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all right we're live we're live so welcome back  to the channel uh my name is Ren the ihvac channel   uh special guest today is Richard uh he's  a new HVAC contractor located in Utah   the state I don't know what city are you in  Richard uh Salt Lake City metro Salt Lake City   so pretty how big is that uh well I think last  time I looked is 1.3 million it's all quite quite   large now how close to in Salt Lake are you or  are you kind of on the outskirts I'm pretty much   right on the outskirts of the metro area so I'm  about 30 minutes away from downtown Salt Lake City   so basically in the suburbs yeah I'm in the  suburbs okay is there an actual City or is   it yeah I mean it Salt Lake I'm in Riverton  Utah that's where I'm located at okay and what   kind of weather do they have out there in Utah  for people that might be watching this for the   first time that don't know what the weather and  patterns are so kind of depends on the year Utah   is generally known for having pretty hard Winters  last winter it was pretty much non-existent   this week it just dumped down a lot of snow  and dropped and temperature a lot and then   we're technically in what's called a wet  desert I think that's what it's what the   technical term of it is so we are technically a  desert but we're about as wet as you can get to   be considered a desert so it gets really really  hot mold I would say I think this past summer we   had over 20 days of triple digit temperature  triple digit temperature days in the summer   and so pretty pretty extreme weathers a pretty  extreme Seasons really so do you have your   standard Four Seasons like most areas like in  the Midwest and yeah I would think so yeah okay   well um I'm going to talk a little  bit about how well why don't you tell   why don't you tell anybody that's watching this  exactly how how you got to even find out who I was   Okay so well I guess we have to go back a little  bit I'm from I'm I'm from Missouri I'm born   and raised in Missouri and my wife's family  moved out here to Utah about five years ago   and I was doing a track out there in Missouri  but the company I was with they weren't really   training me they didn't want to they didn't want  to um pay for my licensing or certifications   that I needed so decided to make a jump and  come out here to Utah and at that time it's   pretty much decided that the end goal was  to be able to go into business for myself   and so my dad is actually the one that  introduced me to you into your Channel   he told me hey check out this guy yeah he's  really different than everybody else on   YouTube I was talking about a track business  and so pretty much watched all of your videos   just binged them and took notes on all of them  watched Mel um go from where he was to where he is   now on your Channel and watched a bunch of other  guys have success and so I always knew whenever   I was ready to make the jump I was gonna try and  get in contact with you and and get some guidance   from you on how to get started but then whenever  I was ready to go you kind of went non-existent on   YouTube for a little bit and so I was like I'm not  gonna I'm not gonna reach out to him well my wife   she said well let's just reach out to him she  she did that without me even knowing reached   out sent you an email and then the next day  he gave me a call and we got started that was   a week and a half ago now I actually called you  on November 23rd I got an email from your wife   on the 22nd and I do read my emails I get I get  them from time to time uh let me back up a little   bit I'm going to apologize to anybody that watched  some of my previous videos in the past so pretty   rough the camera quality sucks uh audio sucks but  the information inside the videos is pretty good   um she did reach out to me and I'm like I she  you know it was like a full page email and I   read it and I'm like well it kind of sounds like  maybe there's something I could do to help this   guy and if not I'm it's worth a shot so I just  I literally picked up the phone and called you   out of the blue yeah yeah and that whenever you  called me I was still I was still working for our   company that was like a week ago that was a week  ago so you can't you kind of sound like Elvis's uh   Elvis's story that's another live stream  I've done in the past uh with another   gentleman that was starring his HVAC business  I don't know if he had a chance to see that one me yeah I watched it yeah  that guy Elvis man he just   that that is uh that's a story right there just  right out of the gate getting huge money jobs   yeah yeah for sure he just went for it he just  just like you said like we talked about on the   phone you said the star's a line for him  and they definitely did and I feel like the   stars are aligning for me as well you know I I  haven't gotten any big ticket jobs like he has   but I'm definitely staying very very busy as of  right now before we just got on this video call   I booked my I booked a a call that came in and I   have it for a Friday morning because  that's the earliest I can get to them so we talked on I believe it was the  Wednesday before Thanksgiving 2022 and tell me what it was like for you prior to  us even having a conversation if you don't mind   business-wise business-wise so I got my contractor  license and got I was officially in business   uh in March of this year March 2022. and I've been  trying trying just a