$BTC Where is the bottom??? 5/24/22

$BTC Where is the bottom??? 5/24/22

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big traffic chats and you my friends may 24  2022 every day is a gift have some fun with it   alright alright friends i want to say a  heartfelt thank you i really appreciate   each every one of you for taking a little bit  of time out of your day life is short we try   to enjoy uh what time we have please let me  know if you can hear me okay i'm big chad   um folks let me know where you are in the world  i'd love to to reach out and connect with you   and kind of get a sense of um you know where  you are we're all sharing this this love   this passion of crypto passion of trading and  that's why we're here uh you most likely follow   me because i'm on twitter at big chats that's  probably where you've seen me from of course i   am on youtube at sheds trading that's what this  is this is uh going to go under the playlist   uh quick market updates i don't do these that  often um i do not do these that often and   there's a pretty good reason for that i think  there's a pretty good reason for that and that   is because i am a founding analyst at bitcoin  live and i'm just messing with my screens here   i'm a founding analyst at bitcoin live it's the  best in class educational platform for crypto   and i do twice a week full market updates there  answer questions get to kind of teach students   um and i'm really enjoying doing that i've been  doing that for four years if i'm on vacation   i'm sick i i will not miss an update it's  really important to me and that practice has   helped me grow um and become a good teacher  and a good trader i don't have my screen up   so there it is there's my twitter and that big  chats there is the youtube i mentioned the fact   that this video is going to go under quick market  updates you're going to want to check that out um   so like if you're brand new go to the tutorials  right the tutorial playlist educational live   streams that's going to help you out a lot that's  gonna get you on to understand you know what my   setup is moving averages bollinger bands how to  interpret volume check that out um i am of course   the author of trading wisdom 50 lessons every  trader should know right you've got the four   formats on amazon if you don't want to pay for it  i got a free version on my youtube channel chet's   trading check that out i also mentioned and  i'll show you as well i am a founding analyst   at bitcoin lives incredibly proud of that i  talked about that earlier but i do that twice   a week that's why you really don't see me doing  these quick market updates uh that often the last   one was three weeks ago so um let me know where  you're from we've got athens greece in the house   serbia uh serbia which is great sounds like you  you can hear me okay wisconsin what's up wisconsin   uh phoenix out in boston jonathan pakistan  pakistan and sydney australia canada right we're   all just hanging out right we're coming together  because we're into crypto what i do is i am a i'm   kind of i try to be a no bs guy i try to be really  kind of educational and i'm all about price action   and you know when i started trading i made so many  mistakes and i lost a lot of money over the years   and so you know the book is like the book and  what i do on twitter is me trying to teach you   from my experience it's not theoretical like when  i tell you don't do this it's because i've done it   and i've made the mistakes like a hundred times  so um i'm speaking from the heart on that but   we're all doing this together we're all trading  we're all trying to make some money have some fun   and um it helps to practice it helps to  practice it helps to practice and helps   to practice kind of what this is you know on  these these videos if you're if you're kind of   unsure like i'm telling you go watch my youtube  videos go watch these quick market updates and   you know you can see the technique works uh if  you look if you look at like at any of these   videos especially all year look at what i said and  look what happened next it hasn't really been a   mystery like i'm not you know nobody if you watch  these videos you follow me you shouldn't really be   surprised where we are you understand we're in a  bearish channel you understand we're consolidating   you understand basically price versus moving  averages we'll kind of get into that a little   bit more like what is the state of the market but  you know it's been pretty clean bitcoins traded   pretty clean it gave us really good warning  signs at the top we got out at the top   you know there were some playable bounces you  had major warning signs in the in the breakdown   here especially the ma200 underside underside and  losing this horizontal um i don't need to do that   like i've done that in all these other videos  right i clearly thank you i i appreciate it   brother i see that thank you um i've done that in  all these other videos so i'm just going to catch   up on some of my tweets since the last video  but just as a basic sense like this is still   obviously weak um and we have this nice candle  it's the kind of candle you're looking for for a   short-term bottoming of with volume and volatility  and over-extension i mean look and look at the   how deep below that lower bollinger we dipped  you know when people say you're due for a bounce   this is the kind of situation where i get it and  i can kind of sign get on board with that but the   whole like oh we're due for a bounce because you  know six weeks seven weeks