Bulk Pricing at a Costco Business Center

Bulk Pricing at a Costco Business Center

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foreign [Music] foreign one you'll have to dig   [Music] almost that much for cheese for what for the  for the cheese so you don't want one yeah   it's up to you and we'll have to get some dark rye no it's up to you is it something you'd enjoy oh sure okay we'll  get that one that you picked up I think that's   the smallest one unless yeah that one's 39. this  one's 41. yeah I think that's the smallest one 35 yeah you can get that one   get this one look at that one it's sealed  that one looks like it's coming oh yeah at least that one looks like it's  properly sealed welcome yes yep okay   is it the fattiness is okay on it oh yeah  I just got a little bit of fat there okay well no you want a little  bit of that oh you need this yeah because this is the one place where you can   get something different you might  as well do it on occasion you know not career and what did I tell you that's pretty pretty close   to what I pay for these cheeses yep now  we're okay for cheese for now eh yeah we need some eggs but they  have and bacon were good oh yeah we're okay on bacon [Music]   you don't want wieners do you [Music] oh no that's a huge packet of wieners yeah  that's like 36. too many yeah too many they would go bad before I could eat them all okay [Music]   what about these guys not worst yeah no um do you feel like pushing  that [Music] have to get cream I paid five dollars for the last  thing of cream which was outraged foreign [Music] foreign haha they don't seem to have a price for this okay that's good I paid five  dollars the last time I bought one you know what I don't know which ones  would be pressure let's see January the 9th turn it around the other way dear January  the 7th sorry about the pressure ones but is that Chinese girl Chinese  garlic yeah stay the hell away from me very true finish frozen fingers rise cabbages okay carrots 50 pound bags of carrots for 17 dollars ooh beets family what do we have here  french fries by the case croissants by the case danishes by the case Eagle Waffles by the case   there's a fifteen dollars sixteen dollars for  Eagle waffles chocolate cookies by the case okay yeah this is something I also  wanted to see here what have we got lentils 20 dollars red lentils come this way mark for 21.

quinoa I need to shave up a kilograms kilograms  okay eighteen dollars 10 pounds pearl barley now that'd be great if we  were to make a lot of soup wouldn't it okay but that's what it'd be great for  I know we don't use barley anyway but I think I have some risotto  rice that I bought the last time double the size long grain white  rice for 31 dollars no no way how much is 20 kilograms that's  44 pounds okay so that's not a   too bad a deal for that it's like 15  16 well no it's about the same pricing you see these guys I bought them for seven dollars here  before it used to be seven bucks in the   uh supermarket and now they are 16 17 Market  yep so I think we're gonna pick up one bag   can you grab a bag we've been eating rice lately  you want a bag one bag just one that's fine   you know probably uh we're not going to come out  here very often we still get two two if you want yeah I got one get one more even their flowers gone up quinoa I'm okay for flour though I did buy two  bags not too long ago the 10 kilo bags this used to be like seven eight  dollars too and it's like 13 now [Music] now if I had the space for it I'd probably  oh look at that that's brown sugar   20 kilos but I have some I have enough  brown sugar we don't go through that   much of it and if I had the space for  it I would probably get it but I don't know icing sugar whole wheat flour pastry flour we're gonna go what was that dear Pizza Pizza Flower yeah do  you did did you know that they had a specific   flower for pizza you know they're just made a  little bit differently who ground a little bit   differently and remember this you asked me for  this and we still have some at home almond fries ah peas 21.99 I got lots of chickpeas what else have we got here in bulk and we've  got Black Eyed Peas which we don't really use   much of but I have some at home 24.99 got clubs  these we use 20 bucks yeah but I have plenty   have lots of beans and pinto beans which are  great for your actually 24 49 or 10 kilograms   the ones you prefer which is a dark kidney beans  10 kilograms now this is [ __ ] 10 kilograms ah cornmeal now I think I paid more than that  for the cornmeal 10.99 that's a good price and watch this one medium cornmeal oh  no who's on so I don't know what that is semolina I have a bag of  semolina chia seeds I don't use this chia seeds I think you just sprinkle  them on solids and things if I'm not   mistaken but I may be wrong I don't know hmm don't know how they're used never used them hey Mark look at this chicken  broth six ready to use   for eleven dollars yeah and this one and  this is more chicken broth how much a liter I don't know that's what I'm asking total um so divide two dollars by five liters pretty  much nothing except I have to make it myself oh my goodness chicken soup broth cheer oh yeah those okay mac and cheese that is 12 super sized boxes of mac  and cheese for sixteen dollars it's in these blue bags pasta oh  okay bow ties yeah like kilos yeah   it's like 11 pounds yeah those are just  good for soup as far as I'm concerned use one salad stuff like that salads okay lasagna  I would never use this stuff it's too hard   make my own now this kind  of looks like what I make yep what is that egg pasta Nest 20 bucks looks  exactly like what I make except this is dried and I have more dry pasta  than I can shake a stick out it's starting to bother me again  and I have lots of this too elbows yeah if I didn't have  it this would be a great thing but I got lots of those and  I bought one of those and we   haven't opened them yet we've  got one of those unopened yeah or starch shredded coconut whole milk [Music] skim milk Okay this may see pumpkin seed do you need any hot sauce extra spicy yeah [Music] so I don't know what that is and we have a bat box of that what's that  do we have any Tabasco I don't think so   would you use it I know your dad loves this  stuff yeah maybe maybe not if he comes to   visit we'll get one get a couple of these okay  but send them back with one did you want to pick   one now okay yeah I know you don't seem to use it  yeah he likes it with his eggs doesn't he foreign for one of those yeah yeah that would be for your dad hazelnuts pine nuts foreign I know it's not the same as uh the ones  we get up north but they do want to thank you is that salted roasted salted make sure   salted yeah okay yeah make  sure they're what you like okay let's continue along Nutella Nutella I ain't buying it though but no I actually bought one of  these Mark and I put it into uh   smaller mason jars oh yeah but what we need  is one of these guys just so that you can   pour without meshing up the lids but you're  gonna spend 20 bucks to get no because those   ones there are 25 I just want and I guess  I'll just buy one plastic bottle someplace soy sauce nope sure for five bucks you know what that's for eign wow that's enough for now well you  have a you have a larger quantity one which is yeah you really don't want to get  into a lot of that stuff anyway mark I don't want to kill you with sugar so smooth peanut butter crap for seventy  dollars uh this is 20 from her Homestead   skills hope you enjoyed this little video and  we will catch you on the next one bye for now

2022-12-05 07:27

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