The Untold Story of Mr Martin

The Untold Story of Mr Martin

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[Music] for the past month or so I have been uploading never before seen analog horror tapes to my second channel that an anonymous person called M has been sending me via email these tapes are extremely cryptic disturbing and they all seem to point to a deeper real life story which we will uncover throughout this video after each tape was posted to my second Channel M would send me another email with the next episode along with instructions on the date and time it should be uploaded the exact description the video should have and the title the video should be called if any one of those requirements were not met I would not receive the next episode and therefore the full story would never be revealed essentially once I upload that first tape there's no turning back from the first email M sent me I was pretty positive I was not going to play along with whatever strange game they had planned especially because I get messages like this all the time and for all I knew it could end up just being a massive troll but after actually watching the first tape I couldn't help but indulge myself into whatever was clearly planned for me in particular I wanted to see the next tape there was also a text file attached to the first email that gave me a lot of faith that this whole thing wasn't just one big attention-seeking stunt but unfortunately I am legally not allowed to disclose what the contents of that text document was so on the 11th of November the first type of the Martin files went public and my deep dive into this analog horror series began foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] before [Music] and I practice every day to find [Music] Stars something like [Music] [Music] your perfume [Music] I love you [Music] the first tape in the Martin files is titled Martin's score the numbers 54.0 can be found in the top of the description and it's also stated that this is tape one of five the numbers 5 4.0 are not random and neither is the footage that you are about to watch [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] of three old commercials promoting some sort of school and we can tell something's off straight from the start are you ready to put your future in your own hands Royal academics is the most prestigious School in the north of England it's the key to unlock the true potanjo easing the power of learning truly engaging your classmates make lifelong friends Wonder our vast open campus and strive to be something more something incredible something rounding on behalf of our staff students and successes to be we welcome you to Royal academics foreign [Music] besides the extremely uncomfortable voice that narrates the advert the first thing that sticks out to me is that it seems the story we are going to be following takes place in the north of England specifically at a school named Royal academics from the footage shown in the commercial it's likely that the score is privately owned and ran as a business this would also explain why it's being advertised in the first place at the end of the trailer there is also some blurred out information most likely a URL link to a website why is this Blood Out I'm not too sure but so far nothing too out of the ordinary [Music] every student who goes to Royal academics deserves a place to stay out suited breaking every room contains four boats a bathroom closet and kitchen all of which are to be shared between you and three other roommates our trusted house parents will take care of you every day and night to make sure you're comfortable in your new home they are so nice and friendly you will never want to leave this adverb indicates to us that Royal academics is actually a boarding school meaning that kids actually live on campus in their own dormitories and are taken care of by people called House parents this would also explain why the school looked so large in the first commercial since there's hundreds if not thousands of kids living there honestly the hard-working parents it can be difficult to leave your children with people you don't know so here are some unbiased reviews from our previous customers my kids love bedtime at Royal academics my kids love bedtime at Royal academics my kids love bedtime at Royal academics my kids love bedtime we hope to see you on your child are toving day on the 14th of October so you can see just how good off the sillies really are come Thrive with those that's Royal academics the end segment of the advert is where we get our first glimpse into the disturbing imagery that is used throughout these types when the AI generated voice is quoting reviews the parents made about the school not only are the women's faces on screen extremely uncanny but the children's faces in the background are morphed and distorted personally it doesn't seem like a great way to get people to pay to go to your school but hey that's just me after returning Royal academics I was given several scholarships and after accepting one I was able to fulfill my dream as a lawyer on the UK's top firms the third advert seems to be a former student now turned successful lawyer vouching for the capabilities of the royal academics education system it's spectacular education I have my friends to thank my family to thank and most importantly Mr Martin the owner of Royal academics to thank for creating an environment that's right and there it is first mention of the name Martin seeing as the series of tapes M has been sending me are called The Martin files I was wondering when he would make his first appearance and it seems Martin is