How I Built a Million Dollar Tutoring Business - Lessons I've Learnt

How I Built a Million Dollar Tutoring Business - Lessons I've Learnt

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all right this is going to be a juicy video i'm  going to be talking about the things that people   just don't talk about when it comes to running  a business including bad reviews what to do when   employees aren't happy with you what to do if you  have no idea what direction you want to head in in   your business what you're doing in general because  let me tell you these are all the things that you   will be experiencing when you start a business  this is going to be a pretty long video so i'm   going to leave time stamps for you to jump through  the sections you're interested in but i think   overall if you can watch the entire thing because  i'm going to really focus on giving you valuable   gems of advice in each section so that if you're  somebody who wants to start your own business or   you're just curious about what it's like to be  a business owner and behind the scenes then yeah   this video is going to be a good one in case you  don't know me i'm lisa this is my cat mesa who's   super high on energy at the moment so i'm just  gonna let her run around and do her thing so the   first thing i want to talk about is how you  don't have to be at the very top to succeed   as you guys probably know i achieved an eta of  97.25 which is essentially the score you get at   the end of your high school life in order for you  to get into university now the very top score you   can get is 99.95 and i didn't get that duh but i  always had this sort of insecurity that because i   didn't get the perfect mic no one would really  want to listen to me people would laugh at me   or scoff at me or even look down on me for just  not being the very best and so because of that   i actually focused more on my english scores for  a very long time so my best subject was english   i ended up scoring in the top 2 of my cohort which  is still not the top 1 you know but i was like top   2 surely people would think that's good enough  and it really was and it's only until actually   kind of recently that i've started sharing that i  did achieve an eta of 97.25 rather proudly as well   because i think what a lot of people don't realize  is yes the best score out there is going to be the   most interesting and probably the most marketable  but if you're somebody who has done well to some   extent in whatever field you have if you're  somebody who knows just that little bit more   than somebody else and you don't have to be the  most expert in that field that's more than enough   for you to get started with a business that's more  than enough for you to share your advice because   it's still more than what somebody else would know  this is particularly relevant when it comes to   education oh my cat's sitting on my lap oh you're  so cute okay sorry can you see her i don't know if   you can see her okay so yeah i'd say with this  point is never doubt your own accomplishments   and if you're happy with what you've done and you  feel like you've got something to share then that   is absolutely worthwhile to share because people  will definitely come and listen and i think for   me if anything the benefit of not achieving that  perfect score is that perhaps i'm actually more   relatable i'm somebody who has kind of gone  through the trenches worked hard at it was not   naturally talented or gifted in a certain thing  and so i think that means that what i've been   able to achieve people look at and go hang on a  minute i think i could do this for myself too so   that's number one people will come to you if you  put out good value number two is stick with what   you believe i think when you first start out of  business especially when you were as young as i   was i essentially started this business when i was  19. it didn't turn into a business and generate   money until i was like 24 25 but essentially i  started a blog all the way when i was 19 and so   at that age i had no idea what my values were i  had no idea what i wanted to do in the world and   i was still figuring out a lot about myself and  so often i think when you first start a business   you don't know what you believe in and as a result  you're not 100 sure what type of business you want   to create or how you want to go about that so what  i mean is when i first started out in business i   sort of saw everybody running along beside me who  started their own business at the same time and   i had a friend at the time an ex-friend actually  scandalous no i'm just kidding but we both offered   private tutoring and he just hired more and more  and more tutors and then at some point he had   800 tutors and then just i don't know how many  students and i just felt this inconsistency with   what i wanted and i knew looking out at you know  news articles there's always those amazing stories   of this entrepreneur 18 year old entrepreneur  has made a million dollar business overnight   and you know these are the stories that you're  always hearing about and it almost makes you feel   like you need to do the same and it's taken me a  very long time to realize that that is not what i   wanted and that was okay so the whole reason why i  left pharmacy to run my own business to own my own   business is because i wanted more flexibility in  my lifestyle i wanted to dictate my own hours but   more importantly i wanted a lifestyle to match it  so i didn't want to grind myself into the ground   doing 80 hour weeks that was not what i believed  in and although i couldn't articulate it that well   at the time i can now and it has taken a few years  for me to really realize this so for my business   we've actually grown a lot slower i believe than  if i was to press hard on the accelerator and   really really push for growth but that just wasn't  what i wanted and i think to be able to