Valet Driver Turns $20K into $11Mil over 6 years After Wipe Out · Jack Kellogg

Valet Driver Turns $20K into $11Mil over 6 years After Wipe Out · Jack Kellogg

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markets speculation and risk this  is the Chat with Traders podcast hey there Traders we are on episode 249 and I'm  Tessa co-host of chat with Traders it's so good   to have you join us if you're new to this podcast  thank you for being here warm welcome to you if   you've been a long time listener thank you for  continuing to tune in with us we've got a great   episode for you starting out with juggling  multiple jobs as a valet driver firefighter   an entrepreneur Our Guest Jack Kellogg at 18  about six years ago dreamed of Financial Freedom   got laser focused on saving money and learned  everything he could about the stock market and   eventually turned to penny stocks Jack's intense  drive for Success pushed his mental and physical   health to unhealthy levels as he managed  hundreds of Trades and at times an illiquid   unregulated Securities that often saw hundreds of  percent increases quickly followed by spectacular   collapses within just a few weeks today our  host Ian Cox takes us through a multi-faceted   discussion including Jack's Journey which was  met with setbacks and struggles along with wisdom   gained earlier than usual for someone So Young  Jack's candid way of sharing is so refreshing   that I can't help but feel so drawn to the  deeply human side of this talented young Trader   ladies and gentlemen we are so  pleased to present Jack Kellogg Well Jack want to welcome you to chat with Traders  hey thanks for having me on yeah it's a real honor   I'd like to dive in a little bit about your early  experience and any goals that you might have   set how old were you when you set up your first  brokerage account and what was the Catalyst for   you to get into the field so coming out of high  school I wasn't necessarily the best reader writer   Etc I didn't like literature the only thing I  really ever liked was simple math and video games   um I didn't really know too much that I could do  with that so I just kind of finished high school   and new College wasn't really an option for  me I got interested into firefighting because   of the work schedule where you work 24 hours then  you have 72 hours off and I always wanted to be an   entrepreneur to gain freedom for myself and my  family eventually and not have to show up to a   job every single day over and over and not really  have too much free time to work on anything else   so I got started with firefighting and while I  was learning that I was also doing ballet which   was a great job I was able to make decent  money for an 18 year old 17 16 year old   and it was really cool because I was  driving nice cars at a nice restaurant   in Connecticut Max downtown in the capital  of Hartford it was a great experience and   it provided me a lot of inspiration  with seeing the same clientele come in   every Sunday Saturday Friday for a nice dinner  with their family and it was really inspiring   and motivational to see people with that kind of  Freedom where they can come and dine every week   with a nice meal with their family and not really  affect them because they have freedom with money   so I was very inspired to be an entrepreneur  and have freedom and as I got started into   the firefighting stuff I realized that I couldn't  really make too much money doing that plus   um some stuff that I saw it was uh  kind of a turn off at the beginning   so I shifted my focus and I tried opening a couple  businesses one uh selling stuff at a mall kiosk   also selling stuff at a flea market and those  were pretty much failures but after a little   bit of time I had some money saved up around  ten thousand dollars from the valet job and   my New Year's resolution in 2017 was hey I want  to invest this money into some stocks because   I knew a lot of people were making  money through the stock market   and I just frankly didn't have enough money to  get the real estate yet or at least I thought   so and after that I ran into a buddy at the gym  it was probably January 3rd January 4th I was in   the process of opening up a Robin Hood account  and I ran into a friend my buddy named Lee we   were childhood friends but he ended up going to a  different High School to play a competitive hockey   and we kind of lost we lost touch for a while  and I saw a few years later and he was like hey   I'm getting interested in penny stocks Etc I'm  trading penny stocks you can see this they're   crazy they move up hundreds of percent every  day I asked them like hey how can I I learn   about this this sounds interesting versus  uh value investing which would seem I mean   it would take multiple years if not decades  to make to see hundreds of percent returns   so he was like hey you can get started  with Timothy Sykes investors Underground   etc etc and I went home and I watched a  few YouTube videos and I was pretty much   immediately hooked I was still a little skeptical  at the beginning but eventually I saw this one   Supernova htgm later that month in January of  2017 went from about two to twenty dollars and   I was like wow these really do happen as well  as this time was just a few months after dry   ships and the shipping the shipping sector so I  was able to look at previous short-term history   and see the crazy moves that it happened so  after that I convinced my parents to split uh   Timothy Sykes millionaire challenge Educational  Service with me for the next year I basically   just studied and uh slowly bled out my my a few  thousand dollar account uh how how old were you   uh at the time I was like 18 19 years old so your  parents knew that you obviously had an interest   in trading what was their attitude toward this  uh my dad was very skeptical and always called   it a scam because he doesn't know anyone that's  paid money uh trading penny stocks it was very   new to him so he's just trying to protect me and  he's like this is you know you should just become   an electrician work with your hands that's what  he is an electrician make money that way because   you have to be very careful and he's always very  skeptical about everything whereas my mom was more   supportive I could have told my mom I wanted to  be anything and she would support me um in that   way but my dad was uh very negative towards it  so it was