Habits That Will Help Your Fitness Business Thrive | Mathew Park and Jaime Filer

Habits That Will Help Your Fitness Business Thrive | Mathew Park and Jaime Filer

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you're freaking amazing no problem okay is that is that okay how would it feel to have a thriving Fitness business and have the freedom to enjoy life at the fullest well that is exactly what the trainer Revenue multiplier show is going to give you my name is Matthew Park this is Amy feiler hey guys and we are here to serve good morning good afternoon good evening wherever you are listening to Welcome to the trainer Revenue multiplier show as always I am your host I guess a co-host today Jamie Filer and I am privileged to have professor Matthew Park on with me today talking about habits that will help your Fitness business Matthew how are you I am doing absolutely awesome everyone hang with you is absolutely fantastic I'm glad you're awesome let's roll it's gonna be a fantastic looking forward to Jimmy absolutely a little bit out of habit you went on a trip to the West Coast you're in Vancouver Canada visiting Magnum HQ and I wanted to discuss it because your strength is networking correct correct this is in your wheelhouse this is your super power connection communication so I would love to know why you chose habits and habits that will help your Fitness business as the topic for today's podcast great question so I'm noticing actually it's funny because in Vancouver for obviously a couple of days I'm noticing trainers and coaches right now that are actually right now not only thriving in trm and our family Jamie but also in general out there in the marketplace and I'm realizing what they're doing to make to create success obviously on the company but also in dollars of their life and realizing their habits whether it comes to Performance whether it comes to education when it comes to your business when it comes to even your life and what is actually happening with those that actually are succeeding with their business and those actually aren't and what are the ones that actually they're doing that are making them really succeed and grow I love that I love that okay so it gave you like perspective to get away to get out of your day-to-day habit gave you perspective on what other people were doing so I think that's really important to identify and that's a great place to start of course I have a couple of notes before we discuss what habits trainers should be doing I think we should start with perspective what are productive habits you are already utilizing that are currently helping you but also what are sabotaging habits that you have that you you know may not know you have uh that are getting in the way of you moving forward can you give us some samples of both productive habits and sabotaging habits that you notice yes that'd be awesome for sure productive habits number one is reviewing your metrics on a regular basis so for example reviewing your legion flow your conversion of calls leads coming in um Worley's actually coming in from certain areas um how where the numbers always are for your company and so forth they're actually getting just down to the nitty-gritty of like what's your basic data and numbers for the business on a regular basis number one which is kind of boring but it's very important for the growth number two I would say on the sabotage it's more of the angle of this and it's the angle of when trainers are so focused on just posting and not actually you know for example they missing in posting they skip a whole week now right it's almost like hey if you can get five days in a week or three days in a week or whichever your goals obviously are if you miss it no big deal is don't self-sabotage and make it a week or two week long thing get back on the horse and start back fresh the next day and that is why I believe we have a kosa Genie in our team who holds you accountable when when things do happen like that because it's going to happen with certain things in your life correct absolutely absolutely so your your Sabbath so you're saying that the sabotaging habit is when people have said oh you know I haven't posted in the last three to five days I just won't post this week or the next couple of and it's almost like quit doing it for a while because I didn't do it for a couple days so why don't I just you know keep going for the next week or they don't check their numbers or their sales call numbers and all of a sudden they forget about that and all of a sudden it becomes a two-week or three week long thing they forget about and now it's a month down the road you know that kind of thing yeah okay um do you have other examples of productive habits that you've seen our trainers use 100 I would say that when you look at the aspect of marketing for their business is don't depend on just one level so for habit for example is hey when you're out there building your business and you're in Austin trm you're getting coaching you're getting support with your business if you're just doing one marketing thing really well it's great but also look at if you're going to build a good habit build a good marketing habit of either doing three things well or routinely as opposed to doing one thing is if one thing would go sour for you you want to have two or three or four backup plans to work for you in the in the marketing and sales process for your business to keep generation of growth happening for you can I can I ask you a follow there are other people uh who would say well you have to make hay while the sun is shining yep what would you say to those people okay I would say that while the same thing's officer going well is keep things going well but also make sure that hey if there's right now if you've got three or four Avenues of your marketing and sales going and they're in their