Necessary steps to adopting a digital-first business mindset - THR1053

Necessary steps to adopting a digital-first business mindset - THR1053

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So. My name is Tracy and I'm all the way from South Africa, and. My. Passion, in in technology, of course Microsoft, I mean I've got shape point on my arm what is that say to you so. Absolutely. Love Microsoft, but I definitely love what Microsoft. Does for people, so. How it empowers people how it empowers our users and I focus a lot on change management user adoption on helping, companies with a strategy, towards the cloud how, to change those cultures in the company what their roadmap should, be and and. That's what this session is all about it's, about developing, that culture that we need for. A digital first, business. Mindset. And. That, I think is a tricky thing to understand there's so much. Terminology. Out there and buzzwords these days. Digital. Disruption. Scary. Okay. So. A digital, first business, mindset, is about changing, culture, together with changing, technology. It's not just the technology, you're. Not gonna just push our teams there and then you have a digital first business mindset. And. I mean I've said this so many times is, that, it's, not the product that changes the culture Yammer. Is not gonna give you a better communication. Culture, people do Yammer, facilitates. It teams. Is not gonna give you a better collaboration, culture, that facilitates, the culture, when it starts forming so, don't make the mistake of thinking you can just throw take it the problem because we've done that for the last 20 years and it doesn't work right I don't, know if it was working for you but I wasn't working for me in the companies where I was involved, so. The first thing I'd like to talk about is. And. For me this is the biggest impact we're gonna have to you to develop a digital first, business, mindset, this. Is going to be the biggest, stumbling. Block for sure. So. The first thing I want to talk about is the evolution. Of how we use, technology we'll, come back to the others what, I'm also going to cover with you is something about digital literacy and training, who was at ignite last year, was. Anyone in my session last year but they took illiteracy. So. Digital literacy and training I'm going to talk about citizen, developers, as well I want. To talk about diversity, roles and responsibilities. And then, of course I'm gonna just end off with what I they mean is a company, culture so. When I talk about the evolution of finding. Stuff. Or the evolution of how we use technology this. Is where the challenge starts, now. People. Say to me I meet them at conferences and I say trace you're, not gonna have work soon and I'm not Mars I'm like. Oh we don't have to train people anymore if Microsoft, only, made this software, intuitive. Like Apple does then we wouldn't have to train people I'm. Not really. So. You know what example, they then use I said like you might tell me tell me what intuitive, is oh no. My two-year-old can, take my iPad and click, a couple of buttons and, not download, stuff and do things I'm like that's amazing, has your two-year-old, worked with us has. Your two-year-old work with Lotus 1-2-3 or Lotus Notes or with, Windows. XP. Or with office 2003. No so. Adopting new technology, is easier if you have no muscle, memory with other technology. That's. Why two-year-olds, and younger people can just grab technology, and go because, they don't open their iPhone and go but, this is supposed to be a drop-down where's, my file edit view print, button, they. Don't they don't have that muscle memory that they've bought with all the systems so that's a challenge learnt. For one moment think that older, people. Cannot. Adapt that's not about that don't. Think you're gonna replace everyone in your company with younger people because I learned tick foster. We. Might not and I say we because I'm older we might not adopt, a tick so fast because we've got this muscle, memory that we've built with other technologies, but we come with a lot of experience okay so you've got to keep that in mind now. If I look at the next screen. This. Is a blog, I wrote about the evolution, of finding, stuff, and. Had a crazy thing in the last three years okay, I wrote an article, every, single day about office 365 and then, I got bored and I did it again so her at 730. Blog is about office 365 I, don't, have children. So. I have time, but. This was one of the articles, so if you go to Tracy from the SCAF calm, you'll find that please use.

