Find MORE Inventory and INCREASE SALES! Grow Your Reselling Business on Poshmark, eBay, and Mercari

Find MORE Inventory and INCREASE SALES! Grow Your Reselling Business on Poshmark, eBay, and Mercari

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in today's video we're going to  talk about three ways that you   can grow your reselling business by  expanding what you sell stay tuned [Music] oh hi everyone my name is Becky Park I'm  a part-time reseller on a variety of reselling   platforms and what I mean by part-time is  that I actually have a full-time job I'm a   high school choir teacher I'm also a mom of two  little children who have lots of activities I'm   married I'm involved in my church I do a lot of  things so while I do take my reselling business   very seriously and enjoy it a lot and put as much  time as I can into it the truth is I don't have   that much time to spend on my reselling business  and so on this channel I like to share all of   the hacks that I can from the perspective of  someone who like I said just doesn't have that   much time to invest in their business and so I  like to share with you just the ways that you   can maximize the little time that you're putting  into your reselling business so that you can make   as much money as possible so in today's video we  are going to be talking about three ways to Branch   out as far as what it is that you're selling to  help you make more money as a reseller even if   you're only doing it part-time like myself  if this kind of content sounds interesting   to you especially reselling content from the  perspective of a part-time reseller definitely   consider hitting that subscribe button because I  do strive to put two videos up on YouTube every   single week sometimes I'll fail sometimes I do a  little bit more but in today's video like I said   we're going to talk about three ways that I have  personally tried expanding in terms of finding   new items to sell online and just growing my  reselling business by having more options as   far as what it is that I'm selling so the first  thing that we'll talk about is taking small risks   when it comes to trying out new items and this  is what I mean I think the key word to hone in   on is small start small when you're taking risks  and start small when you're trying new things   because I think it's very easy for resellers to  get overwhelmed by too much inventory especially   inventory that they don't know very much about  so one example of a time that I took a small   risk and tried branching out as far as what it is  that I saw online is at school we had a situation   where we had to clean out this one room that was  primarily used for storage and for storing things   like music and whatnot and one of the things  that we found while we were cleaning out the   space was a box of old cassette tapes and I asked  my boss like the music supervisor of our district   has said what are we going to do with these tapes  and he's like we're probably just going to throw   them out they've just been sitting not being used  because I don't even know if there is a cassette   player or like a tape recorder anywhere in our  building and we were just gonna throw them out   so I said hey instead of throwing them out can  I take them home and he said absolutely because   they were going to be garbage there's probably  like I don't know I didn't even count 10 to 20   cassette tapes in there and I know that these  are things that I could sell on eBay and make a   little bit of money off of so it's a great way  for me to try something new the risk is very   low because I got these things absolutely for free  and it's just one box of them there's not too many   of them and it's all one skew which means it's  all one type of item so I can actually just do   a multi-quantity listing and I don't have to sit  there and do research on a ton of different kinds   of items or a ton of different brands of cassette  tapes it's literally just 10 to 20 of one specific   type of cassette tape so it's a win I just have  to do a little bit of research on something that I   don't know anything about but once that research  is done I can go ahead and list 10 to 20 items   within one listing as a multi-quantity listing  I'm learning something new I'm taking a small   risk and by doing so I'm gonna make a little bit  of money and figure out if this is something worth   sourcing in the future if I come across it at a  thrift store at a garage sale I'll know how much   is worth spending on something like this because  I will have you experience selling something like   this I'll know how long I have to sit on it what  kind of Interest these kinds of items get and all   four like I said relatively zero risk because  I didn't have to spend any money on these items   they're just going to take up a little bit of  space in my home take up a little bit of my time   in terms of doing research but in the process  I'm going to learn all about a new category of   product or inventory for myself and make a little  money doing it another example of when I took a   small risk and tried something new was when I  was having a garage sale at my house I think my   neighbors took the opportunity to also just kind  of put things out you know on their driveway that   they didn't want and they just put a sign in front  of all their stuff that said free they didn't want   to go through the effort of actually running  a garage sale but they knew that people would   be coming you know to the area because of our  garage sale and so they just put out a bunch of   stuff that they wanted to get rid of they didn't  want to have to just throw it in the garbage but   they wanted it to go you know to a new home so of  course my