bunch of different things   I have a few friends that are in  business for themselves as well   and they have taken a different approach so I  was kind of lost on what avenue to take and I was   it was getting to the and I wasn't seeing any  results you know I would get like maybe it could   be a little more specific about some of the action  you've taken yeah okay if you don't mind just kind   of because there might be someone watching this  that might be going down the same path so got   signed up with Yelp Angie's List HomeAdvisor  have a Google page Facebook page Instagram page   let's try in all of those things that you know  all of the all of the big YouTubers and big   business coaches tell you to do you have to pour  money into it to get results and well I was doing   all that stuff but I wasn't getting any of the  results so I was just getting to a point where   I was losing motivation losing hope and then  out of nowhere I come home and my wife tells   me yeah I just emailed Ren uh and he held  me he yelled me back he emailed me back so   be expecting a call from him tomorrow and that  was that would have been the 22nd November 22nd   and then November 2030 called me and  that's whenever all things changed really   is that is that good enough for you Rin well  I mean it's not necessary for me it's it's   just what happened now these people that are  telling you kind of the advice on how to start   a business it's just like they're wanting you  to start with like a wheelbarrow full of money   and no customers is that how kind of  yeah and I I think I think that's uh   I think that's a big misunderstanding for guys  you know I I that's what I thought you had to do   to get going in business I thought you had to  spend about fifteen hundred dollars a month on   Google ads Google local service ads to get the  phone to ring but clearly not that's clear not   the case you know I'm getting paid to go meet  customers now now would you would you say that   the advice that I kind of and what I'm gonna  what we're gonna share here is not some big   you know unknown secret in the industry  but if you're starting out in my opinion   and you're trying to do it as inexpensively  as possible as you're trying to build your   business and buy inventory and trucks and all  the things associated with being in business you have to do it's better to kind  of do that as the money's coming in   if you could find a simple in effect a  inexpensive way to generate customers   in my opinion because I didn't just like when  I was in business I didn't like to just spend a   bunch of money with no results and after we  had our telephone conversation on the 23rd   how soon after that did you actually  achieve your first customer at zero cost from that Wednesday before Thanksgiving how many  days did that take you before you started seeing   some kind of results so before I answer  that question I want everybody to realize   it took I think in my case it took a little bit  longer because it was the day before Thanksgiving   so whenever we talked it was  the day before Thanksgiving   and I told you yeah I know what you're gonna tell  me you get signed up with home warranty companies   and I said and I told you just give me a weekend  and I'll get it done you say why don't you do it   tonight and I was like well that's a fair  point I'll just do it tonight so that night   the night before Thanksgiving I signed I filled  out all of the information to get going with   home warranty companies with 10 of them and  I didn't hear anything the rest of the week   because it was Thanksgiving I really do think  that or it would have been quicker then all   of a sudden on Monday morning at 803 a.m I got  a call with a company wanting to send me to go   uh to two two appointments right off the bat and  I hadn't heard anything from them since I applied   and so I was like man there's got to be  something going on here what is this a scam   that somebody still might did some company sell  my information to them and you know and because   it was a number I didn't recognize and they're  yeah it it just sounded too good to be true so   I was really skeptical well if I'm not mistaken  by the end of that I think it was Monday yeah   which we're just talking less than a week  ago by the end of your work day on Monday what had you seen in your situation in Salt Lake  City Utah and I'm keep in mind I'm in Chicago   so things could be a little bit different here but   at the by the end of the day how are you feeling  about and what was what was the net result of   but we wouldn't have changed so that  one company in that one day Monday   which is earlier this week they called me 11  separate times wanting to send me work and I   was still I was still in a van working for  another working for I was an employee still   so by about 12 o'clock I was like man I've  I've got to be done I have to I have to be   done with being an employee because I already  had Wednesday and Thursday completely booked   up by 12 o'clock by lunchtime on Monday and  then by six o'clock I uh I had Friday booked up   so that night I got home I talked to my wife about  it and um what I did is I Tuesday I cleaned out   um the fan that I was working out of for a  company put it all into my own van and got   everything organized so I could hit the ground  running on Wednesday went and then on Wednesday   I went and dropped off that van dropped my keys  off and left and I have not looked back since   no so ever since