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gonna look good real good i'm back oh it's finally back all right so i'm  at this property here this one is not   a hundred percent random because i actually  look straight across to this house every day but my neighbors they got some tree work done  and uh they hired somebody who was fairly new   in business they gave him a leap of faith and  i do want to give a quick piece of advice for   anybody that's new in business when you're  new in business your word is very important when you say you're gonna do something you should  do it so they paid this guy he said i'll be   back tomorrow morning i'm gonna come get these  piles and uh haul those away now that has been   almost two months and they're still  sitting there so i'm gonna haul these away   but i can't stop there i'm gonna come in and i'm  gonna clean up the leaves on their yard they've   got quite a few over here and then i'm going to  do the edging make everything look good for them   and if you guys tell me to okay if you guys  tell me to i want to have a real surprise for   them i'm going to gut out their landscaping and  i'll put new landscaping in here something that   makes their house look a little better a  little nicer so you guys tell me to i will   let's go ahead and get started on this i'm going  to pick up the limbs load them in the trailer   we're doing a bit of remodel type stuff as you  can see the house we're working on the house the   turf is in lawn renovation mode right now so it's  all dirt but uh this here that's gonna go into the   dumpster at the dump and all this will go to the  dump and they'll grind it up and you know give   it away as mulch i don't know what they do with  it they end up with a lot though oh by the way   uh we're in a race to a million subscribers with  lawn care juggernaut and the boring channel if   you didn't know about it and uh the boring channel  said they're gonna give away ten thousand dollars   to uh random subscribers and i can't be one  up by the guy that doesn't talk you know it's   just not gonna happen so on lawn care juggernaut  we're gonna give 10 grand away on here as well   but i'm gonna do it a little bit different he  said he was gonna give it to one random subscriber   i'm gonna give it away to ten that's five  fingers but if i had my other hand up and   it wasn't holding the camera you would see  ten ten a ten random subscribers and you   might be that person so go ahead and subscribe  if you're not and we'll start doing live streams   probably once a month we'll start giving away a  little money here and there but when we get to   a million subscribers we'll do a live stream where  we give 10 grand away to you guys all at once   now having said that i'm gonna go ahead and  get to the job i appreciate your support   and your kindness when you do subscribe to  the channel when you leave a comment when   you leave a like it goes a very very long ways to  allow me to go out and continue to bless people   at absolutely no charge okay that's what i do i'm  i'm at this point i've given all my lawns away   and it's pretty awesome it's helped two other  guys out they were very very grateful for the work   and it's allowing me to have the time to go  out and do what i'm enjoying to do and what i   have been given the opportunity to do which is  go out and bless people with my service that i   learned over 10 years of being in the business i  actually said in a video i would love to just be   able to go out and be like hey you get your lawn  cut you get your locker you get your long cut   and now i actually get to go do it so again i  appreciate it thank you so much having said that   i love what i do and i appreciate you guys helping  me do what i do and i'm going to start the job rookies they should have left as much together  as possible they cut it into little twigs all right so quick suggestion if you're in  business and you are doing tree limb stuff   and you're gonna be doing a lot of it i've got  quite a bit of experience with messing with this   stuff because my first year we had an ice storm  and i had to do a lot of tree work so a lot like   these guys i had a rookie mistake and you know i  brought them all back to my house because i didn't   know where to take them well you can actually take  them to a local dump facility for green waste a   lot of the time so most most municipalities have  that at your disposal but if not you could take   it to somebody's property where they might burn it  or something like that if you're in a rural area   you just have to find somebody that you can do  that with anyways the the thing i wanted to tell   you is that if you stack everything in the same  direction meaning you know the the tip of the   tree limb is on one side and the cutting side is  on the other side it's easy to move that way it   doesn't get tangled up if you don't pay attention  and you just throw everything on top of each other   then you you're dealing with a nightmare and  it just kind of gets intertwined and turns into   this big mess so you know one of the the best  things you can do is if you're doing this stuff   is to just take that little bit extra time  and make sure everything's pointed the same   direction now i went ahead and pointed all this  the same direction in my trailer that way when it   comes to pulling it out it's a lot easier although  this is a bradford pear tree and they have like um   you know a lot of odd in twigs that point in all  sorts of directions and it tends to grab onto   the walls of my trailer a little more than  say like an oak tree limb or a maple tree limb   stuff like that so some limbs are easier to work  with and some trees have thorns so pay attention   to that