family and I wandered over there to see   if there's anything that we wanted for ourselves  and for myself I was actually looking to see if   there was anything that I could resell so there  were a few weights and you know exercise equipment   that we brought home to use for personal use but  there were also these really weird and interesting   controller things that were clearly for some  sort of video game console I have no idea what   um they were very scary to me because I don't  know very much about video games I have very   little experience selling anything related to  video game consoles I have sold a few video   games in the past but it's really something that I  don't enjoy doing the research for and as a result   those kinds of things tend to sit for me but  because it was just two controllers they were   some sort of joystick thing and because they were  both the same exact thing again I knew I just had   to do a little bit of research and I could list  them as a multi-quantity listing or even just   list both of them as one listing because I was  assuming maybe this was something that people   would enjoy having two of and in doing so again  I learned about something new I had little risk   into this item because I didn't spend any money  on it because it was something that my neighbors   had put out for free but I learned about something  new and made some money in the process if you keep   your eye out for things that people are trying  to get rid of for free or for very little money   and you don't have to take home a whole bunch  of said item at once I think that it's a really   good way to learn about new kinds of inventory  and see if there's something out there that you   actually really enjoy selling what I would say  away from are opportunities that will actually   leave you feeling more overwhelmed than excited  when it comes to listing so for example I've heard   stories in the past from resellers who came into  really great deals or opportunities they felt like   you know maybe someone was getting rid of their  entire CD or records collection for very cheap   they were getting items for super cheap maybe  like 10 cents an item but they were going home   with boxes and boxes of CDs or boxes and boxes  of records or other similar things I don't know   I just keep coming after cities and records and  even though the cost per item is relatively low   they still have a decent amount into everything  because they bought so many pieces and not only   that they get everything home and they're just  feeling so overwhelmed because it's not like they   just have one skew and a ton of that SKU but if  you're talking about records or CDs or books or   you know uh Pokemon cards or something like that  when you're bringing home a ton of this stuff and   you don't know anything about it you actually  might feel like you have to research each and   every single one because one CD is going to have  a different value than another one and there's   a difference in how you price Things based on if  something is sealed versus if it isn't and maybe   you have to actually listen to the tracks on all  of the CDs to make sure there aren't any skips I   don't know I don't know anything about selling  CDs I'm just like making stuff up at this point   but you get what I'm saying when it comes to  getting in over your head buying a huge amount   of something because you're getting it for a  good deal and because you want to learn about   a new category in terms of selling something new  online but in doing so you actually end up feeling   overwhelmed so I do stress the word small when I  say take small risks and you know try new things   a little bit at a time to make sure that you enjoy  it and if you realize man I really enjoy selling   these weird video game consoles or I really enjoy  selling blank cassette tapes or I really enjoy   selling CDs and all of the research that goes into  studying each individual CD that I get then knock   yourself out look for people who are offloading  their entire life collection of CDs but before you   get to that point take small risks try new things  in small batches and make sure that it's something   that you enjoy the second way that I think you can  grow your reselling business by expanding what it   is that you sell is to Branch out slowly  from what you already know so for example   I myself like to sell clothing online I sell  primarily used in new clothing if I can find it   on on platforms like Poshmark eBay mercari  kit isn't there's a lot of platforms that you   can sell clothes on I primarily sell women's  clothes because I myself as a woman am pretty   comfortable with how women's sizing works I  know what women's brands are pretty popular   um I myself am interested in women's fashion so  it's pretty easy I don't have to do that much   extra research because it's something that I'm  already pretty knowledgeable about I mean you   can probably tell from this super fashion forward  shirt that I have on okay but a natural extension   of selling women's clothes for me was trying out  things like men's clothing and accessories and   shoes or even children's clothing and accessories  and shoes yes there's a lot more to learn when you   start branching out to men's or to kids because  there are things like different kinds of sizing   to learn and figure out there's different brands  that are popular for you know men or for children   but it's still in the same wheelhouse you're still  familiar with you know what it is is that you're   looking for as far as Fabrics are concerned  you're still familiar with how to ship out   these kinds of items you're still familiar with  how to measure these kinds of items and because   it's a natural