Webinar: Nonprofit and Library Technology Trends for 2019 - 2019-01-29

Webinar: Nonprofit and Library Technology Trends for 2019 - 2019-01-29

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Hi. Everyone thank you so much for joining us today for our webinar, nonprofit. And library technology. Technology, trends, for 2019. Before. We get started I just want to go over a few housekeeping items so all callers will be muted if. You have questions, feel free to use the chat box that you see on the left-hand side of your screen if you. Have to drop off early or if you want to watch the webinar again we will be hosting the webinar on our website at techsoup.org. Slash. Community, slash events, - webinars, we'll, also be sending an email with the presentation. The recording, and any relevant links that we talked about today and then. Also if you're on social media feel free to tweet, at us at techsoup, using hashtag, tswebinars. But. Like i said earlier we will be monitoring, the Q&A box that you see on the left hand side of your screen so, just, a little bit about TechSoup we are located, in. 236. Countries, and territories and, we serve over a million, nonprofits. We. Partner with several technology, companies like Adobe Intuit. Microsoft, Symantec, and several, more that you see here to, make our mission possible, providing, either, donated, or discounted, technologies, to nonprofits, around the world, and, outside, of just hardware. And software offerings, we also offer things. Like tech consulting. Apps. For, change information. Free information, and resources training. And, community, events and several other things so if you would like to know more you, can visit our web site at techsoup.org, to, see what we offer so, I'm, going to go ahead and, introduce, today's. Speaker so real, quick on the backend we have doreen Kazi who will be assisting, with chat, and, then also myself my name is Seema Tucker I'm the senior. Manager of content, here at TechSoup, and then, today's. Presenter, is Jim. Lynch and he is the senior, writer at TechSoup. So. He has been with, TechSoup, for several years and over his long career at TechSoup Jim has seen all the fads and also. The solid aspects, of tech for good he's. Also written on nonprofit tech, trends over the last 10 years he's. Been interviewed extensively by. NP tech and related, by The Wall Street Journal NPR. PC, World magazine and, many other news, outlets, so. Before I actually hand it over to Jim I just want to make sure that you guys can hear me okay so if you guys don't mind typing. In the chat box where you're calling in from and what, organization you work for and I'll read out a few of them just make sure you guys can hear me. All right we, have McFarland. Wisconsin. New. York. Let's. See, Texas. Greenfield. Tennessee okay, cool so it looks like you guys can hear me okay perfect. So I am going to go ahead and now pass it off to today's, presenter Jim. Hi. Everybody. Let's. See what we have here so. Nonprofit. Technology and. Library. Trends. For 2019, a lot. To cover. Or we get going I'd love to know who, you are in terms of what, kind of organization, you're in so if you could take a take. Just a moment to. Tell. Us that just click whichever one applies. To you we can I can see. Who. You are and what. I should say. Alright, looks like we've got. How. Lovely we've got a lovely number. Of libraries. In. The audience so we've got up we've got a good solid nonprofit. And library audience, all, and. Speak to that. So. I. Have. In mind to say, that about all. Of these different things if we can get through it all. Probably. My favorite part of this is what not to worry about in 2019, sorry. So, that will be a fun conversation I. Encourage. Everybody, to. Put. Your question in the chat and we'll integrate, them during, the. Presentation so, I. Think I favor, having. A dialogue, with. Everybody, rather. Than having a Q&A at the, end so I'm hopefully. Not going, to. Just. Drone. All the way through my. Presentation but, rather let's. Have a conversation so, ask the questions and, we'll. Try to answer them you know, as they come up, so. I've. Been for the last ten years I've been doing annual. Predictions. For the coming, year. And. It's. Interesting the way I do that is essentially, I. Interview. Really, smart people in the, field, of libraries, or. Nonprofit. And actually church technology and, foundation, technology, as well and so and then, I write those things up and you. Know they couldn't go out in early January, every year. It's. Interesting that most, people see a tiny, part of the elephant, and. Then I interview, their particular area, of expertise, and my. Interest, is to just look at the whole thing as. Best I can so that's what. We're going to attempt here today. So. May as well jump in here fundraising. Both, libraries, and nonprofits, do. That like. Crazy the big huge news is that, there has been a real. Serious.