The Legal software download my, I don't care Micah turn if, it can make a change in your company use my blog's copy and pasted it's. Yours, so. The evolution, of finding stuff is the thing that I'm saying is gonna be the biggest stumbling. Block in, anyone. Adopting, anything in your company because adoption, is culture as well okay it's not it's not just about company, culture it's about how we adopt things so. If I look at the screen I believe that the lowest level is seeing. Who. In this room so saves a staff to their desktops. Can. I have your name why, can't we - they must really. Low. Lauren can, I use your an example, okay. I'm gonna use Laura as an example this is a disclaimer Laura I cannot sue me afterwards for anything has offended her hmm. So. In Laura goes on holiday when. She packs her car because she was the only one who was honest enough to admit that she still saves the stuff on her desktop you weren't by the way doesn't. Mind mean that you don't do it so, when Laura goes on holiday, she doesn't pack anything in the cars boots or the I don't know what they call in America is this so called a boot the. Trunk. That's. What we put dead bodies in okay but anyway that's South Africa, so. That. Trunk so. She puts nothing in the car's trunk everything goes on the car's roof her. Partner, come out the Kings kids comes out and says hey man what, is this he's, nothing in the trunk mumbles, remember that and. She says no no no it's gonna go on the roof and, they gotta why why are you putting up in there on the car's roof, and. She, says because it's easier to find. And. I'm gonna just take duct tape and stick it down so it doesn't fall off and while I'm driving I can just stick my hand out and oh there's my favorite shoes and there's my favorite jacket because, that's why people put things on their desktops because it's easier to find it's. Gonna slow a car down if she gets into a hailstorm the, insurance is gonna say mm-hmm. You're. Not paying for that one baby should, have been in the trunk that's, your C Drive how. Many times have we lost files on our desktops, and then ITC, hmm. That's. Not included in the backup policy, or something right but. We don't help people change that culture so we so when. We see things we can find them it's like at home we, put all our keys on a little table when we walk in the door instead of just putting in the little cupboard or drawer because we can see it then we know where it is that's. Seeing. Navigating. Is going and I really don't even know how this works anymore if, I. Go if, I look for the printers, on my machine. Start. Pattern what. Is it. It's. But isn't it Program Files or something and then settings, was, it settings immediately, so, Start button settings. Control. Panel. No I guess, somewhere they so, you can see I'm a trainer I don't even know what that is because, technology, changes it, was called it was called this PC and then it was called they stop with this computer, and that's confusing, right that's. Navigating. To stuff navigating. To my files start, my comfort, of my documents. I mean I don't even know where that stuff is I don't came I actually, don't care that's navigating, through stuff another, good example of navigating, to stuff is double. Clicking through nested, folders. Your. Month, person. Draft, document. Dot Co second, version lost final, what so. We become master, double clickers and we think we can find stuff no sweetie, you're navigating to, it if someone, moves a folder, you, won't find it again which, means you're navigating to, stuff the. Third one is search I. Can. Promise you that there's very few people in your company that uses the windows button on their keyboards. I'm. Actually just press the windows button is it that when you're on my screen no no no not the one on your screen keyboard. I'm. Gonna use the example. Leslie. I'm. IT, Help Desk Leslie, finds me hi, them it's Leslie, from HRM Locker I. Opened. My drawer take out the cough syrup because, it's legal at work put it back, I'm. Like what's up Leslie I'm sorry irritated with this chick who she's following me like four times this week I'm so, annoyed cuz she asks the most stupidest, things, she. Goes someone's, deleted, myself.

