I’ve Got 99 Problems But Technology Ain’t One (Well…) | Just 3 Clicks Ep 19

I’ve Got 99 Problems But Technology Ain’t One (Well…) | Just 3 Clicks Ep 19

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[Music] you're listening to just three clicks and this is episode 19. my name is joey and i'm sat with david today how's it going yeah it's going going pretty good it's been a um another kind of well pretty much the same month as it has been for the last 12 um you know i think we've uh the business is still busy we're still working pretty hard here but the outside world's kind of um the same so yeah it's uh i think i was chatting somebody yesterday or today actually this morning and the feeling's kind of like apathetic like you don't really feel kind of excitement and things at the minute do you want to meet it's kind of yeah yeah so i think overall good but you know i think good and good in 2021 and good in 2020 2019 are very different things yeah i think it's just like adapting do you know what one thing actually that's pissing me off at the moment is i keep seeing this thing online of um it's okay to not be okay i don't like that like i don't think i don't think it's okay to not be okay what it is right i understand like i understand the premise behind it i you know we're all allowed to feel like things aren't okay and we're all we should things don't have to be perfect yeah or we're allowed to have bad days like that's all fine but the problem is it's how people use it and it's all virtue signaling it's all you know people trying to jump on like the mental health bandwagon and yeah there's no thought that goes in into what what it actually means it's just empty work it's empty words um it's like the whole thing like in a world where you can be anything be kind same thing but then you've got all the people saying it who are complete douchebags yeah he was like absolutely idiots so like these are the people that will you know talk about someone's appearance and shout them down and bully people online without thinking about what they're doing but then the minute it goes too far and somebody you know commits suicide or someone has a bit of a breakdown you know they'll backtrack and try and jump on the yeah virtue signaling bandwagon i think for me it's just you know i don't think as a society we shouldn't become i i my fear is that we become that numb to what's happening that we just basically fall into this complacency of like well you know is what it is kind of thing and you know we just accept how things are going to be like there's some bizarre like yesterday i don't know if it was yesterday before but like there's a new law now in the uk that's been passed that if you travel somewhere let's say you go let's say i go to portugal and then i go to france and then i come back to the uk if i don't if i don't say that i've been to portugal and i lie about it i could go to jail for 10 years 10 years if you're a child molester you can go to jail for 18 months something about that doesn't sit right with me it's weird well it's just yeah it's very weird that it's the way it's the way the world's going apparently you know my point there is i don't want us as people to think we don't have a say we don't have a right to say things that are not right because if i went and said that on linkedin i'd just get bash for it yeah that's dangerous isn't it that's not good is it no no because it what you're saying is probably true but then someone will i think the problem is nowadays i mean we're going to talk about technology but let's kind of talk about social media as technology um we've all got opinions like everybody in the world has an opinion um it's how we kind of go about our day-to-day lives you know it's how we choose what to do what car to drive what job to do you know it's all formed based on our opinions and what we think is good and bad and interesting and uninteresting fair and not fair yeah but those opinions are formed by our own experiences so your my opinion in your opinion it could be very similar or it could be very very different now like i'm drinking some coke zero right now you might say pepsi is much better and i might think coke's much better now does that really matter are we gonna fall out over that thing probably not because we're face to face but online people they take the human aspect away from it and then they'll just fall out and they'll argue over things that don't really matter and though people get aggressive people get really passionate about you know things and they forget that you know it's their experience and their views and not everybody has to agree and i think i i just i don't understand it like i'm i'm i'm open to everybody's opinions and you know i i kind of don't always make definitive statements because it's my reality you know i'm i'm a completely different person to you different upbringings different circle of friends you know we we should we should be different but that shouldn't make us you know dislike each other shouldn't make anybody a douche exactly yeah just the problem is online the problem is in a way it's kind of bridging to what this whole episode is about is which is technology and the problem is technology because it's that easy to just be that person online yeah we were walking down the street and i said it it would probably be like oh i didn't know that that's that's yeah yeah we could have a normal rational conversation i look at me in a car right i'm quite a plastic like a placid person i'm quite yeah i don't tend to get angry put me in a car i'm a complete dick like i get aggressive i shout i like flick the visa people call people wankers like i am it's a leo thing honestly every leo i know has road rage yeah and i don't know why it's the only place i get like i get angry and i don't know what it is but then some people i like that on social media like i know people right i know them as people and i get on with them friends family i see it on social media and i'm like you're a dick different person yeah like you're not the same person and i think technology brings us together i.e you can connect with anybody in the world at any given time but it drives us apart so much as well um there's a good side and a bad side