in a row no that's just   kind of nonsense you're never you're not owed  anything um rsi oversold means bearish right   i'd rather sell that than buy that you know but  this is the kind of candle where you're going to   get a momentum changing and when you're trading  this channel and you want to go long you have to   wait for this kind of a candle and we had a bounce  all right on this over reaction candle perhaps you   were you were very quick you got kind of a lower  time frame spring or some type of a a break of   you know 15 minute one hour resistance or perhaps  you waited for the spring here and the recapture   of the may 11th low but if we look at this bounce  i mean it really was just kind of a standard   uh relief rally or mean reversion right up to  the ema eight uh ema eight and we have been up   observing on these videos on twitter right this  is all public you know we don't have to delete   tweets we don't have to delete videos it's just  we're just using clean trend analysis classical   charting japanese candlesticks you can do it  too we've just been observing that relationship   between the price and the moving average the  m820 rejected there rejected there rejected there   um and rejected there i honestly i'm a little  surprised we didn't make it all the way to the   m820 we had kind of a perfect storm type of  bottoming and we'll get to that in my tweets   uh i had somewhere in here where i was trading the  bounce here you know you know basically i tried to   play a bounce at 30k and that's like we'll get  into that but um it was just due because it had   tried to bounce to 30 that failed dropped it to 25  um and there was you know and there was fud right   and there was people panicking about the tether  uh tether pair and that's like what gets me really   interested like it's not it's not just like when  people are um it's not just like when people are   you know mad the price is low and we're  quote-unquote oversold it's like that extra for   me it's like that extra level of confirmation  when people say like oh don't buy because the   exchanges are about to go down or something like  when there's this like extra extra level of fear   um that's opportunity right that's opportunity  that the tether pair wasn't going to fall apart   um we just dropped you know 30k down 25k um it  just felt right you know and we'll get to that   so let's just get to that so so my last so let's  see may 8th my last video was like three weeks ago   um somewhere around the may fourth fifth range  so basically the point is like back in may   8th right most of you should be in cash like  let's not you don't need to rush into the bottom   that's up here you know we're like 35k and this is  clear clearly at this point we're in major trouble   okay i mean there were so you've had so many  like times to to like get off even though you're   like i can't sell here you know oh i i didn't  sell at 60k or 50k can't possibly sell here   but like why not you just get these clean breaks  right support braking drifting lower and at this   point there is no real support here right this  february 24th low january 24th low you know   temporary price structure these weren't real i  i didn't expect any of these to really be strong   support levels if you look at my my coverage on  youtube and on bitcoin live especially i've talked   about kind of the the nature of the undefined  support range um so when you're at this point here   you know you just have this breakdown i mean  you've got to be like okay i'm out yeah i get it   yeah i didn't get it i didn't sell it like 50k  um i think i didn't sell like uh thanks for   osaka great thank you so much dan uh i didn't  sell there 50k but like come on like so we've   had all these opportunities and times where  it's like let's you know you need to get out   and the point i made here on may 8th uh on this  day we're in that 35k range you don't have to   like people get all the time every little low  time frame bounce they're just itching they   bounce they buy they're itching to buy a bottom  but the bottom doesn't happen like that usually   um even if we bottom here it's going to do this  it's going to do a re-test maybe a lower low   i mean it's going to do that right it's not going  to you don't just don't do that that's just not   how it works like in your mind that's how it works  because oh yeah boom and now we're going 100k and   all your fundamental you know theory is going to  be proven right no like bottoms are slow to form   there's ask anybody who does this i mean it's  just slow to form and even candlestick theory   japanese candlestick theory talks about many of  the best entries come and re-test the supports you   kind of try to play that retest of like a hammer  dragonfly doji you know even like a long leg doji   the lower range um you know at this point on that  tweet though you know may 8th it's like listen   you should be in cash obviously and don't rush my  point is like you don't don't rush into the bottom   and you know it takes time and we had an attempted  bottoming here and we kind of we really almost   reversed the trend right we had essentially  gone from we had essentially gone from um   you know red light orange we're trying to go  green and then boom falls break out we get that so   you know you're gonna let it play out the red  light's going to turn orange before it turns green   um so you're not going to miss it right you're  going to be able to find confirmation so that's   may 8th and then boom may 9th and then right there  so you know may 8th no need to rush in and then   