difficult but I had my mom support no   matter what I did which I was thankful for your  early goals if you have had them were they tied   to any specific material desires that you wanted  to acquire like for example a house or a fancy car   um honestly no I wasn't really too the thing  that motivated me the most and inspired me most   was the freedom where you you could do whatever  you want so you don't I didn't really have like   one oh I want to buy a Ferrari or I want to buy  this house here it was kind of just I know I can   buy those things but I have to focus on gaining  the freedom and growing my account I know those   things are very far away and if I'm able to  just focus on growth and gain consistency   that's what I really want I want to be able to  prove to myself that I can do this what were   the elements of trading that really grabbed you  like what what makes trading fascinating for you   probably the most interesting thing to me was you  you could do it in a dark room on the computer and   what like you could just kind of do it without  having to tell anyone that you're doing it   and you could just work hard without having  to deal with co-workers and other people that   would get in your way so I knew it was really me  versus myself first in a lot of other area areas   and occupations in life you you have people around  you of course you have people on the internet that   you talk to while you're trading but you can  kind of pick and choose you can block people   you can say hey I don't want to talk to this  person you can mute stuff so it's very easy to   kind of pick where you want to fit in versus in  a lot of other areas you're almost like hey you   have to do this you have to do that Etc did  you find the early experience of trading uh   lonely I mean you had your friend Lee um did you  have a support network of other fellow Traders   um no I just had my buddy Lee and he was  really great for showing me the basics but   around like three months of me learning he  kind of uh went to e-commerce business and   uh Drop Shipping and stuff like that so he kind  of stopped trading and then it got a bit lonely   um and eventually I I went to uh Tim Sykes  conference in 2017 this was September and I talked   with a bunch of Traders and I was able to develop  relationships with them and create this network   and actually one of the guys who I met down  there he put me in a group chat and then I met   this other guy who lived in Michigan uh his name's  Dom and I ended up moving moving into an apartment   with dom later in 2018 through towards the end  of 2019 so it was lonely in the beginning but I   eventually found a few friends that really helped  me so in your view um do you think it's important   to have a support network it was important to you  at the beginning I didn't really want too many   people kind of clouding my my view my viewpoint  like I wanted a fresh mind of of what I think   but eventually after I learned about it I realized  that hey I need a network and a support group to   learn and grow with it's very difficult to do it  on your own right yeah that's a good point some   argue that getting quick and easy profits early  on is one of the worst things that can happen to   a beginner Trader what's your viewpoint on this  yeah I agree fortunately for me I didn't make   any money for the first 20 months really I had  a couple green months within there but I would   always end up just giving it back the next uh  the next month if not more than what I'd made   so it was constantly I learned the lesson of  how easy it is to lose money over and over and   over again where I'd string together a bunch of  small wins and then I just take a huge loss and   I'd lose everything because I was stubborn and  I didn't realize that it's more about having big   Winners and smaller smaller losers versus  trying to win consistently and and having   maybe that one big loss here and there yeah so  for me I I learned how to lose and a lot of my   my friends a lot of my friends who started in in  2020 and 2021 when we had the insane bull market   you know they're going through a very rough patch  right now where they're consistently losing and   they're super frustrated and they have a lot more  money to lose so it's a lot more dangerous just   than losing a little bit of money especially  if you take on expenses and you and you have   um payments and all that stuff versus even  a couple of my friends started this year   um and I said hey it's a great time to start  even though you don't think it is but you're   learning a process that's going to yield your  results over the long term as long as you stay   disciplined and you learned it you're not in  this game just for a quick Buck if you want to   really make money you you have to trade a process  for a decade before you got into trading uh did   your family or friends uh consider you to be a  risk taker you know perhaps expressed through   any of your hobbies or interests I was never  really into gambling or playing poker at all   or any casino type games and I didn't really  like um doing stunts or any dangerous sports   um so I would say not really were any of them a  little surprised when they heard that you were   getting into trading penny stocks really  people's just first thought was they were   more focused on just like the scam aspect  they thought that I was just getting scammed   um like my uncle printed me out uh this newspaper  that I still have actually and he was like uh why   penny stocks are scams you shouldn't trade these  Etc and I think people were just more worried   that I was going to lose all my money and I didn't  really know what I was doing Etc yeah well that's   a good segue for us to uh transition to the topic  of the issues with penny stocks can let's define   penny stocks are penny stocks any stock that's  trading below a dollar on any exchange for me   I would classify penny stocks in like a couple  different categories right I would say that all   OTC over-the-counter stocks are penny  stocks um except for uh larger ones like   um grayscale and that type of stuff but if you're  trading stuff that's you know sub penny stocks   trips stocks anything from 10 cents or less a  dollar or less even five dollars or less ten   dollars or less whatever it is as long as it has a  small market cap I would consider it a penny stock   on the OTC market and a penny stock on small cap  on NASDAQ stocks I