Black Panther Wakanda Forever FULL Breakdown, Marvel Easter Eggs and Things You Missed

Black Panther Wakanda Forever FULL Breakdown, Marvel Easter Eggs and Things You Missed

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In my culture death is  not the end it's more of a stepping off point Welcome back everyone it's Charlie this will be  my full black panther wakanda forever breakdown   and easter eggs for the entire movie there's  a whole bunch of stuff that they set up during   this we have to talk about if you're brand new  to the channel be sure to subscribe to get all   the videos and careful for spoilers for the  movie if you haven't seen it yet but we'll   just start at the beginning work our way through  shop by shot talking about Easter eggs WTF moments   and all the teasers for the upcoming movies the  whole opening scene of the movie is meant to be   t'challa's actual death with shuri trying to  find a way to recreate the heart-shaped herb   using science claiming that taking the herb again  will be able to heal whatever's killing him I know   this is going to be a huge question like what  did he actually die from in the MCU they never   actually reference what it is they only say that  he lived with a disease for a long time secretly   not telling any of his family members except for  Nakia he told Nakia after she became pregnant with   their son also named t'challa his Haitian name he  goes by is Toussaint in order to hide his identity   the other big easter egg for the comics here is  that in the comics Black Panther's son is with   storm his name is sorry and he gets both storms  powers and becomes the next Black Panther and has   all of his powers his mutant powers are basically  the same as Storm's Powers he has electrokinesis   I'm assuming the version of the MCU is just  going to be a normal human until he takes the   heart-shaped herb it is always possible that they  do introduce a version of storm though in Black   Panther 3 because she is Queen of her tribe in  Africa so there were any movie to introduce her   in the Black Panther movies would be the place to  do it I think the mystery disease is just meant to   be a parallel for Chadwick boseman's death in real  life secretly having cancer through the filming   of all of his Marvel movies back to the events of  Captain America Civil War that was around the time   when he actually was diagnosed with cancer and  he just kept it to himself like he didn't tell   the Marvel people he didn't tell any of his fans  maybe his wife knew about it but that's about it   when he was filming the first Black Panther movie  The Avengers Infinity War Avengers endgame movies   he was suffering through cancer and it was really  bad at that point later in the movie she does wind   up being able to use namor's underwater strain  of the heart-shaped herb another type of plant   that grew and underwater vibranium tainted soil  that would have saved him but it also enables her   to become the next Black Panther and will also  allow t'challa's son to become the next Black   Panther after her when he comes of age later and  possibly even meet his father in The ancestral   plane I know there's all kinds of theories about  what they could do with t'challa's character or   how they'd use him in future stories because  Chadwick Boseman is dead they're not going to   bring him back in a really big way but they  could always say that he does become the new   Panther God if they kill off the Bast Panther  goddess they're a couple different times in the   comics when Black Panther actually does become  a God speaking of gods another big thing we've   been talking about this year in Marvel movies  and Marvel Disney plus series are the way the   gods exist in the MCU Thor love and thunder Moon  Knight Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness in   one of the most surprising things to me in this  opening scene was that we were learning for the   first time that shuri never really believed in  Bast the panther goddess she never thought that   she was real because as a last resort she finally  praised to her saying that I will finally believe   in you if you help save my brother but the thing  is is that us as the audience saw a bast in Thor   Love and Thunder we know that Bast is real we've  seen Thor Thor's an actual God in the MCU so we   know that Gods actually exist so it was kind of  weird to me that shuri did not believe that gods   exist she also didn't believe her mother when she  was talking about the ancestral plane I've seen   visions of your brother she was talking about  seeing t'challa in the ancestral plain early in   the movie shuri brushed that off claiming that  it was just a trick of her mother's mind like   you weren't really seeing our brother I think  the point at which she starts to believe though   is when she actually takes the new version of the  heart-shaped herb and sees killmonger she travels   to the ancestral plane like oh this is all real  one of the other big introductions during this   intro scene is her new AI it's actually voiced by  Trevor Noah you probably recognize the voice later   her mother even has an Ultron reference when she  starts joking about the AI going rogue sure he's   like no it's totally safe it does whatever I  tell it to do but we know that's not totally   true because we know about Ultron Avengers Age of  Ultron they never reference this plot Point again   during the movie the AI itself going rogue so they  might just be setting up a future plot line that   they'll pay off in some other movie maybe black  panther 3 maybe something else the whole idea   that