to everything i guess i just i just hope that our our existence isn't pervaded by the advancement of technology and a lot of the way the way things are now is becoming pervasive because okay let's look at censorship on technology at the moment so the eu are actually doing a big push for like a new regulation against big technology companies so that there's no bias in technology now i don't know if that's ever going to mean anything because personally i just don't think that's going to change anything but you know technology has become gotten to a stage now where if you say the wrong thing basically so we just talked about it this morning i've forgotten her name now i'll have a quick quick google of it um so it's a disney star she's in mandalorian if anybody watches that gina carano okay so i'm not saying i agree with what she's saying i'm not saying i disagree either but she basically lost her job because she posted something on social media like that's it so that's her career like done yeah she she got sacked from her career on mandalay and so she can't she can't have that show and she got dropped from her talent agency as well so she can't go and get another acting position but what so why why did he why did she get drops because that's because they the people she works for or with are afraid of what she said may they may get like cancelled as well that's that's the new word yeah yeah that's that's what the whole argument is about everybody's afraid of being cancelled pretty much that's that's the bad that's the dark side of technology that's where we are right now yeah and the funny thing is right well it's not funny but it's kind of ironic is that we does this talk of the rise of mental health and how we should all respect each other but the witch hunts online are generally the people who talk about mental health and being kind to everybody but the minute someone says something they disagree with they just flip completely it's not about being kind it's about ruining someone's life yeah it's crazy a big part of this right comes from labels and self-identity i've read i've read a little bit into this recently so i can it's a bit of a segue but not really because it's what technology has allowed us to do so over the last let's call it 20 years like our self-identity has become almost like the forefront of society so like everyone has to have a label everybody if you don't have a label you're weird basically now i don't feel i have one like but someone will give me one because if i say something they'll say oh you're this yeah well i'm not really i'm just this is just how i think about things but i have to have a label like everybody has to have a label so online the issue we get is that people want to wear their labels so it's like if you are i don't know a survivor of dr like if let's say you've been in rehab like that's you now that's your label like you you've you've gone through a rehab program you survived drug abuse and whatever now that's your presence online that's how you're going to talk to people defend yourself lgbt community great example i'm not saying any views here by the way but i'm just saying as an example if you belong to the lgbt community you know they wear their label like and and when they come online i'm not saying that like everybody a part of that community is this way but you'll find that their opinions can be really quite strong like and their defensive stance is really strong because of how proudly the way the label technology is what's enabled that like you couldn't do that before like i wouldn't even know no i'm not just walking down the road throughout a party or something or a club it's like i don't know what your views are i'm just here to have a good time yeah but it's not like that anymore no no i think i think as well what technology does is i think people's self-identity has been eroded away kind of by by technology but by kind of the world be more open as well so like when i was brought up you know um the word i mean i'm only 33 years old but the world was so different when i was like seven eight nine ten than it is for people who are that age now um you know there wasn't i remember kind of there was no like i i was kind of i didn't have the internet when i was young i remember like microsoft encyclopedia that was my way of like finding out things about the world and yeah um you know i could you couldn't google something um but i think nowadays there's that much information that you don't really know who you're meant to be or what i've used to have because there's so many different opinions it's very hard to make up your mind about what you believe and i think that kind of information overload it erodes away you know what your core values are from being a child and that i think they're they're they're the values are obviously quite drilled into it they're you know what they're quite strong because they're from your parents yeah and i think that's one of the problems now is people trying to find where they belong and what the views are um and as that happens you know people gravitate towards something quite strong um and that's where you end up and then once you say like i that there used to be a thing i used to do when i was like starting my business and i would say things out loud i would write them down because if you write something down like i'm going to be a millionaire i'm going to do these 10 things so to-do lists pretty much you're more inclined to do them than if it's in your head or if you if you said to somebody right if you stood up in a room full of 100 people and said like i'm going to lose five kilograms in the next 30 days you're more inclined to do it and in 30 days you're going back to that group of people if you don't do it you're going to feel pretty bad yeah so what's happening now is people have been very open about the views think about like my parents wouldn't have spoken about politics they wouldn't have spoken about religion because they got told not to yeah that was like you don't talk about politics and religion but now everybody does and because people are so kind of definitive in how they make the statements like this is the only only thing i believe i'm not you cannot move me because this is my