say this   now so with such ease and just such happiness  tells me that i know i did the right thing in   the end at the end of the day your business is  yours so you need to run it in the way that you   think is best for yourself because you're the  person who's running this company and if you're   not in love with your business then it's going to  be a tough one to grow two you want to look after   employees as well which i'll talk about a little  bit later and so to summarize this point i'd say   don't be afraid to go against the grain for me  it's taken me several years to build my team up   from zero to 50 people in meanwhile i've seen  other people actually i have one company that   i know about who we were friends me and the owner  and she was talking about how she was doing great   they were turning over like two million in revenue  and they had 800 shooters but guess what they went   into liquidation at the end of two years ago and  i was just like what the [ __ ] because she made   it seem like she was doing so well for herself  so believe in yourself it's super airy fairy   but it's very important when it comes to running  your own business number three is i want to expand   upon going against the grain i think it's really  easy when you're in business to start looking at   competitors and start seeing what other people are  doing and to feel like you need to emulate them or   do the same thing so for example when it comes  to tutoring companies particularly in melbourne   so many crop up year after year after year new  students come out and you could be one of them   who's starting your own private tutoring company  so i'm telling you this now as somebody who's been   in the space for over five years everybody thinks  that their private tutoring company is going to   be the one that stands out and does amazingly and  is different but the problem with private tutoring   companies is that it's very hard to market  yourself as different because at the end of the   day it just boils down for a lot of people on what  are the tutors marks what subjects do they teach   and where do they live it's very hard to showcase  a shooter's personality online and so you'll see   that a lot of tutoring companies will default to  those facts because they're easy to put online and   easy for people to just sort of gauge on whether  or not they want this tutor or not and i haven't   even figured this out as well i'm still figuring  out how to market my tutors in a particular way   that makes them stand out from everyone else  who's in the space and believe me there are so   many people in the space but my way of going about  things differently was i established branding and   i really focused on branding with myself as the  head of the company so it's called lisa's study   guides which means that i'm sort of directing the  personality of the brand the type of advice we   give and the way in which we deliver that type of  advice and by being so public about it by having   youtube in particular i've been able to attract  a certain crowd of not only potential students   but also tutors as well and just that branding  itself has really helped me in bringing together   the right type of people who i want to serve in  my business so that's just something for you to   think about something else that i did that was  going against the grain was i have purposely said   no to tutoring in other subjects so people will  always ask oh do you treat a math do you treat a   science and i'm just like no we only specialize  in english and that's because i wanted to have   a differentiating point between me and other  tutoring companies but moreover i knew that if   i expanded into all types of different subjects  i'd probably only be able to do it half-assedly   because i just don't have the time to create  resources to train all the tutors in the different   subjects there's just so much work that goes on  behind a tutoring company that people don't think   about and so i think for us really specializing in  english only has been just such a great decision   for me and my business in the long run so that's  something for you to think about as well like   don't feel like you need to go into and expand  into all subjects just because someone else is   they might not even be doing it well you know what  i'm saying all right let's talk about competitors   so it's easy to get sucked into looking at what  other people are doing and feeling like your   business isn't keeping up or on the other hand to  look at a business and be like they're basically   just copying my business which has happened to me  which really frustrates me and i'm okay about it   now but you can probably tell that it's still like  frustrating to some extent i think when you've   been in business for a while you will start to see  other businesses copy some of the things that you   do perhaps it will be the actual writing in itself  it will be like what you put on your website the   actual words and sentences you use they pretty  much will just copy and paste that into their own   i know that there's this company out there who's  literally just copied the entire format of our   website including the branding colors including  the types of illustrations and i'm just like get your own man but i think how i rationalize  it and what i tell myself is yes although it   feels super threatening that somebody can just  so easily go and take what you've really spent   a long time diligently building up and you know  you're the one who thinks about what colors go   into your branding you're the one who made the  decisions on okay what type of animations do i   want how do i want to advertise my study guides  and when you see someone else just doing the same   it's super defeating what i do to remind myself  is that these people they don't have that insider   knowledge that you have they don't have the  why as to why you did certain things they don't   understand that