in fact the owner of Royal academics which is an interesting development to say the least anyway that is the last of the adverts introducing us to Royal academics but this isn't the end of the first episode that M sent me in fact there's quite a bit more [Music] foreign [Music] and I will be showing you around the campus today follow me right this way please [Music] right is Admiral all it's the oldest building in the school which was founded in 1912. oh wow look at how beautiful that is you must feel so lucky to be able to go here every day I love it here it's so beautiful especially in the summer looks like you this right here is the main interest Department if you look around you'll see many different works of art as well as life-sized animals the tiger yes all right this way watch out from the stairs they are quite steep oh well this is an interesting looking classroom if I recall a faculty member had told me this was a child's bedroom at one point prior to being turned into a classroom interesting yes okay follow me please so what are the students like this type seems to follow on from the second Advent that mentioned an open day for the school we seem to be in the perspective of a child recording that exact open day accompanied by one of their parents right this way please this is our pool hey if you might also be able to get to use this often yes every two weeks it's her age get to go to a swimming lesson at this very pool we have got our own dedicated swimming instructors and our whole is the best you are going to get in England this is the kind of all Olympic athletes use that sounds great our Sports all the state of the art enough to fit all Hall basketball courts this place is huge that's what she said [Applause] so what are the teachers like here they are very professional and Excel at what they do some teachers specialize in certain subjects so no DJs ever inexperienced in their craft and what about Mr Martin Mr Martin lives you light on campus although we do not really see him that much in classrooms all that much I met him early on and he seemed really nice yes although we do not really see him that much in classrooms all that much I met him early on and he seemed really nice yes the dialogue between the parent and the student is extremely strange unnatural and clearly meant to sound scripted even going as far as to include a fake laugh track that plays after a that's what she said joke on top of that the child's voice seems to be so distorted to the point where it's impossible to even comprehend what they're saying and for some reason there is repeated audio about Mr Martin between the parent and the student clearly all of these things are being done on purpose foreign [Music] this is a nice bathroom well that's the end of the tour [Music] where is to go to like the we are out of time but I have a brochure if you would like it well thanks and thanks for having us thank you both so much for taking the Royal academics call hope to see you again soon so I guess that's our official introduction to Mr Martin and while his face was blurred out at the end the voice and the camera Distortion clearly paints him as the villain of our story so I guess the question is why is he the villain what is Mr Martin hiding or better yet why did somebody go out of their way to make these tapes [Music] wake up foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] the second episode and sent me is titled Martin's daughter the description continues the theme of throwing in a few random numbers and this time it's 2 7 and 1.

but vague numbers aside let's take a look at this second episode I don't know what to do [Music] I work here I'm gonna cut my old life here with them this type seems to be security camera footage from the office of Mr Martin's daughter but unfortunately the audio is extremely distorted jumbled and at some parts even reversed so I'll just explain the key points to take away from this type the main thing that we learned from this sequence is that Mr Martin for whatever reason has transferred ownership of Royal academics to his daughter who again is the person talking in this security Finch the daughter seems to be conversing with another member of Staff about the whole situation she has found herself in and at one point even says I just can't believe that he would be accused of something like this while the member of staff is trying to comfort the daughter by recounting how good of a person Mr Martin was to him the daughter can't help but question if the accusations against her father are real on top of all of that judging from the dialogue shared between the two at the end of the tape it seems that Mr Martin has decided to fly over to France to lie low in Wake of these allegations coming to light unfortunately the security footage seems to abruptly cut off right as we are about to hear important details on what Mr Martin is being accused of so it's very difficult to say what exactly made him so scared that he had to transfer the entirety of his company to his daughter but what this tape does tell us is that either Mr Martin has some dark skeletons in his closet or someone is trying to frame him possibly an ex-business partner the student maybe or even an opposing School at least that's what the daughter and staff member are theorizing but for now for us the viewers that's all speculation regardless it's an interesting development to say the least only three years only three years only three years only three years only three years only during year at episode 2 ends with the vocal refrain only three years accompanied by images of jail cells this refrain also comes back later on in the