identity like i hate you know i hate rich people i hate the system i hate this i hate that because they say it so openly in a public forum they then can't be shaken from it so if you make an argument that is you know it's correct it's balanced and you know you're trying to you're trying to make a not even an art if you're just trying to debate what your views are but not in an aggressive way what you get back is aggression it's no you're wrong you're like i get i i've stopped engaging now because all i get is you're white you're privileged you're male 1 and i'm like well that may be the case in your in your opinion like it doesn't mean that my opinions are irrelevant um so i just stopped engaging because i just feel that i can't it's not a good use of my energy and it's probably not the best for my for my mental well-being just kind of sitting and arguing with people all day so i tend to not engage anymore and i think what you have what's happening in society and technology is causing this is there is a silent majority now who are afraid to talk if you don't belong to a minority in some respects like you feel like you can't speak and that's you know that's that's how it is it is how it is and the the problem is is like people rally so it's like there's a book i'm reading two great books me and jamie talked about and last episode was brave new world and 1984 right and in brave new sorry in 1984 huxley talks about how in a nation if if you have just 20 of people in a country that believes something it doesn't sound like it's 20 is obviously the minority of people but huxley said that 20 of a nation can literally change the entire country because it is a lot of people it's noise isn't it 20 of people can make more noise in 80 if the 80 percent are afraid to talk if there's 20 of our country right now saying well you should have the vaccine if you want to travel it's a lot of people yeah even if 80 percent are like yeah do i really need to get a vaccine to travel but that 80 will look terrible because you've got that's that other portion that are so strong in their opinion there was an experiment um and this this is this probably doesn't kind of tie in completely but it was um a social experiment where he put a yeah like a fake waiting room and he set a fire in one of their waste bins oh right and it was like say 10 people sat in a room uh waiting and if nobody stood up yeah then nobody moved so there was a fire and a waste bin if nobody made a move then everyone just sat there and kind of didn't know what to do that's interesting if one person gets up yeah then everybody gets up so i think it's the same kind of thing you know you've got um if 20 of people so two in 10 are saying something you know a good percentage of the people who aren't saying things will tend to move in that direction just yeah because people are saying it darren brown did a great experiment he called it i think it's called the game show and what it is is it's basically he's got a crowd full of people in this room and they're watching this screen on the screen it's a real person it's not real it's it's all set up because darren wants to make this point but there's there's a character it's not a character it's a real person on screen they've got live cameras everywhere and darren says right everyone in the audience today is going to control what happens to this guy over the next 60 minutes like you're going to decide right so darren gives him three options he'll say so the guy walks into a bar and the options are something like the guy we'll we'll get we'll get a girl to buy the guy a drink or we'll get somebody to bump into the guy right and it starts off really gradual with these really minor things so they start off with right yeah let's get him to bump into someone and then it's like right should he start a fight or should he just you know kind of walk away and leave leave the guy alone and everyone's like yeah get him to start a fight so he starts a fight and literally the it starts with it starts with just a small group of people wanting to kind of be a collective mob but by the end of it the last challenge is basically he's being chased by someone and he's going to get hit by a car so literally people are persuaded that heavily by everyone's views that they actually choose to see the guy being hit by a car on on tv it's absolutely amazing because and then he stops the show and says it's basically fake but he's just he just wanted to show how mob mentality works and how if people become a collective even if it's the worst thing ever generally people will just pull together and be the mob well what it is is because people you want to you want approval from other people so if you think something like and what you think is morally incorrect but then someone else comes and says no you're right because of xyz because you want that to happen or you believe in that you want that positive reinforcement from other people once you get it it doesn't take much persuasion to to go and operate that way this is the power of online like it's so easy to become a group or to it's like social media is is difficult like i was in a debate this morning about how to hire people basically and the vast majority of people are supporting this person who's saying whatever he's saying but is what he's saying in my view is completely wrong but i'm being seen as like the antichrist because my view is completely opposite to what he's saying my view is not wrong because there is no right and wrong to what he's saying but i'm just being deemed as wrong because i'm not agreeing with everybody else the thing with right and wrong it right and wrong exists for certain things but then the majority of life there is no right and wrong it's like what drink should i have today yeah you know what diet should i follow what how many calories should i eat what car should i drive what how should i buy certain things don't have a it's just a definitive answer well it doesn't matter how wooden is this wood like yeah yeah like i just but the problem is people feel that you know it because people feel so strongly about other people's actions yeah they just you end up in a position where you can't we argue about things that it kind of don't really