5 Steps to Becoming A Healthy Business Leader

5 Steps to Becoming A Healthy Business Leader

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thank you for joining us today for this free training which is the five steps to becoming a healthy business leader my name is Cameron Harris I'm the co-founder of Truth Fitness and this is Craig J Simons who's the head coach here at true Fitness he runs all of our VIP programs you may have seen on our LinkedIn all of our marketing that the six-week rapid results system is our kind of uh premium products it's the program that we have built over many many years of testing and trialing and it works specifically for Business Leaders business owners senior Executives that are looking to get into great shape in just six weeks despite all of the kind of busy scheduling and the stress and the drinking the travel that comes around that program is specifically built for somebody like yourself so this training today we're going to talk about the five kind of steps to becoming a healthy business leader and we're joined by Craig and he's going to take you through those five steps individually and we've tried to pack as much value into this as we possibly can so Craig over to you yes so what you'll notice as we go through all these pillars they all interact with each other you'll see how they all help and and this is why we start on habits very very first because everyone's different uh Cameron's different to me I'm Different to Tony Etc we've got to understand that base where you are where you want to go where you've come from um and and it's very much like um if you've ever seen anyone talk about body language and stuff like that that you know a lot of people think scratch your nose means that you're lying but actually you have to understand the person's Baseline before you can put in the the the responses to what they're doing so if somebody's already training extremely hard eating a good amount of protein uh sleeping well they might be going down more a performance um and sort of uh strength system while you might have someone that's drinking an awful lot highly stressed um you know maybe doing lots of running you know not not working the muscles how we want to work them so everyone's different so the first thing Baseline is understanding that person's habits then from there you can build out the program to suit them to get their goals as well and so yeah I'd say that's why it's so important to know what they're doing at first cool just you know specifically with our kind of client here obviously we're specialists in dealing with helping Business Leaders business owners senior Executives um you know all around the world now actually but we'll be starting to see London that's where most of our clients kind of come from insurance you know Finance all those kind of high stress high pressure jobs what would be kind of like the top two um most regular habits that you see that are detrimental to well especially when it comes to this is what's quite good as well like you've got the city and then you've got certain sectors of the city that actually will have if you look different habits most of the time so so a lot of the time just as a base not every single person would probably be stress and then alcohol consumption but not everyone but that's pretty much the standard especially in certain sectors in the city and if you can get those under control um then you can get incredible results uh so yeah hopefully that answers that question yeah brilliant and I think it kind of rolls quite nicely into the next you know secret pillar which would be nutrition which obviously you know is a is a very um highly contested highly argued area yeah I think the main thing that I see from talking to hundreds of Business Leaders is a little bit of confusion about what works and what's going to be best for them you know you've got keto and calorie count and all these different kind of methodologies but I feel the way that we do things is really simple and obviously very effective so tell us a little bit a little bit about your approach to nutrition then as well yeah so so again you you you're going from those habits and you're going into nutrition um and then what you're trying to look at one you don't want the client to be hungry all the time and that's one big big factor and and there's many different factors that create hunger it can be emotional um it can be a blood sugar drop Etc all these things but normally if you create the right nutrition for most people even if they've got elevated like hba1c which is going on to type 2 diabetes the protocol that we've created will help them become full better most most of the time most people don't get good quality protein in as a little secret really and also they're a bit confused about what's healthy fats they have no idea so so there's a lot of pushing in in the markets to sell certain fats that are actually very cheap to produce which in my opinion aren't particularly healthy and oxidized extremely easy so it's going to create more inflammation so the nutrition is based to one get you quicker Stronger Faster Jen I mean we want you to recover make sure you're getting the protein in for your body getting that protein synthesis second we want your hunger hormones to respond correctly so when you eat you're full and and you don't need to eat again 25 minutes later 30 minutes an hour later that that's really going to help you as well um and then also it's it's understanding that you don't need to eat five times a day eating the right foods will keep you full for that long period of time and obviously as I said earlier making sure you recover as well and getting away from those foods are going to be a lot more inflammatory and we all know alcohol isn't great right we know that that decreases protein synthesis and brings down sleep genomine increases inflammation uh you know is it they call it a depressant not because it makes you depressed because it actually brings down your anxiety right if you it's a social lubricant if you're very nervous have a drink Dutch courage you know that sort of thing you'll feel a lot more calm but the problem is when that's coming out in your