Benedict Kuah enters TORRI DEY

Benedict Kuah enters TORRI DEY

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[Music] [Music] she's fighting for freedom [Music] [Music] the challenge [Music] hello hello hello good evening whatever time good afternoon whatever time you may be watching this i'm your host manager on thuriday talk show yes today i'm in the studio with somebody special somebody special the cheer man of war cancer the big bad boss we know him as the big back boss by the name of ben editor aqua oh welcome welcome welcome brother welcome welcome mr big bad boss yes papa welcome to the show welcome to 30 day talk show papa welcome welcome yes yes do you have one or two things to say before we start because uh we we're gonna just hop in directly but i want to if you have anything to to say you can just say before we start is that okay would you that is fine thanks a lot um thanks a lot mana and can i just extend my appreciation for what you have been doing in service for our people and the struggle it is very well done your sacrifice is not um something that is little um your education and the platform that you have created for the exchange of ideas pushes our effort to serve the to serve determination and our destiny forward so thank you very much for all that and i want to also extend my appreciation to our forces on the ground to those that are captives in jail and to our refugees who have been displaced um for all these years my assurance to them is that we will go home we are going to win this war and we are going to create a society where all of you will gain those freedoms that are now being denied you um so thank you um for giving me the opportunity to address our people um i just wanted um to make a statement on the issues that have been happening around our tank cabrigi [Music] for the past for the past almost a week now um there has been certain information that had filtered out about the disciplinary action that the ambassador defense forces took in order to bring some rock soldiers in line [Music] we lost a great ambassador a soldier of ambassador with anago wan our commander commanding general of our tanker brigade and as always happens cartels and some internal enablers always try when these situations happen to see if they are able to take over um or destroy those adf bases since they think that um the base has been destabilized with the taken out of their commanding officers in doing that and in the situation of tanka these cartels succeeded in turning the heads of a few soldiers who turn rock able to get out from under the adf command and control and the adf code of conduct and these soldiers created some havocs even going into churches to pick out pastors i want to thank the coordinator for mezzan who for months have tried as much as possible to solve this issue in a manner that is consistent with trying as much as possible to do no harm even the issue got right up to my desk right up to the cic's desk and i want to especially thank the commanders the commander commanding officer of a tanker brigade and the assistant and the um officers who all this while exhibited cool heads to allow the war council and the coordinator um to solve the issue so that it doesn't turn into a bloody situation last saturday the issue was successfully resolved when the supreme general of the adf sent a tax force requested by the tanka brigade commander and this issue was resolved when these forces were asked to lay down their weapon and face discipline under the code of conduct of the ambassador defense forces the open fire fire and they were able to be arrested with one of them killed and the rest taken into custody right now they are undergoing punishment after their punishment they will be rehabilitated our tanka brigade is strong resilient and back in the field now let me just send a warning to these cartels who always try to get in and buy adf soldiers which then cause greater havoc to the ambassador people and harm the struggle [Music] they have not succeeded they have never succeeded but they have caused enormous destruction we will not allow not for one second a repeat of some of the devastations they have brought like in buoy like in guzang like in mato like in libya lamb and so many other places we have the body box to show for but we will never ever allow rock forces especially rock forces trying to operate under the umbrella of the ambassador defense forces to not be governed by the ambassador defense forces code of conduct anybody going online whether out here or on the ground trying as much as possible to destabilize any adf base will be dealt with very very harshly we've learned our lessons we have learned that lesson thank you madam host thank you thank you papa i'm sure they've heard what you've said you know uh i'll go i'll dive on your questions that i had some questions prepared for you and some of you some people gave me some of it too and so i have to go through this it's a lot but we're going to go step by step okay papa the first question is please tell us more about yourself we may have some viewers on acn acn tv who may not be aware of your intensity of investment in the ambassador war of independence what do you do on daily basis as the chairman of war cancer i know you've said some things but we want them some people might want to know yeah yes it is so difficult to talk about yourself on it on a daily basis it's a matter of trying as much as possible to galvanize um the war effort and the war effort is a lot about command and control making sure that you have supplies going in making sure that on bases that need coordination and support that that coordination and support comes in with the level of our communication sometimes it needs the war council and myself to be involved in order to shift the forces from one area to the other um also a matter of making sure that there is a a review of operations on the table and the approval of those operations to to to to to go forward uh making sure that all of the um all of the necessities um for a successful operation are in place before because you don't want to approve operations that um cost unnecessarily the lives of that are not well thought out let me put it that way um so it's a lot but also um coordinating the effort of that our people normal people are putting in making sure that they are directed right down um to where it is most needed at the end of the day i need to galvanize the effort together with the war council to make sure that the strategy for our liberation is sound and that it is not just sound um yesterday but that it is sound currently because what might sound fine at this moment certain