Drop-off. Of. People, who, are under the age of 35. And. From. Facebook and, so, Facebook, has kind. Of been up to now like. The one-size-fits-all. Medium. That you can reach everybody but that's changing, in 2019. It's. Happened, real fast so Facebook's. Trouble. With privacy and being. In the news all the time has caused some real damage parent. To them. So. It's. The. Good news is that an. Older audience people, over 35 are, still on Facebook they haven't dropped off at all they're. There and of course Facebook has two billion members. So, it's still you. Know a monster. Vehicle. For talking. To people and reaching people who are your supporters. You. Know they've they've. Raised more than a billion dollars up to date now to, charities. In libraries, worldwide. So. The. Question is how do you reach the, Millennials. People. Thirty-five and younger so. Actually. There's. Some ironic news in this I. Have, on good authority from, Heather. Mansfield, from nonprofit, tech for good but. It's likely the Facebook will expand this coming, year its fundraising tools which are great, by the way to. Not. To, nonprofits. And libraries on, Instagram, and. Facebook. Owns Instagram. Millennials. Are on Instagram like crazy they prefer it and. So, there you go so. That's very fun, Millennials. Also favor. Crowdfunding. And. That's. That. Was something. That appeared in the givingtuesday, stats. That just came in in late. November, this past year so, crowdfunding, is a way to get to those people. Another. Really. Important, kind of new thing it's not a new thing it's it's, it's something called peer-to-peer fundraising, but. It's not well adopted, yet by. Either nonprofits. Or libraries, as far as I can tell and. A. Peer-to-peer, fundraising is, something called it's. Also called social. Fundraising and. Friend. A friend fundraising. So. Friends, of the library groups. Are perfect. For this fantastic. And essentially. It's just setting. Setting. Up your supporters, with. Kind. Of the tools they need so that they can actually go. Out and invite their friends to. Contribute. To their favorite cause really. Simple, there, are kind. Of tools out there you know they're what, they call, peer-to-peer. Fundraising, platforms. We, have a couple of them on, a donation. Basis, on TechSoup, one is called donor perfect, one. It's called bloomerang. There's. The. Other Pig names on that when it's called causevox. Crowdrise. Places. Like that you. Can actually. Have a look at. There's lists, of these things out there there's there's actually several of them and. Actually. You don't need a platform we have a we have a great article. On TechSoup on setting. Up a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign. Without, a platform just using what you've got your donor, list your email and your website to. Be able to do that so. We have a great how-to thing. On that on TechSoup. Another. Huge. Thing that's happening this year is, the. New tax law in fundraising. Don't. Know how many of you have heard, about that or know much about that but a. Little. Bit technical here so sorry about that but a. Nonprofit called the Tax Policy Center estimates that there. Will be a, huge. Reduction of, the people who will be itemizing. Their. Taxes, in 2019, so. There, will be no charitable, there'll be no place for, them to take a charitable, deduction for on. Their taxes. This. Thing went. Into effect last year, late. Last year into, early. In 2018, but, people don't know about it yet and they'll find out about it in April we expect and so, that's going to be a game, changers. In. Addition to that. Um. There. Is another, wrinkle to it in which. The. Law will require nonprofits. To pay a 21, percent tax, on the, cost of employee. Transportation. Benefits and. The good people at independent, sector that are probably. The best source on all of this stuff about the new tax law say, that it's going to cause. Small. Offices, libraries, or nonprofits. On average about $12,000. Per year that's another part, of this tax law that's going to hit and cost. Charities. And libraries and churches and foundations. So. That's a lot that's a lot to digest here but the new tax law is something to. To. Keep an eye on and, of. Course there are fundraising. Techniques that you can do and in. Peer-to-peer is, actually, one of the great ones to sort of. Deal. With this because, it's personal peer-to-peer fundraising is. It's. A very personal way of fundraising, and if somebody, asks their friend to donate to their the cause they like they. Won't care so much about the tech tax donation, we think. So. That's that's. A lot. But. Fundraising, is you. Know major things so. Very to get a couple's okay we got a couple we open questions, while you were talking so I'll just say go ahead and ask them to you how.