matter like you're what you were talking about online yeah you can everyone can have opinions but someone for someone to make a definitive statement about this is the right thing to do it's it's i'm gonna make a definitive statement now but it's wrong yeah i there's so many different ways to do things and it's all based upon your own experience in life and business in everything you do and that's where you you build up and make your judgments and i think that the problem we've got in society now is that we are all different people we're all different animals but it's like we've all got to operate in the same way and that is not going to work that's not it's it doesn't work but that's the way it's going to be well it might not but my my view is that that is the way it's going to be because it's what's been happening for 50 years you can see on this podcast we're saying things like i don't agree with this or i'm not saying if i agree or disagree but this is so you've got to put a discussion you have to put a disclaimer before everything you say and that is crazy censorship that's control of the freedom of speech like you know it's it's mad because a lot of people will listen and say well you know what i've got my freedom of speech but we don't we don't really have freedom of speech um when you have someone like edward snowden say he's got this great saying he says you know saying that you don't really care about freedom of speech or whatever but what he actually says is if you say that i don't really care about my privacy because you know google's already got all my data in everyone's already got on my data it's the equivalent of saying i don't care about my freedom of speech because i've got nothing important to say and it's like it's such a great point it's like we as a society are not making a bit in my view i don't think we're making a big enough fuss about the liberties that we have as people and the way things are going and it's very it's very hard because i think we sometimes we just don't see we just don't see what's happened but if you look back 30 years or 20 years life was just so different now if you look back 12 months yeah life was so different because that's how fast the world's changing right now and i think you know we've just got to be open to the idea that you know we just need to look at how we're interacting with technology sometimes because it is a blessing we've got so many benefits from it like we're a technology company yeah you know well we wouldn't be on this podcast right now without technology you know there's how much technology is being utilized right now you know you've got the microphones you've got the the recording the way we're distributing the podcast you know um how you found the podcast yeah yeah we the the benefit is there but we've got to understand that it's not all positive and no there's a line there's there is a line there's a great documentary actually called the creepy line and i recommend watching that it's really good it's and it's about how technology is changing civilization so one thing i'd like to kind of talk about is elon musk and his advancements in technology because i think elon's doing stuff that's really you can look at it two ways you can either say wow like that's amazing or you can look at it and say how much are we trying to just basically be god like how how are we just trying to play are we trying to be mother nature basically um so in the last couple of years they've basically found a way to essentially create a synthetic cell so the human body is made up of 50 trillion cells that's how we are that's what we're made of and now we have got the ability to create a synth a completely electronic synthetic cell that behaves like a human cell and it's just created by computer code which in my head that's just like that's not right for me personally i just think that's weird like at what point do we get to a stage then that we can then create 50 trillion cells and just make a person like when does that happen what if we are that already well elon musk says that doesn't he i think he says you know games are going to be so realistic in in in 20 30 years where we won't be able to differentiate between are we playing a game where are we in reality and then he then follows up by saying how do we know we're not playing one right now and that that's freaky to me man and if you look back over historic mythology religions a lot of great philosophers of our time have said that we are kind of just living in an illusionary simulation basically and this is stuff that's been written over 5000 years so there's got to be you know i don't know like i'm always very open-minded to these kinds of things i think it's interesting this is one benefit of technology is the sharing of knowledge and the ability to acquire it um the danger is the people acquiring the knowledge utilizing it in the wrong way or using it to back up their own views that may be not right or wrong but they essentially not being open-minded enough to kind of look at all angles um i think that's the problem with with knowledge is is power but yeah i think we we have access to that much nowadays that it's dangerous to because you can pretty much use any anything to back up your narrative so like if you're using it just to back up your narrative to make yourself feel better to you know to to gain that mob kind of mentality you know i think that's and to argue you know that that that's wrong in some respects but like i'm a big believer in just obtaining knowledge and looking at things from different angles and i think that's one benefit is if you're open-minded and you can actually be moved into your views then it's a great place to to be right now um i think we should all have the freedom to find information and that's the big thing that we've had over the last few months is this whole suppression of free speech and people not being able to say things share things like there's certain content that's not allowed anymore to to be on social media you know whether the content's right or wrong technology should just shouldn't step in and be the referee in a way like it needs to be a neutral medium that you know a person can just decide what they what they want to do with