I ruined the new Bitlife Business update

I ruined the new Bitlife Business update

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hey friends so bitlife released a business update  I am a former businessman and a bit life expert   so I know exactly how to play this now the first  part about a business is branding so I've gone   with businessman limited as my name my mother  is Crystal limited an insurance agent that is   such a missed opportunity she should have started  her own Crystal business a law has been passed in   Spain outlawing the use of the word literally in  instances which the speaker means figuratively   that is literally the worst idea I've ever heard  FBI open up wait what the hell my mother married   Perry O'Reilly she changed her name to Crystal  O'Reilly they've stolen my name you know what   limited is a much better surname anyway in fact  it's actually a really good name because it's a   limited name not many people would have it so it's  literally limited you know limited is literally   Limited yeah that's fine okay I think we're all  right what does this road sign mean Tetris Road   I love video games wait what and my mother's  not concerned about my eyesight no no mother   I assure you my eyesight is fine I'm just stupid  okay school is over yeah let him go I don't care   about your friends oh wait maybe I did businessman  limited is limited on Friends wait what is this I   went into special careers and now they've Street  Hustler what I'm just gonna go straight into   business I'm going to start up my own business  um what's there a big demand in adult toys that   never goes out oh I need 2.7 million I understand  I can't just go well I run a business now give me   money okay let me rephrase my request what is the  cheapest business available a food truck at 268   000. how am I gonna make that much money God  damn it there goes my dream of owning an adult   toy shop called get fat today's sucks man I'm  enlisting in the Army in the hopes that I can   just make money on the side and not have any  responsibilities your feet are blistering and   you're falling behind the rest of your platoon  catch up easier said than done but just do it   evil stepfather Perry over here hid my sunglasses  that's not quite evil but I'm just gonna straight   up attack him Opera caught him in the throat oh my  God that's a lot of damage ow and ripped my foot   and bit my throat my God my stepfather is feral  all right get Kent and sack in there to defend me   I need to do business over here I'm not guilty I I  am guilty all right one year in prison God damn it   he hid my sunglasses why is no one understanding  that okay so I guess that was one way out of the   army I've got a little bit of money but nowhere  near enough to what I need perhaps I could be an   escort no surprisingly not what about a magician  then yeah I got a job as a magician it was just   fresh out of prison I don't know if I should be  around kids you know maybe I'm an adult magician   oh that gives more money pornography historian  that might be a good job for you yes good job   on that that raised there now we just gotta make  200 000 dollars studying history of pornography all right a junkie just offered me some crack  cocaine yeah I mean look at this job he's not   pretty happy just just let him have this one  thing maybe I should go to the casino so that   I could double my no that never works play  the lottery instead I didn't win I hate the   lottery I can't get any decent job because of  my history of assaulting people over hiding my   sunglasses all right I'm a porta-potty pumper  given my history like my CV is gonna just look   so bad I went from pornography historian  straight into a porta-potty Pumper foreign raccoon and I died so that's how my businessman's  life is going so far businessman worked a   supportive body pumper for many years no many  minutes is the word you're looking for sadly he's   known for attacking his stepfather it just says  his life was cut short by a raccoon okay I found   someone who might have a worse name than me is  you know I'm just gonna move on oh great Crystal   married an O'Donnell this time no Perry that's  where I went wrong and you know what instead of   calling them by the first name I'm gonna try and  start off on the right foot I'm just gonna call   him daddy O'Donnell okay this time I'll apply to  University instead of attacking my father go into   Finance there's a lot of money in that ask mother  to pay she refused I hate her oh my God the way   that is phrased it looks like the game is Just  insulting me oh my car that my mother gifted me   can't even be repaired because I don't have 52  dollars to do it I might need to get a job pay   off those student loans while I'm at it I got  a question are you a goal-orientated person and   my answers are horrible it's either not really I  tend to fall short I set goals but achieving them   is challenging or I'm not a fan of soccer and I'm  not a fan of soccer it might actually be the best   answer here you know what I'm going with it damn  it Team Edward or Team Jacob neither why are you   okay they gave me the job it was a trick question  I appreciate that all right we just need to save   up a bit of money and we can buy a business  you met a young lady named Dixie do you you   don't have a lot of money maybe that would be a  good strategy you are insane though so maybe you   would invest in my food truck idea ask her on  a date but in the meantime set up a dating app   we're looking for someone very old with a lot of  money there we go I'm not saying I'm a gold digger   but my actions do imply that yes yes I am a gold  digger okay I don't even have to kill her I just   have to marry her and then I can