aspects in the field or certain um change of tactics by your enemy makes what you think that is sound today obsolete so we have to constantly make sure that we are applying the right strategy at every given moment yeah yeah yeah wow yeah that was it's tough but yeah you know it's not an easy job yes but yeah it is not it is not from what i stand on this shoulder of giants like as i just yesterday you had yes they called nato from mesa who was dealing with an issue that internal that um cartels had made yeah our unit almost came to blows against each other and so if that had happened the internal strife that they were trying to create within an adf unit if that had happened there would have been more dead bodies on the ground yeah because of uh because of that but the way that she handled him um the fact that the the commanders kept the call head the commanders at our tanka brigade kept the cold head and then asked the organization because what these people fail to understand is that we are not building um little little um county armies or that the ambassador defense forces is the army of ambassador yeah it is top to bottom with the supreme as the general of that army so that's what they have never understood um especially when they come out of the county by county or lga type stuff so our commanders in tanka can sit back and fail to take an action that might cause devastation while calling on the hierarchy to solve the problem as any army should because it's like this an a a problem within a base if i solve it it might be like i am using my power and my position because i feel this way to solve the problem in that base but calling an outside outsider to come in not even an outsider calling the hierarchy to solve the problem in the base brings in a lot more resources that limit that type of a a bloody situation to develop but that is how you might then see somebody like the coordinator like the secretary general like the ogc like myself who meetings upon meetings two three hours each day i mean like for a week on on such an issue but you do that because any life lost for us is weakening of the defense of our land especially when it's not when it's lost because of internal strife not because we are facing the enemy oh yes yes okay another the second question is in the beginning there were some leaders in the revolution who never wanted to hear the word self-defense when did you when did it dawn on you that self-defense with military hardware like aks was the best approach to pregnant pregnant cameroon army while pursuing the liberation of ambassador that is that is really a very very great question and it goes to the fundamental issues that have really made us today not to be a free independent country and why i say this and let me be very clear the moment our forefathers got out of the eastern house of assembly at inugu they should have reached boya their priority should have been securing our borders if they had made sure that the ambassador people already having a prime minister having a parliament having a house of chiefs having a police force was able to have the force to defend the border the borders of our land we will not be where we are today so i don't blame too much those that even came after and still thought of playing this game of we will be able to win our independence by singing kumbaya so from the first moment that i got into from the aac one that really i really got into participation in this in the struggle for our liberation there have never been any doubt in my mind that we will have to fight for our liberation why did i say that because i had already understood that we were at war people people think that when paul bear stood at the tormach coming out of a plane and declared war number that that's the war the war had been going on we had been at war for decades the republic become a role the republic to cameroon did not come into any union with the ambassador people at fumban the agenda that la republique du cameron had was annexation war that is why they dismantled our house of chiefs they dismantled our government they dismantled our economy independent economy so they dismantled all of those they were not dismantling it in the sense that this were a people that we are going to coexist with when they take away your economic lifeline that is subjugation that is war when they take your light they remove your machines from power cam transported over they take over your banks they take over your livelihood that is why i'm not talking about the cali callers that they later instituted i'm not talking about the the the the protest the assassination of our leaders right up to when these people killed father fonte for discovering that what they were coming into our schools and saying that they are vaccinating girls they were actually sterilizing them so that they can control the population of ambassador that's what that's biological warfare the fact of sending aids patients into ambassador any civil servant army police janam that contracted it they sent it to 10 pandemic all of those were already the warfare that these people were carrying out on us so it is a very little leap to imagine that with all that going on and if you paid attention to our history you paid attention to how france and how their colonies have always operated you don't have to be a genius or a nuclear scientist to know that you are fighting an existential war and that you have to fight back so no you the republic did not have to take a clever or take helicopter gunships to be firing on population in october one for me to realize that we were at war we had been at war for decades wow wow so you all knew that you saw that some of us we did not see it we were just growing but we knew that something was going on something was happening but with the person like somebody like me i never knew it would tend to this way but i'm happy that you people stood and you posted what what was happening and you all stood up for for us for some of us till today thank you very much i'll go to the next question is what can you tell us about the ongoing collaboration between the ambassador defense force and the other fighters in ground zero we have always from the beginning of the struggle always being on the platform that we face an existential struggle man angela we have lost more than a thousand villages burned to the ground we are facing a well-funded well-trained well-armed brutal occupation force that is backed by wall powers economically and militarily we do not have the option of to say that we can go it alone all eight million of us are in this together that is our philosophy it has always been a philosophy so