don't consider anything under   five or ten dollars usually anything under  a dollar is really really a penny stock but   that's what I would say I see so some stocks that  you're saying that are trading below ten dollars   or five dollars they could be classified as a  penny stock because their market capitalization   is quite low yeah I mean sometimes there's  no difference between a stock that's below   a dollar with a low market cap they could just  have more shares uh in the float so it's lower   price for something that they did a reverse  split it was trading at 30 cents but they did a   uh 20 to 1 reverse split and it's trading at six  bucks now it's the same company in the same stock   it's just higher priced oh I see I see what about  bid ask spreads are they a material issue for most   um over-the-counter penny stocks yeah it's  definitely an issue especially with a liquid   ones that nobody's watching you could see a 30  40 50 spread maybe even 100 spread but those   aren't really the stocks that I'm looking  at I'm looking at for the most active stocks   um trading the most liquidity trading the most  dollar volume because that's where you're able   to enter a position without taking huge risks  because of the spread got it I noticed on the   on the website that there were  over 2 200 stocks that were listed showing a   price of zero and my question is are stocks  ever delisted from the uh over-the-counter   exchange like it's done in the NASDAQ or the  New York Stock Exchange yeah so actually just   um late last year in September the OTC Margaret  came out with a new rule where if you're not   current and pink whatever if you're dark and  defunct or you have this the caveat empty door   or whatever you actually they won't allow you to  trade those anymore so we lost a large majority   maybe like 25 of the stocks that I had traded  the previous two years just became non-tradable   anymore could you could you define a little bit uh  Caveat Emptor you're saying if they get labeled as   that that's a a Latin word from my understanding  is buyer beware uh yes how does a penny stock   get that put on them so at first on OTC markets  you'll see them flag for stock promotion where   it's basically just a shell company for someone  to manipulate it instead of spending five million   dollars on a product or on an actual business  it's just a shell company and they're giving   five million dollars to a stock promoter and  they're like hey you know pump this stock up   um where they'll kind of create this manipulated  Market where there's really nothing except buyers   and sellers and they're going to try to wash  sale and have a lot of Trades go through and   have people's eyes go on it was like Hey the  Stock's going up in value every single day   and they're trying to lure people in to buy the  stock and eventually they'll they're gonna sell   you know their tens of millions of shares from  0.001 average that the Insiders have and they're   going to try to sell this at two five ten dollars  and just try to sell as many any shares as they   can and you'll see some of these stocks crash like  95 percent in one day and if this after the stock   usually crashes the the OTC markets looks into  it um some not you don't really see them get the   CE during the run-up it's happened sometimes but  usually after the the stock crashes it this the   CE gets put on so they can't really you know  pump it back again or try to go for round two   um and they just they don't let people and  brokerages buy the stock anymore I see so   they do get an opportunity it sounds like to  do one pump and get some money out of it but   uh then they're under investigation possibly after  that and then they may not get a second chance is   that accurate yeah for the most part I see do  penny stocks on the over-the-counter exchange   ever evolve and move to the NASDAQ or the New  York Stock Exchange yeah it happens sometimes   there's this company this ticker lwlg that moved  from OTC to NASDAQ and there's been a few more   um there's this one that actually went from  OTC to NASDAQ and it was the single biggest   Runner of the entire year it was axtg or  atxg what uh what was the ticker event   yeah yeah atxg it it opened at  like 10 bucks and what happened was   the people that had the shares from the OTC they  weren't allowed to sell right away and everyone   just started shorting it because we started seeing  a lot of those stocks that ipo'd fade this year   especially Chinese scammy ones OTC whatever it's  scammy and everyone ended up shorting it and it   actually went from like 10 bucks to it printed  2 000 at 2000 um in after hours and uh I heard   some horror stories that uh people were shorting  in the tens 20s 30s 40s and covering at a thousand   or higher and blowing up their accounts um  so you do see just absolutely wild moves   um in the OTC and and sometimes if they do make it  to the NASDAQ they can even become more scammier   wow wow uh I'd like to transition into the  perceptions of penny stocks you know some people   have images of shady immoral characters scamming  people into buying near nearly worthless companies   while pocketing outrageously large commissions  like what we've seen in the movies Wolf of Wall   Street and Boiler Room other than your friend  initially you know introducing you to penny   stocks uh what characteristics of penny stocks got  you attracted on the over-the-counter exchange uh   you know and say instead of the seemingly safer  regulated stocks on the New York Stock Exchange or   NASDAQ I would say that the main reason I I mean  I wasn't against trading NASDAQ at the beginning   but I just noticed that I had an act for OTC off  the bat I was able to read the stocks a lot more   clear and since they're not electronically Market  makered it's actually um hand market makers so you   send an order to uh a route whatever CDL night and  they're going to manually put your order into the   OTC stock so you're able to have more time to to  use the level two and the time and sales tape and   it just creates cleaner patterns and and cleaner  action to read um and I was just like okay I think   that this Dip's gonna hold or I think if it breaks  this level it's going to go up and I noticed that   I was just right more times than that on otc's  versus NASDAQ there's a lot uh it's electronic   theme Market make there's more Algos and it was it  was harder to read so otcs were just