Big Of a cat does Facebook take if you run fundraising, on on their platform. It's. Minimal, you know it's tiny. I don't even know if they take a cut actually. The cut, is. Is. Taken, by. Your. Processing. Your your payment processing, service, that. You set up and. It's usually in the range of 2%, two and a half percent something like that. Okay. And then in terms of the peer-to-peer. Fundraising. Is, that more appealing to a certain, certain age group. No. That's. Universal, friend. A friend, um. So, no okay. Okay. I, think we're, pretty. Straightforward, okay I, think we're, good, all. Right love this love, this image, on, communications, so. The new information. On what's going on with communications, is the, best source of that is a woman by the name it's Kitty LaRue, Miller. She. Runs something called nonprofit. Marketing, guide, calm, and. She, she publishes every year the. New trends, in this part. Of the world, of, charities. And libraries. So. So, what did she say I mean these things. Communications things don't change a lot every year. Charities, especially, in, to some extent libraries rely. On for marketing, strategies. These days. Permission. Based marketing. Content. Marketing and. I can explain what those are especially content, marketing is a kind of a new idea for, lots of charities and libraries, and. Experience. Marketing and relationship, marketing so. Content. Marketing I think is probably. The. Place the, new the, new frontier, for charities. And libraries to a large extent that's, that's sort of. Providing. A mix of both, you, know. Advertising. And. It. Just purely informational, content and. So, I love the way we do it on TechSoup, for libraries on, our Twitter feed the, mix is about you. Know 75%, just, purely interesting, cool stuff. About library, technology, and. 25%. Is stuff, that TechSoup, offers libraries, and. So, that's a great. Example of content, marketing and that's sort of a new new. Area. Businesses. Have been doing that for the last five, or six years like crazy, so. You can look up that that. To figure. Out what it is content, marketing is also good for something. Called lead generation. So. You, provide. Some tantalizing, interesting. Content, but then when, people click, on the link they they're. Asked. To provide, their email address so that you can then you. Know go. Back to them and find out if. They're a good candidate to be involved in your organization or your library. 65%. Of. Nonprofits. That use it say it's the most effective thing they've got going these days. On. Kind. Of the bleeding, edge of this live streaming. Video is, kind. Of their the new new thing that nonprofits. Are trying out. Do. That on Facebook. And. Still. Almost. Half of charities, and probably. More than half of charities but about half the charities have no, budget whatsoever.

For. Their communications, work. Well. Sorry, but, that's the, current, state of it and then. On social media there's a. Place. Called buffer. Buf, ser, they. Do a state, of social media, for. 2019, and. Kind. Of anew and that. This is not a, charity. Or library, centric. It's everybody. Especially, businesses. And especially small businesses, but. The, new things that, are happening are. Story. Or story ads on Facebook, and Instagram so, if. You're not on Instagram that's actually, a pretty important, platform now and increasing, in importance. And. Especially, for young users a, new, frontier our messaging, apps and that, and big, dog is whatsapp. Which i think is another. Facebook owned, thing. And, then of course Facebook Messenger, and. Something. We use quite that at, TechSoup called slack, and then. We chat you, can actually reach out to people because people. Respond. To their phones much more readily than they respond, to a computer, or even. A. Tablet. Device. Live, video is a big deal on social. As well. Uh, and. It's. Probably. Interesting. They they. Also, indicate. That. Everybody's. Having trouble, measuring, the effectiveness of their, social, media outreach. So. People. Quite don't know how to do that yet how, to how, to get the numbers in on that to find out what works and what doesn't work so if you don't know that or you're not doing that very well you, have good company that's, a, trend that's the fact and, most people don't quite. Yet. We. Have great content on that by the way on TechSoup uh. Security. And privacy Holy. Smoke that we have one question I came in regarding, focused, content marketing so, Vince is wanting to know can you explain. The difference between, content. Marketing experience. Marketing and, relationship. Marketing and, permission-based. Marketing. The. Only way that gosh yeah. You know I don't want to spend a huge amount of time on that that's why because blitheness. Skipped over it because I mean. That is like a webinar but, in Apia how, we do it alone what we. Are actually doing one for, content marketing in the next couple months so well we'll send out an update about that, yeah. I'm hoping we can cover all those things because that's. You. Know the I think the other, the. Other big dog in that is, event, an experience. Based, marketing and that's essentially, where. You. Know you get people involved, in your organization by, giving. Them. A show you know and it's, usually a live event at work could be an online event it, gets people pretty interested, in what you're doing so. Nothing. Hugely new on that, event experience marketing but I think it's it's. Kind, of something of a new frontier. In. Its for lead generation getting, new people involved. Rather, than existing, people and that's a huge part of, communications. Is getting the, difference between people who already are. Involved. To you and new, people who aren't yet involved. Here that's kind of a big big. Deal. All the nations communications, cutting yeah. There's, the offline. You know offline, marketing and then online too so, content. Marketing it. Falls under the online category. All right can I let, me move on to security, and privacy. So. This is something that's not new it, happens, every year. It's. Always the top major. Thing that all of the places. You know the tech publications. Like ZDNet, and and all, the rest of those cover, for. Each year, cyber. Attacks will be increasing, this year they, have increased over the last several, years. There'll. Be more of them. The, big things to watch out for the things that are going to get, after you are called ransomware. Ransomware. Is a. Thing. Where. Some. Message, will appear on a computer, or a mobile. Device, saying. You have to send us money or. Else we're shutting you down, so. Send the money here and. Quite. Often, the. Money they're. Asking for is. Something. Like Bitcoin a, cyber, you. Know I'm one. Of those kind of newfangled. I. Could. Get cryptocurrencies, is, what the co-hosts things and. The. Other one is email phishing and that's, where somebody basically. Send, you. You. Know I'm threatening, not threatening but they they send you an email and ask you to click on something you do and then, their end they're, in or they're basically. Have. Inserted. Some. Kind of virus or worm. Or, some, other terrible, thing into your computer system and, doing, that.