Cuz. End users don't think they can do things on their own they, think IT people, has this. I don't know there's a time slot that runs window Wednesday evenings at 12:00 and someone logs in and delete stuff I don't know so. Leslie says someone's deleted Mike song I kind, of suspect, I know what's happened, she's deleted the shortcuts on a desktop right or, she's dragged it into another folder or. She accidentally, zoomed out with a mouse and out to this big, or. She right clicked and sorted it announcer in the top corner anymore because, Leslie stole navigates, to stuff. So. What do I do let's just hold on let me just Team Viewer into your machine and fix it for you click click she thinks I'm a freaking rock star, wow. That trace is so clever, just, like lick lick lick and excels back. Then. I hope Leslie, I, kept. A nice and stupid, the way I like end users. Because. Then at the next conference I can complain about end users again, what. Should I have done I should. Have said Leslie place that windows button or the one on your screen the one on your keyboard and Lizzie's gonna say what we know is bad that I'm gonna go in the corner let me go click it don't, touch the mouse, tie. Pixel, don't, touch the mouse enter. That's. How we tell people and that's how we change cultures, we're not helping people so. That's search, another. Great example of search and I don't want to go into the browser now but. I show my my clients, management, executive, levels it doesn't want to pay for training I'll go to Google. Or, Bing. Do. Katie monster, I've got a lot of motorbikes that's a problem ok the catchy monster when I search the Cathy monster I get thirty five million results, I use. A plus and a minus. Minus. Wikipedia, why. Do I go - Wikipedia. Because. People like me who drinks a lot of wine writes Wikipedia, articles, you shouldn't trust everything, it says. Space. + PDF, space. + 2016. And I get one result you'll see it on my blog at, a 35. Million results why, aren't we teaching users, to use pluses and minuses. We. Go oh no the, display, template, for search has changed and online, there's no PDF, button anymore so people can't find things on the Internet, like. What, teach, them to use a person, and -. It'll, help them in emails in Outlook it'll help them in explorers, will help them when they internet we're not teaching people stuff what. Is an example of discovery, not. The one that leaks oil the, other one I'm. Gonna get into trouble the scary I was thinking cause ok. Discovery. What is discovery, I, was. In New York for three two days now and on the streets I don't have data when I go outside of buildings because I come from South Africa ok I don't have a data plan yeah I went. Out on the street we went walking around, in. Times Square these, these little Caravan, things next to the road it's, called. There's. Something guys I don't know what it was they said the vegan guys or something I don't know they made some crazy food we. Walked up there I didn't, pay for the food I did not take a photo with him I did not check in there cuz I was offline, we, bought food cash I walked, away we ate it I got to the hotel and as soon as I went online there was a please rate our service. How. Crazy, is that that's discovery. Because. Our phones are using the geo locations, where are we are we going it's unbelievable. So. The technology that we're using the technology, that they showing us out there is here am i right right. There in discovery, where. Are your end-users. Would. You say they their. Technology. Doesn't drag them their. Training. Helps, them awareness, campaigns, helps, them that's how you change culture, that's. Something, I don't know it's a good article about it you can really go and read up to help you but with that so. This is your biggest challenge is the evolution, of how we find stuff people, still navigate, through folders so they're not gonna start searching, by magic. So. Next up digital, literacy, and the ROI of training again. I wrote an article about this you can get all the article, there details everything on my blog. This. Is statistics, that was done in a four year period I think. 250,000. People. Over. 33. Countries. They. Suck they suck they suck not so bad but they still suck they also suck and I kind of okay by the way this, level three strong is people. Who can just kind of come right on computers. If you. Think the people in your companies or PC literate you making, a set mistake, in one word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word n-word and was and was n-word n-word and was n-word and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and was and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one I hate computers.

So. For me definitely the. Biggest barrier, is the computer, in front of them not that taking the cloud the problem, is here not. There, you're. Worrying about that. Let's. Give them shape, point online training, no sweetie you're gonna have to start with us first and help, them fix this problem that's in front of them. Again. Most of these people if you want any extra details that's all on my blog there's lots of articles that refers to these. So. To learn new things we'd be fair to first unlearn. Old, things sounds. A bit strange doesn't it the thing I spoke about intuitive. Design, is very. Much like that, before. I can just adopt new cloud technologies. I have in a weird way I have to unlearn boss and Lotus, and because that makes sense, you. Have to that's it's, not a bad habit, but it's a different, path you, have to build a new path in your brain to. Follow the new technology, but we don't see it like that we just keep on throwing new technology, at these people because we're not thinking about the psychology, behind it. So. This is very very important, to learn new things we have to unlearn all things the, more you know the harder, it is to kind of learn completely, new technologies. So. I have patience, with the people that's been in a company for longer that's, worked on older technologies, because it takes a bit longer because. Our brain keeps on wanting to go the other way around, who. Remembers when office was at office 2007, when the ribbon came out I. Was. Still as support back then it nearly brought our company to its knees, I. Had. Farmers, fund me and say I can't find a print button. I'm. Serious, now. 11. Years later we, taking, the ribbon away again we going back to drop-down menus, you've already seen it in SharePoint right, that's. The impact, on people that's now gotten used to the ribbon again it's gonna be a crazy challenge people, are complaining about sharepoint, online, most. Probably, because a lot of the ribbons aren't there anymore, it's. A very basic simple thing, something. They have to remember. So, keep that in mind when, you start looking at training programs, and. You start helping people. Citizen. Developers, part. Of the digital, first. Business, mindset, that you're gonna have is helping. Those citizen, developers, in your company, becoming.