routine and one goes really well the sun is shining that's awesome but all of a sudden what if that sign doesn't shine one day and you've got two or three backup plans to take care of you when the sun actually isn't shining and we've all kind of been there with our business once in a while where we depend on one thing for example Instagram only and do nothing else but what if Instagram puts you down for a week or two yeah but what if your account gets hacked right yeah now so it's the angle of like hey marketing and so the habits come into what are your Marketing sales efforts so when the sun is shining you actually can gather the hay in multiple Avenues even when things are going on these wavelengths in your business that's a really good point that is a really good point so how do you do find a productive habit versus a sabotaging one and I know that sounds well obviously you know if you're sabotaging but I would argue that some people spend a lot of time on tick tock because they've heard that you can get so many leads from it and UPS to an extent that's true right but um you know what about at what point does The Tick Tock become a sabotaging habit right like how do you define productive versus sabotaging the questions are really good Jamie um productive and sabotaging so productive I would say for example is hey if you're going to commit to tick tock do it on a certain level that you commit to sabotage with the angle of hey it's almost like you say you're gonna do Tick Tock and you start you know you do one post and don't do it for the next month so it's almost the angle of hey if you're in social media obviously from where you're going at pick the one or two areas you want to focus on or through whatever you're focusing on and just do them and do them do them well and routinely to get in the habit of doing them I remember most courses get sabotaged is it they almost try to do like almost like five different social I mean at the same time and they're doing all five networks kind of I'll use the word half-assed right and where if they're doing their Instagram or their Facebook really really well um and they introduce YouTube okay awesome do your YouTube really well not half quarked or not really well because if you don't do that right all of a sudden you self-tabulous now you're like well one video goes up you go to the next one and now you're like doing all these different networks at the not at the full capacity okay so it becomes sabotaging when you do when you spread yourself too wide versus going deep and now all of your efforts look like you only put a half half ass into them there you go okay so then what then makes it productive a productive habit pick your three or four and do just do them so if it happens to be an email the week do an email a week if it actually is you know networking every single week with a new collaboration to generate leads do that once a week okay wait I didn't offer I didn't phrase it correctly I didn't meant sorry no no it's on me I didn't mean like give me an example of a productive habit I could think that sending out an email a week is productive but when I look at my MailChimp back end I see that there are zero opens and zero clicks just because I'm doing it it has not proven productive so how do you define what a productive habit is okay got it the angle of definitely obviously looking at number one if you're doing emails and you're getting an open rate obviously that's then the angle obviously could come into is your content speaking is your to the audience properly is there too much selling in your emails is subject line not very good for open rate period like that might mean like right now email has gotten very saturated and seamless social media as well so the angle is if you're going to do email maybe learn better ways to be better at your email and learn techniques tactics educate yourself on the actual process if you're going to use social media higher Gmail do your term for you or find ways to you know maximize the Instagram for you at certain levels and go deeper as opposed to trying to do four at the same time and then all of a sudden you're like why am I getting results right I like that so pick a pick a measure pick a metric to measure that will determine whether it's serving you or not exactly how long would you give something before you say this just isn't a productive habit anymore I would say that you'd wanna for example if you're going to look at your emails for example and you're saying you know one email obviously is not really probably maximizing its full power yet but if your new emails for example give it a three month time we're actually like learning subject lines uh open process metric would exactly makes sense for you in emails or find ways to actually generate more awareness actually bringing more emails into your awareness um to create story lines and subject lines and persuasion and copy that actually makes sense on how to actually engage more with your email audience or even like tell your audience hey guys I'm not going to be engaging in emails more twice a week if you want to learn more about that come over to my email list and we'll talk more about that over there got it yeah like a hat like a call to action um what habits do you do what are your habits that have that I mean and how have your habits evolved let's start with let's start with what you do now and then we'll talk about how they've evolved perfect my first habit right now is my wake up time is always 5 a.m every morning five minutes every morning number one number two is I do what we call now a sacred six first thing in the morning that actually is a means for me actually to get myself in state actually for the first part of my day and number three is for my sales and marketing is one email a week right now is my standard to get that going right now for the