Live Talk: Employees and OnLine Business Owner are Building Their Digital Business.

Live Talk: Employees and OnLine Business Owner are Building Their Digital Business.

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hello everybody uh for whoever joining us live now the first time or um whoever who doesn't know us right now Welcome to our pages right now we are uh live on six pages and the purpose of this this life is to inspire more people out there whether you are employee whether you are a traditional business owner or online digital online business owner that there is a way that we can earn uh another stream of income apart from our job or our accessing businesses so without further Ado I have uh five ladies here they have experiences in in um in business in traditional way uh for short like having a company and then they have own business as well in online uh digital in online space And Then There are professional which are employees that have been become an employee for 10 years above so we can hear from them about what they say about this digital business so without further Ado we welcome them now thank you maybe thank you thank you zenithari and Rina for coming here and sharing your journey hi ladies hello okay so uh we start with uh sharing about our background so our audience can know more about what we are doing right now so we start from Maybe please go ahead MIDI okay so uh hello thanks for having me here so my name is maybe I live in Indonesia I'm a mother of three children a working mom so I've been working as an employee since year 2000 and until now and my 22 years experience is information technology and other than this roles as a mother as an employee now I have my own business so now I'm a pro ticket or business owner that's my introduction thanks okay thank you maybe so maybe is an iced tea professional I have been to 20 years yeah more than 20 years become an I.T profession so thank you may and now we go to Vicky please go ahead Vicky hi everyone good morning good afternoon good evening wherever you are um my name's Vicky and I live in Australia I live in a small suburbs called Mount Barker it's 30 minutes from Adelaide South Australia um I moved to Australia in 2010 and I originally came from Jakarta Indonesia and my background when I was in Indonesia I was working I was graduated from one private university in Jakarta and I took the English literature and after graduated I started working in the hospitality industry I worked for like three-star hotel for nine years and after that I moved and changed Korea to be the admin Administration officer and I work for international ngos for four years after that I moved to Australia in 2010 because I married my husband so yeah here I am so I work um once I arrive in Australia I am actually now working as a public sector I work for the state government office in Mount Barker so I work for 10 years here now and I also run my commercial cleaning business with my husband and it's been 17 years because he's already had this business before he met me so and now I have another business which is very excited I also a proud digital business so like everyone else so yeah that's that's a little bit about me thank you thank you Vicky just to sum it up so Vicky right now is working as an employee and as an entrepreneur so she is working in a state government uh in Australia and then also having her own uh company yes uh in general cleaning with her husband and also running this business so you can imagine like how limited time that he has but she can still manage it okay thank you Vicky for sharing it to us now we go to Zenith hi Zenith can you please share us hi everyone my name is Zenith I am from South Africa I'm married with my first child with you in a few weeks I'm a part-time student and a full-time employee a bank employee for eight years now in a digital business owner since last year in different uh type of uh industrial as well compared to media and Vicky so Zenith is in the bank industry yeah thank you Zenith for sharing it to us so now we go to USA sorry please go ahead thank you hi everybody um my name is agung asari I'm originally from Bali Indonesia and since I graduated uh from one of the tourism and Hospitality Institute in Bali in 2003 I moved to USA and work as a front desk agent in a resort and then I moved to Florida in 2010 and I work as a waitress in a restaurant so I've been working for 19 years as employee and I'm running my business digital business here as a part-time and yeah so here I am now thank you thank you so everybody has their own um experience differently yeah like uh every uh none of us are the same here so our study is in the in the tourism industry so we go to UK with Rina please go ahead share yours you know uh please unmute yourself with I cannot I cannot unmute it from here hi everyone um good morning good afternoon good evening uh as David said I'm Arena I'm originally from Indonesia but I'm currently living here in the UK I live here with um my husband and three teenagers um I moved to the UK first time in 95. um uh when I was 18 for study and I went to live here for a while until I got married with my husband and we moved to Netherlands and we stayed there until um my husband got the job in oil and gas industry so then we have to move around uh countries all the time and um the word um our family got sent back uh home to our company home location which is back here in the UK so now that we are here I have decided to um start working again and then um uh then I decided to do uh on uh to start an online shop I choose to do the online shop because I actually have done it before in the UK in 2004 2000 to 2009 and I did very well then so now I'm doing it again trying to you know repeat my success in in the past but obviously now is different than uh than last time the product I sell is different and now that's different than the product I sell I sold them so um uh I I have done this um online shop for a while and I'm quite happy but um I realized that um because I've been selling a different uh entirely different products the profit margin that I've got is not high enough so I started to look for a different uh thing so and now I started this system with the rest of the ladies