everywhere where we have people of good will good intention focus on the same objective which is the liberation of ambassador you are our friend our hands are always out i i know that it has cost us and it has caused the struggle because the enemy is a snake many heads let me ask some yeah let me i said what we understand that nothing can last forever what is the typical duration of this collaboration how will the forces act in compliance with the terms and conditions of collaborating do you have an enforceable mechanics mechanism in yes in place do you have it i think one of the one of the most important thing that we have never shied for is setting the agenda for the struggle because it has always fallen on us look if the ambassador defense forces was not existent was not existing and had not taken the struggle where it needed to go our liberation the defense of our land would have crumbled it would have yeah and that's the fact i know from the from um from the beginning when we needed to respond um all the plans in place and we needed to respond to the war declared by mr binvado um the autocratic henchman um in the republic to come around where we needed to respond to that i i remember those things those those other movements that came along afterwards like the dod and and and some of this and i can tell you that a lot of those are not in existence today some have turned into um spokesperson for the republic du camaron um some have shown themselves to be traitors those were those who were standing that who came after and were even in positions to tell us that we have to submit to them because they are part of a dod or something of that so um and some were burning also i i say this out of experience and history that is clear for ambassadors of goodwill to see if we have not held that line and stood on a platform of real um um quotes that were written down and followed we will not be where we are today and so when we come into partnerships that is how we do it there are courts that are written and signed and those quotes are followed you go out of those courts that is where you are held accountable and so in that way you can build a platform that lasts now i know that there are others that come and they don't want when we put this memorandum of understandings on the ground to sign there are others that don't want it and that is where you know that they are not their intentions are not good but when you have those the moment you start seeing breaches of those you can correct it and that is where long-term partnerships are built let me ask you what type of diligence did you and your team due to authentic the absence of infiltrators within and the forces within the forces and can you can the other forces walk out of the collaboration without notification it has happened in many cases i think you you you saw how we try to build a contender um the contender force you saw all of the gamesmanship that were played there some are bad intentions some are good intentions some is just a matter of greed and and so there are a lot of human um vices normal human vices that come into into this into some of this um but the most important thing that i have always laid my trust in is agreements right because once you do when you do agreements some of those agreement in and of itself defeats some of the bad intentions that are being brought in so if your intention is to come and destroy the adf and then the an mou is put in front of you that tells you that the adf chain of command is like this what is your own chain of command so that you respect those chains of command so that i cannot cross over and tell you that oh don't fight la republique and you cannot cross over and tell me that although so if your intention was to come and destroy the struggle those memorandum of understanding already take care of some of those yeah because if you look at if you look at article five of nato it talks about elective defense a commitment to protect each other in the nato alliance do you have a similar clause or article either written over when the ambassador defense force enter in collaboration with other ground zero liberation forces that that that is always part of the platform okay even even in cases where the there are no memorandum of under understanding we know that in most cases the ambassador defense forces forms the root or the foundation of self defense in those areas one of the things that we as i say that we know that we are fighting an uphill battle um one of the things that we have always made sure is that we are our brothers keepers we are our sisters keepers you might be a force independent that is not under the adf chain of command so long as we see you working for the liberation of ambassador you are under attack the edf you call the edf the adf is always there to give you back on because we know that if they take you out it weakens the defense of our land because they will be easy they will easily now pass through that area and maybe our forces in another area will be threatened and if they are threatened they are not focused on um pushing our lines or increasing our stabilized zones they will not be in a defensive position so if a neutral unit is on the other side doing good work and they are under attack we always support them so that they remain there because that way it liberates part of our territory and we can focus somewhere else that's really good strategy that's really good even if the other forces not working with you all you all get if you all collaborate with that and that is good that is good can you tell us about your relationships style how do you work with your team including the generals commanders and fighters in high a pressure environment in a high and pressure environment can you tell us about your leadership style um in order to um present me to the ambassador i i i yes i have a no no we we have a lot of of of real tangible um issues that we need to get through to um the the requisition um and the acquisition and the supply lines to our forces is really important um the importance of our people to participate in the liberation of their land is is very critical and i hope that you give me some of the opportunity to to talk today but maybe in me in you asking look i am i am i am someone who [Music] is of the opinion that a single person cannot be able to build a community it takes communal effort and so the pride part of my pride is seeing [Music] the incredible work that ambassadors in different fields do i i i see it and i take inspiration uh from someone like the leader of the liberation um my colleague um um i am victoria he's he he's his successes his attitude the way that he