more clean I   see so did you consider the chart patterns to be  more reliable yes exactly I see is there a lack   would you say that there's not many institutional  players or program trading in these type of stocks   yeah I would say compared to to NASDAQ and  enlisted stocks probably you know almost   almost none um because they just can't play  the kind of market caps and liquidity that   OTC offers but with a small account you're able  to grow you're able to grow your money a lot   quicker or small amount versus uh and I was it  was easier for me to read so that's why I chose   it okay now turning to liquidity last week on a  strong day for the NASDAQ and the S P 500 uh with   both up over two two percent on the day I noticed  that out of the top 200 advancers on the entire   OTC site only one had reached  the one million dollar total volume level   and the average trade was  less than a thousand dollars   is this common during the years you've been  trading penny stocks no so in early 2021 and   late 2022 we were seeing um trillions of dollars  in the OTC market and it was really after that   um Rule and Regulation and the SEC cracked down on  it we've seen a lot less players in liquidity uh   in OTC but you have stocks like gtii or mmtlp  which just ran hundreds of percent with pretty   decent liquidity over the last month and those  were some of the best Runners we've seen this   year so it seems like it's kind of coming back  a little bit and due to seasonality my biggest   um OTC months are always in February I don't know  what it is but that's when there seems to be the   most liquidity in otc's December and January  as well and then the rest of the year I mean   otcs are really dead unless there's a a massive  Catalyst um we've seen some good weed runs   some good Bitcoin runs um throughout the year  sometimes and that causes some of the related   otcs to get some volume but other than that it's  very season seasonal I see so the current bear   Market in the major exchanges uh does that heavily  influence the liquidity issues it does yeah the   problem is right now is why we were seeing such a  good OTC market is because speculation stocks were   making highs over highs over highs in 2020 and  early 2021 and then once uh Kathy Woods fun tapped   when Bitcoin topped when all these speculation  plays topped we just saw otc's die off because   nobody wants to buy any more speculation because  we're we started entering a bear market and if   if stocks like apple and Tesla and Amazon and  um these bigger cap stocks large cap stocks if   they're not even going to hold their these uh BS  penny stocks have zero chance got it so are you   seeing widening bid ask spreads uh during this  bear Market yeah to like to tell you the truth   um I've still made some money on otcs this year  maybe like 100 200 Grand but compared to what   I made on them the last couple years like it's  nothing and I've been focusing more now on like   um like uh tqq sqq stuff with more liquidity  and during the bear Market there's a lot more   volatility in the indexes so that's kind of what  I've been shifting into trade this year and I'm   not strictly like an OTC Trader it is what I  did for if there's an OTC to trade like I'll   prefer that because I know that's what I'm best  at but if there's no otcs I'm not going to sit   there and enforce OTC trades I'm going to use  other strategies that I've developed over the   years but I'm always just not as confident  in those setups because they're just not   um what I've mastered you're dealing with  a lot more competition over there first   otcs you you almost um have such an advantage  compared to uh stuff that's trading billions and   billions of dollars I see so are you concentrating  more of your trading say on NASDAQ or is there   another exchange that you choose when the  OTC exchanges dead yeah so I I definitely   concentrate more on my training on NASDAQ when  the otcs are dead but I'll still try to look for   um scammy type moves to trade because they make  the most sense to me like uh for example Molin   Automotive is a little scammy electric vehicle  company that ran from 30 cents to 60 cents this   week made a couple decent trades on it and I will  always prefer to trade stuff like that I don't   like trading bio tax or or stuff where there's um  you have to understand more with the fundamentals   I I like just trading stuff that's doing massive  volume and it's just a straight scam because the   price action makes way more sense to me got it  well let's actually get into your process have   you ever been a discretionary Trader or did you  develop a process early on what do you mean by   that well when you first got into trading stocks  were you uh purely discretionary or did you have   certain things that you looked for like a certain  checklist for you to get into a trade yeah so I   really just looked for simple patterns like the  patterns that really have made me the most money   over the last five years is just buying buying  breakouts in a strong Market um SO waiting for   a stock to spike waiting for it to pull back and  then waiting to buy a breakout I like doing it on   scams um because the price action is usually the  most clean and and then shorting stocks that get   way too overextended and when they're if you know  if a Stock's up three to five days in a row it's   going up every single day I'm looking for that  first day where it kind of just falls off a cliff   uh to short and then I also like um uh Panic  dip buying like if there's a huge crash uh   making sure that you have to be careful with that  because um Panic dip buying and I took some pretty   um nasty losses there because I sometimes I just  don't understand where the selling pressures   come from and I didn't do enough due diligence  but um if it's a natural type selling pressure   due to stock losses and not um some massive  dilution there's usually a good uh bounce and   I've really just used those three patterns over  the last five years to I just traded those and uh   continued to scale them up as if I'm making  money I'm using more size if I'm losing I'm   using smaller size and I'm just letting the the  market and momentum decide how much I'm gonna   size into so that's a very simple explanation  of what my process is okay so are you looking   for say a certain amount of volume above average  or breaking uh key technical resistance levels   yeah so the number one