that so ever since that I J  these are just the results let me look at how it's   called Pro here real quick all right hold on can  we back up one second it's kind of going fast sure   and within the last week you had to buy a  house called Pro correct right because I   got overwhelmed with all the calls coming in too  much work too much too much now can can I ask you   now did you have any kind  of anxiety or frustration   trying to generate customers prior to  what we had you do for yourself with   the home warranties and could you tell us a  little bit of how that actually felt inside so before I got on with home warranty  companies yeah it was anxiety and a lot   of stress Financial stress really because I was  like man I have to pay about because everybody   every marketing company I talk to was telling me  I needed to pay anywhere from fifteen hundred to   four thousand dollars a month to get the phone  to bring and there's no guarantee no guarantee   they said well this is your best shot at  getting work right now as a new company   and your story is kind of similar to a lot of  guys I've talked to that were just starting out   now you have other people that are friends  of yours that have started companies and   what is their opinion about it you know I mean  not to get into their business but I mean they're   they're not having the great success or the amount  of customer traffic calling you compared to maybe   what you have now um but what are their thoughts  on signing up with a Home Warranty company   uh that you that you've heard you know everything  so between the three of them go ahead what were   we gonna say no go ahead I was gonna say you  know if you could please let someone know or   tell people so between the three of them they all  told me not to work with home warranty companies   because they don't pay and they don't they're  not reliable one of the three had worked with   home warranty companies but he said no it's not  good don't even do it don't even bother doing   it he said you can try it if you want but don't  even bother doing it because all they're gonna do   um is tell you you charge too much and  they're they're gonna they're gonna try and   no down your average ticket size it's where you  can't make any money at it well and that's true   they will if you start to charge too  much and I don't want to give away   what I advise new companies like you to do  in order to be successful and it's completely   honest and upfront we do anything underhanded but  you were getting ready to talk a little bit about   the house call Pro and then I think you were  going to go over something here real quick   before I interrupted you I wanted to back  up a little bit that's fine so what I was   going to tell you is as of right now  in my customer list on house call Pro   I have 14 customers in my database with  emails that way uh I can I can blast out   emails hearing about three months or so  or you know three to six months from now   to get ready for summer and then that way I can  make them repeat customers at no extra chart at   no charge I'm I'm not buying these customers like  with Google and with all these other marketing   Avenues you have to pay to get customers to get  into customer stores and and gain a relationship   with them all with them and all that stuff with  this I'm actually getting paid to get put in   front of customers make money doing it and I'm  getting all the information so that way whenever   spring comes around I can send out an email  um for a seasonal maintenance visit and I can   get in front of them again and keep building that  relationship so let's just say it like this so if   if you had 100 emails of existing people that  you went out and serviced fixed their Peter air   conditioner and then you remarked it to them  inexpensively through an email platform with   some kind of offer or reminder saying hey I  you know whatever your offer is and you got   five out of a hundred off that existing  100 people this time would it be worth   it to you definitely yeah because how much  would it cost to generate five customers   through pay-per-click you know and other forms of  advertising it's expensive especially when you're   starting out and there's no guarantee they're  going to reuse you if you don't do a good job yeah   so I mean just just real quick I know that the  company I used to work for they told us that   um by the time the customer called in and we got  to knock on the door it was costing them around   420 dollars for that customer for the customer  acquisition cost as opposed to this it's zero   yeah and I'm not saying you can't make a good  living doing this depending on the size of   the company you're trying to grow but it's an  inexpensive way to start out and uh it kind of   do you feel your stress levels relieved a little  bit I'll say this it's a different stress level   before my stress was how can I get the funding  and how can I actually get started in business   for myself now the stress is how can I handle  all this work and how can I stay organized enough   to maintain a good relationship with these  people you know I don't want double bookings   I don't want to make a mistake and forget  to put somebody in the schedule and not   show up on accident that's my stress right  now the organization has it helped you get   any new reviews for your new business on  Google or anything like that definitely so   uh at the beginning of this week I had four  reviews on Google and as of today I have 10.   