has six. Modules five, modules of content, and each, module has a short, quiz that goes over the content, in the module, in, module. 2 and module 3 which module tool 2 is about blackboard, how to use blackboard, there. Are, practice, items like how to submit an assignment how. To take a test etc all, the tools, in blackboard, that are commonly used and, then, in module 3 which is using, the technology, at Binghamton, that isn't blackboard, so in our case zoom and, pan opto, then. There are practice items in there as well that deal with those items, and then in module 6 we have a feedback survey that we use that that, data to improve the course and then, there's a final, assessment, at the end next. Slide. And. Basically. These are the concept, the topics, of the modules the first one is just how to be an online learner, and what, what is online learning one, of the things that we discovered. In the switch, the emergency, switch in the spring to, online learning is that some students thought that online learning meant, taking their computer, to the classroom, so, they didn't realize that online learning meant, that they weren't, coming to class anymore. That they were everything, was going to be online and, it was difficult for them so we have this first module that's, just like what is online learning what's the difference between asynchronous. And synchronous what. Are some things that you need to think about in terms of academic integrity, and, what not the, second one as I said was about how to use blackboard, the third one is about zoom. And pan opto, and the. Fourth one is about how to, be, successful. In, online learning so study, strategies, and etc. And then, the fifth one and this was actually we, didn't have this module when I when we first got the slide deck from Michelle I only, had five, modules and, then we had faculty review, the course and said you're really missing, this.

Student, Support services, module and, you. Need to add this because the students sometimes don't know where to go and so it would be nice to have one thing if you're, having academic problems here's where to go if you're having blah blah blah here's where to go and also, how to use starfish, because it's not something, that they're. Particularly trained on so in this module five it trains them on how to use starfish, and then, it said what are the offices, do. Next. Slide. And then. In each module. After, they complete the quiz they get an achievement in, the blackboard, platform so, once they get the achievement it shows up an in black in the achievements, area and then. When they finish all the modules and take the final exam they, get a certificate of completion that, they can download a PDF of and then submit, that to a course. If that's part of their. Course. Requirements, and. So that's pretty much everything. That we do. That's. It so. Thank you. Thank. You so, the. Question, do you want me to. Do. So well so we're going to do like a combo, kind of thing right so um what. Ask, our participants, to put any questions, in the chat and then, as, campuses. Complete, their presentation, if you could go back through the chat and see if there are questions that you can answer and. Then if we have time again we can service them verbally but I think we at this point we just sort of want to keep moving forward, with with. The presentation, we can also save the chat by the way and upload, that as well so you won't lose those answers, and questions so. Great thank you thanks for asking Betsy. And, now, to our friends at Buffalo, excellent. David Koch's and Luka Mercer from Buffalo, State I'm the assistant dean for student, leadership and engagement and, like many of you we had lots of challenges. This. Year one, of our additional challenges was that I did not have an associate, director in, charge of orientation, until about two and a half weeks ago so that was our edit challenge on top of everything and. We had to look at how we turned our large on ground experience, into. A virtual experience many, of our Buffalo State students particularly, the ones that are, joining us from New York City, did, not have the chance to come up to Buffalo State this year so as an added challenge they. Have never seen the campus and so we need to figure out how to incorporate that into letting them view the campus as well so. I'm gonna start off today by turning, it over to Luke to talk to you about how we've engaged the students at. Home right now many of the students wanted to engage with Buffalo State early and often and so, still while they're in high school we started doing with them as. A, way to prevent melt early in the summer traditionally. We're preventing that melt after they come to orientation. But the student leadership and engagement office, has began that process of preventing melt now to get, them to orientation, so, I'm gonna let Luke talk about how we're getting them to orientation. Okay. So, next slide please. So. In. Terms of getting them here to campus and just before, we dive, into that one of the things that we've been talking to our staff about, is. That. What. We do care about the structure, and the process, one. Thing we're still trying to remember with everything, moving virtual, and remote a benefit. Of traditional, orientation. Is not just that that students are able to learn, and. What they need, to do to prepare for the next step of their, collegiate career but, also we want we care about the way that that they feel and that experience, and try to transition, as much of that as possible, to. That virtual format, so, while we've been working. A lot, towards. The the, nuts and bolts, and the protocols, of orientation, online and. That student, experience online. We, actually. Just finished our orientation. Leader train this morning empathy. Was a big part of that and still, instilling, that within our students, that, you know put yourself in the students shoes that you were new students, at one point yourself. We. Can't recreate that. Traditional, format, completely, but, just remember don't forget that empathy, piece don't forget how we're making them feel to, be part of our bangle community, still, incorporate, that pride in tradition, and all, the fun things you do during orientation in, some capacity but. Don't let don't forget that empathy, piece and the way you're making students feel. In. Whatever, component, you do that the moment they log off they. Feel confident, in their decision, and. That's those are some guiding values in, the work that we've been doing and what I would recommend, so.