week number three is I want three posts out for social media posts every single week out for my habit as well but in more than three awesome big win all the power um my aspect obviously for habits free as well is obviously for me is getting a walk a day in from for my mindset as far as like decompressing as well and sales calls is I want to you know James from trm I want to be in eight sales calls a week um so under eight sales calls a week means something isn't working over here to get to that as tall as a week so I'm thinking okay what's going to turn the engine forward to help the business grow to serve me personally and professionally that helps the team my family and also myself to get better as well um what was the most recent sabotaging habit you removed um that's a good one Jamie I would say I actually had to redo my new version here recently my new version of myself and I've realized my newest habit I probably changed right now was which actually is kind of funny is actually getting to bed earlier um it actually was difficult because I for myself I was realizing in the evening I caught myself trying to work that hour before bed because I should catch up on work you know what the kids are in bed and it's kind of quiet now I'm like no I'm not working past nine o'clock anymore is my chance to go for a walk outside bed by 10 relax with the kids about 8 30 and like have my chance for Matthew I get it I caught myself before doing a little bit of work to say oh yeah get a little bit of worked before bed we were good to go all of a sudden 10 o'clock turns 11 o'clock and now I'm waking up at five o'clock in the morning not recharge and refreshed yep yep so uh it is said I believe it was Charles duhigg in The Power of Habit in his book he says that it takes 66 days to make a new habit the first 21 days are when we remove the old habit the second 21 days is when we start to instill the new habit and then the third phase the last three weeks are when we really solidify that new habit do you believe that you have to replace an old habit with a new habit I definitely agree 100 100 yeah I would love to hear I should email actually your angle of habits because I noticed in you you've been like in the morning you've been like generally meditating all these sort of things I would love to hear what you're doing right now for your habits right now in the morning sure so I do have a morning routine um Katie and I wake up at the same time every day it's sick it's 6 30. um she goes on the walk with the dogs I get their breakfast and mine ready uh we I listen and during that time I also listened to a meditation on the com app whatever one they have for that day I don't get to choose it um typically though as it happens it's always one that like I need that day you know the universe just gives that to us uh we have breakfast together and then before I actually get to my work like this is my little laptop station there's a journal beside the laptop and in it is my workout for the day um my goals and my to-do list but also an intention for the day and a section that says what I'm grateful for so the night before the to-do list and the goals are always filled out so that I know what's on my plate in terms of like my professional life but I always write my intention and my what I am grateful for in the morning before I'm like allowed to start working so that is that is my morning habit I love that I love that what time are you in bed in the evening Jamie uh this is a little bit more flexible all screens are off by 9 pm in our house uh then we either read or we chat but no later than 10 pm every night I love that I love that yeah okay so right now what would you say is one of the things you've probably removed like a bad habit or self have for you that was removed or a place with a better habit for you in the last like a couple of months I have stopped looking at my Instagram action like my actual feed okay and same with Tick Tock um if anything I do go on the explore page or their discover page because that actually tells me what's trending so I'll know you know what transitions to use What audio to use what people in either the business industry or the personal training industry are talking about right now um and you know obviously this is unfortunate because it's my friends who are on my feed so I don't always get to see their posts but I have removed scrolling my news feed on all social media um platforms interesting yeah I like that that's awesome wow um but going back because this is about this is about Fitness right I wanna right um we tell our trainers in trm to come up with a power list three to five actions that you can commit to every single day right uh that are going to propel your business forward and we all have seasons of our business uh months right perhaps the activities you're going to commit to look different in the summer because it's a little bit slower than they do in January when business is booming so what would you say are like three things people need to do in this season it's June 1st it's the beginning of a new month we're heading into summer honestly right Q2 here we go um what do people need to be focusing on I would say three things number one is on their metric angle I know it sounds kind of boring to you but definitely looking at making sure like understand what metrics are they measuring because I've realized trainers um in our trm process obviously the ones that are measuring their numbers and metrics get better results period absolutely okay number one is metrics yes good number two we'll find what those actually are obviously for your business number two is on the marketing side of things or sales side of things is get into the habit of what are you doing dictionary sales calls for your business okay okay so is that going to be DM reach outs is it social media posting is it what