So. Those those are the major threats. Ransomware. Is actually really, increasing. Quite. A bit and that's that's a real threat to small offices. Week of security link does, anybody know what that is that's. Your employees, and your volunteers. People. Who don't, know about good passwords, long and strong passwords, people, who are. Susceptible to. Somebody. Calling them on the phone and. Doing. Social, engineering, they call it posing. As a text, tech support person getting their. Password. And. Security. Credentials, and getting into your network and then taking whatever's in there of value. That. Is the winxs weakest, link and so, one. Thing that overlooked. By, many many, organizations, is training, the staff on. How to spot, a phishing. Email how. To avoid getting sucked into one, of these social engineering, attacks. Or any, other kind of attack. See. On. You know I've got. One of the many. Sort. Of online resources. Good. They'll see you for. Nonprofits, especially, this is not so much for libraries but. You. Know. Accidental. Techies are people who quite. Often they're some, of the youngest people on the staff who, are recently in college pretty, computer. And mobile, literate, you know they can troubleshoot things pretty. Quickly they're, computer savvy. It's. Not their job to do all this IT stuff, but they do because, there's nobody else right so, that's. Still, very common in the nonprofit sphere. And. One. Thing that I want to stress. Strongly. Is that. Somebody. In that position, an accidental, techie isn't it is in no position to. Single-handedly. Try, to deal. With your security situation. Your IT security situation. So. If you have any kind of IT budget at all get some professional get. Them some professional. Help to. Do an audit to find out what your vulnerabilities, are and to. Get. The right software in place, and. Then. To set, up or. Recommend, a staff training, so, that your weakest links will, not be caught and. So. On and so forth so that's something. That we strongly recommend for, accidental, techies. TechSoup. We have we have a wonderful. Array of donated. And discounted things. On, there that, our top. Donations. For, the last three years running has, been Symantec's. Norton, small business and. Also. Endpoint, security so, that's the semantic, security, products, are. Great, we, have something called BitDefender, which design a virus and Internet Security so they do firewall, which is another important, thing for.

Your Website and, then. Another company called, Komodo and another company opal called mail trail and they both do anti-spam, so. We have great. Things. On TechSoup product, donations on TechSoup, that you should probably check out if you need such a thing. So. Any. Questions. Seema. Yes. I think we, have a couple so. There's. A question about I've been locked out, from a shutdown threat, is there any obvious way, to avoid, lock, outs pretty. Specific. You. Know quite you know Microsoft is probably, the Microsoft. Still Windows, is still. 92. Percent 91. Percent of. All operating, systems out there for, computers for IT systems, and. And, I recommend, their. Safeguards. And. I don't, have links for all the Microsoft safeguards, but that's the first place I'd start is to. Look at their. Protections. And their strategies. For. Either preventing. A lockout or if we're dealing with one that happens to you now, sorry, that I don't I don't have the direct links for the Microsoft resources, on that but they're considerable, and they're excellent, so. That's probably the first place I'd start. Okay. We're, good. Identity. Management, what, is that. Someone's. Been around for a while in. The corporate world sort, of the enterprise. World. This. Is a technology, that, is. Worth. Looking at if your, library, or your nonprofit. As. People. Coming and going you've got volunteers. Coming. And going they're using your IT system, you. Know or you have lots, of. You. Know employees. Or, any other kind of people that are going. On and off your IT system, and this. This. These, are tools that basically. Onboard. And off-board people, and also. Limit. The amount. Of stuff on your IT system, that they can get to so. If you, don't want to, give the entire privileges. To your network and all your documents, and all your financial stuff to. A volunteer, that's quite, possible using a, tool like Opta okay, ta that's, a new donor. Partner, at TechSoup. And. Probably, the industry leader in this and. They. Offer, 25. Free licenses, so you can check it out you can check out this, this. Kind of Identity Management, newfangled. Thing, and. You. Know I recommend, it that's a new frontier for nonprofits. And libraries and it's. You. Know easy to play with and it's quite it's quite good this is a really useful thing. So. Any questions, on that newfangled thing. We're good. Alright. Alright. Cloud computing you've. Heard about it ad nauseam. So. What's new what. On earth can be new about that it's been you know going a pace since about the, time of the Great Recession. Cloud, computing is where software. Companies all, of them Microsoft. On down are. Essentially. Moving to a rental. Model you, pay by the month. Per. User rather. Than just getting, your software and owning it outright. And, they're all moving to that because that's. Much. Better for the software companies to, do it that way and. The. Big deal on that is that a on-premises, software that, we have on TechSoup. On a donation basis, has, been really, really, dwindling. That. All of our, donor. Partners, are. Pulling, their on-premises. Software and, we had in 2018. It. Went down to half of what was the, previous year and. So now we're seeing that okay, pretty. Much time to start biting a bullet and getting, into cloud computing, and of. Course the big deals on that are. You. Know your office apps Microsoft, Office, for. Instance. Email. Your, databases. Donor. Database, and client database. And. Then. Document, storage and recovery which. Is probably the most important, thing that if you're not already. Using. A cloud service or that you probably should. So. Microsoft, Office. 365 is. Microsoft's. Offer to.

