Microsoft Learn Game Show - attend learn and win! | THR4009

Microsoft Learn Game Show - attend learn and win! | THR4009

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Good alright. Hello. Good afternoon everyone. Hope. You've been having a great day at ignite great time at ignite welcome, to the Microsoft. Learn game show, really. Glad to have you got guys, out here we're gonna try and have a little bit of fun something. To liven, things up you know right after all all of you had lunch we. Are going to start with a jeopardy style game show and I'm gonna start I'm gonna you know give it all guys a little bit of the rules of game it's, a jeopardy, style game show and we're, gonna have a whole bunch of categories, based, on Microsoft learn, and we. Have our lovely, contestants. Here and, I'm gonna try to introduce, them so first we've got Paul, on your ski pole. It's a fast track team for for. Finance and operations and, now. We we. Have Frank, Frank widel Frank. Is GM, for customer. Insights, and product insights, II and. Then we've got clay Weisner, and clay. Litzy. Is a product lead for the product platform. So. What, we're gonna do is we're going to introduce the categories. And, we're. Gonna have them pick all, the different, items. And they were going to go choose, the on the game board and as they go on, most. Importantly, you. Get to play as well and if, any, of them, for. Whatever reason, is unable to answer a question I'm, gonna throw it to the audience and if. You get it right you, get to win a gift, card and. It's. A what, is it it's a it's a, $150. Microsoft. Store Gift Card you can use it here as a here. At ignite or any Microsoft, stock anywhere, in the world. No. Gift cards for you can I just get Google out and get it and go, sit down there well you're gonna need it right and the way it works is that if you think you've got the answer raise. Up your hand I've got some runners they're, gonna come over to you they see them waving they're the. Lightsabers, and they'll. Come over to you and give you a microphone and, give. You a shot at winning 150 dollars sounds. Good yeah. Great, let's get started, so categories. What are we playing for Power. Platform. Power. Bi. Finance. And operations apps and, lastly. Customer. Engagement, apps all right let's see the board. Alright. So, now, we're gonna get started I'm gonna start with, you. Frank. Okay. I, take. Power. Bi for, 100, please tell power bi for, 100. Use. This feature to, see total, revenue, by, country, okay, what is a slicer, what, is a slicer that is incorrect. You. Can make the sound, and do, it with me like let's get a fish, on in here all, right oh. Map. Graphic, thing the. Map graphic thing is incorrect. I'm. Gonna throw it to the audience is anyone here, they've got a chance. Come. On I know you guys can do it there's a gentleman out in front he's kind of waving a little bit unsure but. We'll, give it a shot anyway action measure Sam what. Did you say action, is you know. That would be incorrect, the answer, is what. Is a bubble, map oh. You're. Kind of close alright so let's go back again so let's. Time. So, now Paul you go first, let's, try finance, and operation, apps for a hundred, finance, and operations that 400, why, do I wanna wonder why you chose finance and operations.

Functionality. That helps companies generate. Final, orders such as purchase, trailers, I was I was up first you, are up first but he's much more, I'm. Gonna welcome to my world what. Is master planning what, is master planning that is correct, yeah. One. Feature yeah all. Right so let's go back so now clay you have control of the board I'll, go back to the board. We've. Got to be faster than that yeah, guys, I'll. Take power platform, for three hundred power. Platform, for three hundred, how. Our apps functions. That connect related, data sources, oh wow, not, even come on data. All. Right. Water. Connectors, what. Are connectors, that would be incorrect. Did. You choose 300, okay, all right yeah that is incorrect. All. Right. What. Is power apps data flows that. Would also be incorrect. Oh audience can. Someone do better. Anyone. Anyone. Want to give us a chart. All. Right gentleman in the, black t-shirts, up in front here I've got a he's. Someone get a mic over to him. With. Functions, what. Functions, are incorrect, and. I. See there's a lady right behind him please get her. Might. As well give a shot is, it the API builder, no, it is nothing API bullier, the answer, is what. Our filter, and look up. Okay. So let's, move on to alright. So now we're gonna go back to clay. Okay. I'll. Take power, bi for 200, power, bi for 200. So. Define a set of colleague of colleagues who, have access to specific dashboards. Reports, and. Data. All. Right. Frank what. Is a, role, based permissions. What. Are robots are all based permissions, that is incorrect. I'm, gonna go straight to the audience here because I'm sure one of you has it so let's, walk all the way from the back there's a gentleman with his hands up no based access control no. That would also be incorrect. And there's another gentleman oh that's, what you're going for all right so let's go all right we've got a whole, bunch of people up on the side there I hope. You're not googly you're not banging anything, right yeah so is a user group what, is a, user group, I mean I'm gonna give, it to your score so what is a workspace is the answer, so. First. Guy first person to win a 150. Dollar Microsoft. Store. All. Right so now throwing it back to you Paul let's get started what do you want to go let's.

