SHE-HULK EPISODE 9 FINALE REACTION!! 1x9 Breakdown & Review | Post-Credits Scene | KEVIN | Ending

SHE-HULK EPISODE 9 FINALE REACTION!! 1x9 Breakdown & Review | Post-Credits Scene | KEVIN | Ending

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what is going on there citizens of the reject  Nation Greg got it okay caved you got a new   beating order in the mail and I was like okay this  one is cleaner and shinier and the D's definitely   stand out more maybe this was a blessing in  disguise but I didn't get aware for last time   so anyway John how are you I'm great I'm just  happy for you thanks John cool how are you are   you saying some sort of new suit you have in your  head seems to be a worked out it's awfully red   food better too strange koi follow koi genre over  on Tick Tock 15 seconds 30 seconds 30 minute video   sometimes ten who knows leave a like that'd be  very much appreciated also uh we always say this   full interaction watch long as we sync up with  your own copy available for super sexy Rejects   at our patreon page but just for you know fun  we'll make it public anyone who wants to do it   can sync up with us it's free for everyone for the  finale why not there's a link in the pin comment   and the description box lastly with that in mind  stick around for as we say thank you to G fuel for   sponsoring this video I just down to G fuel right  now actually about you could ask these guys I'm   drinking G fuel every single day it's been that  way for months so when we were asked to partner   up with them it was an instant yes because I  only want to be working with people where it's   like yeah I actually do use your product or a  version of your product and G fuel is one I use   every day I often give it to koi too it helps me  do those late night lists yeah it's gonna help   me stay up editing tonight as well so it helps  me with energy focus and right now if you use   promo code reject Nation 30 off this weekend I'm  telling you guys it's well worth it no weird crash   I'll say it sometimes unlike you know adrenaline  things it makes you and not this yeah I can vouch   normally I'm like you don't need to  oversell it but it is true so yeah thank you Walters oh yes accidental dose of chemistry  oh that's gross I love this angry or   outraged a startling metamorphosis occurs  what a great tribute this is so good   yes the bleacher is driven by rage I  wonder if that's the onset reference   and pursued by online trolls don't make me  angry you wouldn't like me when I'm angry glasses oh what that was a hell of a  trivia man they baited you did you and oh oh no she's gonna go to Abominations group  therapy the hulked or the forest inhibitor   sweetheart it's all right people go to prison  every day so supportive dad oh she's gonna   really realize how much she misses being the  She-Hulk and it's gonna bring them together get him down I don't care if there is a drought  I got water pressure for days that's an Easter   egg for the California drought one of these guys  is gonna slip up and they're gonna give us enough   information so that we can track them down and  then we will find them and we will destroy them   legally I said Bayonne no that opening was so cool  it was a lot over it yeah beautiful right after   World finite spooky season you might get a kick  out of this video that Jen and her friends made   this no no no no no She-Hulk was  twerking all the way back then this isn't it we're not doing a narrator we're not there no do it please whose voice was that I'm not  running from my problems it's a mental health   break yep very La yep sometimes you got  to go to Ohio forgive me Jen for this turn   Nikki oh hey there Holt King  damn hell yeah I'll be there are you still here I just need a place to  stay for a couple of days of course of course   I'll set you up with a guest room okay a nug  okay deep hikers you're coming in real choppy and ladies more it guys she just sucks okay  and I'm not just saying that because she's   a female I would have the exact same criticism  if she was a man let's do it pug okay come on   come on Pros females am I right yeah oh so happy that you're here yeah me too so happy first he rules and he's hot and  he's hot he's hot in case you got   everything through nepotism she got  everything through nepotism exactly you think she boned Holloway yes like you're  mad about it yeah and it pisses me off I created Intelligentsia I'm Hulk King oh we never  saw that coming what a Twist it's okay he can   improvise oh oh no oh the guy can't Improv it's  easy just say virtue signaling and woke culture a   few times you'll get your Social Justice Warrior  but I don't think anybody can really understand   what I'm going through right now except a meal  since he went through literally the exact same   thing is the meal involved with intelligence he's  not there oh yeah yeah he's down the lodge some   private event down there oh no yeah I mean  it was evolved no give it up no oh my God no I don't believe it oh I do believe it I  hear your group is over be making amazing   progress every single person seizing  their goal am I right Robin's Hulk hey Jordan Peterson Hulk Jennifer oh you've been forming into the Abomination uh  yeah I had engagements that's not me for profit oh boy Todd created the site he's Hulk King uh went on my blood so we could save is he gonna become the Red Hulk or punchline