series however at this point it's not clear what this exactly implies yes only three years only three years only three years only three years only [Music] the third tape M sent me is titled Martin's rules and this is where things really get interesting just like the previous two episodes there are more random numbers in the description this time we have eight and four but also below that number is the phrase one pound for one this seems to be a direct reference to the next tape we are about to watch which is by far one of the most disturbing ones yet foreign [Music] [Music] from the opening and the outdoor scenery we are likely in the perspective of a student that goes to Royal academics walking around the campus late at night and for some reason recording their Journey along the way thank you [Music] we can see that the student is visibly anxious walking around the school grounds most likely because they are not allowed outside their room late at night which leaves us to ask why they wanted to go outside in the first place foreign foreign the first time I watched that ending it got me but at least now we know why the student was out so late all they wanted was a snack from the vending machine unfortunately Mr Martin was quick to catch whoever it was and this time his face was on blood thank you another interesting thing I would like to point out is at exactly 106 when the camera flicks to the left we can see a slight figure behind the brick sign which raises the question who is this is it Mr Martin another member of staff or a figment of the student's imagination the next tape seems to be a PowerPoint presentation shown to younger kids at the school the presentation rightly named Martin's rules presents all the things that students should follow to get the most out of their education and although this segment seems harmless once we get onto the fourth roll the vibe of the video changes do not enter restricted areas if we see you enter these areas on our cameras it could result in suspension or detention roll five keep your hands and feet to yourself all students must keep their hands and feet to themselves the most disturbing rule however is Rule Number Eight which is only flashed on the screen for a couple seconds win three sporting games to win a trip to Mr Martin's house foreign s the presentation seems to move on to a slideshow of pupils that have attended Royal academics with some miscellaneous images sprinkled in as well these pictures really show how big their age range of the students attending the school really is in fact judging by these images Royal academics seems to be split into four sections that are represented by color of uniform if we go off common UK school year groups yellow is likely ages 4 to 11 purple and blue is likely ages 11 to 16 and pupils that wear suits are likely aged 16 to 18. along with this information we also have another reference to the word Thrive this time on what seems to be a timetable of sorts and we also see more strange photos of the school itself some from current day and some from the past foreign strangest aspect of these slideshows is the random black slides placed in both of them and the random flashes of this image where Mr Martin seems to be standing next to a kid with their face blurred out screenshotting the black slides and manually increasing the exposure reveals distorted images of Mr Martin signifying whoever made these tapes wanted his face to be in these presentations but why okay there's a lot that's happened so let's just quickly recap what we know so far an anonymous person called M has requested I upload a series of analog horror tapes to my second Channel named The Martin files we still don't know the intentions of M or the person who made the tapes it would be stupid to rule out M as a possible creator of the tapes however we cannot be a hundred percent sure the tapes take place in a private boarding school called royal academics and the story that is being told seems to center around a man named Mr Martin who owns the score the school has interests of gaining investors Capital to expand the campus and the school is advertised as a very prestigious and career defining experience for kids aged 4 to 18. it's clear that the tapes have been tampered with by someone who is trying to expose a more disturbing story for example the uncomfortable use of AI imagery and hidden photos of Mr Martin these hidden photos along with the title and general portrayal of Mr Martin suggests that maybe he is at the root of whatever M or whoever made these tapes is trying to bring to light I I don't have a theory that some kids who live at the school have heard rumors or have had interactions with Mr Martin that are making them paranoid like what we see in the third episode where the girl goes outside to grab a snack from the vending machine and start seeing things that might not be there in reality also for some unknown reason it seems that Mr Martin has transferred ownership of the school to his daughter Jess presumably due to whatever wrongdoing he has done becoming public information whatever this wrongdoing might be it must have legal implications otherwise drastic measures like transferring ownership of your life's work wouldn't be necessary this would then tie into that strange only three years refrain we hear at the end of the second episode accompanied by the AI images of jail cells maybe whatever Martin has done has resulted in him going to jail for three years and maybe the person making or tampering with the tapes doesn't think that that time is enough for the laws he may have broken no no while this is a lot of information to take in there's