now we're breaking now this is a big deal we broke  the january 24th low i thought you know i followed   some bulls and a bunch of them were saying nope  the low uh uh nope the low has already been put in   folks nope every time you know and i don't want to  hear it bears nope blows in well we broke the law   you know it's like it's that this was like the  last if they were in court like this is their   last piece of evidence that hadn't been thrown out  yet this january 24th low right feb 24th low was   broken that was never going to hold um and then  you lost this support this pretty clear demand   level here i mean losing that you know 37 36 was  a major warning sign and everyone tweeted it i   tweeted it this is obvious right so you're not  helpless like a lot of times you feel helpless   you're making yourself helpless because you're  choosing not to define your risk you're choosing   to avoid clear uh love all your book on live  updates thank you and i really appreciate you   being a member um you're not you you're um like  you're ignoring these these these moments where   the trend is telling you you need to you need to  define your risk a little bit here you need to   kind of you know pull back um this is a big level  when we lost that level here i think anybody with   any kind of anybody was seasoned right at all any  gray hair any any anybody who had been doing this   knew um that it was going to go lower and probably  tested january 24th low probably break it and it   did because the momentum right that was a  big break this is a big this is a big loss   especially coming on the heels or after that  false breakout right it's all been i've said   this all you know so if you're like j chad what  are you talking about go watch the market update   before this by the way my um my may 4th update  from bitcoin live the whole report's made free   you can watch the whole thing it's 45 minutes it's  a straight master class uh free masterclass on ta   uh so here we go may 9th and i always get to the  point and actually looked back and i put out a   similar tweet um maybe i could look for it now but  i put out a similar tweet where was it it was like   around here or something and there's usually  like a one more leg or two more legs down it's   close to the bottom but i basically said like  i'm not going to make fun of permanent bulls   anymore like the point had been made here may  9th right and you know me i i try not to you   know i don't pick fights or anything but like it  just bothers you when i'm lit i hear people like   i hear people who are just like trying to you  know like people are impressionable and i've been   one of the impressionable people and when i hear  someone tell me what i want to hear yes okay great   you know now i'm gonna not now because i'm  listening to these permeables i'm not going   to sell on a clear support break but i'm  just going to buy arbitrarily on this way   that on the way down it doesn't do anything  for you right um so i do a lot of like hey   like no that's not the deal that's not what that  candle means that's not what this context means   but then i get to a point where it's like i'm i'm  tired of being wrong like i want you know first of   all yeah i want the price to go up but i'm tired  of like i'm tired of making fun of perma bowls   like if they don't get it by now they're never  gonna get it kind of deal right and here we were   uh i put in that tweet you know somewhere in  the morning i woke up i'm like all right like   points made i mean there i was like okay now  clearly points been made yes you know you're   getting those replies from people chad's i wish  i listened to you i thought you were a bear   but you were just calling it you know and  so like all right fine now can we bounce   we're usually pretty close we're  usually pretty close when i   when i when i'm like tired of making fun of of  the permabulls okay that's may 9th that's right   there all right so we're in this day somewhere  um probably right around here in the middle point   uh okay then i get to this tweet and i've  seen a lot of people talking about like   oversold right oh we're oversold i'm just  checking the chat room big well good to see you   uh um i hear a lot of people talking about like  we're due for a bounce because we're oversold   and you and i've made this point before  like ask yourself how do you become oversold   all right you become oversold by being bearish  right do you want to be long something bearish   or do you want to be short something bearish  right trends tend to continue right it doesn't   mean it's going to 100 continue but it's  at least 60 percent likely to continue   that's kind of a generalized statement there's  context there's there's force there's momentum   um like when i see oversold like oversold  means bearish oversold is a better reason to   sell right than to buy and i see people using  this oversold is hey we're due here oversold   you can ride oversold for a long time  especially with lower time frame bounces   and a failed breakouts all these failed  descending triangle failed double bottoms   failed anything where you reset the oscillators  you can do that and you can continue oversold   uh being oversold is a better reason to sell than  buy okay and people tell me some people tell me   i'm crazy like i understand that i was there too  before i actually studied textbooks which is why   i recommend studying textbooks i tweet them out  anybody can do this read the books put in the time   all right uh our stack can stay oversold for a  long time i'm working on