here I've started also the digital business so now I'm also the proud owner of digital business okay thank you Arena uh interesting so we would like to get to the details why you what is the comparison about those two yeah between online and digital that you are running right now so before that myself I'm Debussy barani I'm uh based in Germany uh I have 20 years combined experience in oil and gas and construction I'm still a full-time worker now and I also run digital business on my spare time so now uh you heard about our backgrounds six different backgrounds from all of us so now uh you can hear from some of us here about what made you look for something else than your current job or your current business so our let's hear it from Maybe so what made you decide wants to have this business made what yeah okay so yeah I mean uh we are as a working mom a working parents or employee and uh specifically uh my area which is in I.T information technology

so it's a as an IP support you know we need to be like a standby all the time yeah even uh outside of working hours you know like for on-core support so over time is a really common and we're in this situation for years I like missed the golden years of my kids and barely having a family holiday and started three years ago as parents we thought that our job or our career eventually will be stopped one day when we reach retirement age and this career cannot be inherited to our kids right so then we look for uh what the business that we can start it and we can inherit because as I said our career no matter how high the company is not belongs to us and knowing that our kids you know need to start over from zero all the struggle that we've been through so uh me and my husband think that we need to have or to stop something a business that we own and then we can growing we can grow this business and later we can inherit this to our kids yeah and also uh you know uh after we retire as well we don't want to be a financial dependent to our kids yeah so we need to be keep you know independent and we also have our dream Once once we retire yeah we want to enjoy our life so I mean it you know we still need expense right but um uh since our job will be stopped when we are retired but you know we still need this expense but while having our business the you know we can continue earning and let and we can inherit this to our kids yeah so yeah that's um my main goal why I decided to to start my own business other than my career as employee yeah I'm really relate to what you said me because we both are employed for pretty long yes 20 years you are more than that or more than me and we know if we're working as an employee as high like you said whatever our salary is it will be like that and we cannot pass it on to our kids and they wouldn't get it in their future but different with having a business that we can pass it on to our kids and they can run it like what we are doing right now yes okay now uh thank you for sharing that me and we now that's from the point of view of an employee so let's hear from both which is freaky because fiki is now an employee from in a government institution and then also having her own uh traditional company business which is a company so what else what else do you need so what made you decide to look for something else thank you okay thanks Debbie um that's actually very very difficult questions um I I have a lot of reasons why I wanted to build this um digital business um the main the main reason is because I don't have a time freedom my my why it's actually I I really need my time Freedom back it's just because if you can imagine um I work for probably 10 or 12 hours a day almost every single day from Monday to Friday and then Saturday and Sunday sometimes even public holiday I have my husband and I have still to work to do the cleaning so we barely even have um like enjoy our weekend or our free time together and we can't even go for a holiday or even like a simple road trip somewhere to escape from this routine that's just like praising us for feels like forever and this actually start to affected our well-being as well so we feel like we because we kind of Escape so we can't enjoy our life so we think why do we have to work this hard if we can't enjoy it so what what is the purpose of this life then so that's my main reason why I choose this digital business because working as an employee and running the business it's not really an easy task to do um it's so much responsibilities that you have to take on especially like in the in a traditional business we have to deal with the employees we have to deal with all the regulation and policies and um all book works and all document comments All Times all like physics sites and things like that it's it's really like taking our times almost every day and as me working as an employee as well because in my office we only have a very small team so if someone's away or if my colleagues away it's gonna be like we have to do the jobs what the our colleagues have and that's the same when I'm going on leave they have to do my jobs as well so we have to share so that's probably that's probably the not like negative but that's like the responsibilities that we have to consider as well so I think um I might not going to be able to do this for very long time because if you if you think um because I'm not I'm not young anymore so because if you think that we're gonna get older and then we probably not gonna be um employable anymore so it's gonna be hard if I don't have anything that I can run and I can um do by myself and the financial probably not going to be secure for me and my family so that's why I choose this digital businesses to secure um our financially situation if knock on wood I hope that this is not going to happen but if something happened and I lost my job and we lost the business or contract then what we're going to have because we still have responsible responsibility to um to pay off our mortgage so that's another one so that's why I said there's so many reasons why I want to build this digital business because I want to control my financial situation I don't want to rely on anyone I don't want to rely on other people to control what I can get and what my salary or