Pioneers Talk #2: Meeting EAF Performance Targets Using Data Analytics

Pioneers Talk #2: Meeting EAF Performance Targets Using Data Analytics

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Welcome to today's Pioneers Talk: Meet EAF  performance targets using Data Analytics.   My name is Christoph Stangl and  I will be your moderator today   in my studio and my today's guest is Manuel  Sattler, data analyst for Primetals Technologies. thanks for inviting me today nice to have you  here it's a pleasure so uh within the next   about 30 minutes manuel and i will discuss um that  often the little things make a big difference when   talking about the performance of your eaf plant  and why this is the case we will have a look at   the solution that determines improvements for eaf  performance based on operation practice using data   analytics methods and we will have a look or share  insights how you can transfer generate information   automatically to your automation solution system  and why this is important as well if you have   any questions to manuel satter suttler please  just add a comment and uh input the question   to this live stream on the desktop you can do it  on the left hand side and on a mobile phone you   should have an input field on the bottom of your  smartphone later on we'll have one two sessions in   between where we will uh read out some of your  questions and i will ask manuel to answer them   um so this is a power in stock interview so let's  start pioneering well before we really start with   discussion model i would like to show a very  quick result of an online survey i did maybe we   can show this result of the online survey to our  participants you can see i asked the question uh   if our participants already use data analytics  methods uh in the sleep blend and as we can see   about like uh more than sixty percent sixty-two  percent said yes we'll use data analytics methods   so if you're maybe willing to share for what  kind of applications we would be glad um another   like 12 percent said okay not yet but they  plan to use data analytics methods in future   30 say they are not quite sure if  they use it another 30 percent uh   don't not interested in data solutions right  now hopefully we can convince you with this   interview that this makes a lot of sense for your  ef performance improvement so thanks for sharing   now manuel um you have developed a solution um  that improves exactly the performance of an eaf   based on uh operation practice using data mutex  methods and you presented this solution uh in   the another conference named parents connect 21 uh  spring of this year um and the interest was quite   big and so i thought it might be a good idea  to take this a topic for our today's interview   session so that we can have a deeper dive into  the topic and that participants can really have   a more interactive discussion with you and ask you  questions um so to start so you told me just prior   to this interview that usually when you have  an ef just starting ef you just uh input all   the rules and recipes for the operation and then  it's like operating very statically and stable   and and this is sub optimal but why is this the  case maybe you can elaborate depends on this i   think you're now talking about the steel making  practice yeah so so when we when we have this   when we go to the plant we make the startup and  everything um we have to meet the performance   values so for these performance values we make the  optimal uh steel making practice uh which is based   on on the on the materials we have at that moment  so we have scrap dolo lime and all that things and   they can change over time so um if these things  change because you have more scrap qualities   your supplier for your electrodes change you have  different qualities of lime or toro you also need   to tweak a little bit the steel making practice to  stay at the optimum of ref and from our experience   this might not always happen because i'm the  one responsible for it are you know loaded with   with other work for example i'm dealing with  with quality of strep uh quality of the seal   of the final steel and such such things so it's  it's just it's just a minor part which can make   a a good difference on the outcome yeah okay very  interesting and i think you also told me once i   read that that it's really a matter of i know  minutes or seconds like scheduling the the the   sequence of the baskets how they were actually  i don't know preheated or inputted into the eaf   so why is this crucial i was surprised that these  kind of minor time frames really make a difference   yes that's um we got some sample data and and  it was really interesting and then we found that   um for example if you have the first basket just  a few minutes longer and also the second basket   a few minutes longer so it was actually first  basket was one and a half minutes long and the   second basket was half a minute longer so in  total two minutes and we could save it at the   third basket we could save four minutes so it's  for us it was kind of kind of surprising that the   real good timing uh really makes it makes a  difference in in the tap to tap time or the   power on time depending on what you're focusing  on well so thanks a lot for sharing this these   insights i mean i'm not an af expert yeah but  i think most of our participants are um so   to your experience i mean this this this this kind  of