New Business Model for IoT Expansion

New Business Model for IoT Expansion

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good afternoon everybody how's everybody doing out  there this is steve brummer from bh iot group a   partner in a firm and i am happy to be here with  Dal from Helium and Fabio from Tago. I think this   is what number three for us Fabio, in our in  our executive series of uh events where we're   inviting someone within our ecosystem to come  in and talk a little bit about their company   and what they're doing and so we're honored today  to have helium with us and we're looking forward   to the discussion again these executive briefings  are are sponsored by TagoIO and what we're doing   is trying to get really cool subject matter  experts here to be able to talk a little bit   about what they're doing what they're seeing in  the market these are quick hits you guys will be   done in 20 minutes or so so we would be able to  get through the subject areas that we're trying   to focus in on and go from there so without  any further ado let Fabio our sponsor from Tago   please introduce yourself and tell us a little bit  about your firm and give us some insight sure is   it it's great to be here again uh yeah that's  the third one already so i just said you really   want to bring interesting points here for for  discussion right something new something really   interesting that you don't see every day so  that's why you are we're bringing healing today   so I'm Fabio Rosa, I am the CEO and founder of  TagoIO. TagoIO is a cloud platform that makes   really easy to create applications for IoT to  bring information from sensors to the business   and uh we are going ahead and growing now we  are in more than 100 countries with almost 400   different kind of connectors for sensors and a  lot of applications really more than 1,000 real   applications in the IoT space um so basically we  did in a way that the platform is easy to be used   it's free to start so people can just jump connect  with Helium and select the device and start to   build all the dashboard visualization and more  than that really go to the business and starting   to show to their peers to their manager and also  to their customers using our futures fantastic   and doll once you give us a little introduction on  you what you do for helium and give us a give us a   10,000 foot overview of Helium. Sure first of  all thanks Fabio and Steve for inviting us, and   to all the folks who are joining us. so my name's  Dal Gemmell and this is my fourth year at Helium   my title is head of product marketing and  planning but uh i'm at a startup and you   wear multiple hats and you just get stuff done  so uh helium was founded in 2013 and in the   last few years built the world's largest public  IoT network what we call the people's network   today we announced uh 29,000 hotspots deployed  so that's all over the world in many countries,   thousands of cities, and we're averaging  less than a week to add another   1,000 hotspots so before this time next  week there will be over thirty thousand and   there's actually 200,000 plus on back order  from our hotspot manufacturer's suppliers wow   so we're excited about growing this network  it's really taking off and the way that we've   done it is through a very unique business  model where we are using a cryptocurrency   to incentivize anyone to host a hotspot provide  coverage and then become rewarded for providing   that coverage so we've been around for a while  we've built our own protocol blockchain and we're   very fortunate to be backed by some of the  most reputable vcs out there like coastal   ventures google first mark and most recently  union square adventures and multi-coin capital   excellent thank you very much for that so i'm  gonna i'm gonna throw on well first of all again   i'm steve brummer with bh iot group we're an  international strategy advisory firm in the iot   space been in the iot industry for well over 25  years our focus is helping companies with their   monetization and commercialization strategy it's  great to be able to have disruptive technology   like these two gentlemen have but we also have  to figure out how to make money and how to bring   those products to market successfully because  iot is still kind of hard there's a lot of moving   parts and all of them have to be squished together  in order to provide a customer with a solution   that solves a problem and so we help companies  around the world do that so if you need any help   around there we're the guys to go to fabio i  want to talk real quick about your technology   and and adoption of LoRa and adoption of iot  in general are you finding that there are still   what are the key things that are still missing  for us to get stronger adoption in the marketplace   yeah uh for sure i believe that there is always  something else that we need to do i mean every   player that we talk uh in the industry always  think about okay what's really missing uh the way   you see basically you can see it from different  things but you see relates to people technology   and the business demand right and i believe that  when you see for people side you see that there   is a need there people understand now that that  was not the fact a couple of years ago when they   talk about iot and say okay it can be anything  now it's much more clear so the people component   in our view the expertise is is there right the  other side is the technology the technology was   here uh for a couple of years but it didn't mean  that was ready and available uh for example again   i'm talking very clear about that uh talking  with helium right or we have customers coming   to us wow that's great i have the sensor uh so i  have this technology i have it how io i can build   things here how i connect that stuff right do i  need to call a network server how right so it's a   little bit more time now there is it's much easier  to do that so technology