manages himself i get a lot of pleasure out of that as i do with the ogc right that i can sit back and i said i know what i can die today and the struggle will not die because there is the ogc there is the sg you know there is there there are the ddcs um there is a if someone like a ps yeah and and you so what i'm saying is that part of what i look at as my goal in leadership is empowerment to empower people to be able to take over what i do and push it forward because two three four five of us is a lot better than one of us yeah and so yeah it's a matter of making sure that it's not just one leaders that we have a lot of leaders on the ground and at the level of the war council and if we fail in that that is part of my failure as the leader of the war council let me ask you when you hold a meeting with dr joe ayaba how is your setup and expectation we hold meetings lying on the bed we hold meetings in the car we hold meetings uh sitting at the table we have a problem with them i'm sorry we have a problem i'm sure with each internet and we'll be right back we'll be right back let's um we'll be right back i'm sorry we we just had a internet problem and let's they'll get it fixed and we'll be right back thank you for watching we have any commercial or music [ __ ] [Music] so so we're back we're back um i'm sorry we had a little listen so we're back um cheer man yeah are you on with me okay papa yes yeah so i went back yes say say uh when you hold i'll say go back that that's same question when you hold a meeting with dr yabachu how is your setup and expect expectation i don't know what is going on with the internet okay here we have a problem again with internet we have a problem ground zero um what i'm going to tell you all now is go whoever the people discover everywhere please donate okay okay your back your back your backs let me go to the next question let's dive in next who is your greatest what is your greatest i know you've said a lot of the greatest failure what happened with the forces but let me just to brush up things again what is your greatest failure so far in leading the war council and the ambassador defense forces and what did you learn from it i know you told us a lot of things how what you did but still you know brush it up and tell us what you learned from it and what is the way forward i can i can i can choose a lot because i am not a perfect man but i think that at this moment my greatest failure um is the lack of um the mobilization of the ambassador people um to [Music] support the ambassador defense forces to the level that the war should have ended when i sit down and i look at the effort that the ukrainian people are putting in facing [Music] one of the greatest armies the world have ever seen then the greatest failure that i have is the lack of the mobilization of the ambassador people to that level of absolute focus on the defense of our land i as i speak to you there is a lot of ambassador people that still believe that this war is optional that might question why i have the right to tell them that it is their obligation to support the defense of our land that is a failure that four years into this struggle where we are we still have amazonians that still think that this is optional or that they are they are going to be doing me um or those who advocate for communal support to the war effort that they are doing us a favor that is an oxymoron that is the head turning to the tail and the tail becoming the head right now without fear or favor without being it being a threat to anybody or anything every single ambassador is obliged it is dear no matter wherever you find yourself in the world to join the war effort to liberate our land when your country is under threat there is no wiggle room and in the course of this i'll address some of those wiggle rooms that people have used which is like um why do you not go down there and fight um pardon my language but that's [ __ ] that's crap and it is advanced by the look for any little wiggle room not to participate in the liberation of our land some will use where they are oh i live in germany oh i live in england i live in america and nobody can force me to do this it is my right they use rights won by the blood and sacrifices of those whose country they are living under to dodge out of participation in the liberation of their own land that will not fly let me say this the ukrainian people were living under a democratic society where a comedian became a president they had all the rules that they needed in place to get into the european union the quote-unquote bastion of rights when faced with an existential threat with an invading army that got into their land what was the lord of the past no man within a certain age group was allowed to leave the country that's a lot of the past all of them to the front line defend your land that is a democratic so don't don't don't don't come and you say nobody can tell you nobody can force you that's a democratic society with laws that govern against that but if at a moment when they are facing an existential threat all of that goes out of the window and it is your obligation you are right to be forced to participate in the defense in the common defense of the land and every single ambassador falls under that and we will hold them accountable no matter where you live no matter whether you live in heaven you have to participate in the war effort and don't come and you say that oh i am i i i i am doing the refugees i'm not i'm not there in the world you sell my things look look and i say that is part of my favorite that you are warm maybe it's because i have not been speaking in these terms and that's why i say that maybe that is my biggest failure yeah but this is not an obligation it's not something that you are doing for me it is a common obligation to all of us and nobody no one has any wiggle room now you tell me that the ukraine president is there fighting go and fight in your land give me the opportunity to do it then he is able to stand there and fight because they are being he is being funneled the materials that he needs exactly the united states government just put 13 billion dollars on the table for them the european union they are sending guns and and bullets and bombs and and and stinger missiles he's going in now you you don't buy one bullet i need to come out the cic need to come out man nigeria the ogs all of them need to put themselves on the line begging for bullets to go down and in order for you to sleep quietly you want to take out those voices so that we go on the field and no bullet and that will achieve your age kill yeah kill the struggle yeah so those wiggle