stuff and be careful but really the best  way of learning is just getting your hands dirty   and doing jobs similar to this all right all the  big limbs are cleaned up didn't take much work i   got a bunch of leaves left no biggie like i said  i'm gonna come back and do the leaves there are   some sticks and twigs in there but i'm gonna  blow all that up to my truck and vacuum it up   no problem but in order to do that one one  i gotta get rid of what i just put in there   i gotta get rid of this trash from light  fixtures that were just put in our house   and then i gotta get rid of this crab apple tree  that i trimmed and uh some leaves down there so let's go ahead and get to the dump i'll show you  how i do that i'll show you the dump a little bit   and then we'll get back to the lawn someone stole my cadillac converter  so my truck's ridiculously loud this place is looking pretty crazy it's getting  pretty full that no smoking sign there is normally   about 50 feet from the pile so normally it's  50 feet that way they are completely backed up   i don't know what's going on maybe their grinders  down or something but uh yeah there's mulch   mountains you can come out here and get mulch  for free if you want there's two sides one side   is big stuff and one side is small stuff this is a  small stuff side and the chippings from over here   you know i mean they're a little  they're still coarse but they're a   little better than the other side now i would  not recommend putting this mulch in your house   but some people do it stinks like crazy  though there's a lot of green material in   there that's breaking down anytime you have  decomposition well the smells just stout um yeah so now i gotta clean the truck out  and trailer in the truck and the boxes   and the trash go up to the dumpster up front  a real common question is why don't i have a   chipper and the answer is it cost me 2.75  to dump this as well as a full truckload   all the way to the top at that point it's just  more economical to do it this way take a short   little drive be there be done you know the other  thing that goes with chippers well you can get   you can chip it up and have free mulch well if  i'm gonna mulch something i use good high quality   mulch and not this stuff which would be if i  was chipping it would be very similar to this   and if i wanted to i can get an endless supply of  mulch from out here so it just doesn't make sense   i've used this on my garden though it's good  for your garden don't use it on your flower beds   okay here we go i'm gonna go ahead and unload  this stuff and what you're gonna see is i'm   grabbing stuff from lower in the pile typically  i would put a few larger limbs on the bottom and   that way i can grab those and pull everything  out at once i wasn't really that lucky with   this stuff because it was all cut up pretty  small so it's pulling away from each other   pretty easy but if you have some larger like eight  or nine foot long limbs on the bottom and you have   three or four of them then you can grab them and  you can just pull it all out at once which is   really nice in this case i wasn't able to get them  all out i had some stuff behind me so i pulled the   truck forward and then i was able to actually  pull it out from there now the box for the truck   is full of crab apple limbs that i cut from  another project that i did recently and uh because   of that they're kind of thrown in every which way  and it's kind of a nightmare as well now looking   at this property uh the very first thing we want  to do is round up the leaves so we're going to   get all of those out of the flower bed first and  in this particular job i blew everything to the   truck but sometimes if it's a larger property  you might just get it out of the flower beds   anywhere like a tight corner or away from trees  or obstacles like this pole in the middle and   then you're able to use your mower like a big rake  and actually use a side discharge to push it to   the truck that's a pretty effective way of using  your mowers if you don't have a bagging system   so you know i've been a big fan of not using a  bagging system for a long time although i did   recently get a mower with a bagging system so  we will see how i uh how i like that during leaf   season and we'll kind of go from there i know  a long time ago when i was using the bags on   the side of a mower like a larger walk behind  something like that you know those bags are   made out of metal and they get very heavy very  fast and it just didn't seem worth it to me   but i did i did like having a bag on my push  mower when i was using the push mower a lot   that came in handy a lot now one of the  big things you might have is a problem   if you're a homeowner or if you're new in the  business and you're using a lot of push mowing   if you're having a hard time cutting stuff say  it's a little tall and you're trying to cut a   decent amount off don't try to mulch it don't  try to bag it just pull open the side discharge   and side discharge it if you can that's going  to make it a lot easier to cut the other thing   is instead of cutting back and forth in straight  lines if you're using a push mower i would suggest   cutting in circles where you do one or two passes  shooting everything inward and then start doing   circles facing outward and start pushing  all the grass away and what that's going   to do is it's going to allow the mower to  shoot all the discharge out a lot easier   so it's going to be able to uh function the  way it's supposed to instead of clumping up and   stopping the blade i'm sure anybody that's used a  push mower is very familiar with that and then you   kind of do the uh the the little lawnmower bounce  where