is here and the less the   business as you said at the beginning steve right  we need to make money or you need to somehow   generate value right we have makers that are  doing that application doesn't and that they don't   want to spend a lot of money and wants to create  something so that's great so the business should   be there but we have the component that the cost  that is dramatically changed in the last months or   year okay connectivity is much more interesting  now right the cost of your connectivity   uh and we're not gonna talk about that right  the sensors costs are reducing a lot so frankly   i believe the barriers now are much lower so it's  really about working together and the bringing the   innovation to the marketplace so i don't see that  there are big issues uh now that you cannot uh uh   go ahead and move and create the solution i think  others will see these and say okay i can do that   so don gonna twist the conv the the  question a little bit differently for   you from a helium standpoint looking at  value proposition one of the things that   that uh that fabio talked about was  people technology and business needs can   you kind of address those as it relates to your  marketing and and how are you handling that and   and what's what's more important is it just the  people is it the coverage that you're building   is it the technology that you're using is it the  crypto uh revenue generation scenario for people yeah thanks steve, i think that the you can't  really isolate these pieces right these pieces   have to be all working together and one of the  one of the reasons why we feel we're successful   is you know we have built this network there's  a foundation of core technology that you know we   have built it's open source so we built our  own protocol blockchain and the team worked   very hard to create and build something that  would support an iot network right so back in   2016 2017 when they were surveying there was  nothing out on the market that could support   the type of asynchronous nature and the number  of transactions that would happen on this network   so for the core foundation of the  blockchain obviously critical having   people and and making it accessible to anyone  to host these hot spots providing the coverage   you can't have one without the other uh and you  know we if you take a step back it's really about   like do you believe in in a in a centralized  or a decentralized approach to be successful   for this type of network right um we  have seen a lot of wireless providers   go down a centralized approach and because  there is so much capital infrastructure   all that stuff needed to create that network  um there's lotteries of entry there you get a   monopoly or a very small number of players  that are actually um controlling this uh   accessibility and connectivity uh and we see what  happens right um it's i don't know anybody who   says or gets excited about their telco and  says you know i love it it's fantastic and   they're awesome give me more yeah exactly like  hey you have unlimited but you're capped okay   how does that work and and but then you think  about like a decentralized approach where   you know there is there is nothing um there's no  one company that says hey i'm going to cap you   right or like uh if you're a social media player  like youtube you can say hey i don't like your   face so we're not going to put you on youtube  anymore right a wise man once said that um so   so we feel uh at the time the company said  look there's no way that we're just going to go   and kind of do our own thing and try to  do the centralized approach and build this   network it's been tried before it's not going  to work the economics are not going to pan out   so let's take this decentralized approach  we're going to have to build this foundational   technology make it open source be very transparent  and we need to make the experience of users and as   fabulous as kind of make like streamline and  make it very simple for anyone to participate   and and that's the only way that you're really  going to build this type of coverage at scale   but doll so what problem does  helium solve for us in the industry well i i mean i think the the big problem is  is coverage right affordable coverage that's   ubiquitous uh we we you know you we were talking  before we went live and we would go to these   conferences iot conferences and soon don't  worry we'll get there back in the day but um   one of the uh one of our big taglines was  iot has failed right and it was it was great   because it was you know it was catchy  and people would come over and say well   you're at an iot show how can you say iot has  failed and we would and we would say that we   would ask the question back to them do you think  it's been successful and they'd be kind of like   humming and hawing and well yeah i guess i  guess not really anyway the point is that   up until helium you had very limited number of  coverage options right you could go and build your   own and now you're suddenly a network provider  but that's not my core competency i want to build   up these sensors i want to monitor and analyze  this data i don't want to deal with hardware   deployment and monitoring and maintaining that  right right so that was one approach you could do   the other approach is you you work with a network  provider but they have their own private network   and so if the coverage is good for that specific  area great but if you go to other areas where   they don't have coverage then you're you're  kind of out of luck and and so we feel that   providing this affordable ubiquitous coverage  is something that's really going to help um   as as Fabio said you know make this technology  more accessible uh and you know i really feel that   you know we weren't there wasn't any favors  from the media about all the hype around iot   right the overhype but i really feel that this  is something that is in its very