Next Slide please so. What, we created, the, spring semester, is our own virtual programming, initiative, and, this is what we've been sharing with. Incoming, high school students, and prospective students. Through. Social and, our website, text. Messages, to prospective students through the Office of Admissions so, it has been a collaborative, effort, and. It is called. Bangle. Ambush and the reason why we chose ambush, is that it's, another name for a group of Tigers so, that that's the the, wolf, behind that that is behind, so. We're. Trying to create that student experience because students aren't able to come to campus so. The, activities, and organizations office. We've done a couple things from. Online programs. Trivia. We're, hosting a virtual involvement, fair. Through. A program called flip bread which I know a lot of people have been tinkering around which already that's one we selected. And. Our student organizations have, really hopped on their. Game really excited to interact, with incoming, students, so it's just one piece of the, puzzle that. We don't want to forget what orientation. Is that social, experience that, student, experience. That. That they're, craving for as part of orientation so, we don't want to forget about that as we, prepare them for the. Academic, side of the house because. Our goal is to complement, the academic, mission and, work in tandem with each other. Next. Slide please. All. Right David yeah, great so all that is available on our website SLE. Buffalo, State dd which we can share in the group chat there so you guys can sale the virtual programming that we've been offering and it's available to anyone so. As far as our actual orientation, format. Goes we've got it listed up here on the screen we're going to be doing 75, live. Sessions, for our students, and. Families, those are broken down with 50, participants. Max, we. Feel that's how we can get the maximum engagement, out of our students and Families by having 50 in. The, group, we're. Expecting, about sixteen hundred and fifty, first year students, nine, hundred transfer, students this year as. Well as their families so, our sessions are broken, up between the first year students the. First year family transfer, students and the transfer family so for different categories we. Don't want family members attending, with their students it's how we break up orientation. Traditionally, on ground it'll be the same way we break it up. Virtually. So the family members will participate separately. Those. Sessions are offered all different times of the day of the evening, multiple. Days so there's always an opportunity for someone to attend. After. The sessions they are available, to have a one-on-one with, what we call our beat team, those, are our orientation leaders we call them the bengal experience, and transition, team so. After orientation if, they need a one-on-one they didn't pick up what they needed they didn't pick up what they wanted they can schedule a zoom session for just a one-on-one as, well we, feel that that'll give them the extra added. Push that they need to get to, Buffalo State in the fall we, have a texting platform called Mongoose that we text back and forth with students we, find that's much more successful, than them opening an email those.

Of You guys that utilize Slate we utilize Slate is our CRM, we can see when they're opening emails we can see when they're opening text messages, they just aren't opening emails at this time but they get back to us in text pretty quick we'll. Also be doing social. Media tours, and, then after, they attend a live orientation session, with us they move into a static blackboard, next. Slide please. During, the orientation session we're gonna use a product called blue jeans I know many of you have talked about zoom we're, on a zoom session right now blue. Jeans is very similar to zoom there's. Some additional. Opportunities, when you use blue jeans we, feel it's a more secure, platform all, of our video content that we're going to be using our welcome message from the president, our videos from our various departments can all be uploaded. Into blue jeans and live with in blue jeans we don't have any streaming issues back, and forth blue. Jeans is a product, doesn't. Require a download, it doesn't require any additional apps, to be installed or any additional, things. To be downloaded, so when we were looking at the. Software that we wanted to use to host the orientation, session this was a concern of ours we, wanted to make sure that students could view our orientation, from a phone. Using. Either cell. Phone signal or Wi-Fi, public, Wi-Fi anything, like that so something. That our IT department researched. Extensively for, us so, we're going to be using blue jeans. For that experience, next slide. So. It was important that we had live interactive, content, so, we're gonna have student takeovers, we're gonna polling, breakout, groups etc, all. These sessions will be recorded, they're gonna have live analytics. Available. We, have sessions that are tailored specifically, for on our students, so they're gonna be broken out with just our honors students our athletes. We, will have sessions for accessibility. Needs we. Have not had any come, up at this time but one of the nice things about doing live sessions, is we can always schedule a separate session if we need to for. Accessibility services, should. We need an interpreter or something like that I'm a call and. We're gonna take this group experience, as we talked about in transition, into a one-on-one experience where, the, student can meet one-on-one with one of our beat team members and, afterwards they can meet with an advisor as well next. Slide. So. After, the student attends the live session with us we're. Gonna use a 90-minute. To one. And a half hours to two hours but 90-minute, is our target for our first-year students then. They'll transition, over into an asynchronous blackboard, so. Like many of the schools have been talking about with a blackboard, site that, will contain all the content, that we talked about in the live session, where, they can go and rewatch, the videos that we showed rewatch the presentation, we showed but, each of our academic departments has, prepared, content, that will live in the blackboard, site for the students to go through we'll, be fulfilling. Our state and federal requirements through title 9 in the blackboard, as well as the Clery Act and some other things so students be able to take their quizzes. And things like that in the blackboard, so again we'll. Be doing the live synchronous session and then that will transition over into an asynchronous blackboard, next, slide. The students will also be scheduled, for a one-on-one, academic. Advising, session this is the third piece of our orientation, this, academic advising, will be booked through, what we call the Bengals success portal starfish, so, students will learn how to use starfish during the live session, and. They will be signed up in booking an appointment for. A 30-minute, academic. Advising, session with their academic, advisor and that's, the point where they will build out their schedule, this, is new to Buffalo State traditionally. The student has, their schedule built for them and we provided at orientation, in.