Hulk genetics don't line up man he's turning green ah  this can't possibly be where this season was going on surprise losers what come on Titania too I'm confused about the allegiances it's not what you think oh rematch what  is even happening here I know I don't know   none of these storylines make any sense is this working for you hey what do  you think you're doing you got me yeah see no whoa this is genius of Disney Plus genius use of Disney plus wow holy balls this is wild I'm so happy right now I can't believe this has happened we've literally  walked around here yeah this is this is amazing   foreign what the hell you guys what kind of bit finale is  this kind of a Twist a Twist the bad guy steals my   blood in order to give himself superpowers  where did you come up with that original   idea why don't we just do things our own way  this is the story that Kevin wants oh my God are we about to talk to Kevin no one talks to Kevin I would murder you to protect Kevin I'm going to go talk to Kevin now oh my God is this happening Jesus is  this really what the floor looks like   this is New York let me just have you Center  non-disclosure agreement and then have a seat Hulk you shouldn't read some of that Jen ier oh we're not gonna see Kevin we  gotta see Kevin we gotta see Kevin that I want you posters everywhere ow ow I want you to put away your  cell phone I need that poster wow this is wildly meta Kevin hello Jennifer Kevin it stands for knowledge   enhanced visual interconnectivity  buggies are you expecting a man oh I will answer your questions but you  must first transform back to Jennifer why   you are very expensive team hasn't gone to another project oh my  God the Black Panther's out I possess the   most advanced entertainment algorithm in the  world and it produces near perfect Products near   some are better than others but I  leave that debate up to the Internet   can we agree that it is a legal comedy  if that's what you prefer to call it   then I would like to give my closing  argument the Marvel Cinematic Universe   is known for its big spectacles and high stakes  plot lines often said that Marvel movies all in   the same way wow this is a result of following  some Unwritten rule that you have to throw a bunch   of plot and Flash and whole blood thing that seems  super suspiciously close to Super Soldier serum   distracts from the story which is  that my life fell apart right when   I was learning to be both Jen and  She-Hulk those are my Stakes Kevin   the k-e-v-i-n is processing this new  data erasing blood clot oh and and Bruce but Bruce is supposed to return to explain what he   was doing no we don't need to hear  anything let's save it for the movie confirmation from her oh would  not mind seeing Daredevil again   historically we've been live in that department oh we got Tony Thor daddy issues low-key same daddy   same issue please stop oh and when  are we getting the X-Men I cannot that's it we're done that's it you obliterated  the thrilling ending Kevin formulated   Bruce smashes buildings I smash fourth walls  and Bad Endings and sometimes when I murdered see you on the big screen really is this gonna tie  into Captain America oh should I transform back or   is it what's the most  budget-friendly way to do this mg you guys we are about to witness a a murderer  it's like Last Action here I'll see Court hey Daredevil you missed it we're  done sorry everything oh man   God did they hook up with that thing  yes look at my Daredevil Beauty that if you sign this you go back to prison  for 10 years for violating your parole yep this show just shot up like 50 000 points   the finale was genius summer  oh my God yes yes thank you now match Jen tells me you have your own practice  yeah in the house kitchen the Hell's Kitchen   doesn't sound like a very nice area well it's  not very glamorous but it's where I grew up and   I've always wanted to help the people in my  neighborhood who can't afford legal services   so you don't make a lot of money I I don't do it  for the money but you do make some money right Dad   it's very expensive raising kids in La I did not  think the conversations are going that way Matt   I'm going to tell you right now every conversation  is going in that direction so buckle up   I really am I'm just visiting  why not stay Welcome to My Life no he's joining them for dinner cousin Bruce  oh my god I've been away it's a car for a while   tell you all about it but first I have  someone here that I'd like you all to meet   oh Betty my son oh my God so what what  they did it I called it there he is oh my I just threw it in there can you share any  details about your lawsuit against Todd Phelps   and Intelligentsia people like Todd Phelps  oh Phelps this whole time you attack harm   or harass innocent people I'm coming for you  do you mean in the courtroom or as a superhero us now tell our viewers who are  you wearing to court today okay   Luke Jacobson difficult Diva of law herself  I would have been excited that's the side   of Betty too you know it's just saying that  was a great episode that was wild as mad as   the comics get they did it like say the hope  for the movie we had a little back and forth   that they might bring Scar and I was like  they had a fast and the furious man it did   it yeah they brought him in they did that was  an incredible ending I'm so much happier with   this show now if