you're bouncing the front of the mower   to try to get the grass clumps out so you know  just opening that up and using the side discharge   really really helps out a lot and it took me like  a year probably like a good seven or eight months   in the mowing uh business to to go okay i can use  that side discharge because everybody talked about   mulching so you hear about mulching a lot and  basically mulching is just keeping the material   underneath the mower so it shreds up finer but  if you're dealing with like thick wet leaves or   thick wet grass it's not going to mulch very  well because it's going to bind up underneath   that mower and stick to the deck and then it's  just going to bog down your mower blade so you   need it to breathe and push all that stuff out  real easy as far as the leaf cleanups here what   i'm doing is i'm actually pushing everything  online so you'll see me going back and forth   and i'm staying behind it obviously  because you're wanting to push in the   direction that you want the leaves to go  so always kind of make sure your body's   positioned in the area that you actually want to  push it in it seems like the backpack blowers are   one of the hardest things for people to pick up  but you're just manipulating air so if you're   trying to get stuff away from the garage door well  blow in the middle of the garage door and it'll   blow out down and away if you're you know trying  to push it in one central location like i am   in this video i'm actually pushing everything  to the truck so that i can vacuum it up   you'll notice that i turn my body a little bit and  i'm always making sure that i'm blowing everything   in the actual direction that i want it to go so  if i stand in one spot and i blow to the left and   right well i'm going to have things going to the  left and right but if i move my body around more   and keep that nozzle tip pointing in the right  direction it's going to go where i want it to   now the other thing is when you're moving a large  amount of leaves work from the edge of the pile   so what i mean by that is you know i'll take uh  bites at it but if you watch how i'm blowing it   i'm not just like blowing at one flat spot  on the pile i'm actually going from left to   right or right to left working the edge of a  pile almost working everything in a line which   will really help as well and you can see that  right here pretty effectively so i'm coming from   the left side moving into the right and that way  we can actually grab some material and push it out   of there that seems to work really good for me  of course everybody's got different techniques   and you know what you do might be a  little bit different but ultimately   as long as it works for you that's really all  that matters you know a lot of uh people in   this business they get very very um caught up  in thinking that the way they do it is the only   way to do it and it's the right way and you know  why there are some things that you have to do in   a specific way and it's got a specific technique  and you know it's important to follow those steps   a lot of it you just learn what works best for  you and you kind of go with that you know there's   different ways to uh manipulate the equipment  so that it works best for you you know if you're   left-handed right-handed if you uh you know like  when it comes to string trimming if you're in   a string trim edges you might hold a weed eater  different than somebody else that doesn't really   matter now when it comes to like mowing techniques  and if you're wanting to stripe and do different   things like that if you're in an area where you  can strike the grass you know here it's very um   well we're in the transition zone so some lawns we  can stripe some lawns we can't it just is what it   is and when it comes down to that the techniques  might change from lawn to lawn depending on how   tall the grass is or whatever it might be but if  you're going in every week you're going to want to   do two inward passes so that means out here by the  metal box you're going to shoot the grass from the   boulevard across the sidewalk into the lawn you're  going to do two inward passes all the way around   around the properties so that's a perimeter pass  and then you're going to start cutting the inside   back and forth with lines and you're going to want  to have straight lines so if you start on this   corner right here and you're going to put angles  you're gonna go straight from that corner to the   other corner on the property if it's a large  yard look at something all the way across the   yard focus on that and drive straight towards  that that'll give you your first line from there   you can keep all your other lines pretty straight  and uh really i mean stripes aren't too hard it's   having a machine that's got enough weight that  it actually folds the grass over and cutting at   the right height and then having the right type  of turf so you can strike pretty much any grass   but it doesn't mean it's going to stay very  long your cool season grasses seem to stay   a lot longer and you have those stripes that  are real vivid and look real pretty also you   know a monoculture lawn is going to have stripes  better than say a lawn full of weeds although a   lawn full weed you can stripe it's all the same  it folds over it acts the same but it doesn't   last as long now let's get into talking about some  business i've got a lot of people asking me about   business questions right now and uh you know i  want to be able to give them tips so i've talked   about it in other videos i think one of the  most important things you can do for yourself   in business is have a crm it doesn't matter which  one you use as long as you