system the anxiety will come back up so it's a vicious cycle so if you can control that as well understand it it all comes together and there'll be a lot of people watching this you know business owners people that seen Executives in the city obviously it's a high stress high pressure environment as standard and they you know they demand the higher salaries because they're dealing with high levels of stress running Etc and an observation that I've seen is that it's used as a stress reliever um and as you've kind of alluded to you know it's it's a bit of a slippery slope so if there is someone watching this video that you know is using alcohol as a way of you know invert commas keep stressing and feeling yeah feeling better what would be your one piece of advice for them they could take away and maybe start to make a bit of a positive change around alcohol so so um people that we've worked with that have suffered let's say what you call manic depression let's say that's like the worst of deaf actually find it really hard to get out and do anything you know really difficult a lot of people suffer from that from Lockdown is what you're gonna remember is you've got to create new foundations for yourself and so the alcohol is that for a reason okay it's there to to help de-stress um and and there's a lot of pressure on you but if you you've got that energy you're probably very successful so you've got a bag of energy then you drive probably for your family you know for the business people you care about but what you've got to do is move that energy over to things that are good or good habits that's going to help you can still have the drinks and stuff but it's got to be in moderation don't use it as a coping mechanism you can put in your training doing it correctly you know eating well and all these things will slowly work together and actually if you cut down the alcohol and you eat correctly the good actual bioavailable protein with the healthy fats good fats will help with hormones testosterone growth hormone all these regulations and and basically if you get them in sync you won't need those alcohols as much do you see what I mean so you've got to move that energy over good training good nutrition improve your sleep and then you'll certainly notice I don't need it as much you know that's why I've built those foundations and obviously you know us as a company and you and I and the rest of the team we we see the kind of change that happens in people and they start training and eating right it's it's radical right I suppose yeah people watching this video might be quite difficult to understand but just eating better and training properly are really going to have a positive impact on all those careers alcohol specifically no because you're just talking about it but on to you know another uh interesting sector and something that's really you know has got a lot of information out there people are very confused about what's going to work for them one of the major kind of issues that I see with Business Leaders very short on time and it's important they do the right type of training based on their level Etc so just over to you then Craig what would be your kind of you know your main advice around training so again as as we say at the beginning you've got to see where that person is so so I I don't mind people doing their marathons charity and all this sort of stuff but I I it has a marathon is too far it's too much for the human body in my opinion that's why you people go oh if you do this give money to charity right it's I don't see it's healthy or what it's going to do it can be exciting it can be this and it can be beneficial but we're designed to move um and and the big issue is is I think we've spoken about a lot of the time is what lockdown did to a lot of people while they can't wait is they started to move less and maybe eat the same but still put on weight right and so the big issue is your muscles are there for a reason um you want to keep off dinopenia and sacropenia for as long as possible we normally have those as we ate or ones um muscle wastage basically and the other one is muscle strength loss over time um so if you think about your your grandmother or mother or whatever who if they fall they get injured quite easily we do we get more brittles we get older but we can hold that off best we can so you want to one work your muscles through a good range of motion not you don't have to go overboard like I need to be able to get my head and my leg around my head that's not that's not healthy either there's an extreme there's a there's a sort of ratio the way you want to be you want a good good range of motion but you don't you don't need to go and be a yoga Master you can go and do that it's fine but one you want to have good range of motion the secondly you want want those muscles to be strong and and you want healthy muscle tissue because remember most of it like with your glucose like 80 goes into the muscle if you've got poor and healthy muscle like marbled with fat in this you're not going to utilize the energy properly guess what ain't going to be pulled in it's going to be put into the out of post tissue or you know you're going to build fat in the liver all this sort of stuff and and over time most people are getting heavier and while getting weaker that there is a total you know that's not what you want it's it's a you know my language a show right you don't want to get weaker and heavier you should be the opposite if I was going to get heavier I'd want to be stronger I'd be like right I'm trying to get my PBS up but most people go they build up weight over time this is where the training is you've got to stimulate that healthy muscle strength conditioning and you know what once you get that habit you most people don't turn back they love it you know um so hold off Dino penis acropenia good range of motion increase strength and also last thing when they look at rates of mortality um some of the biggest positives to bring that down is one healthy muscle tissue and that's the the proper word healthy muscle tissue not through any of the sort of uh chemical enhancement because that's again outside you know the health you