they do a season two they gotta  keep them order like that I mean Marvel's good at   learning lessons I think and pivoting that  just like didn't even build up The Meadows she literally went through the frame and  we got Daredevil again this did actually   move up an entire slot in my like experience of it took your time you got stopped in  another show didn't you oh really wongers shared fridge they're kind of all fun  with everything how about Wi-Fi I have Wi-Fi that's a callback huh wowza wow zowza wowzers all  right we gotta talk about that [ __ ] my God they   did a lot all right guys that was um that was the  I don't think they could beat the does that beat   the Daredevil episode what do you guys think I  don't think it beats the Daredevil said for me   no they're gonna be the Daredevil episode  I don't know why technically be the better   episode even if Daredevil's in it uh no but I  do think that it is uh to me the second best   finale of any of the Marvel shows like it was  really impressive we're gonna have Corey do a   ranking for Corey's comic corner of uh raking the  Marvel Disney Plus shows but um yeah we gotta talk   immediately about these uh these ending moments  here because it was it was such an interesting   experience because with the Intelligentsia  sequence when we were there I was like okay   this is fine like before this episode started  and we saw the Run timer like there's no way short too short and I love that everything I  was bothered by this entire season they just   acknowledged yeah like that elevated this  in a whole show because when they're at the   intelligentsy apart and then every the whole  catastrophe of things start happening where   you know Todd's revealing himself Abominations  they're Hulk shows up Titania shows up I was   even though Jen was acknowledging to the audience  you know like this is crazy this is messy is this   what we wanted my mind was like just because  you're acknowledging it is does that mean it   doesn't make it not does that mean it's good now  because you're acknowledging it and then they went   the next extra step with breaking men like that  was more meta than than Deadpool you know in in   so many ways with walking through the Disney lot  going through the menu of the Disney plus menu   it's like this is this is like when you stand in  line for an attraction at the theme park for like   one of those Avengers rights yeah well because  they can only do this format through this show in   this way playing it on our TVs at home like that  could only exist like this yeah just like in the   comic book when like you turn a panel and there's  a surprise like that only works for that medium   and I loved the way they handled it with going to  the writer's room making fun of every step of the   way of how we've handled things so far and then  messing with this on Kevin feige and then even it   works in such a meta level with turning Kevin  into an AI into an entity of like what people   like it's already sort of like what you imagined  by the brain of Kevin feige must actually work   but they were acknowledging like everything in  that direct X-Men would ask that the X-Men ask   um what people think about the Marvel finales like  they've paid attention so much to the comments the   lack of sex in the MCU more Daredevil would be  nice as well and like here's how your finales of   the Disney Plus shows tend to go there's a formula  I I really respected I feel like some people might   they'll do their think pieces and they'll do their  video USA saying how they went too far with the   metaness because but I think they I loved it I  thought they did such an excellent job and then   when they went back into the actual show itself  and then had such a heartwarming ending with oh   man they even brought up too with Hulk of like  we didn't either this is like teasing that we're   gonna get another Hulk movie yeah doing a tease  like that is so ingenious instead of an Easter   egg they're like yeah you know it's coming yeah  so much more fun clever super clever and then   having Daredevil sit down with them and teasing  the possibility then having like an actual maybe   longer lasting romance than just a little fling  that's why koi wanted a date again I did fall in   love again and Matt came back as he fell in love  with love again too yeah and plus you demanded it   and I'm not mad at that she made it happen with  Kevin feige AI machine the Kevin Modoc parallel   that was that was so good genius oh my God I want  to see her in Deadpool work together now uh and   then yeah what's and so now we're at the post  credit scene what sense do you make of that uh I   feel like the post-credits scene is I think that  Wong might be helping assemble the Thunderbolts   and not realize it I think there's gonna be a  certain like they're gonna bring it back he's   gonna be Thunderbolts officially I think he's I  think he's gonna be in the Thunderbolts nomination   that's been the main Theory but I mean it makes  sense and he's been Gathering people people like   we've seen block Gathering people for like five  movies so like is it gonna be dark Avengers or   Thunderbolts is it maybe he's Gathering people to  fight the Thunderbolts which side is abomination   going to be on fascinating because I think that  like there's gonna be two sets of teams I think   One's Gonna end up being a Dark Avenger or a