Libraries. And for. Nonprofits. And it's free. Second. Ah and. Google. For nonprofits has. G suite basic, also. For free but just for nonprofits, not for libraries. You. Can find. A link on TechSoup, to get the free version of Office. 365. For. Libraries. You. Go through something called the Microsoft academic. Channel, and. I'm. Hoping that maybe Seema. Can. Can. Put a link on that, in, the chat so you can see that it I just isn't. There yet okay good. So that's that's the academic channel so that's that's, terrific that's the good news it's free and you can get more robust, versions, of it for, more money I mean at the top, of the line version for office or 65 is $15 per user per month and you. Don't, have to have everybody, on the same version you can have almost everybody on the basic free version but somebody. Who's a power user to. Repeat two people having, a more robust version so it's. Not a one size fits all kind of thing. You. Know they're both great there's. You. Know I've been seeing still. Office. 365, versus, G, suite articles. Like on ZDNet. They're. Both good I mean they're both great they. Both work very well and. The. Thing about G suite for libraries, it's. Under. Their government channel so it will cost more. But. If you're. You. Know your. Government, or county government already, has something. Going with Google's. And you can probably get in on that. The bad, part, of that is the difficult, part of that is that, migrating. To these things they're complex, software, packages, requires. Some professional, help especially. With migrations. And. Especially with email migrations, which. Gets really complicated and so, if you can get some some. Help with that from maybe a place like tech impact org. That's. Well worth investing, in. Also. Cloud, services. Require, a different kind of IT budgeting. You. Know it's not get. You're almost, free, kind, of product. Donation to TechSoup and done you, really have to budget for this it's, a monthly kind, of budget and it's probably going to be more expensive. The. Killer app on this and this. Has to do with security, as well as cloud. Computing is. Backup. And restore services. And the. Big names in this this. Area are. Acronis. Carbonite. Mozi. Live. Drive and. One. I like is I Drive. So. Actually, lots. Of small offices, can actually, get by something, called I Drive personal.