shuri has too much faith in her technology  it's the same thing to happen to Iron Man during   Avengers Age of Ultron too curious and too smart  for your own Goods sometimes like curiosity kill   the cat in that metaphor makes so much more sense  now in the context of black panther because she is   kind of like a cat a really big really stabby cat  but the whole movie is full of moments like this   with like little beats that feel like they're  setting up something really huge in the future   that they never fully pay off by the end of the  movie like we're gonna take care of this in a   future movie during t'challa's funeral at the  beginning the reason why they're wearing white   and white seems kind of like a party for some of  them is because in a lot of cultures around the   world they wear white to funerals instead of black  particularly that part of Africa and the reason   they're celebrating is because they're celebrating  t'challa's life while mourning him at the same   time like through the process of mourning they  are celebrating his life thematically the entire   movie is written to be awake for t'challa in and  surely learning to grieve him and then per their   Customs move on with the future and for most of  the movie she can't do that like she can't move on   the reason why they take t'challa's body away in  the ship is because inside wakanda they bury the   previous Kings inside the necropolis they call  it the City of the Dead we saw it in the first   movie that's where they kept the heart-shaped  herb before killmonger burned it inside the   necropolis they have a very special place for the  actual previous black panthers the previous Kings   they call it literally the Hall of Kings once a  young t'challa comes of age we'll probably see   him in that place looking at his father's tomb in  the comics black panther also gains the power to   speak to the previous black panthers it's kind of  like avatar the Airbender where they can summon up   the past lives and learn from their knowledge they  might wait till his son comes of age and becomes   the next Black Panther before they pay off that  plot point though they have the special tribute   version of Marvel Studios intro logo with just  Chadwick Boseman they did the same thing for Stan   Lee after he passed away like the Stanley version  of the intro scene the other difference we with   the Black Panther version is that it's totally  silent they don't play the Marvel Fanfare like   they did with Stan Lee they have a one-year time  Jump so that means that t'challa died about two   years after Avengers end game in the majority of  the movie is meant to take place about three years   after Avengers endgame around the same time as  Ant-Man and the wasp Quantumania because there's   an Easter egg for Scott Lang's book that we see  during Ant-Man quantumania it's called look out   for the little guy and it's on one of the chirons  they did the same thing during Spider-Man no way   home with an Easter egg for Thor love and thunder  that was a reference to new Asgard during one of   Jay Jonah Jameson's Daily Bugle news broadcasts  at the United Nations we learned the rest of   the world as pissed off at wakanda and they  want their vibranium their resources because   they're still kind of in rebuilding mode after  Avengers end game this becomes a big plot point   for Val's character and they'll probably pay it  off during Captain America 4 New World Order in   the Thunderbolts movie because Val wants vibranium  and she very literally told Everett Ross I dream   of the time when America controls all vibranium  on the planet Richard Schiff is playing the new   secretary of state he took over for Thunderbolt  Ross he used to be the Secretary of State back   during the events of Captain America's Civil  War which is why I think they wanted to recast   Thunderbolt Ross with Harrison Ford and use him  in a big way during Captain America 4 because   he'll be a big part of that we meet Anika for  the first time she's a member of the midnight   Angels she's also from the comics they debut in  the movie with shuri's new suits that she and   akoye wear and if it wasn't clear Anika is also  meant to be ao's lover Ayo also winds up becoming   the new general the new leader of the door milaje  taking over for Okoye when she gets fired during   the movie we find out that the United States  government essentially tricked Riri Williams   ironheart character into creating a vibranium  detector which the United States has been using   to try and find underwater vibranium there's  been a lot of theories about what's going on   behind this I think this is where we get to our  Doctor Doom plot in Easter eggs in the MCU in the   movie Riri Williams says she doesn't know anything  about the US government being involved with her   vibranium detector she just created it because one  of her MIT professors dared her to do it and she   just thought that she was doing it for a class  assignment they never referenced the professor   by name but it's the professor Who tricked her  and then sold it to the US government I think the   professor is probably going to wind up being the  leader some of you asked if Dr Doom would wind up   being the mystery Professor but I don't think that  he would secretly be a professor MIT but here's   the thing Lake Bell in the movie is supposed to  be playing a version of Lucia Von Barda who is   like Dr Doom's right-hand person from lobberia  in the movie she's only credited as Dr Graham   and they never referenced her by name but she's  much too big of an actor in such a seemingly small   one-off role to be