thing for me is volume  because the more volume is the less risk you have   because there's you're not going to get into  a situation where if you buy or you short it   just opens up huge the spread opens up and you end  up taking you know three five times where you're   planning to risk and uh the slippage can be really  detrimental out of liquid stocks and for me the   the best trades that I do are stocks that have  the most volume so I can size in and I can get   out if it's not working and then I'm looking for  volume as my number one indicator and my number   two indicator is I'm looking at technical levels  I'm looking at the history of the stock to see has   the stock performed um clean in the in the history  or has it been super choppy and annoying how did   the daily candles look right I don't want to  trade stocks that are super Wiki I want to see a   nice full body candle meaning it it opens near the  low of the day and it closes near the high of the   day I don't want to be trading stuff that spikes  huge and then comes all the way back in or vice   versa has a huge drop and then comes all the way  back because those are where I'll take my biggest   losses because uh if something drops 50 and then  bounces 300 percent I'll usually um short it into   the bounce and then get blown out or if something  if I'm long something and the bottom just or the   it just starts selling off super bad I'll end up  also taking a big loss there so I'm looking for   nice clean daily candles okay have you experienced  any large losses due to liquidity drying up yeah   um I have uh two of my biggest losses one came  from mm nff which was an OTC Runner uh in February   of 2021 it spiked from 30 cents to like a dollar  Thirty over three to five days I ended up shorting   it at the open at like a buck 20 and I covered it  at 90 cents and it was a good trade maybe I made   like 50 Grand on it and then I started um buying  uh the dip and started buying 90 70 whatever maybe   had like an 80 average and I I noticed I just  had way too much size for the volume that the   stock was trading I I had like two million shares  or something and the stock bounced a little bit   and I was up a little but I just couldn't execute  my sell order because there wasn't enough volume   or enough Bitters and I ended up just kind of  sitting in it all day waiting to I was slowly   selling it slowly selling it and then at one  point it just was 2 p.m and it wasn't bouncing   and it was at like 50 cents so I was like it was  at 60 cents so I was like I just got to get out   of this and I sold my position and the stock was  at 60 cents but I didn't even execute my majority   of my shares to 50 cents um I ended up losing  like over 300 000 on that trade and then another   trade um I was shorting this uh Chinese um stock  that ran from ten dollars to I started shorting   it at 200 bucks and it had really bad liquidity  where the spread was 10 15 maybe it could open   up to 20 bucks on the spread and the day before  they tricked me because the spread was really   tight and it was trading a lot more liquidity and  the price action was clean and then the next day   um they just dried up the liquidity because  it was a scam and I started shorting it and   they had control of the the float and I ended up  shorting out like 200 and I covered at 250 for   it wasn't a huge loss I maybe lost like a hundred  thousand dollars shortly a couple thousand shares   it was more than I wanted to risk though I  wanted to risk like 210 220 lose like 20 30   40 Grand whatever um and try to make 100 Grand if  I went to a buck 50 because it was super extended   and then um it went up and it started going  parabolic to 400 bucks and I started shorting   again because it was just getting so ridiculous  and uh ended up maybe losing another 50k on it   just chopping myself up because it never dropped  and liquidity got even worse and then the next day   um it was trading at like 700 so I was like I have  to try this again the Stock's up from 20 bucks to   700 um started shorting and I I decreased  my position size so I could deal with the   liquidatiness and I ended up uh losing another 100  points on it totaling my losses to like two 250 to   300K and then I tried it one more time the stock  went super complete Supernova to 2 500 per share   and I was short at the top of the stock I had a a  small position short for like 2400 and my broker   said hey like you can't swing this overnight  it's way too risky and I ended up covering   in the spread at that point was like three four  hundred bucks and I ended up uh losing maybe like   another 100K on it so my total loss is on it was  like 400 000 and then the next day it gapped down   um like a thousand points or something  and started trading and it slowly faded   off and now the Stock's at like 20 bucks or  something uh but it just the look The liquidity   um just dried up and made it impossible to trade  and it just went way further than I expected but   uh my number one mistake there was I should have  just hung up the cleats on it after proved not to   be a good Trader after the day um that they proved  for it to be a good Trader wow what a story uh so   why did the broker um not allow you to hold it  overnight were you in a margin call situation   no um they they were just lending out fake shares  right so in my um I'm not going to name the broker   but in my um humble opinion uh it was naked  shorts so um they weren't allowing people to   um hold it overnight because they didn't really  have shares they were just lending shares out   um out of thin air so they don't have um  the locate to let people hold this overnight   oh wow uh so as a result of this uh experience  did you set a rule for yourself um so that in   future trades you would have a maximum uh position  size say percentage uh as a percentage of dollar   total dollar volume yeah I would say that for  now now I've really learned my lesson where the   last year I I was aware of a liquidity a liquid  stocks but I've never experienced a scam go to   2500 bucks and at the time it was like top 10 New  York Stock Exchange stock on the market and the   market cap I think was like 500 billion dollars  and the company has zero Revenue it's a complete   um scam I just never really expected that to  to ever happen and it was just a good learning   experience that I I really learned how people  actually blew up because before I would hear   stories