young  Avenger and one's gonna be the one that are called   Thunderbolts but I think the Thunderbolts is going  to be a bait and switch wherein those are all   reformed characters if you look at the assemblage  of team we got at d23 all of those people have   been in therapy and like they're working on their  stuff so what if the Thunderbolt twist is they all   think they're actually doing good and then they  find out their villains instead of us as the   audience finding out these villains are here the  the people we've identified as heroes or villains   what if the characters think they're doing right  and they find out they've been doing things wrong   and that would be a switch on the concept of  thunderbolts true and that'd be a really fun way   to do it like I think I'm doing something right  I'm doing this I'm doing this oh wait I'm working   for the enemy I'm a thunderbolt and that subverts  expectation for Comic fans and viewers yeah look   at this look at the scar in a second but what do  you think John I think about which part about this   Thunderbolts about the post-credits scene or  this the Enemy No I mean why my only question   then is if Wong is uh you know organizing a team  or whatever where does that leave characters like   Shang Chi and Katie and things like that who are  confirmed to be like other Avengers um and the   power Broker Than The Power broker everyone's  wondering coming back at some point the Fisto   and the power broker top two most request I mean  yeah this seems like a shotgun blast of setups I   don't really know what to pin as like that's  definitely coming or not I think it would be   really interesting to see a movie that takes place  in between the events of something else we already   know like we know if there is some kind of other  Hulk movie that fills in this blank about how   he finds Scar and brings him back you know he's  obviously going to come back with him from that   you know that we know that from you know watching  this so I feel like it would be an interesting   way to kind of see the timeline expand because  I feel like there's a relatively linear way in   which that has gone up until now with a couple  notable exceptions whereas now I feel like you   could almost draw from anywhere on the timeline  and thus free yourself up that much more in light   of something like this I wish that we had to that  we got to see Bruce Banner and Daredevil interact   with each other I wish we actually got that  because sometimes they shoot these scenes in in uh   in the Marvel movies and stuff where they're not  even in the same room and they're gonna say who   they're talking to but she says that's my cousin  to uh Charlie Cox so I'm like so he that's what I   was like oh are they actually gonna talk yeah but  how great is it like this deep into phase four now   it's just people meeting again like we've got all  new meet cute like in Phase One like there's all   these new characters I thought because when scars  usually scar can be like pretty uh scarves like a   big is intense yeah and I was thinking as being  like this monolith yeah exactly not like a woman he had such a such a childlike teenager quality  and a very silly haircut like a teenager yes my   first guess was Betty because I thought my now  I didn't I thought they were I thought because   the show was saying we'll Reserve everything for  the whole country yeah I was like because you're   seeing relationships and [ __ ] I just wanted  someone to crack a Corona who is playing scar   God that's like I'm trying to pinpoint the  face because it's such a good CGI it looks   great it does I mean the CGI on this episode  definitely improved they gave him some time   I feel like it might be a dream just young  Mark Ruffalo I did enjoy the fact they gave   us that wakanda uh sound cue and they were like  the artist went on to another project already   yeah who is that it looks like it'd just be  Mark Ruffalo he's handsome I see I'm sitting   here going I feel like I've seen that face that  face yeah now I can't Peg it I wonder if the   credits say who played him I wonder if they'd  even write SCAR or if that would be like a leak   uh man yeah I mean we all thought it would be  scarf from the with them you and I made a video   about it yeah a lot of people made videos about  we can't but we can't be the only one we are the   only people we're the only people the concepts no  one had the idea until we came along wait there   are other comic book commentaries I don't think so  okay I mean that's the whole point I think we'll   click here koi you're drunk I don't want people  and they also when they went to the the metaverse   that it went uh trademark Facebook yeah then they  went into uh they went into like an IMAX ratio for   it yeah I really enjoyed the frame expanding  to be more realistic because you know you're   watching this with frame you don't notice it and  then when it expands it feels Larger than Life it   feels like it's reaching out to you they also use  really interesting angles so like in a comic book   A lot of times when you break the fourth wall  they've got to change the dynamic of the frame   so it looks different I really like that they were  able to do that with extreme high and low shots so   it feels like a different Dynamic of show does it  feel though like a satisfying I guess my question   is is a series as a whole other