know remit um and and also strength strength is probably the most important you know especially when they're looking at the studies now you know get yourself as strong as possible doesn't mean you're going to get massive it doesn't mean that so healthy muscle to muscle tissue strength good range of motion you're on to a winner and when people haven't been strong as well they don't really know the feeling that I've been able to do anything or you know simple things I've been 55 years of age and Beyond to put your grandkids up and walk upstairs and pick the shopping up in it it you know we take it for granted when we're young but as you do get older and you've really punished your body through long hours stress lack of sleep jogging just jogging out jogging you've got a knee pain hip pain it's it's something that really everybody you know it in that age bracket 45 plus needs to really start focusing on really quickly so yeah also it's going to add to that as well is is that if you're finding it hard getting out of your seat then you've got to start doing the work because it's only going to get worse you know problem right yeah massively you shouldn't be struggling getting out you see if if you are you you need to improve that that healthy muscle system strength you know and nutrition all helps this as well so it all comes together and just just onto the kind of the next pillar then which you know I think we both agrees probably one of the most important and marries everything up because you know without it you're not recovering right so just tell us a bit about kind of sleep and your advice around people getting better sleep and the benefits so again again this is where all the nutrition and the habits and all this or sleep sleep is completely connected to sort of like um stress you know just think of sleep is where all the magic happens you know you you see little kitties as they're growing up they sleep like that right you've got to be worried if your kitty can't sleep you know you really want to sort that out but most kids no matter what they go through they can sleep they recover they grow and they're way more metabolically flexible and and um not as damaged right the big problem is is as we get older we do decrease most of us well virtually everyone will actually everyone decreases in testosterone around in men that's like our Vitality sort of hormone it's going to make you feel bigger stronger quicker faster more positive you can feel more stable all that good stuff in women that converts into estrogen and also testosterone estrogen within themselves a little bit like your Shield against cortisol which is your stress hormone so if you think about stress like if you have too many coffees and you you can't you feel unstable you know and you're constantly in that sort of unstable chaos now if you're not recovering you're going to get more muscle breakdown you're not going to utilize energy as well you're not going to be you're strong you might get more mental health issues there's tons of different things so that's why sleep is so important you could be training extremely extremely well and it would help with a lot of things but if your sleep is absolutely terrible you are not going to be optimal you know and stress and sleep is definitely one of those things what we'd call metabolic syndrome metabolic syndrome is what you could say insulin resistance um type 2 diabetes all these different things so normally if you've got metabolic syndrome you'll have poor health outcomes when anything sort of hits you you know if you get ill from any type of cold virus Etc your audience inflammatory State you're only going to get worse and normally it's more downhill from there so that's why alcohol is so um contraindicated when it comes to human health because it affects your sleep it's going to affect hormone levels and it's going to affect recovery everything you need to stay young stay vibrant and recover um and but you can still drink but you have to understand the damage it's going to have on your sleep and the biggest issue is people that have been drinking for a long time they might find that that um they think they sleep better when they have a drink but it actually when you look at the studies it might feel like you're sleeping but actually you don't like dropping to your REM sleep and all this stuff so it's like a false Comfort if that makes sense so if you get your sleep someone can change their composition if they sleep well and it can be massively beneficial and all those things that I've just said yeah and then just just a client Springs to mind obviously I mention names but um the way that they kind of reduced alcohol especially in the week was a big change for them because suddenly they were able to sleep better they're recovering they feel more energy they didn't have these kind of Peaks and troughs in the energy as well so just a real world example of just how you know reducing alcohol can positively impact you sleep really really quickly yeah and sometimes the thing is is that that um when you if you're drinking you have to be like again habits you've got to look and go how much am I drinking you've got to be honest you've got to look at it like you it might even be drinking right so you could be working with someone um and they might have a emotional attachment to something like food that they feel shameful about so what they might do they might not tell you because they don't feel good maybe something from younger whatever this is where the trust has to go in because the more we know if you're honest and going look Craig I drank a bottle of red another one like this I go okay this I can be honest with you I can tell you what's going to happen I can do my best to try and offset that but if you want to get to here we're truth we've got to tell you the truth right and and hopefully with that talking it often helps you know and so it all comes together um it could be it could be dark chocolate for some people you know Donald Trump's not too bad but if you're in 16 partner with a bit too much five bars a day you take a lot of energy right and uh yeah but it all comes together cool cool and then finally the the kind of you