use her money  oh no she's suffering from constipation this   could be the end we gotta get married now okay and  with that disturbing noise they've made love okay   the relationship is all full she's constipated  confused now is the time to ask oh but first I   need to go buy a ring something she'll appreciate  look at that emerald ring look at that yes spider   she'll love it take her to the lighthouse so you  can be like God just like this Lighthouse You   Light Up My Life also buy me a house she accepted  yes okay now they just gotta get married plan the   wedding quick before she dies Vineyard yeah  perfect and yeah Grand Canyon oh my God that's   so expensive can we have you know what I'll pay  for it now because I need your money for something   else that's a lot of money I can buy whatever  business I want agreed to sign the prenup it   doesn't matter I'm not getting divorced I'm just  you know using the money without her consent no   keep my name it's part of the brand okay look  at that money why have I not done this before   all right business startup oh my God I could get  two businesses what's the most expensive thing I   can afford because the adult toys business isn't  doing so well if I got in when I wanted to it   would have been great but I didn't oh Footwear  is really in and that's an expensive business I   can afford let's do that start my business it can  be called foot fetish or us just to be like you   know we really love feet we really really want  to treat your feet well that's that's our core   message you know we care all right foot fetisheros  has been registered as a business what's my salary   um a lot I deserve it it's a good way of funneling  money around in a circle so that I'm getting the   wife's money okay let's do a new product line  we're gonna do sneakers for sneaking because I   know crime that's the one demographic I'm zoning  it on oh I like feral sneakers that it suggested   to me what else have I got New York let's come  back to feral consumers Choice King sneakers I   think I'm gonna call them shits just so like oh  you see those new shits out recently oh you got   a pair of shits on nice I think it could I think  it could work with the youth I just realized now   the full sentence is gonna be like hey you get any  shits from foot fetish our ass I'm gonna make 30   000 pairs because I think we can sell them and  just keep in mind that's 60 000 shoes and look   I have weird business crafts in my banner you know  that I know what I'm doing because of that ignore   this performance pair that's a zero percent oh no  oh no we lost a lot of money it was a challenging   you for the business look businesses lose money in  their first year all the time it would be weird if   I didn't if anything it would be a bad sign if  I made money your business foot fetish arrows   has gone bankrupt and been liquidated by the  authorities I'm gonna blame everyone else just   know what else working for me oh and she wants  to buy a house now since when are you in control   of your own money huh look for other houses in  the meantime okay I still have enough to start   a different business all right I just blew most  of her money but I will make it back the Rest   by going back to the original plan of opening  a food truck and I'm gonna invest a good 700   000 in it of her money while I name it uh mother  truckers all right as usual I get a lot more   money than I should we're gonna serve five layer  burritos even though I have no idea about food   and uh we're gonna do a little market research  okay demand isn't huge let's just go back there   a little bit chicken parmesan everyone wants that  okay that's a little bit better launch the product   this is gonna make us Millionaires and of course  this recipe comes from his stepfather specifically   the sauce so I wanted to give him Credit in this  and I'll call it Daddy's Special Sauce introduce   product and let's see how it goes alright first  year let's see oh my wife passed away rats at   least it can't be me like she was killed in the  tornado so I won't be blamed um but I'm I'm not   going to the funeral just so we're all in the in  in the no and I inherited 2.7 million dollars once   again my business mind continues to amaze me we  made a two percent profit on Daddy's Special Sauce   great stuff business is going well we're gonna  keep the existing plan for another year build   golf over here send me an email telling the entire  company what a fantastic boss you were given that   it's a food truck that is probably just me and  him you could have just told me in person bill   but I'll give you a bonus because you're being  nice to me granted it's a dollar so it's almost   insulting but that's what you get he really  appreciated it though okay this year we lost   um 19 1000 that's a 484 percent loss God damn  it okay we gotta reinvent ourselves we just had   to get rid of 2990 servings of Daddy's Special  Sauce you just discovered that your friend Joey   he stayed at your house last night used your sex  toy what why would you do that Joey I take all the   daddy Special Sauce you want but not that that's  disgusting I want to confront him just to ask him   to buy him a new one okay how can I save Mother  truckers because this business is everything to me   adjust your fixed cost by changing your supplier  okay this is all very confusing one second let me   just take a bonus of 50 000 there just a click  of a button and it's just mine ah so I do have   another employee so Bill over here is telling  Betsy who hates this place how great I am I'm   gonna recognize her whatever that means do you  want to give him some recognition yeah there you   go wow what a boss I can see why I'm getting 50  000 bonuses what I