despite how great  those last two episodes are first two last two   exception and five in the middle that's my that's  my thing is like this this to me improved the five   in the middle because a lot of my issues were the  writing and the thinness and this acknowledged it   but in the same way that you acknowledge that her  just saying something doesn't make me feel better   about it I don't know where I land on it because  of that yeah I feel like I've weirdly felt like I   want to go back and re-watch this because as much  as they made all the jokes about it that I thought   were really clever I'm like but does the character  journey of Jen Walters truly Click by the end John   your thoughts I would like to see this episode  again and the season as a whole again but yeah   I mean I will never forget the experience of of  beholding this for the first time I am so happy   in this moment I was overjoyed by the choices they  were making however I'm curious on a re-watch how   this will feel as yeah a complete story a complete  package because I could have watched this for 10   more minutes I could have watched more of a lot  of these scenes and I mean yeah she has her square   off with Kevin and rewrites everything and then  we kind of snap to the conclusion from there so   it's really thrilling to watch this whole meta  interlude go down but I am also curious just to   to note yeah after a re-watch or or in a couple  of days how I'll feel kind of as a if this is a   well-rounded episode or if it's just a very bold  episode you know yeah because it's like the last   two were so solid in the way and what they were  setting out to do that I feel like they're the   direction the writing the TLC and what they wanted  to accomplish there was so spot on but we were   still before we were gonna go this meta we were  still had a primary story we were aiming to tell   and it's like does that this is the core of that  still truly captured because what was the what was   it again accepting herself but was that struggle  a real struggle that we had to I mean I think she   had to accept herself as Jen and then she had  to accept herself as she all because then she   had to accept if Jen and shield could co-exist  and that was kind of the it's kind of just like   a I wonder not really uh so it's interesting  this is the first show that like uh most the   six episode show I want to be nine and this one  I I kind of would have been cool with it being   like a tighter six like if it was two two and then  like the five episodes in the middle were like the   dating instead of necessarily the magic like they  could have just like you know maybe or even like   45 minutes six episodes like something about out  the way this felt like the the length of it with   the punch line maybe that's my issue because it  feels like a year ago the journey began because   you know how like Deadpool 2 as an example of a  movie that goes Super meta yeah still has a full   character Arc for Wilson in that movie and how and  then like even uh if you get some Deadpool too I   don't need to recap the whole thing it just it  does go all meta and it's like post credit scenes   especially but there is still a full Journey that  he goes on there that you can really feel for   and by the end of this as as dazzled as I was by  what they decided to go with the last thing I was   really feeling for was oh yeah and Jen's Journey  was kind of like the last thought of the journey   that she had I mean were you guys personally  let me clarify again I think Tatiana maslani   one of the best castings Marvel has ever done  yeah the scene especially with her human with   Kevin she's phenomenal absolutely phenomenal but  yeah do you feel the um the emotional character   art was truly honestly I feel like the closure  was gotten before this episode so this is the   real answer like I feel like I'm like I know what  her Arc was I felt that closure this was like a   denuma of of spectacle yeah in a new way while  acknowledging it wasn't the Spectrum very solid   so I I think we got the experience and then this  gave us the by the way it's a shield show yeah   so it worked it's still not like in my top watch  the episode it's when we listened like there are   reasons it doesn't quite work as well as other  things but this is the only medium and only way   they could have done this and I respect that true  true and she does accept that she is it's like   yeah we saw we knew that we knew the obvious gang  going with the meta and that's and the awareness   that we knew the trajectory would be like she  would accept that both Jen and She-Hulk and then   early on in this episode she's like oh yeah I do  watch Eagle Creek that's all we needed I'm like   yeah we knew it was going there and I really liked  intelligencia and stuff that I was like I don't   even think of those characters like my brain never  comprehended it and I was like why would they go   that way and then this being like dismissive of  it it's exactly what the message boards were yeah like they did that really well and even if  it wasn't man I would still have the same   thing this must have been a fun episode I cannot  imagine like all the throwaway dialogue they got   to just toss around in that room that was a  hilarious ass line yeah I've definitely said   that before though about certain characters I feel  like I have to if I criticize