extension it's not going to feel as  overwhelming as pivoting into something completely   different going from again selling primarily  women's clothing online to Pottery I don't   know anything about pottery and there's hardly any  similarities between clothing and pottery they're   almost completely different in every aspect that  I could possibly think of they're completely   different as far as how you Source the items how  you list the items how you photograph the items   the different qualities that you're looking for  in the items even how you store the items and ship   the items are completely different so for me to go  from selling women's clothing to all of a sudden   including Pottery into the mix that's a hard pivot  and one that's hard to transition into seamlessly   unless you also happen to be like a pottery expert  then go right on it but as someone who doesn't   know anything about pottery that would be a weird  decision to make to all of a sudden Branch out to   something like that and this is something that I  think a lot of resellers struggle with especially   resellers who enjoy the reseller Community aspect  of reselling you know I'm sure that you're aware   of this if you're watching my channel but there  is a lot of reselling content online on YouTube   on Instagram on Reddit and a lot of people  enjoy you know learning from that kind of   content because it helps them stay fresh it helps  them stay knowledgeable and learn more about their   craft when it comes to reselling that being said  I know from first-hand experience that sometimes   what happens from you know learning from a variety  of different kinds of resellers is we feel like   we have to sell all of the things that all of the  resellers are selling I remember there was a phase   where a lot of people seem to be talking about  selling pots and pans and I remember watching   that hustle and hooks video on you know the best  pots and pans to sell and I remember feeling like   okay well I gotta go out here and I gotta Source  pots and pans and that was like the first section   I would go to at the thrift store for a while and  I found some really great pieces but I quickly   learned wow I super hate selling pots and pans for  a number of reasons one it took so much more time   for me to research you know what pot it was that  I had in my possession and it was really annoying   having to store these pots and pans having to  clean these pots and pans and then furthermore   to ship out said pots and pans I realized very  quickly that this was not for me regardless of the   fact that there were a lot of resellers out there  making a lot of really good money selling pots and   pans it just was not for me and I had to kind  of go through the pain of trying it out before   I realized okay no thank you like I'm gonna stay  very far away from this anyone else in my area can   sell this because I'm not doing it I'm leaving all  the good pots and pans for everyone else to pick   up and sell another example of this was golf clubs  I know there are a lot of resellers out there who   make a killing selling golf clubs and I would go  to the golf club section of thrift stores and very   quickly realize you need to know a lot about Golf  and a lot about golf clubs to be good at the golf   club game I know nothing about golf I myself have  never one step foot on a golf course and tried   golfing myself I also have no desire to learn  about Golf and to learn about all the different   what are they called Putters drivers kickers I  don't there's all these weird names for all the   sticks that you use to hit the ball and I don't  know why you can't just use one stick I don't get   it I don't care to get it I don't care to learn  about it I will leave the golf clubs for someone   else to buy and sell so yes Branch out slowly  from what it is that you love and know or Branch   into other hobbies that you may have you know it's  not really weird for someone to sell both clothing   and vintage Barbie dolls if someone has a passion  for clothing and vintage Barbie dolls if someone   already knows a lot about those two things but if  you want to expand what it is that you're selling   and you're really only an expert about one thing  or you really only have experience selling one   thing I would say find a way to Branch out slowly  from the category that you know pretty well take   really small pivots Branch out really slowly to  broaden what it is that you're able to Source try   a few new things here and there in categories  that are very similar to what you already sell   just kind of feel out you know the new kinds of  inventory like I was saying even in that first   tip and in doing so again you're not going to  overwhelm yourself with a whole new vernacular   that comes with you know learning about a new  category but you're able to stay within a world   that you already know a lot about that's why like  I said you know I'm in a place now where I do   feel really comfortable selling women's clothing  and shoes and accessories but also I feel really   comfortable selling men's clothes I'm growing my  comfort in selling children's clothes I don't like   it as much just because I feel like it's a little  bit harder to find children's clothes that have as   much value as adult clothing but I'm learning more  about it and again it was a natural extension from   what I already knew from selling women's clothing  and shoes and accessories over the years the final   tip that I have for you when it comes to growing  a reselling business by growing your inventory is   to learn about different sourcing opportunities I  know a lot of us primarily Source at places like   garage sales or at thrift stores or at Goodwill  Outlet because