Which. Is $50, or, two terabytes, of backup and restore service, for, unlimited computers, I mean. That's $50, a year. For. You. Know, safeguarding. Against, you. Know if you have a cyber attack and everything, gets ruined you, can actually get it all restored in a day using. One of these services so it's an. Incredibly, useful insurance, policy. For. You so that's that's, my personal recommendation. You. Know my sense is that that, small offices and libraries and nonprofits are, not using. That quite yet you. Know now that's, a new thing. Corporations. Of course are all over that and they're using it like crazy, so. Any any, questions on. Accelerating. Cloud, during. Not, yet, I think we're good. All right, branding. I've got to step it up here. Too. Much to say. So. Branding, is an area that. People. Kind of pay, attention to that's branding, on your website, branding. In your emails branding, in your social media and. Actually. At sea, I'm hoping. That. You can actually send. A link to the social media today. Infographic. On, all. The different things these, are kind of technical things and they. Have names like pops. Of vivid, color, futuristic. Color palettes, abstract. Patterns. Complex. Gradients, and duotones. Stuff. Like that but, I think one of the most interesting things about this is that the, new fad which. I like I mean the fact that I really like are they fun hand-drawn, illustrations. And. Even animations. The. Best example, of that is. Something. Called the story of stuffed org so, if you take a look at their. Little videos. Just. Incredibly, compelling very interesting, suck, everybody. Into them anybody who has you. Know glances, at them, will. Look at them look at the whole damn thing and there and then long so. I like that I like. That trend. Best. Of all of these things I don't spend a whole lot of time this is definitely not my area I'm not a graphic designer in at, them no, not, at all nothing. I'm. Just channeling. Social. Media today as best I can so that but there's new stuff in that to pay attention to and, especially, on social media I would say because. If you're behind the times people will notice, it and, like. You less for it. That's, really, all I have the same of that assistive. Technology, that's a. Thing. Involving. IT. People who, have any, kind of. Disability. And. So. Hearing. And sight are probably. The main ones and disability. And by. The way that is kind. Of the frontier, on, diversity. For. Everybody, that's across the board businesses. Small offices, nonprofits, and libraries I would say. Libraries. Actually are ahead of the curve from. I can tell up everybody. Libraries, are doing our. Paying attention this quite a bit because they're their. Patron, bases are I mean, a fifth or. 25%. 20, to 25% of everybody, in the country has some kind of disability, so. Libraries really have to deal with this like crazy with. Their big huge numbers, of people coming in and needing. Help. This. Is not terribly new but it's not something. That people know about quite, is that. All, the major operating, systems for, both, computers. And, all. Mobile. Devices have. Magnificent. Accessibility. Features. In them things. Like screen readers and. Dictation. Features. Enlargement. Things. Where you can't see the screen very well will enlarge the screen for you. Just. Amazing. Cool stuff that used to be expensive you know. A few years ago. And. Required specialized, programs. But. Now are built-in to every, you know Windows 7, 8 and 10 it's, all on there. Great. Features on iPad. Mac. Computers. All. In their iPhones, Android, phones all of it. And. Then. FEMA, just called my attention to this this. Wonderful. Wonderful app called be my eyes. And. Free thing and it. It's. An app that connects, blind, and low-vision people, with sighted. Volunteers. For. Help with when, they're on a visual live video call, and. So. That's. There's. Not a whole lot of mobile, apps actually I have to say that I found on this somebody connect me on this but I'm I'm just not finding a lot of them but this one is a really really clever one that I like. Alright. My favorite, now where. We have bleeding. Edge. Another video we have just one bleeding inch okay that's right. So let me wrap it up here on all, of this stuff you know there's one actual bleeding, edge thing that I think is interesting. It's. It's something called go donate, voice and, I came, across it in UK. Actually. Starting to use it nonprofits.

Are Actually, I've been seen in library, users and that's. The thing where. Charity. Supporters, can, talk. To their as they. Say on NPR, there's. Smart speaker say. Alexa. Open. NS. PC, which is the name of a charity and, donate. Ten dollars to them, so. There's this clever, studio, called. WP. N chameleon, who has built an app, that. That. Actually will do this it's, kind it's an Alexa app and, then. The. Money is donated from, a user's Amazon, account and sent to the charities, Visa Amazon, pay it's. All all, Amazon, all the time and so. It is a bleeding edge thing but it's something I think that, may have some some, interest for. Libraries, to experiment, and charities, for experiment, as well this. Is out of the UK I don't. Know a whole lot about it I've only heard about I certainly haven't seen it. But. What shouldn't you not worry about. Let's. Start. With blockchain, you've, heard a bunch about it is. That a distributed. Sort. Of. Database. Thing. That. Is the backend. Of. Bitcoin. It's a ledger they call it I. Have. Not seen any nonprofit aside, from TechSoup actually use that thing I just haven't seen anybody use. It I haven't, seen any library, libraries. Using it yet it's, fantastically. Clever, nobody. It's a it's, a weird thing where nobody. Owns it and nobody, manages. It it's. Kind of a technology, that. Runs. Itself and allows. Everybody. To see the transaction, any. Kind of transaction that's taking place and to, make sure that it's kosher. I'm, sure that in people. Will find you. Know good uses for that in the, future I'm just not saying yet. Crypto, currencies like Bitcoin, unless. As I mentioned you get a ransomware attack because they mostly, want Bitcoin to, unlock your IT. System. So. You may need Bitcoin, I don't know I've actually never bought Bitcoin, but, it's. A pretty interesting story. It. It, got, it's, a thing. It's a bubble that actually. Peaked. In. 2017. I. And. Each Bitcoin was, worth I don't know astronomical. Amount of money and. Then it's then, it bursts and then came down and down and down there, are hundreds. Literally, hundreds, of these crypto currencies out there and it's. Just. -. It. Is - bleeding, edge to really, use, I think. Artificial. Intelligence. Not. Much that I've seen.