a um you know my book   book three right i have a quote in book three  it's like rsi can stay oversold longer than   you can remain patient or something like that and  that's true so same thing with being overbought by   the way so yeah i have a book three coming out  in a few months i really want to make i'm not   rushing it because i want to kind of really keep  editing it but i put the cover art out it's pretty   cool so here we go may 9th this is all happening  where it's like i saw some people who started to   say like okay i admitted i was too bullish okay i  admit it you know i guess we're in a downtrend so   it's interesting and kind of evolution of these  these like minor bottoms or these local bottoms   to where first i'm like alright i can't make  fun of perma balls um and then today's the day   it's a sentiment kind of a sentiment analysis  and sentiment analysis you're realizing like   you know all these people are finally admitting  it and they're coming like they're starting to   come to terms with it um which means you've  already taken a lot of damage at that point   so i start to kind of i'm like all right i'm going  to pay attention here i'm waiting for volatility   it's probably close by i'm still putting out these  tweets i want to temper expectations i'd love to   retweet this and say look hey look you know um  it happened again and this time this time wasn't   different and uh even though like i would be down  big on my huddle i'd be i'd be adding to it right   here so like who wouldn't want to right um i i  kind of put out a tweet kind of tongue-in-cheek   a couple months ago and i said the uh the run from  12k to 100k is going to be amazing and it would be   it's not necessarily going to get there right so  there's no doubt about that but just momentum wise   you got to think we're going to head down to  20 and we got the weekly ma200 right at right   you know right in that area we've seen the  price the ability to kind of flush beneath it   and eventually you know reclaim it so i mean you  know given momentum i don't think it's crazy to   think about these lower targets and i've discussed  this before i'm not like breaking new ground here   um so you can kind of you know you can you can  delve into that further um but here's another   one right so i was responding to plan b he's i  guess he's a friend of mine i don't i think he   used to follow me i've never like i've talked to  him that much but um i will challenge him in a   respectful way work you know he was the um you  know the like uh ptc 200 or whatever 2 300 guy   and i would reply to his threats i'm like bro  like we just had a breakdown or here's here's   a reason why i don't think it's going to happen um  and so i was responding to a tweet about the idea   of like this is may 11th it was the day before  the the the local bottom which is interesting   but it's like the whole idea that like because  we're over oversold um we're gonna balance and   that bothers me because this because it's  because i know it's like it's like spidey   sense because it's like i used to think like that  and it cost me money and when i hear stuff that i   know like it's gonna cost people money like  i get kind of almost like oops i kind of um   i react like i like a yeast right i start rising  and i'm like whoa right like and then that kind of   ties back into what i said earlier on rsi you know  it can stay oversold for a long time so i just   think generally speaking um thank you thank you  for keeping me sane it's the same thing right back   at you we're all you know uh it's that i think  it's just one of the most misunderstood things rsi   it really really really is um i think it costs  people a lot more money than it helps make them   anybody who uses it i mean you know most people  use it use it incorrectly there's some people who   are really skilled to use who do use it correctly  but most people have no idea how to use the rsi   so i went long here may 11th and that was in um  that was in this candle right so we'll get kind of   into this a little bit right and that was in this  candle we've been breaking down you know boring   slow breakdown and then boom finally you know  finally some movement and then we get a bounce   bounce failed to hold all right bounce failed  to kind of hold close back below the midpoint   of the candle um and then we had kind of this just  like nasty day the following day the 11th and then   boom right and this is the luna panic ustt panic  and um so but i went long though because we had   dipped below 30k on this day so it's just a simple  spring technique and i'd say like a lot you know   80 of my trades are based on this technique where  we had kind of um we essentially come down and we   just reclaimed 30k so it went long we went just  above it though and then we came back below i cut   really quickly right because it was it was  a very volatile situation and i don't mind   personally stepping in early um if i have  a solid thesis which i did which is 30k   and being flipped and i'm willing to kind  of cut quickly which i am right um so so basically said like i'm trying longs here  but if this fails i probably won't try till 30k   right we're either bouncing right at  30k or we're gonna drop down to 25k   right which i felt like was kind of the next  zone so i played at 30k and then i was out   and at first people were like i i a couple  people had replied and i don't read all the   replies obviously you know you can't to stay sane  you certainly can't um but i'll read some of them   and and they had said oh wow it's super