some characters I'm   like guys Frick free come at me I would still say  this but I didn't say that about Jane I thought   she was great it becomes a meme Trope you know it  all phrases like that start out earnestly enough   it's like in the context of how you use that  phrase which is the beauty of even the writer's   room stuff right like they were able to bring  awareness to not just the other side of cringe   culture but the writing culture and the the fourth  wall break I thought was just so masterfully done   because it kept finding new walls right like  so first you got her acknowledging the Disney   plus of it all then literally kicking through  things and then she stays aware so that answers   the who she been talking to the whole thing and  that's what's gonna be interesting for me is like   where we go forward with her like how much is  she gonna be aware like how omnipresent is Jen   Walters and how much can her awareness affect  affect whatever property like if she steps into   The Avengers movie you know I don't want coosco to  pause the movie you know what I mean like I don't   want I don't want that actually solid pool there  man yeah emperor's new group slept on Disneyland   get some Emperor's New Groove merch I'd buy it  uh because yeah that is a really great question   and but we gotta talk about that opening as well  that opening was genius I love how they did the   tie that's okay that also ties the ending a 70s  opening and then you've got bookends yeah I didn't   even put that together until right now yeah it's  a perfect bookend um because yeah stepping into   the mind of Jen Walters but I remember being a  kid and not fully understanding the build up of   frustration but when when David Banner um starts  turning into the Hulk after unsuccessfully he's   able to change his tire yes so it always made me  laugh like so good that was the turning point for   like a cop friend like there's been a buildup of  [ __ ] happening I was like oh that's what did it   right does not like tires really specifically  turned into a monster I'll never forget that   and they even learn some motion in like actual  physical makeup that was so good and her just like   yelling at the car that shot was genius I wonder  if that's the onset reference because they always   credit the onset reference actress for that yeah  with some extra yeah just some extra uh and also   and I said it earlier but I think the balance of  effectively for scar being five hulks in this they   did a lot of really good work uh making them look  good and different yeah like that the skin looked   great this episode even in the light oh man also  that too it's about the VFX no and a black panther   joke like well and I was like I wonder how the  VFX artists feel about this I could only imagine   them sitting there going huh we are so tired  oh I imagine that there was a bit of there's   gotta be a tad bit of a catharsis within the joke  there always heard things are improving because   again when she's even when even Kevin says like  they've moved on to other things already so could   you gotta change back to normal you know it's  kind of letting the audience know that there's   sometimes these business decisions that are made  which I really do we're going from this to wakanda   Forever whatever that's like probably the weirdest  that might be the weirdest tonal shift in the MCU   history yeah I guess the question is is like did  it what will the effects of this have would it   would have gone too meta well season two is all  a dream sequence yeah confirmed I'm I'm really   curious what the internet does uh I mean obviously  The Internet's been exhausting with this whole   show but I'm really curious like it is polarizing  to do a meta self-awareness thing to this level but Kevin talking to everybody Kevin loves  everybody talks to everybody that's the difference   with the real life Kevin Kevin feige you're great  we appreciate you and your omnipress people are   always talking about Kevin fighting I'm just kind  of talking with everyone all the time yeah uh uh   I loved it I I want to re-watch this episode I I  feel like these last two episodes it's stuff that   was truly special and even though I think the  Daredevil episode is a better narrative story   that's why when you ask me I'm like yeah like I  like meta but I also like contained story like   this is probably the most personally affecting but  I I love what they were able to do by bringing in   Daredevil so like 1000 yeah because I think that  you know like while that Daredevil episode of   course is so special and near and dear to our  hearts yeah this is what this episode is what   made She-Hulk the show incredibly special and and  it was able to retroactively make me appreciate a   lot of the choices I wasn't enjoying and like  down to the details of like knowing certain   Marvel references that only die hards would get  versus The Casual jokes versus all those like   little things like and also I can't even imagine  writing this and knowing that you're reading all   this trolling leading up to like what's to come  or like you know Kevin feige shepherding all this   forward and then knowing that there's gonna  be a Kevin that is referenced in this way and   they're writing around this and like what was that  approval of that script like what was Kevin feige   reading the Kevin dialogue and like because