early days   still so because yeah that's right so if you  think about like the internet it's very early days   it was very hard for people to kind of wrap  their head around how you could actually   use this network of networks and you know send  email came along and kind of web browsing but   but at the time people weren't thinking about  Uber or Doordash or Airbnb right right and so   it's really exciting the potential of this network  and all the applications that can be built on it   yeah i totally agree with you i mean there's  so many times where i get asked of comparing   the internet age to the iot age because listen  you could be a soothsayer and say i'm going to   have 50 billion devices on the network i don't  really care about that as much as i care about   what we're doing for the industries that we're  addressing and the problems that we're trying   to solve so and and so Fabio taking that into  consideration the problems that toggle solves   for clients are they more in vertical market  segments that are more usable the usability of   iot is is more prevalent but you know so how do  you approach problem solving for your clients   yeah so one thing we create several user case  and templates try to help customers sense the   beginning in the first phase uh we try to be very  close to them even knowing that we have users   around the globe that they just sign up and uh for  free they started paying Sunday night you don't   talk to them before but when you have opportunity  or try to automate to send information so they can   get the most in their journey right so we  classify where they are they are at the beginning   which vertical they are or they have more  experience because that's is very important   and uh we see some verticals that we consider  extremely uh important and we can see things like   work in the buildings sector or also the  retail sectors are the sector that you see   uh that when you have this coverage you know the  initial phase of that but if you have something   you can already start to generate value when you  think about it the transportation sector that's   much bigger that depends much more coverage is  okay now maybe it's not there yet but if you get   some of these that are more like facilities  hospitality uh these are the sectors that   we haven't been talk to customers and they  say okay that's make total sense because we   really want to be very clear at the beginning  right you need to do this investment but the   minimum that you can do there uh the better okay  thank you doll tell us what the cost structure   is around helium um it's the people's network  so tell us what how how's it all set up i mean   two hundred thousand backordered i'm not even  - i'm not even going to ask why i mean we all   understand the chip and the you know chip shortage  and the crystal shortage and everything else   that's going on especially you know i you know  from Iraq wireless and all the other people that   are involved in in supplying routers and gateways  but you know tell us what the cost structure is   around the helium because so many people don't  understand really what it's all about sure um   thanks Steve, great question so when we think of  helium we really um frame it as a two-sided market   so there is uh folks who are providing  coverage and and are hosting hotspots and then   organizations who are actually using  the coverage provided by the posters   so let's start with the hosters who are  providing the coverage so if i'm a if i'm   interested in this project and i want to  provide coverage and minor cryptocurrency   then i would work with a third party i would i buy  a hotspot from a third party and so helium made a   strategic decision to say look we are not we are  not going to be the only ones providing these   hot spots we are going to open this up we are  going to work with other hardware manufacturers   who um you know they eat breathe and and just  totally focus on on building hardware supporting   it all the logistics right and so we've got a  number of partners and it's continuing to increase   numbers but that's helping from manufacturers of  gateways that's right okay and so that's doing two   things one is it's providing competition in the  market and two it's removing us as a bottleneck of   being the only uh provider of this hotspot to make  it really decentralized so i could but i could   buy the gateway from you as well no i cannot okay  nope explain yeah we uh we made a decision to say   let's get uh third-party manufacturers  involved and let's remove helium because again   that's not our core competency must get folks who  know what they're doing and can do it at scale if   we really want to blow up this network and the  more hardware manufacturers that come on board   as i said the more options and choice for folks  and the competition will help drive prices down   right so that's on the coverage exercise so you  can go and you can buy a hotspot from any one   of these manufacturers unfortunately there's a  huge back order because um the problem isn't of   demand it's supply yeah we know yeah yeah so  that's on the coverage side now on the usage side   because we have this very unique model  to provide coverage we can offer usage   costs drive down usage costs so as an example  if i am if i'm a company and i want to   use the network uh all i need to do  is buy something called data credits   and you get data credits by converting  hmt or you can just purchase them directly   using a credit card you buy data credits  and data credits are a specific price so   there's no fluctuation involved in cryptos just  it's kind of like mobile minutes for a phone   so if you had a sensor and it  was sending temperature humidity   location data what have you if you had a  sensor and it was sending every five minutes   by the end of the year it would have sent  over a hundred thousand messages and the   total cost would be just over a dollar wow yeah so  that's