tight  like don't you want to wait for the the whatever   the four hour the one hour but then like you know  like a couple of couple hours later we were at 25k   and then boom btc tax 25k right this is an  interesting tweet because back in may first   i had said um some of these folks will be bullish  all the way down to 25k right that's all the way   back up here may 1st that's like right up here you  know the 3839 range and i was talking about the   permabulls who i later said like you know i'm sick  of making fun of them anymore i'm not you know not   having any fun making fun of me uh them anymore  but like here i'm like look they're just gonna   be bullish all the way down and then we're gonna  bounce to 25k which is implicit in here is like   we'll probably bounce off 25k the first time and  we essentially did right you know it was like 25.2   there was a 25.4 you had different uh exchanges  that had variations of that on the absolute low   but i basically said boom you know 25k and then  boom here i am 25 too and look i'm human i have   i have my ego and yes i'm i'm collecting  cloud i'm looking for clout um but it's fun   to be good at something and um it's fun to be  able to do this and look back and be like hey   you know i'm telling you what i believe i'm not  out here like i'm literally just like this makes   the most sense to me and i have enough confidence  to tweet it and that's kind of what i'm doing and   i'm sharing with you my thoughts right that's what  this whole this is what this is um tag 25k so i uh   i sold rated 30k uh because that 30k failed right  here this is on this day so i've dropped in at 25k   and it jumped into 25k on bitcoin but i went  much heavier on ethereum i played ethereum from   about 1820 um i didn't get the nut low i was a  little slow on that but i i talked about that   i've talked about that bitcoin live a lot and  and in other places i talked about on twitter   what was interesting i i should i guess i could  find the tweet um but when i went when i went   long i said going along on ethereum people and  it was like you know 1800 and people had replied   um people had replied it's ethereum right i go  along it was like right here it wasn't not low   but it was pretty good people replied like oh  no like the weight chance it's it's too chad   it's too scary like uh usdt is collapsing chad's  uh i had a great holiday cleat thank you man um   do you huddle i do bottle i i stash bitcoin  um you know they're like don't do it chad's   it's risky it's falling apart and that made  me that made me so confident i can't tell you   there was there was that something about that  interaction where like the chart dynamics were   right you know bitcoin tagged 25k ethereum hit  my target 1800 and i had people in the replies   really warning me that made me like 10 times more  confident and i dub i doubled my my exposure at   that point right and i i sold that around like  22 2100 2150 i didn't get like again i don't   get the nut top i'm not gonna nut bottom i'm not  gonna ever claim i did but i definitely failed i   sold out the majority when we had failed you know  failed follow through and move my stop losses up   so bitcoin on that day though i tried  it 25 too because i'm like that's a   logical level we'll probably balance  and we got a good bounce off of that so   um you know all this time i've been saying on  twitter and bitcoin live um anywhere you know   at bars when people don't want to talk to me  right they're like dude shut up about bitcoin   not really but yeah just anywhere i've talked  about this on anybody's podcast it basically just   talked about kind of the undefined nature of the  support um you know the well-defined you know 46k   breakout level now we have the ma200 in play  of course but how like any kind of bounce here   in this channel right in this kind of kind  of the resumption um of the secondary bear   secondary bear trend of the you know the primary  bull now the secondary bear um you know kind of   presuming that in the failed breakdown like to  go along you need volatility you need kind of   an overreaction candle and we got that but  we've had pretty weak follow through right   couldn't even haven't even tagged ma20 yet haven't  even closed above the ema eight yes i mean this is   for me though this is closing at the ema eight  i mean yeah you technically closed a little bit   above it but this is for my in my way of thinking  especially with the moving average flattening out   you're kind of closing at it i really  haven't had much have much strength there uh love your book thank you very much and by the way  i am the author of um my first book's a memoir on   cancer i'm a cancer survivor my battles with  cancer i'll just email you this for free uh   find me your email i'll just email it to you  for free i'm also a um i had a family member   who had cancer and i took care of her as i i  tried to take care of it as best as i could um   so here we go 25 2 and that you know may 12th  we're on this we're this crazy reaction day and   i'm like look i'm out of all shorts feels like  it's ready for a snapback this is basically like   right around here and me saying like look  we're about to bounce like it's it's pretty   clear and i try not to make these calls you know  i try to make these types of calls frivolously   i take a lot i take great responsibility in what  i do um and i make mistakes and i try to highlight   my mistakes when i make them too i i follow some  people and they're they like won't admit they   got it wrong and like people like you're human  nobody's