you chose to advertise your study  guide in this particular way because it actually   links up to your overall branding somehow but  they can't see that because obviously they're   not you so yeah somebody can copy your work but  they're only going to be able to copy it so far   and at some point they're going to have to  figure it out on their own because copying   somebody else's business long term is just not a  recipe for success and if we flip this on its head   it's like you looking at somebody else and going  oh [ __ ] i need to do what they're doing no you   don't you don't need to do what they're doing  focus on what you're doing and why you're doing   what you're doing don't get distracted by all  the noise of other companies around you because   it is literally just noise and i can tell you  as somebody who's been in the business for over   five years is that private tutoring companies i  know i'm talking about pirate shooting companies   specifically but i think this would apply for any  sort of field they come and go new ones start new   ones go and really it's only the ones that stay  on for year after year after year that you should   be looking at and tracking and just monitoring  and seeing how they're doing but it doesn't mean   you need to copy them so i think that leads very  nicely into what happens if you have no idea what   is going on okay so i've never talked about this  before but in the years of 2017 through to 2019 i   had no idea what i was doing with my business and  i think the reason for that is because i've been   very lucky in my journey my business has pretty  much just grown on its own like i didn't just   come into this going yep i'm gonna turn this into  a private tutoring and study guide company i went   into this at 19 years old going oh i somehow did  well in english i want to share some of the things   that i learned along the way let me start a blog  and through that i had people start messaging me   about private tutoring and then because of that i  started hiring my first few tutors and then that   sort of just snowboard over time and then before  i knew it i had 50 shooters in my team and that   wasn't sort of the vision that i had started this  business with and actually because of that it put   me in a place where i felt extremely at a loss i  wasn't happy with a lot of what i had built and   i've talked about this before in another video  which i'll link for you i wasn't proud of what   i had accomplished and that made me really sad for  a very long time and i think a lot of it came down   to i didn't have an overarching sense of purpose  i didn't have a why as to why i wanted to have   this business i felt like it was something that i  had created over time and sort of built a prison   around myself which sounds super dramatic but kind  of true it almost was pulling me along as opposed   to me pulling it along with my vision and so it  took a whole bunch of existential crisis a lot   of self-development and really just thinking about  what i wanted out of my business i know this isn't   like the most glamorized part about this video  and i don't really have like a three-step sort   of formula for you to figure out a solution for  it because it's something that truly takes time   because i think as the head of a business like  your own identity your beliefs are very important   in formulating how you want to create a business  and what type of business that is and if you don't   have that then your business is just kind of going  to be more easily molded by competitors as we were   talking about before by recommendations from your  staff or from your investors so yeah it's just   something that takes time i just wanted to share  that with you just to let you know that you're not   alone that people do go through it even if they  don't talk about it online everyone shows their   highlight reels but people don't want to talk  about not being sure about where they want to   take their business obviously because they want  you to believe in their business they want you   to have a connection with it and feel like the  business itself is headed in the right direction   you know all right so now that i'm sort of going  into the section of i wasn't really sure what was   going on i was unhappy with my business let's  talk about employees being unhappy with you i   think i could you know reword this section as  just like employees in general and talk about   all the highlights because there are absolutely  highlights when it comes to people working with   you and the people that you meet over the  years but i guess the more juicy and the   more interesting part is what happens when people  aren't happy with working for you and what does   that feel like because it is inevitably going to  happen i think as a business owner especially as   a young business owner you don't realize that you  need to do people management skills and you have   to develop those over time and i think when you're  young as well like you don't have the maturity and   the capacity sometimes to have that leadership  i would say again it's just something that you   learn over time but i think a good example for  me was a few years ago when i first started my   business i had hired a girl to work for me  to basically do she was basically like an   assistant so she was to do anything that i asked  her to do like a little bit of marketing a little   bit of customer service i hadn't really figured  out what that role was going to be yet i just   knew that i needed someone to help out just with  everything behind the scenes and so i think that   was probably the first fault not having a really  clearly defined role for her and to expect that   she'd be able to do everything that i was able to  do because obviously i'm the business owner i'm   going to do everything but somebody else who comes  into your business is probably not going to be as   interested in the marketing section as