This Case the advisors are going to spend about 30 minutes with them on a zoom conference, call to, build out their schedule after the student has attended an orientation session. Next. Slide. So. Once again we've a three step approach there they're going to attend the live session with us they're going to move over into a static blackboard, and, then they're gonna have an. Advising, appointment with, their adviser and. So. The registration, begins. On. May 1st students were able to start registering for, orientation. We've had really. Great registrations. For orientation, or, somewhere, around 70% of our knowledge students are registered right now for orientation which is phenomenal. Numbers, for us we've never had. Such great numbers before so I'm excited about that and we're doing really really well on our acknowledge numbers this year as well next slide. I'm. Gonna turn it back over to Luke to talk about the virtual involvement. Fair that will continue, to happen as we work to prevent melt after orientation. Yeah. So this goes back to that that's, current. Student piece allowing, students to engage with, the current students at Buffalo State through a student organization involvement. Fair, and. A big piece of you, know continuing. Our, virtual. Involvement, efforts is. Because we don't know what the fall will bring and that's why we created bangle, ambush to, provide some consistency. So if there is some remote hybrid, component, in the fall semester we are, prepared, and we did a lot of the legwork and. Incorporated. It within orientation. So our new students. Are being, taught, that. Although, we may be hybrid, remote or whatever the fall will bring there. Are still engagement, opportunities, and we. Trained them on that and we shared, that with them throughout. The orientation. Months. In. Addition, another thing that we've been doing is. Our social media life at buff state which, is a glimpse and highlight into the student experience it is separate, from, the Buffalo State College account.

Run, By our department, but that is also a way we've been pushing. Our. New, students, to find out ways to involve, get involved on campus but. We're also going, to be doing, different. Summer programs, because usually during orientation we, have a dance party, or some type of craft, night. We're, gonna be doing trivias, trivia. Nights as. Well as we celebrate. Orange Friday, where. We're gonna be sending out free giveaway items, whether it's air, pod cases, or a t-shirt to 20 random students, that engage, with us so. And those will just be for new students. That, we interact with so those are some things that we're trying to do to, keep them engaged. Throughout. The campus leading. Them into August and not just the static blackboard, and live session, to. Have a continual. Process, so it's a multi-faceted, approach. That. To the credit has, been a team, effort and not not just david and i can't. Stress that enough. And. I believe i believe that's it. Okay. So in the spirit, of. Allah. Try. To do these things remotely. And. The. Commercial, break is our students, so it's not a break at all actually, the reason we're here right. Our. Students, have a, meeting at one o'clock and so we want to, make. Sure that. We. Have. A chance to hear from them and we. Won't if we don't have them on now so we're gonna have them on now. Jamie. You're asking me to highlight the Google form tell. Me about that there, were a lot of requests. To have the link to the presentation recording. Sent and the presentation, materials because a number, of people didn't. Register so. What I did was I created a quick Google Form for people to fill out their name and email so we could get that sent to everybody and I put. The link in the chat there oh. Yeah. That's great I'm sure, I missed it the chance to sorry about that so. I am going to, ask, our. Colleague, Rosso, Rocco, Rosselli, to, introduce, our student guests. Hey. Good. Afternoon everyone. Thank, you so much for having us here today. Michelle. Mentioned my name is Rocco Ezeli and I'm the lead college, counselor at Washington. Heights expeditionary. Learning school. Today. You know we're able to invite to learners students that are attending SUNY, in the fall, Ricardo. Barreiro who will be attending SUNY New Paltz, through the EOP program and, Jade. Canada will be attending SUNY. Stony Brook to the you program, as well, there. Are two amazing, students, leaders in our community, I know. They're excited to be here so. Jade. Ricardo, Keith Lee used on yourself and also, introduced you yourself. I'll. Commit I mean. You. Guys see me. Okay. Um hi, my name is Jay Pimentel I as Rocco, said I'm going to Sony. Program. Yeah. My. Name is Ricardo and. I'm Rocco, said before, also I'm attending, a SUNY. New Paltz to the EOP program as, well. Right. Welcome to you both. So we had some questions we asked you to think about some. Questions Jamie, there I think there towards the end of the slide deck, maybe. I don't, know slide 52, or something like that and, welcome. Both, of you to SUNY to the EOP family, and certainly to your. So. You, know we're here today right because all of us want to make sure that. We're doing a good job of. Inviting. You and welcoming, you and giving, you the information you, need, so. You. Know I guess one of one, of my questions for you if. You're. Sort of like imagining. Right what's. This what are some of the top questions that, you have about being. A new student. On. Your, campus, this year particularly. When we think about, you. Know going maybe, some, some or all of your classes online. This can be an open discussion but. I think just sort of maybe thinking, about a general, question might, be a great place to start, so Jay, do you want to start. With that one. Um. So. Can you repeat like what exactly it is that. So. Do we have to ask a question oh yeah I'm. Asking no it's not a teacher, I'm always asking you the questions right. So. If. You have to think of one or two things that you really would like to know about as you. Embark. On this new journey as. A new college student, what, are they what. We need to tell you what do we need to help you with um. I. Mainly. Would like to know since like especially with like over 19 and everything um is, if. We were to like. Move. Be able to move on campus, would, the classes, be what. It worked better if the classes were to like half. Of it be online if, they would like to be a big like, a big class like for example a lecture class or something would that part be online and then. Some. Classes, we would actually be able to go.