actually utilize it   so for me that is a yard book i'm not paid by  them i don't have a sponsorship i don't have any   endorsements or anything like that okay i should  but having said that i've used that service for a   long time and basically what you do is it's a free  service but i paid for the paid upgrade and so   you're able to put your your clients information  in there when you first pick them up you're able   to schedule invoice i mean there's a ton of stuff  you can do mass communication all your clients   that all that stuff is going to be extremely  beneficial for you in business utilize technology   don't think that you can write stuff on pen  and paper and and keep it all in your head and   make it flow right it's not going to happen the  next thing i want to tell you is whether you are   in your first year business or going into five  and you don't have things running smoothly one   thing is to figure out what services you offer and  who is your ideal and likely buyer so if you're   trying to market towards uh residential clients  or if you're trying to market towards commercial   clients marketing for residential clients isn't  really going to help you for that commercial   client i mean it goes both ways but you know  depending on the type of equipment you have too   that applies as well so if you have tiny push  mowers marketing towards massive properties   well it's not going to help you it's probably  going to hinder you you know you might pick one   of those up thinking you're making big money but  you're not efficient enough and you don't have the   bankroll and you don't have the capital you don't  have whatever you might need to get that equipment   that property is going to kill you slowly so i  would suggest finding out who your ideal unlikely   buyer is what type of property you're chasing  and then what services you're going to offer   so it might be lawn service it might be um you  know just landscaping maybe you want to go into   chemicals um you know whatever it might be what  type of service so for me we offer lawn service   we offer obviously uh cleanups like this leaf  season we offer leaf cleanups we offer mulching   and flower bed maintenance and stuff like that as  well but um you know you want to kind of have a   timeline for that so that's your service calendar  okay so for me in march we're going to go in and   do mowing but i know that my peak season for  picking up lawn care clients is basically march   1st to june 15th now that doesn't mean i won't  pick up long clients the rest of the year but   that's the peak season for it so we know we want  to start marketing for lawns about 30 days before   the lawn season starts so typically like i said  march 1st basically march 15th depending on the   weather and how warm it is because a lot of the  times you're catching those new clients because of   the temperature and feeling good and being  able to be outside and that kind of stuff   so you want to market to those people 30 days  before you're going to start whatever service   it is so right now we're coming into leaf  season you better be doing some marketing   but you know we're going to put out our  door hangers for lawn service a month ahead   we're going to start typically february 1st to  february 15th like i said depending on whether   and how cold it is but we want to get that first  wave of door hangers or whatever marketing you're   doing you want to get the first wave out there  before everybody else and before the season's   really kicked off now it might seem like a  waste but you're actually putting the first   touch to that client so make sure all of your  marketing is branded the same you want your   door hangers to look the same your lawn signs  look the same your business cards look the same   logos on your truck if you got logos on your truck  i don't have logos on my truck a common question   for that is why don't i have logos on my on my  truck and the answer for that is i'm not trying to   pick up new clients the other answer for that is  people got crazy in 2020 with you know everything   that was going on and i don't mean crazy people  calling me um i had a lot of really weird events   with uh people towards the beginning of the season  i was just like taking all that off the truck um   but that is what it is i got a neighbor that  came out and tried to try to kill me with   a machete i got a call from him from one of  our yard signs you know he started like just   harassing me i thought about putting his phone  number up on craigslist saying free goats   but i didn't anyways moving forward   that service calendar and then your marketing  calendar will really really really help you out okay so that's the large majority  of the leaves at this point   there are some on the lawn but that's okay i'm  actually going to mow this and mow it really short   so for you guys that are like oh you're  scoping it's intentional i'm going to   take it down as low as possible and then what  that's going to allow me to do is from there   i'll actually come in and seed so we've got a lot  of just native grasses you know crab grass and   there's some bermuda in there and there's  different weeds there's uh some monkey grass   you know it used to be real common in older  lawns to plug the yard with this which is   cool because it stays green all year long and  when it's real thick it looks pretty awesome   but you don't see it very often now  um anyways i'm going to go ahead   and do that and then we'll edge it and  everything make it look nice and clean and then we'll give it some seed and then it's  just up to them as long as they keep it watered   which we're expecting some rain as long as i  keep it water for about two weeks this thing's   