Part, Of the people who both the solutions, it's. Not a question of IT doing it anymore and use a certain wait for it, you're. Gonna have a lot of people both really, really cool things in your company but you have to support them, you. Cannot, be a decent, citizen. Developer, if you don't have the soft skills that goes with it so. What. Are the soft skills that you need to be a good developer. They. Don't think that when together they'd use soft skills developer, was that something was normal. Being. Able to ask the right questions. Being. Able to communicate with, the people when you fault a little solution. I. Call. It a citizen, develop okay I'm not talking about coding, people who can build apps and things on office 365 now, are developers. Just. Because I don't have to do everything from scratch doesn't mean that undeveloped, they don't create. Training. Skills communication. Skills business, analysis. Understanding, our process, flowchart works so, that they can eventually when they build big solutions, map out things. Again. Wrote a lot of articles about this all right the whole range about certains of developers, and helping them change, management, how does that work we, have to support them on our small skills as well so, that when they build great solutions. They can take it further and roll out great solutions, you. Don't just send people an email with a link in it that, doesn't change cultures. This. Brings me to digital, literacy and. That's. Those soft skills that I was talking about this. Is exactly, why I love Microsoft, so much when. I started, looking at digital literacy which is kind of PC literacy with all the other little things I thought. How amazing, is that that. This looks, just like office 365 to, me. All. Of the apps and cool stuff on office 365 gives, this to us. So. Instead of going into the company and going hey we're rolling up teams. Why, don't you do an awareness, campaign first. Around collaboration. Instead. Of going and saying we're rolling upstream, and sway why, don't you put little posters, up with awareness stuff around creativity, and, curation of content, because. Then next month so if you kind of build an awareness campaign around, us you say that we want to invest back in our greatest assets, we, want you to have a digital passport. And be. Safe in your working environments. These are the things we think you should know, then. Next month when you come to them and say hey we're, rolling out onedrive let me show you how files on demand works let me show you how expiry, dates work let me show you how you can lock things with pass passwords. Even in sway then, they go and I think this, apps amazing. It's gonna help me be more safe, what's, gonna help me cure right content, what's gonna help me be creative so. Start with a need don't, start with a solution, we. In to start with a solution, and then we wait and see if they can figure out what they're gonna use it for, start. With the awareness so, that they understand, that those are the skills we need in this modern day and age. Of hours this, is what you need to be a good digital first, business, as well as those type of skills you.

Don't, Just bring take in to do that you build awareness around this and then give them tick to facilitate, with that. So. Digital literacy, very very close to my heart I. Was. Joking with Leslie earlier about their help desk right, but that's something you're gonna have to change so if you got on this roadmap to change your business into a digital first business. You're. Gonna have to change the way you train and, you'll. Have to change the way your help desk works. For. Years and years the kpi's, of people on how this was to fix problems, am i right, so. When I logged into Leslie's machine, and I put this the Excel, icon back, I was fixing a problem, we. Should change that into people, who fix people, who fix problems. Then. We can scale, we, can't scale, if you need a techie to fix everyone's, Excel shortcuts. If. I. Can teach lazy to help itself a little bit better then I can scale, and she can come become a citizen developer. So. That I'm saying that the people that you put on how this could be junior trainers. And. Not. Everyone that's on help this at the moment will be a trainer they, might move on and become a power app specialist, because there's a job for that they. Might become a flow specialist, and support or, specialize. In power behind. But. The people that we need on help desk is more trainers, it's, not people who fix problems, as people are Gardens is ice sweetie what are you trying to do oh no did you know you can rather do this in onedrive so. If someone logs that call and says my. File that I shared out of Dropbox doesn't want to work so well then fix the problems I know sweet wait a minute have, you got onedrive do you understand that you can do this through onedrive cool man sorted, that's, how we both culture, that's how we scale not. By fixing, problems that's a big thing we're gonna have to change the, same as with learning. Textbook. Learning doesn't work anymore don't. Create your own content, in the company it's crazy because next Monday morning the SharePoint settings, will isn't there anymore so, why, documented. Teach, people to find stuff on the web. So, diversity and roles and things and. Responsibilities. I've. Got to be careful to say who's at fault for this but I've heard a lot of consultants. Say cloud. Is the most amazing thing your cost of ownership is gonna come down to nearly nothing it's, alive. Your. Cost of ownership is gonna move. And a, stream specialist. And flow and power apps you, need a go-to person in the company who lives and breathes Twitter, and reads. Tech community, and what's, new in office 365 and. Our office 365, a roadmap. Who. Can then come back and say hey I've, got 10 PowerPoint, specialists, in the company let me ping them a man and say hey do you see design ideas, whoo that rocks and they, then go back to their departments, and tells them about it because, you're not going to get all your users to start following the product groups, so. You need to find these champions, like a pyramid, scheme but a good one that. Can filter down all the latest updates, and the stuff that's new and cool and you need to make it part of their kpi's. Research. Stay up to date share, it with a company, test it out not, one person. And. That brings me to the company culture ok so what I've done is I've spoken a lot about training, and hold. This and support. And how do we stay up to date. There's. No magic thing for this if you've, found a nice PDF, that you can download somewhere. And you fill it in and then you have company culture. Because. I've been doing change management like that for years and that really worked well for everyone, it. Doesn't. Don't. Think you're going to get external people in to come and do this for you because you cannot sell, or, contract. Responsibility. Out, you. Can get people to help you with the activities, but take ownership of, this and help change your culture a company. Culture changes, when the following, happens ok, so, first is such a great, quote by Peter, Drucker. Ok, culture, eats strategy for. Breakfast, such. A beautiful. Quote, your. Stuff can be so waxed in your company sweetie but if that culture, is funky, it's not going to work, so. That's such an incredible, incredible, quote and there's three very very important, main areas, when it comes to. This company culture ok its, strategy. Capabilities. And, culture. Needs to be aligned, strategy. Capabilities. And culture. Some, way capabilities. Got dropped off the radar. Capabilities. Means that if your people are trained and they empowered, you'll.