To. But. Like yeah I feel like that's. Something I would like to know because that's, something like for. Me going to Stony Brook I would, actually like that more have. The, bigger classes, be virtually, and then. Be able to also mix, that in with physical. Classes. Another. Thing I'm. Not sure necessarily. Cuz. She. Haven't been here yet right like you. Know. The, area, I wish. To be able to get to know the area might, soon in the actual geographic, area of your campus, yeah. So. That's interesting would it help you so what idea that we had was, to have students. Do, or. You know our colleagues, do videos, of the actual physical campus what's something like that help you so you could what kind of visualize. It live. It's. Like you what you actually want to be Beth um. I know that virtual. Tours, do help but I wish that I would actually have a chance to physically, be a voter like vo the environment, could, a lot of things feel different virtually. Than they do physically, and I. Know I've never prevents a Stony Brook like the Stony Brook campus so like I would have loved to actually been able would have get, to know about it and get like a feel out of school feels like. But. Yeah I know that the virtual, tours do hope cuz it gets me it gives me like an image of what, the school actually like looks like but. I would have loved to actually, be able to physically. Go there. Myself. Hey. Ricardo. Same question, for you. Um. So. First I want to say I apologize, for, like the time. Movement as well in the, inconvenience. I. Just. I just wanted to kind of say that but. I have, a couple questions that. I kind of haven't mind, and one of those questions would be for. The summer orientations. And students, that are. Eligible. For AOP, to the LP program um the. Summer orientation is, basically, allowing, students to kind of have a kind. Of experience, on the campus, of the college if, I'm correct our, University, and so. I want to know how, will, college, is kind of um. We'll, manage you know those new incoming, students, and kind of have them adjust to the life of the. Campus as. A quick you know a quick time because during. The first year or during the orientation, students. Will kind of already kind of have know you know where to navigate, how the campus. Is and so, I want to know how well you know college is kind of, help. Adjust the students into the camp into the into.

The Campus I guess. During the second, year or maybe hopefully on during, the second semester. And then. Another, question I have is um. Even. Even, on my sintering, the Sun pandemic, with cover 19 I know, things have changed and I know that no especially. For me as senior. At, wheels, you. Know I really, want to go to the. Orientation now visiting, my college since I haven't really be able to and I. Want to know how old college, is kind of make up that time you know for the. Online learning and that whole experience of kind of being at the college because I, know, that kind of sort. Of like a one of the purposes, of kind of going to college especially, away. From home is kind of being a whole different environment experienced. Meet new people, and, kind of have a connection with you know professors. Staff, members, you know people just around the area because it's like a whole small you, know community, and so, I want to know how we'll call it just kind of make, up that time for the new students. That are coming in and kind of still, have that experience. Even. Though they weren't really able to be there. Got. It those are really important, questions. Really. Important questions so I wonder, if anyone. On the call if. Your campus is thought, about that and we might not have the answer so so. Jayden Ricardo a piece of the purpose, of having you here is, that my. Assumption, is you might ask questions that we've actually not thought about, how to answer them right like we and and so helping. Us think, through so Ricardo to your point like, what are you what are you going to do, when. We come back to campus right like so we we're, thinking so much about how to help you be maybe. Remote, or online or some sort of like mix of the two I, hear. You saying okay, when, this ends and, and, you do come to campus how, are we going to make sure that your cohort. Of students, in particular. Will. Be welcome. So. I think it's a great I mean I think I think I'm paraphrasing you correctly. I think it's a great question and. There's a lot of really good chat. Going on, so. If anyone wants to unmute and join in, please. Do Michelle. I'll jump into that one of the things that we do a flow state that those are great questions and thank you for those than that those are something that, at, Buffalo State we spend a lot of time thinking about and trying to figure out at. Buffalo State specifically, we have two main social, media channels and one of them is the official Buffalo State College and. The other one is called life at buff State and so, life at buff state is run by my department and. It's really for our students, and focused on the students, so. One of the things that we often do is social media takeovers, and, so we allow what we call our B team or Bengal experience and transition, team or our orientation. Leaders to. Take that over during the summertime and, they do takeovers. Right just what their average day looks like on campus they. Tour the campus they show all the different areas on campus but from a student perspective. To.