gonna look awesome but like i said if you guys  tell me you want me to i'm gonna come back and   i'm gonna put a new landscaping in which will  make them feel pretty good about coming home   that's what i'm into man i like  people feeling good about their   their house and and uh sometimes you  just can't afford it it's not like   landscaping is a luxury item lawn care is a luxury  item you can do what you can with what you have   but to have a professional come in it's a luxury  service so anyways i'm gonna go ahead and get it   uh mowed down and we'll go from there i'm gonna  use the hustler by the way at the hustler 36 with   me i'm gonna use the uh super s stand on things  pretty awesome so far i wouldn't say it if i   didn't mean it i tear stuff up man so if i can  put it through the ringer and it passes the test   you know it's good that's all i gotta  say there let's go and get this mode now the next extremely important thing that i have  to tell somebody that's going into business is to   not worry about shiny objects so like this mower  might be a shiny object syndrome the a new trailer   a new leaf loader like i have a truck whatever my  setup took years to get and what i want to tell   you there is that sometimes when you're starting  out you may not have the budget for that stuff   one of the most important things you can know  how to do in business is how to sell the work   before you get the equipment now i'm not saying  don't have equipment if you have equipment   at your access and your disposal great if  you're able to finance something and you   can make those payments great but if you don't  have the jobs lined up to pay for that equipment   think very hard if you want to do that there's  a lot of people that go into this business they   spend 50 grand on equipment and different  things and don't spend a dime on marketing   okay make sure you have your marketing calendar  that matches your service calendar and you know   what you're gonna do and you have a clear and  decisive plan that is the most important thing   with being in business is just to have a  plan i'm not saying you have to have like   the best business plan but you have to have a plan  i mean obviously for me i've always preached speed   of implementation get out there get it done  lock in jobs figure it out as you go because   there's a lot of things you're not going to know  when you very first start your business but one   of the things you don't want to do is ratchet  up your lifestyle with all this new equipment   ratchet up your expenses without having a method  to actually cover the expenses so you don't want   to screw your credit over it's a very very hard  thing to bounce back from it takes a long time   you know like it took me like seven years to get  my credit good again if your credit is good make   smart buying decisions okay so you might i'm i'm  not saying this to the average person that's got   decent credit i'm saying this to somebody that's  young or somebody that might think impulsive   or yeah i got this under my belt i can do it you  might want to start out kind of slow maybe get you   five or six jobs and use a push mower and decide  if you like even doing this work because it it   looks very easy on video but this is very very  labor-intensive work you're out in all sorts of   temperatures it's not climate controlled it's not  a cushy job okay but if you do it it can be very   rewarding so i'm just i'm just trying to say be  careful make smart decisions have a clear plan   know where you're going to put your money put  money into marketing a lot of people never think   about that okay it's not going to be as easy to  get clients as you think it is now i'm not saying   it's not it's not difficult to get clients but  it is not easy at first because you don't know   the methods or you haven't done it before when  you haven't done something before it's a little   more difficult now if you're coming from another  uh job and you've been a sales rep or something   like that you've got a tool in your arsenal  that's going to give you an unfair advantage   and that's good you want unfair advantages  figure out what you're good at and utilize that but protect yourself so now coming in here i'm  gonna go ahead and talk about my actual uh you   know what i'm doing with the job in this  particular job i am using uh not the line   that i normally use and you'll notice that i  have to feed a lot more line i normally use   husqvarna titanium line again i'm not  sponsored by them i just like that line   i've also got a guard on which i end up using more  line when i have a guard on a lot of people ask   about why i'd normally run my trimmer without a  guard uh the only reason i have one on right now   is because that trimmer i have accepts attachments  and that's a fairly new trimmer attachment at the   end but i take the guard off because it allows  me to have more string out at one time and   then if i'm cutting wider areas i can cut a a  wider path now you're really only using about   an inch to two inches at the tip of the string  at any point in time if you're trying to use   the whole string you're going to bog the  weed eater down and you're not going to   have as much control and finesse with it and um  i hate that line uh it's a it's a black black   diamond line if you want to know some people love  it i don't like it that's just me particularly   now as far as coming through on the cracks  in the driveway you're going to want to be   careful if you look at the way i'm tilting the  head you can see that i'm discharging all the   debris away from these cars so you can see it's  shooting away that's something that you want to   learn is learning the equipment that way you're  not damaging