just a nobody so I think the  idea is that Dr Doom is searching for vibranium   just like the Americans are and he's using her  as a plant inside the United States government   so it's sort of Doctor Doom pulling the strings  from behind so you have Val and Thunderbolt Ross   trying to get their hands on vibranium but really  it's Doctor Doom playing them for fools tooting   his horn from the Shadows so to speak they never  mention him by name in the movie but the whole   World versus wakanda plot over vibranium in  the movie is them adapting some of the Doomwar   storyline from the comics where he literally  invades wakanda to steal their vibranium also   shuri becoming the next Black Panther happened  right after the Doom War Arc so there are a lot   of Doctor Doom Easter eggs happening in the movie  but nobody actually mentions him by name it's   always possible that he could come back and be  a much bigger villain during black panther 3 or   they'll probably use him in some other way in the  MCU there's rumors about more Easter eggs for him   during the Ironheart series because Ironheart  season 1 is meant to be all about the balance   between Magic and technology and that is like  core Doctor Doom man of science man of magic but I   don't think the Doctor Doom character is supposed  to actually be in the ironheart series they're   just slowly establishing him in the MCU like  you'll see Easter eggs for him in the background   and at the end of the movie when shuri tells namor  that she'll help protect his underwater vibranium   from the rest of the world and Riri Williams isn't  going to create any more vibrating detectors it   essentially means the United States Doctor Doom  anyone else is out of luck for vibrate unless   they invade wakanda short term which I think  they'll pay off with Val in the Thunderbolts   trying to get vibranium in the Thunderbolts movie  maybe Captain America 4. I am sure once it gets   to that Bucky will have something to say about it  like there's no way Bucky would willingly want to   invade wakanda because he owes them so much but  I think that'll just be part of the drama like   the whole idea that they'll be forced to fight  them and Bucky will have to go Rogue that's one   of the reasons why Val told us agent that she  would need him because she couldn't call on real   Captain America the Falcon version for some of  these things obviously he wouldn't want to invade   wakanda but U.S agent wouldn't have a problem  with that we meet the MCU version of atlanteans   for the first time but remember some big changes  about their backstory now they're based more on   Mayan Aztec culture and their City isn't Atlantis  it's talocan they didn't change their backstory or   namor's backstory for rights reasons or anything  like that they just wanted it to feel like a real   culture inside the world like it could have  happened the same way that a lot of the other   Marvel stuff and mostly so that it didn't feel  like a copy of the Aquaman movie just like bast   the panther goddess came to bashenga and told  him where to find the heart-shaped herb about   10.000 years ago namor's God came to his mother's  people about 500 years ago and did the same thing   for them with the underwater heart-shaped herb we  actually do see the god of namor's people in Thor   love and thunder he's sitting right next to bast  the god of black panthers people or some of Black   Panther's people not all of them worshiped the  panther goddess for instance umbaku comes from   the ape tribe they worship the ape God he even  invokes his name during the movie praying to him   a lot of you've also asked if namor's underwater  vibranium meteorite is the same meteorite that   killed the dinosaurs or the same one that brought  tiama to planet Earth it's not the one that killed   the dinosaurs because that one fell in the Gulf  of Mexico it Atlantis is supposed to be here in   the Atlantic on Nick Fury's map much closer to  where wakanda is it is possible that this is   part of the seed that brought Tiamat to planet  Earth like that's where the vibranium came from   and just pieces of it broke off and one went to  wakanda and one went to the Atlantic Ocean because   celestials in in the comics do use vibranium to  make their bodies it changed their physiology to   what it is now but his mother was pregnant with  him when she took it and he was born a mutant   around the 1500s that's why I said he's meant to  be about 500 years old when the movie begins so he   has a bunch of extra powers like all of his Comic  Book powers but they're because he's a mutant not   because of the heart-shaped herb which is why the  atlanteans don't all have the same powers that he   does currently this makes him the oldest mutant  in the MCU that we've seen so far apocalypse and   Seline are older mutants in the comics but  because we haven't seen versions of them in   the MCU yet technically Namor is the oldest one  so far and essentially he's a Mesoamerican Aztec   Mayan version of comic book Namor he also says his  trademark catchphrase from the comics later in the   movie imperius rex Loosely it translates to Latin  meaning Empire King he uses it as Battle Cry kind   of like wakanda and say wakanda forever before  they start attacking he's got organic Wings on   his feet he can fly the way that he talks about  it though it's swimming through the sky that's   also the way they visualize is flying too it  looks like he's literally swimming through the   sky just like in the comics he's about as strong  as the Hulk when he's in contact with water that   is a comic book thing when he's not he's