sensitivity that these details are so important   are like the operators of es usually uh aware  of this or you see some some know-how which i   feel fades out now over time because maybe the  more senior operators just just fade off also   i think the operators are we are are aware of that  so i think everybody is aware of that the good   timing of the baskets um is is really crucial  for for for for the success of the heat but   you know every heat is kind of different um so  so you have you have different scrap recipes   and all that things and and so it's always uh it's  also for the operator pretty difficult to to find   the perfect spot when to charge and when not to  charge and and you know timing is crucial even for   for gas oxygen and and and the slag builders and  all that stuff so yeah timing is crucial very good   and and mana is this something you experience  which is specific to eaf operation or also for   other aggregates so usually for other aggregates  you have most of the time you know what is coming   in so if you have for example an ef route most  of the time and level furnace follows so you have   a sample of the ef and you totally know what's  going into the elf so there's not much surprise   on the other hand if you put scrap into an ef  um there might be some surprises so so it's it's   very difficult to to get a real model there which  is always working perfect and and you know it's   that's one of the things and yeah we thought we  want to solve this this problem very very good   so thanks molly for this first year in the  first insights um well if you have uh joined   our live stream a bit later on recently  my name is christoph schrange um marketing   manager at parameters technology head over  today's live stream pioneers talk interview   with me is manushatla datalust also in  parameters technologies and we discuss how   to improve ef performance and to better meet  targets using data analytics methods um you have   any questions during this stream uh please just  input them as a comment uh as it used to it when   you just make a post a comment to a regular post  on social media later on we will try to read out   some of the questions and manuel will answer them  um normally we've just discussed about this like   uh problem or this challenge or this importance  that the or the potential what could be uh how to   improve the performance of an eaf and now you have  developed um a solution called eaf heat cloning   you also presented already at this conference  in april this year maybe you can just describe   a bit more how this solution looks like and how  it works yeah sure and i think we also have a bit   of diagram maybe we just can display this diagram  please also work with this image yes you sure the   diagram you can see that that at the beginning  we we are clustering this crap so not much rock   and science we we cluster the scrap recording  to quality and scrap weight so nothing more   so we get this cluster where we know that that we  have scrap qualities and in the kind of range of   of the uh of the tons of scrap which which are  going in so it's you know it's just a clustering   that we know what what is going in to the 2df  and then we make for each cluster we then find   the reference heat and we think reference heat is  one of the most important steps because it defines   the outcome of our search for example if you want  to increase productivity of your ef this reference   heat should also reflect that productivity  approach so it should be a highly productive heat   or on the other hand if you want to improve  for example costs or something like that   the reference heat should be very you know cost  efficient heat and the other steps also three   and four are usually there to to really check if  this heat is repeatable so step three um we look   at the aggregated data so one would say level  two data or reporting data something like that   so we find these potential heats where where these  gold markets or these similar heats uh are in   and from that potential heat uh or  from that potential pool of heat   we really go into the time series of  data so so we check uh really when was   when did the operator push the carbon button  or when was uh the the gas or oxygen activated   and and all that things and we compare it and  and with similarities we find this we find this   last cluster and and uh then we can see okay this  reference heat was produced 10 times 15 times and   it's realistic that we can reproduce that and so  from that we extract the best practice and at the   end it's more or less just a table which you can  put on the on to the to the operator and say okay   let's try it and do that and that and check the  outcome and should be better very interesting   so uh this looks like very comprehensive to say  and very specific what they have presented us   thanks for sharing the diagram um now as far as  i understand it's like it's all about of course   getting the data to be able of course  then to apply the solution right uh   and to experience how easy it is to get access  to the data from sleep producers because i know   this is quite a sensitive topic so it's  easier difficult what is your experience   yeah you know it's it's um you always has to  prove what they're doing with the data so so   if you can prove that the that the zebra juice has  advantage it's normally pretty easy but when you   say okay i want data because just to have data and  