what my um my earn going to be so that's that's my reason okay thank you for sharing that VK so we will hear from from a study so what is it for you uh I said can you share for us what made you look for something else other than your current job and then we go to Zenith after this please okay yeah just like uh kafiki said about that time Freedom that was my my main reason as well because for like like I said um I work for 19 years as employee and as an employee you have to like it or not you have to follow like every schedule that they made for you and you have to uh yeah I mean like it's not your your own you don't work as in your own time you have to follow that that was my biggest my biggest reason because um yeah working in a restaurant and it's very long hours as well like every every day six to five days a week from 10 to 10 sometimes like you know sometimes more than that it's very demanding like physical demanding and it's uh it's kind of like already taking tolls in my in myself being right now because we're not getting any younger as well and it's um it's very hard for me sometimes just to wake up and go to work you know some some things like like that it's um it's very hard for me uh lately and and beside that um also my my reason is like I don't have stability in terms of uh income because I don't get salary because like you know you work in a restaurant you you got paid uh in tips right sometimes it's sometimes okay sometimes it's you know it's not okay so yeah so I I want to have like Security in terms of financial so that's that's my my my main reasons for um uh starting this this this digital business yeah so thank you thank you for sharing that to us yes um most of us working using our physical um ability yeah I would rely on that um some of us can just work from home or uh from the side but most of people need to stand up and need to run away in the site right so yeah um it's hard in that's true like you lady said that we are not getting any younger so we need to have a backup plan in case something happened and uh in in in certain industry especially tourism if there is a pandemic then they will close and then who gonna pay us if the company needs to close right so we need we really need to be to have a solid foundation about the another stream of income thank you for sure sharing that now let's hear from Zenith uh from the bank industry can you share us please send it what made you look for something else foreign can you hear me yes okay for me being a bank employee does have its benefits but it came at the price it means that working more hours sacrificing your freedom you really don't have a lot of time to spend with your family if you want to study further it depends on the department that you are in some managers do give you the opportunity study for a or to grow in the business but unfortunately in my department there's no room for people who want to grow so it can it happened on one day when um uh my manager to stand up for me and she couldn't stand up for me she disappointed me then I decided this is it I can't keep on working like this um I need to find better Solutions or backup plane so what I did is I did some research on how to start the online business um I find a few articles and websites and then I decided no this is it I'm going to start my own online business and the reason why I started this business besides having a backup plan is because I want to be a stay-at-home mom um because a lot of matters at work they they also want to be with their children but it's always difficult for them so I see their struggle and I said when it is my turn to be a mom I don't want to be like those people I want to be a stay at home bomb I also as an employee you your salary is not enough you need a backup plan especially with cover a lot of things happen my husband got retrained so we had a lot of tips so yeah with this business it can also help us with our tips to pay it off to save on my retirement because as a bank employee my retirement won't be able to last very long to um to go on vacations we are currently working I have to wait in line I can't just decide I want to go on vacation I have to wait for whenever somebody else if they don't then I can go and for me also is because I'm gonna have a child soon so I want to have more time for myself and for my kid that is on the way rather than being stuck to a desk and building someone else's Fortune I Want To Be My Own Boss I want to be free and most of all I want to be happy of course I can understand what you said about uh sometimes we work so hard uh even higher than everybody wants expect Asia as an employee but at the end of time they can they didn't appreciate that much yeah like what we wish for and mentally we will go down yeah I mean um disappointed and then um yeah and stuff like that so um especially for you congratulations by the way for your coming baby and I can really understand by having this business you you can stay with your kids later on and then can still earning even you sacrifice your career in banking and you can still have your own business right you grow your career there because most of parents think once they stop their job they cannot do anything basically they can this is the business that they can do the career here and making more income from home thank you from for bringing it up Senate so we go to the next question this is frequently asked questions by people who um who who's looking for a digital business so what are the differences between having a company in traditional way kind of business and running an online based business online based business there are plenty uh um for for example like Amazon and so on so let's hear from the experience person which is Serena who's running an online business so why what are the differences between your online business and your digital business right now please Serena um okay thank you very much um yes um with my shop okay the different um what are this uh thing is the flexible so give your time for yourself but the main difference is uh with my online shop um I have to always be creative in looking for a product so if um the product that I have at this moment is all right but then a different time I have to keep looking for a new