they are  in the customer service section for example and   i think it's important to recognize that blurry  roles are a no-go for everybody i think with her   there was sort of fault on both ends i realized  after a few months of working with her she kept   handing in pretty sloppy work because we're an  english tutoring company i needed all of her   writing to be perfect in terms of punctuation and  grammar and she was an english tutor first before   she came to worked for me as an assistant so i  expected that of her but she was kind of sloppy   let things slip through and as a result i had to  like redo a lot of her work which started to get   me annoyed at you know just her as a staff member  and then what happened was she had a grandma who   passed away understandably we said that we'd have  a break and i offered her you know one month for   a break and she was really grateful for that so i  felt like i did the right thing by her at the same   time i thought in the background that i'd use this  time to figure out what i wanted to do with her in   her role did i want to let her go did i want to  change things up a little bit set new standards   again so that we could work better together and  so after the one month she gets back to me and she   says hey i'm ready to work again but it's just so  happened that i had just moved to bali for a month   at that time just to do a little bit of digital  nomading i wanted to try that out and because   of the upheaval of the moving of the setting up  over there i hadn't had the time to actually think   about her role so i got back to her and this  is the part where i feel like i did her wrong   was i said hey i'm really sorry can we extend this  break i just need to figure out a few things and   i'll get back to you and we'll get started again  i think the issue here was that one i wasn't clear   on when we were going to get started again so  i was pretty much leading her on but also too   i was giving her the false impression that we were  going to get started again what i was potentially   thinking about letting her go i know it might  sound really obvious on camera but i think when   you're sort of just starting out in business  and you're doing these things some of these   things just happen and they happen because you're  just so busy you're running a business you've got   your own life that you're trying to sort out  as well and so the business can take over and   just lead you to be sort of more abrupt and for  me anyway i think less empathetic in some sense   so i wasn't really thinking about it from her  perspective anyway so a couple of weeks passes   and then she sends me a really long email titled  termination of contract and she basically just   writes out this entire essay about how she's  been incredibly unhappy with me she thinks i've   been really unprofessional with the way that i've  handled things over the past couple of weeks and   yeah that just really sucked like i think a lot  of the time when it comes to this sort of stuff   if they've got unhappy employees or unhappy  customers there tends to be a little bit of   responsibility in both parties you know like one  party will say that it's completely other person's   fault the other one will say it's complete the  others but i think the thing that i've learned   over time is that one there's always something  for you to take away and learn from it and if   you can learn from it then that's gonna be the  best result of all of this experience because   it's always a [ __ ] experience you never enjoy  making people feel crap or having people not like   you like that's really [ __ ] and so i wanted to  share this with you because it's something that   is inevitably going to happen but when it does  happen i want you to know that as long as you can   take something meaningful away from it learn not  to repeat your past mistakes then that's going to   be better for your future employees and customers  as well okay so let's talk about bad reviews now   that we've moved into customers pretty much the  same thing as before but i'd say that with reviews   everything is public so the way that you deal  with employees is very much behind the scenes   whereas when it comes to reviews it's all public  and so everyone can have a look at what's going   on in your business and i think although we get  so many positive reviews after positive reviews   it's the bad nuggets that come in that make you  feel really crap and make you kind of question   the way that you're doing things and so one thing  that i'm very aware of is we are definitely priced   in the more boutique sort of end of tutoring so  we're not dirt cheap we're not as expensive as   your examiners out there who charge over 200 an  hour we sit in the 75 bracket which is sort of   in the mid to upper range i'd say and so because  of this you know we attract a certain type of   customer we're not trying to attract the people  who only want to pay 30 an hour for a tutor   we're also not attracting the people who only want  examiners and teachers as a tutor we're attracting   people who want quality shooters who've we've  vetted ourselves and come to a brand that they   know they can trust and they know that we take  our customer service seriously and that we are   professional sometimes we do have reviews that get  left behind that say this private tutoring company   it's so expensive it's definitely not worth its  value and when that happens it definitely sucks   because we work so hard to try to provide value  where we can and so i know at that point that   something has gone wrong in that process and  it could be anything in the process it could   be from the very beginning that this customer was  not the right customer for us but for some reason   we still took them on board and that means that  our vetting process with our own customers and   who we decide to take on as customers needs to be  improved and yes you can vet your own