Really Kind of try to give you a feel of that and also of the surrounding, community, Buffalo State happens. To be an urban campus or in the city so a lot, of walkable stuff so we try to give the students a feel of what. It's like to be there. And. How, we're gonna address things when we return we. Have scheduled. Additional. Programming, for. What we call Bengal bounce so that's the week before school happens, when you finally, return, to on campus if we're able to give. In this situation, with kovat we're. Gonna enhance our programming, during that time to replace, some of the social aspects of orientation, we're gonna be putting that in your welcome, weeks and when you would come back so we certainly want to make sure you still get all those aspects, that would happen at orientation it, would just happen that week that you move in rather. Than during orientation so, we're gonna try our best to do everything that we can virtually, but when, you come back we're gonna certainly make sure you have that experience as well. Yep. And, I and so I think a piece of this too is that you know there's 150, or so people. On this call and they will take, this information out, to the other campuses, right so I can't I'm, not looking at all the participants, I'm not sure I'm sure somebody, from either, New Paltz or Stony Brook is here, and if they're not we, can tell them what your question was right so that's the the. Benefit, of this sort of system approach, that we have to. Your individual, campuses, so, so, thanks for questions. Chris, I see in the chat, that you said to Jake please remember faculty, are human and we were all freshmen we sure were and, I didn't know what I was doing let me go on record of saying that so. You. Know, that this is you know a particularly, vexing time, but, also you, know it's an opportunity I think for you to make. You. Know in a statement, something. You, can effect some change at your campuses, because it's so unique to. Your particular, incoming, class, it's. Reminding us of what we can do better, both, face-to-face and online, does. Anyone else have any comments. To our students. Because we have other questions, and prompts we can discuss, John. Yes. So. Rocco. And Jade I just want to tell you how proud, I am of you and the questions, that you just asked I just messaged my colleague Andy Griffin Jenkins. Of how how, thoughtful those questions, were, but, let me just say this this, week it, is my understanding that. The governor is going to make an announcement either this week or next week regarding. The reopening, for SUNY, and so. That should really be very helpful because it's going to be a sort of a phased reopening. And two things for your campus that you will be attending I want, you to kind of be on the lookout for that information and whether or not your campus is going to be a part of that early reopening, the, other thing I'd like you to do is and. I'm sure you're probably already doing this is keep. Abreast of the communication, that you're receiving from your campus, because. I do think that they're going to be sending you out some information on, almost a. Regular. Basis especially when, we have a reopening date. Set and so. The information will, be flowing to you but I think those questions that you asked were just outstanding, and, I like the comment made by the colleague, about remember, when we were freshmen, and that whole piece about empathy, I think. It's spot-on so thank you so much I just wanted to offer those thoughts to you. That's. Great Joe thank you, and.

The Other i mean the other piece of it is, that you have your whole. GOP. Family, right, and I we just did an online orientation. Webinar. With, our EOP, counselors, and I can, say. With a great deal of pride that EOP, at SUNY is an, extremely. Important. Well, resourced, well, honed pillar. Of excellence, gesture. When it comes to student supports, and if you have any questions, find. Your, advisors. Find, your faculty, they will they will they will want, to know they, will absolutely want. To know and. They can guide. You in ways that. Other. You, know other programs. Might not be able to do or might not be resourced to do so that's. A really good thing. Yeah. I'm it's, great, so I'm so, I'm curious uh what. Are you most, looking forward to, in, the fall like, what. Are you excited about. Um. I. Feel like I'm very excited, or like, the. Activities. And like the different clubs and just like how, different, it is from my high school because. My high school was pretty small and like it didn't have a lot, of things for me to do so. I really, look forward to like the different like again with the farik seventies and also the type of classes, they have because. The community, is just so much bigger and it's much more open so. I, really, like that because I don't really like being closed so much so. I, know, that definitely, in, college, I really look forward to being more physically. Active because. Like they have more, um more. Like different. Types of sports and like again those activities, that, require me to be more active, that my high school wasn't available to have so, I really look forward to that. As, for me I'm. Kind of looking, forward, for like the whole new experience. Especially, um if. Like the opportunities. And kind of the. Courses that I'll be taking in the fall and, it's. Something that like I'm really sort, of nervous about but also excited, for because it's, like you're entering a whole new like, area that you wouldn't really be. Accustomed to and learning. About the whole environment and kind of knowing that if. You have a support. System there immediately, once you get there it's. Really like kind of like, heartwarming. And also kind of welcoming, because. Because. You know as like, a student you know I'm gonna be attending New, Paltz and I. Won't, really have you know all my friends there you know a part of maybe have a couple but not all of them and so, kind of entering an, area that. You know I would, basically sort of be alone as an individual, it's gonna be a bit different for me because, it's. Like I'm a bit shy you know I don't. I don't like to socialize too, much but you, know I know that I might have to break, you know my shell and kind of persevere. Out of my comfort zone kind of meet everyone, there and then, get accustom, to the. To the environment. Yep. So Jade I've just started to type back to you but, I'll say that loud I didn't either I didn't know when I attended, Binghamton, and I didn't know any anyone, who went to Binghamton at the time so it was it, was weird right it was intimidating. So. You. Know again, I think, I, mean personally, I would encourage, you to find your peer groups right, but within your courses, within the. Extracurricular. Activities, I think. Colleagues. On the call how. Are, we, thinking, through this like a rhetorical, question we, might not have a response. But I think we just heard that the. Diverse. Experiences. Of, college, right so now we're not in high school anymore and, we, can start to think through larger. Socio-political. Groups right, are our, activities. You. Know the various ways in which our identities, are formed, or interests or cultivated, how, are we thinking, through how. To make. Some, of those experiences, available. To. Our incoming, students, in the fall are there any concrete, plans, out. There. Hmm. Okay. So. Not. To bring up Upstate again it's one, of the things that we have been hiring it bringing about the co-curricular. Was. That we. Were actually talking about this before Kovac we just, didn't. Have an idea how to do it. We. Are, redesigning, our leadership program to, be hybrid, our. Leadership certificate, program something that you, just don't have to be on campus for and.