Try Finance. And operations apps, for 200, finance, and operations apps for 200. Functionality. That helps companies collect, data from. Various sources such, as the general ledger sub, ledgers budgets, and statistical. Information in, dynamics 365, supply, chain management all. Management. Reporting, no. That would be incorrect. Play what is cost accounting, what is cost accounting, that is cool. Not. Even my product. Why. Don't we look at the leaderboard, and see where we are right now. Second. Place are 200, you guys are doing great Frank. And Paul they're. Still laugh-in, along right. Time. To catch up don't worry about it let's go back to the game board and now, we, will ask Frank, Frank, what do you choose let's do custom, engagement apps, for, 200. Please customer, engagement, apps for 200, a. Structured. Way to represent the data when, it is rendered, for interaction, with the user oh this, is a view what, is the view is incorrect. Yeah. Frank. What is a card what, is the what a card a, card is incorrect. As, well and. All. Right audience. This. Right right on your audience you're right. What. Is it GUI a GUI. No, that's, not that's not correct it's the lady up in front here just in front of you two steps yes and you would be what. Is the dashboard I'm. Sorry I you have dashboard. A dashboard, no. There's. A gentleman in the. White t-shirt. What. Is the report, what, is the reports, no. I kind of see everybody's kind of like circling, around it let's. Go back to you what. It's a good, a sub. Grid no. I will. Well there's a hole now that I've got all the answers someone's got to get it right at this point, what. Is a table, what, is a table, no come. On people, help. Me out here, there's, 150, bucks in here, what. Is the graph what. Is a graph, what. Is an LCD monitor what, is it, but. What. Is a fall what, is a what, is a form. Instead. Of view they're different you see actually. The. Game board. All. Right clay since you got the answer the last time I will take Power Platform or 500. Please how our platform, for 500. The. Correct, way to run a formula. After a form has been successfully. Submitted. What. Is on submit. Unsafe. What. Is the number of tribes. Okay. He's close but not quite there anybody, in the audience I can get it all the way yes. Sir. In tribal in front. It. Is on click no. You. Close. Ok. Carefully. What, is. But. Not correct. What. Is on something, I mean where was this. Rule. No, it's on something. You. Know all, right what is on publish. No. Unsubmitted. Uncomment. Right, and submit, I'm submit, yeah I'll take that it's on success, it's. Makes. Sense of the as you yeah so. Close. All. Right so let's move on. And. Frank. Let's. Try Power Platform for, 400. Please our platform, for 400, used. To modify power, apps table. Columns function. All. Right what is your keyboard. What is the keyboard, keyboard, would be true but also I'm looking for something a little more specific. Than that. Is. That it can anyone help me here anyone, in the audience. Okay. So I'm gonna give the answer, what is add columns. Oh great. Bodies I have all the answers so I seem really smart but, you could also get, all the answers by going to an MS learn and you know and going, to are all the learning paths we provided, and get a whole bunch of these answers and yes appear, to be as smart as I am all right so now Frank.