customers as   well you don't want to take on board customers  who aren't the right fit for you either because   they probably are going to leave negative reviews  otherwise it could be something that happened with   the tutor themselves in this particular case with  the latest bad review that i'm thinking of i think   it's because it was a tutor who just started  with us so that makes me think that we need to   sort of rethink about how we train up our tutors  when they first start up with us and to go into   this situation and ask them what happened here  let's kind of try to troubleshoot this and see   how we can do better next time so yeah it could  be anywhere or it could be even something that we   promised them but we didn't deliver for them so  it could be something as small as the fact that   maybe we promised them that we'd give them a study  guide and we were late in doing so this is just   made up but you know it just gives you like lots  of points to think about in your own business and   how to improve them but more importantly is your  response and that's that public response i think   whenever it comes to a bad review just always  admit fault to some extent so say that you're   sorry and acknowledge what they're saying and  i think it's really important not to dismiss it   because then it just makes you seem like somebody  who's not listening but also feel free to give   your own side of the story as well because i  think it's really easy for a bad review to be   just taken as the only side of that story so in  this particular case i think the response i said   was hi i'm really sorry you know what i'm just  gonna slap it up on screen for you because you   might as well have a look at it like it's public  available i might as well chuck it in this video   all right let's move on so now that we've talked  about sort of the more negative things let's talk   about the positive things stacking your advantages  so when you run your own business especially when   you start off you're the person who needs to do  everything obviously what i found super helpful   for me over the years and this may not be the case  for everyone is to kind of block out periods where   you focus on one thing at a time and do it really  well so when i first started my business i started   with a blog and that was all i had i wasn't trying  to do a million things at once wasn't trying to do   like 10 different social medias as well i just  had the blog and i just learned everything there   was to know about blogging i learned about seo  i learned about the type of content that was out   there versus the type of content i want to create  i learned about my own writing voice and the type   of style i wanted to have and i learned about how  to market my blog so that was all to do with blogs   and i spent a long ass time doing that probably  longer than what's necessary like i started when i   was 19. i was doing pharmacy at the time so i was  like distracted by other things so yeah my blog   was there for a good few years before i actually  actually to stacking my next thing on top of it   but yeah you can do this in a timeline that suits  you the second thing i did was i stacked it with   a mailing list so once i had my blog going and i  knew what i was doing there and it was pretty much   just automated in a sense like i didn't have too  much more to learn week after week i knew what i   was doing i then stacked it with a mailing list  so i let people subscribe to my mailing list and   i started writing weekly newsletters and i learned  everything to do with weekly newsletters i learned   about why they're important for marketing  marketing funnels i learned about how to   write emails how to write good titles how to write  good bodies and how to review my analytics and the   marketing software that was involved in that  and that took a really long time as well for   me to really get comfortable with and then once i  was done with that i then stacked it with youtube   and youtube has literally been the best business  decision i think okay one of them one of the best   business decisions i'd made at the time i noticed  that nobody was doing youtube at the time who was   in my space so i thought why the heck not i'm not  afraid of putting myself out there and it's just   been a gold in terms of its returns like anybody  can watch my videos for free if you wanted to   but if you wanted to come in and get tutoring or  study guides you can if you want to and there's no   pressure for you to do that and i love that like  i love that i can offer education for people who   don't want to spend any money or those who can't  afford it to those who can spend 75 an hour and   those who only want to spend 25 for a study guide  like there's just a really great mix of what you   want from lisa study guys and that makes me really  happy from then i stacked it with a little bit of   instagram instagram's still not perfect my social  media apart from youtube is not great and i will   very easily and happily admit that and i think  it's just because i never found any social media   platform that has stuck but recently i stacked  on top tick tock and that has been amazing   that's been so good for just my own creative  spirit and just me having fun again in my business   or having more fun in my business i should say  if you look at my business from the outside you'd   be like oh dang girl she does blogging she's  got a newsletter she's got youtube she's got   private tutoring she's got study guides she's  got instagram she got tick tock and it's a lot   for somebody who's just starting out like to think  that you need to do all of that is just a hell no   don't worry about it focus on one thing at a time  and build them up gradually i think that's what's   going to make it a whole lot more enjoyable for  you as well let's talk about finances finances   can be really overwhelming they're overwhelming  when you're destroying your