Finding Your Core Problem - Episode 218

Finding Your Core Problem - Episode 218

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Whoa, what's going on Irwin this is Steve Larson with sales from the radio today I want to teach you guys about my core problem. Planner. I've. Swept the last four years learning, from the most brilliant, marketers, today and now, I've left my nine-to-five to, take the plunge and build my million-dollar business the. Real question is how will I do it without VC, funding or debt completely. From scratch this. Podcast, is here to give you the answer join, me and follow along as I learn apply and share marketing, strategies, to grow my online business using. Only today's best internet sales funnels my, name is Steve Larson and welcome, to sales funnel radio. Hey. When I was. When. I was young I remember my dad would, he. Told me this story gay we. Would go out and we'd camp I did, a lot of backpacking with him I did a lot of camping I did a lot of I did a lot of stuff that was very, outdoorsy my. Dad grew up on a farm I, love, the outdoors he loves the outdoors my, family loves the outdoors I skied, like crazy, I remember. There was this campout I think I'm pretty sure this is what happened kay a lot of stuff jumbled in my head but I'm pretty sure this is what happened we were coming back from a from. A campout and we. Would go, we'd go camp out by these creeks in these streams we'd go playing. Him you know and it's just tons of fun. Well I remember coming back home, from one of them and I don't remember how we got on a topic but my dad was talking about and again. I believe he's the one that taught me this he. Was telling me he was telling me how. He's. Tell me this story of how you. Know people. Will not actually go do a lot of the things that they want to do in this life they, will wait for things to come to them rather than go get them right, it was very much like a father/son, moment that that, was very impactful on my brain and. What he told me was. Look. Steven most people go, through life as if they're in a canoe without. A paddle and, you. Know I had canoed many times and know, what that's like and, and. He's like what's interesting is like a lot of people will go through this life in the canoe and they're. In a creek they're in, a very, slow moving River now, it's moving and because. It's moving people, feel progress. In their life and, so. They won't pick, up the oar and start paddling. And. What, was interesting is he started tell me like he's in most people though will never ever ever, pick. Up the or that's actually, in the canoe and just use it and start, actually pushing, in a direction, and most, will just wait for the life of, the current of life to take them different places and they will change because life is changed, and they'll progress because, they'll have to because it's its life this there's certain areas but but. Very, few people in this life are willing to actually pick up the freaking or and do something, with it right, and so people they don't have an oar and, they'll get they'll get creative, and grab a ranch as they're floating on the river to grab a branch and break it off and now that's what they're using until they can find an or make one right, it is I loved, the analogy, that analogy, is stuck in my head for a long time and. Which. I think is fascinating right. Very. Few people in this life are willing to actually pick up the oar and start moving just. In a direction, just something, against, stream down, it to the sides whatever but like most people are not gonna do anything. And so when you think about like the amount of competition that's out there it's really it's not like you, versus me it's like it's, like me versus 20 percent of humanity who's actually trying to do stuff with their life okay just legitimately, okay, and then most people don't understand anything about what I'm talking about right, so it's like me versus like maybe the 10% of the rest of humanity man. Then most of them right, are not will actually have the personal, growth experiences, needed to actually launch this stuff right. That it's the. Competition, really is not very high and. That's the biggest point I'm trying to help you guys understand with this stuff one, of the biggest questions people walk out to me and ask when I'm doing coaching is Steven I've got these ideas, do.