even more we have to discuss before diving into the fourth episode because I've purposely left something out up until now as I believe it could give us a hint into what Mr Martin's dark secret is but to explain that we need to go back into the description of the past three episodes of the Martin files thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so what I haven't told you is that in each one of the previous episodes there's been a link in the description to a YouTube video on a channel called the red tapes these links were provided by m and given to me prior to the videos going public the red tapes consist of three small episodes set in Royal academics but seemed to tell a much more straightforward story a story that could help us unravel what Mr Martin could be in trouble for and a story that confirms that these tapes are in fact based on real events these three episodes tell the story of Thomas ball a house parent who worked at Royal academics the first tape is a low quality recording of an empty shower the second tape is a video of the bathroom door opening and the third tape is foreign [Music] [Applause] of Thomas Ball's arrest and for the first time this video shows an actual picture of a human being without their face blurred out this is where things get extremely dark searching Thomas ball arrested into Google we'll take you to a news article by the Scarborough news titled teacher Thomas ball installed spy camera in North Yorkshire School bathroom and had a stash of child images this is a real news article by a legitimate publisher and this is also where the series becomes a lot more than just a bunch of analog horror tapes the fact that this could happen at any school is absolutely terrifying but yet again the question comes back too what is Martin's involvement in this was Martin Friends With Thomas did he know what was going on the whole time did he help Thomas with his scheme or is it something completely different maybe episode 4. we'll get us closer to finding the truth [Music] the fourth tape M sent me is titled Martin's house in the description we are of course greeted with more random numbers this time we have negative 1.292 but we are also greeted with a fully working URL link to a website possibly the one blood out in the very first advert back in episode 1 heading to will take you

to this website however it seems that nothing can be accessed without the login information so we will come back to this at a later point for now let's take a look at episode 4. [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] this tape really does fill in a lot of the blanks and also raises some new questions first of all this video takes place in Martin's house at least I'd assume so given the title of the episode but one thing that I noticed is it seems that this is not the first time we have been here this is a screenshot of the house the child exited from the start of episode three and this is a screenshot of the front door at Martin's house now what do we know is outside that front door at the start of the third episode that's right the entire score which leads us to believe that Mr Martin lives on campus this would also explain why kids could win a trip to his house after winning three sporting matches because he's right next door another thing that backs up this theory is the fact that both kids ended up being tracked down by Martin near the end of the tapes but why on Earth would Martin want children in his home well if it's anything like Thomas Ball's motives then I can't imagine there's good intentions behind his actions also I don't think that it's a coincidence that there is a barcode on the TV screen for those who don't know I tend to use barcodes from time to time in my videos each line of the barcode can be decoded to a specific letter this allows me to hide hidden messages in my videos however this barcode is unfortunately too distorted by the VHS filter to understand what it says but this doesn't take away from the fact that I am now certain that these tapes have been made specifically for me speaking of the TV it seems at this point in our story the police investigation on Mr Martin has finally come out to the public which likely means we are close to figuring out what the hell he is actually done we might even find out in this next tape foreign [Music] we are writing this letter to you in the hopes of being fully transparent with the current situation regarding Mr Martin Eola and head of Royal academics some of you may not have heard of Mr Martin others may have spoken to him at open day however it is important to obtain you on the current allegations against him as he is the owner of the school yesterday Mr Martin we did not guilty at lean sub Crown halt to all of the allegations against him during a 20-minute hearing be 24 charges alleged he abused by frolviron most of them pupils at the school and made sexual suggestions to ASAP who was also a pupil a trial date was then set for July 10 next year he is legally not allowed to enter the premises of Royal academics or have any unsupervised contact with anyone under the age of 18. we understand that this is a horrible thing to hear as parents who have children in our school we want to say from the bottom of our hearts we are doing everything we possibly can to keep your children safe as of now the ownership of Royal academics has been transferred over to Cass Martin who is Mr Martin's daughter we are positive in her abilities to keep us with thriving in the right direction if you have any more questions regarding this unfortunately into them please email Boyle academics supports at thank you from the Royal