rooms are no longer there we will stand and demand every single person every single ambassador every single family must register their name for the war effort or they will be held accountable mark my words yes bro who hate you i hope they heard you very well and clearly because it's about time it's about time all of us get involved i don't see why some people will decide to sit and just say it's not my thing and then they feel so comfortable it's a shame but that is the truth is what is happening a lot of them are not participating in this world they think some of us that are involved where we've kind of lose it but as you see they'll be held accountable they'll be accountable really good time okay uh some of our generals are generous have been killed in active service and in line of duty while defending ambassador and their bodies shipped from ambassador to la republique you come wrong for example general avio general fiango please correct me if i'm wrong going back into history article 120 paragraph 6 of the 1949 geneva convention number three provides prevention with regards to possibility to return of remains to the home country of descent military personnel furthermore we have explained we have one more example of 1992 furnished russia finnish russia and the 1979 estonian estonian russian agreement on war dates any indie efficient to return respectively as the war council started working on a comprehensive protocol or documents [Applause] or documents facilitates the return of our bodies of the bodies of some of our forces that cameroon took their bodies um thank you mana i think what you what what you are asking is one of the questions that um la republique camaron have instituted a a terror policy of taking our soldiers taking their remains and disposing of them and um if the ambassador defense force is working on a protocol um concerning that look um there are clear protocols that are already we don't need to reinvent the wheel right there are clear protocols that have already been established and that is agreed upon as international norms but one of the things that we have never been um how can i say that we have always known is that we fight with an enemy that no knows rule no rules a barbaric people who have no compunction about burning killing children shooting them on the streets burning their homes burning their homes with old and infirm people murdering children in schools cutting the heads of people like samsoya burning corpses beyond recognition that they have massacred renditioning from foreign countries against international norms people into their jail we know we have a long list of these people carrying horrific acts against every contravention what we have been very clear about is that we are not going to fight on a different playing field the field that la republic has established and the rules that they want to fight the war under we are going to meet them on that playing field and we will beat them there also that's why it is very clear any republic soldier will fear who falls on the ground if our forces are not able to confiscate those bodies for what they are doing to our forces they are families who receive those bodies not in full we are very clear we will not fight an asymmetrical war with our republic to come around the rule since the world has decided that the republican camaro can break any rule and get away with we will fight the method for method we will match them method for method on the battlefield wow wow you and your team started working on the pop factory a very long time ago what prompted you to share the final product with other forces and why you did not keep it only for use by the ambassador defense forces mana with with all due respect c the ambassador defense forces the army of ambassador most of those who go out today and fight under different umbrellas they came out of um the ambassador defense training schools bday in daddy or those that were organized in tekke and then the one that general carrot organized in goku tunja where no pt came out of so olive look look our biggest our greatest issue is the liberation of ambassador i i know that our people are sometimes so gullible that they don't look at facts that are on the ground they look at they listen to the lies and the fabrication that people say and do our actions if our people really look at our action they will see an army that is very very willing and understand the notion that we are facing a well-funded well-trained well-backed brutal army on the other side and we need all 8 million people on the job to beat these people the adf will do it we know that we are winning but we will win faster we will get our freedom so much faster if we have this collective of effort if we have 8 million ambassadors on the job yeah that is why we develop technologies and export them so that we [ __ ] the enemy in this hour block by block strategy everywhere in the territory it makes no sense to me to keep a technology in bamenda in mesam or in a momo or in in in manual when i could deploy that technology in dub in uku and it affects the enemy what do i gain i don't gain anything i instead suffer our people add more years to the struggle that is why it is very very critical for the ambassador people to gather in a collective as a people support the amazonian defense forces for us to end this war and we will do that's true that's true the the reason why as we are asked that question because some of the forces that are not working under the structure of the uh uh the amazonian defense forces and sister forces they are so mean to a amazonian defense force to agr forces and that's why sometimes people get confused that why is it that other forces are not good they're looking for a way to kill you people and the uh agf forces and then the d again forces are [ __ ] are still showing kind to them and when they come they take those very materials that you pull give them they come and then use it on the amazonian defense force but anyway you've explained to all as i know that amazonia defense process is for ambassador is for all and that's why you are doing that yes let me let me add something let me add something to that a lot of this a lot of the posturing by some of these people is just empty nonsense right so there is an understanding that there are two fields of play there is the war going on in ground zero and there are cartels that are formed out here that try to present themselves as being in control of the war effort going down there okay so a lot 90 of these people are absolutely clueless and their effort is meaningless and minot on the field sometimes they succeed in a few cases in actually turning