and is that help with house  call Pro too as well yeah yes   without putting any money in Google before we  got on this call I just typed in HVAC near me   and I was the sixth company to show up  without putting any money into Google   so I'm getting reviews consistently now  and pictures are being uploaded because   I'm actually out working and I have pictures  to upload so Google is recognizing that now   that there's activity on my account irrelevant  I'm relevant now yeah so you're claiming the   the internet real estate you know Google is  is the new internet real estate or you know   it's how you get recognized yeah it's it's not  uh you know buying a big yellow page ads like   they did years ago I mean you don't have a  ten thousand dollar a month budget for you   know pay-per-click and SEO for a website you know  you're just one guy starting out and you actually   I believe you did your first change out  for your company this week if I'm not   mistaken yeah so my second day working for  warranty companies I I scored a change out   and that was on Thursday that it got putting  plates and everything and what did I do I freed   up my schedule on Friday and I went out there the  next day and did it so that way the customers are   very happy with me I got a good review from them I  got a five-star review from them and they're back   comfortable in their house and I got paid good  money to do it so it's any way you look at it   it's a win it's a win right and it may be the  name is second day that was my second day Rin   and my third day I was I was doing a furnace  changeup yeah that's and we know in our business   when you start changing out equipment that's  when the the larger paydays come in yeah so are you a believer that that what  I talk about actually will work   100 believer oh okay and if if you could  go back a month ago knowing what you know   now to a new guy like you what would you tell  them today get started with warranty companies   there's a little more secrets to it than that  ain't there though I mean there is there is but   out but you know we can't we can't give it all  away the first day there is a lot there's like   there's a game to it and you have to learn it but  I would say this find somebody that that works and   it is a successful Home Warranty uh contractor  get in contact with them and get started   so I will say this I will I will put a warning out  there if you're look if you're watching this video   and you're saying oh I might want to go into  business for myself in about six months don't   don't even apply to warranty companies because  the minute you apply they're gonna start sending   you calls you got to be kind of ready right you  have to be ready yeah you get kind of one shot   you got to kind of like say okay I'm ready to do  it yeah now if I'm not mistaken uh you talk to   somebody else that's been on the channel in the  past and uh what was your experience with that   that's been totally positive I've I've talked  to him multiple times I can't even I don't even   know how many times I've been kind I've been in  contact with you and him about every day I know   I've been in contact with you multiple times  a day ever since we started we got in contact   um but he gave me the price guide cover your mic I'm just kidding okay well I'll  say this he got me set up ready to go did it   save you a lot did it take the mystery  out of it and save you a lot of time yes   kind of give you like like hey this is this  is this this is what's kind of been working   and uh you know I think between me and him we  both kind of we had to shift your thinking or   cognizance bias is what they call it is you  know with all that information you got from   other people saying you can't make money at  home warranties they're right they probably   can't because they're not doing the things that  we're recommending you do with the customers   we I mean would you agree yeah that it's  not it's not a completely different world   working for warranty companies it's just a  little shift in the way you go about business and   your presentation and in this just so we're clear we you signed up with 10  home warranty companies if I'm not mistaken are   approximately 10. how many of them have already  approved you to be a vendor and start sending you  

work as of right now I am an approved vendor  for two of them by tomorrow I'll be with four so do you think that's going to give you more  opportunities to go out there and win customers   and generate business or less opportunities I mean  more opportunities I mean it's pretty common sense   right it's getting to a point where I'm almost  afraid to apply to more warranty companies um because I'm not going to be  able to handle the workload myself   but what does that mean we've already talked  about that yeah well keep in mind this all   started with a phone call the day before  Thanksgiving yeah 2022 we're not talking   2021-20 this is a week and a half later this is  a week and a half later after that phone call now has your wife noticed  the difference in yeah yeah we are ecstatic we're so blown away uh the results it's just it's honestly it's it's there's  not really a good explanation to it unless   really you can't really explain it to somebody  until they experience it and you just go okay   now you understand what I'm talking about and  they're they'll be like yeah yeah I get it now and   and I didn't charge you anything and I never  charge