Get Your company culture right with strategy, and with culture, people. Need to be happy and empowered, for, you to change your company culture you. Don't lock oh let's do a new logo let's do that and and make a new banner and then, everyone's gonna be happy, does. That work for you because, that's how companies do it isn't it well, let's redo the, canteen, with nice red couches never, gonna have great company, culture, I don't. Know what that's all about, not. Gonna work so that's, very important, for me this. Is one of the most beautiful, things that I've come across okay, so. Satay and you can just take a moment maybe to just to read them this, is in a document that Microsoft, brought out it's like a white paper that said how did Microsoft. Digitally, transform, such, an incredible, article to go and have a look at okay and you'll, see very. Important. It's. Not just about solutions, or deploying stuff simple. Software blah, blah blah it's. Also about let's, see procuring, one, it's not about simple software it's really about you yourself thinking of your own future as a digital company, it's, the way we think about things it's. A way we think about things without thinking about it first does that make sense. But. It's all about empowering. Your people, this. Was a four pillars that they're identified, in that in, that PDF okay, so these. Are the core drivers, again. I just put a lot of text up there but was very very important, for me it's this, empowering. Employees. Was. 25%, of, that load that was important, for them to change called, engaging. In customers, transforming. Products, optimizing. Operations. This. Is where. You're citizen, developers comes in by the way so. If you don't invest in them and training then, it's gonna be a problem it's not gonna work so well. That's. Also I just want to see if I can give you the link so info, Microsoft. So. Dynamics, 365. And digital transformation. If you go search that you'll find that PDF Dynamics, 365, and, digital. Transformation. PDF what a cool document, to read how Microsoft, that they did their total transformation. This. Kind of brings me to the end ok, where I want to just summarize. What's. Really really important, to me. I've. Seen incredible, things and companies, when we invest, in employees.

Unbelievable. You. Think training is expensive, I don't. Know who quoted it okay they must probably put it next to Richard Branson's, face and put it on a PDF and then it was he is I don't know but. Someone said that. What. If I train my employees and I leave and the. Other person said but what if I don't train, them in this style. That's. Real expensive. I did, another article about the or our own training with a whole infographic. It gives you all the stats with those PC, literacy and things with. How much time and money you can save every month if your people are enabled, and efficient, and that can help themselves. Please. Start, with training, if you, train and empower your users, and training, is not sending them a link to something by the way you're. Gonna have to like talk to them. Okay. Like get involved, if you. Invest, right in the beginning you don't have to always do this invest right right, in the beginning I can promise your investments, gonna be incredible, train, your people empower, your people create. A culture where people are happy and I want to say people, who have the correct tools and the. Right skills, are happy and will stay in a company happy, employees, build their own culture. You. Don't have to build our fancy, posters, for it please. Please, go and have a read up about the articles that I wrote your biggest, stumbling block is the machine that stands in front of the user. They're. Not using it well so, they're not going to use any other tech behind it well, invest. In digital. Literacy. Basic. Stuff that you've already forgotten, and. You will. See as you add training, to it as you add things to it the culture will grow the people become, more confident, and more efficient. That's. Me. Thank. You. Any. Questions I, think, we've got three minutes if there's any questions anyone's, welcome to mana. No. Cool. Thank you very much everyone I hope, you an incredible, day further and a incredible, conference further I've still got a couple another session so maybe I'll see you in some of them but, thank you so so very much.

2018-10-04 16:38

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Hey Microsoft Ignite - yup, something wrong with the recording - slide (not from my presentation) for first 13 minutes and then problem with sound. Rather remove if they don't have the correct recording? Thank you!

my screen showed the same slide, then at 13:35 the video just kept jumping and wouldn't move on. I was enjoying it too!

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