nobody knows what is done with the data it really   gets difficult and and so you know we have to  transparent approach that we really can check what   is done with the data step for step so everybody  can follow it and and yeah that's very good   and and to experience uh i mean i know that there  are different kind of like concepts how to to   collect data or ssd producer and your experience  is more often that i only have data in a data lake   without any structured or like we're getting there  from a data house or people with the data mart   structure or other other other types  of of data interfaces yeah so so   usually we don't care how we get the data yeah  so if we connect a data lake or to a sql database   where everything is really nice structured um it's  it's you know we have a very flexible approach   we need to get somehow the data then we transform  our data ourselves or customer can already do it   if if you can say okay this is this is what he's  interested in um and and if he thinks there are   some some data signals which are very important he  can spare it out and yeah that's that's the thing   so we're pretty we're flexible and and uh the  only thing we really want or or needs um is is   that the data you know the quality should be  okay and the second thing is um it should be   really comprehensive so most of the data should be  in there so that the results can be used and would   you actually then for example support sd producers  um to make sure that you have like the proper   data points plus uh to validate them somehow i  think that they have the proper setup okay now   this is fine to be a good basis for the analysis  of the tutorial you're sure you have to talk sure   there's no way around that i think okay perfect  and the solution presented uh they have these   five steps is this normally one solution or is it  a combination of solutions that execute the steps   there are some mineral steps for example  defining the reference heat but the search   steps are more or less automated so so um you  know we can tweak it a little bit to say okay   for example um electro consumption is more  important so we want to focus it a little bit   so we can put some weights on there and and so  on so we can tweak a little bit around on that   but that is more the last the search steps  are automated okay super it all sounds good   one point i would like to come back because um at  the beginning we said it and we pointed it also   out in your description that that this eaf heat  cloning uh solution as far as i just got it from   your is is really based on operation practice  so it's not like uh out of box or standard or   i don't know some some advice which  which comes maybe from a powder like   us it's really based on operation pictures  uh maybe you can just describe again how   this works and why this is important to your  opinion okay so so um the thing is you know   we know how to build plants and and our customers  are good in operating plants so we don't want to   have some some some kind of model in that  direction which is predicting something with   a you know if you have a currency of of 95 or  99 it's pretty good but um that's that's not   what we want because you have to five percent of  failure rate so um we think that our customer is   really good in operating plans and so we just  look into the data and and check what happened   in the past and and so what we extract from  there is it's not something which we fantasize   about it but it's just a little help for for our  customers to see what they have done in the past   and and what they have done good in the past and  if they can maybe transform it into the future   so that's that's the approach we have very good  um so what i'm also interested in um is is that   um look maybe we have some comments not so far  so if if you want to add any comments uh please   just uh use the chat chat function of of our  live interview session i mean we received two   comments to our chat in between i will try  to look them up a little bit later on yeah   um so maybe to proceed let me quickly try to  summarize manual but i understood so far i   i'm a metals expert the human metals expert  and our participants are so what i understood   so far so i understood that operating eaf  is whenever it's stable or a static process   no that's team making practice okay with which  you know um you're still level two and c making   practice is is somehow in the background and  it says the operator when you push the buttons   it just says to push the buttons okay and the  operator can decide otherwise okay okay and   and the thing is that steel making practice  um is often not not adapted but this means   usually operators do not do it they just stick  to the extended operation mode yeah because it it   it worked in the past yeah so why  shouldn't it work now yeah and um   so this means that uh it's it's it's rather fine  that operated but there miss actually a potential   to improve the performance to improve productivity  or improve profit or quality whatever yeah you   know in in my feeling uh ef must have some kind  of targets for example if steel prices are good you need to produce as much as possible  to get to get the profit out of it   so you want to focus on productivity so  that's what we do then with the reference heat   on the other side if the steel  prices are not so good you you   want to produce as cost efficient as possible to  get at least