Your, Turn, okay um customer. Engagement, apps for, 300. Please customer. Engagement apps for 300, this. Entity is targeted. In customer, journeys. Frank. What is customer profile, know. What. Is the journey entity know. Anybody. Yes. Sir run, he's gonna bring the mic over to you. Aisles. No. Not, really not not that you think very, basic, thing very personas, no. No, and there's a lady right behind them. You. Know I'm gonna give it to our what is that contact we go. Should. I have that one. All. Right let's go back and now, clay, your turn I'll, take, I'll. Take Power Platform for 100, power Parfum, for 100, all right you have to know this one allows. Microsoft, we're okay, to eat Iraq what, is the connector is a connector, yes yeah. He. Won't even knows yet. All. Right let's go back to the game room the leaderboard, and see where we are. Why. Were. At. 600, all, in Frank are, still warming up we are we know you will get there. After. The score at halftime, okay. Let's, go back to Paul Paul let's. Go let's. Bring this back a notch let's go customer engagement, apps for a hundred customer, engagement apps for 100, this. Type of dashboard. Shows an aggregate, view of the users case workload, with lists charts. And tiles. Fall. What. Is not what I was thinking not. What you were thinking that would be incorrect. There's, a gentleman right there in, the second row with, his hand half up he's, not quite sure but let's get let's see what happens is, it a power bi dashboard, you. Know what I'm gonna give you it's a single stream dashboard. And. The audience zoomzeman, father guys. Come on. All. Right now Frank. Let's. Do power platform, for 200, our, platform, for 200 let's close out that category. These. Permissions. Are available, when sharing, of power app. Yes. What. Is. And editor. And. Viewer, and. What. User. You. Are half, right, so, I'm not gonna say, well. You've got one half okay, I flew. Every hundred fifty you know what I'm gonna give em thank you yes you're. Alright. Next change. This change owners to : right yes. Okay. Clay. Let's. Do power, bi for 300, power, bi for, 300. How. A bi component. For navigating, to all your, content. Come. Behind a car, RBI. Dot-com would not, be what be the starting point it's a. Good URL, to know but it's not what, I'm looking for. Right. All right that's fine. Okay. Oh Frank, what is the workspace selector, what, is no that would be wrong so audience, one much it so yes there's a gentleman with a hat oh well. Sorry someone got that might be for you but we're good what is your dashboard. What, is your dashboard no that's not what I'm looking for can we go to the gentleman in the Hat right in front of him what. His reports. What, his reports, no that, would not be correct and there's another gentleman right next to him what is Explorer, view no. Dad. Was also incorrect and right behind you there's a hand raised up I can see it. Is a navigator. Explorer. No. There's. Another gentleman right behind him again with, workspace. Workspace. No. Gentleman. In the back very excited. Yes, there's a very excited gentleman right there hello, all 10 fingers. Is. Warranted what's my workspace. What's, your workspace, I'm gonna give it to you it's a power bi home, you, know. The. Rules are somewhat. Arbitrary. It. Might, be a theme here but that's okay. Now. We are going to final. Final. Question, I'm gonna hand out these, where, they're going to write their answers, and we're, gonna see if. It's correct and you don't have if, you don't have pens I think. I. Am. Going to ask financing. Operations apps, or hundra. And. The. Question, is a, bum. Line, type that is used to account for components. Of a specific, item in a bomb and not, track the production, order in dynamics 365, supply, chain management.

It's Quite a mouthful, so you've got 10 seconds, let's. Go I. Saw. Paul. Went really quickly. All. Right so time's running out. Dude. Yes. Wager, please what's what's, your wager, oh I. Bought, can't wait you're some of clays yes I get some off clays yeah you can yeah you can. How. Much did you wager Frank I wagered. A dollar apparently, that it's already more than. You. Might dump double or nothing right play. What about you I'm gonna Wade your 200, 200, all right so now, let's try let's see what the what answers of God we're gonna start with you clay what, is a service, bomb, line a service, bomb line would. Be incorrect. I. Couldn't. Even think of anything. $1. Incorrect. Henna feel a. Ghost. A ghost is, incorrect. And you have borrowed a whole lot more money than. They. Actually lost. Are. You are minus. 200, oh I don't think you're allowed to do that. Ghost. Wasn't that far off. Well. The audience doesn't get to play in the final gravity those, are the rules sweating anyway, yes, and so, let us see where we got to on the final Jeopardy. What. About the, alright. So. Ladies. And, then. Frank. Is comes, in second place I, have, no idea, how to wait. That's, definitely, worse than mine, yeah okay, so we, round face was up against clays negative. 200, well thank you all very much for being a great for being great sports thank, you all you guys were just playing, along really appreciate, it all right have. A great have a great rest of you ignite on a safe trip back home.

2020-01-21 04:23

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