You Think this is the idea I should go build a business around do, you think this is what I should go I I have an idea I'm gonna go solve this I'm gonna go do this I'm gonna great, this kind of value and and. The. Challenge, is that we'll. Try to solve too many things at once right. The, best businesses, solve one, major. Problem. And that's, it one. Of my favorite books is a book called play bigger really, really love the book but in there it teaches, that whoever, it's not about it's not about going, out and saying I have the best solution cuz everybody's, saying that okay, it's about going on and saying I can. Describe the problem, that you are experiencing. The best ooh that's. Interesting we, lead with the problem, not, the solution and, if, you watch about a lot of the things that I do that. That is what I do I do that a lot okay, which, is cool I read that book and I was like what's up like it's. All about being able to Evangelos. The problem, that you solve and being, able to describe, it better than everybody else that, book teaches, that, if I'm going to go in I'm gonna create a business I need. To be able to articulate. And teach the. Problem. Better, than. Everybody else who's Mike. It, teaches in that book I love that book and and you guys probably lot of you guys probably go read it now which is great hopefully you do okay, but it basically the premise of it is that whoever can articulate, the problem the best it is assumed. That that person also has the best solution, so, if you're sitting around you're like man Steven. I'm gonna go solve this I'm gonna go do so I'm gonna do that okay. I don't, care about the solution, piece I need you to be able to look me in the eye and say Steven this, is the problem, that I'm solving and you, need to be able to explain it as like a third grader would be able to understand okay. Seriously in the Army they, taught everything at a third-grade level which, was mind numbing sometimes, because that's the average education, level of people around. Okay third grade okay. But. Be able to articulate, in a third grade level the. One problem, that your business, solves the one, problem. And he say not, to the. One AJ and be able to articulate, better than the rest of your competition, here. Is what I solve, and, this. Is the actual, problem, before. You ever even get into the solution right, first you're gonna get this and this and this i'm not even talk about any of that okay, that stuff will almost nearly take care of itself if you are the best at describing, the problem, in a market not solution, the issue and, so, one, of the things I did now something guys went to offer mind something guys did not and that's fine I will, be able to do offer mind we're still figure out a few of the dates but, you guys go to offer mine calm you can least join the waiting list right now any.

Ass Can jump on and I'd love to be able to see, you guys to the next one I'm trying to get some very famous, people the keynote and we're. Just trying to play with some dates but last, offer mine though one, of the major things I wanted people to have work real, work on was, the core problem. That they solved, there's, a great book I love called a rework I love, the book rework, rework teaches, look. You can have a hot. Dog stand without, relish. Yeah. Absolutely, absolutely, gain you can have a hot dog stand without. Sodas. And drinks absolutely. You, can have a hot dog stand technically without hot, dog buns you, can't have a hot dog stand without a hot dog right and, that's the example it uses in the book okay where's. This going what I love about what it's teaching is that there is a core. To every single one of our businesses, and we must be able to know what that core is and be able to. Say. Hey look I'm gonna focus 80%, of my attention on the core revenue. Generating, activity. In my business okay but, that means nothing, if it. Is not solving, the core. Problem. Okay, that's, why I call it your core offer okay, some people call the purple offer I've called that for a little bit while but like the the real name of it though that I that I gave it is look, there is a core problem which you should be able articulate, better than everybody else there. Is a core, solution, right the actual core of your offer okay there's those two separate things and that, is all the core of your business now the rest of the things in the value ladder are expansions. And contractions on the exact same idea, okay. But, that's, that's the point is episode I want you guys to think through your core, problem, so what we're gonna do is we're gonna cut over to me. Teaching this section in offer mind and you, guys I would take out a piece of paper because, I don't like what I do is I list out all the problems I see inside of my red ocean problems. Problems problems right all the tons and tons of problems as I list out all those problems, then I go back and I rank them so, I gotta choose one, problem. To, build my business around okay. One, problem, to lead with in my marketing message okay it's not that I can't go help. Those other things but there's one core, problem, that I solve, just, one so. I'm gonna list out all these problems then I'm gonna rank them how. Well can i Evangelos. That, problem, what. Is the likely, revenue, of that, problem if I solve that right, how. How. Many customers, are there likely to be from that red who would be interested in coming over to a blue if I, was to articulate, that problem the best another. One is, does. This problem are people. Seeing this problem easily and if. They're not that's not a bad thing right. I can't, unsee a problem, once I've seen it right. I didn't, realize how. Much of a problem it was to, go pick up food until uber eats came out you.