um using this unique cryptoeconomic model   and incentivizing holsters to provide the  coverage we can the cost can be driven down   and uh you know this is we think it's a game  changer in terms of making it more accessible   to a huge audience excellent so Fabio i'm in the  vertical market segment that you guys have a lot   to do with uh let's just say a smart building i  want to put up a smart building and i'm going to   go use the helium network with a gateway of choice  can i come to toggle for the platform integration   the application solutions uh you know off of the  helium network yeah perfectly for sure what you   have done uh and let's say in march we integrate  both platforms so in a way that's pretty safe   i mean secure and straightforward to get your  device connect first there and helium and then   get authorization to send it to your target your  account um we have then models that you can get as   template from dashboards but not only that right  if you need to create reports if you need to send   a notification and great access to other users  you can do this from time even the free account   uh and the one thing that just complements uh get  the points from that about the cost i think again   about the business mode right like if you send a  sensor temperature a humidity five minutes for one   year about part one dollar uh tavo has similar  model okay it's not related to the blockchain   but is our crypto but to relate to the how we work  don't charge per device we charge per transaction   so it works extremely well so i would say  that probably to have a sensor send that data   to target store this data on tag but have all  the visualization all user management translation   dictionaries and so on you'll be probably  about parked one dollar as well per year so   that's is the match that's very important when  customers have difficulties and say hey i cannot   build that right i'm not a developer they can  contact us through the website uh the customer   success manager and i'm gonna have a conversation  to help in that vertical to make sure that they   can be implementable excellent so and and as  we start to uh wrap this uh this session up uh   many companies come to bh iot group uh with  challenges of trying to figure out you know how   to make it a little simpler this is a really you  know still very complicated you know is it cost   effective what's the ROI what's all those things  that are there you know and then the monetization   commercialization strategies that bh iot group  does what's the biggest challenge that helium has it's a great question and i can't  believe the the time is already   i feel like you know we i know the three  of us could talk all day i understand   i feel like we're just getting warmed up um i mean  i i think right now for us the the challenge as i   said isn't about the demand and in about proving  the crypto economic model right yeah um it's   the market has clearly provided a strong signal  that that this works and and there's a great   article by one of our uh investors multi-coin  capital um called the helium flywheel so folks   want to google that and take a look uh he's um  they're they're very sharp guys over there and he   wrote an excellent article about you know getting  really into the nuts and bolts in the numbers but   but what we've discovered is that the  because there is such a huge influx of demand   and then pair that with semiconductor  shortages and then add a pandemic which   impacts the logistics and supply chain uh right  now that's our biggest challenge right how to   how to really fill the demand that's out there so  that you know this network that's going to go from   30,000 goes to over two hundred and when you see  a network that's over 200,000 uh 250,000 and the   coverage is so ubiquitous that you know you  really get the sense that all these ideas are   going to start springing up and people and it's  going to be a situation where you know if you   talk to somebody today and you said hey could you  run your business without the internet they'd be   like no there's there's no way it's it's critical  infrastructure for us right it's like electricity   i believe in the not so distant future  the same is going to be said about iot   like could you run your business without the  sensor data without having to send people with   clipboards and writing down you know monitoring  uh data readings could you still do that   and i think a not so distant future yeah  obviously it depends on the segment and the   vertical but i think what we're going to  see is people are going to say no there's   there's no way there's no going back yeah i i  think you're right because right now i think   you both alluded to cost and the ROIs are more  prevalent today than ever before in our industry   and i've been as i said i've been doing this  over 25 years today it has never been easier   to do iot you know we have you have everything  you need i i tell clients that all the time   you can find the centers and find the edge  computing boxes and the gateways and the comp and   the networks like helium and the toggles and the  platforms and the applications and the solutions   and the business models um today it's an explosive  situation you know unfortunately dull all of us in   the industry are living through crazy time over  the last 18 months but this will end and you know   you have a 200 000 backlog uh you know that's  that's serious numbers and serious amounts of   people getting involved in this thing and it look  you know and then you got you know Fabio sitting   here going come on let's go we got to go that's a  lot of people that could possibly use our platform   you know and there's going to be companies that  are going to need help like so we're going to   be happy yeah so you know i think that's you  know that's unfortunate issues that we have to   deal with but i think you guys are you know you've  come up with an innovative idea uh yeah extremely   