of like hey this guy's blowing up on on  this and I'm like I mean like why and now like I   understand like wow like this really could happen  if if I just shorted at 200 bucks and I held   um 2 000 shares I would be down like four  million at the top and I would blown up my   um shorting account so it really opened my  eyes to what could really happen and now   if I'm going to trade a liquid stocks like I'll  position myself with a hundred thousand dollars   um in the stock like if you start pushing like a  three four five hundred thousand dollar position   that's when it gets really scary because all it  takes is 100 to lose uh multiple uh six figures   and for me like I'm I can take uh 30 50 70k  losses they still hurt but that's like the   the most I'm willing to lose on something that's  super extended and the liquid and sometimes like   they end up working and I can make a few hundred  thousand uh if they start to to sell off but for   me it's just all about the position size I really  don't want to size in more than like a hundred   fifty thousand dollars into it uh-huh yeah I would  encourage all our listeners to go check out uh the   chart on HKD it is uh quite uh shocking to see  the movement that it made do you use leverage   um no I I mean I will use leverage I have  different trading accounts so like if I'm   day trading something I will never use  leverage but I've started trading uh like   bigger cap stocks like um I've made a couple  of uh Investments it's this bear market and I   do use leverage on on that trading account but  I'm never using more than like 1.2 1.3 leverage   um because I know those stocks aren't going to  make a 50 move down against me without me having   time to react to to cut because it'll prove itself  over the Long Haul like hey this is breaking   support levels I gotta get out the Market's  looking bad et cetera versus um day trading I will   never and ever use leverage because how crazy the  moves can happen and how unpredictable the moves   can happen and uh that's the only way I'm using  leverage and I'm not really even using leverage   because I have my account spread out so it's  not like I'm um betting like my entire net worth   plus some if that makes sense so what are what  conditions do you need to hold penny stocks for   multiple days or weeks versus say just day trading  them I would say that I need like seasonality huge   volume seeing people make money so one of my  biggest indicators I had a bunch of thousand   percent winners back in December of 20 uh 2020  into February of 2021 because I kept seeing all   these Joe schmoes making um thousands of percent  and I'm like I'm like how how are these people   making money and I was like at some point you  just have to realize like people who don't know   a lot and people who are just buying into uh scams  and they're going up like a lot of people would be   like hey these guys are idiots they don't deserve  to be making money I'm gonna short this stuff but   sometimes like people like that are they're smart  for a very narrow um window right but the problem   is people never sell and it comes back in and  they think it's going to be the next apple but if   you just take advantage of that huge move up and  you're not you don't fall in love with the company   um you can make money so I started seeing a lot of  people make money and I started seeing OTC stocks   just running like crazy so I started buying stocks  that were in hot sectors electric vehicle electric   vehicles Bitcoins weeds um just low price stocks  trading huge volume with a big story Etc and I   bought a lot of those and I probably made 10 to  20 um 500 to a thousand percent winners and some   of them I sold way too early and they I could have  made like uh like I was buying some stocks at like .006.003.009 one cent three cents and  these stocks were going 10 cents 20.   um the the biggest winner in all of OTC which  had a phenomenal liquidity was tsnp now they   merged the company um and now it's hmbl and it  went from 0.002 to um over two bucks they also  

did it will show that the high is like seven or  eight now because once they merged they also did   a reverse split or whatever and the price went  higher but yeah one of my friends had bought uh   50 million shares of it at .001 and yeah he  put about five thousand dollars into it at   nothing and at the top it would have been worth  like uh 10 million dollars for 100 million dollars   um and he put like five grand into it but it would  have been impossible to sell all those shares up   there of course because it was still trading good  in volume maybe like 20 30 million shares a day   but um yeah that that's the possibility if you  if uh something crazy happens and you get into   a crazy market like that and we saw a lot of  those just go from dubs and trips to 50 cents   a dollar so when I was trading back at two cents  though oh wow oh God uh so are you ever are you   more emboldened to take on larger short positions  in a penny stock or hold short positions longer   because of the higher likelihood that whatever  fake news uh or hype that caused these type of   stocks to spike will reverse quickly um there's a  couple problems with shorting and holding like the   number one thing being there's a very expensive  um short interest like if everybody knows that's   a scam everybody's going to be shorting it and  the interest will be 500 to a thousand percent   to hold it overnight so that just recently  happened with uh the ticker gtii it ran from   what was it like 80 60 to 80 cents topped out like  9 or 10 cents uh last month and I was shorting it   um seven eight and it ended up cracking all  the way down to like two or three but I just   couldn't justify myself holding 20 30 000 shares  short and paying like five seven eight thousand   dollars a night and uh overnight interest so  I I had a good trade on it the day that it was   volatile and it just ended up going sideways  for about a week so you would have ended up   um paying like 30 or 40 000 just to hold it short  which would have ended up paying you money uh if   you covered it at two from like 6 6. you would  have made good money but for me the stress and   um also the uncertainty hey what if this isn't  right and it starts going back up um I'm taking   a loss plus I'm taking a huge loss in an overnight  interest so I I really don't like swinging   um the penny stocks overnight that are scams I  just