are you doing and number two is develop the habits every day in the course that they actually generate for you sales calls in your business number two okay and number three which actually is kind of a funny one is is sleep I know it's not business related but I find if the trades aren't getting enough rest and they get tired and overwhelmed boom they start to get lazy on their hap on basically their business habits and so forth yeah I would say that you know like we mentioned about wake up times and sleep time which really isn't business but it kind of is is establish the habit of like um you know waking up whatever time is you know whether it's five or six whatever you want for your business and then getting that time leaving I've actually like shut down by the end of the day boom those three are basically like hey numbers Marketing sales and then recovery brilliant I think that's brilliant and and mostly establishing a routine because you can sleep you know from 11 till seven one day 12 till 8 the next nine till six the next and there's just no consistency and the point of a habit is consistency so I totally agree with you don't but don't just sleep make a routine of how you're gonna get to bed and then when you're gonna wake up and and then how your day how your day goes from there totally 100 Jamie 100 love it and guys if you're struggling with you know going back to the beginning of this conversation how do we Define a productive habit versus a sabotaging habit what are productive versus sabotaging as we always say in trm do a Time audit of your day every half hour write down where you are and what you're doing and catch yourself if you find yourself like at three points throughout the day if you have written scrolling probably a destructive sabotaging habit so in order to to identify what you're doing we need to know we need perspective yeah um Matthew what else am I missing what else do we need to discuss I'd love to actually kind of go into this for a second if you could Jamie actually it's it's something about um for what I've actually been learning recently actually right now with as you know my two young children are at home full time so I've realized how to structure more effectively with kids at home full-time a four and two-year-old and I've realized the habit of being patient and the habit of being flexible but not derail yourself is also very important if our kids were 9 10 11 I think it'd be a lot easier because the kids are older when they're young they're coming to the office probably every hour seeing what I'm doing on a call whatever else and it's being it's building more of like I would say almost like a a habit of calmness and flexibility in your approach in your business where it's like hey here are the things you're going to commit in the course of your day but hey if things happen to fall off track don't worry about get back on track and don't be too guilty about it it's part of life yeah so if you got kids or dogs or small kids or whatever at home and you're an entrepreneur trainer growing your business right now guys because many of you guys obviously are stick to what you can focus on Commit as best you can to the process keep evolving it you talked about you know three months into your building a habit process but if you do have things on there obviously we call distractions are they actually more the angle of so here's the thing I want to mention actually one thing I've read in a book recently actually from bowesson was he talked about Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant and he says you know listen these guys when they're doing a free throw and they're you know winning the game right back in the day there's thousands of people around them yelling miss your shot there are players out there probably you know giving them whatever they want a bad rap so the whole thing is like distractions are still around us all the court parts of our day the question is can you be calm in chaos because it's defining what actually ours is a distraction for you right now I mean for right now you can things you control for social media you can control maybe other things for example you have kids at home and they're different difficult to control in your business model so right now if you can control your social media scrolling but you can create flexibility with your kids that creates a habit of also like you know becoming better in your model of like establishing those kind of boundaries for yourself I love that I love that so for all parents parent or people who have those distractions uh take heed pay attention control what you can love it love it anything else you would like to finish with that has got it Jamie how about you that was actually really good definitely remember the fact that um if you want to if you want to currently break a bad habit you have to replace it because otherwise all you're going to do is create a void um and who like you know if we use the example of let's say drugs and alcohol if you take away drugs you might replace drugs with alcohol because you've not replaced it with something positive you've just created a void so guys if you're going to remove a sabotaging destructive habit from your day please replace it with something productive something positive something that brings light and abundance into your days I love that that's amazing I love that Matthew thank you so much for joining us here on the trainer Revenue multiplier show and for those of you in podcast land thank you for joining us from Spotify Stitcher iTunes wherever you are listening please make sure you rate US you subscribe and if you like what you've heard definitely share us on Facebook and Instagram tag us at trainer Revenue multiplier and we cannot wait for you to join us next week thanks Jamie

2022-10-28 03:33

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