different than everything else that's out there  um you know the kryptos thing you know i think   you still have to educate you know you have to  you know we all have to educate all the time but   i think you have to get a little bit more of the  word out as to what the hell it's all about how it   works why you should do it um you know from that  standpoint so you know it's just a fascinating uh   program that you have come up with you know i'm a  member uh you know i love the idea of what it can   generate for all of us i think when you see the  alternative of uh you know some of the other   public carrier scenarios versus what helium is  trying to do it's great competition it's great   ideas uh you know i'll throw you know plus in for  the centex of the world you know when we look at   some of the you know the chipsets and the device  manufacturers and the and the things that are   going on our ecosystem continues to build which  is absolutely amazing so uh Fabio i'm going to   give you uh yeah you just want to quick get your  point i mean i think you're spot on and you know   we you know we're built on open source like our  core technology all that stuff is open source and   so we made a decision to go with the um you know  LaRaWAN because it is also open source wireless   protocol and and by doing that um you know  anyone can take any off-the-shelf sensor that's   uh lower when um compatible and start using it  like right away and and i think to your point   is these things kind of tend to feed on each other  so you you know you mentioned you may have this   chicken and egg problem right well do i if i'm a  sensor manufacturer do i do this if it's not less   coverage or do i build coverage if there's not  enough sensors out there but as coverage grows and   sensor manufacturers say oh wow there's there's a  big enough market let's build out more sensors but   maybe this was initially a niche market but  now it's not um and so i think these things   kind of feed on each other you get this positive  cycle going and and it's exciting times yeah and   but Fabio i'm going to throw in you know the  the the option here a lot of the helium uh   buyers or guys like me that have it upstairs  in the end right where you have the gateways   with the covered so it's but what about for  sensors and things that i'm using at home   or do we do does toggle look at the commercial  enterprise b2b side of the growth of this   for the helium network coverage scenarios yeah we  don't work uh with both but we see a b2b for sure   right to get the hospitality uh even the uh  college right so we work with universities and   uh that really goes to the market right it's not  like he's isolating a bubble uh and uh just about   the supply chain issue that you have today that is  holding that all these 200 gateways right on the   other side this creates a lot of opportunity for  cargo because one of the verticals that is being   growing a lot here is the supply chain because  they found a problem because they didn't have   sensors tracking uh their supply chain from the  beginning to the end so this is bringing more   and more demand so i see you know helium getting  much more gateways pretty soon so uh we see really   a big opportunity from the business side okay  and they start a lot small but also we have a   conversation for uh if the hotels right now about  hey we need to apply this how are you gonna do   do you need to get all these done at once how does  it work you really don't need so it's to have in   these gateways uh it's easy to connect any kind  of sensors so that other big advantage right to   have a 400 almost 500 connectors ready to go  and all of them can be used uh with a helium   yeah and i think i think that's right and and  i'm assuming dahl you'll agree with this is that   you know today we're looking at it from a  campus standpoint or a building standpoint or   a you know centralized coverage scenario on the  b2b side until the people's network is truly   across the country and everywhere you know  and we we can look at you know logistics   and transportation and movement because  LoRaWAN is you know is fantastic on the road   um but we need the coverage from that particular  point but there's no shortages of opportunity   doll for you guys from a campus in a building  and a at a warehouse and a factory and you know   the use of LoRaWAN in those situations and and if  if the companies can get the gateways and go on   your network and hop on and and get the crypto  you know return on investment as well i think   it's a win-win and you know and and Fabio wins too  yeah i mean 100 it's um you know it was great to   partner with folks like Fabio and Tago because you  know they're they're providing this much needed uh   critical piece right helium is focused on getting  that data from the sensor to wherever customer   wants it and purely securely with encrypted  data people need that's right two 100 100   and and so what we you know we're seeing like  smart mouse traps or tracking paragliders   or you know stuff like leak detection and kind  of the core monitoring temperature humidity   to protect artifacts i mean it's it's really  exciting times and and um you know where we're   we're very happy that that what what we had  uh predicted would happen is really happening   and and we're very fortunate to work like  uh with leading platforms like like uh Fabio   and their team because they add all  these capabilities with the data that   you know that's just not what we're interested  in and so it's it's really important to have   those tight partnerships with this within this  ecosystem and you're just in North America or   you're just in U.S. today or where are you  in terms of coverage yeah where are people oh steve we're everywhere wherever we steve it's  amazing it's global man good all over the place   excellent all right we are way over what we are  planning on doing but the the chat message board   is saying everybody's