Don't Say it right yeah, that's one of the stories and my big right eye III didn't, realize how much of an issue it was for. Me to have to stand out on the sidewalk, and raise my hand out for taxi until. Eber came out they, articulated, the problem we didn't know he had that's, one of the major keys to choosing, the core problem that you solve guys, these a little too special to last like two, months I know my podcast, has gotten a little bit deeper and I don't apologize for that what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to help you guys understand, that there, are a few key pillars, that will give you clarity, in your, business so that you can move forward and say this is what I solve right. This is the problem this, is what I solve this is the core of my business I know exactly, who I'm talking to and who I'm not talking to and these, are the price points that they love alright and so that you can go and actually have a successful business like this because I spent the first several, years guys. Speaking. And and. Running around and, trying stuff, and thinking and wait like I couldn't, tell you what I did okay. And I couldn't tell you what problem I was solving and there, was noise just, crazy, noise right, just like a podcast episode that was just recently dropped out right if you don't know the problem you're solving if. You don't know if you don't know what model you're following, and if you're not finding ways to increase your speed that, is the formula for noise well having. Like, the lack of clarity in your business don't, know what problem, you solve don't. Know what one solution, is the core solution of your business there you go and you'll have noise in the head anyway. So guys let's cut over there real quick here and you can see kind of how I taught it on. Taught. It off or mine thanks guys book. Called. Innovators. Dilemma right and, it says markets, that do not exist cannot. Be analyzed that. Makes sense if I'm creating a blue ocean. How. Do I design every element of a blue ocean you can't it doesn't exist, all. Right some people like I'm gonna make this I'm gonna make this my new opportunities, give this my products this one business is like you're. Guessing you, don't represent your market ok suppliers. And customers must, discover, them together. Ok. So there's an element again, of designing, this by listening to the market and there's an element of this of doing. It on your own ok. Not. Only are market applications research technologies, unknown at the time of their development, they, are unknowable, it is unknowable you can't know how to make a blue out of your own head and that's why I say like look you gotta understand like that this is this is way.

Easier When, you just take the decision-making your own head and get pastor opinions Oh Steven, I don't know if this is really cool all. Right this is an awesome thing of like based on you as if it is your own opinion like, don't sell it right. Poverty. There okay, guys. I understand, the core problem that you solve okay. If you can articulate, the problem well people assume you know how to solve it yeah. And that's the next thing that we're gonna go into here so. We. Add that to our scaffolding, okay. And. Innovators dilemma right I'm gonna design the core offer with. The, customer, I'm not gonna let them design it I'm not gonna design on my own I will do it with them that's we're gonna learn okay, play bigger says I've ticketed the problem but in anyone else it's assumed you have the, solution okay, and the. Journey begins, with you actually. We. Got a cool thing called the core problem, planner. And we're. Gonna dive into it but we need take a break, sound. Good I can, feel it so. In order in order to get myself in, state, constantly, to be able to do this stuff I. Were write down and be very vulnerable about my fears and that's. Why poverty exists all the things that are written on that thing or, all the things that I hear my audience saying. To me not my audience but as I'm starting to do it the haters all people coming in I totally. Believe in being totally open and completely harshly. Honest. With myself and where I am still. Practicing that, all right but that's the reason that thing actually exists I actually got it started doing that just for myself and, then one day I was like I should probably put poverty. On the hunt, Instagram, and, everyone loved it so that's why it's here the base of that thing is 300 pounds we tried to move it here yesterday and not having it okay so, here we so that's why just the top part is there but if you want to come make fun of them or kick them or body, slam them that's why he's there just. Your. Fears or whatever go. Tear them down all. Right so, we're talking about what, I need you to do I need to understand that there is a core problem. That. You will be solving okay. There's multiple, kinds of offer creation.

Okay. Lots of them most people know me for my purple offer creation, method there's actually several, okay. So I'm actually gonna teach you guys moving, up here it's a little bit long and a little bit here I'm going to teach you guys multiple ways to create Oh furs and when, to create them and what funnel goes with them super. Cool, but. First the one everyone should be focusing on is one that I call the core offer and it is a method of creation, where. You bring your customers, along with you your dream customers, and they help you actually make and birth a blue ocean basically, okay so. In, order to do a core offer we, are solving a core problem so, what we're gonna do in this part and this this this, section over here the. Journey starts, with you, understanding. The problem, that you solve okay, so this is really fun this is one of my favorite things to do I call, this the the core problem, planner so. This is really we're gonna take a minute of to do this I want you guys to do this because it will all build on itself from here on it's the reason why we haven't actually gone on and done offer creation, yet until, you understand what you're solving it, doesn't matter what, you create okay. So. It works kind of like this okay. So if you start going any and you're intimately, understanding. The person's brain the, vehicles, that they're going into right all this cool stuff you're. Intimately understanding, all each one of those pieces, you'll. Start to see problems it. Was like how am I gonna know when it's a problems like you'll know it cuz it'll be a problem okay and, write. Them down there's, this problem that problem this problem that problem and what, I do is I'm ranking. The. Problems, I'm. Not trying to solve all problems I'm, trying to solve a core problem, with a core offer that will come next okay.