own personal tax a lot   of people have no idea what they're doing when it  comes to their own money so to run a business and   think about the finances for that is a whole other  thing in itself so i wrote down a few things that   i think is important one is remember to have  everything business regulated going into one   account create a business account you can go  to com bank pay ten dollars a month and you   have a business account and any transaction that  goes in or out of the business should go through   that one business account don't mix it with your  personal finances because it's just going to get   super confusing down the track and it's a hell  of a lot of admin for you as well keep it simple   think for yourself ahead of time because the you  in july that needs to do the taxes is gonna thank   you second is once you can afford it pay for a  software like zero zero is a godsend basically   what it does is it keeps a track of all the  transactions that you have made in and out of your   business but it also offers you like all these  different reports on how your business is going   and more importantly when you have an accountant  who comes in and does your end-of-year reporting   xero is the perfect software for them to just  go into and figure out everything by themselves   rather than asking you for all your bank details  all the transactions and statements and interests   that you've gotten inside the bank account it just  makes it so much easier when you have a software   like xero yes you have to pay like 50 a month for  it but i think the 50 is very much so returned for   you the other thing about xero is that you can  reconcile all of your transactions as well i do   this myself you can hire a bookkeeper to do it  but i find that i can keep my hand on the pulse   of what is actually going on in my business if  i do it myself so i can see exactly what money   has been spent on what we have purchased but  also if there are any like fraudulent or spammy   transactions which absolutely have happened so not  too long ago i had like over two thousand dollars   from my bank account get taken out being spent on  himalayan salt somewhere in sydney and i was just   like what the heck so i think doing reconciling by  yourself is absolutely okay too like sometimes you   feel like you need to delegate certain sections  of your business because people tell you need   to but also think for yourself and think about  what you want final thing here is only if you're   interested in purchasing property i just want you  to know that if you want to purchase property and   you work for yourself banks are not going to  like you because you're considered more risky   if you're self-employed especially if you don't  have more than two years worth of tax returns   so if you're just starting out in your first or  second year just know that if you want to purchase   a property during that time it's just gonna be a  little bit trickier doesn't mean that you can't it   just means that probably the most popular banks  that you're familiar with probably won't lend   you at an interest rate that you'd want or as much  money as you want so there's definitely workabouts   around it and that's it for finances but if you  want to know more about the finances and want me   to go in more detail then just let me know okay  so i want to talk about the most important thing   the last thing and that is you need to be your  best hype man or hype woman i think running a   business is incredibly taxing even if people don't  admit it it's so fruitful and so rewarding in so   many ways but it can be incredibly challenging as  well you'll just kind of face so many different   challenges unhappy employees bad reviews not  knowing what you're doing and also like the   instability of it when you first get started it  depends what situation you're in but you might not   have that much money going for you and sometimes  it's going to take years for you to build up to a   place where you're going to be comfortable and  happy with how much you're making and i think   all of that psychologically can be quite heavy and  as a result i think it's really important for you   to look after yourself so for me if you know me i  only work like 20 hours a week because i cannot do   more than that if i do more than that i know that  it is physically draining and emotionally draining   for me and that i'm just not happy as a result and  yeah like working 20 hours means that absolutely   my business has scaled at a pace that is a lot  slower than other people's but i am okay with   that i am okay with dedicating time aside for my  yoga for my bjj for my exercise my other exercise   i'm doing like 100 other different sports at the  moment for my baking for my veggie garden for   my cat for you know experimenting with makeup i'm  doing a new lip today do you like it these are the   things that get me going they're what invigorates  me because sometimes business can drag you down   and can bring your energy down not always it can  absolutely bring you up as well but i think it's   just having that acknowledgement that business is  tough and i don't want you going in sort of being   naive about it and thinking that it's all gonna  be you know red roses and wine glasses it can be   but yeah these are all things that are coming from  somebody who has run my business full time now for   five years so happy five year anniversary to me if  you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up   i'm really appreciative you've stayed all the  way until this end of this video listening to   the advice i have to share please write down the  comment section below what would you like to hear   more about i love talking about this stuff i love  to share my experiences with you and giving you   the real talk you know because i think it's  important i'll catch you guys next time bye

2022-12-15 10:57

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