anybody but if you're watching the video   I'd like if I've earned your subscription Please  Subscribe hit the notification Bell if you want to   drop some money on the thank you button I'll  take that too I invest that in equipment I   don't do this for a living but uh anything you  want to do to support the channel is great now do you think you feel more  empowered about your business   because you're busier and now you have like you're  actually like doing business so your problems have   changed from your problem from going to how do  I get the phone to ring and I think he said a   little bit is like now how do I manage all the  work and I've kind of coached you on all kinds   of stuff along the way because once you get  the customers now you got a new set of problems I definitely prefer these problems that I'm  having now than the problems that I was having   two weeks ago so to answer your question yes  I do feel empowered I feel like I'm actually   building something now I feel like instead of  being reactive oh somebody's actually calling   let me let me react to that phone call and  let me see you whenever I can get to them now   I'm on the offense I'm proactive I've  organized myself we can go into that more later   that way now whenever a call comes in I already  I already have an idea of when I can get them   taken care of and yeah I just I've  I've already been working on my systems   and kind of the processes of whenever  you get the call to whenever you finish   well here's the real question and everybody's  going to want to know and I'm kind of curious too   approximately in your opinion how much would  you maybe put in your pocket this week after   your first week roughly and I'm not open to  the penny but I mean if someone's watching I   mean you didn't make 200 bucks did you no you're  saying if I would have taken all of the profit   after expenses and put it in my pocket and  not not keep any in the business yeah yeah   I mean could you say could a guy make a thousand  bucks a week doing this well you know I started   on Wednesday so from Wednesday to Friday three  days my gross profit was two thousand dollars   so two thousand dollars just on three days this  week and let's say that was your average week   moving forward and ren you know this my first  day it wasn't that successful it wasn't a very   successful day because I didn't I didn't know  how to work it it wasn't until that light bulb   came on and we had another conversation yeah but  I think you kind of have to and I think that's   that's not something you can tell somebody until  they kind of get out there and hit their head   a little bit in my opinion and and because  if your first day was like your second day   you'd be like your three friends saying you can't  make no money doing home warranty work yeah right   yeah yeah and um you know just an update on  Mel he's moved into his own his first office   he's moved his business out of the house Elvis is  doing good uh he's he's still doing a lot of work   up in Michigan uh those and Robert in Virginia  he's he's doing pretty well as far as I know   um what do you think I mean we're at the beginning  of winter in Utah based on what you've seen   is possible how do you feel move do you've you  probably feel you're gonna be more effective with   the customers moving forward because you're going  to continue to keep learning and modifying your   approach to the customers I would think yeah  most definitely I think moving forward my goals   are going to be just seeing the possibilities  and I know it might be soon to base it off of   three days of doing this but based off of the  possibilities that I saw these past three days   my goals are going to be getting at least  one change out a week but I would like   to shoot for two or three a week and keep  that one in all bases that way I know that   consistent workflow is coming in and that's  whenever we can continue to build my business   and scale it well in all honesty I always like  to think worst case scenario if if you're three   days worth of work was your average week moving  forward you're still paying the bills right yeah   I mean if that's if you if you weren't motivated  to build some bigger company or have employees   do you think it's realistic if a guy was just  working with himself and maybe a helper from   time to time he could make a pretty decent love  in doing this yeah I mean so if those three days   right there I made more than I'm making a week   as a as an employee so if I wanted to just stay  like this I could still make more money as than   I was making as an employee obviously I don't  want to stay where I'm at so I'm not going to   be paying myself that much money yeah reinvest  in the business yeah but now you're not taking   money out of your pocket or that you've saved  in the past you you have a revenue stream   off of the customers that you're servicing  in order to finance that growth exactly so   well we've been on a little over 30 minutes I  think I'm going to cut this short and uh you   know leave us a comment below if you get any  comments for us or questions um you know if   you want to see a follow-up video let us know  um but this is Richard Utah uh he just started   basically about a week ago three days in the  business did you work yesterday today is Sunday   yeah so I didn't do any calls yesterday I just  did a bunch of administrative office stuff okay

2022-12-08 11:43

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