The. One thing I've seen nonprofits, do maybe libraries, can do this as well in, fact certainly libraries can do this is is create. A facebook, messenger, bot and that's. A conversational. Thing that can actually hold a conversation. Usually. A written conversation, with somebody and it, seems, like there's, a human being on the other side of that conversation but it's actually a bot so, it's. Kind of a useful thing for, directing. People to the right services, that. You're offering they. Call up and they can talk to the spot and it will direct them to where. They, want to go. Augmented. Reality and, virtual reality actually, libraries. Are using this quite a bit they're actually. Posting. Lots of them like 90% are, hosting media labs where, people can try out. VR. Headsets, that are. Connected to a you know VR, enabled, computer. And. So. That's actually, a real library, thing at a real deal and, I. Think, it's PC world has has great reviews of the good ones that are coming out right away. I don't. Think nonprofits, have found much of use for either of these things yet, Internet. Of Things the. Darling, of all, tech. Press everywhere. That's, a thing where I don't. Know it's like your refrigerator. Will tell you when you need milk I don't know it's, it's it's, the world of industrial sensors. That. Are connected to the Internet and interact. With human beings it's, kind of a way. Of describing it, smart. Thermostats, like nest, is an, example of IOT. The. Knock on internet, of things is that the security, on these. Things is not there if, these, things have horrendous, horrendous. Libads, Giri. Features. That, means they can be hacked like crazy I don't. See much of a use for, charities. You. Know I think that. Things. Like Alexa, are regarding it as internet of things so maybe there'll. Be something coming in and around that. Drones. I don't. Think anybody's, delivering, medicines, to rural Africa, much, maybe. A little bit or, using. Them for like. Surveillance, drones to look. At. Terrain. Or to take lots of pictures and send them you. Know to whoever's. Operating, the drone that, you know there may be a use in, environmental. Surveys. I'm. Not seeing it yet I expected. To see some of that in the nonprofit world but that's just not taking off.

The. Use in libraries, is that people are interested in drones and they can get they can get a drone for very cheap you know on Amazon. They can buy one and, try. It out and play with it and stuff but, there's a huge difference between industrial. Drones, and, little. Personal toy, type, drones and, so. I'm not, seeing a whole bunch of what's. Going on there in. 2019. At least self-driving. Cars here mall about them I don't. See it I don't, see that anybody is doing anything, with them in nonprofits. Or libraries you can correct me and, then. Quantum, computing I don't. Even know what that is really it's. A newfangled type of computer. Architecture, that. Governments. And, spy. Agencies, and so military. Intelligence uses, to. Crack. Codes and things, it. Is a real thing. In. My, reading on it I have found though that, conventional. Or classic, computer architecture, still. Is. Works. You, know as good or better than that stuff and especially and. Even on super computers like. Odd the IBM Watson, so. That is not even that as so bleeding-edge but. It's something that you, know the tech press let's talk about from. Time to time so you may hear about it but it I don't think there's even close to use and, nonprofits, or libraries but. Believe, me correct, me if I'm wrong anybody. Have any quibbles. About any of this. No, quibbles yet. Okay. I think darn I think I runs that. Absorbing. It all no. Yes. I'm sorry, that was a very dense. Kind. Of presentation, I apologize, for how much stuff I packed. In there but you. Know you're. Gay yet is. There an interested. Like, like. Beacon, technology and. How libraries, are using those and how, that's connected to IOT. Like. Have you seen no I don't know abduction. If you guys know about, hotspot. Technology. I. Don't. Think that's regarded, as IOT. Hotspot. Technology, is something that's taken off in libraries, and a. Lot and educational, nonprofits. Like. Crazy, in the last year and is. Definitely a trend definitely. A huge trend and. In libraries, it's, the. Loaning the internet trend that's. A deal where a patron, can come in and they can actually, check. Out one of these these little tiny. Things like the, smaller. Than the pack. Of cigarettes and. Totally. Easy to use you. Know two clicks, and you're you're done to, get the thing up and running and, it and it provides internet, mobile. Broadband, internet anywhere. Where you can get a signal, of. The provider at, TechSoup we have something called Mobile beacon hotspots, and they have sprint, service. Which. You know sprint doesn't cover, the entire country, but most, of it and. You. Know I've gotten, to try those things out and they're incredibly, great you can you can actually stream, netflix on that beautifully no. Problem, it. They are just something. And. Then. Uses. I. Mean, we basically with, the last couple years we've basically distributed. 25,000. Of these things and there's mostly. Libraries, but a large, number of nonprofits, who do, education, stuff use, them you. Can use them actually, for. Pop-up. Events so. If your nonprofit, is. You. Know doing an event in the park, fundraising. Or or, a, consciousness-raising. Event, in the park just take, a long you've, got an internet there and people can do signups, online and all kinds of stuff incredibly. Useful little little, devices so, that's a trend that's a bonafide trend I would say I missed. All, right so, we are moving. Into the QA so it looks like some of you guys are already asking. Questions. If you have questions we have a few minutes for for, Jim to answer them so I'm. Going to go ahead and, get started with some the ones that I've seen come in, so. Somebody's asking about the easiest software for, mobile device, development.