know something that really helps people change their mindset around movement and you know the choices they're taking through the day whether they're getting their escalate or taking the lift or whatever it may be neat so tell us a bit more about Nate what it means and how it can benefit people watch this video yeah so so neat in here because it stands for a non-excisitivity thermogenesis okay so it's everything you do in a day that's not exercise related so it's an easy way to go steps movement hands whatever or this sort of thing um recently it's it's there's a study that's recently sort of come out that basically when the more steps you have the lower rates of mortality I'm quite good at reading studies and stuff and so so you know there's many other factors in just walking like that studies going these people walk a lot of weather but if you look it's the it's the fifth one down on there it's not our first it's not our second star third and fourth but it does have an important place um so most people that normally get more steps and normally have more Health user bias so they're going to train more efficiently eat better they're going to be moving around they're not going to be a still so what we do is just to make sure we're keeping the movement up is put in like a number of steps make sure that every time you have a chat that we're trying to learn like this it's actually a really great way to go let's work on your body language so let's let's get you into a positive State you're going to feel better if you sit up shoulders back like so then slumped in the seat like a Moody teenager right like we all know what that's like right and so so basically it's it's that little bit of the icing on the cake if someone's training really well um eating super well all that sort of good stuff the steps that have to be as focused on but the big problem with a lot of people went through lockdown they don't understand what happened they went I'm eating exactly the same but I thought on a stone or two stone is because I'll give you a little anecdotal story um I had a friend who worked for a um a big Gym in Wood Green um and she went into lockdown and were chatting she goes I'm on she was already fit she's in shape do I mean she she basically went um oh I'm only doing about 3 000 steps today at the minute because she wasn't she was like a gym manager and then I said how many were you doing when you're at the gym she goes if my manager was there probably 25 000. do you know I mean she'd be walking around moving these weights putting them all down but what she did she just didn't eat as much she just stopped a lot I've got no appetite see what most people do is they don't do that what you're supposed to do if you're not moving around as much you don't need as much energy most people because they're stressed um lifestyle they don't quite know what the eating habits are and they're eating the wrong Foods they're gonna spike your hunger hormones is they move less and eat the same so let's say you you move 500 calories less per day but you eat still 2 000 calories a day that that could be 500 calories over what you're utilizing times that by seven you're going to slowly put on weight and then you're going to feel worse you're not moving as much boom well that's why if you actually had a look through lockdown a lot of people went oh go out for a walk it's going to help your mind and all that sort of thing so that's why even it's when I'm talking now this is neat you know using my hands having energy in my voice being positive but watch people sometimes that actually find it hard to get into that good shape is when they sit down everything's conserving energy you know the biggest issue with fasting in most people is their knee would drop down from a study I think they're they're neat drop down um this was people training by the way by about 250 calories on a fasting day do you know what I mean like suddenly you lost 250 calories from a fasting day then it's going to offset what results you can get if you can still move at the normal amount you're on to a winner right so that's what it is just make sure you move sit-ups you know good good posture positive um get those steps in and that's going to be like the icing on the cake and help with that recomposition let's say fantastic well thanks to those Craigs those are the five secrets to weight loss as you've kind of seen the the titles the five Secrets they're also the five pillars of our six-week rapid result system so just to summarize the video you know this is the the pillars that we use for our six-week rapid result programs uh that program is specifically for Business Leaders business owners senior Executives that are low on time high in stress probably drinking too much traveling a lot stressed with the kind of you know the running of a business and everything that brings um over the last kind of six years as truth has been around that's all we've done is to focus on those specific types of clients and we get them incredible results in just six weeks and Craig is the main menu but the person that we're looking after on that VIP program underneath this video there is a a small button which is called the call book a call button that call would be a strategy call with me so essentially if you're someone that's watched this video and is kind of inspired to take action and want to start making changes around your health and your lifestyle but you're not too sure with kind of what how you should take that information Craig's giving you and do something with it then the next Port of Call me to jump on a quick call with me I can give you you know understand a bit more about your goals understand how we can help you and you know there's no obligation to buy on that call it's just simply a strategy call if we can help you then great I'll move you to the next part of the application we can talk a bit further about our program worst case scenario for you is you gain half an hour of my time I can give you lots of information and kind of give a bit more clarity build that strategy around the next steps for you thank you very much foreign

2022-12-15 12:25

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