loving this so i figured  well we just keep talking what the hell um   Fabio one of the last questions i had for you as  it relates to what we're looking at long term um   you know this is complicated still you know we i  know we are all looking forward to iot in a box   you know with my devices and everything that's  going on but you know how do we when we come to   when people come to you do you make it easier for  them i mean are you uh you know what's the is the   business model coming through toggle a lot easier  for companies to deal with yeah uh that's a great   point right so for me is really about the target  right what's the difference what they need what   customer need and sometimes say hey frankly the  last resource maybe you need to go in the other   direction right but if a customer really looking  for customization and that they cannot afford to   you know build the whole structure you know that  we probably are going to be the best solution for   them right if they just want to have a dashboard  and right away and they don't they want to modify   anything what normally means that they don't want  to really add a lot of values on top they may go   to the other way right the key things is really  about customization be simple but start is simple   and scale so you can have a 50,000 you know  sensors easily uh for for customers right   and normally they start with a cup of 100  sensors so it's good so they don't need to   make a huge investment at the beginning uh and the  last question doll i promise well i don't know i'm   not going to promise that so we're having fun here  yeah we are um so some of the pushback that i have   heard on the street about helium has been a lack  of education and knowledge around crypto and h   you know hnts and and everything else now  you know from my standpoint my wife and i   are extremely heavily you know we love bitcoin we  we love coinbase we you know the whole model of   around crypto so we understand it and we would  understand where the value is long term you know   as far as going through the exchange and and  making money off of the crypto from you but   is that still a deterrent do you think today as  as part of your education that people are like   i'm not touching crypto i don't understand it so  i'm not doing helium yeah it's uh it's a very um   it's a great question Steve um i think that's  like my third great question today so i'm i'm   very happy with where i am today you're you're on  the roll um so so so quickly um because i want to   be respectful of folks time um so we look at  it from from again two-sided market coverage   and usage and so the coverage side is uh we talked  about the rewards that they can earn right as   a utility token now folks may speculate on the  value of that token but that's not we we do not   want to go there right it's a utility token for  usage on the network right from a usage side   um the reason that we have both the hnt for  coverage and then data credits for usage   is that people who want to use the network they  don't have to deal with people at all right that's   right they deal with data credits again think of  them like mobile minutes for a cell phone plan   they purchase these they use them uh and they need  more than they just purchased like gigabyte plans   and things like that from you are they buying mac  bulk data they can they can buy as much as they   want right they can use their credit card they  can they can buy it and uh the data credits are a   fixed price so there is no fluctuation and so they  don't have to worry they can plan their business   they can budget accordingly and the cost is just  based on usage now what is really exciting is that   they've this core foundation uh technology  and and blockchain is crypto economic model   we have been focusing on iot because we  saw there was a big need and demand there   but there's not to say that this model can  be applied to other wireless protocols or   technologies and that and that's  exactly what we're doing so today   we announced that we are working with a  company called freedom 5 for 5g coverage so that's that's a whole entire another  conversation but if um if folks go to   uh they'll see that and  and to our blogs uh our ceo just  

announced um applying this crypto economic model  to 5g coverage with a partner called freedom5   so really exciting news excellent that's  awesome okay guys 40 minutes we've been talking   so much for this 20-minute executive session um  okay dolls at for more information   and to be able to contact you guys and and  get that kind of uh get information on it   fabio why don't you uh close us out uh and  then are we doing another fourth session at   some particular point so why don't you tell us  all about that yeah sure so we invited uh lnx   sensor industrial sense manufacture from australia  to be our next partner here talking with us at the   end of the next month so um we are going to  i'm looking forward i i love what he's doing   in that in that space he's got some really  innovative and disruptive technology in   the center space so i'm looking forward to  sitting down and talking and talking to lnx   very great all right and and how do we get  a hold of you Fabio our website   excellent all right and i'm Steve Brummer  uh i am a company with uh can you please   name the company again from Australia oh Ellenex  e-l-l-e-n-e-x exactly and that'll be next month   right we're on a set up for may something correct  so you'll see the information thank you very much   everybody thank you in the audience everybody  that has stuck with us for 41 minutes which is   about 20 minutes normally more than we normally  did but dahl thank you so much great information   awesome time Fabio appreciate the opportunity  this is Steve Brummer your moderator uh signing   off and we'll see you next month thank you  very much for your time have a great day!

2021-05-05 12:18

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