got a valuation with my company   and they valued at a 562 thousand dollars but it  says available Capital 987 thousand dollars so   just the burden of having my business I'd have to  pay them so that they would buy it off me damn it   nobody wants to buy my company mother truckers  at 731 thousand dollars okay maybe it was just   a bad year for Daddy's Special Sauce maybe we can  go again or or maybe we could change supplier the   quality would go up and the price would go down  oh my God I'm so good at business sign a contract   yes now we're back in the plus God I know what  I'm doing don't I when it really comes down to   it oh my God your product Daddy's Special Sauce  is about to go viral after it's packed an intense   debate on social media plan accordingly oh my God  at a production plan screw 35 000 servings 105 000   servings now yes I am not sure but yes while  on your lunch break you overhear your employee   Lillian Monroe sobbing into her phone complaining  about her negative bank balance that is so sad   to see a worker just abandon their work get back  to work one has made you his enemy after that   somehow he was aware this was happening he's  like you know what I'm not your friend anymore   businessman limited all right hey chop because  we are about to get a huge payday oh my God   look at that it actually works just making the  maximum amount possible was the key to success   sure I had to write off like 5 000 servings but  you know it was still a good call overall four   percent of servings went you know I don't care I  don't care about food wastage I care about money   that's all I care about to prove them around some  of your employees have asked you to take the team   to a formal party just three of us it's gonna be  really weird but yeah that sounds like fun I think   it might be a good idea to have some stuff going  on in the background like he should marry another   really old rich person that that would be good he  loves that here we go 90 years old what a strong   age quickly Byron quickly it quickly we don't have  much time sapphire rings should do it I'm spending   like 10 grand on the ring it's an investment  really you know businessman uh oh speaking   of businessman you know we still made a decent  amount of money I think looking at that it's just   down a little bit we'll probably have to throw  away a bit more this year yeah 13 000 servings   okay yeah I probably should have edited it just  a little bit wait Betsy over here is saying it'll   be a miracle if I don't run this company into the  ground listen you mother trucker you're getting a   warning right here and now while I hang out with  a group of friends your enemy one's wife my enemy   like he's just declared himself my enemy what if I  just said to you I'm your enemy now you don't get   a choice like I didn't have any say in the matter  I don't even know who one is well anyway gonna   hook up with his wife see what happens don't use  protection that'll show him my enemy oh I forgot   about poor Molly she's 91 over here her heart  couldn't take it maybe I should do it more no   wait married first married first then break her  heart she rejected it well that is upsetting okay   the business is Plumping maybe I shouldn't  have taken exponential growth as my strategy   like doing nothing but just expecting everything  to get better and better oh my God 32 percent of   servings went unsold did I at least make a profit  I did ah Daddy's special sauce has never let me   down Bill Gulch has been receiving feedback with  an open mind yeah and he he compliments me give   him another bonus you know at this time Bill you  deserve much better I'm doubling it oh hold on I   can't seem to oh wait it's jumping the gun that's  going right up to like 60 or 100 not too much you   know what one again I'm sure you'll appreciate it  yeah look at that he loves it aha she accepted the   marriage proposal excellent another investment  is paying off honestly he's a much better gold   digger than he is a businessman you want a prenup  yeah that's fine I'm gonna live here don't worry   ew I've stepped children and they're like all  older than me okay now that I've got like my   corner of the business could I just change it  so my my suppliers is super cheap instead no   I can't find anyone who will produce it even  cheaper okay I want another valuation what 923   000. I feel like that's low for the work we've  put in here like does my four percent performance   mean nothing to you what if I open a new truck  in fact I should open loads of them like we're   called mother truckers not mother truck now I  have five trucks here we go annual payroll is   now quarter of a million dollars that's just  fine don't worry about it it's gonna be fine   oh God okay I'm just gonna put nearly all of my  money into production here please work please   work please work I'm putting a lot of risk on this  this one business move but you know what it's all   about risks with businessman limited and sometimes  they don't pay off sweet Jesus available Capital   minus ten thousand no no blame everyone else it's  not my fault you suspect your wife of cheating on   you I can't afford two divorcers so just think  nothing of it I gotta start a new business quick   before she gets rid of me do I have anything to  sell so I can open like a better business like   maybe I could sell her home or something like that  estimated value 1.9 million I'll just don't even   ask her just try and sell it I got offered 1.8  million take the offer that's enough to open up  