that information like and i think that's the danger um do you think like obviously people take offense nowadays quite quite easily what do you think drives that and how how do you stop that from happening because i think like the whole pc thing yeah like because i i feel that the entire world's become a lot more sensitive in the last kind of few years and i'm not saying that it's okay to be offended but what what it's kind of a it's kind of an empty emotion like it doesn't really it doesn't really do anything like if you offend me what i what i don't understand what it what it does like you don't know you've offended me because you you've probably not set out to do that yeah and i then i say well i'm offended but then what's what's the action from that from that thing like nothing it's just it's just more suppression in my head yes the way i see it is like you just you're just trying to get people to not have a have a strong opinion basically like it's it works both ways like look like i've i've got loads of multi-cultural friends and i've i've been i've had jokes made about the color of my skin multiple times by my friends i don't really care because i just don't like it literally does not bother me like not even a little not even one percent because it's just not who i am but you couldn't just say that out loud and i'm not sure i'm not saying we should say out loud because obviously there is a sensitivity but i think my point on that is that we shouldn't be in a situation where we have to pre-think if what you're saying is going to be offensive like it's it's context as well like exactly yeah like if one of your friends said something yeah and then a complete stranger came up to you in the street and said the same thing yeah like that could be like it's it's different context but then what someone can do is take your friend's con the context of you and a friend a private conversation that gets spotted by somebody else and say that's wrong yeah and it's like well it might be yeah it could be but the context is different as someone just saying it in the street that you don't know so like it could be anything i mean if if someone said to me like god you're ugly and that was a random person but then you know one of my mates have made you rough today it's the same thing yeah just different contexts different context and i think that's the problem nowadays is is you can go back on someone's like twitter feed for 10 years to find out like find something they said when the world was a different place when they were a different person and you can actually ruin their life because yeah like kevin hart used to make look i'm not homophobic i don't have any problem with homosexual people but in the 90s when i grew up as a kid it was it was different it was a different completely different era now i can't be judged for something i said in the 90s like because the era was different it's like there's been a lot of acceptance about homosexuality in the last decade but these views weren't shared back then but kevin hart got absolutely ruined because of a joke he had made ages back in his career like right at the start of his twitter feed or something and i just think that's wrong like yeah because people change like everybody is adapting and changing all the time you change to your environment and i think you know that's like i'm a different person than i was in like a year ago never mind 20. like i remember some of the things i

used to say in school to people the things we used to how we describe something like i can't even i can't even say it because yeah yeah i know and i know what you're i already know what you're trying to say yeah because i would say the same thing it's that was just what we said back then and we didn't think anything of it it's not that we were like hateful towards any group of people no no but i kind i know that that that's what kind of it was just that era now would i say that nowadays i no because i've adapted how i how i am as a person and i understand that you know maybe the way i behaved when i when i was a kid wouldn't be acceptable nowadays and that balance isn't it though like so for instance that if i think we were talking about what i think what i think you're talking about like that has changed right and i think that's probably changed for the better i think that's actually quite a good step in the right direction yeah yeah but then on the flip side it's like i don't know like having to prove that you're not racist before you even say anything yeah in my head that's stupid like and i can say that because i'm brown but it's just stupid like you don't have to tell me you don't have to prove to me that you're not racist because i'm not thinking you are you don't things i've been being racist or homophobic actually saying i'm not racist but or i'm not homophobic but i i'm not homophobic but i just want to make this point that actually makes you seem like you are like you're trying to defend yourself now that's like it's like a it makes you look guilty but what it is it's just i don't want to offend somebody so i need to put it i mean i did it i did it literally a minute ago i said i'm not homophobic but yeah yeah this is what we used to say and for me like things like that it's about actions about how you treat people like it's not about words yeah you know i'm i'm like a big believer in like your own like personal liberty so like i don't want to impact anybody's life negatively i don't set out to do that i would hope that nobody would set out to impact my life negatively um i think everyone should be able to have their own views live their own life be who they want to be and society shouldn't stop that from happening um i think i i yes that's just how i what i believe and i think the problem is society and technology don't allow you to do that because you know people are becoming afraid to be who they really are and i think with covid you know we can't socialize in the real world we can't go out with our friends we can't you know meet new people so it's all on the internet um yeah and i guarantee that people are going to be when we can eventually go back out people are going to be a shadow of the former self because they're going to be afraid to to