that good like nobody's that good i'm   not and um so there's my man khalid right who's on  the video there's khalid um i you know if you make   a mistake admit it it just you can learn from  it that way so i'm out of shorts at that point   it's time for snapback and then we get the here  we go now we get the end of the candle candle   closed daily candle long legs what does that mean  chad what is what does this mean i've done it a   few times and listen like i try to always stay  on top of stuff i'm not always in my computer   it could be a dinner it could be out and about  i'm not always going to write like a long tweet   with images attached and like a link to the  thing right um i try there's a balance brother   trust me i have to keep a nice balance uh i'm not  always going to be able to tweet all the stuff   so i'll tweet out like btc long legs today what  does that mean it just means there's volatility   upper and lower shadow we need a long upper and  lower shadow it's a long leg doji all right it   doesn't have to be equal shadow because you can  have a small candle body it's basically a long leg   dough deep right it's a decent start for bolts and  it is a decent start because you get the you get   all this you get all this is like a nice steak  with all that meat in the bone oh that's nice   oh that's nice cook mid-rare um you know a little  mashed potatoes this is nice right here okay   all this action below bollinger band  and you kind of that's momentum you you   you need momentum for a bounce right but  then you know where's the follow through   not a ton of follow through right  bounce right up to ema8 rejected so   um but i was out of shorts at that point because  it was due for a balance and this is the kind of   candle where you you get a decent bounce off of  we didn't really have much follow through thus   far thus far uh here we go so this is basically  me saying that like we didn't have a great bounce   um you know i'm saying risk off until we  reclaim uh 30k is may 13th so i'm back here   this is early in the chop like this is on  this candle i didn't like this candle and you   have people out there talking about talking about  inverted hammer inverted hammers actually bearish   inverted hammer leads to bearish continuation i  think 63 percent of the time and it makes sense   why would this candle be bullish it has a longer  upper long upper shadow it tried to bounce and it   was rejected like what's bullish about that  you know i get that it comes in a downtrend   it shows some evidence of of of uh of bulls some  evidence of bullish you know uh of some evidence   of demand if you want to put it that way but you  that's like if you just simplify candlesticks it's   just candle shadows right upper shadow is bears  rejecting higher prices it's a parish candle   same thing with a hanging man it's bullish right  a lot of people think i'm sorry yeah it's bull a   lot of people think hanging is bearish it's not  it's 59 bullish continuation i saw this candle   i didn't like it and i said listen like unless we  get above 30k risk off and then we've had kind of   a choppy above and below 30k type of environment  but i had already been at that point i already   in my mind decided look there's a little bit of  weakness here we failed the stair step what's   the stair step well if you've got a level of  resistance and uh you take this time and you   you know you're rejecting on it and when you when  you finally break through now you want that to be   your higher low that's the stair step you  come through and you stare stepping there all right now we're cooking now we got something  going on we got a nice high or low base   right you see what i'm saying the  stair step you bounce off those   those levels didn't happen and i started to see  kind of evidence that it wasn't going to happen   you know we've just been chopping drifting  sideways there's you know why how can you   be bullish here unless you're just always bullish  okay if we bounce you're gonna see it close above   the m820 then you can be open-minded about  a bounce but until that it's like 80 percent   80 percent bearish continuation and that's  like really high you rarely get this type of   setup um lift uh just uh so here i'm saying i  didn't see the kind of follow-through i wanted   this is interesting it's either march um so let's  see do i set alerts for myself i'm not just watch   all spandex i'm always watching i i just feel it  i feel the chart too i you you could you i mean   you probably believe it if you look at my tweets i  feel it i know what's going on i don't send alerts   just watch if i'm sleeping i'm sleeping  i don't want to be waking up for bitcoin   it's not that important you know i want to sleep  but if i'm awake i'm watching so um so let's see   uh so here we go it's either march of 2020 um  we're going on 32 minutes now i'll probably wrap   it up pretty soon it's march of 2020 or november  of 2018 take your pick this is interesting because um in march of 2020 uh let's see so in march of 2020  and that's just kind of in relation   to the lower bollinger proximity when i was when  i had this in mind i was thinking about just   this price action below the lower bollinger we're  kind of either here right just before bounce um november of 18 right november 18th  take your pick so or we're right here   right or we're about to make a new leg  down right we're either kind of just after   major top drifting down now riding the lower  bollinger which kind of looks more like it to me   than here where it was really just um a higher low  