That's The bangl stripes Leadership Program and so we've been collaborating with a lot of our campus partners. To. Provide workshops. That, focus, on. Diversity. Inclusion, on, leadership, development on. Career, readiness or resume writing a, cover, letter a cover, letter writing and it's not it's a something that a lot of a lot of schools already do, which, is great. We, have used. You. Know this remote learning, as. An opportunity, to create a hybrid leadership. Program but also to then connect. To our commuter students, and non-traditional student, students, who may not who. May feel left out so, we're trying to be as inclusive as, possible and, it's a program that we feel after all, of this we, can continue, in that form, to. Hit those pockets, of students, that we, tend to leave out and and we're starting to acknowledge that, and. Be open about that so that that's one thing is our bangle, strikes leadership program switching, that to. A hybrid, format. That's. Great that's. Great this is Jenny from Finger Lakes Community College, hi guys it's, so excited to see your faces so, we. Actually, unbeknownst. To us again it's kind of in line with bust, aid were. Not necessarily, prepared, for all this online so really grace, is really needed right now we. Actually have a warrior series which is a partnership, we actually have with our local doin, any business owners and we, actually prepped this prior, to our start. As. A program, we hosted on on campus and it was uber. You know successful, but we were still missing students, so. This actually, we're able to build within our blackboard, classroom um working, with our online learning folks to actually create this we now have this available to roll out so, this is also where you know as you're navigating this, has let me show one. To make sure you guys were on yours make sure your voices are heard so. As you're, going through, if you're feeling like you're missing something you're both going to great schools, with. A lot of wonderful, resources but. Don't be afraid to. Make sure that, if you're like I'm still not making those connections to, make sure to let us know because. That's something that really you own that college experience and, if you don't have it compared to what, making. Sure you're connecting with your peers in different ways so. I'm so excited for you both that's awesome. And. This is Matthew from Monroe Community College, up in Rochester New York hello, everyone so. We are starting our our normal. Student, life at first to experience programming, in July and we're really promoting it to our new students but we're really trying to build community, and excitement, and we're partnering with our diversity offices, we're parting with those leadership, offices, we're really trying to engage our students virtually and then we're also looking at our fall programming, because we don't know what fall program is gonna look like but we're definitely gonna have a hybrid model component, so that we can you know build off and.

Really Support our students online but if we do have students on campus we can provide that student support experience, and provide that student life experience, for our students so. That's. Great thanks everyone, so. Would. You. Jayden. Ricardo, will be up for the. First question, are you comfortable enough to answer. That one cuz we always want to know why. Did you decide to come to college at, all, this, fall right, with all of these questions all. Of the unknowns, what. Made you decide. To say this is going to be for us. Um. I, know that I came to. My Stony Brook decision like it was very hard I know that my cousin, used, to go to Stony Brook but then he transferred to Binghamton but. Um I. Know. That it, was technically hearing, everything that yet to say about it inspired, me and also like what other teachers. Would say and they would think that like Stony Brook would fit me and, I know that it was very hard because I was scared to go away and like money was a problem, but. Like Stony Brook eventually, became like the closest, but, not too close and like the most affordable, option for me um. It. Doesn't necessarily, have what I really want to like whatever, they want to study but. Not a lot of schools have it. But. It's good enough because it's a very interesting school in it I know that I am, came, to understand that it does fit me because, it's just as like different and like unique as I, am in, a way so, I really grew. To love it even before going. Yeah. So. You know we're going to. I. Really wanted to study zoology um. It's, very different like you don't really see that a lot in New York, but. I really want to study zoology I got it from my dad I have, an interest in like animals, and I really really. Am interested in that and in the sciences but. Yeah I'm gonna be taking it one step at a time trying. Out different things, that could lead me up to that. Yeah. That's my interest I. Love. That that's great how about you recruiter. Um. So. What. Inspired, me to kind of like, to go to college like first in general, is um it's. Like me mainly my motivation. My purpose, and that's um something. Kind of relating to like my family, you know you, know my parents weren't able to go to college and so, I kind of want to fill in that gap for, them and kind of accomplish, something for them to know that you.

Know, Coming. Coming, here you know to the u.s. was like the best the best choice I made you know they gave me all these opportunities they, gave me you know. Resources. Everything, that I needed in order to succeed and so, as. You. Know a student, from a low-income background. Picking. A college was a bit difficult because you know I didn't really think I will have, the. Financial, you know support, or kind of, the money to kind of pay off for the college and that was something I always looked into when I was I'm searching, for colleges and also. You. Know what really helped me kind of to navigate through that with some you, know my college counselor Rocco, he, really helped me a lot during this process of picking out a college seeing what really best fits for me we kind of understanding, you know what. I want to kind of learn you know what's, the major I want to go into. For, these four years that, I'm gonna be doing and so. And. So you know Rocco helped being kind of you know like get. A list you know he got me if you found a list for me you know I checked with other colleges, to see what you know if I my best interest, and afterwards. We kind of just you know cut it down and you'll see what was the best top choices and, you. Know then I chose you know new pulse and mainly. Um the reason why was because you know it had the opportunity, I wanted you know they, had clubs like the Economic, Club they. Also had a climate action Club. Which I'm really interested interested, in because I advocate. For environments, justice. That's something that I'm really proud of doing and they, also had you know like fun little clubs as well I think it was one was humans. Vs. zombies Club, and I, really found that you know funny because you know they. Have something really you know something, that was like out of the zone you know it doesn't really have to be based on you know academic could, just be something for fun that's something that really found interesting. And, really funny about and, also, you know the. Distance as well you know how long for it is you know I can't really, go for I want to come back home you know there's my family as well and. Yeah. That's just mainly kind of what. Kind of inspired me as well and kind of motivated, me you know I really appreciate also, like Rocco helping me throughout this little journey. As well. So. Ricardo I'm laughing because I'm thinking who's, going to make a 2020, joke zombies, might as well write we, haven't had that yet this year let's invite, that. Possible. Topic. That's. Great thank you both for sharing that I think it's a pretty it's, a pretty intimate question, and we've known you for I don't know 37, seconds so thank you for, telling, us that it helps us to understand. How. To connect, with you. Actually answered a lot of the prompts, that we have here does anyone on the call. Have. Any. Questions, or comments for our guests I'm, watching our time we have four minutes left. John. Claimed I see you in music hi Michelle, I would, like to ask Ricardo. And Jade what. Are some of the thoughts or concerns and questions that, maybe their peers have because, they've just spoke eloquently about, their there. Are their, issues their background, their experiences, what, it appears singing just, curious if, their classmates.