because we've been so self-constrained online um people are going to be afraid to be who they really are i worry about like the next generation of how their world is going to look and i mentioned to you the other day i started watching this show brave new world and i'm watching the show because it's based on the book brave new world and i'm quite into that whole thing and it's just amazing because you can just see that's where the world's going to go because it has to it can't not because the whole idea is everyone belongs to everyone right that's the whole thesis of the environment that they're in it's like the world has basically become it's like a post-apocalyptic world everything's you've still got people that live the old way so you get people who are like monogamous and you know they're not they're not like a part of these all these different communities and things and they don't identify in all these different ways there's no pronouns and whatever else it's just normal well what i think is normal 10 years ago but in the new world the brave new world everybody belongs to everyone so there's no monogamy like so everybody sleeps with everyone because it's become a sexual preference so the sexual preference is like well you know i'm allowed to belong to whoever i want to belong to like i don't have to be with one person now if you look at the way the world's going that's actually becoming a thing like we are becoming conditioned to the idea that we should date more like and we don't have to date exclusively we can date multiple people all the time and you know the world's changing go back 20 years that would never be the case it was all about you gotta have a committed one-to-one relationship and that's it but things are changing it talks about privacy how there is no privacy so everybody is basically wearing like this lens in their eye and that's how you connect to the ai so the ai basically operates everything everyone is connected to the ai so wherever you go the ai can look through your eye and see who you're looking at but then what's really interesting about it is when you look at people everybody has a little rank next to them and it goes from like a b c d e and it kind of it kind of shows you what level everybody is at so everyone has these rankings and they have to be happy about the ranking so nobody's upset everyone's happy no one gets angry no one argues with anyone no one fights everyone's just happy 24 7 all the time living in this weird we're all in love with each other world basically now that sounds that might sound great but it's not human it's not really who we are like we have to be able to say things and actually have an emotion now for anybody that's not following what i'm saying i recommend watching the show because it kind of will elaborate on the whole point that we're actually making because it's literally what it's about it's about how people are suppressed and not able to be emotional basically you can't have a view essentially even to the point where it's like if you if you feel angry because someone's shown that they've got some kind of ego what happens is it's like one of the characters he becomes a little bit egotistical whilst he's playing this tennis match so he has to quickly pop a pill to like level them down and they call it the levels they'll say oh you need to check your levels you need to check your levels because you're getting a little bit too emotional basically whether it's a good emotion or a bad emotion it's just check your levels because it's getting a bit too much and that's what i feel that people are just becoming it's like you know you can't say too much you can't be overly emotional you have to follow one narrative and if you don't you're you're mental basically um it's really interesting really fascinating and i don't think we'll ever get to a stage like that in in our lifetime but it makes me think about my son ethan like what about his kids like what kind of world is that going to be how far the world is changing so fast yeah that's like if you look at the last 10 years 20 years the last three years like the world's changing so quickly yeah and i think we revolved over millions of years and evolution takes time but the world's changing that quickly i just don't think we can evolve fast enough really i think one actually really interesting thing is if you look at some of the studies that are coming out and the research from like very authoritative bodies like the world economic forum so they the world economic forum's job is to basically they will look at us globally and say right this is where we're going this is what's happening environmentally and you know the way the world is going to shape now in 2017 they've done a 2030 vision so they were like this is what the world will be in 2030 what we predict it will be and the predictions are nobody will eat me anymore which i find quite interesting because it's quite a strong thing over the last decade like veganism and you know like let's not let's eat less meat and there's a whole thing about that and i think that could actually that could be a thing yeah um there is no ownership so you won't own it what what they say in the advert is you won't own anything but you'll like it and you'll be happy with that now in my current form there's just no way i'll be happy with that but my kid might be happy with that yeah because the way he's the world he's gonna grow up and he's gonna be so different to the one me and you are growing up in yep i find that mind-boggling well yeah because we if from an early age you're basically taught to own things to buy things to you know to make money to have a career and the more money you make the more things you can own now is that healthy like who knows but it's the world we've grown up in and i think for me and you is hard because the era we've grown up in it's a transitional era like we've gone from playing game boy in 16 bit to then having basic phones to phones that literally we can run our entire business on yeah and i think as well you can see everybody else as well so you can find people your age from your area and you can say you're doing xyz i should be doing that and that goes into ownership but you look at people who go on