a little Brewery she's arguing just aren't you  back shut up I said shut up I got an idea for   another brilliant business oh I'm gonna open up  a marijuana dispensary imagine her seeing that I   took all of her money sold her home and started a  business called 420 Blaze it LOL pick your product   name it gave me the make a blunt and I'm kind of  happy with that I'm just gonna introduce it all   right let's see does it make money it made  a little bit of money I got seven thousand   dollars off a very risky move endless forecast  that you could sell 68 percent more units at   the current price well then I'm going to double  triple our output your wife Molly wants divorce   she's afraid you won't be able to keep your hand  out of other girls cookie chairs no you're afraid   that I'm gonna open more businesses I'm so tempted  to attack you but I'm just gonna beg her to stay   she decided to stay okay good I'm just not sure  what will happen to the money and I need the money   okay now we're talking my moves were the correct  moves surprisingly the MC blunt is at a Smash Hit   I could sell 38 more units yeah well you're always  underneath what what it's reality so I'm putting   way more into it I just take a random guess I  may as well be throwing down to the dart board   with figures on it Jim Bob Gomez is reading at  work feckle you're fired we're not a laid-back   business oh no I'm getting sued oh [ __ ] I  didn't consider there might be consequences for   my actions fight the lawsuit I'm not giving him  39 000. we're gonna get bugger and O'Donnell my   dad maybe in to defend me oh I lost and uh now I  have to pay his legal fees as well as my own okay   and one wants me to take Adderall with him no way  I just want to see how my business did God damn   it look at that I just keep making more green and  it makes me more green ten percent more units just   [ __ ] all of them just make them all I finally  found my business how do I like pump more money   into this because this is going way too good open  a new dispensary yeah another 50k per year that's   fine oh my God they just valued my company at 3.7  million I'm gonna take this to the moon when I get   it to 10 million then and only then am I going to  sell oh that's not a good I don't like seeing that   minus 45 wait you could sell 50 more unit what  the hell who are these analysts are people money   laundering with my business and I'm just not aware  of this they want to go to an indoor trampoline   park for 270 available Capital no look it's just  too much I want you to have fun but that is too   much money to spend I'm refusing oh my Ollie wants  to divorce oh no what'll I do I'm independent from   you now Molly get out of here oh oh no I need to  settle she'll walk away with 1.4 million in assets  

I lost the stepchildren at least oh my god I've  lost so much money I mean we made a ton of money   at least maybe I could just bonus my way out  of this and we sold [ __ ] everything I might   actually need another dispensary wait someone put  my mug suspended in cherry jello sitting on my   desk reprimand the culprit Oh I thought that said  attack and I thought I attacked them and I got 25   years I'm just so used to being locked up okay I  need a bonus of okay I need a higher bonus than   that that's not gonna cut it where's my salary  I need a salary very come on man I really need   more money than that she took everything from me  she took the kids God damn it and yeah I was quite   happy about that but she took everything is what  I'm saying I'm gonna start paying above average   as well because I'm a really good boss I just  want everything to stay afloat okay the police   are cracking down on illegal marijuana so that  should be good for me they'll have to buy it for   me now instead I'm opening two new dispensaries  and I'm going to put up production as high as we   can because the no MC blunt is just doing amazing  I'm amazed we haven't been sued as well though all   right make as many as you can and let's have a  fantastic year and sell this dumpster fire of   a company before it goes belly up oh wait hold on  no this is working this is going great oh no it's   gonna drop by 22 because I have a big competitor  oh no wait that's next year's competition is gonna   decrease oh my God we are just flying aren't we  and a doctor has offered me 6.5 million to buy   my business blaze it LOL I mean I'm really tempted  I know I said 10 million but that's a lot of zeros   on the end there like four that's crazy you know  what take the offer and we can do what he really   wants to do we're in the adult toys industry go  [ __ ] yourself is the name all right we're gonna   make a cherry flavored edible underwear no other  flavors we're just making this one why did the   name automatically go to papa's edible underwear  it's like there's some AI trying to figure me   out from the previous products you know what yes  introduce it okay we lost money that's all right   I'm experienced businessman I know what I'm doing  we're gonna up the units to the maximum and we'll   just up the price and then when we make more money  we'll make more edible underwear your enemy wand   secretly replace the salt in your soul Shaker how  is he getting in here second attack him I've had   enough of him flick his hand there we go that did  a lot more damage than I thought it was oh sweet   Jesus oh God Papa's edible underwear is gonna  destroy me okay I went bankrupt for some reason   in the industry where I could have had stock upon  stock upon stock I went with the only product that   would expire oh you know what if I'm going out in  Failure one has to as well I still have money but   I'm just not standing for it I'm not sitting  around letting him watch me fail look for a   Hitman he used a bazooka excellent that's one less  thing I have to worry about oh yeah I forgot to do   anything about the the jaw oh wait they want me as  a CEO