academics team foreign I'm not surprised from his portrayal throughout the show and his clear obsession with getting kids into his home it's no mystery how this happened the upsetting part is that due to what we know about Thomas ball this likely is referencing a real human being and real events this letter does state that these are just allegations however and he has not been charged with anything at the moment so there is a chance that he's innocent and is actually being framed like what his daughter mentioned in episode 2. but I don't think that that is very likely Charlie we've got about four minutes to run nine miles north of the field [Music] Charlie Chaplin from my channel [Music] this type seems to be the flight Communications from England to France we can see that Mr Martin is a passenger on the plane which signifies that he is going out of the country until his next trial date this is also very likely to be the same flight his daughter was talking about in the security footage however this does open up the possibility of him fleeing running away from his problems so whether this is an escape plan or simply a vacation is still up in the air but also on the final one zero hey Roger and Report left my face Runway one zero yo so your girl's been bored certain interwebs and stuff and I came across YouTube of course everybody they might be on YouTube well I came across this dude's videos right nice videos high quality I ain't seen nobody else on YouTube doing nothing like this but dude we only had like five videos I don't finish the whole Channel already like I don't understand where's the rest of the content like where is do that though basically what she's saying is she has recently come across an excellent YouTube channel and is really enjoying the content clearly this Creator is putting in a lot more effort than the rest of the competition however this effort has resulted in infrequent uploads so although the channel is high quality there needs to be more quantity to satisfy her needs patreon what do you think about that well listen these creators who produce high quality entertainment with minimal help usually need an outcome of support especially channels that deal with mature content and have volatile monetization the solution is quite simple supporting the Creator on is a great way to help them

financially and it also allows them to hire much needed assistance when necessary helping that Creator on patreon usually equates to higher quality content and more of it furthermore by pledging money monthly you can get bonus perks like behind the scenes content early teasers and uncensored versions of videos for five bucks a month and honestly that sounds like a win-win to me basically what he's saying is this guy whose content you've been fiending for might need a little help to ramp up production donating monthly to his patreon could help up the quantity rate of the videos you like so much and might even increase the quality too plus you get some perks for being such a good supporter okay okay I know that that's great to know I'm gonna go ahead and check and check [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for three years only three years almost three years [Music] at least three years for only three years [Music] Anna is how the series ends with a news broadcast of an uncensored Mr Martin going into police custody Morse code and the return of the only three years refrain from episode 2 which we can now safely say was in fact referring to the amount of jail time Mr Martin would receive for what he did converting the morse code that plays behind the distorted audio reveals the username for the website and the password is unsurprisingly all the random numbers that we have been given throughout the series as descriptions typing these phrases into the website's login takes us to a page with the words hi Thomas following in the footsteps of your boss I see along with a multitude of links below it these links take us to real news articles detailing Mr Martin's court hearing arrest and crimes [Music] foreign to the Royal academics website and access to the real life news articles that connects the Martin files with the real crimes of Brian Martin the story finally starts to make sense [Music] in 1991 Brian Martin bought Royal academics and moved the score from a town called Harrogate to a place called Thorpe Underwood estate which is where he lived with his family meaning he now lived on the school grounds since Royal academics was a private boarding school Martin would continue to reinvest the profits he had made back into the business and eventually grew it to be a vast campus for learning that was inclusive of all genders and ages this along with the international advertising great test results turned the whole school into one of the most diverse and academic schools in the north of England however all of this was fueled by much more Sinister Ambitions [Music] abusing the fact that some children lived on campus away from home Martin took advantage of the very kids whose parents were paying him thousands of dollars a year purely for his own personal pleasure Martin sexually assaulted a boy in the late 2000s and committed indecent assault on a girl in the early to mid 90s both of these crimes were proven to be true in a trial spanning from 2018 to 2019. in that trial Brian Martin was also accused of six other child abuse offenses of boys and girls ages 13 to 17 but the jury could not definitively say if the accusations were true or not so the charges were dropped Mr Martin was then sentenced to three years and three months in jail when the allegations and court hearing became public to