holidays like they're posting images of like five-star hotels and beaches and big houses and like you can live other people's lives and i think that makes you want to go and achieve that or or have that own that that life but if we're gonna go away from ownership then yeah yeah it's you know i recommend people go and check it out it's called the the 2030 world forum ad if you just youtube that you'll you'll see what it's about and it's not the only things they say there's no privacy but again it says that we will like that there's no privacy again i don't see how that's ever going to be me because i'm probably the most private person ever so i don't know like i have no idea what's going to happen but technology is obviously the driving force behind our entire economy now and not just economy but our mental state like literally our belief systems our emotions everything is based on this thing that is attached to our hand 24 7 well most of the day basically is it like eight hours a day people spend on smartphones maybe i mean if you count laptops and tv then it's probably almost every waking hour of your life like you're just in front of some form of technology really it's funny as well because i i i think my phone the battery runs out like very quickly but it's not it's because i use it so much yeah so back in the day you'd have i can knock you 32 10. it lasts like a week but hardly use your phone back then it wasn't like because all you could do was text people and call people but nowadays you can connect with people you can be entertained you can you know you can you can date people you can break up with people you can pretty much do everything on your phone like you can ask someone to marry you don't have to you don't have to connect with people like face to face you can pretty much connect with the entire world from a device and get everything you need from it or so you know it's people doing virtual weddings right now yeah i was i was talking to one of our um our head of partnerships today and he's going to get a vr headset because apparently at facebook now they're doing virtual reality meetings so because obviously zoom's getting a bit boring you can actually do a proper vr meeting where you're like face to face with somebody right so he was like oh we should get some vr headsets so we can have oh my god virtual meetings and that's kind of that's crazy like such a weird transition right now it's like we're living in it's moving too fast star trek and it causes anxiety it causes people to you know this is what causes mental health problems is because the world's moving that fast that all your belief systems are being yanked away from you and and i'm twisted and you know if you've not got quite a solid foundation you know it's it's not a good place to be a lot of our belief system is built from what we see and what we've learned like our history for example like i watched this really interesting talk on this woman who was saying so much of our mental stability right is based on history as in way before we were even born just our natural known history of how he came here what happened during the wars and everything else like that sits in our brain and gives us this story of where we are now so it's like i can't you won't be able to recite it to me but in your head you will know that we are here in this time in life because these are all the things that have happened and that's just what we've been taught but what's happening right now is that things are changing so dramatically that all the rules that we normally would follow that we would govern our lives by just aren't there anymore they're like non-existent and that's scary like it's you know it's frightening like if you if you don't get a vaccine you don't travel like that's a like for someone like me who loves to travel it's like if you don't get a vaccine you're a bad person basically yeah i mean that's how it's positioned yeah like i've um i saw something recently there was someone in a um supermarket not wearing a mask and i i thought my initial thought was well you should be wearing a mask but then i thought you know what maybe they've got anxiety maybe they've got asthma maybe they've got an issue and then you know the thought left my head and i didn't judge that person because of it but there was two people behind me and they were basically quite they weren't quiet about it but they were basically complaining about this person and saying it was selfish and that they should be they shouldn't be allowed to do this and they don't trying to get people to eject what this person from the shop and i thought that's crazy it's crazy that you know a year ago if i'd have worn a mask and walked into a shop oh you'd say you'd probably look at you and be like they would have thought i was gonna rub rub rub the shop or be you know i was i was a danger well that you're a hypochondriac yeah yeah nowadays if you don't wear it the same people who would have complained about someone wearing a mask have been afraid of it now are afraid of somebody not wearing a mask and that's one year like one year of time and this is the power of it's like conspiracies aside everything inside whatever is happening what is happening right but that is the power of propaganda that's what it does that's how people are conditioned into [Music] being a certain way like whether the narrative is true or not the narrative is pushed forward by divide and conquer it's been that way for thousands of years we divide we conquer because you've got two sides that are fighting each other and if what huxley said 20 of people just agree with the agenda then everybody has to has to go that way it's just how it is and technology is making that much much easier yeah you can post about it somebody could have taken a picture of that person put it on facebook oh look this guy's not wearing a mask that gets shared a thousand times it's just it's very powerful yeah um so yeah i think that what the takeaway really is is just being present and aware of how powerful that thing is like just taking a step back for a minute and just being like just 10 years ago like what was life like 10 years ago it wasn't bad there was nothing wrong with life 10 years ago i'm trying to