excellent they're gonna give me two million   dollars a year that's more than I ever made with  my own businesses I had one successful business   that all I did was say make more every year and  it worked and they're like yes we got the best   CEO out there all right what what's what's the  job here what do I have to do I have to control   their business excellent you have picked the right  man for the job okay first thing make more oh wait   you can't afford it okay make this many now that  should have fixed everything I'd oh oh my God I   just lost 106 million in one move they fired  me immediately and sold the board I just made   two million dollars became a famous CEO for all  the wrong reasons I think I should write a book   I write a book oh I was gonna call it falling  upwards a commercial yeah take the money it's   pocket change but it's fine my fame is going up  from being commercials I'm credited as a business   tycoon I'm have stumbled into this you want to  make a big change by drastically altering the   way you look shave off my eyebrows oh no my mother  is hemorrhoids and my fame is dropping can someone   let me write a book or something just anything  just pity Fame anything at all maybe I could   capitalize on this by opening a business and using  the fame to carry it okay I'm opening a Coffee   House Cafe I'm famous I guess in here I'm missing  a few spaces there but that's okay we're gonna   make americanos that are called just buy it for  [ __ ] sake it or write to the point or customers   love that I assume look at this making money hand  over fist I know exactly what I'm doing it's all   about exponential growth all right I thought that  was a mistake before but now I actually see it's   the way forward wait I got an offer to promote  buttons on my YouTube account yeah I didn't even   know I had one just accept it oh no my business  is not going well it's not going well at all it   says the market is in a downward spiral I'm gonna  promote orange juice on my YouTube account just   every dollar counts in this top economy you know  oh my God a movie director wants to buy it okay   because it's it's a famous thing you know he's  like oh I'm famous yeah I'm famous so I'll buy   that okay take it fast and run with the money  you know I think I actually stumbled on the   best business opportunity right at the beginning  okay come on come on I need a 10. okay I'll Stand I lost everything and now I'm depressed I've lost  all of my money why does it always go like this   any uh famous business need a famous CEO out there  or anything speak of the devil I didn't even read   it but accept it what's my salary 1.1 million  uh yes I deserve it okay make more that's 50 50   if this is gonna work they're gonna think I'm  a genius if I pull it off while at a funeral a   pornstar calls you with no good Thug what kind of  life is he leading when we're not controlling him   ow I called her a [ __ ] and then she popped my  larynx call the police yeah that's right finally   I'm not the one getting thrown in jail your  mother passed away I made she was still living   skip the funeral how did my business do oh [ __ ]  I actually heard it money maybe I should have gone   profit of 518 you know what my answer to that is  more make more cars oh my God it's going up even   more I'm actually doing this we need a mascot um  stork the stork yeah that works I'm suffering from   high blood pressure ignore is make money oh um no  I said make money that wasn't sarcasm I got fired   but I've done so much for this company and solved  the board and walk away oh my god look how famous   I am defecation issues I I don't care it doesn't  bother me look how famous I am write a block write   a book yes businessman's time averagely endowed  being businessmen limited I think averagely in   doubt that'll be an interesting book title I  did not really make much of that but that's okay   because I'm going on TV now no one wants to talk  to me I'm being a photo shoot no one wants to take   photos with me I'm going to go be in a commercial  if no one wants to okay that's fine okay I did a   how-to video and I earned 1 700 subscribers maybe  this will actually work out his blood pressure   is going down and everything oh my God another  CEO opportunity just gonna take it and just do   absolutely nothing I'm not even gonna respond to  what they want I'm just like yeah keep everything   the way it is that's fine oh no they took him  to a horse race put two million on super Luna   oh no this is a terrible idea come on red oh my  God it might actually win it's what a horse this   playthrough is completely blursed I just want 10  million off there why a happy noise oh cause of   the money not because of Brendan or Donald passing  away I'm gonna make a new book called businessmen   limited a legend yeah it didn't sell well not  surprised given it's an autobiography I'm getting   all these medical things and I'm just not doing  anything about it because that seems to be the   best way to run this guy's life just kind of go  with the flow your friend dick handy passed away I   haven't spoken to him since we were like seven and  all I did was kind of laugh at his name and that   was it they finally fired me it took them long  enough I was doing absolutely nothing just sitting   there in my office being old and famous and I  died he had way too good of a life considering   what he did lovers 5 murders one career CEO of  foot fetish arrows did you have to put that one   on the tombstone what about the normal ones but  I'm also going to retire so check out some more   of my content here I hope you'll enjoy that  and I hope to see you next time bye for now

2022-09-27 05:13

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