the heads of some of these boys with money that they will do for a few months and then they discover what it means to maintain an army or even one unit for a year and suddenly they are incapable and these units turn broke because they have gotten out of the adf command and control and that is where some of the kidnappings and armed robbery come come about because these units now lack the support that they gain under the adf command and control so what we know is that you might hear these people they talk so big and so loud out here i think that they have this wide range of support on the ground but they don't so for some of this independent unit we are still able to work with them transfer technology for them to work on the war effort because one of the things that we always do is that we set the strategy set the agenda and if those units fit into that strategy agenda if it's the block by block if it is the pop strategy that we put in place in order to prevent this mechanized unit entry into villages and burning them surrounding villages and burning them and taking them out which we have reduced with our pop effort that they are no longer able to move so we don't mind because it safeguards our villages at the end of the day that is what the defense forces is all about yeah okay that's why we're going to say we're going to say the ambassador defense forces is what makes them the forces for all ambassadors yeah so it is confirmed for all people to know that amazonian the ada forces they are not for adf what people assume or they claim that is for other agents for a particular but it is for all people from what is on the ground what we've seen the structure that they've put is for every ambassador all the fighters on the ground those that are cooperating with adf those that we don't even want to be trained all means to bring them together so they can cooperate and walk along so now forces ambassadorian the the ambassador defense force is for all know that they are not enemies they are not our enemies as some people claim they are not our enemies they are for all the forces all amazonians as long as you have the good mind to walk with them they will walk with you okay is that not it oh i'm saying something different that is absolutely brilliant so so i'm telling you all to go you know to donate how to send money donation and commit to the liberation force is online you have the method of worldwide donation the website is a w h t t p s dot dot dot net please donate donate for the adforces they have this what they call thousand operation the operation going on now operation ten thousand bullets ten thousand two ten ten one hundred thousand or ten thousand bullets so please donate donate amazonia please you all should come and donate please i'm begging donald we all is for all ambassadors is going to be for everybody it's not for a particular people so everybody should be involved please all of us should be involved thank you i'm begging please please please yes papa i'm going now let's go okay going back to history article paragraph let me see maybe maybe i'm i've just mixed things up six six four five okay this is it i have so many questions so papa don't be worried okay we see there's so and i think that i i want to spend a little time on that um yeah i'll be talking while i'm looking yes okay because because this is this is absolutely critical and as i say um we can decide as a people to end this war um right now and it is no longer an obligation um for us to do that it is a necessity um i know that a lot of amazonians are looking in all uh the ukrainian people and what they are doing um to an army i i just want to to to a world power i just want to use this opportunity um um are you getting me yeah i'm getting you clearly very clearly yes i just want to use this opportunity to talk to the ambassador people about the lessons that we are learning and we need to learn in certain situations you see the hubris of the russian army that believe that it is going to rule over ukraine in less than a week and achieve its objective what has emerged is the fact that never underestimate the will of a people fighting for their freedom fighting for their land fighting in the land of their birth if there is nothing else the ambassador people have demonstrated that when mr pogba in all arrogance thought that in a matter of days they were going to rule over the ambassador people what has been demonstrated in ukraine what has been demonstrated i i am seeing a call coming in from the technical team so i don't know if i am yeah you can answer you can answer you can answer okay answer why i'm just saying something yeah so ambassador ambassador please this is a time for us to contribute put ourselves together all of us come together we should try and contribute and donate money in order to win the war this is this is a time that everybody every way you have to do something and it doesn't matter i know that a lot of you of you that are saying that well i don't want my name to be if i send the money they will see my name or i don't want to be involved you can still be involved but sitting in the back sitting in a backpack in got vault by sending your money to all those places to tough to all those places even call some of us that we are involved mommy while he's there kapoor daniel is there mr actually lucas is there everybody called them call them and tell and tell them you want to donate silently they will not call your name but they will have your record that you are donating you are contributing so that we can move this war forward in order to go back to our land our people you have all have seen how our people are suffering you have seen how children especially children they are now wandering the streets some of them not going to school for how many years now they don't know that left from that right look at the girls they've turned out to prostitute they're going hanging out out in a dweller where they said republic and you see the other day that their houses were all demolished they're standing there they don't have nowhere to go please this is a time for us all of us to just come together to come together we don't have no time to be fighting between ourselves any fighting is to donate money if you want to fight you want to make it different it's making a difference it's not talking donate your money to tough give your money where it is needed operation 10 10 uh 100 000 bullets for ground zero so our boys our boys should have the weapon to fight the bullet to fight i'm begging you i'm begging all the ambassadors to come together we don't have to agree but we have something in common that we want our