some some profit out of it and you   don't care about how much you produce because  steel braces are bad and you just want to be   as cost efficient as possible to still have some  profit very and and that's what we try to achieve   with our reference heat and we can also with  our tool we can easily switch that so we can   extract uh this smp's seal making practices within  one or one and a half days and then we can say hey   here here's our here's your new new plan and  how to reduce and you can switch to target okay   so it might add some flexibility on top okay  very very good and um you also state that yeah   or just a question i mean if you're now a very  very advanced senior operator of an ef and really   have like a really bunch of years experience uh  why isn't such a person not able now to to to   to look at the performance of the data and  analyze it why do they need this kind of tool   yeah i'm not sure if everybody needs this kind of  tool but you see this seasoned operator will also   you know retire at one point and or or has has new  operators and all the things who needs to learn   over the time and and operators in my experience  and they just get better over time and over   experience and so we can we can um so if if this  one operator you talked about is is really good   and we will find his heat in the data and we will  make it a best practice so so we will extract his   his knowledge on how to process on certain  steel grades or or anything like that we   extract it out data and and deliver it to to all  the operators and not just one okay i see this   means does this tool then also serve as a solution  to collect ensure and grow corporate know-how that's a good question probably yes yeah yeah if  you think of that yes sure because um if there are   good heats for example one one operator i don't  know retires and you change in you change the   target of your ef and then he was for example good  at cost efficiency and the last three years you   uh focus on productivity and and you find this  data from five years ago something yeah and you   can renew it and put it back in into its operation  again cool cool because i i think to my impression   that this is really a big topic currently i'm not  only seeing producers i think all industries have   this problem that um experienced people retire and  and it's difficult to find anyway highly skilled   people uh to to to replace them um so uh i think  it's an interesting side aspect so uh we have   received some comments maybe to try to to go  through them um so one is asking for example   okay can one apply this this heat clone this heat  cloning as a technology also for fox finger shaft   type furnaces actually unknowable disease but  uh yeah fox finger shaft um it's it's it's the   it's the um how do you say the predecessor  of of the qf quantum uh i see i see   so is this applicable there now this is this long  heat cloning so i know that the finger shaft is is   the that it is there but i'm not sure how much  hot heal it has oh you see if if if the thing   with hot teal um it influences the heat yeah the  outcome of the heat is pretty pretty good and and i think if if if there is a constant hot deal  um i think we we could apply that there sure   okay cool so if you're interested please contact  miles out there of course later on just another   question i mean maybe it's a bit tricky about  that let's try uh do you have any any uh data   you would like to share i mean it's up to you um  how much the efficiency now could be increased by   a heat cloning app i mean it's like five percent  two percent twenty two hundred it's not possible   yeah um the thing is um we unfortunately didn't  manage it to put into practice now so we we got   some data from from some real data and we we made  our studies on that and one of the reasons we are   doing this today is maybe to find some interested  ef operator who is working together with me or us   um to to see how much it really takes or how much  you can really get from that out and and yeah to   to to prove that yeah okay very good so um i think  it's an important point uh um so if you're really   interested now to to utilize this technology  to him up for the performance of your uh   furnace contact manuscript on the one  hand i think the easiest way is only way   to contain by linkedin because this is the  good thing all of us now attend this livestream   for sure on linkedin because this  is the only option to attend um   um or of course you can leave a comment to this  livestream or the recording if you watch the   recording later on because this will stay remain  on linkedin and if you're interested please leave   a comment and i'm able to make sure to connect  you to the manuscriptlet and then later on right   um there's another question very interesting uh  stating like currently electrodes are extremely um   extensive or expensive maybe most likelier  can the methodology you just present a trusted   process to minimize the electrode consumption  i think yeah consumption it depends on the data   you know um usually electro's awaited a weight  i don't know depending on on the operational   practice um once a week once a day something  like that so it's pretty hard to really say   which heat had which electro consumption  um that that's that's that's i would say   it's i wouldn't um um how to say it i wouldn't  say it's it's impossible but with our method it's   it's probably not that