still  very strong just not nearly as strong all the   regular citizens of talocan are basically kind of  like low-level super soldiers because their DNA   has been changed by the heart-shaped herb like  every single member of their culture is like a   low-level super soldier their way stronger than  normal they heal faster which is why they're so   formidable against the wakandans which is why  namor says you cannot stand against my Army   when they meet namor for the first time at the  beach the shell that he gives them is also just   another comic book reference don't toot the horn  unless you mean business namor also tells them   that his mother told him stories about wakanda  when he was young almost 500 years ago just   charting the timeline of wakanda within the MCU  bashenga the first black panther was born about   10,000 years ago so wakanda would have existed for  a long time already by then inside the throne room   there's a cool Easter egg tribute to Chadwick  Boseman in real life on the inscriptions around   the pillars in the room decoded they all say  rest in Power King t'challa our hero it has been   in honor of wakanda forever they bring back the  Everett Ross character he's listening to Red Hot   Chili Peppers he helps them rescue Riri Williams  and they use a lot of his storyline with Val to   set up Thunderbolts in the Captain America 4  movie we learned that he used to be married to   Val and when Okoye rescues him from prison at  the end of the movie that's more of a setup for   secret Invasion because Martin Freeman Everett  Ross will be back in secret Invasion working   with Nick Fury obviously is a fugitive now because  he's still supposed to be in prison we meet Riri   Williams who goes to MIT like Tony Stark like  Spider-Man was trying to get into MIT in fact   because this happens a little bit after the events  of Spider-Man no way home MJ and Ned Leeds might   actually be going here at this point obviously  because Riri Williams ironheart is so connected   to Iron Man in the comics or origin story there  are a lot of Iron Man references in Easter eggs   during her scenes shuri references Stark Tech  a few times her mark one is meant to be kind   of like Iron Man's mark one you see her banging  with the hammer the exact same way that he did   she even has her own version of the cave scene  where they bust out of her garage like Iron Man   busted out of the cave her first flight is meant  to be similar to Iron Man's first flight in his   Mark II with the joke about the oxygen levels and  the suit kind of conking out until it got close to   falling to the ground and at the end of the movie  shuri winds up helping her build her Mark II suit   out of vibranium but makes her leave the suit in  wakanda when she goes back the Ironheart series   is meant to be a direct sequel to the events of  black panther wakanda forever she has her Mark 3   suit during that and now we know why because shuri  wouldn't let her take the vibranium suit with her   inside her dorm room the flag above her bed is the  flag of Chicago in the United States that's where   she's from it's probably where mostly ironheart  series is going to take place when Everett Ross   finds shuri's camoyo beads Val reveals she bugged  them because she knew about his connection with   wakanda and expected him to speak with them on  the DL and wanted to play on that to see if she   could get any more information and it just the way  to show you that Val is way smarter and way more   devious than she comes off because she's kind  of a jokey character when raimonda fires Okoye   as general the door milaje the real reason they  had her do that obviously is to set up the Okoye   Disney plus series they have to have a reason for  her to leave wakanda in the door milage also she's   going to continue being one of the midnight angels  with Anika you also noticed that raimonda says her   entire family is gone not dead because she always  knew this whole time about t'challa's son so even   if shuri had died during the movie her entire  family would not be dead she'd have her grandson   when shuri and riru Williams are taken to Tallow  can she makes a bunch of Pop Culture references   even Spider-Man would be proud of her Princess  Leia in Empire Strikes Back because she changed   her clothes in Empire Strikes Back Belle from  Beauty and the Beast the white chick from Indiana   Jones is a reference to Raiders of the Lost Ark  with Marion changing her clothes at the end of   the movie like when someone is asked to change  their clothes something bad always follows the   underwater entrance to talocan is also meant to be  similar to the security methods that will wakanda   has about getting through the shield they have  a special underwater current that they have to   unleash first which acts as sort of like a slip  stream that they travel through that takes them   to the actual city and what they're looking at  here is just the capital the Empire itself is much   bigger but the giant orb that emits all that light  sort of like your makeshift sun that comes out is   made entirely of vibranium when namor explains his  full backstory to shuri he explains his name Namor   in the MCU version is meant to be a translation  of his language meaning no love because he has   no love for the surface dwellers in the comics the  reason why his name is Namor is because it's just   Roman spelled backwards then when Namor winds up  flooding wakanda that's meant to be an adaptation   of when he did it in the comics during the Phoenix  Arc is basically the same situation like he just   flooded the entire city killing a