So, We need to not all problems are created equal, I'm, looking, for a problem that fits several criteria and this is one of the easiest ways for you to actually go create a blue okay, don't, try and solve every, problem of your customers you're gonna die okay so instead what we're gonna do is we're gonna go figure out the core problem, and just. Make an offer and a solution for that okay, so what I like to do on that very first run gay that very first rung like there I like to go in it and figure out the core problem, right. And list out lots, of. Possibilities. For it well they have a problem I promised, Rafic you got a problem with the actual funnel maybe their offer, maybe it's marketing, pieces maybe they have a problem with publishing, this right start, listing out tons and tons of problems okay, so let me explain it they were gonna do this here for a few minutes to everything's gonna start building on itself as I move forward okay. Okay. The next thing I don't. I says I right there but course solution, okay that's the next thing right down right there core, solution start, brainstorming what, you could solve, how. Could you solve that, first problem oh the, red ocean sucks at this. Or, the red up next problem the red ocean problem is or, the next calm the red ocean customer, can't whatever. Okay, start Finglas things out the very next row, down is I'm figuring out creative. Ways that I could actually truly. Solve, those problems, okay. This. Is how I figure out what to go make and what is, secure. And lucrative, at, the same time. Okay. Next. Row down or. Says one two one three what, I'm doing is I'm ranking, my. Ability, to, Evangelos, the problem. This. Is a core piece as we move forward and actually start. Building this thing out okay, and anyway. If. You. Have a hard time explaining, the problem that you solve again. People are not gonna assume you have a solution right so. What I want to do is I want to rank which of those problems, is the easiest for me to evangelize, on my, podcast when I'm talking to people if I'm being, interviewed by other people and they're like what is it you do and I'm like BAM that's exactly, it right I'm looking for something that's easy for me to evangelize, and walk around and put on a banner and put on a t-shirt right, what is so easy for, me so not all problems are created equal I'm not trying to solve all the problems either just, the one Court Rule ajith a'mma tissue that they have in their. Ability to actually go and. Evangelize. It okay, very. Last row right down here whether. This trampolines all stuff over if you guys want my most. My ideas come when I'm doing this that. Phones in a whiteboard okay, the. Very bottom part right here, right. I'm looking to see if it delivers health, wealth, or relationships, in the right way right health wealth relationships, is the product a products. Not the product health, wealth relationships, is the thing they want the most so which of those problems, has the correct as like this cool combination, between not, only what can I solve it not. Only can I evangelize, it but, man they, that will deliver to them hell, like they've never experienced, that's.

Cool And I'm, looking for a core problem to solve that hits multiple of these criteria it's a helpful, because. I four years I walk around me like what do I say what I say what I sell what I sell and I switched it to who don't want to serve who'd want a serf oh no sorry for my serve I was like what are the problems what problems like whoa a lot of problems and. I was like which problem do I want to go attack and, what's probably want to attach myself to the. Not all problems are created equal so, then this is how I actually started going in and figuring out like okay this is what I want to go do and this I'm actually gonna be selling wealth and. No. It's not gonna solve it in a big way though right, or oh man I'm gonna actually sell. Health and yeah oh my gosh that will actually do it. The. Biggest question I struggled with for years and easily the biggest question I'm asked, by the thousands, of people I've coached in this process is Stephen what should I sell, and if, you've been listening to my podcast you, have probably had that question right after. Thousands, of coaching students and sheer obsession, in the game I started, noticing that there was a strong, but untaught pattern, of how, I was selling successfully, and over and over again it. Honestly took me about 17, business, tries or failures. Honestly to figure this out to get one right a since. Then though they've pretty much all been winners well, so what changed, what changed I learned, the pattern, okay I learned the framework, secretly. For the last nine months I've been working to document my process, and refine, it even further and it's worked very well my. Book will teach you how to design the core offer of your business, and a winning sales message that sells it giove I just said that's a huge claim and I totally get it but this will help you actually figure out what you sell and how to sell, it but, if the process I've been using now for about three years for myself and my student if you, want to learn the framework this pattern, the formula for yourself go, get my book at your core offer calm it's, free just cover the shipping at your, core offer calm. You.

2019-02-21 02:15

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This reminds me so much when S. Jobs said "Apple at it's core...." love that solving one problem...that's where the real value is. Thanks for the reminder. You rock!!

pure gold here

Dude its like you talking to me I was taking notes and waiting for it to just keep going lol

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