Like. Classmates, from like high, school or classmates that we're gonna I. Think. You're muted. Okay. I'm sorry the same thoughts that you had Jade, about your. Major. The. Proximity, the affordability, those, things that you sort of listed out and. I just wanted to know what might some of your classmates were thinking when they were considering, going to college and the same question for Ricardo, um. I, know, that for, my peers it was also very hard for them but most of them already had like a solid, idea of what, it was that they wanted to study I know. That for me I was like very all over the place I kept changing everything so. That's why I decided to go into Stony Brook as an undecided, so, that I can make, that decision, when. I'm actually sure, of, what it is and I want to do but. I know that a lot, of my peers they were just most. Of them are very solid and others really had no idea what it was that they wanted to do or where they wanted to go but, I know that I help them um I had. Them list out what exactly they were interested, in and what possible, schools they were also interested in and that ultimately. Made. Them get. To their decisions. Okay. I. Also. Just had one, question in, the chat about. What. Your biggest ears. Are, when you're starting a new. College. Um. I. Could. Answer that question so, when I like one, of the biggest fears I have, especially. Starting at a new college, I. Think. It's I mean I got like a couple but like like, maybe two of my biggest fear is like it's. Like I'm making, friends, you know I don't, really know anyone there and like I come, from a whole different like, background so. You know, maybe. The way I am is different, to many of the people and you know some may find it kind of you know a, bit, like you know kind, of in a way that they don't like you or me some may kind of like it and, that's. Something I always kind of like kind of feared about nervous about because I don't know if I'll be able to make a group of friends that will help me also and I, also lead them to like kind of um having, support you know if I'm stuck on an, assignment in my course and, I don't really have friends you know I I don't know how I'll be able to kind of get. Help you know let's, say it's like a let's say it's like a midnight, you, know the professor you know it's it's. Not really it's like a sleep maybe and you, know the only people have left is you know my friend and if, I don't have any friends you know I'm kind of stuck there it's like you know I don't know what to do so, that's something that I always cared about you know. When. Starting up and going a turn in college. I agree. With of Ricardo, I know that I'm. Not necessarily scared. Of a lot because I've made a lot of progress.

Throughout. The years and that it's like it's prepared, me for this moment but. I know I'm also scared of not making enough friends because. I'm I'm very anti-social most times and I know that. When, I did a summer college, program last. Year I did, not it, was not social, at all Ricardo, knows this I did not leave my room but. I know that I won't do that same mistake when I go to college but it's, mainly like I'm scared of the like the classes, and if it's too hard sometimes and I'm scared that I'll give up but, I doubt that I'll oh but. It's still a fear, that. I have B. Yeah. Did. You hear all that colleagues. Just gave us a lot of information. Didn't. They, it's. Fantastic, so I'm looking at the time where that exactly one o'clock I don't want to make you late for your next meeting. I, could. We cannot. Thank you enough you've, given us amazing, information. We appreciate, your candor, your willingness to be here your, honesty, here, we are just a bunch of dopey faces, on a screen and. There. Are a number of people in the chat who are saying reach out if you need assistance, they, mean it I mean it we all mean it and. You're. EOP, folks. We'll help you in, ways that I could not even possibly, capture in a closing thank you sentence, John. Any closing, thoughts. No. I'm wishing, you both exceptionally. Well and, Jayde. I tell you you really made my day because, there's. A place called Plum, Island and, that's where all the exotic, animals that come into the United States get quarantined, so I want you to look at that looked at the Plum Island. Thank. You. Thank. You both so much have, a good enjoy, a meeting, have a great afternoon, people, are asking me privately if I'm crying because I always cry with students come on yes I am people, always. Because this is why we do the work we do of course I'm crying. Absolutely. You, guys have this you got it good luck. Thank. You thank, you thank, you again for inviting us. Thank you. You. Both really, phenomenal. Thank, you thank. You. So. This so. This is what I wanted the students to go last because, like, then, now, I don't even know what to say hey I'm if thank God it's my home campus, now, right.