he's  so invested like when I introduced you guys too   much Spider-Man like he's so fat like what are  the reactions what's the experience how are you   guys enjoying like he cares about this so much  no yeah that was the first thing I thought of   was like what I would love to hear an interview  with him about this deep dive because it's such   a unique that's like he's the only producer that  has this happened yeah and it also felt like there   was a sort of legitimate um like not danger but  you know like if you're being meta from within   your own house there are surely things that you  cannot say that people should be thinking yeah   uh that's when I developed my drinking problems  but uh yeah like it still felt um for lack of a   better word you know like his kind of flirting  with the line and kind of dangerous in where   they were going with those meta things and so  like hats like you can always go further you   can always skewer harder but I was like oh hats  off to you know at least going as far as you did   and I would love to know what the approval process  for that was like and I love the Matrix of it all   like I felt like the architect yeah I almost I  almost threw that out there but I was so wrapped   so phase seven will be the after Multiverse  Saga it's gonna be the the metaverse oh 100 yeah Kevin feige dead Hulk   um all right guys well what did you think about  this man that was wild that was freaking wild   um I can't wait to see like I was telling you  before you showed up I was like look man I I   there are people who apparently they've read some  leaks and I was like I haven't I haven't read them   um I would have guessed some things on camera to  make myself seem smart like is she investigation I wouldn't believe this league I was like I heard  their leaks are crazy so we got to make sure I was   like telling like koi like maybe we wanted to film  something afterwards or something yeah and I got   here early and like stayed off my phone I was like  I don't want to see anything on the journey yeah I   have friends who rather like these things are true  this is crazy and I I was like okay so what like   she like red hulks that's what I was like he's  ready is that what's gonna happen that's where   my mind was going of like what characters could  show up that would make this a crazy finale when   you said crazy I was like Deadpool is the fourth  wall break yeah that's that's how you Safeguard   yourself from leaks just make yes make the  reality sound way too outlandish to be true but   then uh but man that was I I would my mind never  ventured it would go that wild like this is beyond   whatever people delivery yeah they delivered like  describing that story is not as good as what they   showed and that's so a last bit sorry last rant  the thing the thing I was talking okay the thing   I always talk about with these things is the MCU  is different from the comics right I always use   Civil War as an example and like the way you keep  these things fresh is you have it evolve from the   medium for the medium so what worked in Civil War  the comic doesn't necessarily work in Civil War   the movie what's great about The Shield episode  is this showed us why these things should be on   Disney Plus versus in the theater I've been saying  like I'd rather have things in the movie theater   I've been saying I'd rather have these experiences  this just showed me the benefit of the medium of   watching something at home in a way that I never  would have expected with the only character that   made that work so this is so unique to Disney  plus to me and just warmed my heart that you   could even prove me completely wrong I'm so happy  this lives here and it's really sold that moment   where you cut back to the menu I could feel the  tension in the room when you go back to the Disney   plus menu it's like I was like oh [ __ ] this is  gonna be so hard to re-sync before I can feel it oh God it's gonna be so stressful so as much as I  would love to as much as this is the episode I'm   like I wish I could see this on a big screen with  some of that scope change I'm like this is also   like really well suited to its medium yeah I mean  you wouldn't exactly because of the scope change   that's the main reason why but um that kick that  first kick I I can't wait to watch us go and then   see her like saying through because that's that's  something that could only happen here and then   we're watching us watch our fourth wall break 16  walls guys what did you think about this episode   uh leave your thoughts down below subscribe click  that Bell leave a like uh let's see who the lucky   patron of the day shout out is Fox you are the  She-Hulk of this channel you are a badass you are   a virtuous human being and if there's anybody  I would love to see break our fourth wall and   change some things around maybe for the better I  think it would be you you got good judgment you   got good taste you're somebody who I feel like  is supportive but Stern you would take us in the   right direction it would be mad cat but it would  be beautiful my dear and I hope you're doing well   out there stay beautiful stay sexy and we'll talk  to you soon much love I advantage of the list you   will never been shouted out congratulations  folks you just got the finale be happy

2022-10-20 07:23

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