country to be free to be independent and so that is why we are here today to begging begging you have they the the lioness day the online uh money you can go too tough they will you you you you donate your money silently you can go there one in canada if you don't have the american line call canadian is right there call them put the money please we need it it's all of us it's not only particular people that we're gonna be begging telling you people we're just talking we are just fortunately that fortunate that we are the front runners we are here to put our faces and everything to talk about it but some of you just sitting back there and don't say nothing that is no help if you want to help our struggle you want to help us to through our land to be free like then please please donate donate welcome back welcome back let me go to question i'm sure the line is okay can you hear me i can get you if you get me okay papa that's good so now i'm going to to to question a five i'm into question 10 we have a monthly fundraising event coming up and the ongoing 100 000 bullets campaign what appeal do you make for ambassadors and friends of ambassadors to give the nation and commit what please have that you are here this is a time just tell them this is this is this is really the time um this is the time when i don't think that i need to go further to explain to the ambassador people the necessity um and explaining to them it's likely scenario how things might happen they are seeing it with their own eyes and all i can do is use what our ambassador it's used what sorry about that it's use what our ambassador people are seeing with their own eyes right now and explain our situation with so this is critical as i before i i got frozen i was talking about the um um the army from russia how they asked time it how they have come to almost a stop inside ukraine what you are seeing is a lack of logistics how logistics work they have the tongues they have the cars they have everything but the supply lines the logistics to put those into the field has been crippled has been crippled and that has crippled one of the world's greatest updates one of the greatest army the world has ever seen right now we have identified the amazonian defense forces our intelligence unit has been able to identify two lines of supplies two lines of supplies wow for the republic army in ambassador my fellow ambassadors think about us of supply even for one month think about the dramatic fact this is going to have around some of their bases that are in the hinterlands of our nation right now we have already identified that we have identified that location but for months now four months now the amazonian defense forces cannot deploy or i cannot approve that operation because we don't have the requisite amount of ammunition that can shut down those supply lines for one month two months three months for me to gather those ammunition to to be able to do that that is going to bring down the level grounded down the level of activity all over the territory to almost zero in order to shut down the supply lines then you will not have any effect because they'll be sitting in their bases they have nothing we will be sitting we have nothing and so it's still still made it's still still made so when we are talking about and and one of the things that i am begging is that let it not be a deep deep deep sort of thing it has no effect let us have in the armory the ability to put down this 100 000 ammunition and begin this operation and for six months we maintain the level in the amore at least one hundred thousand and you see the dramatic effect the dramatic effect this will have in our country take it just i mean take it take a look if tomorrow you are sitting there and i'm telling you on a map that look here the amazonian defense forces have pushed these guys and we have kept um this is the demarcation of the ambassador state imagine tomorrow i'm telling how will you feel how will you feel this is the level that we are this is a level that just maintaining an amory of 100 000 bullets that is the dramatic effect it can have that i am no longer talking to you in terms of explaining scenario and explaining stabilized zones i will have the confidence the confidence to stand in front of you and be showing you in map terms because i know that republic intelligence will be seeing it but they will not come because they come they will enter into a quagmire like the soviet army is facing in streets because we have cut their supply lines this is how incredibly important this drive is my fellow ambassadors 250 000 dollars get us there we have enough people in one state in america that do not have to go above 200 dollars to get us this to get out there and that is why we are beginning to hold every single ambassador no matter wherever in the world you are you will be held accountable and there is not this wiggly room that oh i am this effort oh i am that effort oh who are you to tell me that based on where i am in the struggle based on my history in the struggle my background and what i have been able to do i am in the position to tell you that you will be held accountable so go to ttos make your commitment because if all of us make our commitments you will have your family your name will have the receipts tomorrow to be able to show when you are called to account of where were you when your nation was facing this existential threat because that question ladies and gentlemen is coming that question is coming and will come in ukraine it is coming in russia it is already there as it happened in america and every single struggle in somaliland in eritrea in south sudan whether you are in the diaspora or on the ground it is your civic duty right to be held accountable that is not a threat you have to do it it is not a black male no it is your obligation as citizen of ambassador oh thank you thank you mr benedict we can do this in groups of ones and twos in groups of tens in jungies this time as we look at a people pulling together and the world pulling to support them understand this we had never believed because we are africans that they were any godfathers coming from us as the u.s congress is able to galvanize billions of dollars for the uk people it allowed their leaders to be at home to just manage their war effort for us we have to be out and about we have to do this ourselves we are the ones we have been waiting for our motto is that we will win this war right yeah and i will fight i will save i will sacrifice i will end you i will fight cheerfully and do my utmost even till then as if this issue of this our struggle depends on me alone that's a motto right yeah