anything obviously if you shoot a   rock into a car hey guess what you're going to  have to fix that if you shoot something into a   glass door you know a french door in the back of  a house you're gonna have to replace that window   it's not gonna feel so good if you're uh replacing  a glass door on a property and you know that's   pretty much all the profit from that property  for the year taken out in about two seconds and   it happens now uh the next thing somebody's  gonna say is well you could have insurance   now insurance is great in business especially  if say if somebody took out an air conditioner   or something like that but for most windows you're  talking about something that's fairly inexpensive   and you're not gonna make an insurance claim  for that it just doesn't make sense so you're   gonna you're gonna come out of pocket for that  stuff you need to have a certain amount of money   that you're gonna be able to come out of pocket in  your business to take care of certain things like   theft of a weed eater or you know breaking a  window or whatever right it's just going to happen   so when you are messing with your finances in  your business i would highly suggest separating   your bank accounts your personal and business  that seems pretty basic but a lot of people   don't get it and it might take you several years  it actually took me a few years of making that   mistake to to finally figure it out i decided  to go with a method called profit first method   you can check that out if you'd like you can  read the book from mike mccowitz profit first   or you can watch a youtube video on it on well on  youtube and it's like a 30 minute video that'll   give you pretty much everything that the book  will but i would suggest figuring something out   if you're coming from a blue collar position  you're going to have an unfair advantage of   the guys that go out and they they work all  day and they work real hard and they're kind   of a worker bee mentality which is kind  of how i've seen myself over the years   but you're gonna have a disadvantage when  it comes to doing the work being physically   uh able to do it but long term ultimately you may  want to grow your business to the point where you   have employees out which is going to be great  for you because this is a grow or die business   meaning if you don't grow it to a certain point  a certain level you're always real close to   uh let's say the mac truck theory you're  going along all of a sudden one day a mack   truck hits you when you're on the highway what  are you gonna do uh what happens to your family   what happens to your life you know you gotta  worry about newton's law something's always   gonna happen you could break a leg you could  do something else if you're if you're solo   you always have to worry about what happens if i  can't get this job done so it's it's kind of scary   being a solo operator a small business because  you have a lot more liability which is something   that a lot of people don't look at when  they go into business is all the liability   and risk that you assume now that's why business  owners oftentimes once the business grows they   reap the reward and they make a little more income  but it may take you years to get to the point   where you're actually reaping that reward it might  take you a few years before you even make a profit   depending on how you start out now um i've always  run my business debt-free i think that's a smart   way to run business depending on what position  you're in but at the same time if you're   having good growth if you are taking on big  jobs you may have to finance some equipment   it might be something that you have to do you  may not have a choice but for me like i said   being debt free was always a smart move for me and  it kind of worked out that way because i didn't   have the option to finance equipment but there  have been many many times that i just wish i could   just finance a mower or something because you  get to the point where you know you could handle   a 120 mower payment a month no problem but  trying to come up with seven or eight grand   it's a little more difficult but your business  will grow keep faith once you figure out your   finances and you get enough clientele built up  your business will grow and your business will   pay for all the equipment needed now the other  thing is don't forget about your personal goals   because what's going to happen is sometimes  oftentimes for a small business owner your   personal goals and your business goals  kind of mesh and what i mean by that   is you quit thinking about things you  you would like to buy for yourself   and treat yourself and you start thinking about  i wish i could just get this new truck this new   mower this and that because then you know that  you need those things to grow your business and   to help you out you know i wish i could just drop  five grand into marketing or whatever it might be   um google update so you know that your personal  goals and your business goals might mesh but what   you need to realize is that as you build your  business you want your business to work for you   and not just you working for your business now  you can be a solo operator and have your business   work for you as well but understand that the other  thing is when you are a business owner it's not a   nine-to-five job you're gonna work all the time  sometimes it's gonna be miserable you're gonna   be out in all sorts of conditions like i said um  especially if you're doing this job i don't know   you might end up doing some other career you  know there's a lot of people that listen to my   videos and they are not in the lawn industry  but they have other businesses and the