product or a good profit margin and stuff like that and um sometimes the the problem with with this um if um you know for for for for this business the the market yeah for me I can only uh do UK it's not because it's not possible it's actually possible if you want you can sell it for everywhere in the world but the problem is with with the delivery if if I have tried to sell it like in Europe for example it's it all went very well until uh One customer start making a complaint you know or or because of the product as a loss in a delivery or something like that and then then I find okay then I have to solve that problem so that's that's one one stuff the difference with with the delivery and then [Music] um that's why I have to uh make the market is smaller than what it actually can achieve that's uh one and then the the the other um different is um with with the online business uh with with the online shops there are not a certain system that uh run this [Music] um continuously or automatically or something like that so I am in control of everything so if I have time then my business will run but if I don't have time then it has to stop so for example if I have something in my My Children's School sometimes I have to close my shop just for a little while or if I'm going on holiday then I have to you know uh close the show for a few weeks sometime because I have to do everything but with the digital business they have this fantastic system that they call as automatic system that run basically 24 hours so when I am like when I have to do something in my children's school for example I don't have to worry about that that's a different of a system yeah and then um what what is the the other that's very noticeable oh uh with the my online shop when I did it the last time uh when I was living in Aberdeen um I have to stop that business because at that moment I have to move country I have to do most of the Trinidad and Tobago and I have to stop that business because I did not understand about the tax system in the new country and for me it was problematic so I thought you know what it's not worth it let's just stop it for a while but with the digital business it's like the tax registers globally so if you wish well I'm not going to move country any sooner so for me it's fine now but should my husband one day said to me you know what we might have to move again I can bring that this you know this digital business with me so for me that is like that that's good so that's that's the man uh difference between uh the the two business that I have so actually at this moment the two system the two business I can run both because they are like you know complimenting each other at this point so that's that's a thing uh the explanation I can give yeah sure okay thank you for sharing that Rina so just to sum it up uh first you need to create your own systems and you need to be physically there at least in front of your laptop and if somebody purchase your your your your the stuff from your system then you need to be there to respond yeah so once you need to create your your system which compared to digital business it's run automatically so that's from for me it's pretty huge difference and then the second one you need to find your own brand yeah so you need to create and test it to the market right and this one we don't have to do that any any those headaches and because it's a franchise business which everything is inside already so we don't have to create anything branding with a and testing uh to the market no because it's a franchise so everything already included wow and the third thing is that you said you need to manage the delivery maybe you need to find fendors and whatsoever and here we don't have to do that as well just uh to to give informations to the viewers right now or later who's watching the replay um we're not doing any direct selling we are not doing any uh MLM yeah so uh everything run by the system and we have a incredible system that run uh 24 7. so even we're working even we're running a business we can still run uh run it in our spare time now let's hear from uh from from siki because Vicky also has the experience with Amazon right and also you have a company can you share us a little bit picky please um yeah I think it's almost similar with um Arena what she said earlier about the online business so um besides besides the Emma the Amazons um I also do the Drop Shipping like e-commerce um e-commerce yeah e-commerce um business like an online business so that's probably almost similar but different Arrangement which is with Emma's Amazon um I have to do um I have to have a stock like we have to restock our products here at home when I have it at home I have to restock at home otherwise I have to arrange like a um like a warehouse that I can put my all my stuff in there and then they will arrange the delivery from the warehouse to the customer but I don't want to do that because I have to pay extra to have that warehouse um spot um and in Australia at that time they don't have many places that provide the warehouse It's just only in Sydney I think so um and um it's very expensive to pay just only for I think two cubicle I think four by four space um for for myself so I think I don't want it so I just ask them to send it to me directly so I've still got some of the stocks here which I can't use it anymore and I can't actually sell it anymore but I thought that's okay that's my loss but with the Drop Shipping it's probably a bit easier about the um the delivery side because I don't have to buy stock so I just contact the supplier directly to the sources and then they will send the products directly to the customer but there's a catch in here because I don't do no I didn't do the quality assurance that time because most people who's doing this Drop Shipping they actually prepare with their um investment in probably capital and time some of them that I contacted they actually fly to where these products are and then they check themselves what company that they think it's actually quality they have the quality products and then they make sure that the products is actually meet their criteria now me I can't do that because I have to um excuse from my office if I have to do that so I