feasible i think okay  because we're really checking into the heats   and if if you just have an average  consumption of of electric consumption it's   you know i'm i'm not sure if it's work but i  don't think that it will work yeah okay very good   also thanks for sharing this kind of limitations  maybe although what is the best case maybe for   the application there's another question just  asking is there an automation algorithm behind   the solution or have all the steps of the  heat cloning concept to be done manually   um so it's really hard to have  automation concept for the reference heat   because um you know as i said it has to it  depends on the target of df but mo all the   steps so so you can also have this this this  clustering done automatically everything and   we also have the search algorithms automated and  also the the extract of the data so so you really   get very nice curves so um we just finished with  that um three weeks ago and it really works good   um but the reference heat um it's one of  the things where you still need to need   a human brain and an expert who says okay  this this this is the path we want to go yeah   isn't this any very often the case to say that  okay if we have big data what is obviously the   case in this application you need data analytics  methods so just determine patterns get inside   just for an example if if you look at  level one data for three years you have   i don't know if you have all two seconds one  row um you have millions of rows you you have to   automate it because otherwise it's not possible  yeah that's also one of the things we have this   two two steps because um um comparing the time  series of you know ten thousands of sheets on   on on time series data um it's it's uh you need a  you need a pc cluster and and big pc machine and   so so we have this two search approach to get  the potentials and then then the time series   so i think there's also no way to use excel  for that purpose or is it i think excel ends   at 1.2 million rows okay and still it's a lot but  there's something efficient for this application   very cool um there's another question um which  type of data analysis uh is is okay or is it used   for this technology is a statistical neural  networks or any other so so the thing is um   neural networks always make a model they predict  something and that's not the path we wanted to go   because if you have a model which is predicting  you always have this error and and the in in   in situations which they don't know they're  predicting sometimes absurd things and and so   we have statistical models which  which are just based onto the past   and we extracted out of that and then we have  some some machine learning algorithms in there   but they are very very small i would say okay  very cool um so if you have further questions   please uh keep on typing them into the chat we  won't be able to answer all the questions there   are quite some of them thanks for your interest  but mother and i will make sure that the questions   we will not answer now in our live stream we  will answer later on by just making comments   to your comments and we stay reconnected by  linkedin so it's easy to follow up for us   uh one maybe last question in this live stream  uh what are the prerequisites for the solutions   he states that the participant we might not  have the data in one location for example   it might be next or other data in the data  history so is is this possible then to connect   to your tool as i said if it's a date delay this  is excel something like that we can deal with so   so we have to put it in one place at some point  yeah but but you know that's not the problem if we   have different data sources and we just put it in  one place and then we continue to work with that   okay cool cool so do you you do also  provide them this kind of a little database   yeah we will put it into the data  warehouse um no data warehouse yeah and and   and then we we have put our solution on top of the  data house and and so so that's that's the way so   we have to get it somehow into our data data  yeah okay so i think we're now really close to   the end of this live stream thanks a lot for  joining this first live stream pioneers talk   interview i'm very glad that mano sattler was  with us status as epi metals technologies are   very glad about the insights you gave  us about the solution we showed about ef   heat cloning if you are not interested uh  applying this solution to your furnace or   would like to have more details please just  either leave a comment to this live stream   if you are seeing our recording of the live  stream please also leave a comment reviewing   them regularly or please contact manusata directly  via linkedin uh if you like our full month please   also be free to leave a comment on the prime  stock interview format or our studio uh our   next upcoming pioneers talk will be on the twenty  on the second of december this year entitled from   automation to digitalization and if you want to  be sure not to miss any upcoming pioneers talk   just follow our hashtag pioneerstalk on linkedin  or follow myself and i will make sure that you   will get notification will most likely be getting  away automatically thanks again manuel thanks   thanks a lot for being here yes it was a pleasure  for me and thanks for visiting and goodbye bye you

2021-11-29 01:44

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