same   business tips apply from one business to another  so i would suggest reading books listening to   podcasts and when you do don't just listen to  lawn care stuff listen to all sorts of stuff   listen to a variety of things that will kind  of wake your mind up and make you think about   other tips and tricks that you might be able to  apply to your business it might not be the same   business or the same industry but don't just right  off the bat go well that's a different business   it's not my business it doesn't apply to me now i  know i spit off a lot of information in this video   and you know it's it's a lot of talking and some  people don't like that i do want to say i should   have said this earlier in the video but if  you made it this far and you want to just   watch these videos with no talking i have  another channel it's called the boring channel   and you can see all of the same work videos over  there on that channel without the talking also if   you've made it this far into the video and you  haven't if you just uh give us a thumbs up that   would really really help and if you leave  us a comment uh saying anything that will   help drive these videos up and get it to more  people and the people that need it may find it if he waters his yard's gonna look awesome it's about 20 pounds of uh fescue seed on about  a i don't know 1100 1200 square foot front yard   it's gonna look good real good how do you know  when you are fulfilling your life's purpose how   do you know the difference between the thing  that i think i might want to do or the thing   that i think i'm good at and the thing that you  are supposed to be called here to do number one put god first   put god first in everything you do everything  that you think you see in me everything that   i've accomplished everything that you think i have  and i have a few things everything that i have is   by the grace of god understand that it's a gift  i've kept god in my life and has kept me humble   i didn't always stick with him  but he always stuck with me   so stick with him in everything you do so many  people are not aware they live their lives like   they're comatose they really don't examine the  fact that you have purpose and then you have to   listen to your inner voice that inner knowing that  ruin that says i'm not empty yet i'm not empty   yet i've worked this for 10 years i found some  fascination here i'm not empty yet but i suspect   that i will not be able to empty out all of my  creativity through the auspices of what i'm doing   open up to a new adventure it's like going to the  moon we live in these little cubicles that we've   been assigned to like inmates when in reality  your world may be broader than your situation   don't allow your situation to become your world  when it's just a launching pad into the next   dimension of your life you got to want the best  out of your life because we only have a mode   and it's going to be people that look you in the  face and tell you that they believe in you they're   gonna tell you from their lips they believe  in you but when you look them in their eyes   you're gonna know that they're not telling the  truth that's the hardest thing for a man to take   because belief belief as my great buddy evan  carmichael say all the time believe belief is what   excels and and pushes people through the  stratosphere true desire in the heart that   itch that you have whatever it is you want  to do that thing that you want to do to help   others and to to grow and to make money that  desire that it's that's god's proof to you   sent beforehand already to indicate that  it's yours and anything you want good   you can have so claim it work hard to get it  when you get it reach back pull someone else up   each one teach one don't just aspire to  make a living aspire to make a difference all right what do you guys think  it went from ugly to beautiful   i mean it wasn't too bad the grass  wasn't high they've been maintaining it   which hasn't really been grown much because  we haven't been getting up much rain   but we got all those limbs out of the way uh  we went ahead and cleaned up all the leaves mowed it down real low got seed down so  it's just a waiting game on the fescue   but as you can see i'm holding off on this if  you guys uh want me to do the landscaping i'll   come yank every one of those out replace it and  put something beautiful in replace the edging   give them i don't know metal edging  something we'll figure it out   i don't know i can work up a design and if you  guys decide to do it i'll do a pull on a design   and you guys can pick of course i gotta prove  too but whatever if you guys want it i'll do it   and i'll come back and do the power washing  at the same time all right all right said and   done i appreciate you guys thank you so much  for your support if you would if you haven't   already go ahead and subscribe leave a comment uh  give the video a like share it out if you love it   if you're watching us on facebook i would like to  say thank you if you're watching us on facebook   and it's not on lawn care juggernaut then it's uh  probably lawn care bee log and they are stealing   our content so go ahead and report them if you're  doing that i know he's too lazy to edit this out   so i appreciate your help there too uh if you do  want to watch us and support us on facebook lawn   care juggernaut's the place to do it i have  a group if you're a contractor looking for   tips and tricks there's some good guys in there  dropping tips and if you're just wanting to watch   the videos those are up there on the other page  go ahead and enjoy these before and after shots   wow you

2021-11-23 02:44

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