just think that I just rely on whatever I have from the online I contacted them and then they agree and they gave me the list of the products they have and I chose and then um I ordered that because the customers ordered to to me and then I ordered to the supplier and I our supplier to send it to the customer the worst part is some company they can be a little bit dodgy so when I ordered and then they sent the products to the customer it's actually way too far than what the customer wanted so I have to deal with so many complaints that they didn't actually receive their products for one month because the delivery can't be tracked and they can't they can't accept it because the product is a way different than the one that they chose online and they also have complained because the product it's not in a good condition because the packaging is actually not good enough so I ended up has to return some of the money and I ended up has to buy another product from another supplier to send to the customers so I think this is like so complicated and then I I can't actually find someone to give me some advice what should I do if this is happening to me because they they don't provide that and that's the difference between this online business that I ran before with this digital business that I'm running right now it's a very very different because in here we have everything like all in one package and the product is actually already guaranteed that you're gonna get the best products and then you don't have to choose anything and all the system or also be provided by this um by this business so you don't have to think about anything you don't have to you don't have to pay any more extra and that's all already in one package and then you just you just have to go for it and then just have to learn because everything's in there it's like Debbie said it's it's actually a franchise it so everything in the system system everything in there and with my traditional um that's actually lots of hassle so I'll probably just gonna be quick so many capital you have to provide it so like for myself as a commercial cleaning business I have to provide provide so many equipments I have to provide so many supplies I have to find lots of suppliers who can provide me with cheaper products because otherwise I'm probably not going to be compete with any other companies and I have to think about maintaining the equipment and I have to have my own van like car so I can go everywhere and then I also have to traveling from side to side which is are probably gonna lose sometimes and I also have to deal with the employee which is um like the HR kind of and the buying the financial system like account system and everything and to have that running smoothly um I need a big Capital like I I need really big capital and I can only run that here in South Australia I can't go to probably Victoria or Western Australia or wherever because otherwise if I want to do that I have to hire someone who lives there and open another office or another company there like a sister company and I need more Capital more office and more people for work for me and that's going to be a hassle so the good thing is about this digital business I only have to rely on my laptop my headphone and internet connection and I can take it everywhere I go even I want to go around the world I can just use these three things to run my business so that's a good thing yeah thank you for really detailed information speaking uh so everybody can have like a deep um [Music] considerations yet if you guys are planning to have a business but you don't know what to choose because there are plenty out there yeah online businesses there are plenty or you want to open the restaurant which is maybe also has experience on that maybe we uh maybe later we'll I can share uh the two top benefits May uh from your side what are we already mentioned about plenty of things we have automated system we have we can just uh rely on our laptop and Wi-Fi connection we don't have to hire employees and so on but for you you had experience in having your own no not restaurants yeah restaurants um food and and the barber shop yeah and other yeah other type of business but still you have that experience and you are also an employee so what can you say two top benefits from this business compared to other businesses that cannot provide yeah right so this conventional business that I run in the past uh it wasn't long yeah because I was struggle with my time I'm still working as employee and I wanted to start my own business and having a fixed 24 hours a day and you run multiple jobs it's really really uh tiring you know so then I give up uh and what I like from digital business that I've been running this uh since last year is um the way I run my business so uh for me we are aging right and to start a conventional business we might need a lot of energy a lot of time but in digital business I don't have to be standby all the time my business keeps running at the background and I think it also already shared the Readiness of this amazing platform yeah where I don't need to um make a like a stock inventory I don't have to selling stuff like Rina also mentioned uh in an online business or on an online shop out there so again the challenge that I have which is time I can get rid of this yeah I'm running my digital business so I still work as an employer I forgive my job and I can start my makeup plan my retirement plan as soon as possible while I'm still working um and and it doesn't sacrifice my family time I can still enjoy my uh family holiday and I can bring this business to anywhere I want yeah so again um we also already heard about the difference in the digital business yeah so it's our choice to to decide whether we want to learn something new transforming to the culture way which is a lot of a lot of ways smarter than the conventional way so we also can relate yeah from the past uh maybe I also was skeptic you know when I heard about like uh online purchase yeah I think all of us here were skeptic at the time and we wanted to avoid buy something from online were skeptic we were too scared but again if we see that the benefit that offers yeah from this digital way from this matter way so um