these are readily available to   us but also because these are the places most  commonly shown to us in YouTube videos from you   know reselling YouTubers people will show footage  at garage sales at thrift stores at Goodwill   Outlet and a lot of clothing resellers will talk  about online sourcing opportunities like thredup   or different you know wholesalers that they will  purchase pallets and micro bills from but one way   that I expanded the amount of inventory that I  was exposed to was by studying my area a little   harder in my area I live in like a college campus  type area it's a little bit more I don't know   it's interesting it's kind of rural it's kind of  urban it's a mix of a lot of things but it's not   a big metropolitan area by any means so we only  have two Goodwills we used to have a Salvation   Army but it closed down the nearest Goodwill  Outlet is about two two and a half hours away   um and so I just thought for the longest time that  the only place I could Source on a regular basis   was at my you know two Goodwills and Salvation  Army and garage sales you know during the summer   when garage sales are readily available to me  however once I started doing a little bit more   research I learned oh there's a Plato's Closet  in town and by stocking their Facebook page and   Instagram I learned oh and Plato's Closet has some  really amazing sales sometimes in fact when they   have these amazing clearance sales oftentimes the  items are cheaper at Plato's Closet than they are   at Goodwill and you're able to find much better  stuff I also learned that there were a couple   consignment stores in the area that had amazing  pieces and again by stalking my local consignment   stores and figuring out when their sales were I  learned that I could get much better prices at   my consignment stores than I could even my local  Goodwills I also learned that aside from my two   Goodwills and Salvation Army that no longer exists  I learned of other thrift stores that are actually   much more in line with what I believe are ethical  and sustainable practices compared to Goodwill and   thrift stores that directly give back to the  community that I live in and now I know okay   if I've got a few hours to Source I'm gonna go to  those local thrift stores first rather than going   to Goodwill I even learned about local brick  and mortar stores that carry great Brands and   have amazing clearance sales sometimes that allow  me to get pieces for perhaps more than I would at   a local thrift store even consignment store when  they're having a great sale but pieces that are   harder to come by and that can command a really  high price point even when reselling so it's worth   paying a little bit more up front to make a little  bit more money on the back end as well I was able   to discover cover all of these new sourcing  spots simply by just doing a little bit of   research into my own community and seeing what my  local community had to offer so even for someone   who lives in a pretty small town in a pretty rural  area where the closest metropolitan city is about   again two two and a half hours away I was able to  discover that there are a lot of amazing places   to Source right here in my community and let's not  forget that there's a whole world online where you   can source as well there are online wholesalers  and liquidation companies that you can Source from   there's Facebook Marketplace there are online  auctions so if you feel like your local garage   sales and thrift stores and wherever else you  typically tend to Source are kind of dry if you   feel like your honey hole is no longer providing  enough inventory for you I would suggest that   you do some research within your own Community  to see if there are other places you can go to   get some great inventory again I think I spent the  first two three years of my reselling career just   sourcing at the handful of places that I knew  but it's gotten to the point where there are   so many places I could source that every time I'm  able to visit one of those spots it's filled with   brand new inventory because I haven't been there  in a while because I'm able to cycle through a   good number of places to source for my reselling  business so those are the three tips that I have   for growing your reselling business by growing  your inventory and I don't even necessarily mean   growing the size of your inventory by having more  items listed for sale although if that's your goal   you know that definitely will help but it also  just means growing your opportunities for sourcing   growing you know the number of items you're able  to come across so that you're able to find more   items of quality items that you're going to be  able to sell for a higher dollar amount versus   feeling like you have to settle for items that  you know you may be able to purchase for cheap   but you know is only going to sell for a very  little amount as well I hope you found this video   helpful and I would love to hear any other tips  that you have on this topic like you know go ahead   and leave your tips down in the comments below  I say this all the time but I really do learn   so much from you guys because not only do you  come here to hopefully learn a little something   but you have so much knowledge as well from your  own reselling Journey so please definitely leave   any tips that you have down in the comments below  if you enjoyed this video If you learned anything   don't forget to hit that like button and thank you  so much for watching I appreciate you being here   and spending your time with me so thank you so  much and I will see you guys in the next one bye

2022-12-20 07:15

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