like day trading them what I like capturing   the day that they're gonna dump 20 to 50 percent  and uh covering my shares that day and then maybe   the next day I shorted again small size and try to  capture another morning panic but I I don't like   holding for more than a week or two personally  yeah I'd like to move towards uh talking about   the mindset in trading I'm curious to hear how do  you emotionally detach yourself from the amount of   money that you're winning or losing and keep her  cool um I would say at the beginning it was really   hard because a thousand bucks here a thousand  bucks here 500 bucks there went a long way and   it still does um that's still really good really  good money but now I I have large enough accounts   where I don't really even notice like my account  go up or down like at the beginning I'd be like   watching it slowly grow like 200k 300K 500k 700k  whatever Etc and it keep going up but now if I'm   trading and my account has like 2.2 million or  2.3 million it doesn't really like matter to me   um as much anymore I don't really uh pay attention  to it as much because I I've seen so many numbers   flicker in my life so I guess you just kind of  get numb to it did you consider trading to be a   uh a sport yeah I would say it's it's definitely  a sport um you're competing against everyone else   and usually the people that put in more work  like they're going to be more uh profitable and   they're they're going to out trade you because  they're they're working harder so the more work   you put in it's the same with sports if you're  in the gym shorting uh shooting free throws every   single night you're gonna be able to make those  free throws in the game for someone who just   doesn't practice good point um what about personal  care uh when you're striving toward your trading   goals upon reflection did you think you were  making major health or relationship sacrifices   yeah I in in uh 2019 2018 when I was living  um in Michigan I had no car uh I had like   one or two friends and I would just sit in the  office and just study and watch the market all   day every day and the market was um not very good  back then so it's just super depressing because I   was working so hard and I was barely making any  money and I really had a fight for every dollar   that I was making plus I had bills to pay  um because I had to pay rent and stuff like   that groceries so it was super um depressing  and that was when I was really sad and then   um ended up moving back home and I had a  car again and I had more friends and that   was that was nice and I started getting um  more happy and then the market turned on to   um the market just started going crazy and I knew  how hard I was working in 2019 so I used all that   energy and I feel like this is what kind of  separated me between a lot of other people   um is that they didn't work as hard because they  didn't grind as hard and put themselves through   depression to learn the market in 2019 and 2018  2017 um and I just wanted it so bad that I was   willing to do anything and tell anyone to  leave me alone like I'm focused and I was   so zoned in in so much tunnel vision I ended  up getting super sick in 2020 and 2021 um 2020   uh got kovid traded through it and then towards  the end of the year was my worst sickness I got   um mono and strep throat at the same time and I  was so beat up um but the market was so hot this   was in December of 20 uh 20 and I just continued  um to trade through it and ended up really just   like putting myself into a habitual burnout where  I I had no energy for like two or three years like   I was so sluggish I was so irritable and but  I knew like this is what had to be done to get   where I wanted to be and now this year um I've  made sure like hey if the Market's not good I'm   not going to sit here and trade all day I'm gonna  go I've been go traveling a ton this year I get   um massages weekly I make sure to get outside and  go for a walk every day and make sure to exercise   this was nothing I was doing I was just sitting  in front of the computer screens all day every day   um the last couple years and I had to uh  re-teach myself how to have fun because   when people are having fun um the previous three  years I wouldn't even allow myself to have fun   because I just wanted to focus on trading and  that's the only thing that mattered and uh now   I I love having fun and I re-taught myself how to  have fun and uh picked up I've probably picked up   like 30 to 50 Hobbies this year and stuff that  um I used to love when I was a kid and I just   stopped liking them because I was so focused on  trading so it's been a nice shift and this has   been one of the better years of my life because  now I have the freedom um to do what I want and   I'm still making money in the market and I'm not a  stressed out wow that's great that you're learning   uh how to get some balance um between trading  the markets and taking care of yourself uh have   you developed since processes are important when  trading the market have you explored developing   processes for other areas of your life like  you know diet exercise yeah I I definitely have   um I would say like the main thing is I've really  just been focused on like schedule driven this   year so I I get up at a certain time I do certain  stuff throughout the day I usually make a certain   breakfast and I get outside at a certain time so  if every day that I'm home and it's a regular work   day I have a specific process I'm doing my Excel  work on a specific time Etc and I think that's   definitely have learned that type of discipline  through um trading and but when I go on vacation   I kind just I don't really follow a process I just  do what I can to experience the most that I can   what would you say to your fellow Trader  regarding mindset and personal care any tips   um I would say like the number one thing  for me that I regret that I didn't do was   I didn't stretch enough of my upper  back and I developed a lot of knots   and also I got a lot of sickness because I  wasn't taking vitamin C and I wasn't seeing   the Sun so my number uh my two top tips are  to get outside every day and just make sure   that if you are feeling stressed just to use  a massage gun or to stretch um your upper   back area a lot because you you really can  develop nasty knots that that don't go away   and significantly decrease your life and happiness  