Do You have any thoughts, on that Jim. Developing a mobile app. Is. That thing Michelle yeah I think I think that's what they're asking yeah. Wow. Wow. Is, there I don't know, so. You know one thing I want to suggest is if there, is somebody out there know stuff stuff, but. I don't know let. Me ask you to type, up tell. Us so, I don't yeah I don't actually know what it could you know I don't see that there's a huge amount of call for it we thought there would be actually, a couple years ago that there, would be but. You know the big charities. And. Almost no libraries, actually do. Mobile app you know on a mobile app you can do on libraries, as a virtual, tour and there. Are services, that will set up a virtual tour for, a library and for. A charity. It's. Usually a like. A fundraising app and. We've. Seen those, restricted. To the big dog you know big huge you, know. Red Cross, Salvation. Army, the big, enormous. Charities. Have. Those and, then. There's apps that. Actually are. Mobile. Apps that are involved. As. Kind. Of a mobile service, where. People. Text a number and donate. We're. Not seeing a whole whole bunch of uptake, on that either because. People really, have to know about your. Organization, a lot. You have to advertise heavily. Behind, an app like that just text, one, two three four star you know star to. Donate ten dollars people. There's. An advertising campaign that needs to accompany that thing and most. Charities don't have the money to do that for sure. So. We're just not seeing those kind of apps take off either so correct, me if I'm wrong though please. All right so we have another question here, let's. See in terms of. Ransomware. Let's, see there's a question about libraries, and ransomware how common is ransomware among, small. Nonprofits. You. Know I was I was shocked at that the only stat we have on that is actually from a, survey, that, something. Called tag did that's that's. Technology. Affinity group and that's a. Membership. Organization of. Foundation. Techies. So. People. Who run the IT departments. Or work in the IT department said, you, know like the Ford Foundation or, the Gates Foundation or, but. They're like 90,000. Foundations. In the country so there's a lot there's, a lot of data there. 20%. Of them in the. Latest survey. The tag did. Said. That they had a ransomware, attack. 90%, of those members or rather 20%, of those members that's, a huge number, said. They're getting hit and they're small offices, these, are offices, with most. Of them not, gates or Ford that most, foundations, have you know under 10 employees so. They're just like nonprofits, and. A lot like libraries, so. Expect it expect ransomware. To be a thing in. This coming year yeah it's coming. Ok. I think we have time for one last question so, we, got a question around, translation. Services, and then do. You have any thoughts, on translation.

Services, Other than Google Translate. You know I don't I, but, Google Translate, is so incredible, now I mean. They have these. Uh I. Actually, moved recently and. The. Moving crew was, non-english. Speaking only spoke Spanish and, we. Spoke through our. Cell phones on. Google translate, seamlessly. Complex. Thanks you. Know please go into the bedroom and take. Apart the, bed and then put it in to. The front of the truck you know it's like you know a complex thing. So I Google. Translate is free and so good you, know a library, patron. Can come in speaking Arabic you can set the thing up for Arabic and. Have a conversation with them. Incredible. Stuff and there are these earbuds, now that. That. Do that brand, new kind. Of earbuds and came out last year they're, actually, really good as well if, anybody has any other. Recommendations. For translation, software I'd love, to hear though as good or better and that, probably is but I haven't heard it. Like okay all right, so I think we are at time so I'm going to go ahead and, close, out the. Webinar today so if, you guys don't mind we. Have a post. Event survey so, if you have feedback for us any, feedback you have is really helpful for us in terms of determining future, content, and then, also if you don't mind just, chatting, one thing that you learned in today's webinar it's, always fun for us to read before. We close out today and then also we, are on social media so Facebook Instagram Twitter so. Feel free to give us a follow on any of those platforms and, we try to post helpful, tips and tricks there we, also have a blog, which, is log 2. And. Again. Helpful, tips. And tricks for your nonprofit or library and. We. Have a few webinars that are coming up in February, so next. Week we have get to know grantstation, followed. By Grant trends and common mistakes and, then mid. Month we have a webinar. Around office, 365. Security, features and then cyber security and low risk organizations. At the end of the month again these are all on our websites. We. Also have courses and. Services, so if you're unfamiliar, with are with either of those you can find more. Information when, we send you the follow-up, email and then also we offer a, 10%, off discount, for webinar, attendees for the first. Techsoup, course of your choice and again. I'll send all of this information out when we when. We send the follow-up email, so. I just, want to thank Jim. Today for your presentation.

And Thank you to the attendees, for for staying on this long, and. Then also thank you to our sponsor, ReadyTalk, and we, hope to see you at our next webinar.

2019-02-06 23:34

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