make a conscious effort of trying to just pull myself back a little bit from being so into technology and just being in it so much and just trying to find ways just to you know be happy on be happy with what i've got just as a person like you know going for a walk walking my dogs like playing with my dogs playing with my son like you know just normal things the title of this podcast what is it i've got 99 problems but technology ain't one but actually [Laughter] yeah all we've done is say technology is bad but we are a technology company so it's not bad it's just it can be it can be utilized in it's good for bad yeah it's like a knife like you either stab someone or you cut some chicken like it's it's yourself i can't even say cut some chicken because you know oh yeah sorry to all the vegans that might be offended by my my kind of chicken that video is really funny isn't it the one with a guy who's like offending people and he has to keep apologizing yeah that's really funny yeah oh nindy there's a i'll message me about that and i'll i'll send you a link to it we can leave it in the description it's quite funny and quite relevant to what we're saying um but now all right cool well that's quite a long podcast it's been on 50 minutes um anything you want to say like that's the podcast is we have talked about technology that's that's basically what it's about um we never we never stay fully on topic anyway but i think that was quite a good job um anything you want to add like on the topic of just advancement of technology things about that i think it's just always understanding that technology is good and bad and it can be used in in good and bad ways and i think what i always try to do is it's kind of what i especially with how i am and how i interact on with technology is would i be different if i was face to face and if the answer is yes then i like to change my behavior and that's you know i think if i find myself straying from who i am at my core because there's a essentially a protective kind of element of you know i i'm anonymous online you know if i change them you know i'd i try and pull myself back and i think if everybody did that i think to be less conflict kind of less kind of argument some more collaboration more you know more kind of working with each other to to push forward and that that's it i mean use technology to to bring people together and not not be divided and i think you can go into i mean we could talk about technology for an entire probably a year because you've got we've only spoken about things like deep fakes and you know all the all that kind of thing like where technology is going there and how scary that could be but how amazing it could be too um and i just think you've got to just check how you engage with technology and how you use it and how other people use it and how you're kind of i don't know how you're influenced by by it i think you've just got to be aware of it's got to be an awareness you have to to make sure you don't kind of it doesn't impact you in a negative way yeah the only thing i'd add there is just you know you talked about how if you were walking down the street how would you talk to someone in person and i think if you imagine right the difference between being online and offline is like when you're off when you're online there's this big thing of the ego like i think everybody carries this ego online and the reason is because you know that other people are watching so like if you comment something you know that it's like 20 30 40 maybe thousands if you if you're an influence or whatever that are watching what you're saying so if if you're being attacked those people are gonna rally with you and if you say the right thing again they'll rally with you now if you're walking in the street the equivalent is i'm walking down the street and i've got my posse behind me like i've got 20 people behind me that are like yeah joey you're the man and then i'm basically just going past someone and saying you know what mate your opinion is what do you think guys what do you guys think behind me do you think his opinion yeah your opinion that's literally how stupid it is make the same point how like online you can pick and choose your friends so you can you can say right i'm gonna hang around in this area you know and everybody does it like you know you've got bars that play rock music bars that play hip-hop music bars that play you know jazz so i can go to a jazz bar and hang around with people who are interested in in jazz music yeah so we're all into the same thing but you know that's it's the same thing online i can go into you know kind of a subreddit on jazz and hang out with people interested in jazz but what's happening in the world is was when you kind of bring that into a social platform like facebook or linkedin or twitter where you can then take jazz out and put it into the the bigger ecosystem those people can then follow kind of go into a hip-hop bar and say this is yeah exactly and that's kind of what's happening is you're not going to hang out in a place with like-minded people you're taking your group of people to other areas and other other bars and telling them they're wrong they're they're what they believe is is is basically yeah um and that's the problem like go and hang out with your friends go and hang out with people who share your opinions and talk about it but don't go and rain on other people's parades because it makes you feel better better about yourself it's a very good thing yeah and i think that's that's the way it is i mean we should all be allowed to be into what interested in what we're interested in and have our own views and you know we should all try and collaborate and mold our views to make the world better um rather than all believe the same thing or you know get totally wrong yeah cool all right well we'll leave it there i hope you guys enjoyed that episode obviously quite quite deep um but yeah if you liked it leave a comment share it and make sure you leave a review as well as a click through to the itunes and and drop us some reviews on that we do like to see that so um cool we'll see you in the next [Music] episode

2021-02-27 14:02

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