great advice my understanding is that your process   and your discipline and strategies helped you  turn just ten thousand dollars into over six   million in just four years has your lifestyle  changed throughout your trading successes um I I turned about I had 10 000 but  then I kept working my valet job and   um I ended up uh starting and my mom also um gave  me my mutual fund too um supporting me and I ended   up starting with like 20 to 30k kind of in between  that range and uh I've turned that now into almost   11 million in profits but yeah after taxes I'm  clear I'm obviously not I don't have 11 million   um but that is how much I've made my career nice  yeah nice I mean did you modify your lifestyle   over that time period or um meaning like what  have I done for myself yeah like I mean do some   people imagine well you know as soon as I get my  first million I'm gonna buy this or buy that or   um you know take a nice long vacation to some  fancy place uh did you modify your lifestyle much   well when I hit my million dollar market was in  November of 2020 and I I couldn't enjoy myself   because the market was so crazy that I had to  stay focused um and the next month I ended up   making 800 000 almost doubling what I had already  made um and I was just so focused and then the   next month I made um like a million and a half  in the next month like 2.5 or something and   during that stretch like I I wasn't even  realizing how much money I was making I was just   trading because there were so many opportunities  and I was just doing whatever I could   um and at one point like I couldn't even  keep up with my Excel work or like tracking   how much I was making or losing and I was  just trading um at one point I had like um   70 to 100 positions on overnight every single  night and um I I couldn't even begin to think   like hey I need to do I need to uh buy  this or buy that but it was only after   um I finished like that hot wave and then I  could say hey the Market's slowing down I only   made I tried really hard this month I only made  100 Grand compared to like my other few months   and then I started saying like hey what can I do  now with this with this cash so I ended up um one   of the first things that I did was I withdrew  50 000 or 100 000 from the bank and I gave my   my parents um 50 000 each uh on my 20 on my 23rd  birthday uh which was about a year and a half ago   and that was the first thing that I did  and then the second thing that I did was   uh the next month after that I bought a  car uh nothing crazy I got a Nissan 370Z   um fun little summer car and after that um I've  bought a I bought a couple watches just I like   them because they they hold value and also  take some um some cash out of your account   and giving you some physical value and uh  other than that that was really it I bought   my girlfriend um some nice presents throughout  the years really the only other thing is   um I spent a lot uh on travel and experiencing  stuff through this year and and late last year   um I've been to Italy Greece um I have a trip  coming up soon I'm going to Norway Sweden and   Denmark for a food tour uh going to be eating  at the top five uh or five out of the 12 best   restaurants in the world with um also the the I  am eating at the top rated restaurant in the world   and that's like an experience  that I'm really excited about   um other than that um yeah just taking uh learning  uh photography and stuff like that great yeah that   sounds like a fun uh Adventure you're gonna go on  uh yeah uh yeah that video that I saw of you going   to the bank on your 23rd birthday that was really  impressive I mean withdrawing in all that money   and cash and then you know giving it to your mom  and dad is thanks for being good-loving parents to   you I you know I can't forget the Expressions  on your parents faces it was uh very moving   ah thank you man yeah so in closing what  would you say to traders who are losing money um first off like this year  has been very difficult and   I would say that the last couple years  like it was relatively easy to make money   um as long as you had some type of process it  didn't even have to be that disciplined because   um everything was just there's so much volatility  and volume and now it's very difficult and this   type of year is the best to learn and because  it's really going to teach you your discipline and   it's going to teach you a process and if you don't  follow that process and discipline you're going to   lose money consistently but if you are disciplined  um you'll be able to make small consistent money   and just know that eventually um a hot wave will  come back around and that's when you scale up and   that's really going to be the Difference Maker  in your account and if you are prepared and you   have been working on your process this entire  year you're going to be able to do great things   so just have some patience and continue to work  every day even if it's demotivating I know how   it feels I I worked every single day for months  and years without really turning a profit but   all it takes is uh one month really to grow  your account um a hundred two hundred percent   and then from there if you keep compounding  it you'll be surprised by how exponential   it could potentially go if you have the right  process and you have the right Market lineup   yeah great advice Jack he was uh thanks for  coming on chat with Traders it was great having   you on the show yeah thanks for having me it  was really a pleasure uh to speak with you again   yeah how can our listeners get in touch with you  uh I have my Twitter's jackaroo underscore trades   my Instagram is just my first and last name Jack  Kellogg uh Kellogg's k-e-l-l-o-g-g a lot of people   just put one G um has two G's other than that I  some of my uh trades are posted on kinfo um and   profitly a couple of uh third-party verification  softwares that I use and that's about it great   thanks for sharing Jack thank you you reached the  end of this episode of chat with Traders but rest   assured there are more episodes loaded with real  Market insight and zero hype on the way soon so   to stay updated with each great new release  subscribe to the podcast and iTunes and we'd   love it if you'd leave a rating and review we'll  catch you next time on chat with Traders [Music]   foreign [Music]

2022-12-10 13:55

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