Ashley. Should. Be laughs right we couldn't become anyway it doesn't matter say that thing so. So. What is it didn't they give us a lot of information fellow. Human beings on this call uh, and. I. Also want to pitch something for next week but without further ado. Let's. Flip to my. Home campus, which actually is interest if an interesting pivot because we. Just heard from two traditionally, aged students. And historically. Impaired State College is sort of the neo-traditional. You. Know, adult. Student, and we, also do. Lots. Of stuff, remotely. Online at a distance, for a number of years so that. Was a pretty good transition. But. That okay and not now stop crying go. Thanks. Michelle so much so, ever Ashley, and Elena and we're gonna do a little bit today about SUNY. Empire State College is online orientation. You. Already gave the nice segue, as to who we are and. We, actually pre, coded back, in late February, just, before kovin we, had decided to redesign, our online, orientation goes, from a content, and a, delivery perspective so we're going to share some of those highlights with you today. You. Can go ahead to the next slide so. Our, orientation, is mandatory for all undergraduate. Students. And we deliver it in an asynchronous, format, that is self-paced, and offers students the ability to stop and start as needed similar. To some of the orientate, other or online, orientations. We've seen, but. We really took a long hard look at orientation over, the past year and decided. That we really wanted to redefined, it as, an, ongoing process, that delivers just-in-time. Supports. Resources. Information. That, type of thing throughout, the entire first term so, we start right. As you're accepted, and that orientation, process continues. On that, said this piece this online orientation piece. Is. The first part, and that is what you need to complete in order to register for, your courses and that's what we'll focus on today. So. We. Are going live with this this month and the goal of this orientation is to provide students with the resources, and information needed, as you can see to begin their first term so. Just as an example in. This orientation we. Introduce, students, to the online library. Right we don't have a brick-and-mortar library. For obvious reasons, I should, mention for those of you who don't know we have over 30 locations, but. We also in silver, quite, a bit of our courses and our resources and services, online. So. That we can mirror whatever we're providing at the locations, in the online setting, as well so. We introduce you to our online orientation but, we don't show you how to navigate it, in the online orientation we, do that later on through, an initiative. Called jumpstart. It's. Kind, of operates, as you know later, on, orientation. It's right in the first week, of the term and that's, where we show you how to navigate our library, how to get in touch with our, librarians. And then we have webinars and workshops that, continue, on through the term so that's, kind of what this longer. Term orientation. Process, looks like. So. You can go ahead to the next slide so. One. Of the things that we included that this is a little bit new for us and we didn't have in some of our prior orientations. Is. We really wanted our students to feel welcome, and part of our community, and that they really belonged, here so. This is a way for students to see who their peers are and hopefully, they'll be able to find some shared experiences. And identities. So, you can see a majority, of our students are working full time they, have children, and their, age is 25, and older and. Almost half of our students identify, as first-generation, college, students, and a significant, number identify.

As Active, duty military. Or veteran students. So. You can go ahead to the next slide. At. The very end of our orientation, we include this welcome, video that we want to play for you it's a welcome video from our faculty and staff and. Again this is to showcase that we're really diverse, you'll. See, the. If I hope you can hear it that the faculty, and staff welcome the students, in. English and then in their home. Languages, and. So this is really that idea again to promote that welcoming environment, minimize, the anxiety and, really create that sense of belonging. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome. Acaba. That. Means welcome, to. Maru. You. Plane. You. Did. The. Proper shall avoid mistake. Bienvenidos. At. SUNY, Empire State College we. Are strengthened, by each other. No. Matter who you are. Or. Where. You are found um. The. Part of a community, you're. Welcome. Yeah welcome here. Understand. The video finishes. We'll. Have other, introductions. From, students, and faculty, we've throughout their orientation. To add this touch because the, whole orientation is, a, synchronous. We. Can move on to the next slide. Our. Videos and voiceovers, for this orientation. We. Use, the second, rather than third-person language, so we don't you know talk about students, do this or students to that it's always you you, the student, you, as a member of our community. Okay. On this slide you'll see this is our main landing. Page that the, main menu for, the orientation, and. In, the past the content, focused heavily on academics, so things like ways to study degree, planning your, mentor relationship. And. Over, the past few years a lot has changed we, have a new ERP and, CRM we, introduced, a comprehensive student, portal and we added some new policies, and procedures, such as our Dean's List and so. We really wanted to showcase all, of those and make sure that students, understood that they exists, and then how to navigate things, like our student portal but, we were also getting a lot of student questions around paying for college and how to register for courses so, we put all of that content in to as part, of the content that students really need to know to get started and. The veteran and military content. You see on the end only pops up at the students self-identify. So they can do that right in the orientation. You. Can go ahead to the next slide so. I'm. Gonna have you go ahead and, click. Play the glossary, down at the bottom this is what we're gonna play for you so we actually included. A searchable, glossary, and. This is because higher education, has its own language we all know that and SUNY Empire has. Its own language on, of that and so we, put. Together this nice, easy to search glossary, so the students could look up the terms that they needed him find the definitions, and that's available. Throughout. The orientation, they can always fall back on this page and go search that glossary, the, other thing we did is you see that my ESC, right next to the glossary and go ahead and flip the slide and, play. That. Video and. That's a screen shot of the, portal. With question, marks and those question, marks show, the descriptions, of what is behind each icon we. Really want students to be fluent in the portal as this is where they'll go for all the activity, associated with being a student you can see here how to register and self-service be enter their. E

2020-06-28 11:16

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