yes ambassador must internalize that motto and demonstrate it let us get this amount of ammunition flow into the war effort and i promise you put me in the firing squad tomorrow we will win this war we will i will start showing you in my main stabilized zones zones that are under towns that are under and control knowing that i have shut off the republic supply lines and crush them inside our territory big bad birds you said it all you said it and let me just say some of us that somewhere some more people are scared to give money that they're gonna they're gonna get us the americans are gonna say we are sending money illegally we are doing this we are forming the war look at what is happening in ukraine they are the ones falling in a foreign country all these people so you have to know that what you are doing us as somebody zodian falling out what is right hey papa is it not right they shouldn't be scared everybody are invoking their right to self defense is sacrosanct just think that you're listening god in his many mercies ambassadors show ambassadors that stand for your land nobody will be able to say anything to you you have the right parents defend your land it is a right enshrine in natural law and in all the international laws thank you thank you it's good that you clarify it for them and let them know so no excuses they are not going to stand and say no it's because i was scared that this this they've seen it and you've turned you've told them now and they they are saying what is happening so it's your place to donate is there it's right there open for you all to see that donate their places you need their people to call their noble numbers are all open and so we have no excuses okay papa and we're gonna move to the last but not the least question for us you know to go off we've been talking for a while please give a word of motivation and encouragement to the forces on ground zero and potential recruits to join the amber defense forces please you are honored for that can you as a achievement defense chairman one one one of the one of the things that i have never ever been shy about is the acknowledgement that the most important people in ambassador our best resources is those who have offered their lives up so that our dreams are realized i make this analogy i make this analogy and and our forces should listen very clearly because they really i don't think they understand the level at which i as the chairman of the walkers who hold them and how i see them and the war council and collectively seized in order to free mankind god sent his only son who gave his life up so that others might live is that different from the boy now in bolifamba who have left his home stand on the street prepared to die so that his village might be saved my dear friends is that different from the boy in jordan in furawa in bachati in mancon munya is that different from these men and women coming out and saying that i am willing to die so that others might live is that different so these are gods to us for they gave up their life so that we might leave where that is how our country ambassador must ever forever hold them in their esteem [Music] they are the gods of ambassador so we owe you my fellow soldiers on the ground a depth of gratitude that we can never repay we will support you to our last breath because you are the greatest commodity our land will ever produce the never again generation the generation that all other generations who revere the generation that is setting the character of who we will be tomorrow soldiers officers you are cafe then they are here we thank you we honor you and know that you have in the war council people who go to death for you who will do everything to mobilize the resource so that you end this war you have already won the war for us your people need to back you and every single ambassador women and men your country needs you join the war effort resist if you are a bayern salem no circle are not for those people if you mean mommy when you're dead you you distribute water no give water for them no joy for the weekend not to shout east to west everybody whether you are in the farm in the market or in the bushes resist resist resist you are all the army of ambassador where where where chairman i just thank you thank you for coming papa thank you for giving this lecture and this doctrine and all this truth for our people we need that you are the war council from the walk-ons you come and then unlike everything where it happened you open yourself to the world to ambassadors to know what is going on i really appreciate you i do appreciate you because not everybody people are sitting right at the back and don't want to say nothing just be talking online but if you can put yourself out here you know to be truthful to a plane to be altitude amazonians ambassadors give coffee your cafe day off papa your cafe day up your cafe i thank you very much i thank you thank you for showing up thank you a lot for the opportunity where papa thank you and god bless you god bless you god bless your family let's keep hope alive and one day we'll get to boya we are on our way to freedom land and we stay strong and stay tight yes thank you for all your work thank you now all kind all people from our council thank the leader when i take me with the roadmap that you will have i thank you all thank you and papa bye for now i'll talk to you later and see you god bless you god bless you bye let me just say bye tell the people on the ground and talk to them and that's it where my people on the ground all ambassadors all ambassadors i just want to thank you all for watching us listening to a a chairman beneditta and aka she he said everything that was in my mind that is all of you the truthful ambassador that is what you want you want to hear he came out here and said everything out let me just speak in beijing they come out here and prepare them it talk it took everything for you all and so there's nothing with me i've been talk have you put them on top of that just to tell you all that i thank my brothers they wouldn't be fight my picking their way they fight whether they hold ground for us and keep up the good work we are all up here we are fighting and making sure that you all have the materials and we thank you very much and i say you pray for me and i will pray for you and all of us we should pray for each other that is the ambassador and good night love you ambassador good night love my country god bless ambassador [Music] oh who's fighting for freedom [Music] from [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you

2022-03-21 14:26

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