the parents Martin would fly over to France and would also not be allowed back onto school grounds however before the allegations became public Mr Martin transferred all of the businesses over to his daughter as he predicted he would likely go to jail for what he had done [Music] what makes this story even more disturbing is the public comments under the news articles and Facebook posts of Mr Martin's arrest because it's here that we can read personal anecdotes from people who were aware of Mr Martin and the school this user's comment sticks out in particular I took my daughter out of there when I heard the headboarding staff member tell my daughter and girls in her room let's draw the blinds girls we don't want Mr Martin looking in that's when I realized his home was a stone throw away from the boarding room my daughter was in when I questioned this they made it out like I was this crazy woman it was like how dare I question anything about Mr Martin look what he does for the children I'm so grateful I saw sense and took it out of there unfortunately the story of Mr Martin is yet another example of a person in extreme power using their influence and money to take advantage of innocent children a story almost as common as a grain of sand a grain of sand only sentenced to three years and 90 days in the bottom of the ocean sealed by the prison bars of the water above her bomb mystery is not over yet there's still a few more questions we need to answer [Music] one two three four [Music] I'm sorry [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] unlike many other analog horror series the actual story of the Martin files isn't really left up to interpretation by the end of the episodes it's quite clear the crimes that Brian Martin and Thomas ball committed so that means the main Mysteries of the Martin files um why were they made why were they sent to me who even is m and who is the boy that appears with Mr Martin throughout the whole series up until this point in the video there has been no indication of what M's involvement is besides having access to the tapes and no matter how many times I try to reverse image search this random jpeg of Mr Martin next to this random boy I always just get nothing yep these questions are so important to answer because it's the only thing throughout this entire series that is left up to interpretation but unfortunately these questions seem virtually impossible to answer or at least they might seem virtually impossible to you so what I haven't exactly been honest about is I know the identities of M and the boy because they're both me [Music] I was a previous student of Royal academics I met Mr Martin on open day that's actually where the picture was taken and I was the person who made the tapes but I'm sure you have a lot of questions so let me explain basically the story of Mr Martin and the school he owned is a story that I really wanted to tell for a long time however if I sat him and just talked to you for 20 minutes then No One's Gonna listen so I decided that if I wanted to tell this story I had to find a way to make people care that's when I had the idea to partner up with a talented analog horror Enthusiast slash extremely talented VFX artist to create the Martin files which would tell the entire story through creepy old found footage taking inspiration from the Walton files the back rooms pet scop Etc all the classics we then came up with the idea of M who would send me the tapes to post on the second Channel obviously we changed the name of the real school we blurred out all the logos but we still wanted to use stock footage of the physical campus the most important thing was trying to tell the story through my perspective of experiencing what it was like to go to school every day after the owner had just been accused of being a pedophile I remember when the letter to parents were sent out I remember not being allowed to talk about it at school I remember people people talking about how strange it was that he lived right next to the girl's boarding house on campus I remember hearing stories about people going around to eat at his house after winning three sporting matches in a row and just like many other people I think a three-year sentence is nowhere near long enough for what he did so to quickly clear up any questions that you might have no Mr Martin did not do anything inappropriate to me or anyone I was friends with at the school I only had a couple of interactions with him before he fled to France when the allegations in court hearing came out to the public and yes I stayed at the school for years after all of this went down also I don't want this video to paint the current version of the school in a bad light besides Mr Martin I actually had great interactions with the majority of the staff there and I actually for what it's worth really did have a good time at that school so please to the people watching this video do not send any harassment to the staff the pupils because they are not responsible for Brian Martin's actions I want to apologize for deceiving you throughout this video however I hope that you understand that sometimes you have to trick people into listening to a story that would have otherwise been forgotten and I believed it was important to share my perspective on growing up in a beautiful School owned by a prolific pedophile a pedophile that is most likely out on parole by the time you're watching this video foreign [Music] [Music] Let It Go ES foreign [Music] and I love that is away [Music] under God [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]

2022-12-19 20:33

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