and it was in this kind of tightening range right   this is within this range boom boom boom boom boom  boom see you later it seems more like it to me   after kind of a a major local top you finally  drift down you get that lower bollinger   so i mean take your pick it's just take your  pick and i was kind of you know that tweet was   i was kind of musi musing or thinking about kind  of the um price in relationship to the weekly uh   bollinger band and that's what the origin of that  was so this is another one i want to talk about   briefly i'm going to wrap it up so the idea  of uh what's this last one yeah okay i mean   whatever that's just like people trying to talk to  a bounce didn't happen it's not that interesting   um so the idea of like we're due for a bounce well  here's the thing though so this is interesting   um this is interesting so it depends like if  you're if you're gonna look at this and say   we've we've got one two three four five six seven  eight eight weeks do you know in a row we're due   for a bounce well i mean the first week's  the spinning top it's kind of the pausing   candle you can't really say the trend started yet  right this is like the in between trend candle   so yes technically it's red weeks but it's a small  body it's almost like the it's like it's like um   counting an episode in the like a  preseason episode it's like kind of   for me it's like counting a preseason game  like this is before the trend has started   you know and then you get okay fine chad's all  right you're stickler i get it okay one two three   four five six seven red weeks  wait a minute what about this week   what's the deal here what this doji you're going  to call that it's basically a neutral session   and what's what if the whole the if the whole  thesis behind seven weeks read in a row or eight   weeks read in a row do for a bounce is that we're  so oversold we it's it we really should bounce   you can't ignore these candles on this candle  it did bounce and then the bounce failed this   candle bounced and it failed and it reset all  the oscillators macd rsi you know everything   it that allowed this next leg down right  i see this as two weeks read in a row   and now we're working on our fifth week  red like i just see it differently than you   most likely because i'm looking at the  momentum and i know that this reset everything   and it's a doji it's like when we had um i don't  remember what it was but i had some like debates   with people on twitter it was like eight green  days in a row and i'm like you can't count that   as a green day it's a doji it's a tiny body  like maybe it's technically green but like   what's the spirit of it right what's the spirit  of what we're talking about this isn't a red week   april 18th that's a red week if that's what  you're calling red week like what's the   point so you have to look deeper you have to  look at momentum you have to look at the force   and the story right you have to look at the story  that that candle is telling you there's a story   that it tells you about what happened and that  is simplification that is implications for what   might come um so listen folks i'm on twitter  i'm i'm had a good time here i'm on twitter at   big chats i am the author of uh trading wisdom  50 lessons every trader should know it's had   like unbelievable feedback i really appreciate  that i'm glad that that everyone is enjoying that   uh kindle kindle audiobook audiobook paperbook  back and hardcover uh if you don't want to pay   for it i've got your back if you go to my youtube  channel you go to the playlist trading wisdom i've   done 14 so far 14 of 50 lessons i'll eventually  do the entire book for free for you check that   out if you're brand new to charting to trading you  need to watch this playlist all right educational   live streams you'll explain kind of what i just  showed you my moving averages bollinger bands   volume how to interpret candle bodies  a lot of that stuff i just talked about   and then check out these quick market updates  which is where this video will uh go into i am   of course a proud founding analyst at bitcoin live  the best in class educational platform for crypto   twice a week full market updates rain or shine  i will not miss an update and i'm just one of   uh many of a great team you know you sign up you  can sign up you get access to everyone's stuff   um my entire may fourth report for bitcoin live is  free uh it's been published on twitter uh if you   go to the public blog that entire video the may  4th report is free you can watch the whole thing   watch it and then see what happened um use it  to learn from it is a 45 minute like master   class on ta and it's free so definitely  recommend you take advantage of that   um check in here with the chat room real quick  before i head out uh thanks man i appreciate that   i don't have a near future prediction  i just have levels i'm watching i   talked about that in the video yeah pintoshe's  pentoshi's great i've talked to him on twitter   he's i definitely have a lot of respect um  so listen uh i hope you folks have enjoyed   this video like i said i don't do them that  often um but i wanted to try to squeeze one here   one in here today and while i'm at it let's get  a little bit of music as well but listen folks i   hope everyone is doing well out there um heartfelt  thank you for taking some of your time to watch   this video i hope it's been helpful i think it's  it's been fun for me so let's get this started you

2022-05-26 21:18

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