do we really need to go back to the old way or we want to adopt the Chase and transform ourselves yeah in this uh you know in this smarter lifestyle I would say so uh I also like to um say again what Zenith say yeah as long as we happy no matter what we do yeah in running our business so yeah that's the the most important thing it's not the what business that we run but the way we run this business um exactly exactly thank you for bringing it up again me because uh it's so true yeah if we work and then we have our salary at the end of the month but at the end on those months we cannot spend our time with our kids or uh we are tired and uh affecting our physical and mental health so that's four but running this business in your own term in your own time in any places that you want that we call it Freedom so you can you choose where you work you choose where when you want to do it so yes thank you last but not least um I want to ask from Zenith and askary point of view um each or which each one of you uh what is the top benefit from your side I know plenty of us have mentioned it but at least you can share what is yours from your side Zenith first please for me it is the flexibility of working hours in compared to being a full-time employee the system is automated it means you can work from anywhere in the world anytime you get to meet people from different backgrounds in different countries um we're a global Community with support which also includes a coach and a mentor um and the other thing is there are no stock no inventory you don't have to stress about that as well so you don't need to have sales background you get a training as well a video Based training a step by step so you can always go back if you miss something so there's no rush there's no exams there's no deadline to do retract any you are on your own place you are in charge of it and uh for me because I'm pregnant now I don't physically have to be there at my business it is automated so even during my break you can see I can run this business so that is why I also love this business it makes things easier for me yeah that's exactly yeah it makes our life easier like midi said as well why we want to go to the old way if we can make our life easier with the uh with the digital um transitioning yeah with the digital way so yeah thank you for bringing it up and send it and share it so uh I study what do you think what are the two top benefits from your side uh that this business has for you uh yeah for me um since I work as an employee just like that it said the flexibility of the time because the the schedule that we have to follow we don't really have like so much spare time so whenever we have time to do the business then we do it so yeah it's it's very convenient for me and beside that the selling too no no there is no selling there's no direct selling no inventory so we don't have a to to chase people or black people to buy the products and stuff you know and beside that there's mentor and Coach uh to you know where we have when we have like something that we don't understand or we need a place to ask for something that we we don't get you know we always have to a place to reach out like you know mentor and Coach they are very very supportive and and very uh helpful for me and also the the global Community you know that's very very it's very big right now right like 130 000 people already and it's very uh very big and it's um very supportive for me they have they share the knowledge they have they share information regarding the business and stuff and it's uh for me it's it's a huge huge help because I don't have any uh background specific background business or stuff like that you know it's uh very helpful to me that's from from my opinion that's the top top three I guess you know okay thank you so much so um for everybody who's watching us now are live so uh to sum it up uh our digital business is tax registered uh worldwide so we don't have your experiences if you wanna build your own business where you work for nobody but yourself this is the right business that you can run it simply from your home or anywhere you are and uh you don't have to be stack Savvy you don't have to be master in laptop you just need to be know at least uh how to browse the internet yeah that's what we do right now most people do that so yeah you don't have any background experiences right and um no need to be tax heavy you will have your own website here and all those benefits that already included in the system once you have your own business here okay so I think that's all uh from us I hope it inspire you guys out there um so I think that's it how to find more and get started maybe maybe who wants to add a little May okay share so how to know more about digital these days is just watching from the free webinar this is the 90 minutes webinar so you just need to sign up with your email address and then you can get the free access and watching this webinar live or replay letter so we have twice uh in a week uh maybe in a City time zone it would be uh Thursday and Tuesday and Thursday uh evening right and Friday I think early yeah and in Indonesia it would be uh Wednesday morning and Friday morning but yeah don't don't worry if you miss this webinar because there is a replay and you can watch this and learn uh from this webinar yeah thank you may so that's how to get started or to find more basically to find more details about the business you need to go to the webinar spend your 90 minutes if you don't have it the time now you can always uh watch the replay so I just want to give you uh guys that to think about if you're an employee you can be replaced tomorrow or the next week we don't know if you're a business owner who um where our business is needed our physical presence so when you get sick so who's gonna pay you who gonna pay the employee so with this business you can run it from your bad or simply from your home or from anywhere you are so think about it do the business in a smarter way where you can run it anytime anywhere you are okay that's from us thank you for watching and see you on our next live stay blessed bye for now thank you ladies bye bye bye

2022-10-27 03:45

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