Cold Cathodes Neon Techniques

Cold Cathodes Neon Techniques

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I'm. Sorry with 28, millimeter, because, I need to be outside the box. Part. Of it is we were trying to copy some incandescent, lighting, that was 28 millimeter, diameter so, we coded, some, 28. Field stop and. First. Thing I do. When they start as I take the tube and I cleaned the powder around one end and. You can just do that with your finger, and roll it. It. Makes a really nice. Smooth. Edge and, I like to keep the mark on the top, which, it is it but so. That way some. Of the next person can see what color it is because, it's really hard to. See what color it is as. You can see. So, I know that's the top and. Definitely. I would more, if. I, was gonna make two, let's. Pretend that I already have, one. And done, this. End I would mark the. End with. The boss where. I clean the phosphor, and that would be the end and. I go 18, millimeter, and. Then I put a mark on the top I, did. And. That's how I would know where. The electrode, is and. Very. Importantly. I would, make a mark somewhere. On the table where, dead center, is here. So. I know I, would line up I. Keep. My table. Sorry. With a an, edge. So. I have it sensor there and I just put, masking tape over here if, I'm doing a right angle so, I just throw it over there. I'm. Gonna put a double back on this too. So, I've got a long. Electro, shell. And. This. Is a runs. At about 80. Milliamps. And. It's. Got a little extra glass on it and these are available, in your sight. New things we. Make our own electrode, holders I've, always made my own electrode, holder because I like silicone, it. Grabs the glass really well and, it also protects, the pitch if, it gets too hot and insulates, the pitch pieces of cracking. Another. Trick that I've done is, sometimes, it gets really hot so, I'll take the clothespin. I'll. Actually. Put. It on and. Hold it like this and. Do. It if I have a really short electrode. Do, two. Pieces of friction tape a piece of glass and, tie. Wire and you've got yourself a 90. Degree electrode holder releases, beautifully, so. I've, got my like then you notice I have a core pen again very. Important. I. Have. 90%, crap. I like to eat a little odd. You can see when I kick it in I have. Oxy. So, I like doing this in a crossfire because, I really like gravity. To. Be able to let the glass move. And whatever you do never use, anything that block the end it, will crap. Use a different technique which, will show a medium it's a way to work around the, fraction with those pushing. On it is guaranteed, to make it. So that's my love in a different, way but that's why we're doing the display to fill out. I'm doing now is I'm just working the game I've got the oxy on, Brian.