whole bunch  of people after Namor kills raimonda sure uses   the remnants of namor's heart-shaped herb to  recreate it using her lab and uses it to become   the next Black Panther just like she became the  next Black Panther after The do-more Arc in the   comics another big Doctor Doom connection when  she enters the ancestral plane the reason why   she winds up in the throne room is because she  thought that she would see her mother and that's   the place where her mother died the reason why  it winds up being killmonger is because of her   desire for revenge against namor like killmonger  says inside your heart subconsciously you really   wanted me that's why you called to me it also  winds up proving the reality of the ancestral   plane and all this mystical stuff that she  didn't totally believe in before this when   she creates her version of the Black Panther  suit because it's so inspired by killmonger   that's why it has all the gold all over it like  it's a combination of t'challa's black panther   suit in killmonger's flashier Golden Jaguar suit  is also why her suit seems so stabby looking The   Mask has the same tribal markings on it that she  has on her face and it functions a lot like Iron   Man's Avengers Infinity war and Avengers end game  nanite armors like the suit just creates anything   she needs at any given moment using vibrating  nanites the only difference from Iron Man's   armors is that he didn't have vibranium that's why  she can automatically form the same Sonic cannons   around her hands like the fixed ones she wore in  the first Black Panther movie and when the armor   isn't deployed like the full suit it exists inside  that golden necklace that she wears that you see   at the end of the movie t'challa's and killmongers  also came out of their necklaces too when she   returns to embaku the rest of the elders in the  New Black Panther suit it's important to note that   imbaku is on the same page with shuri and wants  to help her despite their initial disagreement   over killing namor and starting a never-ending  War even though he's going to be king now at the   end of the movie when he says shuri will not  be joining us today it's because he and sure   he already worked out the details of how wakanda  would be managed going forward so there's already   like a very clear understanding between the two  of them how this is gonna work he would take   over the rulership of wakanda day-to-day stuff  and she would just continue being black panther   working in her lab at least until t'challa's son  comes of age and combines those two roles again   like the king of wakanda and the Black Panther  at the same time we get the name or imperius   Rex mentioned and then sure he sees a vision of  her mother in The ancestral plane finally who   urges her to show compassion like show him who you  really are they come to an agreement call truce   and shuri agrees that wakanda going forward will  help them protect their underwater vibranium from   the rest of the world but the whole thing with  namor's ending scene when he's talking to namora   is that he's just biting his time waiting for the  rest of the surface world like Val for instance   Dr Doom to invade wakanda to get their vibranium  hoping that it will force sure his hand to form an   alliance with them and then they can burn down the  rest of the world umbagu formally becomes king in   the same ceremony that we saw during the first  Black Panther movie Riri Williams goes home to   Chicago and to her ironheart series Okoye rescues  Everett raw so that he can go help Nick Fury   during the secret Invasion series I believe those  episodes will drop around March next year it'll be   like the first Marvel Disney plus series of 2023  we'll get a new trailer for that really soon so   of course I'll do more bonus videos when we do and  we get our big post-credits scene where we learn   about t'challa's son I've already done a really  big video about this so I'll link it at the end of   this down in the description below but the basic  idea is that Marvel is now just going to make him   the New Black Panther in the new king of wakanda  once he becomes old enough he'll also probably be   on Young Avengers teams we'll see him in a bunch  of other movies while he's slowly growing up the   big question now is whether or not Marvel is gonna  pull some tiny whimey crazy Quantumania type of   trick with Kang to age him up super fast like will  he come of age in Black Panther 3 relatively soon   or will it be black panther 4 or some other movie  after that post all your theories about that like   how long is Marvel going to wait before young  t'challa is old enough to become the next Black   Panther you also probably recognize during the  end credits they also play Rihanna's song that   she wrote just for the movie and they have a  special tribute to Chadwick Boseman t'challa   when shuri is doing her grieving ceremony like  finally burning her garments from his funeral   there's like a billion things that happened during  this movie that we can talk about I have a bunch   of bonus videos planned and obviously there's  a bunch of other big stuff coming up too like   Ant-Man 3 Quantumania is the next big movie so  there'll be more trailers for that later this   year too so there'll be a bunch of Kang videos  coming everyone click here for that black panther   wakanda forever post credit scene video and click  here for my Ant-Man 3 Quantumania trailer video   thank you so much for watching everyone stay  safe and I'll see you guys in the next one!

2022-11-19 02:32

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