The. Center. Usually. I can pull it off. While. With. My key. Not, very pretty. So, then once, you have your electrode, on. You, want to get the entire area hot, again. The. R2 annealing. Time of the glass, thickness. Of the glass is the time it takes to cool down and care but. It's got to be all the same temperature, before. It pulls down they. You know some concentrating. The heating on the inside, which. Is really where it. There, it is. This, is a very, this is a very different way to go about it partly. Because of the tool setup that available, partly because my people taught me and so forth but, there. Are a lot of similarities that I hope to incorporate maybe some potatoes in some amounts to but some of the other people who were working on asking. For doing some of these. First thing we're doing just like David was talking about is well wipe out the Fosters on the inside here. If. You don't want if you don't like the foster out you end up with the granules, inside, here where you make in the seal the, glass doesn't Koons tract and expand. At the same rate with clusters, as the granules do so they end up cracking off right here so, make sure that, you. Clean that out. Maybe it's time to blast me. Sorry. About that. So, if, we get the right size for the. Is 20, mil 25. 25. So. I would have normally have a stripe, down the middle here so I know we're up and down is especially, if if this is a second, again this, is the first end and when you're working on the first end always, puts tubulated end on first so it gives more options, blowing up on the secondary path. And in a mark where I'm, trying to blow the full hole which is about right there. Good weight to hold this stuff down okay. This is let's shot. Fire, crews back. When I start, here. As. Well and. Metal. Which is oxygenated. Propane and. It, does. It's hot, it helps. With the black name of the glass on that free. I work. So well. So. Being. Very paranoid about stuff fracking, I'll. End up doing some more, preheating. On the class and David does the, nice thing that David was doing about, using. The cross, fires is, it because, the flames stop pushing your heating a lot more glass and further down in here did you find that give up cracking on the bottom right here and you end up cracking skin cracks down this way so I'll try to get the heat down in this way. And then a start and then start heating the glass. Here. For pulling the end off. And, as it starts, to you see it start to contract a little bit sag a bit. And he'd like this thing a full talk so the center ends up being in the center. Like. That, okay. I. Now, I want to get some more feet in the end there so. In. Blow. It out. And, I'm blowing it out onto the back at this time not pushing to the end because you end up with a sharp corner end, up with the sharp corner, there and like a blow saying definitely, cracked, if you do that. This, is a flame. Workers paddle thing its graphite, slippery. It doesn't suck taking it out of it. But. You see how it ends up giving a nice round corner, there which is so, if you just mash the crap out of it you give it with a sharp corner and fold it under and that's really not a good thing. Okay so, keep, them down here a little bit. Now. I need a hole to do it right. I'll make a couple puffs here because if you pump it they fall back down he, end up gathering all. Let, the cuckold blow later that hit you the size right. Good. Pressure on it close it off okay damn, it, don't. Get it with the edge of the core because. It breaks the corner off like that but. Regardless, of that let's go ahead and I'll show you how it goes together it's gonna have a big hole in the side of it but regardless of that let's not worry about that okay so I'm holding the torch down here getting some heat in the backside of it because I've just needed to talk now, here I would come across here. Thank you what Mike did here is here I've got a carbon, rod and. I might be able to heat this down some and get. It a little flatter. It, looked beautiful before, I was a knucklehead there. But. While you're thinking hold, the heat down here to get the heat up the bottom of it because that core that corner right there is what crack so bad. You, can look and see if you got a seal there if you have a hole don't, blow in it you cool the edges off too much.

Don't, Spill plastic, feet. On the bottom. Get, some heat up that way. That's. A little, ugly but not. Terrible. So. Now now. The. Other thing that's helped me make these successful in the past is, using, this fabric racks this is a an. Insulating. Blanket, blanket, and I, always do. The second, one. The first practice, ones digging the. Get in there and it's not in it cools nicely, looks like that so. By, the time you get around to doing the second, one it. Is still too hot too tied to the fiber fries I think that that really helps cool it off and, I choose to do that instead of going back. So. Hugely. Different techniques, which we take not but maybe you only do pick up something to like. Thank. You sorry, for making a mess on your floor David. Trying. To just make it a hair leaner there's, so much flash just. Like last name just a blank, this. Is like free so, that flash normally, it's clamps with big right there's. So much um, seems. Like the mixers a little rich there's so much Flair. Coming off them. Okay, I'm working left free Oh actually no it's not. We still get all have flared that from the from the glass or from the burger and, not. From the fire being too rich less. Now. Not ever. So, it needs to be a little hotter yeah, so. I should have used the oxy. Sorry. Realist, tweezers at. Tweezers. Behind. Me on that table right through it down. Thanks. Where's, the electrode. By your clothes. That's, fine something. To hold on to it to be better because I gotta hold it. And. And, where's the hand torch right put your hands down to hold it where. I put the hand towards here on one hand it's me you. Don't have any holder huh. So, I see that's what I got I can through that right yeah I'm the Maronite. Yeah. Oh. He, ended up. And this is led, the electrode, aim at the glass mm-hmm. So it's ledge electrode, and soda-lime blank yeah, I knew. Using the oxy. No. Holy. Oh. Right. I think so what. I think so. I see, it. It's directly on this side, yeah. So, there. Yeah. I. Lost. My fire. Hose. Develop a network all, the hoes on the hand torch. And if I was really doing this and, make sure there's no crossbreed. Raining in my studio and, then, usually have it drop a cooling, rack so, just. Like. Box. Insert all table, and melee your right angles. And. The other thing I do that I could do here I. Can't, I can't see this again supply, go. And I'm making a feeling I can. Bitch. White. Look. At the black with. White background I, shot a call.

2018-09-20 00:05

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